What is the difference between Buserelin Long and Depot, side effects. Buserelin Long: instructions for use of an antitumor agent Instructions for use and dosage regimen

This page provides a list of all analogues of Buserelin-Long by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • Most cheap analogue Buserelin-Long:
  • The most popular analogue of Buserelin-Long:
  • ATX classification: Buserelin
  • Active ingredients/composition: buserelin

Cheap analogues of Buserelin-Long

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 triptorelin
1919 RUR 134 UAH
2 triptorelin
Similar in indication and method of use
2617 RUR 893 UAH
3 goserelin
Similar in indication and method of use
3200 rub. 750 UAH
4 buserelin acetate
Analogue in composition and indication
3285 RUR 1850 UAH
5 triptorelin acetate
Similar in indication and method of use
5420 rub. --

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Buserelin-Long the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Buserelin-Long

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Buserelin-Long

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates substitutes Buserelin-Long, is the most suitable because they have the same composition of active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Analogues by indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
leuprorelin -- --
leuprorelin -- --
RUB 16,753 2437 UAH
leuprorelin RUB 16,753 2437 UAH
leuprorelin -- --
leuprorelin 7875 RUR 1926 UAH
goserelin 3200 rub. 750 UAH
triptorelin 2617 RUR 893 UAH
triptorelin 8076 RUR 1915 UAH
triptorelin 1919 RUR 134 UAH
triptorelin acetate 5420 rub. --

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of the drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym medicine, pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Buserelin-Long price

On the websites below you can find prices for Buserelin-Long and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Buserelin-Long instructions

on the use of the drug

Lyophilisate for preparing a suspension for intramuscular injection long-acting, containing 3.75 mg buserelin.

pharmachologic effect
Pharmacotherapeutic group:
antitumor agent, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue.

Buserelin-long, indications for use
Hormone-dependent prostate cancer;
Mammary cancer;
Endometriosis (pre- and postoperative period s);
Uterine fibroids;
Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
Treatment of infertility (during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program).

Lactation period;
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Directions for use and doses
For hormone-dependent prostate cancer, Buserelin-long is administered at a dose of 3.75 mg (1 injection) intramuscularly (IM) every 4 weeks. In the treatment of endometriosis and endometrial hyperplastic processes, the drug is administered in a dose of 3.75 mg intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment is 4 - 6 months. When treating uterine fibroids, Buserelin-long is administered at a dose of 3.75 mg intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment - 3 months before surgery, in other cases - 6 months; 2 When treating infertility using in vitro fertilization (IVF) Buserelin-long administered in a dose of 3.75 mg (1 injection) intramuscularly once at the beginning of the follicular phase (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21 - 24 days) of the menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After blockade of pituitary function, confirmed by a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood serum by at least 50% of the initial level (usually determined 12 to 15 days after injection of Buserelin-long), in the absence of ovarian cysts (according to ultrasound), the thickness of the endometrium is not more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation begins with gonadotropic hormones under ultrasound monitoring and control of the level of estradiol in the blood serum.

Side effects
Allergic reactions: urticaria, skin hyperemia, rarely - angioedema.
From the side of the central nervous system: frequent change mood, sleep disorders, depression, headache.
From the outside musculoskeletal system: with long-term use - demineralization of bones, which is a risk of developing osteoporosis.
In women - headache, depression, sweating and changes in libido, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, pain in the lower abdomen, rarely - menstrual bleeding (during the first weeks of treatment).
In men, during the treatment of prostate cancer - during the first 2 - 3 weeks after the first injection, buserelin can cause exacerbation and progression of the underlying disease (associated with stimulation of the synthesis of gonadotropins and, accordingly, testosterone), gynecomastia, possible “hot flashes”, increased sweating and decreased potency (rarely requires discontinuation of therapy), transient increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood, urinary retention, “renal edema” - swelling of the face, eyelids, legs; muscle weakness in lower limbs. When patients with prostate cancer begin treatment, they may experience a temporary increase in bone pain; in this case, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. Isolated cases of ureteral obstruction and spinal cord compression have been noted.
Other: in isolated cases (the cause-and-effect relationship has not been clearly established) - thromboembolism pulmonary artery, dyspeptic disorders.

special instructions
In women, patients with any form of depression should be under close medical supervision during treatment with the drug. Ovulation induction should be performed under strict medical supervision. IN initial stage Treatment with the drug may cause the development of ovarian cysts. 5 Before starting treatment, it is recommended to rule out pregnancy and stop taking hormonal contraceptives, however, during the first two months of using the drug, it is necessary to use other (non-hormonal) methods of contraception. After cessation of treatment, ovarian function is restored. The first menstruation resumes after 3 months. In men With a purpose effective prevention possible side effects In the first phase of the drug's action, it is necessary to use antiandrogens two weeks before the first injection of Buserelin-long and for two weeks after the first injection.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to patients potentially engaged in dangerous species activities that require increased attention and speed of mental and motor reactions.

