Effective removal of acne. How to get rid of acne on your face? Acne on the face: traditional methods of treatment

Especially if it occurs on the skin, it brings a lot of discomfort to a person. Therefore, a person begins to feel awkward, and people around him perceive him poorly. All this leads to aggravation of a person’s moral state. You need to understand that acne can occur in both adults and children. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the real reason occurrence of a rash, only then treat.

Traditional methods for acne on the face

For acne at home, you can prepare a variety of methods that cope well with this disease. But, before we tell you how to get rid of acne, you need to know the general rules.

  1. You should not squeeze out pimples yourself.
  2. If large areas are affected, use natural cosmetics.
  3. You need to wash your face with warm water.
  4. Eat properly.
  5. Introduce foods rich in vitamin B and D into your diet.

As for the diet. If you have pimples and blackheads, you need to include yeast dishes.

How can you quickly get rid of blackheads and pimples?

Of course, there are many ways, let’s look at the most popular, effective recipes.

You can get rid of acne using simple laundry soap. Take a small container, grate some laundry soap, add warm water, mix well. If the affected area is large, then you need to add table salt.

Application: onto damp skin, apply the mixture evenly, massage into the skin. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes. Rinse off the remains with warm water. With this recipe you can get rid of a nasty dermatological defect in a month.

If laundry soap does not bring a positive result, you can use pharmacy medicinal chamomile. Before use, carefully read the instructions so that you have no contraindications for use. Getting ready pharmaceutical chamomile Just.

A product made from chamomile is used as a daily cleanser.

Preparation: Infuse 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile herb in 250 ml of boiling water. Then strain through cheesecloth or cloth.

Application: use warm for washing.

This recipe is used until acne and pimples disappear completely.

Lotion for your face

IN Lately Aloe-based lotion has become relevant for this problem. Every home has such a wonderful plant that helps not only get rid of a runny nose, but also acne. The main thing is to prepare it correctly to bring a positive effect.

The lotion is prepared from young or old aloe leaves. Take a couple of leaves and chop them finely.

Place chopped aloe in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Once the lotion is ready, you can use it for daily washing.

Why is the recipe called lotion? The fact is that after infusion of aloe, the solution acquires the consistency of lotion, hence the name of the folk recipe.

Calendula tincture for acne

Many people know how to get rid of pimples and blackheads at home using calendula tincture. Positive effect of 50%, why? Many people with this problem simply use or prepare the tincture incorrectly.

To really bring positive results, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin before applying the tincture.

First, wash your face well with laundry soap, then dry the skin with a towel.

If on skin no wounds, then apply alcohol tincture calendula using a cotton pad. The smell of the tincture is unpleasant, so apply for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

It takes a long time to prepare the tincture at home, so it’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy. For a high-quality alcohol tincture of calendula at home, at least 3-4 months of infusion must pass.

Note! If there are wounds, then alcohol tincture cannot be used.

In this case, you can use a decoction of sage, yarrow, or the above recipe based on chamomile.

We would also like to draw your attention if you have oily skin, and you use such a tincture, you must include tablets in your treatment. The doctor should tell you which product to use based on your medical history.

TOP masks for acne and pimples

You can get rid of pimples and blackheads using homemade masks.

Protein based mask

Add the chicken protein into the container and beat it well until foam forms. Add camphor alcohol and mix again. This mask can be used for any skin type.

Application: Apply with a cotton pad. The main thing is to distribute the mixture evenly to achieve positive effect. Leave until completely dry, then rinse with warm water.

Hydrogen peroxide is the key to health and beauty

Peroxide helps cleanse the face, get rid of freckles and pigmentation. To prepare, you will need baby powder or potato starch.

If you have sensitive skin, it is better to use potato starch.

Preparation: put 1 tbsp in a small container. a spoonful of starch or baby powder. Then gradually pour in 3% hydrogen peroxide. You should end up with a mushy consistency.

Application: apply, wait until completely dry, then rinse.


Do you know how to get rid of acne on your face using clay? You've probably read a lot of recipes that can cure this kind of illness. We will present methods from old posts; they help remove acne from the face in the shortest possible time.

