It hurts during menstruation. Causes of severe pain during menstruation. How to alleviate the condition. Consequences of painful menstruation

Most often, painful periods are primary dysmenorrhea, that is, unpleasant sensations do not arise due to illness, but on their own. If you are healthy, but you are in pain, then prostaglandins are to blame for your discomfort - these are mediators that increase sensitivity pain receptors. They are produced in the lining of the uterus during menstruation. Because of them, the uterus contracts in order to remove blood and endometrium faster.

When there are a lot of prostaglandins and the uterus contracts strongly, pain appears in the lower abdomen, which resembles cramps.

Sometimes back pain is added to these sensations. Prostaglandins also influence the contraction of smooth muscles in organs gastrointestinal tract, so these substances are responsible for nausea and diarrhea during menstruation.

What other reasons cause pain?

If the pain begins suddenly, then you need to examine the genitourinary system and organs that are located nearby. Maybe, real reason discomfort- diseases such as:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Inflammation Bladder(cystitis).
  3. Myomas, fibromas and other tumors.
  4. Inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs.
  5. Intestinal diseases.

With painful periods, any of these diseases can be associated with increased production of prostaglandins. Therefore, if the pain is stronger than usual, it lasts longer three days, the cycle has been disrupted, unusual discharge has appeared, or, consult a doctor with these symptoms.

What tests should I take to understand that this is not a dangerous disease?

You need an examination by a gynecologist (at the same time, the doctor can take smears, including for hidden ones), and also ultrasonography pelvic organs.

This is enough to draw conclusions about health and treat either illness or dysmenorrhea.

If during the examination the doctor finds nothing, and the pain during menstruation is severe, does not go away with bleeding, and the prescribed treatment does not help, then an exploratory operation will be required to find or exclude endometriosis.

Why does it hurt me, but my friend endures menstruation without problems?

You were unlucky. No one can say for sure why some women have heavier periods than others. This is a feature of the body that needs to be dealt with.

What pills can you use to save yourself?

First aid - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs. These are fairly safe painkillers, sold without a prescription and in a variety of combinations.

Anti-inflammatory drugs do more than just numb the pain. They reduce the production of prostaglandins, the very ones that are to blame for everything.

There is no point in immediately rushing for products with a complex composition. Regular ibuprofen may help. There are more strong drugs- indomethacin, ketoprofen. All drugs have contraindications. Women who have stomach diseases need to be especially careful. To take NSAIDs in these cases, you need to consult a doctor who will select the drug.

But antispasmodics help with dysmenorrhea worse (if they help at all), because they do not affect the cause of the pain.

Will birth control pills help?

Hormonal oral medications create an artificial menstrual cycle with its own hormonal background. At the same time, the endometrium becomes thinner so that a fertilized egg cannot attach to it. And since this layer is thinner, there are fewer prostaglandins in it. Therefore often birth control pills prescribed for painful periods Painful menstrual periods.

If your doctor recommends pills, try to choose modern drugs with minimal side effects and check if you have any contraindications.

Therapy is not limited to tablets: hormonal IUDs or perform the same tasks.

How to treat, besides pills?

There are methods that help make it easier to endure pain during menstruation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure that they will help: everyone has their own reactions. Try everything one by one, focus on your own state and listen to the sensations.

  1. Warm. The best option- climb under the blanket and sit with a mug of hot tea, you can even apply a heating pad to your lower abdomen, but this is not always possible. If you need to leave the house and do business, dress warmly. Choose clothes that don't create discomfort in the abdominal area: tight jeans and belts that cut into the body will last a few days. A warm shower works too.
  2. Sport. You need to play sports for prevention, and when it becomes difficult, do light muscle exercises and stretching.
  3. Acupuncture. There is no evidence that such alternative medicine works. But at least the procedures distract from the pain.
  4. Relaxing massage. It distracts from unpleasant sensations and is generally beneficial for the body and mind, which also needs to rest sometimes. Massage your abdomen, stroking it clockwise in the area where pain is felt.
  5. Comfortable position. If you can lie down, try to raise your legs higher or lie on your side with your knees bent.
  6. To give up smoking. You need to quit for good, and not just for those days when you feel pain.
  7. Vitamins and microelements. This is also not an absolutely reliable method, but it is possible that supplements with vitamins B6, B1, E, magnesium and calcium will help you Menstrual cramps: Lifestyle and home remedies.

Is it possible to get rid of pain once and for all?