Drug interactions
The simultaneous use of the drug "Buserelin-long" with drugs containing sex hormones (for example, in the mode of ovulation induction) may contribute to the occurrence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. At simultaneous use Buserelin-long may reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents.

Currently, no cases of overdose have been reported.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

Buserelin is used for complex treatment hormone-dependent malignant tumors in men and women. This product is available in the form of a nasal spray or solution for intramuscular injections. In the pharmacy, the medicine may be called: “Buserelin-depot”, “Buserelin-long” or simply “Buserelin”. This synthetic analogue natural gonadotropin-releasing hormone is especially helpful in the treatment of endometriosis (the main complication of which is infertility).

Combination of a course of conservative treatment with Buserelin with surgical intervention for endometriosis, it significantly reduces blood loss during surgery and its duration. During the recovery period, the use of these hormones suppresses the development of remaining foci of inflammation, improves the processes of tissue repair and regeneration.

Pregnancy after Buserelin depot or long can occur in 2-4 months. In addition to endometriosis, Buserelin is used in the treatment of prostate cancer in men, breast cancer in women, and uterine fibroids.

Comparison of types of drugs produced

Buserelin Long and Depot - the difference can be seen in the comparative table. And what form is best to choose for successful treatment, only the attending physician can say.


Active substance:
Treatment method:

Intramuscular injections

Nasal spray
  • dark glass bottle;
  • solvent in ampoule;
  • syringe with two needles.
17.5 ml dark glass bottle with sprayer
Buserelin acetate:
  • lactic and glycolic acids;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • mannitol;
  • polysorbate-80.
benzalkonium chloride and water for injection
Solvent: 0.8% Mannitol solutionin 1 ml water for injectionin 2 ml water for injection

Requires a doctor's prescription

Storage conditions:

Temperature no more than 25°C

Shelf life:Bottle with lyophilisate – no more than 2 years

Ampoule with solvent – ​​3 years

Bottle with lyophilisate – no more than 3 years

Ampoule with solvent – ​​5 years

Up to 3 years

Each drug is developed and manufactured according to certain technologies and principles. The substances included in its composition may, in combination with other pharmaceuticals give undesirable results. Preparations containing buserelin cannot be used in parallel with medications that lower blood sugar levels and sex hormones (when stimulating ovulation).

For what diseases can Buserelin be prescribed?

Treatment with this drug is carried out when pathological diseases reproductive system:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • hyperplastic changes in the endometrium;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • mammary cancer;
  • prostate cancer.

The drug Buserelin has proven itself well in the treatment of infertility using in vitro fertilization. It suppresses the work of the woman’s hormonal system and makes it possible to artificially control the processes of egg maturation, fertilization and implantation in the uterus. This helps a woman to become pregnant successfully.

What happens in the body under the influence of Buserelin

Buserelin is a synthetic analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (abbreviated as GnRH). It is a stimulating hormone and effectively stimulates the pituitary gland. The active work of this endocrine gland turns off the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and completely stops ovulation in women. During treatment, the content of estradiol in the blood is very low - at the level of post-menopausal values, and physical and psychological condition patients corresponds to a period of sexual decline (mood swings, hot flashes and palpitations).

Under what circumstances is the medicine contraindicated?

The drug Buserelin cannot be taken independently (without a doctor’s prescription). The doctor will definitely check the amount of hormones in the blood and conduct ultrasound examination internal organs and other necessary tests.

A hormonal drug containing the substance buserelin is not prescribed if:

  • The woman is pregnant. Using the medicine while carrying a child can lead to a delay in the development of the embryo or miscarriage. Immediately after childbirth, you should also not undergo treatment if the woman is breastfeeding. The drug has the ability to penetrate into milk and affect the baby.
  • A woman has entered menopause.
  • The patient is experiencing a period of depression. Taking Buserelin can worsen the psychological state.
  • Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. In these diseases, blood vessels become fragile and cannot withstand additional stress.
  • The patient has not reached puberty (so as not to destroy the developing hormonal background).
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How does the body as a whole react to treatment?