Buy white or green clay at the pharmacy. Place 1-2 tablespoons in a container and dilute it a little with warm water. For better results, add 5 drops of rosemary oil to this mixture. Mix and apply all over the face.

It helps to eliminate not only problematic defects, it evens out the tone of the face well.

But it has one drawback: it greatly tightens the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural baby cream afterwards.

Fresh cucumber

Many people know that natural, fresh cucumber helps rejuvenate the skin. It can also be used for acne. Of course, this doesn’t mean that just putting a sliced ​​cucumber on your face will make your acne go away, no. You need to prepare a mask.

Preparation: finely grind the cucumber and add vodka to the mixture (2:1). Mix well and spread evenly over your face.

The mask is not very pleasant, but it will help you quickly get rid of acne on your face at home.

Important! If the skin has wounds or cracks, do not use.

Natural honey

If you are not allergic to natural honey, you can prepare a mixture that will help get rid of different types blackheads and pimples.

Would need:

  1. Flower honey 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l
  3. One egg white.

Preparation: mix everything and apply to the skin. Leave for 10-20 minutes, rinse.

Olive oil will help normalize blood flow, thereby preventing the recurrence of the rash. Flower honey and protein help to quickly cleanse all pores. The skin on the face acquires an even tone and becomes cleaner.

Tea tree oil mask

Want to spend a few minutes relaxing? Then the recipe is for you. Tea tree helps calm nervous system, cleanse pores of dirt, bring the skin back to normal condition. The product really has many advantages, the main thing is to prepare it correctly.

Pour baby cream into a container natural basis, then add 2-3 drops tea tree, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Mix and apply evenly to face. Keep the prepared product for half an hour, then rinse off. Getting rid of acne takes a long time, so it is used in conjunction with the washing solutions mentioned above.

Additional events

Tired of preparing different mixtures? Don't have time to wait long? Then you can buy professional products, will be able to help you in the shortest possible time.

For example:

  1. Zenerite.
  2. Bodyaga.

There are many other drugs, so if you do not have time to cook at home, you will have to consult a doctor. Only a doctor can tell you which drug to use for acne and pimples in your case.

It is important to remember that you can get rid of the disease using the methods described above only after consultation with a highly specialized specialist.

Video on how to get rid of acne on the face at home

The appearance of pimples is a common phenomenon. Therefore, each of us encountered such a problem. However, not everyone knows how to get rid of acne at home. There are several effective techniques, which you will learn more about in the article.

Unfortunately, the dermis is periodically exposed inflammatory process, which leads to acne. If in adolescence, this is a natural phenomenon caused by hormonal imbalance, then in adults, rashes can cause significant harm to health.

The most common causes of acne:

  1. Violation hormonal balance.
  2. Age-related changes.

However, there are a number of other factors that provoke the inflammatory process:

  • excessive secretion of sebaceous glands;
  • ecology;
  • Not proper nutrition;
  • lack of skin care;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the process of renewal of dermal cells is disrupted;
  • decreased immunity;
  • consequences of using low-quality cosmetics;
  • reaction to exposure to chemicals;
  • heredity;
  • influence of medications.

Green foods and those rich in fiber help improve skin condition.

According to research, foods that cause acne have been identified:

  • animal fats;
  • chips;
  • chocolate;
  • soda;
  • coffee;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts.

However, most of the above products are necessary for the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to completely abandon them. It will be enough to reduce consumption.

Homemade face masks

Homemade mixture recipes help fight acne.

Please note that the acne mask has contraindications:

  • open wounds and other skin damage;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
  • peeling;
  • dry skin suffering from dehydration;
  • individual intolerance.
  1. Apply the mask to cleansed skin. It is necessary not only to remove makeup, but also to use a scrub or lotion.
  2. Excessive use of masks can harm the dermis, so you should not carry out procedures more than twice a week.
  3. A mask will not help remove acne unless you take additional care of your skin with creams and other similar products. You also need to watch your diet. For example, eating fatty foods and sweets in large quantities activates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  4. It is highly undesirable to overexpose the composition. Maximum time exposure time – 30 minutes. It is recommended to keep the mixture for 10–15 minutes.
  5. You should not squeeze pimples before or after the procedure. Otherwise, inflammation will increase and irritation will appear.
  6. Masks are applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

Making a mask at home is very simple. We offer several popular recipes.

