How does a person feel when he dies? Clinical death. The last minutes of life. What is clinical death - signs, maximum duration and consequences for human health The time of clinical death is minutes

A living organism does not die simultaneously with the cessation of breathing and cessation of cardiac activity, therefore, even after they stop, the body continues to live for some time. This time is determined by the brain’s ability to survive without oxygen supplied to it; it lasts 4–6 minutes, on average 5 minutes. This period, when all the extinct vital processes of the body are still reversible, is called clinical death. Clinical death can be caused by heavy bleeding, electrical trauma, drowning, reflex cardiac arrest, acute poisoning etc.

Signs clinical death:

1) absence of pulse in the carotid or femoral artery; 2) lack of breathing; 3) loss of consciousness; 4) wide pupils and their lack of reaction to light.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of blood circulation and breathing in the patient or victim.

Definition of signs clinical death:

1. Absence of pulse in the carotid artery is the main sign of circulatory arrest;

2. Lack of breathing can be checked by visible movements chest when inhaling and exhaling, or by placing your ear to your chest, hear the sound of breathing, feel (the movement of air when exhaling is felt by your cheek), and also by bringing a mirror, glass or watch glass, as well as cotton wool or thread to your lips, holding them with tweezers. But it is precisely on the determination of this characteristic that one should not waste time, since the methods are not perfect and unreliable, and most importantly, they require a lot of precious time for their determination;

3. Signs of loss of consciousness are a lack of reaction to what is happening, to sound and pain stimuli;

4. Raises upper eyelid the victim and the size of the pupil is determined visually, the eyelid drops and immediately rises again. If the pupil remains wide and does not narrow after lifting the eyelid again, then we can assume that there is no reaction to light.

If one of the first two of the 4 signs of clinical death is determined, then resuscitation must be started immediately. Since only timely resuscitation (within 3–4 minutes after cardiac arrest) can bring the victim back to life. They do not perform resuscitation only in the case of biological (irreversible) death, when there are irreversible changes.

Signs of biological death :

1) drying of the cornea; 2) the “cat’s pupil” phenomenon; 3) decrease in temperature;. 4) body cadaveric spots; 5) rigor mortis

Definition of signs biological death:

1. Signs of drying out of the cornea are the loss of the iris of its original color, the eye appears to be covered with a whitish film - a “herring shine”, and the pupil becomes cloudy.

2. Big and index fingers they squeeze the eyeball; if a person is dead, then his pupil will change shape and turn into a narrow slit - a “cat’s pupil”. This cannot be done in a living person. If these 2 signs appear, this means that the person died at least an hour ago.

3. Body temperature drops gradually, by about 1 degree Celsius every hour after death. Therefore, based on these signs, death can only be confirmed after 2–4 hours or later.

4. Purple cadaveric spots appear on the underlying parts of the corpse. If he lies on his back, then they are identified on the head behind the ears, on the back of the shoulders and hips, on the back and buttocks.

5. Rigor mortis - post-mortem contraction skeletal muscles“top to bottom”, i.e. face – neck – upper limbs– torso – lower limbs.

Full development of signs occurs within 24 hours after death. Before you begin to revive the victim, you must first establish the presence of clinical death.

! They begin resuscitation only if there is no pulse (in the carotid artery) or breathing.

! Revitalization efforts must begin without delay. The sooner resuscitation measures are started, the more likely a favorable outcome is.

Resuscitation measures directed to restore the vital functions of the body, primarily blood circulation and breathing. This is, first of all, artificial maintenance of blood circulation in the brain and forced enrichment of the blood with oxygen.

TO events cardiopulmonary resuscitation relate: precordial stroke , indirect cardiac massage And artificial ventilation (ventilation) using the mouth-to-mouth method.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation consists of sequential stages: precordial stroke; artificial maintenance of blood circulation (external cardiac massage); restoration of patency respiratory tract; artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV);

Preparing the victim for resuscitation

The victim must lie down on your back, on a hard surface. If it was lying on the bed or on the sofa, then it must be moved to the floor.