The brain controls all processes within a person, producing certain hormones. Any interference in this complex process causes deviations in the functioning of all organs. That is why Buserelin is taken only under the supervision of a doctor: in order to monitor and promptly minimize negative manifestations. Patients describe such side effects:

Among womenIn men
Depression, insomnia, tearfulnessExacerbation and intensification of the underlying disease, severe bone pain
HeadacheMuscle weakness in the legs
Vaginal drynessUrinary retention
Decreased sexual desireDecreased potency
Bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding (in the first weeks of use); pain in the lower abdomenGynecomastia (breast enlargement)
TidesSwelling of the legs, face
Increased sweating
Hyperemia (redness) of the skin
Urticaria and others allergic reactions(up to anaphylactic shock)
Leaching of calcium from bones (leads to osteoporosis)
High blood pressure and tachycardia (with weak vessels nosebleeds may occur)
The sense of smell deteriorates, vision becomes unclear and blurry
Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation
Loss of appetite (causes noticeable fluctuations in weight)

Buserelin nasal spray

Endometriosis is most often treated with drops. They have more affordable price than that of the drug for intramuscular administration. Daily norm(900 mcg) is divided into three doses. From one spray, the body receives 150 mcg of medication. The dosage regimen is as follows: one injection into each nostril three times a day. The nose must be clean so that all the medication reaches its intended destination. A runny nose is not a contraindication to treatment. The main thing is to keep your sinuses clean and open. To preliminary cleanse the nose of accumulated mucus, you can use saline solutions.

The main disadvantage of this form of administration is the exact adherence to time intervals. Between doses (injections) can take from 6 to 8 hours. Even your night's rest will have to be adjusted to accommodate your medication dosing schedule. The course lasts 3-6 months and, according to patients, requires a lot of patience and self-discipline.

Use of the drug in ampoules

In the form of injections, Buserelin therapy follows a simpler scheme than a spray: an intramuscular injection is given every 28 days. For each diagnosis, there is a specific method of taking the drug:

  • If treatment is being carried out for endometriosis, uterine fibroids or endometrial hyperplastic processes, the first injection is given between 1 and 5 days from the start of menstruation. Subsequent injections are given at intervals of 4 weeks. The course of therapy is from 3 to 6 months.
  • Men with prostate cancer and women with breast cancer are prescribed injections according to a similar scheme.
  • When treating infertility or in preparation for IVF, the first injection can be done on the second day of the cycle (the follicular phase is just beginning) or in the period from 21 to 24 days (the luteal phase in the middle). 2 weeks after the administration of the medication, the amount of estrogen in the blood plasma is reduced by half, and if an ultrasound examination does not show problems in the uterus and ovaries in the form of a cyst, the doctor prescribes stimulation of the ovulation process (gonadotropic hormones are used). This complex procedure is performed under ultrasound monitoring. During therapy, the level of estradiol is constantly monitored, and the doctor can change the dose of Buserelin depending on the situation.

How to prepare solution for injection

The pharmaceutical packaging of the drug for intramuscular administration contains a pair of bottles and a syringe with two needles. One bottle contains the drug, and the second contains the solvent. Needles are needed: one for mixing the medicine, the other for injection. The solvent is drawn up with a syringe and injected into the capsule with the main suspension. The mixture should be shaken thoroughly and the drug should be allowed to completely dissolve. The needle on the syringe is then changed and the injection can be performed.

The medication is prepared immediately before administration into the body strictly according to the instructions. To avoid accidents when intramuscular injection, the injection should be given in a treatment room.

Buserelin is a drug used to combat malignant tumors. The drug is used if the growth of the tumor depends on the production of hormones. In the treatment of such tumors, synthetic analogues of pituitary releasing hormones are used. Buserelin is one of these analogues natural hormones. Buserelin Long is a prolonged form of the drug. Because of long acting it is used once every few weeks.

In contact with

Composition of the drug

The medicinal substance of the drug is Buserelin acetate. The medicine also contains copolymer compounds of lactic and glycolic acids, sodium carmellose, polysorbate-80 and d-mannitol. Busereling Long is produced in powder form. It is diluted in a solvent and administered intramuscularly. The bottle of powder contains 3.75 mg of the active ingredient - Buserelin acetate. One package of Buserelin Long contains a bottle of powder, a solvent in an ampoule, a syringe, 2 needles (for solvent and for injection), 2 napkins and a knife for opening the ampoule.

Medicinal effect of the drug

At the first stage of treatment with the drug, the content of gonadotropins and sex hormones increases. This increase in hormonal levels is temporary.

14 days after the Buserelin Long injection The production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland is blocked. In women, the production of pituitary hormones, which are responsible for the maturation of follicles in the ovaries, stops. As a result, the level of female sex hormones sharply decreases. The estrogen content in young women drops to levels characteristic of menopause. Doctors call this condition medical pseudomenopause.

In men, the effect of the drug leads to sharp fall androgen (male sex hormone) levels. Sex hormone levels drop to the level of the post-castration period. Doctors call this pharmacological castration. Patients need to remember that when treated with Buserelin Long, the decrease in estrogen and androgen levels is reversible. After cessation of therapy, the levels of sex hormones return to normal levels.

