What does a dry and warm nose mean in a dog (what is the nose of a healthy dog). The dog has a dry nose. What do we have to do

Today, there are quite a few different types of diseases, due to which dogs begin to peel off or peel off the skin on the surface of the nose. Modern medicine makes every effort to help pets avoid such a fate, however, there is no single factor that would determine what exactly caused the scuffing of the nasal part of the body and how to prevent a sad outcome. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out tests to accurately indicate the disease and show the animal to a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

However, every dog ​​owner should know what can cause such symptoms, how dangerous it can be for the animal itself and its environment, and what options there are for curing this disease at home.

What diseases are the precursors of such a symptom?

A symptom such as a shabby nose can be a manifestation of the following diseases:

  • Fungal infection.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Burn.
  • Received injury.
  • Allergy.
  • Impaired metabolism.

At their core, they have much in common, but treatment and prevention have many different factors that need to be paid close attention to.

Fungal infection. Treatment of fungal infection

Fungal infection is a fairly common disease in both animals and humans. This disease is curable, however, only if the owner pet respond to symptoms in time and, without wasting time, seek help from doctors. A dog can “catch” such an infection after contact with infectious dogs, or while walking on contaminated grass, where this type of fungus is a common habitat. Also, a pet can become infected with this disease due to its weakened immune system and the latter’s low resistance to various infections. There are quite a lot of factors due to which a dog can be a carrier of a fungal infection, however, their absence absolutely does not guarantee that the pet becomes unconditionally protected.

The fungus spreads quickly and affects almost all areas of the dog's body. It manifests itself in the form of spots that bring incredible discomfort to the animal. This happens because the skin on which the bald spots have formed begins to itch very much.

Treatment should be prescribed directly by a veterinarian after the results of all necessary tests. First of all, you should decide on the medications that your pet will be forced to take. Their use should not stop or weaken this infection, but destroy it once and for all.

If the disease has not had time to gain momentum, and so far only small bald spots have begun to appear on the body, then you can get by using all sorts of solutions or the following ointments: juglone, yam, mycosolone, clotrimazole. However, smearing large areas of skin where hair has fallen is quite dangerous, since the components used to combat fungal bacteria are toxic. In such cases, the dog is washed with special shampoos: imaverol, doctor, nizoral. Only external skin treatment will not be effective if drugs are administered inside the body. Such drugs can be in the form of tablets or injections: fluconazole, griseofulvin, ketoconazole. Simultaneously with such medications, the animal should be given modulators with immunostimulants, which are used to protect the liver.

Bacterial infection. Treatment of bacterial infection

Bacterial infection is dangerous for pets as it can cause huge amounts of negative consequences. The reasons for the appearance and manifestation of this disease can be varied:

  • Injury to the skin.
  • Weakening immune system body.
  • Flea and tick attack.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Pre-existing diseases.
  • Living in a polluted environment.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit doctors and take the necessary tests. Antibiotics are generally prescribed, but their effectiveness depends on the location of the injury and the progression of the disease. Compresses are also applied to areas that are most affected by the developing bacterial infection.

If the disease cannot be cured by the above methods, then surgical intervention, after which the dog must undergo an additional full course of rehabilitation.

Burn. Treatment of burns

A burn can cause a dog's nose to peel off. There are several types and degrees of burns. So, there can be a solar, chemical, thermal and electrical burn. There are degrees: first, second, third and fourth. Peeling of your pet's skin can occur after a chemical or thermal burn of the third or fourth degree. However, there are different cases, at which even sunburn may have similar consequences.

When treating burns, the degree and type should be determined in order to truly cure the animal and not harm it. First of all, it is necessary to reduce painful sensations and try to stop inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the burn, your dog will need to take antibiotics to prevent ulcers from forming on the affected area.

During chemical burn first thing you need remove the concentration of the substance by rinsing the affected area with plenty of water. This type of burn cannot be treated on your own, so you need to rush to the vet right away.