Expose your chest the victim, since under his clothes on the sternum there may be pectoral cross, medallion, buttons, etc., which may cause additional injury, as well as unfasten the waist belt.

For ensuring airway patency necessary: ​​1) clean oral cavity from mucus, vomit with a cloth wrapped around the index finger. 2) eliminate tongue retraction in two ways: by throwing back the head or extending it lower jaw.

throw back your head the victim needs to ensure that the back wall of the pharynx moves away from the root of the sunken tongue, and air can freely pass into the lungs. This can be done by placing a cushion of clothing either under the neck or under the shoulder blades. (Attention! ), but not to the back of the head!

Forbidden! Place hard objects under your neck or back: a backpack, a brick, a board, a stone. In this case, during chest compressions, the spine can be broken.

If there is a suspicion of a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, you can, without bending your neck, extend only the lower jaw. To do this, place your index fingers on the corners of the lower jaw under the left and right lobe ear, push the jaw forward and secure it in this position with the thumb right hand. The left hand is freed, so it is necessary to pinch the victim’s nose with it (thumb and forefinger). So the victim is prepared to carry out artificial ventilation lungs (ventilator).

The term “clinical death” appeared when doctors realized that after cardiac arrest they had another 3-5 minutes to bring the patient back from the dead. The patient has no blood circulation and reflexes at this moment, but cellular metabolism continues anaerobically. If the doctors manage to restore the supply of oxygen to at least the brain before the body's reserves are depleted, then it may retain all its functions, and you will pull through.

There is little hope though. The US National Institute of Neurological and Communication Disorders analyzed statistics from 9 of the country's largest hospitals: 91% of patients who received resuscitation still died. Of those who returned to us, 4% “had violations of the highest nervous activity and required outside care.” And only 5% recovered completely. We perceive these people as messengers from the other world. And they take full advantage of it. Many of those who were reanimated subsequently say that while dead they flew through dark tunnels towards the light, met with divine beings and beloved (deceased) relatives, watched their revival from the sidelines and, in general, felt great.

A man hears doctors pronounce his death

Bark cerebral hemispheres brain - the one that is responsible for control mental processes(consciousness, memory, thinking) - is already turned off, like a computer from which the cord has been pulled out. And the person continues to hear and realize what he heard. What other evidence is needed to confirm that we have an immaterial soul and the possibility of consciousness existing separately from the brain?

In fact, “Some areas of the cerebral hemispheres - for example, the cortical part auditory analyzer- resist oxygen deficiency longer than others. So in the process of turning off the brain total loss hearing occurs a few seconds later than, for example, the shutdown of motor activity centers,” explains Lev Gerasimov, head of the laboratory “Life Support Technologies for Critical Conditions” at the Research Institute of General Reanimatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. According to international standards, a doctor should spend no more than 8–10 seconds to ascertain clinical death, because every moment is precious here. If there is loss of consciousness and cessation of breathing, the doctor must begin resuscitation. It is quite possible that he will pronounce “clinical death” out loud even before your consciousness completely fades away.

It seems to a person that he is falling or, conversely, flying up a dark tunnel towards the light

This plot is one of the most common in memories of clinical death. Supporters of the supernatural consider this tunnel to be a gateway between the world of the living and the dead.

In fact, “The brain generates pictures afterlife just like hallucinations or dreams. But this does not happen in a state of clinical death, but in the moments immediately before its onset and immediately after successful resuscitation - when the brain works in “emergency mode” with malfunctions due to oxygen deficiency,” Lev Gerasimov continues to patiently dispel the myths. And it is not surprising that large-scale hallucinations, which the patient feels can last many hours, actually take only a couple of seconds. Check it out the next night: you can “live” for several days in REM sleep just by turning from side to side.