For what diseases is the drug used?

Instructions for use Buserelin long talks about the following indications for treatment drug:

  • diseases of the uterus caused by excess estrogen (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia);
  • breast tumors (with intact menstrual function and intact estrogen and progesterone receptors);
  • before and after surgery for endometriosis (the drug reduces endometriotic lesions and the formation of adhesions after surgery);
  • hormone-dependent forms of prostate cancer;
  • before in vitro fertilization (IVF) - the drug suppresses the natural synthesis of estrogen, which makes it possible to create an artificial hormonal status necessary for embryo transfer.

Who should not take Buserelin Long?

Buserelin Long is a potent drug that greatly changes a person’s hormonal status. That's why Not every patient is indicated for this remedy:

Possible side effects when taking the drug

When treated this way strong medicine side effects cannot be excluded.

  • From the central nervous system, dizziness, headache, insomnia, memory loss and absent-mindedness, fatigue are possible. In those suffering depressive disorders possible deterioration of mental state.
  • From the senses, there may be deterioration in hearing and vision, tinnitus, and a feeling of pressure on the eyes.
  • The cardiovascular system may also react to the drug. Possible promotion blood pressure, tachycardia.
  • Manifestations from the digestive organs are expressed in dyspeptic symptoms and loss of appetite.
  • In patients prone to allergies, it is possible skin rashes and itching. Bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, swelling.
  • Very common side effects from the endocrine organs, since the drug is an analogue of pituitary hormones. Many women complain of flushing of the face, increased sweating, decreased libido, pain in the lower abdomen, increased bone fragility, and vaginal dryness. This is due to the ability of Buserelin Long to sharply reduce the level of female sex hormones. In men due to reduced level androgens there is an increase mammary glands(gynecomastia), decreased potency, rare and difficult urination.
  • In patients undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, symptoms may worsen in the first days of treatment with the drug.
  • All side effects are increased by drinking alcohol during the course of treatment.

During therapy with Buserelin Long, changes in the blood test are possible: a decrease in leukocytes and platelets, an increase in glucose levels, changes in the lipid composition of the blood.

Treatment regimen with Buserelin long

This drug is a potent drug, so its use is only permissible as prescribed by a doctor.

In the treatment of malignant tumors of the breast and prostate make 1 injection (3.75 mg) intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. The course of treatment takes long time and is carried out under close medical supervision.

In the treatment of pathologies of the female genital organs associated with excess estrogen (endometriosis, fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia), they also give 1 injection every 4 weeks. According to the instructions for the drug, treatment begins in the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. Therapy before surgery for uterine fibroids should last about 3 months.

Before the IVF procedure The first injection of Buserelin Long is given either on the second day of the menstrual cycle, or from the 21st to the 24th day. Two weeks after the injection, the level of estrogen decreases by 2 times. After this, an ultrasound examination is performed to exclude ovarian cysts. Superovulation is then stimulated using gonadotropic hormones under ultrasound monitoring.

special instructions

The instructions for the drug indicate Features of using Buserelin Long.

Interaction of Buserelin with other drugs

The medicine is not recommended for use together with estrogen drugs. Simultaneous use Buserelin and estrogens can cause ovarian hyperstimulation and cyst formation. Buserelin may reduce the effect of hypoglycemic medications. This should be kept in mind by diabetic patients taking medications.

Many patients are interested in the cost of a bottle of Buserelin Longa. The price of this medicine in pharmacies can range from 3,500 to 5,500 rubles. Analogues of the drug active substance are:

The remedy closest in action is Buserelin depot. Both drugs are generic versions of the same drug.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Buserelin. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Buserelin in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Buserelin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility in women, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

Buserelin- a synthetic analogue of natural GnRH. Competitively binds to the receptors of the cells of the anterior pituitary gland, causing a short-term increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood plasma.

The use of the drug in therapeutic doses leads (on average after 12-14 days) to a complete blockade of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, thus inhibiting the release of LH and FSH. As a result, there is a suppression of the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries and a decrease in the concentration of estradiol (E2) in the blood plasma to postmenopausal values.


Buserelin acetate + excipients.


After subcutaneous administration, buserelin is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is observed in plasma 1 hour after administration. Cumulates in the liver, kidneys, and also in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Metabolized by tissue peptidases. It is excreted in urine and bile unchanged and in the form of metabolites.

When administered intranasally, the drug is completely absorbed through the nasal mucosa. Excreted in small quantities into breast milk.


Hormone-dependent pathology reproductive system caused by absolute or relative hyperestrogenism:

  • endometriosis (pre- and postoperative periods);
  • uterine fibroids;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • infertility treatment (during an in vitro fertilization program);
  • hormone-dependent prostate cancer;
  • mammary cancer.

