Food for breakfast recipes. Free online weight loss course for 12 weeks. Tender baked cabbage

In the fight against extra pounds, it is very important to properly organize nutrition. A well-prepared breakfast plays an important role, without which no diet will be effective. It depends on him whether you will be throughout the day: full or hungry, active or lethargic, cheerful or dull. Do not underestimate this meal - and not only as part of weight loss, but also in the rest of the time too.

Why is he so important?

Now nutritionists are no longer advised to go on diets, since in order to lose weight it is enough just to organize proper nutrition. And it requires the mandatory presence of a full breakfast. And do not think that you have to eat alone on water without salt, sugar and butter. This meal can be both tasty and healthy at the same time, if you try. The main thing is to force yourself to cook it when you just had to get out of a warm bed and you urgently need to run to work.

Its main functions:

  • “turns on” (awakens) the body;
  • activates digestion;
  • gives good mood;
  • makes unhealthy snacks unnecessary;
  • energizes;
  • provides protection against viruses and harmful microbes;
  • nourishes the brain;
  • increase work capacity, intelligence;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • improves metabolism;
  • well saturates, regulating appetite and allowing you to reduce the volume of lunch and dinner.

Agree: worthy arguments in favor of still arranging a full breakfast in the morning, which act on the body as energy, only without harm to health.

To finally dispel your doubts, let's connect simple mathematics. Classic scheme proper nutrition as part of weight loss: 3 main meals + 2 snacks between them. You need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. Theoretically, we exclude breakfast: dinner - at 19.00, slept for about 8 hours, then lunch at about 11.00. Calculate how long food has not entered the stomach - approximately 16 hours. The body perceives this as a forced hunger strike and goes into saving mode. Metabolism automatically slows down, appetite during lunch and dinner wakes up brutal - and everything you eat will not be converted into energy, but fat depots throughout the body.

Numerous studies prove that in the absence of breakfast, most people begin to develop overweight. However, this process is very individual, and there are exceptions. There are those who do not eat in the morning and look cheerful and fit. There are few of them, and it is not a fact that you are one of them. Therefore, still try to eat right and fully.

What should it be?

After you realize how important the right breakfast is for weight loss, you need to figure out what it should be like in order to benefit the body. After all, everyone understands that a sweet bun with a thick layer of chocolate butter, washed down with strong coffee with heavy cream and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, is unlikely to contribute to weight loss.

According to nutritionists, the ideal breakfast for those who dream of a slim figure should meet the following criteria:

  1. Balanced

From the point of view of BJU: 1/3 - proteins, 2/3 - carbohydrates, 1/5 - fats.

  1. calorie-aware

Diet breakfast should be 20-25% of daily calories. Normally, this is 2,000 kcal, as part of weight loss - 1,200-1,500 kcal. We calculate - we get 400 kcal with proper nutrition and a normal lifestyle, and 250-300 kcal - if you really want to build.

  1. Nutritious

To saturate the body before lunch and prevent breakdown and overeating during the day. Therefore, it is so important to include carbohydrates in it, and they should be slow, not fast.

  1. Non-greasy

That is, if dairy products are present, then with low content fat content, oil - only and in very limited quantities.

  1. Light

Contributing good digestion, and not weighting and provoking flatulence and bloating.

Be sure to include fruits in it, which are considered natural energy and give a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Several Yet useful tips how to organize a healthy breakfast with proper nutrition so that it contributes to weight loss.

  1. perfect time- in the morning from 07.00 to 09.00, half an hour after waking up.
  2. Half an hour before meals, you need to drink a glass of water.
  3. Breakfast should always be at the same time.
  4. If there is no appetite in the morning, find ways to awaken it: buy bright dishes, eat the most delicious food spend this time with the people you love.
  5. If you don’t have time to cook delicious and complex dishes, do it in the evening so that you can simply warm it up in the morning.
  6. Frying, grilling - no The best way cooking. All the rest are fine.
  7. No need to swallow porridge, burning your mouth. It is harmful to the gastric mucosa. Food temperature should be comfortable.
  8. You can’t rush and sit in gadgets - the process of eating should give you a feeling of pleasure and complete satisfaction.
  9. Do not eat to satiety - you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  10. Before eating, it will be useful to do morning exercises.