Now about the tunnel through which the deceased flies towards the light. The occipital cortex, which is responsible for our vision, can generate images without even receiving nerve signals from the eyes. In the process of extinction, a person first stops receiving a real “picture”, and then the cortical analyzer stops working. And he does this gradually. The tissues in the periphery are the first to experience oxygen deficiency, the last are the poles of the occipital lobes. During this process, the virtual “field of vision” (remember, the eyes no longer see, but the brain still produces the picture) narrows until only central or, as it is also called, “tubular” vision remains. And at this moment, due to lack of oxygen, the vestibular analyzer ceases to adequately perceive information about the position of the body, and it seems to the person that he is moving - for example, flying.

In the next world, a person will experience peace and freedom from earthly worries, because in a state of clinical death a person experiences precisely such sensations

American doctor and psychotherapist Raymond Moody, in his book “Life After Life” (see reference below), quotes the words of a man who returned “from the other world”: “At the moment of injury, I felt a sudden pain, but then the pain disappeared... I felt warm and It’s more pleasant than ever.”

In fact, from the point of view of modern medicine, Nothing awaits you in the next world. And peace during dying is a temporary state. In response to critical situations, your body usually releases a dose of endorphins into the blood so that you do not experience overwhelming stress (for example, due to pain) and continue to fight to the end. Clinical death takes 2nd place in the ranking of the most dangerous adventures of your body (biological death is in first place). Therefore, before completely switching off, your brain literally floods itself with the “happiness hormone”, which causes pleasant sensations. In addition, medications that are administered to the patient during the post-resuscitation period can cause a joyful feeling. Many of these substances are quite suitable for dancing in discos.

Behind the gravestone

The topic of near-death experiences was popularized by the American physician and psychotherapist Raymond Moody. In 1975, he published the book “Life After Life,” which contained an analysis of the metaphysical adventures of 150 people who successfully survived clinical death. Moody compiled a list of typical sensations of the temporarily dead - such as the separation of consciousness from the body or meeting with dearly beloved relatives (at first there were 9 points on the list, in 1977 Moody expanded it to 15 points).

Moody did not make any scientific conclusions in his works (3 books were published in multi-million copies). However, in a recent interview, the doctor literally stated the following: “Having interviewed more than a thousand people... and constantly encountering the same stunning and unusual episodes in their stories, I am ready to say that life after death most likely exists. In fact, now I have absolutely no doubt that my interlocutors were able to cast a fleeting glance at what is beyond our world.”

In a state of clinical death, consciousness leaves the physical shell

In the stories of those who have gone “on the other side,” the following plot is often found: they seem to soar above their body and watch from the side as they are revived. At the same time, a person is not tied to his mortal coil and can move, for example, around a hospital building.

In fact, Sam Pernia, a resuscitator at the University of Southampton (UK), conducted an experiment. He placed in the departments intensive care vivid, memorable images that can only be seen if you look down from the ceiling. But none of the patients who experienced clinical death in these premises and spoke about the exit of consciousness from physical body, I didn’t see these drawings. It turns out that this is also a hallucination?

In a state of clinical death, a person meets deceased relatives, angels, God and other exotic creatures

In 2008, American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander was hospitalized with a diagnosis of infectious meningitis. After lying in a coma for a week, Eben came to his senses and began telling everyone about the unforgettable experience of traveling around the afterlife. Alexander moved through the other world on the wing of a huge butterfly, he was accompanied by a woman with high cheekbones and beautiful blue eyes. The neurosurgeon, of course, communicated with his companion through telepathy. Impressed by these experiences, Alexander wrote the book “Proof of Heaven,” which immediately became a bestseller.

In fact, in a coma, the central nervous system does not turn off completely: the person retains reflexes, and some areas of the cerebral cortex can operate. So, from the point of view of science, it was not death - Alexander was more “here” than “there”. Los Angeles neurologist Sam Harris suggested that Alexander, while in a coma, was exposed to endogenous dimethyltryptamine (DMT). According to one theory, in the borderline state between life and death, the body produces in industrial quantities not only endorphins, but also this alkaloid - again, to reduce stress levels. DMT puts a person into a special mystical state (the so-called entheogenic state, which translates as “becoming divine from within”), accompanied by powerful auditory and visual hallucinations. Shamans South America For example, they use DMT in the drink ayahuasca to communicate with spirits. So Alexander was lucky.

