Valgus alignment of feet in children. Flat valgus foot deformity - we are looking for a good orthopedist. How to diagnose hallux valgus in a child

Often, when visiting a pediatrician, parents hear about the deformity “flat valgus foot in a child.” In the future, all examinations will be carried out by a pediatric orthopedist, who will keep a medical history.

You can understand what the diagnosis of flat valgus alignment means by looking at the word itself. “Flat” means that the child’s foot is flat - this is obvious, but valgus means that the child’s foot is X-shaped. Many of us have met people whose legs are positioned in an X; in the case of our disease, only the feet are positioned in an X.

Orthopedists say that a flat valgus foot in a child is not a disease, but a deformity that is a consequence of weak ligaments. A child with this problem gets tired faster. Anatomically, the foot falls inward and as a result, the arches and vaults are not formed as they should be.

If plano valgus feet in children are not treated, then over time the problem will develop into flat feet.

Why is flat feet dangerous?

For many people, flat feet are just an excuse not to serve in the army. But those who have this defect know that, jokes aside, there are many problems.

The safest, but still unpleasant, is cosmetic defect. And in the future it becomes difficult to find suitable shoes; you constantly have to look for a special manufacturer and special insoles.

Women cannot walk in heels; the heel slides forward, which leads to discomfort, spoils the gait and affects adverse influence on the spine. Over time, a lump may appear near the base thumb. This protruding bone not only spoils appearance feet and prevents you from wearing nice shoes, but also spoils a person’s well-being due to constant inflammation and aching pain. Therefore, you definitely need to pay attention and act on this.

When to see a doctor

U small child The flat valgus position appears as soon as the child gets to his feet on his own. The leg cannot withstand the load of the body, and the inner edge of the feet sags, and the front part is abducted. As soon as the first signs of X-shaped limbs appear, that is, the plano valgus sign, you need to consult a doctor for advice and purchase quality shoes.

The diagnosis of flat feet in a child most often occurs after the age of 3 years, and hallux valgus already at 9-12 months. Over time, these two problems combine into one, and the result is a flat valgus foot.

Flat feet are not common in children under 3 years of age as a disease. It is present in all children, but it is physiological, that is, it is a normal condition for this period of development. On inside The child’s foot does not have a characteristic indentation; for now there is a fatty layer there, which works as a shock absorber. An orthopedic doctor can only pay attention to the shape of the child’s foot, if it is flat or wide, as a result, a flat valgus position of the feet may be detected.

Causes of the defect

The condition of the child’s feet and the formation of a flat valgus foot are influenced by:

  • general muscle weakness of the child;
  • decreased or increased muscle tone;
  • protracted viral diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • rickets;
  • prematurity.

Flat feet and flat valgus curvature in children are a consequence of spraining the ligaments and muscles of the inner part of the foot, shin and ankle, the heel moves outward, the ankle inward, and the entire lower part of the leg changes its centered location.

If the flat valgus position is strongly expressed, then it becomes difficult not only to perform physical exercise, but also just to walk. Depreciation is minimized, so the entire load falls on the spine and brain.

After 5 years, flat valgus foot placement in children is practically untreatable, so therapy should be started as early as possible. To begin with, flat feet simply stop and improve general state legs. And even if it is not possible to cure the child 100%, this deviation (if it is under control) will not affect his general health in the future. Based on the severity of the problem and age, the doctor prescribes orthopedic insoles, physiotherapy and massage.

The importance of massage

Thanks to the massage, the child’s muscles relax, the ligaments stretch, they become stronger, the balance of forces is normalized, after which the foot takes the desired position, which is what is achieved during the therapy of the flat valgus foot.

The most important factor in the treatment of flat valgus foot in a child is physical therapy. It is not used in isolation, as it is aimed only at consolidating the result obtained. Using massage and exercise therapy in parallel, you can achieve lasting, long-term results.

As for the massage, the emphasis is on the inner and front part of the lower leg, attention is paid to the foot thumbs: It is important to improve their supinator functions.

When doing a massage, you should not put too much pressure on your legs; kneading, rubbing and stroking methods are used. When massaging the legs with a flat valgus foot, vibration, rubbing and stroking are used. Massage is done before and after gymnastics.