Not as long as you're on your period. Although there are surgical operationsPatient education: Painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea) which destroy nerves in the uterus. The effectiveness of such treatment is low, but there are risks.

Will the pain decrease after childbirth?

There are no guarantees that the pain will go away after childbirth, despite the fact that many doctors for some reason recommend childbirth as a remedy for many gynecological problems.

Some women notice that pain decreases with age and after childbirth, but not everyone can count on this. The pain may remain with you until menopause.

Almost all women know that pain often occurs during menstruation. But, you see, the intensity of pain in the same woman varies different months may be different, and sometimes it is not there at all. And sometimes - at least climb up the wall from her. Let's figure out what hurts during menstruation and how it can be avoided.

Anatomy of menstruation

Let's remember anatomy. Every month, one or more eggs mature in a woman’s body. They wait for fertilization, and without waiting for this wonderful event, they move through the tubes to the uterus. The uterus, meanwhile, produces a lot of substance that can help the fertilized egg “attach” to its walls. You understand that at some point in the uterus there is a large number of all kinds of tissues and cells that are “not useful” to the woman’s body in this cycle, and they must be removed from the uterus. This removal is called menstruation; there is an abundant release of blood, and with it all unnecessary biological material.

What hurts?

After an anatomy lesson, it becomes clear why pain during menstruation occurs before it begins and lasts for some time - from 2-4 hours to 2 days. The uterus begins to open to remove unnecessary things. Remember labor pains - pain occurs when the uterus opens. Of course, during menstruation the uterus does not open so much, but still it opens! Muscles press on inner fabrics saturated with nerve endings. It's less sensitive and more painful. After the uterus has opened, an impulsive muscle contraction begins, which expels the blood out. Imagine a rubber bulb, you press on it, water flows out, right? So is the uterus, the muscles press on it, blood comes out. And any pressure brings unpleasant sensations.

Why does it hurt more?

Increased pain during menstruation occurs with certain diseases. If you have nervous soil changed hormonal background, then the uterus can contract stronger or weaker, this affects the level of pain. Also, over the years, a woman may begin to suffer from increased sensitivity to pain. Then even the slightest contraction of the uterus will cause unbearable pain. In this case, you need to see a doctor, he will prescribe correct treatment. But the woman herself must observe basic rules To make it hurt less: don’t be nervous, play sports, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t catch a cold (especially protect your feet from hypothermia).


If the pain begins 3-4 days before menstruation, and then only intensifies, then not only the uterus hurts when muscles are applied to it. This condition is called algomenorrhea, and only a doctor can determine that it hurts during menstruation. Pain can be caused by endometriosis and in this case the entire mucous membrane hurts, not just the cervix. Also often the cause of pain is inflammation of the genital organs. Pain during menstruation can even cause intrauterine device, as well as polyps, peritoneal adhesions. By the way, many women do not even suspect that they have adhesions, thinking that these are standard pains during menstruation. And this is very great danger! When muscles contract, they can have such a strong effect mechanical impact that organs stuck together will cause nagging pain. In the most severe cases, rupture occurs and internal bleeding, which can only be eliminated surgically.

There are women who consider critical days to be the most terrible days in their lives. Dysmenorrhea, or very severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which can only be identified by a gynecologist, simply unsettles women. Such symptoms are not normal, but indicate serious problems with health. You cannot hesitate here; you should consult a doctor for help as soon as possible.

What is the menstrual period

Menstruation, or menstruation, is the process of shedding a certain part of the endometrium, during which bleeding occurs. menstruation is considered the beginning menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman cannot become pregnant. And a woman may experience the most severe pain on the first day of her period. We will consider the reasons below.

During monthly bleeding, intense contraction of the uterine muscles occurs. Vascular spasms occur, which prevents adequate tissue nutrition, and therefore severe pain occurs during menstruation. The reasons here lie in elevated level prostaglandins in the blood. That is, throughout the entire month, the uterus prepares for fertilization of the egg, and its internal cavity covered with small blood vessels, which should nourish the embryo in case of conception. If pregnancy does not occur, then these tissues become unnecessary for the body. He seeks to get rid of them by bleeding.

The situation is reminiscent of a “mini-birth”, where the uterus contracts and tries to push out unnecessary tissue, opening the cervix. Moderate pain is quite acceptable here, but severe pain indicates health problems. You don’t need to endure them and you need to do everything possible to get rid of monthly pain.