Anti-blackhead mask

The product cleanses the skin, penetrating deep into contaminated pores and dries out inflamed areas.


  • kefir – 20 ml;
  • dry yeast - a bag;
  • peppermint essential oil – 1 drop.


  1. Heat the fermented milk product.
  2. Pour in the yeast and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  3. Add oil and apply to facial skin.

The product is kept for 10–15 minutes. Then wash off with water and bergamot oil.

Fruit mask for acne

The mask smoothes out fine wrinkles, nourishes the dermis and protects against external negative factors.


  • kiwi - the pulp of one fruit;
  • pomegranate seed oil – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - a couple of drops.


  1. Mash the kiwi thoroughly with a fork and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave for half an hour.

It is advisable to wipe the skin with an ice cube and herbs after washing off the product.

Washing your face with ice in the morning is the key to youthful facial skin. And cubes with herbs prevent the inflammatory process.

Carrot mask

Regular use of a vitamin mask will saturate the skin with beneficial microelements, improve its color and overall condition.


  • boiled carrots;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • tea tree essential oil – a couple of drops.


  1. Peel the carrots and grind in a blender.
  2. Add egg whites, oil and mix the ingredients together.

The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin and washed off after 5-7 minutes.

Acne clay

It is enough to do the mask once a week. It dries out pimples and deeply cleanses the dermis.


  • black and blue clay– one teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – ½ tbsp. l.


  1. The two types of clay are mixed and diluted with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is achieved.
  2. Then salt and oil are added to the mass.

The mask is washed off after 10 minutes.

Honey mask

The mask disinfects and helps get rid of acne in a short period of time.


  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk;
  • aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Melt the honey a little to achieve a liquid consistency.
  2. Extract aloe using a garlic press.
  3. Add honey to the juice, then the yolk and flour.

Apply a homogeneous mixture to the skin of the face and décolleté. After 20 minutes, wash off the product.

Anti-acne mask

The mask is suitable for all skin types. Tones, cleanses and nourishes.


  • aspirin – 2 tablets;
  • one teaspoon of herbal mixture;
  • cream – 2 tsp.


  1. Crush and dissolve the tablets.
  2. Grind the dry collection in a coffee grinder.
  3. Mix aspirin mass with herbs and cream.

The mask is kept for 5 minutes.

Coffee mask against acne

The mask smoothes out fine wrinkles, scars and cicatrices, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves complexion.


  • cream – 20 ml;
  • cocoa butter – 1 tsp;
  • coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • the pulp of one piece of black bread.


  1. Heat the cream a little.
  2. Pour them into the bread pulp.
  3. Mix the softened bread mixture with the remaining ingredients.

Apply the mixture onto your face using massage movements and leave for half an hour.

Ointments and gels

In pharmacies you can find a huge range of acne medications. We are talking not only about specialized products, but also about budget ointments wide range applications.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of inexpensive ointments that help in the fight against acne:

  • zinc, salicylic-zinc ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • syntomycin;
  • Erythromycin emulsion;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • regetsin;
  • streptocide liniment;
  • Dimexide (gel);
  • sledocid.

A good acne remedy should have the following properties:

  1. Do not cause adverse or allergic reactions.
  2. Produce a disinfectant and antibacterial effect.
  3. Regenerate damaged areas of the dermis.
  4. Dry the papules.
  5. Have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Effective cosmetics for acne include: following products: Baziron, Garnier “Clean Skin”, Zenerit, Boro Plus, Differin.

Acne tinctures

The tincture is very easy to use, and most importantly, effective.

The use of all tinctures is the same:

  1. It is necessary to dilute the product with a small amount of water.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in it.
  3. Wipe your face morning and evening.

Since tinctures have a high alcohol content, water is needed to soften them. Wiping with product pure form may cause dry dermis.

To eliminate the process of skin inflammation and normalize the functioning of sebaceous flows, the following tinctures are suitable:

  1. Calendula.
  2. Celandine.
  3. Eucalyptus.

It is also useful to rub the skin herbal decoctions. Chamomile, for example, relieves inflammation.