The process of correcting flat feet and flat valgus feet is long and complex, but if you continuously practice necessary procedures, then you can count on normalization of your health and proper growth lower limbs.


Special physical therapy exercises for children, if they have flat valgus feet, can be performed at home. The child should perform the exercises in thin socks or barefoot; the whole complex is divided into several parts of 2-3 exercises and performed throughout the day. The main emphasis in flat valgus installation is aimed at the correct placement of the feet when standing and walking. Sometimes doctors, after certain examinations, prescribed salt baths and electrophoresis. It even happened that doctors strongly recommended a bicycle for flat valgus feet. And you know what, it helped.

Children's gymnastics leads to the fact that the child must learn to place his legs and feet in the correct position, that is, close and parallel to each other, and not widely spaced, as with a flat valgus defect. If he had a flat valgus position, then the lower limbs will gradually fall into place.

To develop walking skills with flat valgus disease, it is recommended to walk on a path no more than 15 centimeters wide; it can be a strip of carpet or a board; if neither of these is available, you can draw boundaries directly on the floor with chalk. On the street, you can also drive your child along curbs, logs, etc.

Rest special exercises for flat valgus feet in children, the doctor selects it directly.

How helpful information, include in your child’s diet: turkey and rabbit meat, fish, and also products containing a large number of calcium, like cottage cheese and cheese. Very helpful fresh juices, zucchini, zucchini, celery, sesame seeds, etc. If possible, go with your child to specialized sanatoriums for faster and effective treatment feet. It will not only be relaxing, but also useful!

Hallux valgus– a disorder in which there is a decrease in the height of the arch of the foot and deformation of its axis. This disease is diagnosed very rarely at the genetic level; it is mainly acquired in nature. With timely detection and treatment of this disease, irreversible consequences can be avoided, such as: the formation of incorrect posture, curvature of the knee and ankle joints, the appearance of arthrosis and osteoporosis.

IMPORTANT: only an orthopedic traumatologist can determine whether this disorder is functional or pathological.

Placing a hallux valgus in children

IMPORTANT: do not try to force your child to walk prematurely until he begins to stand on his own feet.

The diagnosis of hallux valgus in children is characterized by the following symptoms

  • between the inner ankles of compressed and straightened knees, in a standing position, a distance of more than 5 cm
  • the support of the foot falls on inner part, and the outer one does not touch the floor and is raised, i.e. the heel and toes look outward, and middle section turned inward (the arches of the feet become X-shaped)
  • an awkward shuffling gait appears
  • at an advanced stage, the child’s sole thickens, the 1st and 2nd toes are deformed, so that the second one bends and there is always a callus on it
  • there is pain in the legs and swelling

Causes of hallux valgus in children

  • connective tissue dysplasia
  • overweight child
  • lack of vitamin D
  • disturbance of phosphorus-calcium metabolism
  • incorrectly selected children's shoes
  • skeletal bone damage
  • genetic inheritance
  • baby's inactive lifestyle
  • development of endocrine diseases
  • diabetes mellitus, disease thyroid gland, rickets
  • foot injuries

IMPORTANT: if the disease is not caused by heredity, you need to monitor the condition of your baby’s feet while moving. Careful attention will help to avoid the occurrence of foot deformities, because on early stages it can be cured without surgery.

Massage as a method of treating hallux valgus in children

For hallux valgus, one of the important points of treatment is massage, especially for young children (up to 2 years). It strengthens the muscles of the feet, relieves tension in the legs, gives muscle tone and normalizes blood circulation to the ligaments and bones, thereby improving nutrition, normalizing the growth and development of the lower extremities. Master correct technique Massage on your own is difficult, but it is possible if you take a course from a specialist. But it is still recommended to get help professional doctor, because treatment is carried out in combination with other muscles of the body: the back, lumbosacral region, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, knee and ankle joints, as well as the Achilles tendon.

