How long should you wear compression garments after mammoplasty? Reliable support: everything about compression garments after mammoplasty. Why do you need compression garments after mammoplasty?

Most plastic surgeons insist that a regular lingerie bra should not be worn for the first month after mammoplasty, until the implants have descended and settled into the correct position. During the postoperative rehabilitation period, you should wear only special compression garments, and on an ongoing basis.

Compression underwear- This medical device, which is widely used to fix organs in a certain position. Support of organs can be carried out for various purposes, depending on after what operation and for what organ compression is needed.

Main types of compression garments

Currently in production a large number of types of compression garments. According to the intended purpose, compression garments can be:

  • Medicinal: specially selected by the attending physician if there are medical indications, and used for wearing at home.
  • Preventative: has a minimal degree of compression, underwear can be purchased without prior consultation with a doctor.
  • Hospital: used in clinics and medical centers for the prevention of complications after operations.

According to the degree of compression, underwear comes in 4 classes:

  • The first compression class (has the lightest pressure, patients select it independently, used for preventive purposes) - from 18 to 21 millimeters of mercury.
  • Second compression class ( average degree pressure) - from 22 to 32 millimeters of mercury.
  • The third class of compression (pressure is above average, putting on underwear requires some skill, you can use special gels and creams that will make it easier to slide underwear and the process of putting it on) - from 33 to 46 millimeters of mercury.
  • Fourth class (maximum compression pressure of underwear, used in special cases and only as prescribed by a doctor) - over 46 millimeters of mercury.

Types of breast plastic surgery and their consequences

To improve and correct the shape and size of the breast, the following plastic surgeries are used:

  • Surgery to correct breast asymmetry.
  • : surgery to lift sagging mammary glands that have lost elasticity and firmness.
  • Plastic surgery for overly large breasts.
  • Breast augmentation surgery with fillers or implants.

After any surgery to correct the shape and size of the breast, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • Swelling, stretching and deforming breast tissue.
  • Implant migration, worsening appearance and breast shape.
  • Fresh scars, stretching into wide stripes in the absence of support and strong fixation.
  • Changing the position of breast tissue, which needs time to fix in a new position.

How to choose the right compression garments

Compression garments after mammoplasty must meet the following hygienic requirements:

  • Be comfortable and as convenient as possible.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Breathable and free (should not tighten blood vessels).
  • Invisible under clothes.

When choosing compression garments after plastic surgery It is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Linen composition: the composition must necessarily contain elastane, which ensures the compression capabilities of the underwear, and the underwear must also contain natural or artificial fibers. Doctors usually recommend that patients choose underwear with natural fibers, since in this case the breasts will breathe.
  • Tactile sensations from the touch of linen: the sensations should be pleasant and soft, not irritate the skin.
  • Appearance: Compression garments should follow the contours of the body as much as possible and be invisible under everyday clothing.
  • Size: underwear should not be too tight: it will interfere with blood circulation and tighten the shoulders and chest.

The underwear should support the breasts well and not cause the patient any discomfort or pain.

Typically, compression garments after breast surgery are selected by the operating plastic surgeon, taking into account the type of plastic surgery performed and the expected results.

How long should you wear compression garments?

Specific terms for wearing postoperative compression garments are established by a plastic doctor in each individual case based on the results of the operation; the duration depends on the patient’s age, the condition of her body and breast tissue.

There is the following standard principle for wearing compression garments after mammoplasty:

  • For the first month after plastic surgery, underwear must be worn constantly without taking it off. In this case, the patient must also adhere to the plastic surgeon’s restrictions regarding intense physical activity, daily stress on top part torso and arms.
  • In the second month of the rehabilitation period, compression garments can already be removed at night. After examining the patient, the plastic surgeon may allow her to wear underwear from the second month only while playing sports or doing physical work around the house.

The transition from wearing compression garments to wearing regular ones should occur gradually. Typically, people start wearing standard underwear only a year after plastic surgery.

Rules for caring for compression garments

Compression garments require constant daily wear, especially during the first months after surgery. Therefore, it must be washed regularly, at least 1-2 times a week.

Products made from compression knitwear can be washed by hand in a basin with mild shampoo at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, then the linen should be lightly wrung out and wrapped in a towel. Dry laundry only on a horizontal surface.

Compression garments should not be bleached or dried at high temperatures or in the sun.

Even the highest quality and most expensive products, if the rules of use and care are followed, will last no more than 6 months, so you may need to purchase a second set of linen.