Oral preparations

Often, rashes on the face are associated with intestinal diseases. In this case, the problem must be treated from the inside.

The most popular and effective drugs:

  1. Lactofiltrum.
  2. Doxycycline.
  3. Levomycetin.
  4. Clindamycin.
  5. Unidox Solutab.

Attention! Specialist consultation required!

Drugs are prescribed depending on the problem. If acne is caused by hormonal imbalance, then prescribed contraceptives. For example, Jess.

Diet rules for acne

Acne treatment depends on age, severity of the problem and individual characteristics body.

Methods to combat acne are divided into the following categories:

  • means for external use;
  • drugs for oral administration;
  • cosmetic procedures (for example, facial cleansing for acne);
  • cosmetic products.

The diet during treatment should contain exclusively natural products, without food additives.

  1. Fermented milk with a low fat content.
  2. Rich in fiber.
  3. Containing fatty acid Omega - 3.
  4. Lean meats.
  5. Plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day and drinking other liquids. Drinks should be healthy and non-carbonated.

Prohibited products:

  1. Simple carbohydrates. Sweets, ice cream, soda, etc. They will only provoke rashes.
  2. Animal fats. Should be replaced with herbal ingredients.
  3. Fried food with plenty of oil for frying.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Coffee, strong tea.
  6. Soda.
  7. Milk.

Make sure that your diet contains more of the foods that normalize the functioning of sebaceous flows. These are foods rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium.

Vitamins and minerals to eliminate

Taking vitamins speeds up the acne treatment process by almost half.

The most effective drugs:

  1. Ascorbic acid.
  2. Retinol.
  3. Vitamin E capsules.
  4. Brewer's yeast.
  5. Nicotinic acid (B3). To avoid lack of vitamin PP, you should eat mushrooms and beef liver.

Vitamins necessary for clean and beautiful skin without pimples - A, E, C, RR, group B.

Effective remedies for marks and red spots after acne

Acne spots are a cosmetic problem. To quickly get rid of the defect, you should resort to lightening ointments.

Effective medications for acne marks:

  • Levomekol;
  • Lorinden;
  • streptocid ointment;
  • ichthyol;
  • Elidel;
  • Fenistil;
  • heparin ointment.

Almost all professional stain-fighting products contain kojic acid. The whitening effect is produced by the substance hydroquinone.

Is it possible to get rid of the problem in 1 day?

If some important event is approaching, and a pimple has appeared on your face that spoils appearance In general, emergency measures can be used.

Before proceeding with the procedures, it is necessary to find out the type of problem. If a pimple is just beginning to form, you can cauterize it with iodine or dry it with toothpaste. And if the pimple is already ripe, then you can squeeze it out. Only after the procedure should you give up makeup for several hours, or better yet, for a day. Then wipe your face with herbal decoctions.

Pharmacies sell ointments that will help relieve inflammation within 24 hours. Which drug is better to take depends on whether your pimple is subcutaneous or purulent.

Remedies for purulent bumps

Pustules are a sign of infection that can be treated with antibiotics. For example, Metrogyl, Dalatsin gel or Zinerit solution.

The pus cannot be removed in one day, but the inflammation can be reduced with Vishnevsky ointment. The product can remove the contents overnight.

How to avoid acne?

There are basic ways to help eliminate pimples:

  1. Personal care, hygiene, cleanliness. Use cosmetics and wash your face in the morning and evening every day. Maintain sanitary conditions in which you live. Clean regularly, wash linen, including bedding, towels, etc.
  2. Vitamins, diet and sports. Watch your health. This is proper nutrition physical exercise and taking vitamins. Follow the measures as a whole.
  3. Skin care. Make face masks regularly, wash your face with special foams, for example from the “Clean Skin” series, etc.

The main thing is to love yourself. And a girl who loves herself will not allow her skin to suffer.

From this article you will learn:

  • acne on the face: what do they mean for health,
  • how to get rid of acne - advice from a dermatologist,
  • which the best remedy for acne on the face for teenagers, women, for different skin types.