Degree steals

At normal temperature human body(36.5ºС) clinical death lasts 3–5 minutes depending on individual characteristics body. Then comes biological death. However, under special conditions (during cooling of the body, electric shock, heating), the intermediate state between life and complete destruction may be delayed. For example, a decrease in body temperature by 3ºC gives resuscitators a full 10 minutes to work from the moment the patient’s heart stops. And in 2008, North American resuscitators revived an 82-year-old man who froze on the street to a body temperature of 26ºC. He spent more than 2 hours in a state of clinical death.

People who have experienced clinical death share similar memories, and this proves the reality of the afterlife

A light in the end of a tunnel. A being made of light and love. Adventures of consciousness moving separately from the physical body. Any intensive care patient allegedly faces this, regardless of gender, age, social status, education and nationality. This is considered to be the most compelling argument in favor of the reality of conscious existence after death.

In fact, most studies of near-death experiences have been and are being conducted by Western scientists. It is clear that they are studying their compatriots, who were brought up in the traditions of one of the Abrahamic religions and share Western cultural values ​​- this is probably why their near-death experiences coincide. And, for example, in Bhavana Vissudhikunavot’s book “Vipassana Meets Consciousness,” a resident of Thailand describes what happened to her after cardiac arrest in a different way: “I felt tired and left the hut. Standing under a coconut tree, I felt a deep sense of beauty. Then I saw the road and followed it. Suddenly I saw two people. These were the servants of the Lord of the Dead, Yama. One of them said that now they would take me to hell. I asked to be allowed to go home to warn my family. When I entered, there were many people in my hut who were crying. Then I tripped, fell and came back to life.” And no, mind you, angels with trumpets.

Personal experience

We found a man who agreed to tell you what he saw and heard when he was dying.

Alexander Sobolev. 38 years old, entrepreneur (Moscow):

I experienced a state of clinical death when I studied at the Ryazan airborne school. My platoon took part in reconnaissance group competitions. This is a 3-day survival marathon with extreme physical activity(without sleep and virtually without rest), which ends with a 10-kilometer forced march in full gear. I did not approach this last stage in in better shape: the day before, I cut my foot open with some snag while crossing the river, we were constantly on the move, my leg hurt a lot, the bandage came off, the bleeding resumed, I had a fever. But I ran almost the entire 10 km, and I still don’t understand how I did it, and I don’t remember well. A few hundred meters before the finish line, I passed out, and my comrades carried me there in their arms (by the way, they counted my participation in the competition). The doctor diagnosed “acute heart failure” and began to revive me. I have the following memories of that period when I was in a state of clinical death: I not only heard what those around me were saying, but also observed what was happening from the outside. I saw how something was injected into my heart area, I saw how a defibrillator was used to revive me. Moreover, in my mind the picture was like this: my body and the doctors are on the stadium field, and my loved ones are sitting in the stands and watching what is happening. In addition, it seemed to me that I could control the resuscitation process. There was a moment when I was tired of lying around, and I immediately heard the doctor say that I had a pulse. Then I thought: now there will be a general formation, everyone will be tense, but I have deceived everyone and can lie down - and the doctor shouted that my heart had stopped again. In the end I decided to return. I will add that I did not feel fear when I watched how they revived me, and in general, I did not treat this situation as a matter of life and death. It seemed to me that everything was in order, life was going on as usual.

You can pull a person out of the other world not only in those 5-7 minutes, but also in much more. But there are several development options here. If a person is resuscitated in normal conditions after this period, over the next 10 or even 20 minutes, then such a “lucky person”, by and large, will not have to wear the proud title of “man”. The reason is as a result of the onset of decortication and even decerebration. To put it simply, a person will not be aware of himself and will simply be a plant. IN best case scenario, he will be insane.