Product Lists

Well, now directly the lists of products, what is better to eat for breakfast, and what is strictly prohibited when losing weight.


  • boiled chicken breast (especially useful for athletes, as it contains a lot of animal protein for the formation of beautiful muscle mass);
  • honey - natural energy;
  • milkshakes;
  • (but only drunk after breakfast, not before it);
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • healthy cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal, first of all) - the same slow carbohydrates that promote weight loss;
  • fresh fruits with a minimum sugar content;
  • cheese, low-fat kefir - the perfect combination of protein and calcium;
  • fresh juices, smoothies - sources of vitamins;
  • bread - rye bran or whole grain, toast;
  • eggs and any dishes from them are a source of protein and vitamins.

It is forbidden:

  • bananas - oddly enough, they also fall into this list, and not only because of the high sugar content: an excess of magnesium in the morning disrupts the internal balance of the body;
  • bacon, sausages and sausages;
  • fat meat;
  • yoghurts with dyes and flavors;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, vinegar;
  • pasta;
  • carbonated, energy and alcoholic drinks;
  • marinades, pickles;
  • some diets suggest eating grapefruits for breakfast, while citrus fruits on an empty stomach are a sure way first to heartburn, then to gastritis, and in the future to an ulcer;
  • dumplings;
  • pies, pancakes, pancakes, donuts and other pastries and muffins;
  • fish;
  • fresh vegetables - on an empty stomach irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sweets (sweets, cookies, chocolate), sugar;
  • spices, seasonings, onion, garlic, pepper;
  • cottage cheese - nutritionists advise eating it in the afternoon;
  • fast food.

Questionable Products

Nutritionists have mixed opinions about dry breakfasts: cereals, muesli and snacks. Yes, these are very tasty, many people like them, they give a charge of vivacity and a good mood for the whole day. On the other hand, for weight loss, this is not the most suitable option, because they contain too much sugar - those very fast carbohydrates that provide a short-term feeling of satiety. Literally an hour later you want to eat again. If you like muesli, then at least eat them with fruits and low-fat kefir.

The second list is rather relative. To avoid a breakdown, once a week at a small amount you can afford something from fast carbohydrates. In the absence of other indulgences, a spoonful of jam or a fresh bun will not make you fatter or derail your weight loss plan.

Top best

We bring to your attention a small TOP. It includes the most useful breakfasts that are suitable for any weight loss program. You can safely use them to make a diet menu.

  1. Leads the ranking healthy porridge for breakfast - oatmeal cooked in water, kefir or low-fat milk. You can add a choice of fruits, nuts and honey to it.
  2. Buckwheat.
  3. Smoothies from fat-free kefir and fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits and bananas).
  4. Baked omelet. You can add vegetables to it (tomatoes, zucchini, Bell pepper), tofu, mushrooms, spinach.
  5. Fruit salad without bananas and citrus.
  6. Sandwich of hard cheese and whole grain bread.
  7. A handful of nuts.
  8. Carrot muffin with raisins.
  9. Lavash roll, lettuce, boiled chicken breast and natural yogurt instead of dressing.
  10. Whole grain bread sandwich with chicken or turkey.
  11. Eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled.


If you need sports (men's) or the lowest calorie breakfasts, we offer the following options.

Low calorie:

  • eggs with greens;
  • quesadilla with scrambled eggs;
  • swirl with ricotta;
  • tofu with mushrooms;
  • oatmeal with berries;
  • rice pudding with pistachios;
  • carrot cutlets.


  • protein salad of squid, chicken breast and egg white;
  • protein omelet;
  • boiled eggs;
  • porcini mushroom salad;
  • milk shake;
  • shrimp with lemon juice;
  • whole wheat bread with a piece of boiled chicken breast;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat with milk.

An athlete's breakfast must be protein and dense. In the period of hard training in the morning you need to drink whey or gainers. The ratio of carbohydrates and proteins depends on the physique. For ectomorphs, it should be about the same. Mesomorphs are recommended breakfasts, consisting of 65% protein and 35% carbohydrates. Endomorphs need to reduce the amount of carbohydrate products to 25%, but at the same time add on proteins.