In case of a thermal burn, you should immediately apply ice or very hot ice to the damaged skin. cold water. It is strictly forbidden to smear this area with fatty substances, such as creams or oils. It is advisable to cover the wound with a sterile cloth moistened cold water. And again, without wasting a minute, turn to doctors for help.

Received injury. Treatment of injury

An injury that a dog receives, even completely by accident, can cause undesirable consequences and cause the skin on your nose to peel off. Under such circumstances, the first thing you should do is treat the injured area so that bacteria and various types infections. However, you should not treat the skin with an alcohol-containing substance, as this will create pain and can cause inflammation of the already irritated epidermis.

What follows isolate the wound with compresses and lotions, which must be applied every two hours. If the wound does not heal, or there is suspicion of damage to internal organs, you should immediately go to veterinary clinic.

Allergy. Treatment of an allergic reaction

The manifestation of an allergic reaction can be varied and completely different places. Since the animal’s body can react completely unpredictably to substances that are safe at first glance, you should be vigilant and provide first aid to a pet. Allergies can leave their mark not only on internal organs animal, it can also affect the appearance of the pet. So, one of the manifestations is peeling of the upper cover of the muzzle.

Self-medication of allergic reactions is categorically not recommended, since to establish the reasons that caused the allergy, you will need to do a considerable number of tests, such as:

  • Mycological and bacteriological cultures.
  • Trichoscopy.
  • Take scrapings.
  • Cytological studies.
  • Nutritional research.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy, it is best to immediately contact qualified specialists.

Metabolic disease

Metabolic disorders in dogs occur for several reasons. This could be due to poor nutrition or lack of necessary for the body vitamin, and ultraviolet irradiation. This disease can cause changes and deformations of the skin, both on the face and in other parts of the animal’s body.

To stabilize and normalize metabolism, it is necessary to add the missing vitamins and minerals to the dog’s diet, or put him on a specially formulated diet, thanks to which the intake of a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into the pet’s body will be regulated.

It is very important to respond in time to a new disease in order to prevent vitamin deficiency, violation nervous system, obesity, loss of visual acuity, baldness, and such dire consequences, such as infertility and paralysis of the limbs.

It is a mistaken belief that if a dog has a warm and dry nose, then this is necessarily a sign of illness. It is imperative to pay attention to accompanying signs, because... only hot nose It can also happen in a completely healthy animal.

Healthy dog ​​nose

During the day, the dog's nose is usually wet and cool. But also during the day there is periodic and short-term drying and warming.

A dry nose may occur for the following reasons:
  • after significant physical exertion and excessive active games, after which the pet is clearly tired or overtired;
  • during the heating season, when the room has warm and dry air;
  • when the dog is sleeping, the nose is usually dry (or for a short time after waking up - due to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in the secretion of moisture);
  • in a moment of fright or nervous overstrain;
  • reaction to sharp changes weather (dogs are especially sensitive to windy weather);
  • at the moment when puppies change teeth from milk to permanent, the condition of the nose periodically changes;
  • period of estrus in a female dog due to hormonal changes;
  • a warm and dry nose in puppies is considered normal even for a long time, if at the same time they look healthy, active, with good appetite and normal frequency of bowel movements Bladder and intestines;
  • After giving birth, a nursing bitch is allowed a dry nose (but not a hot one) in the first day or two;
  • individually slow metabolism and the special structure of the nose can lead to the fact that some individuals have a dry and warm nose almost throughout their entire life.

All of the above reasons are not accompanied by any further symptoms, and warming of the nose is a short-term phenomenon. If the nose is warm for several hours, but the pet’s external condition is alarming and additional symptoms are added, then this may well be a sign of some disease.

Dry nose – when to pay special attention

If the nasal mirror is not wet and warm for a long time (from several hours to several days), then the pet needs increased attention from its owner. Usually this condition is additionally accompanied by other signs of health problems.