However, there are situations when successful resuscitation can last the same tens of minutes and the rescued person will be completely capable and generally normal. This happens when conditions are created to slow down the degeneration of the higher parts of the brain, which is accompanied by anoxia (lack of oxygen), hypothermia (cooling) and even severe electrical damage.

History is simply teeming with such cases, from biblical times to modern times. For example, in 1991, a French fisherman discovered the lifeless body of an 89-year-old woman who committed suicide. The resuscitation team was unable to revive her, but when she was taken to the hospital, she revived along the way, thus spending at least 30 minutes in the next world.

But this is not the limit at all. One of the most amazing stories happened in the USSR in March 1961. A certain 29-year-old tractor driver V.I. Kharin was driving along a deserted road in Kazakhstan. However, as often happens, the engine stalled and he set off on foot in the cold. However, the journey was long, which is not surprising for these places, and at one point the unlucky tractor driver decided to take a nap from fatigue and, very likely, from a little too much alcohol. Without realizing it, he began to sculpt one of the most fantastic cases in history, for which he only had to lie down in a snowdrift. He lay there for at least 4 hours before he was found. It is not possible to determine when he died. The fact is that he was found completely numb...

When Dr. P. S. Abrahamyan decided, for an unknown reason, to perform resuscitation, the characteristics of the tractor driver were as follows: the body was completely stiff and when tapped on it, a dull sound was made, like from wood; the eyes were open and covered with a film; there was no breathing; there was no pulse; the body temperature on the surface was negative. In other words, a corpse. Having found such a person, it is unlikely that anyone would think of trying to revive him. But Abrahamyan decided to try his luck. Oddly enough, he managed to do this by warming up, cardiac massage and artificial respiration. As a result, the “corpse” not only came to life, but also remained completely healthy in head. The only thing was that he had to part with his fingers. A similar incident occurred in 1967 in Tokyo, when a truck driver decided to cool off in his refrigerator. The situation was almost the same. In both cases, the victims remained alive after many hours of death.

Largely thanks to these cases, in the 60-80s of the twentieth century, the topic of cryonics received a new explosion of interest throughout the world. After such cases, like it or not, you will believe in her. However, as noted in another book in this series, this area is unpromising due to the fact that during final freezing, human tissue is destroyed due to the fact that it consists of three-quarters water, which expands when frozen. Perhaps in the cases described above it simply did not come to this completely. In the case of the tractor driver, only the fingers were completely frozen, and they were removed. A few more tens of minutes in the cold and he would definitely die. However, such times are more the exception to the rule than the norm. Perhaps this was facilitated by excess alcohol in the blood, but no mention of this has survived anywhere to this day.

In the long-term preservation of a person in clinical death, first of all, it is not anoxia that plays a key role, but hypothermia. Because it is in the presence of only the second factor that all the known records in this direction were set, in which several people compete with the tractor driver from Kazakhstan. But the presence of both factors will still not allow you to stay in a revived state for more than 40-45 minutes. For example, Vegard Sletemunen from the Norwegian city of Lilistrom fell into a frozen river at the age of five, but they were able to resuscitate him after 40 minutes. While the tractor driver’s rivals, according to their assurances, were in the next world for up to 4 hours and this always happened in winter (often Canada and the USA). Some of these people, following the cherished rule of American capitalism, even wrote books about their misadventures.

However, all these achievements also look lackluster. If you believe one case that happened in Mongolia. There the little boy lay in the cold - 34 degrees for 12 hours...

When it comes to prolongation of death, in no case should these cases be confused with deep lethargy or the usual slowdown of vital processes. We have all heard about how people are declared dead, but then they come back to life, and easily after a couple of days. Naturally, it was not death. The doctors simply could not recognize the signs of life because they were barely noticeable. A similar incident occurred at the morgue where my mother worked as a histologist in the early 1990s. The man was long dead when the pathologist attempted to begin the autopsy. However, at the first prick of the scalpel, he perked up and jumped up. Since then, the doctor’s professional passion for laboratory alcohol has worsened significantly.