Release forms

Dosed nasal spray (Buserelin Depot).

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a prolonged-release suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration 3.75 mg (injections in injection ampoules) (Buserelin Long FS).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

Nasal spray

When treating endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplastic processes, the drug is administered into the nasal passages after cleansing them at a dose of 900 mcg per day. Single dose of the drug when the pump is fully pressed is 150 mcg. The daily dose of the drug is administered in equal portions, one injection into each nostril 3 times a day at equal intervals (6-8 hours) in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment with Buserelin should begin on the first or second day of the menstrual cycle and be administered continuously throughout the entire course of treatment. The course of treatment is 4-6 months.

When treating infertility using in vitro fertilization, the drug is administered intranasally, one injection (150 mcg) into each nostril 3-4 times a day at regular intervals. Daily dose 900-1200 mcg. Buserelin is prescribed at the beginning of the follicular phase (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21-24 days) of the menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After 14-17 days, when estradiol in the patients’ blood serum decreases by at least 50% of the initial level, there are no cysts in the ovaries, and the thickness of the endometrium is no more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation with gonadotropic hormones begins under ultrasound monitoring and control of the level of estradiol in the blood serum. If necessary, the dose of Buserelin can be adjusted.

Ampoules Buserelin Depot

For hormone-dependent prostate cancer - 3.75 mg intramuscularly every 4 weeks.

In the treatment of endometriosis, hyperplastic processes of the endometrium - 3.75 mg intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of treatment is 4-6 months.

When treating uterine fibroids - 3.75 mg intramuscularly once every 4 weeks. Treatment should begin in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. The duration of treatment is 3 months before surgery, in other cases - 6 months.

When treating infertility using in vitro fertilization - 3.75 mg IM once at the beginning of the follicular phase (on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle) or in the middle of the luteal phase (21-24 days) of the menstrual cycle preceding stimulation. After blockade of pituitary function, confirmed by a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood serum by at least 50% of the initial level (usually determined 12-15 days after injection of Buserelin Depot), in the absence of cysts in the ovaries (according to ultrasound), the thickness of the endometrium is not more than 5 mm, stimulation of superovulation begins with gonadotropic hormones under ultrasound monitoring and control of the level of estradiol in the blood serum.

Rules for preparing the suspension and administering the drug

The drug is administered only intramuscularly. A suspension for intramuscular injection is prepared using the supplied solvent immediately before administration. The drug should be prepared and administered only by specially trained medical personnel.

The bottle with Buserelin Depot should be kept strictly vertical. By lightly tapping the bottle, you need to ensure that all the lyophilisate is at the bottom of the bottle.

Open the syringe, attach a needle with a pink pavilion (1.2 × 50 mm) to it to withdraw the solvent.

Open the ampoule and draw the entire contents of the ampoule with solvent into the syringe, set the syringe to a dose of 2 ml.

Remove the plastic cap from the bottle containing the lyophilisate. Disinfect the rubber stopper of the bottle with an alcohol swab. Insert the needle into the vial with lyophilisate through the center of the rubber stopper and carefully introduce the solvent along inner wall bottle without touching the needle to the contents of the bottle. Remove the syringe from the bottle.

The bottle should remain motionless until the lyophilisate solvent is completely saturated with the solvent and a suspension is formed (approximately 3-5 minutes). After which, without turning the bottle over, you should check the presence of dry lyophilisate at the walls and bottom of the bottle. If dry residues of the lyophilisate are detected, leave the bottle until completely saturated.

Once there is no remaining dry lyophilisate left, the contents of the bottle should be carefully mixed in a circular motion for 30-60 seconds until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Do not invert or shake the bottle, as this may cause flakes to fall out and the suspension to become unusable.

You need to quickly insert the needle through the rubber stopper into the bottle. Then lower the cut of the needle down and, tilting the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, slowly draw the entire suspension into the syringe. Do not invert the bottle when taking it. A small amount of the drug may remain on the walls and bottom of the bottle. Consumption for the residue on the walls and bottom of the bottle is taken into account.

Immediately replace the needle with a pink pavilion with a needle with a green pavilion (0.8x40 mm), carefully turn the syringe over and remove air from the syringe.

Buserelin Depot suspension should be administered immediately after preparation.

Using an alcohol swab, you need to disinfect the injection site. Insert the needle deep into the gluteal muscle, then pull the syringe plunger back slightly to ensure that there is no damage to the vessel. Inject the suspension intramuscularly slowly with constant pressure on the syringe plunger. If the needle becomes clogged, it is replaced with another needle of the same diameter.