Pay attention to your dog if, along with a dry nose, the following is noted:
  • lethargy, apathy, lack of desire to walk and play, no reaction to a nickname;
  • desire to hide – animals that feel unwell very often try to hide in a secluded place;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite; one may also refuse water, or there may be increased thirst (due to dehydration, dryness is observed, because the secretion that makes the surface moist ceases to be produced);
  • with rectal measurement, an increase in body temperature (normal body temperature in a dog: 37.7-39 ° C);
  • hot ears to the touch (a sign of not only ear disease, but also an increase in the temperature of the whole body);
  • signs of a cold: nasal discharge, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing;
  • changes in breathing rate and heartbeat, both towards faster and slower (normally a dog makes 15-30 breathing movements/min, and its heart beats at a frequency of 70-100 beats/min).
At the next obvious signs The animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible:
  • a sharp jump in body temperature to 40°C and above;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • cloudy, with unpleasant smell nasal discharge;
  • violation of the frequency of bowel movements and urination (normally, the dog walks “smallly” 2-3 times and empties the intestines 1-2 (rarely 3) times);
  • intestinal upset (diarrhea with any impurities, especially bloody);
  • vomit.

Reasons when the nose is dry and feels hot

If all possible physiological causes of drying and warming of the nasal planum have been excluded, then the essence is still a malaise.

All potential causes hot and dry nose in a dog:
  • any internal infections– bacterial, fungal or viral (it is especially important not to miss canine distemper – distemper – and rabies);
  • allergy;
  • colds;
  • any internal or external injuries to any part of the body in which the dog feels pain;
  • bruised nose;
  • autoimmune disease– pemphigus foliaceus;
  • poisoning, especially accompanied by intense vomiting and diarrhea, causing dehydration;
  • immune reaction to the vaccine after vaccination;
  • reaction to tick bites;
  • first few days postoperative period while the anesthesia is removed from the body;
  • helminthic infestations (worms almost always provoke serious intoxication of the body, general malaise, lethargy and a warm, dry nose).

Helping the dog

The first thing an owner should do if they notice a warm (hot) and dry nose on a pet is to observe it. If activity and appetite are maintained, there are no more external signs general malaise of the animal, then you just need to wait until the temperature and humidity of the nose recovers on its own.

If recovery does not occur and there are still signs that the pet is sick, the owner needs to measure the body temperature rectally. If the indicator increases critically (more than 40°C), you should try to reduce the levels by physical means- desoldering with water, wet the wool, lay in a cool place and apply cold to the groin and armpits. After the temperature drops, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. If the temperature is slightly elevated, then you can go to the clinic immediately, without wasting time on knocking down. You cannot give any antipyretics on your own!

If the nose is cracked, you can use calendula ointment to soften and moisturize the surface. A visit to a specialist is still required, because... Sometimes fissures need to be treated not symptomatically, but as a global primary disease.

What does a veterinarian do?
  1. The veterinarian will carefully examine the sick animal and interview the owner about the circumstances under which the nose was discovered to be dry and hot.
  2. If the clinic confirms the presence of any infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy and develop antiviral or antifungal treatment regimens.
  3. If an allergy is detected, the diet will be adjusted and antihistamines will be prescribed orally and locally. It will also be recommended to replace the bowls from which the animal eats. Allergies are often caused by low-quality plastic feeding utensils.
  4. If your dry nose is caused by injury or pain syndrome, the correct pain relief and treatment of injuries will be selected.
  5. Medical deworming will be carried out if helminthic infection is confirmed and, if necessary, detoxification.
  6. A course of rehydration drips is required if there are signs of dehydration due to any underlying pathology.
  7. Impact on the immune system when pemphigus foliaceus (an autoimmune disease) is confirmed.

A warm (hot) and dry nose is not always a sign of pathology. Just like wet cold nose- a sign of health. It is important to be attentive to your pet and notice additional accompanying signs in time.