In conditions clinical practice It is also possible to prolong the moment of final death. For example, this is achieved by cooling the brain, various pharmacological agents, fresh blood transfusion. Therefore in special cases Doctors can prolong the state of clinical death by several tens of minutes, but this is difficult and very expensive, so such procedures are not used for the average person. If previously it was common practice to bury almost every tenth person alive, even now doctors often do not perform procedures that can save one person out of every few dozen.

Even the most experienced doctors who took part in saving the life of an elderly woman in labor from the American state of Florida cannot explain scientific point sight of the miracle that happened. The patient's heart did not beat for 45 minutes - but her brain was not damaged.

When the heart stops, organs quickly begin to suffer from oxygen starvation. The brain is the most sensitive to the lack of oxygen - just 5-6 minutes after the heartbeat stops, irreversible changes begin in it.

All the more striking is the case that occurred with 40-year-old Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro, a resident of Florida.

Recently, doctors at Boca Raton Regional Hospital examined a pregnant woman and concluded that natural childbirth in an elderly mother who suffered from early obesity, may pose a certain danger to her health, and it was decided that Ruby needed a cesarean section.

In modern clinical conditions, the risk of complications during such an operation is very low. However, in this case, the unexpected happened - Ruby suddenly developed an amniotic embolism. After the baby had already been removed from the uterus, amniotic fluid entered the woman’s bloodstream and she suffered cardiac arrest...

Doctors tried to revive her with cardiac defibrillation for 45 minutes - but all their attempts were unsuccessful. But after the doctors stopped resuscitation efforts and were about to inform Ruby’s husband and other relatives about the tragic outcome, the equipment unexpectedly recorded the appearance of a pulse.

A thorough examination of the “resurrected” woman did not reveal any damage to the brain or other organs.

The very next day she was disconnected from the ventilator, and a week later, after the postoperative scar had healed, she and her daughter were discharged from the hospital.

Doctors are not only amazed complete absence brain damage after 45 minutes of oxygen starvation, but also because there were no traces left on Ruby’s skin from the most powerful discharges electric current, with the help of which they tried to bring her back to life.

Clinical death is one of the most mysterious conditions in medicine. The stories of people who experienced it still cannot be fully explained from a scientific point of view. What is clinical death and how does it differ from other extremely serious condition which is called coma? In what case do we talk about biological death, and how does the rehabilitation of patients occur after they have been between two worlds?

What is clinical death

Clinical death is an intermediate state between life and death. It is reversible, that is, subject to certain medical measures, the vital functions of the human body can be completely restored. However, the duration of clinical death before it becomes biological is very short and is only 4-6 minutes. Therefore, the future fate of a person depends on the speed of resuscitation measures.

A feature of clinical death...

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How long can a person remain in a state of clinical death? This depends on many factors: the type of dying, its conditions, body temperature, age of the dying person, etc. Death usually occurs because organs and tissues no longer receive the oxygen they need. If you manage to get the cardiovascular and respiratory system, then the person will return to life.

But the problem is that some body cells cannot exist for a long time without oxygen. The more complex functions perform tissues, the less viable they are. The most highly organized tissue of the body is the cerebral cortex. It is believed that clinical death is determined by the time interval that the cerebral cortex can survive without blood circulation and breathing. According to doctors, under normal conditions this is no more than 5-7 minutes.

But it doesn’t always fit into these minutes. With large blood loss, a person dies instantly. On the other hand, there are known cases of successful revival even after 12-22...

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Clinical death is a reversible stage of dying, transition period between life and biological death. On at this stage the activity of the heart and the breathing process stops, all external signs vital activity of the body. In this case, hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) does not cause irreversible changes in the most sensitive organs and systems.

This period the terminal state, with the exception of rare and casuistic cases, lasts on average no more than 3-4 minutes, maximum 5-6 minutes (at initially low or normal body temperature).

Third stage of death

Clinical death is a state of the human body when there are no primary signs life - breathing stops, heart function stops, no visible signs activities of the central nervous system(unconscious person). This condition may seem inexplicable, but only at first glance, if it is considered in isolation, in itself...