IMPORTANT: massage course 10-12 sessions every 3-4 months

Light daily massage up to 2 years:

  • Place the baby tummy down on a changing or massage table, with his feet on the edge
  • place a cushion in the shape of a cushion under your shins
  • start the massage with light stroking of the back along the spine from the waist to the neck, on the sides of the back towards armpits and finish by rubbing with your fingertips
  • then stroke, rub and knead the buttock area in a circular motion. Clap and pat
  • then move on to the legs: stroke each one entirely, then the thighs from the dimple up and out. Apply a percussive “chopping” technique with several fingers and stroke
  • stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh, turn the child over - now the front part
  • roast the skin
  • clap with open palms, then with closed ones
  • end the massage with stroking

IMPORTANT: massage morning and evening for 10-15 minutes and don’t be afraid that you won’t succeed. Below is a detailed video course

Children's massage for hallux valgus in children. Video

Shoes for children's hallux valgus

As a result of foot deformation, it is important for the child to choose the right comfortable shoes that:

  • matches his foot size
  • equipped with orthopedic flat insoles
  • has a soft rubberized sole and Thomas heel
  • high rigid heel and side parts
  • Comfortable, tight-fitting clasps
  • made from genuine leather

Such shoes remove unnecessary stress from the muscles, support the foot in the desired position and form the correct gait.
Orthopedic shoes must be new, of high quality and for all seasons. It is advisable to buy it in specialized stores and orthopedic salons.

IMPORTANT: you need to wear orthopedic shoes for a certain time, because... Constant wear will lead to atrophy of the leg muscles. The doctor will determine how long you should wear it, depending on the degree of foot deformity and the age of the child.

Exercises to treat hallux valgus in children

To strengthen the muscles of the feet and maintain the flexibility of their joints, there are simple exercises that a child can easily do at home.
Exercise No. 1: Take small objects, such as pencils, and scatter them on the floor. Ask your baby to collect them using his toes.
Exercise #2: sit your child on a chair, place a ball in front of him and place his feet on it. Let him roll it while pressing on the ball (you can use an old abacus or a massage mat instead of a ball).

Exercise No. 3: do squats with your child, so that the feet do not leave the floor
Exercise #4: sit the child “Turkish style” and ask him to stand up; with this rise, the support will be directed to the outer edge of the foot (as it should be). Alternate legs, repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise #5: pour warm water (34-36 degrees) into the bathtub, add pebbles there and lower the child. The water level should be just above his ankle. Hold the child and let him walk.

IMPORTANT: exercises should be done without rough manipulations, they should be easy and useful.

  • Take your time to teach your baby to walk from 7 months
  • Visit your podiatrist regularly
  • Strengthen your child's immunity
  • Prevent rickets
  • During the summer season, walk with your baby on natural surfaces barefoot
  • Buy the right shoes, not for growth, but for size
  • Offer your child more active games

The development of hallux valgus in a child, like any other acquired disease, can be prevented. The main thing is to closely monitor the baby’s development, and if symptoms appear, contact a specialist who will find out the cause and select the correct treatment.

IMPORTANT: If this disease is not detected in time, your child may develop serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Video: Gymnastics for hallux valgus

Video: A set of exercises for hallux valgus

Parents perceive the first steps of a child as a very joyful family event. But it can be overshadowed by the detection of such orthopedic pathology as hallux valgus. This violation usually becomes obvious just before the start of walking and after some time. The famous children's doctor and author of books on children's health, Evgeniy Komarovsky, talks about the causes of the problem and what to do in this situation.

About the disease

In medicine, valgus is a deformation of the feet in which they are in a cruciform position in relation to each other, reminiscent of the Latin X. Most often, the pathology becomes noticeable when the child tries to step on the feet and take the first steps - the pathology is expressed in the fact that when When walking, the baby rests on the inside of the foot.

Steps are extremely difficult for such a baby - he gets tired quickly, sometimes experiences pain, and the steps themselves are shaky and uncertain. Orthopedists describe this condition in terms of the processes occurring in the feet - the toes and heels are turned outward, middle part the feet are slightly lowered. If the legs are straightened and pressed against each other in the knee area, the distance between the ankle bones will be more than 3-4 centimeters. If the height of the arch of the foot is significantly reduced, then orthopedists will say that the child has planovalgus feet. Valgus flatfoot is considered the most common diagnosis in pediatric orthopedics.

There are two types of such curvature of the feet: congenital and physiological (acquired). In the first case, the legs are bent even during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus under the influence of certain factors about which medicine still does not know much. Congenital foot pathologies are usually quite severe, and they can be seen in the first 2-3 months of a child’s independent life.