Question answer

Nose is dry and cracked

Vitamin deficiency, allergies, injury, poor diet or autoimmune disease (pemphigus foliaceus). For these reasons, bubbles form on the surface of the nose, which burst, dry out, and crusts form. Each cause requires an individual approach to eliminate symptoms. The main thing to remember is that the tip of a dog’s nose is a mucous surface, so no iodine, brilliant green or other similar irritating substances should be applied to it! Self-medication without establishing the exact cause is also not advisable.

Hot, dry nose with discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, vomiting and diarrhea

Classic signs of canine distemper - very serious viral disease, in which the survival rate of pets is directly proportional to the speed of their delivery to a specialist. The disease is popularly called plague.

Icy nose and cold ears

In this condition, hypothermia is excluded. It is necessary to immediately measure the body temperature and, if it is low, the dog should be wrapped in a warm blanket and taken to the clinic. Usually this condition is also accompanied by pallor of the mucous membranes and drooping, sunken eyes. Trembling may occur.

What does it mean if a dog has a dry nose?

There are a lot of options: the animal was sleeping, ran/jumped for a long time and actively, overheated in the sun or in a warm room, got scared or really got sick. But the disease is necessarily accompanied by some other additional signs, which the veterinarian will use to make an accurate diagnosis.

Nose is cold but dry

Perhaps the body does not have enough vitamins D and A. It is enough to lubricate it with panthenol and introduce it into the diet vegetable oil to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. If small furrows begin to appear (the nose is cracking), it is good to use calendula ointment. Also, a cold and dry nose is most often observed with allergies (much more often than a hot and not wet nose).

Along with a warm nose, the dog’s eyes become watery and clear snot comes out.

There is a high probability that your pet has developed allergic reaction on something. But to find out a more precise reason, it is better to show your pet to a veterinarian to rule out infections and colds.

Warm nasal planum, semi-consciousness and heavy breathing

The condition resembles heatstroke (sunstroke). It is advisable to provide first aid if the owner is sure that the dog has overheated in the sun or has been long time in a stuffy room. The pet moves to any cool place, cool water (not cold) is drunk a little at a time, the fur is wetted, and cold is applied to hairless areas of the body (groin and armpits). In all other cases, this is a reason to immediately visit a veterinarian.

Nose is hot (warm) but wet

When the nose returns to its normal moist state after any physiological reason, it is first humidified and then cooled. You can catch the moment when warmth combines with “wetness”.

The dog is lethargic, dry nose, no appetite

Lethargy with a dry nose and lack of desire to eat even your favorite treat is always a sign of ill health. You need to take a close look at your pet so as not to miss other symptoms that will help determine what is wrong with him. Possible overheating, infection or poisoning. Be sure to show it to a specialist.

Puppy has a dry nose

If it is dry, but not hot, and the puppy feels great, then this phenomenon is considered as an option. physiological norm. Puppies are active and have a different metabolism from adult dogs, so warm and dry noses are more common.

A dry nose in a dog usually indicates a painful condition.

This is partly true. It is important at what point it was noticed that the dog has a dry nose, as well as whether other symptoms of any diseases are present. If the dog is sleeping at this moment or has just woken up, then a dry nose is normal. The nose can also be dry after serious physical exertion, in extreme heat or cold. If the nose is not moisturized during moments of quiet wakefulness, then this may indeed signal health problems.

Causes of a dry nose in a dog

Why does a dog have a dry, hot or cold nose? Most common cause. It often occurs on low-quality plastic. An allergic reaction can also occur to dust, pollen, chemical substances(including detergents), as well as some food products.

The dog’s nose also reacts sensitively to the weather: extreme heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It may also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. and then, in addition to a dry nose, she will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out due to injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus. It usually appears as blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and a crust forms in this place, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

What to do if your dog's nose is dry?

It is better to replace plastic dog bowls with stainless steel dishes, and during the flowering period of plants, it is better to walk the animal away from them, in an open, ventilated space.

Dog bowls should be washed without detergents. And if you suspect that the allergen is a food product, it is better to consult a veterinarian for help.

If it’s hot outside, you can lubricate your dog’s nose with aloe juice after a walk. In cold weather, after a walk, the dog’s nose can be wiped with a swab dipped in warm water.

