Types of contraceptives. The most frequently asked questions. Chemical contraceptives for women

Sexual intercourse is a connecting link between a woman and a man, between whom there is sympathy and feelings for each other. At a certain stage of a relationship, the question of the need for contraception arises, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy or to protect health. The modern industry of such goods offers wide choose all kinds of contraceptives, which vary in numerous parameters.

As for men, the list of means and methods of contraception is extremely small, which cannot be said about the opposite sex. Due to the complex structure of the female reproductive system and individual anatomical features, contraceptives may differ in their level of effectiveness, method of application, mechanism of protection, and also have a number of contraindications and side effects. But can give a 100% guarantee best method contraception - lack of sexual intercourse.

What types of contraceptives are there?

In order to choose the best contraceptives for women, you should visit a medical specialist, and also read the recommendations from World Organization health protection. All means and methods of protection can be divided into two groups - female contraceptives and male contraceptives.

The best contraceptives for women

Most of the responsibility for planning and achieving pregnancy, as well as for preventing unplanned pregnancies, rests with women. Today, the contraceptive industry distinguishes the following types of contraceptives for them:

  1. Natural ways to prevent pregnancy, namely calculating the ovulation period when a woman’s body prepares for fertilization. To do this, you can carry out the following measures- use a calendar, periodically measure basal temperature, monitor the nature of cervical mucus.
  • Advantages: minimum costs, no effect on the body and health, no contraindications or side effects.
  • Disadvantages: low efficiency and accuracy, lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, the need for discipline and constant counting of days.
  1. Lactational amenorrhea method, which assumes physiological processes, during which the hormone prolactin prevents ovulation from occurring. To do this, a woman needs to breastfeed her baby 8-9 times a day. This is why women during lactation do not experience menstruation, which means they cannot get pregnant.
  • Pros: 99% accuracy, no connection with sexual intercourse, the technique helps the uterus restore contractility after childbirth, prevents breast cancer, is beneficial for the baby, and also does not require financial investment.
  • Disadvantages: the technique is valid only for six months after childbirth, it does not prevent sexual ailments.
  1. Barrier types of protection or local contraceptives:
  • Condom for women- a polyurethane cover that is inserted into the vagina for a period of 7-8 hours, preventing pregnancy and sexual diseases. Minuses - low level efficiency, high price, discomfort during use.
  • Caps and diaphragms- rubber contraceptives, which a specialist places on the cervix, thereby mechanically preventing sperm and bacteria from entering the genitals. Disadvantages - presence of contraindications, need to consult a doctor.
  • Spermicides- suppositories and tampons, tablets, aerosols and gels, the composition of which involves the presence of spermicide, that is, a chemical component that envelops the cervix, destroying sperm. Pros - moisturizing antimicrobial effect, a local safe effect that does not disrupt the hormonal levels and microflora of the genital organs. Cons - 70% protection against pregnancy, side effects in the form of burning and itching, the effect of the product lasts 1-2 hours, lack of protection against sexual diseases.
  1. Hormonal agents- the best contraceptives, according to gynecologists for women young and ladies over 40 years old, namely birth control pills, the composition of which involves the presence of two hormones - progestogen and estrogen. Two of these hormones not only suppress the ovulation process, but also reduce the motility of sperm that enter the vagina.
  • Pros - effectiveness of 99.8% protection against pregnancy, regulation of the menstrual cycle, oncoprotective effectiveness, improvement of the skin.
  • Cons - a large list of contraindications, as well as side effects, the need for strict systematic use of pills, cost, impact on libido.
  1. Alternative hormonal contraceptives or new generation contraceptives, which involve other ways of taking estrogen and progestogen:
  • vaginal ring, which is placed in the vagina for 3 weeks, after which it is removed for a week for menstruation (pros - lack of systematic use, cons - discomfort on the part of the sexual partner);
  • hormonal patches- the product is attached to the cleansed skin of the shoulder, upper torso or buttock, three patches for three weeks, after which a week break is taken at the time of menstruation (pros - local impact, the product can be used by young women even after 35 years of age, disadvantages - inaccuracy in dosages, inaccuracy in the level of protection against pregnancy);
  • hormonal implant- a silicone capsule is inserted under the skin layer, after which the woman is protected from pregnancy for a period of 3-5 years (pros - long period of protection, cons - the product is contraindicated for a girl who has not given birth, may cause allergies).
  1. Progestogen contraception, the best way of protection for women who are breastfeeding. We are talking about tablets and solutions that are administered intramuscularly. The tablets must be taken strictly every evening at the same time for three weeks in a row, after which a week-long break is taken. The injection has an immediate effect, which lasts for another 2-3 months. The disadvantages of injections are possible weight gain of up to 2-3 kg, lack of menstruation, and inability to become pregnant for 6-12 months.
  2. Intrauterine contraceptives- a plastic flexible frame with copper winding and copper sleeves, as well as a special vaginal coil. This product is administered only by a gynecologist, after which it becomes impossible for the fertilized egg to attach; in addition, the spiral guarantees a hormonal contraceptive effect. Intrauterine contraceptives can only be used after childbirth; they are prohibited for women who have not given birth.
  • Pros - long validity period of 3-5 years, inexpensive cost, no effect on the body.
  • Disadvantages: painful and heavy periods, lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, complications of existing diseases.
  1. Sterilization surgically - the best method due to 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy, but a completely irreversible process. Experts advise resorting to this method only for women over 35 years of age.