It is not necessarily addressed only to men. If girls want not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to find the most beautiful figure against the backdrop of intense training, they can use these options.


Even the most delicious breakfasts, if repeated, will soon become boring and can jeopardize any diet. To prevent this from happening, you need variety in the products and dishes that you prepare for yourself in the morning. An indicative option will help in compiling the menu for each day.

This menu is exemplary, that is, you can change something in it at your discretion. The main thing is to stick to the principles healthy eating.


Consider some of the most popular breakfasts with calories. And first of all, these are recipes for cereals, with which nutritionists recommend starting the morning.

Oatmeal with kefir (102 kcal)


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 500 ml;
  • berries, nuts, fruits;
  • salt.


  1. Pour kefir over oatmeal in the evening.
  2. Salt in the morning.
  3. Add finely chopped apples, any berries or chopped nuts.

Buckwheat porridge on the water (107 kcal)


  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • salt.


  1. Sort the grits, rinse in several waters.
  2. Pour cold water, bring to a boil, cook until tender.
  3. Salt.

Smoothies (60 kcal)


  • 4 things. fresh strawberries;
  • half;
  • 100 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 30 g oatmeal;
  • some nuts.


  1. Peel the apple and core. Cut into cubes.
  2. Mix strawberries, apple and oatmeal in a blender. Beat 1 min.
  3. Add kefir. Beat for another 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

Omelet with vegetables (130 kcal)


  • 2 eggs;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 50 g zucchini;
  • 20 g parsley;
  • 50 ml low-fat milk;
  • salt.


  1. Whisk eggs in a bowl, add milk. Beat again until frothy. Salt.
  2. Pour the egg-milk mass onto a baking sheet with olive oil.
  3. Cut the pepper into strips, zucchini into cubes, tomatoes into circles. Lay out on a baking sheet. Mix everything.
  4. Send to preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Fruit salad (80 kcal)

Ingredients (50g each):

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • pomegranate;
  • avocado;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • a pineapple;
  • 300 ml natural yoghurt.


  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, remove the peel and seeds.
  2. Chop into small cubes.
  3. Mix.
  4. Pour in yogurt.
  5. Mix.
  6. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.

Carrot muffin with raisins (147 kcal)


  • 150 ml of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 medium-sized;
  • 1 small apple;
  • 20 g raisins;
  • a little soda;
  • 90 g wheat flour;
  • 90 g oatmeal.


  1. Peel the apple and remove the seeds.
  2. Grate it and carrots on a grater.
  3. Extinguish soda with kefir.
  4. Add egg, apple and carrot to it.
  5. Add both types of flour.
  6. Stir in raisins.
  7. Knead.
  8. Pour into shapes.
  9. Bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

Poached egg (28 kcal)


  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • salt.


  1. Pour water into the pan, boil, add salt, add lemon juice. Turn off the fire.
  2. Break the egg into a cup very carefully so as not to spread.
  3. Create a water funnel with a spoon, pour the egg into it.
  4. Boil 4 min.
  5. Get it with a slotted spoon.

Most delicious recipes there are dietary breakfasts, the best options for losing weight have been sorted out, the TOP of the best have been compiled - now it remains only to make all this theoretical information into practice.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 10 minutes


What do we usually eat for breakfast? When we get ready for work and school, we tend to devour piles of sausage and cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs with sausages, yogurt and other products to quickly fill our stomach before a hard day's work. Of course, this is wrong. Although breakfast should be hearty, first of all, it must be healthy. Such food only temporarily dampens hunger. And eating healthy, satisfying and tasty at the same time is not at all difficult if you know what to cook.

Perfect start to the day

That a healthy breakfast is a guarantee healthy lifestyle life is known to all. Among other things, the right breakfast is also uplifting. Moreover, you can cheer up not only with a traditional cup of strong coffee, but also with green, freshly brewed tea.

According to nutritionists, all the calories that enter the body in the morning are burned until the evening, thanks to physical activity. Even if this fact is the case, of course, one should not abuse mayonnaise salads or lamb skewers for breakfast. Mayonnaise can be replaced, lamb - boiled beef. But a piece of something sweet in the morning will not hurt.