You need to make sure your dog always has enough fresh water. The bowl needs to be washed every day. Since dogs often drink after eating and the water becomes dirty, it is better to wash the bowl after drinking and fill it with fresh water.

It is generally accepted that cold wet nose in a dog - this is a sign of its good health and healthy condition. And if your pet suddenly has a dry nose, then you need to urgently contact a veterinary clinic. This is partly true, but there are many moments when a dog’s dry nose indicates the normal functioning of the body.

Let's figure out why a dog has a dry nose and what to do in this case.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

During sleep, the animal’s body becomes very hot and the nose is no exception. Only 20-25 minutes after waking up, the dog’s entire body begins to cool down, and then the nose becomes wet.

A common cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog is an allergic reaction to one or another component. This could be pollen, plastic, chemicals or any food ingredient.

Changes in the environment and other stresses immediately affect the animal’s body. Experienced emotions also cause dry nose in your pet.

If your dog has a cold, dry nose, this may indicate a cold. But at the same time, other symptoms of the disease must also be present - sneezing, coughing, or hoarseness.

If your pet doesn't drink enough fluids, she will become dehydrated. This will cause dry nose. In this case, it is necessary to control the presence of water in the bowl and organize unhindered access to it for the dog.

In extreme weather conditions, your dog's nose becomes dry and hot. On very hot or, conversely, frosty days, with strong winds and dry air, a dog’s nose tends to be dry.

Dry nose also appears in an injured animal. In this case, puffiness, ulcers or swelling may be found on the body.

How to help a dog if it has a dry nose?

Our advice is to pay attention to your dog's behavior, not his nose. It is the habits that best signal an animal’s illness.

A dog, like any other animal, has a nose covered with mucus produced by special glands. This allows them to sense even the slightest vibrations in the air and distinguish odors. A cold and wet nose in an animal is an indicator of normal health.

However, sometimes the dog's nose becomes hot and dry. Pet owners are beginning to worry about the health of their pet. Often this phenomenon is completely safe and is associated with the influence of short-term factors. A dog's hot nose may be due to the animal spending a lot of time in the sun. However, there may be cases when such a phenomenon is associated with a malfunction of one of the animal’s organs.

Main reasons

The causes of a hot nose in a dog can be very different, and this does not always indicate the presence of dangerous disease. However, there may also be serious violations, in particular such as:

Pemphigus is a disease of the autoimmune system, accompanied by the appearance of blisters in the nose area. Gradually, the new growths burst, dry out, and a crust forms. After some time, the blisters spread to the entire surface of the body.

To determine why your dog has a hot nose, you need to consult a veterinarian, as this may be the cause of a dangerous disease. Changes in the animal’s body can be caused by stressful situations, as well as changes environment. All the emotions experienced can also cause dryness.


If your dog has a hot nose and lethargy, this could be the cause of colds. In addition to this, there are other symptoms. The animal loses its appetite, has a runny nose and cough, and the temperature rises.

For small breeds For dogs, the normal temperature will be 38-39 degrees, and for large dogs - 37-38. At the same time, the norm for puppies is a temperature several degrees higher than that of adult animals.

You can measure your dog's temperature using an electronic or mercury thermometer. A similar procedure is performed rectally. It is best to take measurements when the animal is in a calm state, so as not to frighten it, as this can damage the thermometer.

Allergy in an animal

Allergies can be triggered by flowering plants, as well as woolen items, food, and household chemicals. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of an allergy.

During a food reaction, you may experience:

  • itching skin;
  • inflammation of the ears;
  • disruption of the stomach and intestines;
  • lacrimation.

May be observed skin allergy when exposed to aggressive substances. As a result, there is itching and redness on the skin, which does not go away even after use. antibacterial drugs.


A dog can have a hot nose due to a nose injury, burn, or strong blow. This is a rather dangerous condition that requires complex treatment.