Male contraception

To date medical practice involves such types of contraceptives for men as condoms and surgical sterilization.

  • Condoms- the best method of protection for men due to its ease of use and accessibility. The advantages of a condom are 100% accurate protection against pregnancy and any sexual diseases, low cost, no contraindications or side effects. Disadvantages - reduced sensitivity of the penis, the possibility of developing allergies.
  • Sterilization- a vasectomy with the help of a surgeon who ties the man's vas deferens, after which the ejaculate does not receive sperm. Pros - 99% protection against pregnancy, no effect on erection and potency. Disadvantages: the procedure is irreversible.

Regardless of gender and age, no one other than a doctor can better choose the appropriate type of contraception. Medical specialist will be able to advise on contraindications, features and risks of each product. Most of these options can only be used after examination and testing of the patient.

So, the best method of contraception is

As for what is the best contraceptive method for men, everything is simple. Condoms are considered the only option used, although they have a number of disadvantages. Sterilization is the most effective, but doctors can approve such a radical method only if there are compelling reasons for it. It must be remembered that there is no reversal of a vasectomy. if a man has become infertile, restore reproductive function will be impossible.

As for women, from the huge list of types of contraceptives, you can make a small rating of the most popular and effective means protection:

  • the most accurate way to protect against pregnancy is hormonal drugs;
  • the most universal and conservative method of contraception - natural method contraception and method of lactational amenorrhea;
  • the most popular method of protection among women is spermicides;
  • 100% protection against pregnancy - sterilization.

Pick up best ways protection against unwanted pregnancy, as well as diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse, is possible, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations, age and individual characteristics body, health status, hormonal levels and the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Rating of contraceptives by level of protection against pregnancy

You can also help in choosing a reliable means of contraception based on the percentage of reliability of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Experts have studied all types of male and feminine products contraception, after which the following top list was compiled:

  • 100% - sterilization;
  • 99.4% - “Evra” patch;
  • 99% - NuvaRing ring;
  • 98% - condoms;
  • 97% - postcoital pills;
  • 96.5-97% - hormonal injections;
  • 95% - female condoms;
  • 85-95% - diaphragms and caps;
  • 75-80% - chemical contraceptives (tampons, creams and vaginal suppositories);
  • 75-80% - intrauterine devices.