Rules for choosing the first bra after compression garments

When choosing a bra that can be worn after compression garments, you need to focus on the following main points:

  • Cup. The patient should choose a bra with a sufficiently dense and deep cup so that the breasts do not fall out of it at the slightest tilt or turn, or move when the body moves back and forth. It is also necessary to pay attention to top edge the bra cups did not compress the mammary gland crosswise. The skin of the breast should not protrude either from below or from the side of the cup.
  • Straps. You should avoid wearing thin lace or satin straps; your breasts need good and reliable support after surgery. It is best to choose underwear with wide, and in the case of large breasts, reinforced straps that will not cut into the skin of the chest and rub. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the straps should not fall off and leave the chest without the necessary support.
  • Base. It is necessary to choose a bra with the widest possible base so that it tightly hugs the body, but does not squeeze the chest and does not creep towards the back of the head on the back, but is fixed at the same level as in the front.
  • Bones. Correctly selected underwires in the bra allow you to maintain the rounded shape of the mammary gland. However, if there is a postoperative scar, then the bones may cause inconvenience and discomfort at first, so you must first use elastic bandage. The bandage will help cover and protect the scar area from damage, and you can put a bra on top of the bandage.

What bras should you not wear after plastic surgery?

There are 2 main types of bras that are absolutely contraindicated to wear after mammoplasty:

  • Push up bra. Despite their attractive appearance, push-ups greatly deform and compress the chest when worn. You can wear such underwear no earlier than a year after plastic surgery and only after prior consultation with plastic surgeon.
  • Strapless bras. Such underwear deprives the breasts of the necessary support, as a result of which breast tissue can quickly stretch and lose shape. You can also wear such underwear no earlier than a year after surgery.

The cost of compression underwear depends on its type and purpose, the material from which the underwear is made, and the manufacturer. In Russia, you can most often find compression underwear of the following brands: Native, Valento, Beautiful line, Medi, Mainat, Lipomed.

Thus, the Lipomed Bra cosmetology bra costs from 4,000 rubles, and you must purchase a Lipomed Belt support belt, which costs from 1,800 rubles. A top after plastic surgery for breast enlargement from Native costs from 3,500 rubles.

About prices for breast augmentation surgery.

Correction of the shape and size of the breast, despite its high effectiveness and long period of preservation, requires considerable time for complete tissue restoration. And one of the methods that has proven itself in eliminating the consequences is wearing compression garments. Possibility of choosing a model of such underwear, high quality knitwear from which it is made, affordability should be considered important advantages of this option for maintenance therapy after mammoplasty.

How long to wear compression garments after mammoplasty

Since the mammoplasty procedure involves the need surgical intervention and is accompanied by significant trauma to the breast tissue, must be carried out in compliance with all conditions that will be announced by the doctor. The period of wearing such underwear is selected individually, the doctor takes into account such indicators of the woman’s health as the degree of healing of the skin and adjacent tissues, the area that was corrected, age, etc.

Since most often the implant installed in the breast is located just below the level of the nipple, if you refuse to regularly wear compression garments that support the breast, there is a high probability of its rapid sagging and a decrease in the degree of aesthetics. At the same time, the degree of aesthetics of the resulting result decreases.

On average, the period of wearing compression garments is 1-1.5 months from the date of surgery. It is this period that largely determines how well the implant will “take root” in the breast. After all, mammoplasty involves correction of the shape (rarely) of the breast with the installation of an implant, which forms the resulting shape, giving the breast a more attractive appearance and greater volume. Since such underwear is made from environmentally friendly material that allows the skin to breathe well, even wearing it constantly does not cause irritation. skin and sutures formed after surgery.

The video below will tell you about rehabilitation after mammoplasty and wearing special underwear:

What kind of underwear will you need?

Since mammoplasty involves surgical correction of the breast, first of all during the rehabilitation period you will need to constantly wear a bra: it is this that provides reliable support of this body women, prevents the possibility of fluid stagnation in the operated area. Thanks to the variety of shapes and models that are on sale today, you can choose a bra model that will not only be functional (will perform its direct functions: support, protect from excessive stretching), but also be beautiful.

There are a number of requirements for compression garments, compliance with which will minimize the risk of possible deterioration of the result obtained after surgical intervention. The greatest demands will be placed on the bra, since it bears the main load after this operation.

The requirements to speed up the time of recovery and restoration of the skin after mammoplasty are as follows:

  • high content of elastane in the fabric from which the bra is made- this allows you to fully cover the injured area, supporting the chest and preventing fresh scars from rubbing with clothing;
  • true to size— the changed shape and size of the breast will require correction of the entire range of underwear that the woman was wearing before the operation. And first of all, compression garments should most closely match new form breasts At the same time, it should not press or rub anywhere, protect fresh ones from irritation;
  • wide bra straps with compression properties they help prevent the possibility of marks appearing on the skin, and the wide base of the bra will ensure the most complete fixation of the underwear on the body;
  • The composition of such underwear must include natural threads, which will allow the skin to breathe without forming places with inflammation. However, for a bra to fit the body more completely, it is necessary to pay more attention to the presence of elastic components in the material, which allow the underwear to take the shape of the body and provide high-quality support for the breasts.