It is important to provide your pet with first aid in a timely manner, namely, to stop possible bleeding, bandage the wound and only then visit the veterinarian. If there is an injury, then it is forbidden to use brilliant green, alcohol and iodine, as this can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.


Rabies is mainly observed in animals that do not have the appropriate vaccinations. In addition to the fact that the dog has a hot nose, there is also a lack of appetite, photophobia and apathy. Every pet owner should know the symptoms so that in case of infection they can promptly consult a doctor.


If your pet is infected with distemper, the first signs include:

  • nose dry and hot;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pale mucous membrane;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • convulsions and fainting.

This disease progresses very quickly, which is why, if you have symptoms, you should definitely contact a veterinarian. To avoid infection, the animal must be vaccinated.

Infection with worms

Helminths can cause intoxication in the dog’s body. In this case, in addition to dry nose, other symptoms are observed, in particular:

  • unstable stool;
  • vomit;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • itching in the anal area.

The dog will be very lethargic, as worms weaken the animal’s body. Therefore, for prevention, it is recommended to periodically take anthelmintics. If you have such symptoms, it is advisable to get tested and, if necessary, carry out anthelmintic therapy.

Lack of vitamins

A dry, warm and slightly cracked nose can be caused by insufficient amounts of vitamins A and D in the animal's diet. Vitamin A is found in vegetables, fruits, liver, fish and egg yolks. Vitamin D is found in dairy products, beef, and fish.

What to do if you have a problem

Many pet owners don't know what to do if their dog has a hot nose. If such symptoms appear, you need to contact a veterinarian who will help determine the underlying cause and prescribe adequate therapy. The specifics of treatment largely depend on the cause that provoked it.

If a dog has a hot nose due to allergies, then you should try to clean the room where the animal is located without using chemicals. In addition, you need to clean with just warm water as often as possible. If your pet's bedding is wool, then you need to replace it with cotton. When choosing dishes for eating an animal, you should give preference to metal or glass.

If you suspect colds If the dog’s condition is not too severe, treatment can be carried out at home, however, if possible, it is advisable to show it to a veterinarian. It is imperative to provide a calm environment for the animal, give it a drink and a favorite treat.

Where the sick dog rests there should be no drafts; it is advisable to provide normal temperature in the apartment. You need to go outside only when necessary, and limit your walks to a time limit.

If the dog is freezing, then you need to cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad. You can periodically comb the animal with a brush, as massage will help activate the body's defenses. If the cold is severe enough, then the veterinarian may prescribe medications. If you have wheezing and coughing, you need to treat with antibacterial drugs. Additionally, medications will be required to normalize the microflora of the dog’s stomach.

If you notice that your dog's nose is hot, you need to check if he has water in his drinking bowl. Perhaps it was inattention to the animal that became the main cause of discomfort and dehydration. Water must always be present in the animal’s drinking bowl.

IN winter time the skin on the nose can be exposed to natural factors, resulting in painful cracks. In this case, the skin mucosa requires proper care and the use of special moisturizers and protective agents. In addition, for some time you need to protect your pet from being outside.

When not to worry

What does it mean if a dog has a hot nose, and what to do about it, worries many pet owners. Not always similar condition considered a signal of disease. If the dog behaves as usual, it is very cheerful, playful and there is no reason to worry. You just need to watch him.

There are a number various reasons dry nose, when the pet owner does not need to worry. The nose may be dry and warm during sleep and for 10 minutes after waking up. Also among the provoking factors are:

A nursing dog may have a dry nose after giving birth to puppies. Also, a similar condition can occur when the body is dehydrated. You need to regularly monitor the availability of fresh water for your pet, therefore, it is advisable to change it after each meal.

Nose Pink colour may be subject to severe sunburn. If it becomes red and cracked, and the skin begins to peel, you can use sunscreen and limit exposure to direct sun rays for a pet. Some dogs have a specific nose structure and a slow metabolism, which is why they will have a dry and hot nose throughout their lives. To make your pet feel better, you can periodically lubricate the surface of the nose with calendula.