It must be remembered that the predetermining factor in choosing a protective device should not be its percentage of protection. Only the doctor’s recommendations and examination of the patient can find an option that will not have a negative effect on the body.

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For the right choice method of preventing unwanted pregnancy in this topic we will tell you what methods and methods of contraception exist. Having learned about methods of contraception, you will be able to choose a more convenient contraceptive for yourself and enjoy love games without fear of getting pregnant. The term contraception refers to the prevention of pregnancy different ways: Mechanical, Chemical, etc., moreover, some methods prevent the transmission of sexual diseases.

To determine the reliability of a particular method of contraception, we will use the Pearl index, which indicates how many women out of a hundred became pregnant using one of the types of contraception for a period of time.


SEXUAL INTERRUPTION: It consists in the fact that a man, at the moment of receiving pleasure, removes the penis from a woman. The Pearl index for this type of contraception ranges from 4 to 18. In most cases, the unreliability of this method of protection lies in the man’s insufficient self-control when receiving pleasure, which leads to untimely removal of the male organ from the woman and her fertilization. Also, at the time of sexual intercourse, pre-seminal fluid is released from the male organ, which may contain live sperm, and even if the man managed to remove his organ at the moment of pleasure, this does not mean the absence of pregnancy, the woman could be fertilized with pre-seminal fluid, which is of course very rarely occurs and has no scientific evidence. Moreover, after a man has had pleasure, part of the ejaculate remains in the canals of his organ, which, when re-entering a woman, can lead to the release of ejaculate and pregnancy, so that the remaining ejaculate does not enter the woman, the man is advised to urinate. This type of contraception is psychologically negative for a man.

CALENDAR METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION: With this method of protection, it is necessary to calculate the days of ovulation of the egg; read how to do this here: . The Pearl index with this method of contraception ranges from 9 to 40. Remember that male ejaculate can live inside a woman from several hours to 7 days, and the average lifespan is 2-3 days. Moreover, this type of contraception is not suitable for women who have menstrual cycle not regular.

TEMPERATURE TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: It consists in the fact that a woman measures her basal temperature and keeps a chart, almost the same as the calendar method, but based on temperature. The pearl index ranges from 0.8 to 3.

CHURCH TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: The woman monitors her vaginal discharge using tests, somewhat similar to the calendar method. The pearl index is 15.

SYMPTOTHERMAL TYPE OF CONTRACEPTION: A method of protection that includes temperature and church type of contraception. Pearl index 0.3.

MEASUREMENT OF HORMONE LEVEL: Pregnancy using this method requires tests that measure the hormones LH and FSH in morning urine, indicating ovulation. Pearl index from 4 to 18.

LACTATION AMENorrhea METHOD: Method of protection in the form of an effect breastfeeding within 6 months after the birth of the child. Pearl index from 2 to 3.


CONDOM: A type of protection that involves putting on male organ latex shells or thin rubber, in which male ejaculate remains after pleasure. This type of contraception protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. When using, beware of applying oily lubricants, as oils corrode latex and the contraceptive may tear. The pearl index ranges from 2 to 12.

FEMALE CONDOM: Unlike male contraceptives, they are not worn on the male organ, but are inserted inside the woman. In all other respects, the principle of action is the same as that of the male contraceptive. Pearl index ranges from 5 to 25.

FEMALE DIAPHRAGM: A type of contraception that is a latex dome-shaped cap with a flexible rim that covers the female cervix. Pearl index from 6 to 20.

FEMALE UTERINE CAP: The type of contraceptive is very similar to the diaphragm, the only difference is that it is half the size of the diaphragm and is worn at the entrance to the uterus. Pearl index from 9 to 20.


Hormonal contraceptives have various actions protection. Some hormonal pills suppress ovulation, which is reflected in the obstruction of the development and release of the egg, other hormonal pills change the structure of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) and the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus, others can thicken the cervical mucus, which prevents the advancement of ejaculate. Independent choice of hormonal contraceptives is not recommended; it will be better if a doctor prescribes it to you with a preliminary conclusion based on the tests obtained. Frequently asked questions and general information You can read about oral contraceptives here: .

COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES: These tablets contain the hormonal substances estrogen and progestin. Pearl index from 0.1 to 0.9.

MINI-PILI: They contain only progestin and do not contain estrogen, which, according to research, has a detrimental effect on a woman’s health. Pearl index from 0.5 to 4.3.

HORMONAL INJECTIONS: Intramuscular injections are given every 3 months and contain progestin. Pearl index from 0.3 to 1.4.

NORPLANT: A type of contraceptive inserted under the skin containing the substance levonorgestin. Pearl index from 0.08 to 0.09.

NOVARING RING: A type of contraceptive containing estrogen and progestogen. Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.65.

EURA PATCH: A type of contraception in the form of a patch attached to a woman’s skin and delivering hormones through the bloodstream to the woman’s body: Pearl index from 0.4 to 0.9.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: A type of contraceptive that is a plastic device with a copper spiral inserted into female uterus. It prevents the advancement of ejaculate, the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus and shortens the life of the egg. The pearl index ranges from 0.1 to 0.5.

TYPE OF POSTCOITAL CONTRACEPTION: Applicable this type during unprotected sexual intercourse and ejaculate getting inside the woman. It consists of urgently taking a hormonal pill after sexual intercourse. Due to the high harmfulness of this type of contraception, it should be used only in emergency cases, no more than once every six months. Pearl index 2.


CREAMS, AEROSOLS, CANDLES, ETC.: They are inserted into the female vagina before sexual intercourse for about 10-15 minutes; see the instructions for the contraceptive for more details. Pearl index from 3 to 21.

INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: Yes, this type of contraception can be classified not only as hormonal, but also as chemical methods of protection, since the IUD may contain a metal that is harmful to ejaculate.


The type of contraception in the form of sterilization is used for people who have children, since reverse restoration is almost impossible.

MALE CONTRACEPTION: This type of contraception is called a vasectomy or sterilization, which is a simple operation to block the seminal ducts. Pearl index 0.4.

FEMALE CONTRACEPTION: Sterilization of a woman is a more complicated operation than for men and involves tying the tubes to block the patency. fallopian tubes. Pearl index from 0.01 to 0.1.

Contraceptives can be divided into traditional And modern facilities. The degree of effectiveness of any contraceptive method is assessed using the Pearl index, cat. equal to the number of unwanted pregnancies in 100 women who used a particular method of contraception for 12 months.

Traditional methods of contraception:

    Mechanical methods :

- vaginal diaphragm – a metal ring with a rubber cap; the diaphragm is inserted in such a way as to cover the cervix and create a mechanical obstacle to the passage of sperm into the cervix. The edges, inner surface, its outer surface should be lubricated with spermicides. The diaphragm is inserted before sexual intercourse and removed 8-12 hours after it. There are several sizes of the vaginal diaphragm. Pearl index when using a vaginal diaphragm – 12;

- condom (condom) ) is a contraceptive used by men and is a sac-like formation of thin elastic rubber less than 1 mm thick. Condoms are made of rubber, latex, and plastic. A condom prevents sperm from entering the vagina. Pearl index – 20.

2. Chemical contraceptives (vaginal spermicides ) – destroy sperm in no more than 1-2 minutes. The Pearl index when using chemical contraceptives is 30.

- spermicidal agents used as douches – vinegar solution, boron solution acid or lactic acid, solution of permanganate K, 20% chloride solution sodium, lemon juice solution;

- vaginal spermicidal balls and tablets (containing boric acid, quinosol and tannin);

- gramicidin paste .

3.Rhythmic methods:

- calendar method – based on determining the time of ovulation and limiting the number of sexual intercourse during the periovulatory period (2-3 days before ovulation and 2-3 days after it). Pearl index – 24.