Severe pain during menstruation: causes

As a rule, behind such an uncomfortable state lies a number of different factors, these are:

  • disruption of a woman’s hormonal levels;
  • inflammation of the uterus or appendages;
  • endometriosis, including adenomyosis;
  • fibroids (fibroids) or any other formation in the uterus;
  • polyps in the uterine environment;
  • disruption of progesterone production;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

May cause stress and prolonged nervous tension severe pain during menstruation. A specialist will help determine the reasons. So, you should contact a gynecologist if you have prolonged menstruation, which lasts more than seven days and is accompanied by very severe pain. You should go to the doctor if your body temperature rises to 38°C. Symptoms that occur for the first time in a woman are especially alarming.

Type of dysmenorrhea

There are primary and secondary dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). The first occurs as a result of a failure in the production of progesterone. This is a kind of response to the non-fertilization of the egg. A woman experiences pain during the release of an egg from the ovary. In the absence of ovulation, the body begins to rebel and experiences a number of ailments. These are abdominal pain, migraine, dizziness and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, neuropsychological disorder, etc.

Secondary dysmenorrhea occurs if there is a place or appendages. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an inflammatory process. abdominal cavity, pregnancy. There may be consequences surgical intervention, injury or viral disease. Similar ailments are provoked by some methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. For example, a spiral.

Types of ailments

Severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which often indicate health problems, can be different, these are:

  • headache (migraine);
  • unpleasant sensations high blood pressure in the eye area;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • discomfort in the heart;
  • nausea, dizziness and vomiting;
  • excessive sweating;
  • depression, irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • swelling;
  • excessive breast sensitivity;
  • lower back pain;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.).

It has been proven that most women experience some discomfort during menstruation (especially on the first day) between the ages of 13 and 45 years.

About pain syndrome of varying severity

Change chemical composition blood during menstruation affects brain function, which causes migraines. Similar condition may be caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. In order for the body to fully carry out the procedure of cell rejection in menstrual period, it accumulates liquid, which then participates in this process. Causes swelling of the limbs, joints and brain tissue. All this provokes a strong headache during and before menstruation.

Lower abdominal pain

Severe abdominal pain during menstruation, the causes of which are different for each woman, occurs in many people. Moderate pain is considered normal, while severe pain indicates certain gynecological disorders.

Pain in the abdominal area can be mild, moderate or severe. Manifest in the depths of the pelvis as a dull, pulling or pressing pain. They can be constant or pulsating. It is considered normal pain syndrome, which begins to appear before the appearance of critical days and disappears immediately after the end of menstruation.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, the causes of which are often unknown, can occur in combination with migraines and be accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition cannot be considered normal. In this case, you should undergo a full medical examination.

Consequences of painful menstruation

Very severe pain during menstruation, the causes and consequences of which should be identified by a gynecologist, leads to complete loss ability to work. Have an impact on well-being psychological condition women.

Mild and moderate form does not cause complications. Average pain syndrome, provoked by diseases of the genital organs and pathologies, can progress due to the development gynecological disease. In this case, the pain itself does not have any effect on the complication of the symptom.

Menstruation should not be accompanied by very severe pain that deprives a woman of full legal capacity. Treatment for such symptoms is not limited to painkillers, but should also be sought the real reason and eliminate it. Severe pain is debilitating. They are difficult to endure not only physically, but also emotionally, because it causes harm nervous system. In addition, the constant use of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers causes addiction and a number of side effects.

Very painful critical days signal a serious problem in the body. It is simply necessary to treat such periods.

Diagnosis of painful menstruation

Severe pain during menstruation, the causes and treatment of which can be determined by correct diagnosis, is a real problem for women. To begin with, the lady should visit her gynecologist, who can prescribe the following:

  • hormone analysis;
  • performing a pelvic ultrasound;
  • laparoscopy;
  • curettage to examine intrauterine material;
  • general clinical examination;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

In addition, a woman should constantly keep a diary monthly cycle and a calendar of critical days. All the symptoms that were present during this period are entered there. Duration of menstruation, abundance. All this helps to establish the severity of the disease. The specialist may also advise you to undergo examination by a neurologist, psychotherapist and osteopath. Often, at the end of the examination, a diagnosis of algomenorrhea is made. Depending on the severity, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of menstrual pain

Menstrual pain affects 90% of women aged 18 to 35 years. Such pain is often intense, so timely administration of an effective analgesic helps patients restore the rhythm of life and completely eliminate menstrual pain.