Healthy breakfast rules:

  • Cold and hot food in the morning is best avoided. Warm food for the normal functioning of a barely awakened stomach is just that.
  • Breakfast foods should contain nutrients, especially carbohydrates. That is why oatmeal is considered the most popular breakfast. Although egg casseroles, omelettes, muesli and fruit pancakes will be no less useful.
  • Breakfast, which starts the hormonal system in the morning, should be within the first hour after a person wakes up.
  • The product will be more useful and nutritious if honey is used instead of sugar.

Breakfast on a "national basis"

Breakfast cooked at home becomes more satisfying the farther north the resident's country is. For example, breakfast in Turkey are coffee, feta cheese, sheep cheese with olives, herbs and traditional national flatbreads.

In France they prefer croissants, coffee, confiture and freshly squeezed juices.

English hearty and fatty dishes are served in the morning - scrambled eggs with sausages and fried bacon, baked beans.

Norse like to start the day with potatoes with cracklings and fried fish.

So what should be this healthy breakfast?

What is a healthy breakfast?

According to nutritionists, a person’s breakfast should include (from daily allowance) one-fifth (incomplete) fat, two-thirds carbohydrates, and one-third protein.

Of the carbohydrates, the most useful are indigestible ones - those that are contained in wholemeal bread and oatmeal. This is one of the most important elements for the body. The use of fruits, vegetables and dairy products is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ideas for a healthy and filling breakfast for the whole week



Breakfast is the most important of all meals of the day. In the morning, you just need to eat some warm hearty meal. But often everyone tries to have a bite to eat on the go, as they are very late. To your attention - simple, but very tasty dishes, the preparation of which will require a minimum of time and effort.

Often the main breakfast ingredient is eggs. They can also be served in any way. Cut a hole in the bread, fry, drive in an egg and fry again

And this is almost the same, but in the oven

And you can make an egg in a sausage

In pepper...

In tomatoes

And in a mug - bread, ham (bacon), egg, cheese

In a ham bun, and here's another way to transform a sausage

Poached egg, for those who like soft-boiled eggs but don't like to peel them. Wrap the egg in cling film, boil and carefully remove.

A very convenient thing for breakfast is a baking dish for cupcakes. Omelette - egg, milk and add whatever your heart desires - greens, cheese, ham, vegetables, kneaded and baked

It can be even simpler - they laid out vegetables or meat and poured an omelette

Sandwiches are great! The ham was wrapped in slices of bread, wrapped, dipped in an egg, fried. There is a loaf - they pulled out the core - they poured sauce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, herbs - into the oven

And who needs a lot of sandwiches at once? Smear with oil (or any sauce), spread in a circle, tomatoes, ham inside, pour over an omelette and sprinkle with cheese, bake

It's quite simple - they cut the bread, stuffed the cheese, moved the greens with the egg, poured it into the oven.

If someone prefers vegetables, then cabbage in batter is a great dish.

What about sweet breakfasts? Delicious ... Strawberries (any fruit) in bread, roll in egg and breadcrumbs with sugar, fry

Pretty much the same but with chocolate inside.

And this is not only delicious, simple, but also very beautiful. They cut the apple thinly, wrapped it in dough and rolled it up, sprinkled it with sugar and put it in the oven.

Shortcrust pastry, any jam between the layers - cookies are obtained

Before you start cooking your favorite dish, you should pay attention to two simple, but efficient rules which will save you time.

  1. Plan your menu ahead of time. Nothing helps to save precious in modern society time as the ability to plan. Thinking over the plan of dishes for breakfast in advance (preferably a week in advance), you can make your meals varied, which means more healthy and tasty.
  2. Prepare the kitchen for the fight in advance. The cooking time of many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, put plates, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into a teapot or coffee into a coffee machine. These simple steps will allow you to save some time, which is so lacking in the morning.

To get more done in the morning or get a few extra minutes of sleep, find a little more than half an hour in the evening to prepare nutrition bars. What's more, it's delicious and healthy dish it will be possible to store in the refrigerator for several days and even take it with you as.