- temperature method – determining the rise time basal temperature by measuring it daily in the morning for 10 minutes. And abstain from sexual intercourse on the day of the fall and the first 3 days of rise in basal temperature. Pearl index – 6.

Modern means of contraception:

1. Intrauterine contraception:

1). Neutral intrauterine devices (IUD) - the most widely used are the Lips loop (a polyethylene device in the form of a double Latin letter), the IUD in the shape of the letter T and the number 7. The mechanism of action of neutral IUDs - they disrupt the implantation of a fertilized egg, which is associated with accelerated peristalsis fallopian tubes and the resulting inferiority of the egg. Pearl index when using neutral IUDs 4.

2). Medication IUDs – contain copper, gestagens. Mechanism of action of medicated IUDs:

Copper has a bactericidal and spermicidal effect;

Gestagens change the properties of cervical mucus, which leads to difficulty in the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity, and also causes the inability of the endometrium to implant an egg.

The Pearl index when using medicated IUDs is 1-2.

Contraindications to the use of IUDs:

Acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;

Chronic inflammatory processes with frequent exacerbations;

Infectious and septic diseases and fever of any etiology;

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency;

Benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs;

Polyps of the cervical canal;

Erythroplakia and endometrial leukoplakia;

Polyposis and endometrial hyperplasia;

Tuberculosis of the genital organs;

Malformations of the uterus;

Intrauterine synechiae;

Menstrual irregularities such as menorrhagia or metrorrhagia;

Disorders of the blood coagulation system, accompanied by increased bleeding.

The IUD is inserted by the doctor, observing the rules of asepsis, on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, after an induced abortion - immediately (or after the next menstruation), after childbirth - 3 months later. Necessary conditions are: normal blood picture, 1-2 degree vaginal frequency. After inserting the IUD, the doctor should examine the woman a week after the first menstruation, then after 3 months, subsequent examinations are carried out once every 6 months. The duration of stay of the IUD in the uterine cavity is 3-5 years.

Complications of intrauterine contraception:

Lower abdominal pain;

Uterine bleeding;

Ectopic pregnancy;

Intrauterine pregnancy, often ending in spontaneous abortion;

Perforation of the uterus (partial - when the IUD is inserted into the muscle of the uterus in the area of ​​the fundus or side walls; complete - with the movement of part or all of the IUD into the abdominal cavity).

2. Hormonal contraception. Classification hormonal contraceptives.

“Conscious pregnancy” is a popular term today, which denotes the right of every couple to consciously choose the time for such an important step as the birth of a baby. There are many methods of contraception: to suit everyone’s taste and budget - monophasic contraceptives, implants, condoms, rings, IUDs and much more. But any method of preventing unwanted pregnancy has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's figure out how to choose the appropriate type of contraception from this variety and how to avoid misfires.

1. Sterilization

This is the most effective method contraception with 99.9% reliability. Women are sterilized by tubal ligation, men by vasectomy.

BUT! The main disadvantage of sterilization is its radicality. Conclusion: if after a certain number of years you want to leave behind offspring, you will not succeed.

2. Oral contraceptives

Leader of non-invasive methods of contraception - combined oral contraceptives(COC) in tablets. Their reliability is estimated at up to 99.7%. Complexly influencing the female reproductive system with the help of hormones, oral contraceptives suppress ovulation, thicken mucus in cervical canal and provoke thinning of the endometrial layer in the uterus. This triple action provides temporary “rest” for the ovaries, reducing the risk infectious diseases through the barrier function of mucus (however, they do not completely protect against sexually transmitted infections) and reduces the amount of blood loss of a woman during menstruation.

Combined oral contraceptives differ favorably from other hormonal contraceptives in that different tablets contain different dosages and combinations of hormones. In European countries, this method is the most popular among women. different ages and different lifestyles. Indeed, in a wide range of these products, including those presented on the Ukrainian market, there are even tablets with innovative dosage regimens 24+4 and 26+2. They shorten the non-hormonal period, which allows you to minimize negative symptoms, and, importantly, simplifies the regimen for taking such pills.