Dialrapid is a fast-acting analgesic that eliminates pain of any intensity. Potassium bicarbonate acts as a pH buffer, ensuring the drug is completely dissolved in water, and subsequently creating a microenvironment around active substance- potassium diclofenac. It is this microenvironment that promotes accelerated absorption and helps the drug to be completely absorbed by the body. Dialrapid shows a pronounced effect in the first 5 minutes after application. The powder is absorbed by the body almost as quickly as an injection, and unlike tablet analogues, it has a high peak plasma concentration.

Folk remedies that can reduce pain

Very severe pain during menstruation, the causes of which lie in diseases of a number of organs, can be eliminated by traditional medicine.

The pain symptom will help to remove. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of the herb into a mug (300 ml) of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Take 50 mg every hour and reduce the dose as the pain subsides.

Severe pain before menstruation, the causes of which are individual for each woman, can be relieved by water pepper. Two tablespoons of the plant are poured with half a liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is boiled over fire for another 10 minutes. Before use herbal infusion need to cool and strain. Take 100 grams three times a day.

Collecting the following herbs will help relieve pain: knotweed, centaury, horsetail, in a ratio of 1:3:1:5. Here a tablespoon of the mixture is steamed in a glass boiled water. They insist for an hour. Drink one sip at a time

Elecampane root helps cope with pain. Pour a teaspoon of boiled water into a glass, wait an hour, and filter. Take a tablespoon in the morning, lunch and evening.

These and others folk recipes are able to overcome menstrual pain, so they cannot be discounted.

Preventive measures

Severe pain during menstruation causes many problems. How to treat it without medications and what to do so that such a symptom does not bother you in the future? So, the following measures help eliminate the cause and have a preventive effect on the body:

  • Correct daily routine.
  • Full sleep.
  • Physical exercise, including swimming.
  • Diet menu with a predominance of raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Use required quantity water, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • Refusal bad habits(alcohol and cigarettes).
  • Relaxation and relief from stress and depression.
  • Yoga, acupuncture, massage, electrophoresis with novocaine.
  • Soothing Herb tea.
  • Bath with essential oils.

Such events will have the best impact on a woman’s health, her well-being and will reduce the pain of menstruation. They can relieve such discomfort forever.


“Why does the lower abdomen hurt during menstruation?” is a question that every woman should know the answer to.

It can only be given by a specialist who has scientific information.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt during menstruation and what to do?

With the advent of menstruation, girls begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen and use it to determine the time of their onset. Here it is important to know why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation and whether you should worry about it.

This may have physiological roots, but may be associated with some disease. Let's start by figuring out why menstruation can be painful and difficult.

Causes of menstrual pain

A huge number of women during these few days, when menstruation passes, suffer from pain and feel unwell. Where does pain come from?

This inflammatory reaction, the release of special substances of an inflammatory nature that provoke painful sensations in the lower abdomen above the pubis.

As a rule, it is typical for menstruation that women have a stomach ache and swelling occurs at this moment, because the hormonal levels change and a lot of the hormone progesterone is produced.

arise increased appetite, bad mood. Menstruation makes you feel worse. This is pain premenstrual syndrome(PMS). Doctors call menstruation a “scheduling nightmare.”

During menstrual bleeding A woman’s natural protective mechanism is triggered, which helps to spasm the blood vessels so that blood does not flow all the time.

This mechanism has a name - the release of prostaglandins, special substances that spasm blood vessels.

Essentially, pain is related to prostaglandins. It's simple: prostaglandins were released - the blood vessels spasmed. Pain causes this spasm.

It turns out that with this pain nature protects a woman from large blood loss. And she feels heaviness and discomfort.

Menstrual pain associated with menstruation can be of different types.

  1. Often young girls appear nagging pain in the stomach, which make themselves felt before and during menstruation. They may persist until pregnancy.
  2. When the uterus is bent, hypersensitivity nerve plexuses on which it puts pressure, a woman may experience prolonged aching pain in a stomach. They radiate in the lower back.
  3. The result is great physical activity may occur at the beginning of menstruation Blunt pain in the form of a feeling of heaviness that lasts no more than a day.
  4. A woman may experience paroxysmal severe pain during menstruation. Here you need to consult a gynecologist. Why? This pain is characterized by intense contraction of the uterus, spasms of the bladder and intestines. This indicates violations of these systems.
  5. Menstruation may differ sharp pain. In general, severe pain in any part of the body is a sign of some kind of disease. In this case, these are violations reproductive system or inflammatory, infectious diseases.

It should be noted that during menstruation, the legs and lower back may hurt, nausea, weakness, and diarrhea may appear.