To give the breasts a shape, manufacturers use underwires for bras, which are rigid inserts into the structure of the bra. However, compression garments should not have such inserts, as they can seriously rub damaged areas and scars, preventing their speedy recovery and healing. This may occur due to the fact that the suture area will not be completely sensitive for some time after the operation, so hard touches of the wires in the bra may go unnoticed.

Cups of a bra of sufficient volume with a compression effect will provide comfort while wearing it and will give correct form breasts that will last for a long time. Full placement of the breasts in such cups will provide the necessary position, on which the final result of the mammoplasty largely depends.

What underwear to wear after surgery? The video below will tell you about it:

How to put it on and how to wear it

The process of wearing compression garments involves fixing them on the body in a place that has undergone surgery. Because mammoplasty works on the breasts, compression bras provide support for the breast tissue, preventing sudden movements that could cause harm. To achieve only positive effect from wearing compression garments, the following should be observed: simple rules its uses:

  1. Accurate selection of the bra size, which will ensure the most comfortable condition of the breast after surgery and the absence of skin abrasions, which is especially dangerous in the area of ​​fresh stitches.
  2. When putting on such underwear, you should carefully straighten it on the body so that there are no folds that can rub the skin or leave marks on it.
  3. It is necessary to wear compression garments constantly, even without taking them off at night. This allows you to clearly fix the breast and the implant in it, preventing the breast tissue from sagging or shifting - in the absence of a bra, all the time on the body during the day can be reduced to nothing.
  4. Changing from compression garments to regular ones should be discussed with the doctor who performed the operation and is monitoring the recovery process. After approximately 3-4 weeks of continuous wearing of such a bra in the absence of negative manifestations in the form of skin irritation, inflammatory processes in the skin, subject to the doctor's decision, it may be possible to periodically remove the bra and replace it with regular underwear. However, to prevent the possible negative impact of ordinary underwear on the delicate breast tissue and the seams itself, you should carefully select its size, without getting carried away synthetic fabrics and underwires to shape the breasts.

Today, there are several types of compression garments on sale that should be worn after mammoplasty. When choosing a model, you should take into account not only its aesthetic characteristics, but also pay attention to how true it is to size and how comfortably it “sits” on the body. The absence of folds of underwear, too tight tightening of the skin, irritation by underwear of the seams near the chest at the site of installation of implants, the ability to adjust the size and method of fixation on the body - these are the basic requirements that allow the most accurate and comfortable placement of compression underwear after mammoplasty.

If you constantly wear compression garments, you should have more than one bra, but preferably two - when washing, so that you can have a change without leaving your breasts without the necessary this period support. This advice is especially relevant in the postoperative period after mammoplasty in the summer, when more frequent change underwear.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Purchasing compression garments should be a conscious process, since the final result of the surgical intervention largely depends on the correctness of its choice and subsequent wearing. It is preferable to purchase this type of underwear in specialized stores, where its quality will be guaranteed, and you will also have the opportunity to choose both the model and the qualities of the bra: the material from which it is made, size, comfort when wearing.

Today, such things are offered in a wide range, and the cost range is also such that a woman with any level of income can choose a compression bra: its price ranges from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles. The manufacturer, the quality of the material from which it is made, the color, the presence of decorative elements - all this can affect the cost of the model.

Useful information on this issue is presented in this video:

After surgical breast correction, the path to its ideal appearance is not completely completed. The woman still faces rehabilitation, which involves many nuances. Compression garments after mammoplasty are one of the most important steps on the path to an ideal bust. You need to know which underwear to choose, wearing mode, care features and much more.

After the intervention, the mammary glands remain painful and swollen. On the skin and internal tissues there are fresh seams. Wearing it all does compression bra necessary. It provides this impact on fabric:

  • Allows seams to heal, making them thin and unnoticeable. If you don't support your breasts, they can stretch into wide stripes or even come apart.
  • Evenly massages the mammary glands, which helps to quickly get rid of swelling and bring the breasts to a natural look. This effect normalizes blood circulation, that is, accelerates healing.
  • Does not allow the breasts to oscillate. This alleviates the pain and discomfort associated with the postoperative period.
  • Fixes the new position of displaced mammary tissue. This support helps maintain the symmetry and naturalness of the bust, as it prevents the implants from moving. If you don’t know how to wear underwear correctly after mammoplasty, there is a risk of their migration. This will make the breasts asymmetrical, forcing them to droop or rise unnaturally.
  • Allows the spine and muscles of the back and neck to painlessly adapt to the increased load. This is especially important when breast augmentation with implants.
  • Maintains skin elasticity. If the breasts have become larger, they may stretch without support.
  • Eliminates the risk of complications. Many of them are provoked by slow healing that occurs due to swelling and poor circulation.
  • Provides psychological support. Some women after surgery are afraid of damaging their breasts and causing pain. This makes them too restrictive in their movements and make them nervous, which is harmful during rehabilitation. A therapeutic bra will relieve unnecessary fears.