Additional non-contraceptive actions: COCs latest generation, also already available and Ukrainian women, in addition to hormones, also contain an additional substance - calcium levomefolate (active form folic acid). Thanks to this substance, modern contraceptives have a pronounced additional non-contraceptive effect: they eliminate negative manifestations of PMS, improve the condition of skin and hair, fight acne, prevent photoaging ( negative influence sun on the skin), and even have an antidepressant effect. In addition, folate-containing contraceptives significantly reduce the risk of developing defects nervous system child during future pregnancy.

BUT! Oral contraceptives have some contraindications, are selected and prescribed exclusively by a gynecologist individually for each woman, and also require the woman to be organized and attentive when taking it.

3. Intrauterine contraception

We are talking about an intrauterine device and an intrauterine hormonal system, which differ both in reliability and mechanism of action. The spiral performs a barrier function and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. The intrauterine hormonal system secretes a certain amount of hormone, which increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal, thins the endometrial layer and suppresses sperm motility. The reliability of intrauterine contraception ranges from 99.2 to 99.8%.

BUT! Intrauterine device increases the risk of developing inflammation of various nature, often causes heavy, long, painful periods and poses a risk of ectopic pregnancy. And the hormonal system is usually placed on long time- 5 years. Therefore, it is not suitable for women who do not plan to delay conception for so long. In addition, this method of contraception sometimes causes intermenstrual bleeding and pain.

4. Hormonal implants and injections

8. Coitus interruptus

This one ancient way contraception consists of the partner removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.

BUT! A small amount of seminal fluid is also released during sexual intercourse, so the reliability of the method does not exceed 80%. In addition, the method is very inconvenient for a man, who is not only forced to closely monitor the process, but also risks problems with potency, ejaculation, and even prostatitis. In addition, when using this method, the woman also experiences greater psychological discomfort.

9. Spermicides

This chemical substances as vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets and capsules that are inserted into the vagina and have a destructive effect on sperm. Their effectiveness is no more than 70%.

BUT! Chemical contraceptives require constant administration before sexual intercourse and often cause irritation and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, as well as vaginal candidiasis.

There are also drugs emergency contraception containing levonorgestrel, which affects ovulation and reduces the risk of fertilization of a woman’s egg in the preovulation period. These drugs include escapelle and others.

Constantly taking oral contraceptives does not make sense if the woman is not active sex life. It is better to choose methods that have less impact on the body, which can reliably protect against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In pharmacies today you can easily find various modern contraceptives that are quite effective and convenient.

What types of single-use contraceptives are there?

For irregular relationships, one-time products are best. In each individual case they must be selected individually. For women with irregular sexual activity, it is important that the chosen contraceptive has the following properties:

  • reliability;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • safety of use;
  • availability;
  • protection against unplanned pregnancy;
  • protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

There are 3 main methods of protection:

  • barrier;
  • chemical;
  • hormone.

Which ones are better to choose? It all depends on many factors: personal preferences, risk, contraindications, and the situation itself. Each of them has its own pros and cons, so we’ll try to understand it in more detail.

Barrier method

The barrier method is the oldest and, perhaps, the most widespread among the population, because it has many advantages, such as:

  • relative cheapness;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • quite high reliability;
  • no contraindications (except for allergies to the material);
  • absolute safety for the body;
  • protection not only from pregnancy, but also from infections.

Barrier methods can be used by everyone: nursing mothers, young girls, older women. In some cases, they are even recommended for pregnant women (to protect against infection).

The essence of the method is a mechanical obstacle that prevents sperm from penetrating the cervix. Use requires some attention from partners before and during sexual intercourse. Barrier methods include not only the well-known condoms, but also some other products.