  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • ½ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 handful of dried fruits;
  • 2-3 slices of grated dark chocolate;
  • ⅓ cup of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


Mix all dry and liquid ingredients separately. Combine both mixtures and mix well until a thick homogeneous mass. Spread the dough in a layer of 5-7 millimeters on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut the hot dough into bars, turn them over and leave for another 5-7 minutes in the oven.

To diversify your breakfast, dried fruits in bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.

A portion of natural yoghurt without additives and slices of your favorite fruit is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save you time, but will also be very useful. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and so on) can be an excellent substitute.

If you are used to starting your morning with a nutritious scrambled egg, try replacing it with a delicious frittata. Having prepared an Italian omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning you will only have to warm up breakfast.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g chanterelles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan;
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


Fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Whisk the eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan and pour over the mushrooms. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished frittata with herbs and cheese and cut into portions.

If you cook oatmeal in the evening, it will become tender and fragrant, absorbing yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this diet dish looks like a delicious dessert.


  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • berries to taste;
  • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


Combine cereal, favorite spices, and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, simply add berries, shredded coconut, nuts, or dried fruits.

To the delight of those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.


  • 2 cups nuts (preferably hazelnuts or almonds);
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 4 proteins;
  • vanillin to taste.


Grind the nuts with sugar in a blender until fine crumbs. Beat egg whites with salt, then gradually add nut mix and vanilla, continuing to beat. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).

Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don't have time to cook it? Then use the benefits modern technologies. Pour wheat, corn, rice or other porridge into the slow cooker in the evening, pour milk with water (the ratio of porridge and liquid is 1: 3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - everything else will be done by the slow cooker. In the morning, a hot and healthy breakfast will be waiting for you.

If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology as a slow cooker, then you still have many other options for making porridge. For example, fill buckwheat with kefir in a ratio of 1:3 (cold option) or boiling water in a thermos (warm option) and leave overnight. In the morning, breakfast, filling you with B vitamins and trace elements, is ready.

8. Berry Parfait

Sometimes in the morning you want to please your soul mate (maybe yourself) with something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and useful. This recipe is just for such cases.


  • 150 ml vanilla yogurt;
  • 150 g corn flakes;
  • 150 g of berries.


Layer the berries, yogurt and cereal in a tall glass in equal proportions. Just a few minutes, and your delicious, bright and a little romantic breakfast is ready.

The recipe for cheesecakes in the oven is good because there are several options for serving it in the morning. They can be prepared in advance and served cold for breakfast, or warmed up in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, lay it out in forms or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just send the cheesecakes to the oven. While you are getting ready, a fragrant and airy breakfast will be ready.


  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g flour or semolina;
  • 5-6 apricots;
  • sugar and vanilla to taste.


Mash cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and rub. Add flour or semolina in small portions, mixing with a spoon each time. Divide apricots into four parts. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and brush with a little oil. Spread out half of the mass with a spoon. Put a slice of apricots on each cheesecake, and the rest of the mass on top. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

In the evening, prepare a set for - a banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and refrigerate. In the morning, all you have to do is mix all the ingredients.

Grind seeds, nuts, dates in a blender with natural yogurt. You can add any other ingredients you like on top, such as raspberries, blueberries, or coconut flakes. take away ready meal in the refrigerator, and in the morning enjoy a beautiful and nutritious breakfast.

Thanks to salmon toast in the morning, you will get a treasure trove useful elements- protein, omega-3, fatty acid and iron. This breakfast should definitely be included in your diet due to its high sodium content.

Everything is elementary simple: take whole grain bread or a loaf, put a slice of salmon on top, and then, if desired, cucumber, tomato, onion or greens. Such a healthy and nutritious breakfast will calmly wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. Most importantly, do not forget to cover it with cling film on top.

Unleavened bread or crispbread and homemade pate. Your morning will start with a breakfast rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus.


  • 400 g chicken or beef liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • spices to taste.


Cut the liver into pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Simmer covered until tender (about 15-20 minutes). Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry over moderate heat. The cooled ingredients must be ground in portions in the blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put it in a container.

The benefit of baked apples is that in the process of their preparation, a maximum of useful substances, minerals and vitamins. First of all, it is potassium and iron.