Side effect

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased memory and ability to concentrate;
  • emotional lability;
  • development of depression or worsening of its course;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing and vision impairment (blurred vision);
  • feeling of pressure on the eyeball;
  • “Rushes” of blood to the skin of the face and upper part chest;
  • increased sweating;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • decreased libido;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bone demineralization;
  • menstrual-like bleeding (usually during the first weeks of treatment);
  • heartbeat;
  • increased blood pressure (in patients with arterial hypertension);
  • hives;
  • skin itching;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • bronchospasm;
  • anaphylactic and/or anaphylactoid shock;
  • angioedema;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase or decrease in body weight;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • changes in the lipid spectrum;
  • thrombocytopenia or leukopenia;
  • nosebleeds;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • swelling in the ankles and feet;
  • weakening or increasing hair growth on the head and body;
  • pain in the back, joints;
  • irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • dryness and pain in the nose.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

special instructions

Patients with any form of depression during treatment with Buserelin should be under close medical supervision.

Ovulation induction should be performed under strict medical supervision.

In the initial stage of treatment with the drug, the development of ovarian cysts is possible.

A repeated course of treatment should be started only after a careful assessment of the balance between the expected benefit and the potential risk of developing osteoporosis.

In patients using contact lenses, signs of eye irritation may occur.

Considering the intranasal (nasal spray) method of application, irritation of the nasal mucosa is possible, sometimes - nose bleed. The drug can be used for rhinitis, but before using it, the nasal passages should be cleaned.

Use of the drug Buserelin in combination with surgical treatment in case of endometriosis, it reduces the size of pathological foci and their blood supply, inflammatory manifestations and therefore reduces operative time, and postoperative therapy improves outcomes by reducing postoperative relapse rates and reducing adhesion formation.

The menstrual cycle and restoration of menstruation are observed within 1-2 months after stopping taking Buserelin. At the same time, you can start planning your pregnancy.

If you drink alcohol together with Buserelin, consult your doctor.

For the treatment of prostate cancer, it should not be prescribed to patients after orchiectomy. At the beginning of treatment for prostate cancer, an exacerbation of the disease (usually less than 10 days) is possible, associated with an initial transient increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood (the “flare phenomenon”). In this case, it is possible strong pain in the bones or at the site of the tumor, exacerbation of symptoms (including dysuria). Gain neurological disorders in patients with spinal metastases, it can lead to temporary weakness and paresthesia in the lower extremities. The patient should be warned about the need to continue therapy, despite side effects that decrease or disappear with further treatment.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Buserelin with other drugs containing sex hormones (for example, in ovulation induction mode) may contribute to the occurrence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

With simultaneous use, Buserelin may reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic agents.

Analogues of the drug Buserelin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Buserelin FSintez;
  • Buserelin depot;
  • Buserelin long FS;
  • Buserelin acetate;
  • Suprefact;
  • Superfact depot.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Neoplasms of a malignant nature currently occupy one of the leading places in terms of mortality among the population almost throughout the world. How longer person postpones a visit to the doctor, the more difficult and longer the path to recovery will be. It is in this direction of medicine that the words that lost time are equivalent to life could not be more true.

In the arsenal of modern pharmacology there are currently a lot of medications designed to fight malignant tumors that affect the most different organs human body. For the treatment of hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms, drugs that are analogues of hormones from the hypothalamus (the part of the brain responsible for the functioning of the neuroendocrine system) are widely used today. One of these medications is "Buserelin-Long".

Composition and release forms

As the main active ingredient The drug is buserelin acetate. The auxiliary ingredients in the medication include copolymers of lactic and glycolic acids, polysorbate-80, carmellose sodium, d-mannitol.

Today, the pharmacy chain of the Russian Federation offers its consumers this antitumor drug in two release forms. One is a nasal spray (for administration through the nose), the second is a powdered composition for preparing a solution, which is then administered intramuscularly. Actually, the second form (solution) is called “Buserelin-Long”. Instructions for use contain detailed information on the principle of pharmacological effects on the human body.

Usually in a blister pack, inserted into cardboard box, there is a bottle with a medicine, an ampoule with a solvent, disposable syringe(volume - 5 ml), 2 sterile needles (for solvent and for injection), a scarifier or knife for opening the ampoule and 2 alcohol wipes.


On initial stage When using this drug, a process of enhanced release of gonadotropins (hormones whose main function is to regulate the functions of the sex glands) is observed. During this period, patients may briefly experience an increase in the amount of sex hormones in their blood.

After 12-14 days, the effect of the drug causes a blockage of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, which is characterized by the cessation of the secretion of hormones that stimulate the maturation of follicles and the production of lutein. The result is inhibition of the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries, and, as a result, the level of estradiol (the main female hormone) in the blood plasma drops to levels characteristic of the postmenopausal period. A condition called medically induced pseudomenopause develops.