Acquired deformity is often associated with errors in the development and functioning of the musculoskeletal system, ligaments, and tendons. It is precisely such violations that become obvious closer to the age of one year. At risk are babies with weakened muscles, premature babies suffering from rickets, who have suffered frequent and severe viral infections in the first year of life. Legs are at risk of becoming twisted in obese children, as the load on the lower limbs is overweight very significant.

Sometimes parents themselves are to blame for the occurrence of pathology. Thus, putting the baby on his feet too early may well “trigger” the mechanism of foot deformation, and insufficient load on the foot, walking exclusively on a flat floor can cause acquired flat feet or planovalgus foot.

Flat feet scare parents no less. However, Komarovsky advises not to panic, because from birth absolutely all children have flat feet, this is a feature of babies. The arch of the foot will form gradually as the load on the legs increases, and here everything is in the hands of the parents, with the exception of congenital flat feet, which can only be corrected surgically.

Degrees of pathology

There are four main degrees of hallux valgus according to the severity of the defect and the severity of its course:

  • First degree. The angle of deviation from the norm does not exceed 15 degrees. The pathology can be easily corrected using conservative methods.
  • Second degree. The deviation angle is no more than 20 degrees. This condition can also be successfully treated with exercise, massage and physiotherapy.
  • Third degree. Deflection angle - no more than 30 degrees. The pathology is difficult to correct, treatment is long, but with due patience and perseverance on the part of parents and doctors, the prognosis is very favorable.
  • Fourth degree. Angle of deviation from normal values- more than 30 degrees. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery is prescribed.

Flat feet also have several degrees, which are similarly classified according to the degree of deviation of the arch of the foot from the norm. As in the case of hallux valgus, the first and second degrees of ordinary flat feet are treated quite simply and quickly. The third and fourth will be more difficult.


The child is diagnosed by an orthopedic surgeon. This is done on the basis of a visual inspection and prescribed additional research, which include radiography of the feet, computer plantography, podometry. If such studies are not prescribed, and the doctor diagnoses you accordingly, you should consult another doctor. Quite often, young patients with confirmed hallux valgus pathology are recommended to visit a neurologist to rule out problems with the peripheral and central nervous systems.

As soon as the reasons that underlie the modification of the feet are identified, the doctor will determine the type of lesion by etiology:

  • Static deformation. This problem occurs if incorrect posture is involved in the curvature.
  • Structural deformation. Curvature of the feet, which has congenital causes. Usually, talus with such deformation, it is located incorrectly with a deviation in one direction or another.
  • Compensatory deformation. If a child has a shortened Achilles tendon, slanted shins, the foot will be functionally deformed when walking.
  • Corrective deformity. Such a curvature occurs if the child was treated completely incorrectly or was not treated at all for ordinary clubfoot.
  • Spastic nervous deformation. The reason for this curvature is the improper functioning of the cerebral cortex, which often results in spasms of the limbs.
  • Paralytic deformity. Usually a consequence of transferred to early age encephalitis or complicated poliomyelitis.
  • Rickets deformity. Occurs with rickets.
  • Consequences of injury. Pathology can result from ligament ruptures, fractures of the bones of the foot, ankle, hip and hip joint injuries.

When diagnosing flat feet, the same techniques and research methods are used.


The child’s foot is finally formed only by the age of 12, so many problems found by specialists and parents themselves at a more tender age can and should be corrected before this moment, says Dr. Komarovsky.

Typically, treatment for both flat feet and hallux valgus is aimed at strengthening the ligaments, foot muscles, and forming the arch. For this, foot baths are prescribed, massotherapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, swimming, physical therapy. At congenital pathology immobilize the lower limbs with plaster. If all these measures do not achieve the desired effect, the child may be recommended surgery.

If the defect is not treated and corrected, in the case of severe deformation, the child faces subsequent disability, since the increased load on the knees and hip joints causes deformation and destruction of them, which leads to irreversible changes functions of the musculoskeletal system.


The earlier the pathology is identified, the easier it will be to correct it. Medical statistics show that valgus curvature of the feet and legs, detected at one year of age and a little older, with appropriate therapy, has very favorable prognoses - the probability of eliminating the problem completely and forever is close to one hundred percent.