  • 1 apple;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


Remove the core of the apple, fill the indentation with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. You can add raisins if you like. walnuts or fill apples with cottage cheese and fruit.

Just cut a banana into two halves, and put on top natural yogurt, coconut, muesli and some honey. This is a very simple but tasty and healthy breakfast.

This low-carb meal is rich in vitamins A and C, making it a great source of keratin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means it can be made the night before.


  • 300 g of polenta;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 300 g of cane sugar;
  • 100 g white sugar;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons cream "Angleuse";
  • 2 oranges;
  • 10 g ginger.


Whisk in the polenta, cane sugar, eggs, butter, and half the vanilla pod until smooth. Fill ⅔ of a buttered pan with batter and bake for an hour.

Melt the white sugar in a pan along with the remaining vanilla. Add the peeled and sliced ​​oranges to the melted caramel and remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle with grated ginger for spice.

Put the caramelized oranges with ginger on the cooled cupcake and garnish with the Anglaise cream.

Finally, the simplest, but no less healthy dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning you will have a breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

Using the proposed 17 dishes, you can combine and create many breakfast options yourself. Just replace or supplement some ingredients with others according to your taste or mood.

Agree, now you have absolutely no excuses left to skip an important morning meal. Having prepared any of the proposed breakfast options in the evening, you will only have to cook a cup of good or brew tea in the morning.

* Oatmeal with blueberries and almonds. In terms of a balanced diet, this is a great start to the day. Add thawed blueberries, grated almonds to Oatmeal, sprinkle everything with cinnamon and put a little honey. These foods are rich in nutrients, protein and fiber.
* scrambled eggs with herbs or scrambled eggs with vegetables. This breakfast is suitable for those who like to have a hearty meal in the morning. In addition to feeling full, eggs provide you with protein and vitamin E.

* fresh berries, Oatmeal and yogurt. Using a blender, mix all the ingredients and we add two teaspoons of flax oil.
* fruit salad. Cut some apple, melon, orange, pear, banana, add grapes and berries. Next, chopped fruit should be poured with lemon juice and yogurt. Very tasty and healthy.
* nutritious sandwich of whole grain bread, lettuce leaf, chicken meat and low-fat hard cheese.
* cottage cheese and fruits. To low-fat cottage cheese, add any fruit to taste: apples, citrus fruits, berries are suitable.
* buckwheat with milk. Buckwheat - beautiful dietary product. In addition, it is a storehouse of vegetable protein and trace elements important for our body.
* hearty avocado salad: chop a couple of avocados, add a boiled egg and grated cheese and do not season. Result: a lot of vitamins, high-calorie and nutritious.
* a mixture of half a banana, a third of a large apple and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Pour a mixture of 200-250 g of kefir.

Healthy breakfast for slim figure number 1.

Why not start the day with oatmeal? This is a useful porridge in quantity beneficial vitamins and trace elements is in the lead. To diversify the taste of oatmeal, you can add fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to it.

Only 200-250 grams of Oatmeal for a healthy breakfast, and the treacherous thought of a chocolate bar will cease to be intrusive, and a slender figure will be closer. Oatmeal is quickly absorbed, does not settle as an unbearable load on the waist and hips.

In order not to waste time at the stove in the morning due to the risk of burning porridge, you can use the express cooking method. It is necessary to pour oatmeal with water and leave it in the microwave for 5-7 minutes.
During this time, you will have time to do a light make-up, and the porridge will turn into a pleasant creamy mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 2.

Buckwheat porridge is an alternative to oatmeal. Buckwheat is generally a favorite product for those who want to lose weight. A small plate of porridge is not just tasty dish but also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
It is no coincidence that the buckwheat mono-diet is known as the most effective and efficient.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 3.

Smoothies are a trendy and healthy breakfast that deserves a bronze place in our collection of slimming foods. Smoothies are easy to make. It is necessary to add whatever your heart desires to kefir or low-fat yogurt.
In a vegetable smoothie, all vegetables that are combined to taste will do. Fruity - easy.

When all the components of the future breakfast are determined, you need to beat everything in a blender. And to give satiety, you can mix the dish with a handful of oatmeal. Ready! Delicious and healthy breakfast for finding a slim figure on your table.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 4.