In addition to physiologically caused menstrual pain, algomenorrhea may occur in 30-year-old women against the background of an increase in the hormone estrogen. There are two reasons for pain in this case.

Some are related to a woman’s anatomical personality and hormonal changes. The second may be caused by inflammation of the cyst, endometriosis, or intrauterine device. There may be heavy bleeding during your period.

How to get rid of painful periods

Your periods may be more comfortable. Prostaglandin blockers – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – will help do this.

These include over-the-counter drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen, voltaren, nurofen, paracetamol.

They relieve inflammation, and most importantly, they block prostaglandins, resulting in reduced spasm and pain.

They also interfere with the function of platelets, which form a clot and stop bleeding.

Women who have a tendency to bleed, for example, hereditary ones, or who take blood thinning medications due to poor blood clotting, are contraindicated with drugs in this group.

Those who have hypertonic disease, drugs in this group will constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Also, the ban on these medications is associated with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

In fact serious cases at severe pain The gynecologist prescribes prescription drugs.

In addition to medications, you can take herbal teas and infusions. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

When choosing herbal collection you need to ensure that they contain herbs with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

These are St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, motherwort, and daisy flowers. They give the greatest effect compared to other herbs. You should start drinking them a few days before the start of your period.

Also, when a woman has severe stomach pain, it is recommended to use a relatively hot heating pad to relax the lower part of the stomach so that it does not hurt.

The warmth should be comfortable. This good prevention pain.

In case of algodismenorrhea, contraceptives will help relieve severe abdominal pain and normalize the state of hormones. But you shouldn’t prescribe them to yourself.

Only a gynecologist, after examining and confirming the diagnosis, will prescribe an effective contraceptive drug that is optimal for your case.

Diseases that cause pain

Severe abdominal pain during menstruation may be associated with serious illnesses. In this case, the help from drugs that relieve pain during its normal course will be temporary.

Treatment of these diseases is required. Let's consider what diseases can cause such pain.


Cystitis is a very unpleasant disease. During menstruation, its symptoms intensify. These, in turn, aggravate menstrual pain. It becomes not only strong in the lower abdomen, but also spreads to the lumbar region.

If you never paid attention to any painful sensations before your period, then worsening the pain will help you pay attention to them.

These are manifestations of cystitis that require treatment. These include pain when urinating, pain, itching in the vagina, and headaches. The temperature may rise.

If you have such symptoms, you should contact a urologist. It is important that cystitis does not develop into chronic form. Moreover, it is easy to treat if you start on time.

Usually, to clarify the diagnosis, a urine test is taken and ultrasound examination organs genitourinary system.

After diagnosis, prescribe drug treatment antibacterial drugs.

You will also need to give up fatty and spicy foods during this time.

If you contact a urologist in a timely manner, you will solve the problem with two components - restore the health of the genitourinary system, and reduce pain during menstruation.


In a woman on her critical days, this disease causes severe pain and heavy periods. My lower back begins to tighten and my stomach hurts a lot. Brown discharge may appear.

To understand that severe pain is caused by this disease, you need to know the symptoms. This disease is characterized by delays in menstruation, nausea and vomiting, intestinal problems and bladder, as well as very strong intense pain.

They may be achy or contraction-like. Their strengthening is associated with a large amount of endometrial cell output.

When contacting a gynecologist, a special diagnosis is prescribed, including ultrasound examination, computed tomography, laparoscopy.

Depending on the result of the examination, it may be prescribed hormone therapy or surgery. Endometriosis – insidious disease, in which it is very difficult for a woman to become pregnant.

Therefore, if you observe the listed symptoms, you need to undergo examination.

Inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages is of an infectious-inflammatory nature. The body becomes hypothermic and picks up a sexually transmitted infection.

As with endometriosis, this disease during exacerbation is manifested by intense pain, concentrated on the right and left.

It can be aching, pulling, sometimes acute, it is a “harbinger” of menstruation, and often goes away the next day. Other symptoms resemble endometriosis and cystitis. This is a burning sensation in the vagina, painful urination, heat. It may make you feel sick.

The discharge is either large or scanty. The diagnosis is made after undergoing an examination. Treatment is prescribed in the form antibacterial therapy. Suppositories are also recommended for local treatment.


The presence of an ovarian cyst can be suspected when an exacerbation of intolerable pain occurs during menstruation. It has the character of constancy or periodicity.

The location of the pain is determined by the location of the cyst on one of the ovaries. There are also other signs of this disease.