In short, solving the problem of how to wear compression garments after mammoplasty will ensure good health during the rehabilitation period and beautiful breasts.

  • Compound. When talking about what underwear to wear after mammoplasty, one cannot fail to take into account the fabric from which it is made. The presence of elastane is mandatory, giving the bra the desired shape and elasticity. The component will also ensure the long-term use of linen and its preservation after washing. But pure synthetics can lead to redness on the skin, diaper rash, overheating of internal tissues, and increases the risk of infection.

And in winter it’s colder in such underwear. Therefore, the composition should also contain natural fibers that allow the skin to breathe.

  • Feelings during use. Inner surface linen should be smooth and pleasant to the touch. Wearing itself is comfortable, making it easier general state. Must not be skin itching. If this feeling occurs, allergies cannot be ruled out. And she is extremely undesirable. You should not choose underwear with seams, especially those located on inside. They may chafe the skin.
  • Price. Not the last sign by which compression garments are selected after mammoplasty is the price. She should not be too modest, this indicates his low quality. A good compression bra will cost 3000 - 5000 rubles.
  • Appearance. Breasts in a compression bra should look attractive, their contours should be natural. If underwear oozes through clothing and disrupts the contours of the body, it needs to be replaced.
  • Size. The size of the compression bra is selected so that the mammary glands are completely covered with fabric. At the same time, they should be well fixed, the tape should fit tightly, but not tighten the chest and shoulders.
  • Easy to use. The compression bra should be such that the patient can easily put it on and take it off independently. Therefore, it is worth choosing models with front clasps. Fixing the underwear on the body should not require much effort. It's best if it's Velcro.

To learn how to choose compression garments after mammoplasty, watch this video:

How long does it take to remove underwear after mammoplasty?

One of the burning questions regarding the rehabilitation period is: how long to wear underwear after mammoplasty? Everything here is very individual. After all, operations on the mammary glands are performed differently, and the recovery rates are also different. Much depends on the patient’s age, the characteristics of the rehabilitation course period. But in general, the scheme for wearing compression underwear looks like this:

  • For the first 4 weeks it should be on the body constantly. The only time you take a break from wearing it is to take a shower and clean the seams. You should also sleep in compression garments.
  • From the beginning of the 2nd month, with normal recovery, doctors allow you to wear a special bra only during the day. And at night you can do without it. In some cases, from this period it is permissible to use compression garments only for sports. The rest of the time, you are allowed to wear a regular one.

But still, giving up a medical bra should be gradual in any case. And only a surgeon after an examination can tell you specifically when to remove compression garments after mammoplasty.

Rules for caring for linen

Since a compression bra becomes a constant companion for at least 2 months, it cannot be the only one. After surgery, when the skin remains injured and the breast tissue is vulnerable to infection, hygiene is of particular importance. And the linen must be absolutely clean, almost sterile. To do this, you need to fulfill 2 conditions:

  • Have at least a couple of bras. After all, in summer, when it’s hot, underwear should be changed daily, and in winter 1-3 times a week.
  • Wash it better with your hands, carefully, without twisting too much when spinning. This will make it easier to maintain the shape of the bra, its compression properties, and color.

Usually there is information on the care instructions on the laundry tag. But if you throw it into the car, even on delicate mode, you need to soon prepare to buy a new set.

In addition, when they ask how to wash compression garments after mammoplasty, they also mean suitable remedy. The powder or soap should be as gentle as possible on the skin and hypoallergenic. Warm water should be poured into the basin. After washing, you need to dry your bra in the air, and not on a heating pipe, to avoid deformation.

Bras that should not be worn at first

Having acquired beautiful breasts, women want to quickly dress them in expensive lace lingerie. But even after the doctor has given permission to get rid of the compression bra, you should not rush to choose a regular bra. He must be even more thorough.

Prohibitions on the following types of bras



Push-up bras should not be worn for at least a year after mammoplasty.

They add additional attractiveness, but have significant drawbacks. The breasts in such underwear are squeezed too tightly, which impairs blood circulation and causes discomfort.

In addition, the foam or silicone pad that is included in the push-up can lead to overheating of the mammary glands.

Do not wear strapless bras for the same period

With them, the recently operated breast is deprived of the necessary support. This can lead to the return of swelling and physical discomfort.

The upper pole of the mammary glands is stretched, which provokes their prolapse and distortion of shape. A strapless bra can be worn for several hours at urgent need, but not longer.