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This period of terminal condition, with the exception of rare and casuistic cases, lasts on average no more than 3-4 minutes. The duration of clinical death is determined by the period during which the higher departments. On average, from the moment spontaneous breathing and heartbeat ceases until the onset of biological death. The listed signs refer to the initial stage of clinical death. At this stage, the activity of the heart and the breathing process stop. Summary articles Description and symptoms of the phenomenon. However, the duration of clinical death before it becomes biological is very short and amounts to only 4–6 minutes. Under normal conditions, the duration of clinical death is no more than 5–6 minutes. Clinical death is a reversible stage of dying, a transition period between life and biological death. Signs of clinical death. 4. Duration of clinical death... Death consists of two phases of clinical and biological death....

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Priest Alexy Timakov, by his secular profession, is a resuscitator and worked for many years in the intensive care unit and intensive care unit. What kind of experience does a person get by seeing every day how people pass away from life and how they leave...death, returning to life? What is there, beyond the grave line? And how do we prepare... no, not for death, but for life - eternal, true Life? Our conversation with Father Alexy is about this. And of course, we couldn’t help but inquire about the medical specifics of resuscitation.

Father Alexy, explain the meaning of resuscitation with medical point vision?

Resuscitation is, to put it simply, a set of measures to revive a person who is in a state of clinical death. And clinical death is a cessation of blood circulation and breathing, but, above all, blood circulation.

Why does blood circulation stop? Does the heart stop working?

It happens that the heart stops: a knock - and that’s it, it sank and didn’t...

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Clinical death is a human condition in which there are no signs of life. In this case, tissues and organs remain alive.

Clinical death is a reversible condition and, if provided in a timely manner, medical care the patient can be brought back to life.

Stages of clinical death

The onset of clinical death is observed after blood circulation in the human body stops, breathing and pulse stop. During this period, necrotic changes in tissues do not yet develop.

The duration of this state is on average 3-6 minutes. During this period, the parts of the brain maintain their viability. Timely implementation of resuscitation procedures guarantees the patient’s return to life.

There are two stages of death in which the patient is given the opportunity to return to life.

At the first stage of clinical death, the appearance of disorders in the brain is observed. During this period...

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Signs of clinical death

Clinical death is usually determined by the following signs:

The man lost consciousness. This condition usually occurs within 15 seconds after circulation has stopped. Important: blood circulation cannot stop if a person is conscious; It is impossible to determine the pulse in the area of ​​the carotid arteries within 10 seconds. This sign indicates that the blood supply to the brain has stopped, and very soon the cells of the cerebral cortex will die. Carotid artery located in the recess separating the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trachea; the person has stopped breathing altogether, or due to lack of breathing, the respiratory muscles periodically contract convulsively (this state of swallowing air is called atonal breathing, turning into apnea); a person's pupils dilate and stop responding to the light source. This symptom is a consequence of the cessation of blood supply to the brain centers and the nerve responsible for movement...

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Longest clinical death

Borderline state

To put it simply, death is the moment of cessation of all physiological processes in the tissues and cells of a once living organism. It can be sudden, when irreversible changes occur almost instantly, or it can be accompanied by a borderline state called clinical death. As the Russian scientist, creator of resuscitation V.A. said. Negovsky is not yet death, but no longer life. This is a kind of threshold, frozen at which human body can move: back to life, or forward, to biological death.

First term

The time spent in this state determines the quality of life after return. The period during which there is a maximum probability that the body will function normally is a little more than five minutes. This is the period when the responsible parts of the brain remain viable in the absence of oxygen, experts call it...

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The main stages of dying are the preagonal state, terminal pause, agony, clinical and biological death.

The preagonal state is a stage of dying, characterized by a sharp decrease in the level of blood pressure, first tachycardia and tachypnea, then bradycardia and bradypnea, progressive depression of consciousness, electrical activity of the brain and brainstem reflexes and an increase in the depth of oxygen starvation of all organs and tissues. The fourth Stage of torpid shock can be identified to a certain extent with the preagonal state.