Pimples are inflammatory formations that appear locally hair follicles. Pimples are a logical continuation of the development of acne on the face, when bacteria join the latter, i.e. they become infected.

There are two main types of acne: papules and pustules..

  • Papules (Fig. 1-3) –
    A papule is an inflammatory formation in the form of a red bump on the skin, inside of which there is no cavity with pus. Papules can be independent formations and, persisting for up to 2 months, can then disappear without a trace. However, most often papules turn into pustules.
  • Pustules (Fig. 4-6) –
    A pustule is a classic vulgar pimple that rises above the surface of the skin, inside which there is a blister of pus.

If we talk about the face, acne most often appears on the cheeks. Pimples on the chin and pimples on the forehead occur less frequently. Some people experience pimples in the hair on their scalp.

How do acne form?

Pimples are the next stage in the development of acne. Almost all people have acne: they look like white bumps on the surface of the skin or black heads located in the skin pores (Fig. 7-8). Acne consists of sebum and exfoliated skin cells. Acne is located at the surface of the skin, and deep in the skin pores there are hair follicles and associated sebaceous glands(Scheme 10a, b).

Blackheads act as plugs that prevent sebum from being released onto the surface of the skin through its pores. As a result of the appearance of plugs, a closed space is formed inside the hair follicle, where sebum accumulates and the bacteria that get there begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation and the formation of pus. This is how blackheads turn into pimples.

Acne on the face: causes of appearance

So, why do acne appear on the face, and why do acne first form in the skin pores, and then pimples in their place? What do acne on the face mean for the body and what processes are they associated with? The appearance of acne with two main processes:

  1. Strengthening the function of the sebaceous glands around the hair follicles
    as a result, the volume of sebum that is formed increases sebaceous glands and is brought to the surface of the skin. This usually happens during puberty against the background of hormonal changes - increased production of androgens (in both young people and girls).
  2. Increase in the number of desquamated cells in the lumen of the follicle
    Hair follicles are covered from the inside with a layer of epithelial cells. Gradually, the cells die and are replaced by new ones. However, with keratosis of the epithelium (i.e., when the process of keratinization of epithelial cells is disrupted), there is a sharp increase in the number of desquamated epithelial cells in the lumen of the hair follicle.

An increase in sebum production and the number of desquamated cells leads to the formation of plugs (blackheads). At the same time, the sebaceous glands still secrete sebum, but which can no longer reach the surface of the skin (Diagram 10b). Therefore, sebum accumulates in the lumen of the hair follicle, thereby stretching its walls. Sebum and confined space conditions are excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria. As a result, either a papule or a pustule develops in the space limited by the walls of the hair follicle.

What factors aggravate the appearance of acne -

Increased hormone production in adolescents and keratoses of the epithelium of the hair follicles are not the only factors that can affect the development of acne. The reasons for the appearance of acne on the face may lie in the details. Acne development is promoted by:

  • Use of oily cosmetics
    some cosmetical tools and skin care products, as well as sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands, can clog skin pores. This will be the case in cases where such products are made on a fat basis. Any cosmetics for you should be water-based only.
  • Birth control pills and hormonal changes
    Some birth control pills cause acne. This is typical for drugs containing pure progesterone. Also during the premenstrual period there is a change hormonal levels, and therefore you can regularly observe the worsening of your acne once a month.
  • Medicines
    The following drugs can stimulate the appearance of acne: prednisolone, steroid hormones, drugs with lithium, anticonvulsants, iodides, bromides.
  • Active sweating
    many people sweat frequently. This may be due to increased physical activity, stress, simply due to physiology or working conditions. Keep in mind that increased sweating also contributes to the appearance of acne. Therefore, such people need to take even more careful care of their skin.

Remedies for acne on the face -

How to remove acne from the face quickly and without complications? The most difficult thing here is to choose the right drug or combination of drugs and choose treatment regimens. Only a dermatologist (sometimes a cosmetologist) can professionally treat acne on the face. Unfortunately, in most cases, people turn to a specialist late for advice, and this leads to complications - the appearance of superficial scars and age spots formed during the healing of deep acne and cysts.