Use underwear with caution

If a scar remains in the submammary fold after surgery, it must not be allowed to become injured. And, perhaps, it is better to refuse such a bra until the condition of the scar stabilizes, that is, for 3 to 4 months.

If the recovery rate is good, you can wear it, protecting the scar under the breast with an elastic bandage.

But what should underwear be like after mammoplasty? There are several features of a suitable bra:

  • The presence of a deep and dense cup. It is necessary that it completely encircles the mammary gland, preventing it from falling out when tilted, or sticking out in parts from under the edges. But the cup should not squeeze the breast either.
  • Wide straps. Thin ones will cut into the shoulders if you tighten them, and will fall off when loosened. And the right straps will support the breasts well without rubbing the skin.
  • Wide base. It should fit snugly against the body, but not squeeze it. The right bra has a base that is level on the front and back.

What underwear should you wear after having a breast implant installed?

There are several types of underwear that you need to wear after installing a breast implant:

  • special bra or top;
  • depending on the scale of the intervention, it can be replaced with a corset or a T-shirt;
  • stockings.

All types underwear compression

Top after breast surgery

A compression top after breast plastic surgery should be:

  • with wide straps;
  • stabilizing strap that secures the bust in the upper part;
  • Convenient clasp located at the front.

It is also important to select it in size and with the desired degree of compression, based on the doctor’s recommendations. Must not be:

  • rough seams on the inside, leaving abrasions and dents on the body;
  • an excess of natural fibers in the material, as this will lead to rapid stretching of the underwear and weakening of the compression;
  • too open a style, in which the mammary glands are not completely fixed, but only, for example, their lower part.

Top after breast surgery

Special T-shirts after breast augmentation surgery

Special tank tops used after breast augmentation surgery are essentially the same tops or compression bras. They can differ only in the area of ​​body coverage. The purpose of wearing a tank top is compression, so it should also be made of a special material. Regular, albeit elastic, high-quality sportswear cannot replace it.

Why stockings after mammoplasty?

Compression stockings must be worn after mammoplasty surgery to avoid thrombosis and thromboembolism. These conditions can arise due to the intervention itself, since during it the blood vessels. The body reacts to this by increasing the production of substances that increase blood clotting and reduce the speed of its flow. Hence the formation of clots that can clog the duct of the vessel.

The same is possible if air enters a vein. Stockings help speed up blood flow, relieve fluid stagnation, and with them the plastic surgeon’s patient is not at risk of thrombosis. They should be worn 6-7 hours a day.

Why bandage underwear after mammoplasty?

Bandage underwear is worn after mammoplasty only on the chest area and legs. What it is needed for has already been said: it is comfort, more correct position implants, fast healing injured tissues. In this case, a similar device for the abdominal area is not needed.

Watch this video about what underwear to wear after mammoplasty:

What happens if you don’t wear compression garments after breast augmentation surgery?

If you do not wear compression garments after breast augmentation surgery, the patient will have problems:

  • slower healing of injured tissues, that is, an increased risk of complications;
  • the implants are likely to shift, since in the first period after the intervention they are not held securely enough by the muscles;

Breast implant options
  • stretched scars, it is possible that the seams may come apart, because under the weight new breasts the edges of the skin may separate;
  • reinforced painful sensations in the operated area, increasing with movement;
  • swelling, which also does not contribute to the restoration of the body and improvement of the shape of the bust;
  • pain in the back and neck, as the load on the spine has increased, and there is no help in adapting to it.

How many weeks after mammoplasty can the top strap be removed from the corset?

You can remove the upper stabilizing belt from the corset four weeks after mammoplasty if healing is progressing normally. Before doing this, you should consult with the operating surgeon. Because the scale of intervention and features of the recovery period vary. The more breast changes, feeling worse, the longer you may have to use the belt.

How to properly put on and fasten a corset after mammoplasty

Correctly put on and fasten the corset used after mammoplasty as follows:

  1. in a standing position to fix the mammary glands as naturally as possible;
  2. put one hand through the strap, then the other;
  3. place the straps approximately in the middle of the area between the base of the neck and the shoulder joint;
  4. arrange the mammary glands in the cups of the top;
  5. carefully fasten the Velcro or hooks (for proper underwear they are located in the front);
  6. stretch the tape through the upper part of the mammary glands and fix it so that it tightly covers the living tissue.

During the day, the stabilizing strap can be moved slightly to restore wearing comfort. Don't expect your underwear to be completely removed. discomfort. But if it is comfortable enough, the breasts are not constricted and not too mobile, then the corset is worn correctly. In the first days, it is advisable to have someone help you do this.