If this drug is used for a sufficiently long time to treat prostate cancer, the result can be a significant decrease in the concentration of testosterone (the main male hormone) in the blood plasma. In the medical community, this condition is called “pharmacological castration.”

Taking medications based on buserelin in the period preceding surgery for endometriosis will help reduce the size of pathological foci, reduce their blood supply, and attenuate inflammatory processes. In the postoperative period, the effect of the medication will reduce the formation of adhesions and reduce the frequency of relapses.

Patients need to know that the effect of the drug is reversible. After discontinuation of the medication, the level of male and female reproductive organs female hormones blood composition will gradually return to normal.

Who is the use indicated for?

"Buserelin-Long" instructions for the medication recommends taking it for hormone-dependent pathological processes human reproductive system caused by absolute or relative hyperestrogenism. Diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and hyperplastic changes in the endometrium can be considered sufficient reasons for using this drug in women.

In addition, the medication is prescribed for malignant neoplasms prostate gland (hormone-dependent form, stages 3 and 4), with breast cancer (if menstrual cycle preserved, and progesterone and estradiol receptors are present).

Also this medicine widely used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. The main function of the drug in this case is to suppress the effects of a woman’s own hormonal system. Thus, an artificial controlled hormonal system is “formed”, allowing the woman to implant an already fertilized egg. When treating infertility, buserelin-containing medications stimulate the ovulation process.

Contraindications for taking Buserelin-Long

It goes without saying that Buserelin-Long should not be taken by patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug. It is also unacceptable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to take this drug.

People who have a history of obstruction should be careful and attentive to their well-being urinary tract. Patients who have malignant tumor the prostate gland metastasized to the spine. At the initial stage of treatment in such patients, the likelihood of developing an exacerbation of the underlying disease increases.

Patients with diagnoses arterial hypertension, depression, diabetes mellitus must also be under close attention the treating doctor at least at the initial stage of taking the drug.

Possible side effects

With "Buserelin", as with any complex drugs dispensed by prescription, it is possible negative reactions from the outside different systems and human organs.

Central nervous system may react to the medication with deviations in the processes of sleep and wakefulness, headaches and dizziness, decreased ability to remember information and concentrate, fatigue and neuropsychic instability. It is possible to develop depression or worsen your health if it is present.

Possible deviations from the sensory organs may include deterioration in hearing and vision (a feeling of blurriness), and tinnitus. Sometimes patients report a feeling of increasing pressure on the eyes.

Deviations of an endocrine nature may occur. Most often you can hear about “flushes” of blood to the face and upper chest, increased sweating, decreased libido, and feelings of vaginal dryness in women, pain in the lower abdomen, about mineral depletion of the bones. Not often, but you can read about the drug “Buserelin-Long” reviews from patients (women), saying that during the first weeks of using the drug, bleeding similar to menstrual flow was observed.

Possible deviations from of cardio-vascular system can be called tachycardia and increased blood pressure in patients diagnosed with hypertension. The gastrointestinal tract's response to the drug may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, noticeable fluctuations in one direction or another in body weight, and appetite disturbances.

Possible allergic reactions to new drugs containing buserelin as the main component (urticaria, itching, hyperemia skin). Not often, but we can talk about the development of bronchospasms, shocks (anaphylactic, anaphylactoid), and edema of angioedema origin.

There is a possibility of some changes physiological indicators, assessed in laboratory conditions: hyperglycemia, decreased sensitivity to glucose, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, increased activity of serum transaminases, abnormalities in the lipid spectrum.

Sometimes you can hear from patients about the appearance of swollen areas in the ankles and feet, nosebleeds, and increased hair growth on the body and head.

In male patients during therapy for prostate cancer, med. drugs based on buserelin for 2-3 weeks after the first injection can provoke a relapse of the underlying disease and its progression. There is a risk of developing gynecomastia, increased sweating, decreased potency, and urinary retention. If bone pain occurs during the initial period of treatment, the instructions recommend symptomatic therapy.

Application: dosage regimen and treatment regimen

Medicines like Buserelin should only be prescribed by your doctor. When treating hormone-dependent oncological diseases mammary or prostate glands, the medication is prescribed for intramuscular use at a dosage of 3.75 mg (1 injection). Injections are given at intervals of 4 weeks. The course of therapy takes a long period of time and must be carried out under the supervision of the treating doctor.

If therapy is being carried out for endometriosis, hyperplastic changes in the endometrium, the therapeutic course scheme is the same as for oncological problems (1 injection every 4 weeks). The instructions recommend starting treatment with the drug “Buserelin-Long” within 5 days from the start of the menstrual cycle. The course of therapy usually lasts from 4 months to six months.