If the disease is detected late or the child has not received the necessary medical care for a number of reasons and the disease is advanced, adolescence there is a very high probability of developing problems with the spine. The more time passes from the onset of the curvature to the start of treatment, the less chance of a complete successful recovery.


Quite often, parents tend to blame themselves for their child’s foot problems. Mothers feel guilty that they may have chosen the wrong shoes for their child, which caused a violation of the anatomy of the foot . Evgeny Komarovsky reassures parents - deformation of the legs in no way depends on shoes. Since a person was originally born into the next world without shoes, they are not so necessary for him from a biological and physiological point of view.

However, with the help of special, orthopedic shoes you can fix some pathological changes in the foot. Although relying entirely on healing properties Komarovsky does not recommend expensive orthopedic shoes. They can have an auxiliary effect, but they need to be treated in other ways, and prevented through an active lifestyle, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces, running and jumping. The more active the child, the less likely it is to have acquired bowed feet or flat feet.

Most parents are interested in when they can start putting shoes on their child. Komarovsky says that there is no point in doing this immediately after the first steps. Let the baby walk barefoot for as long as possible - around the house, outside, if possible. Naturally, in kindergarten or for a walk in the park you need to put on your child’s shoes.

In case of severe hallux valgus symptoms, it is often recommended to buy insoles with arch supports, which prevent the foot from “falling” inward. These boots usually have rigid sides that secure the foot in place. correct position, solid heel lock. Most often, such shoes have to be made to order, taking into account the degree of deviation from the norm, which is measured and described by an orthopedist.

You should not buy orthopedic shoes for your baby just like that, for prevention, just because the mother thought that the baby’s feet were positioned incorrectly.

When choosing ordinary everyday shoes, Komarovsky advises adhering to the basic rules:

  • The shoes should be the right size, neither too small nor too big, and the child should be comfortable and comfortable.
  • It makes no sense to buy shoes “for growth”, since the geometry of the foot changes as the leg grows.
  • It is advisable that the shoes are not made of synthetic materials; the feet should “breathe”.
  • Pointed toes and heels in children's shoe models are unacceptable.

Flat valgus foot is the most common pediatric orthopedic pathology. It is usually encountered in the first years of a child’s life, because it becomes obvious after the baby begins to learn to walk independently. What to do if such a curvature is detected, we will tell you in this article.

What it is

In fact, hallux valgus and flat feet are different pathologies of the lower extremities, but in children, what is most often observed is a combination of a decrease in the arch of the feet, characteristic of flat feet, and a change in the position of the foot under load with an inward displacement, characteristic of hallux valgus.

Valgus curvature is a deformity in which the child is vertical position rests mainly on the inside of the feet, and the toes and heel are turned outward.

Normally, the position of the legs should be parallel, that is, when looking at two standing legs behind you can mentally draw two straight vertical lines. In a child with hallux valgus, these lines are refracted in the area ankle joint with a deviation to the outside, which determines the second name of the pathology - X-shaped deformation.

With flat feet, things are much more complicated. All children have a physiological flat foot from birth, so this cannot be considered a pathology at 1-2 years of age. However, orthopedists consider the problem comprehensively, and in the child’s medical record there appears a diagnosis that frightens parents - plano-valgus deformity.


Quite rare, but hallux valgus can be congenital. For some reason, the lower limbs of the fetus in the womb begin to develop abnormally. Such legs are visible almost immediately after the baby is born, and at 2-3 months the diagnosis is usually made quite reasonably.

More often the pathology is acquired. The feet can become flat-valgus due to the excessive load on the baby’s weak legs. This happens if parents start putting their baby in a walker or jumper too early.

Up to 9 months, verticalizing devices cannot be used.

The tendons and muscles of the legs of babies are weak, and some children also have congenital feature– weakness of connective tissue, which is why any negative impact associated with a large load on the legs can lead to valgus deformity, which, due to age characteristics forms a duet with physiological flat feet in young children, and with pathological flat feet in older children.

Most susceptible to the disease:

  • premature and low birth weight babies;
  • children with cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular pathologies;
  • chubby, overweight children;
  • children with hip dysplasia;
  • children who have suffered from rickets;
  • weak and often sick toddlers;
  • children who wear uncomfortable and too soft shoes that do not support the foot;
  • children who have suffered ankle injuries, knee joint, muscles or tendons, metatarsal bones feet.