The preagonal state ends with a terminal pause in breathing, which usually coincides with a sharp slowdown in the pulse up to temporary asystole.

Agony is the stage of dying that precedes death, which is characterized by the last outbreak of life activity. During the period of agony, the functions of the higher parts of the brain are turned off, regulation physiological functions carried out by the bulbar centers and is primitive,...

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Clinical death is a reversible, conditionally short-term period of dying, a stage of transition from life to death. During this period, cardiac activity and respiratory functions stop, all external signs of vitality completely disappear. While hypoxia (oxygen starvation) does not cause irreversible changes in the organs and systems most sensitive to it. This terminal state period, with the exception of rare cases and casuistry, on average lasts no more than 3-4 minutes, maximum 5-6 minutes (at an initially low or normal body temperature)

Signs of clinical death

Loss of consciousness

Absence of pulse in the great vessels

Lack of breathing

The presence of ventricular complexes on the ECG

Duration of clinical death

Determined by the period during which upper sections brain (subcortical substance and in particular the cortex) can maintain viability in conditions of lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Describing the character...

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Clinical death: what kind of condition it is, how it manifests itself, symptoms. Reviews from those who experienced clinical death

“Suddenly I dreamed that my soul had left my body and was floating above the ceiling. An unusual calm filled the body. But here everything was shrouded in darkness, and only a distant flicker of light loomed somewhere in the distance.” This is what the memories of a person who had a clinical death look like. What kind of phenomenon this is and how it happens – we will describe in this article. Science and esotericism interpret this condition differently.

Description and symptoms of the phenomenon

Clinical death - medical term, denoting the cessation of two the most important conditions to maintain human life - blood circulation and respiration.

Among the main signs of the condition:

Within a few seconds after apnea and asystole, loss of consciousness occurs; The brain continues to live and work; The pupils dilate and do not contract when exposed to light. This happens due to dystrophy...

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Scientists have conducted research and identified a list of the most common scenarios. Individual sensations were both independent and in a group with others.

1. Long corridor

We were lucky enough to see the passage of a corridor with light at the end of the path in 42% of cases. People saw something divine there, or their relatives who had died.

2. Absolute love

69% of people experienced a wonderful feeling of absolute love.

3. Telepathic abilities

65% of subjects showed incredible abilities to communicate non-verbally with people or creatures.

4. Joy, admiration

In 56% of cases, they experienced admiration from meeting with divine creatures, the joy of meeting family. People were happy to be there.

In 56% of cases, people said that they saw the highest deity - God. Surprisingly, even 75% of those who were convinced atheists felt his presence.

6. Absolute knowledge

Unfathomable abilities...

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Cardiac arrest and cerebral coma: clinical death from a medical point of view

“Man is mortal, but his main problem is that he is mortal suddenly,” these words, put by Bulgakov into Woland’s mouth, perfectly describe the feelings of most people. There is probably no person who is not afraid of death. But along with the big death, there is a small death - clinical. What is it, why do people who have experienced clinical death often see divine Light and whether this is not a delayed path to heaven - in the material

Clinical death from a medical point of view

Problems of studying clinical death as borderline state between life and death remain one of the most important in modern medicine. Unraveling its many mysteries is also difficult because many people who have experienced clinical death do not fully recover, and more than half of patients with similar condition it is not possible to resuscitate them, and they already die...

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Clinical death - like a portal between life and death Clinical death has a point of return to the real world, so many consider this human condition to be a portal between life and death. None of the scientists can reliably say whether a person in a state of clinical death is dead or alive. Polls large quantity people showed that many of them perfectly remember everything that happened to them. But on the other hand, from the point of view of doctors, in a state of clinical death, patients do not show any signs of life, and the return to the real world occurs thanks to the ongoing resuscitation measures.

Concept of clinical death

The very concept of clinical death was introduced in the second half of the last century. This was a period of development of resuscitation technologies, which made it possible to bring a person back to life within a few minutes after he stopped showing signs of life. People who were brought back from a state of clinical death, like...

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