Everyone knows about condoms - this is perhaps the most accessible and simple means of protection. Its main advantage is protection against various sexually transmitted infections, which is why the condom has been and remains the number one remedy against unprotected sex. It is the condom that is best chosen as a method of protection during a casual relationship or at the beginning of a relationship when there is no full confidence in a partner. It is easy to purchase at any pharmacy or store. A regular condom is placed on a man's penis and removed immediately after intercourse.

However, this proven tool has its own, very significant, disadvantages:

  • average contraceptive reliability;
  • they can rub, tear, or jump off;
  • decreased sensitivity during intimacy;
  • inability to use if you are allergic to latex;
  • a certain lack of aesthetics when used.

Some manufacturers produce condoms with spermicidal lubricant to increase reliability.

Despite popular belief, condoms can be used not only by men - there are special female condoms that have certain advantages over classic products:

  • polyurethane material is suitable for people allergic to latex;
  • you can insert such a condom several hours before sexual intercourse;
  • you can even go to the toilet with it;
  • he doesn't jump off;
  • can further stimulate the female genital organs during sex.

Unfortunately, the female condom can cause local irritation and is somewhat more difficult to put on than a classic condom (this will require a little practice). The product has two flexible rings - an internal one, which expands near the cervix, fixing the product, and an external one, which remains outside.

After sex, the condom is twisted to prevent sperm from leaking out, removed and discarded, just like a male condom. It is unacceptable to use male and female condoms at the same time - there is a high probability that they will break due to friction.

Vaginal diaphragm and cervical cap

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped rubber product that is inserted deep into the vaginal canal before sexual intercourse so that it covers the cervix. A latex product that is placed directly on the cervix is ​​called a cervical (that is, cervical) cap. The cap is slightly different in shape from the diaphragm, but operates on the same principle.

The diaphragm or cap may cause irritation where it comes into contact with the mucosa. They cannot be used for protection inflammatory processes, cervical erosion, prolapse of the vaginal walls.

To increase reliability, it is recommended to additionally use spermicides. After use, the product is carefully removed, washed and placed in a disinfectant solution - it is reusable and proper care can last up to a year. Be sure to remove the cap immediately after sexual intercourse, otherwise you may cause severe inflammatory reaction and even the development of toxic shock syndrome.

Before purchasing, it is better to consult a specialist to determine the right size, as well as learn how to insert a contraceptive correctly.

Other means

There are also less common products that are nevertheless quite often used in some countries. One of them is the vaginal sponge. It is a concave hemisphere made of porous material, having a loop for extraction and impregnated with a spermicidal substance. The sponge is inserted into the vagina at the cervix about a day before sexual intercourse and removed no later than 30 hours after that. Thus, it combines barrier and chemical methods of protection.

Chemical method

The chemical method means the introduction of substances that are harmful to sperm - spermicides. The most important spermicides, on the basis of which the mass was developed modern drugs, are nonoxynol and benzalkonium chloride, which reduce the activity and even completely destroy sperm, making fertilization impossible.

There are now many tools available various forms, which are inserted into the vagina a certain time before sexual intercourse. Active substances begin to act in advance, making the cervical mucus thicker so that it is difficult for sperm to penetrate into it. In addition, they create a protective film on the mucous membrane, protecting against the development of infection.

If it was not possible to resort to contraception in time, non-hormonal birth control pills can also be used after unprotected sex - this will significantly reduce the likelihood of pregnancy and the occurrence of infectious diseases (however, only a condom can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections).

Spermicides act exclusively locally - this is the safety of their use even during breastfeeding. In addition, they moisturize the vaginal mucosa, acting as a lubricant. The disadvantages are:

  • low reliability;
  • inconvenient to use (you need to calculate exact time before sexual intercourse);
  • sometimes a burning sensation in the woman and her partner;
  • cannot be used frequently (the composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted);
  • After sex, you should not take a shower or bath for a certain time (this will reduce spermicidal properties).