Flat valgus foot in the early stages at an early age is quite difficult to distinguish for the unprofessional parent's eye. All babies are clumsy when taking their first steps, they all shuffle their feet a little, and in most cases this is the most common thing. However, an orthopedic specialist can detect incipient deformation at the very initial stage.

In children over one and a half years old and older, incorrect foot placement is accompanied by symptoms such as fast fatiguability, pain in the legs when walking, inability to run quickly, swelling of the lower extremities in the evenings after a day spent in an upright position.

When the Latin letter X in the outlines of two legs placed side by side begins to be obvious, we are usually talking about a serious degree of anomaly.

A flat-valgus foot is not a death sentence. With timely treatment and a responsible and systematic approach from parents, foot function in mild pathologies can be restored in full. It all depends on the degree of the disease.

The degrees themselves are measured by the angle of deflection vertical axis from the norm and the height of the arch of the foot. The greater the angle of deviation and the lower the height, the more severe the pathology is considered.

Surgical intervention may require grade 3-4 plano-valgus deformity. Milder foot misalignments are treated conservatively.

Conservative treatment

Treatment will necessarily be comprehensive. Individual events and procedures will not bring desired result. Parents should also mentally prepare for the fact that the process of getting rid of deformity will take a long time. The higher the degree of the disease, the longer it will take to treat.

Sometimes therapy takes years. In fact, the child’s lifestyle must change, and all the orthopedic surgeon’s prescriptions must become an integral part of it.

Orthopedic shoes

Wearing special shoes aimed at forcing the correct position of the foot may be required for children with 2-3 degrees of pathology, as well as for children who have undergone surgery on the feet with 3-4 degrees of deformity.

You should not try to choose such a pair of shoes on your own. Therapeutic couple is the task of professionals. First, the orthopedic doctor will give a reasonable conclusion and description, in which he will indicate the parameters of the anomaly, the degrees of deviation in the position of the foot, and will also give very specific parameters for the height of the arch of the foot of a particular patient.

Orthopedic shoes for flat-valgus feet should have high and firm backs and tight sides so that the foot is securely fixed in the correct position. These shoes have arch supports and special orthopedic insoles.

A real pair of orthopedic shoes is expensive, and this is often the reason for refusing to purchase. Parents are trying to find more on their own cheap alternative. Experience shows that this is impossible, since not a single manufacturer of ordinary children's shoes, even if it positions its product as orthopedic, makes pairs for curved feet.

Even the best sandals from good manufacturer designed for normal leg positioning, they are not designed to correct a crooked leg.

That is why it is important to find funds and purchase real orthopedic shoes, which, together with other treatment methods, will definitely give a positive result.


Massage is a prerequisite for successful recovery. You can, of course, do it with a professional massage therapist, but given that there will be many courses, it is better to save your family budget (massage is an expensive pleasure) and learn how to do it yourself.

The massage is based on classical techniques, which are based on stroking, kneading and vibration.

The order of techniques in each massage area is exactly this: first, lightly stroke, massage more deeply, perform tapping and end the session with light soothing strokes.

For plano-valgus deformity, you need to massage:

  • feet, toes, metatarsal areas of the foot, heel;
  • ankle with circular movements around the ankle joint;
  • knee joint in a circular motion;
  • front and back hips;
  • buttocks;
  • lumbosacral region;
  • lower back.

You can end the massage session with a foot bath, in which warm water will gradually turn cold, parents should add cold water at a slow pace. Vigorous rubbing of the feet, legs and thighs with a hard towel is helpful.

Typically, a massage course is prescribed for 10-14 days, then after a 2-3 week break the course is repeated. Massage improves blood supply to the lower extremities, strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Foot baths

And when mild form illness, and with deformation of 2-3-4 degrees, it is useful to give the child evening relaxing baths with therapeutic effect. They use warm water with added decoction of medicinal plants.

Usually, a decoction helps to soothe the legs, improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and tension. pharmaceutical chamomile(for 250 ml of water - 1 teaspoon of dry herbal collection). You can also use burdock root and add a teaspoon of regular baking soda to the solution ready for the bath.