An ovarian cyst is characterized painful sensation during intimacy long delays menstruation, painful sensations when urinating, abdominal enlargement - more on a certain side, hirsutism.

When you notice these signs, undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis using ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then depending on the size of the cyst, treatment is prescribed. hormonal treatment or surgery.

Surgery can always be avoided if the disease is detected at the very beginning. Large cysts and large numbers of them can only be removed surgically.

In addition to the serious diseases considered, it is necessary to take into account an additional range of causes, causing pain during menstruation.

These are abortions, violations thyroid gland, developmental anomalies, magnesium and calcium deficiency, neoplasms, low sensitivity threshold, low activity. They also require a medical opinion.

There are signs that make it easy to understand when you need it urgently medical checkup and treatment. These include:

  • obviously severe symptoms associated with inflammatory processes. This is a violation of the temperature regime, increased sweating and palpitations, discharge with a strong odor during menstruation;
  • very severe abdominal pain with heavy discharge and weight loss within a few days;
  • itching, burning sensation in the vaginal area and during urination.

Thus, minor pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is physiologically caused and is considered absolutely normal.

You should be concerned when acute, prolonged, unbearable pain occurs in combination with the symptoms of serious illnesses discussed in the article, when without medical care there's simply no way around it.

Useful video

They say that the ancestor Eve is to blame for women's ailments - painful childbirth and menstruation. She managed to snatch the forbidden fruit, and even incite Adam to commit an ungodly act! This is why, as history testifies, the creator commanded the entire female sex not only to give birth in pain, but also to lose blood with pain every month.

This, of course, is also the question of why the entire weaker sex takes the rap for the sin of Eve alone. But, one way or another, the problem of painful periods confronts seven out of ten women almost from the very beginning of menstruation.

Causes of pain during menstruation

If we ignore the biblical story, there can be several reasons for pain during menstruation.
One of them is a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. Another, more common in women of mature age, is the presence of fibroids, fibroids or endometriosis.

In addition, various types of pain cause menstruation inflammatory processes in the pelvis, as well as genital infections.

In cases where the source of pain is not associated with severe lesions reproductive organs And infectious diseases, physiological discomfort during menstruation can be significantly reduced with the help of traditional painkillers or using folk remedies.

Folk remedies for pain during menstruation

Among the recipes folk remedies To get rid of pain during menstruation, teas are most often found on medicinal herbs, decoctions of chamomile and oregano, as well as an infusion of the so-called red brush. This is such a traditional “female” herb, used in ancient times by healers in villages to treat heavy and painful menstruation. In addition, in such cases, following a certain diet and some pleasant indulgences in food also help to achieve the goal and cope with pain during menstruation.

Herbal tea against period pain

If monthly natural process cleansing reproductive organs passes with pain, then the first thing you need to do is put a taboo on yourself. Well, or at least significantly reduce consumption, especially a few days before the start of your period.

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Folk remedies for gout - treatment with traditional methods

It would be good to start drinking tea brewed from the mixture in advance medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and mint. This tea has both antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative properties. For fun taste sensations You can drink herbal tea with lemon and honey - it’s time to pamper yourself, even with such trifles.

Classic black tea against period pain

An excellent proven remedy for painful periods is black, strong, freshly brewed tea, sweet to the point of cloying and very hot. It is better to drink it reclining in bed, placing a warm heating pad on your lower abdomen.

Chocolate against period pain

Dark chocolate has the inexplicable property of relieving cramping pain during menstruation. Although there is a plausible explanation: eating is accompanied by an increase in the level of happiness hormones - endorphins. These are the ones that provide the analgesic effect. Therefore, eat chocolate during your period as much as you like - today you can not give a damn about your waist.

And in general, some people manage to lose up to five or six kilograms of weight!

Bananas against period pain

By the way, you can dip a banana in dark chocolate dissolved in a water bath or in honey - the amount of endorphins in the blood will definitely go off scale.

Cognac against pain during menstruation

Just don’t get carried away with this product! Overdo it, and it will get even worse if it also adds to painful periods. Experts say that to eliminate discomfort in the lower abdomen during menstruation, 50-70 grams of cognac is enough.

However, remember that it is better not to even get cognac from the bar if you are using antispasmodics, sedatives or painkillers.

Other effective ways to deal with period pain

Very often, painful periods occur in those who move little. Not everyone works as a fitness instructor; some work in the accounting department working on numbers!

To some extent, you can reduce the risk of painful periods by doing at least ten to fifteen minutes a day of at least some semblance of physical exercise.