How to wear underwear without Velcro

Wearing compression garments correctly after mammoplasty surgery without Velcro is as important as using this convenient retainer. You need to choose the maximum degree of tightening of the corset possible for breathing. The chest should not move, but it should not be “packed” too tightly either. Normally, the cups support the mammary glands, hugging them rather than squeezing them. The same applies to the chest.

How to wear a bandage correctly after mammoplasty

The correct way to wear a breast band after mammoplasty is as follows:

  • in the first 4 weeks it must be on the body almost constantly; the device is removed for washing in the shower and treating stitches;
  • do not make sudden movements, do not raise your arms high, even after the pain has subsided;
  • later, wear the device only during the day;
  • Always monitor the position of the bust and tighten the bandage, taking into account the gradual reduction of breast swelling.

Why wear a tape after mammoplasty?

It is mandatory to wear a tape after mammoplasty for the following reasons:

  • it prevents the endoprostheses from moving, giving the breast an anatomically natural, symmetrical position;
  • with the help of compression, the mammary glands receive a massage that promotes excretion excess liquid, that is, the removal of swelling, faster fusion of blood vessels, muscles, skin;
  • she gets rid of severe pain, which would otherwise occur with every movement;
  • prevents the skin from stretching too much, that is, it helps scars to heal faster and become less noticeable;
  • she protects soft fabrics from damage;
  • with its help, the muscles of the neck, back and spine more easily get used to the new load.

Ultimately, the tape promotes faster recovery and formation of the most aesthetic bust shape.

Consequences if you wear compression garments incorrectly after mammoplasty

Consequences that may occur if you wear compression garments incorrectly after mammoplasty:

  • long healing of sutures;
  • swelling, which may be located asymmetrically;
  • incorrect position of the mammary glands due to the fact that the implants have moved;
  • sagging breasts;
  • long-lasting pain;
  • rough, stretched scars.

The cause of these problems can be not only incorrect wearing of the top. But it is one of important factors their occurrence.

Frequently asked questions about wearing special underwear after breast correction

Should a shaper bra be put on immediately after surgery or later?

The corrective bra is put on the patient immediately after the operation. A woman will find this detail on her body when she comes to her senses after anesthesia. In order to put on underwear correctly later, it is worth remembering the sensations in the chest area, although they are not pleasant, and as you recover, they will also change.

How long should you sleep in compression garments after mammoplasty?

After mammoplasty, the patient needs to sleep in compression garments for at least 30 days. Later, at normal recovery and good health at night, you can be without it.

How long after mammoplasty can I sleep at night without a bra?

After mammoplasty, after 4 weeks you can sleep at night without a bra. But if a woman feels more comfortable and calm with it, compression garments are allowed to be worn longer. The doctor will also recommend the same if there are problems with tissue restoration.

How long after mammoplasty can you go without a bra?

You can walk without a compression bra after mammoplasty after 1.5-6 months. The period is determined individually by the doctor, but also by the patient, taking into account her feelings. For some, it is enough to wear compression underwear during this period only for fitness activities, and during normal times wear a sports seamless top. Others find it more comfortable to wear a form-fitting bra all day, removing it at night.

How long after mammoplasty can I wear a bra?

You can wear a regular bra after surgery when the new breast “takes root”, that is, no earlier than after 1.5-2 months. The vague timing of the transition to normal underwear is due to the fact that each patient’s recovery has its own nuances. Taking them into account, the specialist gives permission to refuse the compression top.

How many minutes a day can you walk without underwear after mammoplasty?

For 1 month immediately after mammoplasty, you can walk without underwear for no longer than 15 minutes a day. This time should be enough for a shower and treatment of seams. As you recover, you are allowed to take air baths for up to half an hour; this is useful for healing scars.

Will my breasts get bigger after wearing compression garments after mammoplasty?

Your breasts will not become even larger after wearing compression. On the contrary, when the swelling subsides, it will decrease slightly, but will take on a more natural shape.

Before and after breast augmentation

Should compression garments be too tight after mammoplasty?

Compression garments should not press too hard or cut into the skin. But its impact will still be felt if the size is correctly chosen and worn correctly. Chest in the initial postoperative period painful. Therefore, a bra is often perceived as an additional traumatic factor, although in reality this is not the case.

Is it dangerous to wear compression garments that are too tight after mammoplasty?

Too tight compression garments used by a patient after mammoplasty are not exactly dangerous, but they are undesirable to wear. Just like being too free.

The compression bra after mammoplasty turned out to be too small, why is that scary?

If the compression bra after mammoplasty is too small, this is scary due to increased swelling due to lymph stagnation, poor healing seams. This results in prolonged pain, and knots can form in the chest.

Do compression garments after mammoplasty press or not?