Paraffin therapy

This is a method of alternative therapy, which in no way replaces the classic massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy and wearing orthopedic shoes in this case. However, this method has proven itself as an effective auxiliary treatment.

The essence of paraffin therapy is applying a heat compress made of special purified paraffin to the sore spot, preheated, plastic and elastic.

In the case of plano-valgus placement, the procedure is called “paraffin boots”. From medical paraffin, by applying it to the feet and ankles, “boots” are formed, which are wrapped in polyethylene on top. A warm compress is kept on the legs for about 15-20 minutes. This allows you to warm the muscles and ligaments and improve blood circulation.

The procedures can be carried out in courses, just like massage. To do this, it is also not necessary to sign up for a paraffin therapy session at medical Center or clinic, paraffin is sold in pharmacies, and it home use will not cause any difficulties.


The gymnastic complex for this pathology includes more than 20 exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities. A specialist instructor will be able to teach parents and children therapeutic gymnastics in the exercise therapy room at the clinic at their place of residence.

The exercises are simple, accessible to everyone, and should be performed daily at home. You can include a block of exercises in a standing position on a special massage mat. For these purposes, you can choose an orthopedic mat applicator, made of hard materials and having a fairly high hard relief or based on massage needles.

An orthopedic surgeon will also help you choose the right mat.


In the treatment of planus valgus foot, the possibilities of electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation are used. It is not possible to carry out all these procedures at home; you will have to visit a clinic or private medical center.

Physiotherapy itself does not cure anything in this case, but it strengthens and complements the effect that the other components collectively provide complex therapy


Parents of chubby children with extra pounds will have to put their child on a diet, since weight affects the rate of deformation. The higher the weight, the faster degenerative processes develop in joints, ligaments and muscle tissue.

A pediatrician and a nutritionist come to the rescue, and the child is given a special menu, rich

Hallux valgus is a process of changing the shape of the foot, which is accompanied by the appearance of an unaesthetic, painful outgrowth, a bone at the base of the big toe.

How does deformation occur?

Plano valgus deformity of the feet is a specific pathology of the functional position of the foot, resulting from the fact that its height is significantly underestimated and the central axis is bent.

The toes and heel, respectively, turn outward, and the foot itself gradually acquires an x-shaped outline. Such a pathology can be acquired or congenital; treating it is extremely problematic, but, in general, correction of the disease is either conservative or surgery- carried out quite successfully by orthopedists.


Flat valgus foot deformity in adults can occur due to the following factors:

  • incorrectly selected shoes (or insoles) - they may be narrow or not the size of the foot;
  • long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes and boots;
  • subluxation of the base of the phalanx of the big toe (video);
  • against the background of gout, an excessive amount of uric acid salts accumulates in the joints, this, in turn, leads to the development of flat valgus foot deformity in adults;
  • weak tendons;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess body weight (additional stress on joints);
  • flat valgus deformation of the feet is also characteristic of the menopause period in female body– hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy - the miotic corset simply cannot cope with the additional functional load on it, so part of the mass “presses” on the joints, deforming them;
  • flat feet of varying degrees;


The difference in degrees of hallux valgus depends on the angle that changes between the first toe and the bone (connective, metatarsal).

1st degree

In the first degree, there is an increase in joint deformation in the intermetatarsal angle (the sesamoid ligaments are too mobile), and subluxation of the foot occurs.

2nd degree

With the second degree of hallux valgus, further displacement of the tendons and joints on the big toe occurs.

3rd degree

Deformation of the 3rd degree (regardless of the factor that turned out to be the main one) occurs due to the fact that the bone and connective tissues in this zone they are vulnerable and quite weak, they do not cope well with significant functional load.


Signs of flat valgus foot deformity are as follows:

  • An obvious visual cosmetic defect - the joint significantly increases in size, protrudes to the side, is located perpendicular to the axis of the foot, and the toe itself is turned in reverse side, inside (video); the so-called varus position of the foot is observed.
  • Accompanying symptomatic manifestations of flat valgus pathology and flat feet, severe chronic bursitis, as well as deforming arthrosis, affecting the metatarsophalangeal joints.