Acne treatment will not be the same in the following situations:

  • when you have both acne and pimples,
  • when there are only acne,
  • at cystic form acne (i.e. when there are large purulent cavities).

How to quickly get rid of acne: a diagram compiled by a dermatologist

Below we will look at all the types of drugs that are listed in this scheme.

1. Benzoyl peroxide –

This is the best acne remedy. One might say – the gold standard of therapy. Benzoyl peroxide is a germicidal ingredient that kills bacteria that cause pus to form inside hair follicles. In addition, benzoyl peroxide has a slight exfoliating effect, which will also help unclog pores.

Benzoyl peroxide can be in gels, lotions or creams, with a concentration of 2.5%, 5%, 10%. It is optimal to use a concentration of 2.5% for the first month, and subsequently use 5% products. For dry skin, cream forms are more suitable, for oily skin - in the form of gels. Lotions are suitable for any skin.

Monocomponent benzoyl peroxide preparations
very quality products made in the USA: “Persa-gel 10”, Proactive, Desquam, Proderm-cream, in addition there are cool products under the brands Neutrogena and Mary Kay. French production - Eclaran-cream, . And also Benzakne-gel (Poland), Benzoyl Peroxide Gel (India), Oxygel (India).

Combination benzoyl peroxide preparations
There are drugs where benzoyl peroxide is combined with an antibiotic or retinoid. Examples of combination drugs:

They are used in the following situations –
1) If you only have acne (without blackheads), and you have undergone a course of treatment with a drug containing pure benzoyl peroxide, but the effect was not sufficient. In this case, you need the drug “benzoyl peroxide + antibiotic”.
2) If you have a mixed form of the disease (acne + pimples) or cystic acne, you need the drug “benzoyl peroxide + retinoid”.

Application diagram
The drug is applied 1-2 times a day only to areas of skin prone to inflammation. Before each treatment, cleanse your face only with mild cleansers (such as Dove or Neutrogena). The effect of the drug will be noticeable within 5-6 days. But for that. to achieve lasting improvement, you will need to complete a full 6-week course of treatment.

Possible side effects
Please be aware that itching, burning sensation, dryness, tightness, redness or flaking of the skin may occur after use. But usually these effects are not pronounced, and after use they disappear immediately. If you use the drug during active sunny periods, be sure to use sunscreen, because Benzoyl peroxide makes facial skin more sensitive to sunlight.

2. Retinoids –

How to treat facial acne with retinoids -
the drug with a retinoid should be used once a day before bedtime. The full course of treatment will take at least 3 months, but noticeable results will be visible after 6-7 weeks. To get your skin used to it and not be too irritated, start using the drug 3 times a week. After 1-2 weeks, switch to daily use. Before applying a retinoid, you should wash your face with a mild cleanser. The release forms of retinoids in the form of lotions will be the most effective, in the form of creams - the least.

3. Antibacterial drugs –

How to cure acne on the face with antibiotics? In most cases, antibiotics for acne are prescribed only topically (in gels and creams). The use of antibiotics in the form of ointments is strictly prohibited, because the fatty components of ointments will clog pores and worsen acne.

  • Antibacterial creams and gels
    To treat acne, they are made on the basis of clindamycin or erythromycin. Gels containing a pure antibiotic can be prescribed specifically for acne (when there is no acne and without the presence of cystic acne). Examples of monocomponent gels with the antibiotic clindamycin:
    → Dalatsin (Fig. 18), Klindovit, Klindatop, etc.

    There are also combination gels, where the antibiotic is combined with retinoids, benzoyl peroxide or zinc:
    → Duak-gel (clindamycin + benzoyl peroxide),
    → (erythromycin + retinoid Isotretinoin),
    → Deriva-S, Klenzit-S (clindamycin + retinoid Adapalene),
    → (erythromycin + zinc).

    A combined antibiotic gel with a retinoid is best used for mixed acne + pimples, as well as for cystic acne. And gels containing an antibiotic with benzoyl peroxide are best used for acne (without acne), if the initial therapy with monocomponent benzoyl peroxide preparations was ineffective.