Treatment regimen and dosage regimen for uterine fibroids - 1 injection every 4 weeks. The start of the therapeutic course should coincide with the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. The duration of therapy before surgery is at least 3 months. Conservative treatment usually lasts about six months.

The scheme for using medications in the treatment of infertility using the IVF technique looks somewhat different. The first Buserelin-Long injection is given either on the second day of the menstrual cycle (the beginning of the follicular phase), or from the 21st to the 24th day (the middle of the luteal phase). After 12-15 days after the injection, the amount of estrogen contained in the blood serum will drop to half of the original level (blocking pituitary function). Further, if the patient does not have cysts on the ovaries (ultrasound studies), and the thickness of the endometrial layer does not exceed 5 mm, you can begin to stimulate superovulation with the help of gonadotropic hormones. These activities are carried out under ultrasound monitoring with mandatory monitoring of estradiol levels. The dose of Buserelin-Long can be adjusted in one direction or another.

Before starting a course of therapy using the drug "Buserelin-Long", it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with some special recommendations contained in the instructions for use of the drug.

Female patients suffering from any form of depression should be under the close attention of the attending physician during treatment with the drug. The ovulation induction procedure also requires strict medical supervision. Women should keep in mind that during the initial period of using the drug there is a possibility of developing an ovarian cyst.

Before starting therapy with Buserelin, patients should stop taking hormonal contraceptives, but use non-hormonal methods to prevent pregnancy for 2 months from the start of the course.

  • Important! Women are advised to exclude the possibility of pregnancy before starting medication treatment.

At the end of the course of therapy, the functioning of the ovaries will be restored. The first menstruation usually occurs 3 months after completion of treatment.

As for male patients, in order to avoid the development of negative manifestations at the beginning of Buserelin therapy, it is recommended to start taking antiandrogens at least 2 weeks before the first injection and take them for half a month after the injection.

Moreover, if you study about antitumor drug"Busereling-Long" reviews from medical workers or at least carefully read the instructions, you will find out that those patients who by nature labor activity drive vehicles or are involved in work that requires a high concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions, you should be especially careful when taking the medicine.

Interaction with other substances and medications

Within the framework of our article, it remains to consider a few more points regarding the drug “Buserelin-Long”. The price of the drug, its interaction with other medications, analogues and patient reviews - any of these questions are of interest to people who are planning to purchase the mentioned medicine. Below we will dwell in more detail on each of them.

Like any modern medicine developed using high technology, Buserelin-Long obeys certain principles, interacting with other medicinal substances. For example, the simultaneous use in treatment of the medication we are considering and drugs containing sex hormones during the period of ovulation induction can cause the development of a condition called by doctors ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

And the parallel use of Buserelin-Long and drugs with hypoglycemic effects reduces the effectiveness of the latter.

Price range. Analogs

How much does Buserelin-Long cost? The price of the drug may give you pause. In the Moscow pharmacy chain, consumers can purchase this drug for an amount ranging from 3,500 to 5,500 thousand rubles. One must think that in remote regions of Russia the medicine costs even more. However, the effectiveness of the drug fully justifies its rather high cost.

Spray "Buserelin" is cheaper than the drug in bottles (Buserelin-Depot - from 3900 to 7000 rubles), and costs approximately 800-900 rubles.

As for similar antitumor drugs, the drug “Buserelin-Long” has analogues (structural) in terms of the active substance - these are the drugs “Buserelin-FSintez” (spray), “Buserelin-Depot” (lyophilisate for making a suspension, administered intramuscularly), “ Buserelin acetate" (0.2 bottle), "Suprefact" and "Suprefact-Depot".

Patients' opinions about the drug "Buserelin-Long"

Like anyone modern drug, “Buserelin-Long” patient reviews have both positive and negative directions. Those who have positive experience of treatment with drugs containing buserelin talk about good results. A certain percentage of women claim that there are mild hot flashes, some experience slight discharge. After completion of therapy, the menstrual cycle is restored within 1-2 months. In male patients, after stopping treatment with Buserelin, both sexual desire and potency are fully restored.

Another part of the patients was dissatisfied with the treatment, since, according to their comments, the drug provoked the development of a whole list of side effects. Some people talk about poor skin condition, severe headaches, dizziness and constant nausea. In such cases, there may be several reasons. The presence of individual intolerance to buserelin cannot be discounted. There is only one way out - change the drug (naturally, only as directed by the attending physician). TO negative consequences may result from non-compliance with the medication regimen developed by a specialist and a change in the dosage of the drug taken.

In any case, no matter how good or bad the patient reviews describing honey. drugs (“Buserelin-Long” and the like), the decision to prescribe a drug should be made only by the attending doctor, who will take into account everything individual characteristics course of the disease in each individual patient. Only in this case can we hope to achieve positive results therapy without the risk of causing serious damage to your health.