An omelette is a breakfast that is unique in its characteristics. It has a lot of advantages: it cooks quickly, is varied in execution, tasty and healthy. To fantasize with the taste of an omelette and add vitamin value to it, vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, green capsicum or bell peppers will not be superfluous in the egg mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 5.

Delicious, beautiful and healthy breakfast for a slim figure is prepared from fat-free cottage cheese with berries and honey. Thus, if you beat all the ingredients in a blender, you get a juicy curd cream, in which there are no extra calories, but only the maximum benefit.

You can diversify the taste of a cottage cheese breakfast not only with the help of fruits. This milk product and in combination with fresh herbs is good.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 6.

Muesli home cooking- a real energy healthy breakfast for a slim figure. Not to be confused with store-bought muesli, which, unfortunately, are pantries of calories. Muesli is easy to make.
It is necessary to lightly fry the flakes in a pan or warm them in the oven. This will give pleasant aroma and add crunch.

And then it is enough to pour the cereal with low-fat milk, kefir or yogurt, add fresh and dried fruits, nuts and that's it! A nutritious and very satisfying healthy breakfast is ready for a slim figure. And, mind you, there will be no extra calories in it. Unless, of course, you overdo it with nuts and dried fruits.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 7.

Fruit salad is a great start to the day. Any combinations are welcome. However, do not forget that grapefruit burns body fat, avocado gives a feeling of satiety, and a banana is high in calories, but for healthy breakfast it's not critical.
A bowl of fruit salad can fill you up, give you energy, and boost your vitality. True, for the sake of preparing it, you will have to sacrifice about 5-7 minutes of sleep, but for the sake of a beautiful, slender figure, we think it’s worth doing such a feat as setting the alarm clock back a little.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 8.

Unsweetened coffee with dark chocolate is a compromise healthy breakfast for those who cannot refuse their favorite drink and treats. However, chocolate should only be chosen that contains at least 70% cocoa. Otherwise, instead of being useful for a slender figure, bitter chocolate will begin to accumulate excess weight in the most problematic places of the figure.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 9.

Hard cheeses with a slice of whole grain bread - Alternative option start the morning with a healthy breakfast. Please note that the fat content of cheese should not be very high, since cheese is a fairly high-calorie product. It is important that the sandwich is small.
You should not limit yourself to miniature sizes at all in an effort to quickly achieve a slender figure, because literally in an hour and a half there will be a desire to have a bite. And your task is to hold out after a cheese breakfast until lunch.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure number 10.

A small handful of nuts is suitable as a healthy breakfast for those who do not have time to cook for themselves something from the 9 recipes listed above. It must be remembered that nuts are very high in calories, so you should not abuse them. But in a small amount, about 10 almond nuts, your body will receive a boost of energy for the next 3-3.5 hours.

Healthy breakfast foods.

Fresh juices. Starting with a glass of orange juice, a healthy breakfast will help prepare your stomach for digestion. This nectar contains a large number of vitamin c; other natural juices (apple, carrot, tomato, etc.) are rich in pectin, carotene and other nutrients. Calorie content - 40-70 kcal.

Cereals. For breakfast, it is useful to eat muesli rich in carbohydrates, rye and whole grain bread containing mineral salts, B vitamins and coarse fiber. The calorie content of different cereals ranges from 285 kcal (rice) to 330 kcal (barley.

Fruit. A healthy breakfast can start with fresh fruit or dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins. Natural products contain many vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber thanks to which such a breakfast provides normal work intestines. The calorie content of many fruits - apples, citrus fruits, pears, plums and others - does not exceed 40-60 kcal, which allows them to be included in any weight loss diet.

Dairy. A useful addition to healthy breakfast natural yogurt will become: the live lactobacilli contained in it help to strengthen the immune system. For breakfast, it is important to eat cheese, rich in easily digestible protein and calcium. Calorie content of yogurt - 70-80 kcal, cheese - 200-400 kcal.

Honey. Almost 40% of the carbohydrates contained in this product is fructose, which normalizes enzymatic processes in the body after breakfast. The benefits of honey - in a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system: the inclusion of this valuable component in the healthy breakfast menu will help to avoid adverse jumps blood pressure during the whole day. Calorie content - about 400 kcal.