For the correct selection of treatment for valgus, prevention of the disease ( physical exercise, gymnastics, massage), as well as preventing it further development, a timely and thorough examination of the patient is required.

To specify valgus, the doctor does X-ray feet in 3 projections - this way you can identify which of the 3 degrees of development of hallux valgus the patient has, and also clarify whether he has additional concomitant pathologies, such as aseptic necrosis, cyst, arthritis, inflammatory pathology periosteum, etc.

If appropriate symptoms are identified (photo), the doctor applies treatment (orthopedic insoles, corrective exercises, gymnastics, massage), which helps, if not cure valgus, then at least correct its manifestations.




It is almost impossible to completely cure plano valgus deformity of the 3rd degree, but it is possible to do without surgery. There are several standard treatment methods aimed at correcting this pathology.

Orthopedic insoles

Installation of special orthopedic insoles designed to correct flat valgus foot deformity.

These insoles demonstrate high performance effectiveness in the early stages of the development of the disease, in addition to them, the orthopedic doctor should prescribe the installation of special arch supports aimed at correcting the position of the foot.

In addition to the above methods, installation of finger correctors and additional ties is indicated. Most the best option– medical shoes of orthopedic properties, in which individually selected insoles are installed.


For hallux valgus, a special foot massage is indicated. For this purpose, you should turn to professionals. Often, to correct the pathology, the orthopedic doctor prescribes a massage course consisting of ten sessions, which should be repeated at least once every few months.


Properly selected physical exercises can significantly correct foot valgus. The most common gymnastics options:

  • walking on half toes;
  • walking on uneven surfaces;
  • an attempt to grab certain objects with your toes;
  • moving around the room only on the outer part of the feet.

For gymnastics to treat valgus, exercises using a massage mat are suitable.


A set of physiotherapeutic measures is suitable not for treatment, but for minimizing the symptoms of the disease. For hallux valgus, it is good to supplement treatment with massage, orthopedic insoles and gymnastic exercises.

If adults experience painful sensations that prevent them from moving, the orthopedist prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated in a situation where the pathology is clearly progressive or a deformed finger prevents the patient from living comfortably, and also when conservative methods– shoe insoles, corrective massage and special exercises did not lead to correction of the varus position of the foot (video).

Modern medical orthopedic equipment involves such a type of treatment as low-traumatic joint correction - this is an operation after which the patient is not given a plaster cast and no additional metal structures are installed.

During the operation, the surgeon corrects the angle that is between the bones of the foot. This operation is necessary to ensure that the pulling function of the ligaments is correctly distributed. Recovery period after such an operation it goes away quite quickly, there are practically no relapses.

Traditional treatment

Varus alignment of the feet (photo) in adults, which appears as a result of grade 3 hallux valgus, can be corrected at home (without surgery). The most effective technologies:

Madder decoction

A decoction of madder is recommended - the product removes excess uric acid; a teaspoon of powder should be poured into a full glass of water, which should be preheated; then the mixture should be boiled in a steam bath for about 10 minutes; Strain the resulting product thoroughly, take 12 glasses several times a day. Sometimes the remedy even helps to avoid surgery.


Dandelion flowers are good for correcting growths and combating varus feet. After they are well dried, they should be poured a small amount Yoda. The product is infused for 3 days, after which it is applied in the form of a mesh to the valgus of the foot.

Mustard and bodyaga

Varus alignment of the feet and hallux valgus are well corrected with the help of a special, home-prepared medicinal ointment. A large spoon of mustard powder will require the same amount of bodyagi, several spoons of turpentine and a few drops of machine oil. Treatment of hallux valgus with such an ointment (photo) will be very effective and efficient, and will help you do without surgery.


Therapeutic compresses prepared using natural propolis are also well suited for the treatment of varus feet and grade 3 valgus. Place a small piece of the product on the bone overnight, carefully securing it with a bandage.

Complex treatment is the key to success

Any of the above methods for treating grade 3 valgus and varus position of the foot will be effective, but it is better to use A complex approach, combining home recipes with proper physical exercises, corrective shoes with orthopedic insoles, massage therapy will be complemented.

You should always take preventive measures (physical exercises and therapeutic exercises, orthopedic insoles, massage) to avoid the occurrence and development of hallux valgus.