Due to its relatively low effectiveness, this method of contraception is best chosen as additional protection or when ovarian activity decreases (during lactation, at the beginning of menopause).

It is optimal to use it in conjunction with condoms: spermicides will enhance protection against infections, protect against damage to the condom, and also act as a lubricant.

Chemical contraception usually comes in the following forms:

  • candles;
  • cream;
  • foam;
  • films;
  • jelly;
  • tampons;
  • balloons.

Which one to choose depends on the situation and type of drug:

  • the most famous drug is Pharmatex, it is produced in various options, the most long-term action(up to 24 hours) tampons have;
  • Patentex Oval and Conceptrol in the form of suppositories are administered 10 minutes before intimacy;
  • Gynekotex - vaginal tablets, having antibacterial effect and valid for 4 hours after administration;
  • Benatex gel will help relieve inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Thus, in different situations can be used different drugs: Genikotex is optimal in case of unprotected sex with a new partner, Benatex - for colpitis, if everything is in order and the woman is more or less confident in her partner, then Pharmatex, Patentex Oval or Coceptrol are suitable. Whatever medications are chosen, it is important to follow the instructions exactly and not hygiene procedures certain time after intimacy.

By the way, it was at the creation unfavorable environment the majority is based on sperm folk remedies. Many recipes advise women to introduce an acidic solution into the vagina by douching. It is better to ignore such advice - commercial spermicides are much more reliable and safer.

Hormonal agents

Conventional oral contraceptives should not be used if you have irregular sex life. What hormonal pills are rarely used? There are so-called emergency or post-coital remedies that are created specifically in case of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Having taken pills after unprotected sex, a woman can practically not worry about the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy, however large doses hormones often have an adverse effect on the body: one tablet can cause painful menstruation and on long months disrupt the normal menstrual cycle. That is why such contraception is called emergency - it is created for use in exceptional, extremely rare cases, it is better not to resort to it more than twice a year.

Single-use hormonal tablets most often contain levonorgestrel - synthetic analogue progesterone. It has the following effects on the reproductive system:

  • delayed ovulation;
  • thickening of cervical mucus;
  • thinning of the uterine endometrium.

If the drug is taken on time, then pregnancy is practically excluded - even if ovulation has occurred and fertilization has occurred, the egg will not be able to attach.

The drug should be taken as quickly as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse: no later than three days later, the first tablet is taken, then after 12 hours - the second. Taking two tablets at once just to be on the safe side can be life-threatening - high doses of hormones can cause thrombosis and other terrible consequences.

Emergency hormonal contraception most often causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • pain and engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • headache;
  • feeling tired.

It must be taken into account that the contraceptive effect of the pill may decrease after vomiting and severe diarrhea. You need to carefully study the instructions for contraindications, possible interactions with other medications and side effects.

Another common group is tablets based on mifepristone, a progestogen antagonist. This means that this substance blocks the action of the hormone progesterone, as a result of which the fertilized egg cannot attach to the endometrium, and in large dosages, contractions of the uterus occur, expelling it. Mifepristone and medicines based on it (Gynepristone) are taken within 72 hours after unprotected contact to protect against unwanted pregnancy, and even to terminate pregnancy (in very high doses, no later than 42 days of delay, strictly under the supervision of a doctor)

is a very reliable remedy, but has a strong effect on a woman’s health, despite the fact that it cannot be considered hormonal agent(in fact, this substance is only a hormone blocker), so its use unless absolutely necessary is unacceptable. In case of heavy bleeding and pain, it is better to consult a specialist. Strong post-coital medications should never be used as regular contraception.

Whatever remedy you choose, the main thing is to take care of your health in a timely manner. It would be optimal to combine barrier and chemical methods contraception, since they can perfectly complement each other, protecting against pregnancy and infections. Moreover, these funds local application and do not have a negative effect on the body.

Whenever discomfort after unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as if you suspect pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

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