Coffee Tea. Tannin and caffeine have a stimulating effect on nervous system and help the body wake up, while minerals and antioxidants increase defenses. In addition to a healthy breakfast, you can drink green tea, which improves complexion. Caloric content of black coffee - 1-2 kcal, tea - 3-5 kcal.

Marmalade, jam. The gelatin found in these healthy breakfast foods is beneficial for secretory function gastric glands. Such a breakfast allows you to normalize the level of acidity and provides a comfortable state of health for the whole day. Calorie content - about 300 kcal.

Eggs. This traditional breakfast product is a complete source of essential nutrients. Eggs eaten for breakfast will replenish the reserves of phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, iron, vitamin A, D and group B. Calorie content - 160 kcal.

A hungry person thinks not about work, but about what he wants to eat. Therefore, having a good meal, concentration will be better, and memory will not deteriorate. Doctors say that breakfast is important because it will help you control your cholesterol and sugar levels in your body. Eating a hearty meal in the morning is quite healthy, it is the basis of a healthy diet, and not only. If a person regularly skips the morning meal, then the feeling of hunger begins to torment him long before lunch. In such a state, it is difficult to control oneself and not to throw everything “that is not nailed down” into oneself. It has long been a proven fact that a person who skips breakfast eats more during the day than those who do not. The body has useful digestive enzymes that our body produces just in the morning. If a person does not eat in the morning, they disappear, and this can affect the functioning of the body. Scientists have proven that people who eat breakfast have strong immunity and do not get sick so often.

In the morning, I don't feel like thinking about what to cook. Therefore, it will be much more convenient to compose sample menu for the whole week. So it will be easier to eat right, and there will be much more free time.
Nutrition, of course, must be correct, but strong restrictions lead to breakdowns. If you can't imagine your life without sweets, morning is the perfect time for a "little crime". Your body will have a whole day to get rid of the evidence, this will allow your figure to remain unchanged. After breakfast and before lunch, your body needs the right snack. This will help get rid of the feeling of hunger. The work will be fruitful, and at dinner you will not be in danger of overeating. The ideal time for a snack or second breakfast is three hours after the main meal. For proper snack an apple, a glass of kefir or a handful of nuts is perfect.

Video PP Breakfast

Oatmeal pancake (PP recipe with oat flour or ground flakes) is a real find for lovers of a tasty and satisfying breakfast, as well as a snack during the day with healthy and healthy food.

Oatmeal pancake consists of the same eggs, oatmeal and milk, which is why it easily replaces porridge, scrambled eggs, and scrambled eggs. Oatmeal is a recipe for proper nutrition, the calorie content of which is within reasonable limits. It is good on its own, but it will be much tastier to add a variety of fillings to it, sweet or salty to taste.

For 2 oatmeal you need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 6 art. l. long boiled oatmeal
  • 6 art. l. milk
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

1 option:
  • half a banana
  • 4 pieces of chocolate
Option 2:
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of curd cheese
  • 3-4 pieces of lightly salted fish

The recipe for this already legendary pancake is simple. We divide all the ingredients into 2 parts and alternately cook 2 pancakes.

Hercules must first be ground with a blender or coffee grinder, but not to the state of flour, but as in the photo. Crack an egg into a bowl of prepared oatmeal.
Add milk, add a little salt and mix everything thoroughly.
Pour the mixture into a cold frying pan with a good non-stick coating, turn on a slow fire and cook until bubbles appear.
We spread curd cheese and pieces of lightly salted fish on one side of the first pancake.
Cover with the other side. After a couple of seconds, turn off the fire. Oatmeal pancake with savory filling is ready.
We do the same with the second oatmeal, only now we put banana circles on it along with chocolate slices.
As a result, we got two wonderful oatmeal pancakes with different fillings. By the way, you can stuff warm or already cooled oatmeal with anything! For example: hard cheese and vegetables, chicken fillet, cottage cheese with berries, peanut butter with bananas. If you show your imagination properly, then every day for breakfast or a snack you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with a new oatmeal. Enjoy your meal!