Compression garments after mammoplasty, of course, press, but this load should be uniform and not too strong, and not cause redness on the skin or wounds. A bra is there to reduce discomfort, not add to it. If this is not the case, it may be worth loosening the straps, the top stabilizing band, or even replacing the top with a larger one.

Is it possible to wear compression garments longer after mammoplasty?

Compression underwear can be worn longer than the standard period, if the surgeon does not object, and the woman herself is more comfortable with it. Sometimes this is even necessary if there are problems with healing or large size implants.

When can I wash compression garments after mammoplasty?

It is necessary to wash compression underwear after surgery after 1-2 days of wearing it in the summer, and after 3-4 days of use in the cold season. This is important for maintaining hygiene standards and avoiding infection of the sutures.

For information on when to buy new underwear after breast augmentation, watch this video:

What underwear should I wear after breast reduction?

After breast reduction, you also need to wear compression garments that match your new size. The selection criteria are similar to the bra needed after augmentation:

  • the presence of straps (although they may be thinner than for implants);
  • Ease of use;
  • elasticity and environmental friendliness of the fabric;
  • reduction of discomfort during use.

Why can’t you wear underwear with underwires in the first months after reduction?

Underwear with underwires should not be worn in the first months after reduction because it interferes with blood circulation in this area, even if the size is correct. This increases the recovery period and provokes complications. And the bones can put pressure on the sutures, increasing the pain, because usually the incisions during such an operation are made in the lower part of the mammary glands.

Is it possible to wear push up after mammoplasty?

You will be able to wear a push-up bra no earlier than after 12 months. Moreover, such underwear contributes to pinching of blood vessels and excess heat in the mammary gland area, which is undesirable during the recovery period.

How long should you wear it? compression stockings after breast augmentation surgery?

Compression stockings should be worn while awake for at least 2-3 days. If a woman has problems with blood clotting, then longer. The surgeon will tell you exactly how much.

Cost of compression garments after mammoplasty

The cost of compression garments needed after mammoplasty varies from 4,000 rubles. up to 7000-8000 rub. Cheaper than others is a bra designed for those who simply tightened their bust. This type of underwear does not have a stabilizing tape; it generally covers a smaller area of ​​the body.

The price also depends on:

  • bra size;
  • presence of antibacterial coating of cups;
  • fabric composition;
  • the presence or absence of straps.

Corrective underwear after mammoplasty is not a burden, but support. If you choose the right bra, it will bring you closer full recovery, will provide comfort and eliminate complications. In addition, modern lingerie is not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

Useful video

Watch this video about how to properly wear compression garments after mammoplasty:

Mammoplasty - surgical correction shape and size of the mammary glands according to aesthetic and medical indications. The success of breast augmentation is determined not only by the professionalism of the doctor, but also by the patient’s compliance with all postoperative instructions. One of them is wearing compression garments.

Compression garments used after mammoplasty - a durable top elastic material. It fixes the breast in a certain position, eliminates stretching of the sutures and the development of complications, and also shortens the rehabilitation period. Compression garments are made from special knitwear with high content elastane that stretches while providing maximum support. At the recovery stage, “compression” replaces regular underwear and acts as an antiseptic: antibacterial treatment of the fabric reduces the chance of inflammation.

Why do you need compression garments after mammoplasty?

The main purpose of a compression top is to hold the breasts in a new position so that they retain beautiful shape. Insufficient support leads to stretching of the seam and, as a result, noticeable scars, and also increases the likelihood of asymmetry of the mammary glands - unfixed implants often move below the level of the nipple. “Compression” relieves the sharply increased load on the shoulders and spine, allows the muscles to adapt to the new weight and avoid headaches and back discomfort. No less important function compression garments - protection of the new, still sensitive breasts from mechanical damage and associated discomfort.

Compression garments on a patient of Dr. Nesterenko

How to choose compression garments?

It would seem that what could be difficult in choosing compression underwear? Manufacturers clearly write on the products in which cases they are suitable. But that was not the case: there are a lot of nuances that not every patient will pay attention to. Compression underwear is divided into classes according to the degree of compression: underwear of the first and second classes has a low degree of compression and is used more often for preventive purposes, the 3rd and 4th classes have high compression and are selected exclusively by a doctor. Sometimes classes change from higher to lower throughout recovery stage. And if the compression class can only be selected by a plastic surgeon, then the woman should pay attention to the comfort and composition on her own. A good compression top fits tightly without pinching blood vessels, contains a large amount of natural fibers and does not irritate the skin. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will definitely tell you about all the intricacies of choosing compression garments, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the possible options in advance.

Compression garments on Dr. Nesterenko’s patients

What are the wearing features?

In the first month of the rehabilitation period, a lot of restrictions are imposed: from a complete ban to physical exercise Before sleeping only on your back and wearing compression garments. The period of use of special clothing is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s complexion and health, the size of the implants and the complexity of the operation performed, but is at least a month. In the first weeks, underwear is worn constantly; later, with the doctor’s permission, you can remove the top at night and subsequently replace it with a durable sports bra.


Being mandatory to wear in rehabilitation period, compression garments after mammoplasty allow patients to recover faster, reduce discomfort and avoid postoperative complications. Pharmacies and specialty stores offer a large selection of similar products with varying degrees compression. The choice of product with optimal compression is determined by the plastic surgeon and may change during the recovery process.

Lingerie after mammoplasty is a type of special medical bras that have compression effect. They are made of dense stretch material that provides a tight fit and hold. mammary glands. Depending on the number of elastic fibers and the degree of compression, they are distinguished by compression classes. IN medical practice this type of underwear is used as a bandage after operations on the mammary glands, as well as for preventive purposes, to prevent sagging and deformation of the breasts.

The bra after mammoplasty is equipped with a special tape with fasteners, which securely covers the upper part of the mammary glands, providing them with reliable fixation.

What should you wear it for?

Since during the first time after correction the breasts are not yet able to independently hold themselves in a new position, they are fixed using special underwear. Wearing it speeds up the healing process and formation of beautiful mammary glands.

The choice of postoperative shapewear should be based solely on the surgeon’s recommendations. Only he can decide what to wear after mammoplasty - a compression bra, a sports bra or a pressure bandage.

How to wear it correctly

At the first stage, which lasts about a month, underwear is worn constantly – 24 hours a day. You can only remove it for a short time to treat seams and while taking a shower. It is not recommended to engage in sports during this period, loading the arms and upper torso.

After mammoplasty, you need to sleep in compression garments for the first 4 weeks.

In the absence of complications, starting from the 5th postoperative week, a special bra is worn only in daytime. In some cases, at this stage it is permissible to Everyday life wearing regular bras. The transition from special underwear to regular underwear should be gradual, so it continues to be worn while performing physical work.

How long should I wear it?

“How long should I wear compression garments?” is a standard question asked by patients who have undergone mammoplasty. As a rule, the duration of wearing is determined by the surgeon individually - depending on the complexity of the operation, age and rate of recovery. The decision to remove compression garments is made after the patient undergoes an examination.

What not to wear after mammoplasty

Even after receiving permission to replace compression garments with regular ones, patients will not be able to wear any type of bra, since there are a number of restrictions. After mammoplasty it is prohibited:

Attention! IN exceptional cases, wearing strapless bras is acceptable for short periods of time. But under no circumstances should you wear them all the time, as this can lead to problems.

Hygienic requirements

The need to continuously wear compression garments imposes certain requirements on its quality.

  1. Compound. Good compression garments are made from natural fibers with the addition of elastane. It is this material that provides the necessary support to the mammary glands.
  2. The size must exactly match the volume chest and mammary glands. Do not squeeze or overtighten them.
  3. Attractive appearance. It is important that the chosen underwear accurately follows the contours of the body, is invisible under clothing and pleasant to the touch.

To prevent the development of pathological inflammatory processes, you should strictly monitor the cleanliness of the underwear you wear. To do this, it is recommended to purchase 2-3 sets. Care for it like regular laundry, washing by hand at t° 30-40°C using shampoo or laundry soap. They dry it without twisting it; in addition, compression garments should not be bleached, ironed, or dried in the sun or radiator.

How to choose

Lingerie in the postoperative period is selected according to the degree of compression determined by the doctor. The selected products should be comfortable and loose enough so as not to cause compression of soft tissues and blood vessels. The material from which they are made must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements - be soft and hypoallergenic, absorb sweat well, and not create a greenhouse effect. These requirements are best met by elastic fabrics containing predominantly natural fibers. The size of the product should be adjusted to the size of the new breast, without squeezing it or creating unnecessary freedom.

When choosing a regular bra to wear after mammoplasty and compression garments, you should consider some features. A correct model should have:

  • A wide base, located on the same line along the front and back, tightly fitting to the body without squeezing it.
  • Deep, dense cups that completely cover the mammary glands and prevent them from falling out during bending. At the same time, the cups should not put pressure on the breasts or allow them to bulge out at the edges or below;
  • Wide straps that hold the chest well and do not dig into the shoulders, do not rub the skin or fall off. To support large breasts, it is recommended to choose models with reinforced straps.

approximate cost

Prices for compression products vary depending on its class and manufacturer. For example, the “Lipomed Bra” costs about 4,000 rubles, the Native top costs about 50 USD, and Marena bras cost 60 USD.

Bottom line

Correctly selected corrective underwear will make the recovery process after mammoplasty more comfortable and faster. Thanks to a wide range of sizes and rich color scheme, it won't be difficult to pick it up.