  • Tablet oral antibiotics
    antibiotic tablets are prescribed immediately (as basic therapy) only for cystic acne. For forms of “acne + pimples” and only for acne, oral antibiotics are prescribed only when the use of basic drugs has not been successful.

4. Azelaic acid –

When to Avoid birth control pills

  • presence of heart disease, hypertension, thrombophlebitis,
  • for bleeding disorders,
  • oncological diseases (breast, uterine, liver cancer),
  • liver diseases, diabetes mellitus,
  • frequent headaches, migraines,
  • if you are a smoker over 35 years old,
  • if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • for obesity.

It is also worth knowing that if you are in this moment For contraception, if you use pills containing only progesterone, you won’t be surprised why you have acne on your face. Pure progesterone stimulates the development of acne.

Androgen blockers
What causes acne in girls during adolescence is due to an increase in the level of androgens in the blood, which stimulate the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. You can reduce sebum production with the help of the drug Spironolactone, which blocks androgen receptors.

Everyone knows the feeling when you wake up, look in the mirror and see those red and inflamed pimples that weren't there when you went to bed in the evening. You can leave everything as is, or take steps to get rid of acne as quickly as possible. Try the following:


Part 1

Acne treatment

    Try sea salt. Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with two tablespoons of warm water. Then use cotton swab to apply the mixture directly to the pimple. Don't wash it off. Sea salt will kill bacteria and dry out the pimple.

    Try benzoyl peroxide. It kills bacteria that cause acne. Research shows that 2.5% is just as effective as 5% and 10%, but causes less irritation, so use a lower percentage. Benzoyl peroxide also exfoliates dead layers of skin, allowing it to recover faster.

    Use salicylic acid. Like benzoyl peroxide, it kills acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic acid also renews the skin. Apply no a large number of gel directly on and around pimples before bed.

    Try tea tree oil. It is antibacterial agent, which can help get rid of germs and impurities on the skin. Apply the oil to cotton wool or a cotton swab and gently apply to the pimples. Use oil in moderation.

    Crush the aspirin tablets. Crush the tablets and add water. You should end up with a paste that you apply directly to the pimples with a cotton swab. Let the paste dry. Aspirin also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces acne. Leave the paste overnight.

    Use astringents on affected areas. Thanks to these substances, the skin tightens. Some pharmaceuticals contain antimicrobial ingredients that will further help fight acne. Here are some things to consider:

    • Astringents from the store. They come in different types and sizes. Look for a product with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Ask for a remedy sensitive skin.
    • As a last resort, try natural astringents:
      • Lemon juice. Lemon juice kills acne-causing bacteria and tightens the skin. Many people pray for this remedy. Slice the lemon and rub gently onto the affected areas of the skin.
      • Banana peel. This effective remedy for treating insect bites can also help fight acne. Gently rub the skin with a banana peel.
      • Witch hazel. Another binder wide application. Look for witch hazel that does not contain alcohol. Apply a small amount of onto the affected area and let dry.
      • Green tea. In addition to astringent qualities, green tea contains a huge amount of antioxidants that help reduce the signs of aging by destroying free radicals. Brew a bag of green tea. Take out the bag and, without squeezing, apply it to the affected areas of the skin.
  1. Use egg oil. Egg oil effectively removes acne and prevents scarring.

    • Wash your hands with soap or use sanitizer before using egg oil.
    • Gently massage egg oil with your fingertips into the affected areas twice daily. Repeat the procedure until the scars disappear.
    • Wash off the oil after an hour.

    Part 2

    Reduce redness
    1. Place ice on the affected area of ​​skin. Ice should reduce swelling as it slows blood flow. You can apply ice directly to the pimple or wrap it in gauze or a towel.

      Use eye drops. Drops that reduce redness in the eyes may also reduce redness and irritation of the skin. Place drops on a cotton swab and apply to pimples.

      • Since cold reduces acne inflammation, place a cotton swab soaked in eye drops into the freezer before using this product.
    2. Try natural antihistamines. These drugs reduce swelling in the skin tissues, as well as redness. Most of these products come in tablet form, but you can find them in tea or ointment form. Natural herbal antihistamines include:

      • Stinging nettle. This sounds strange because in nature, touching nettles causes a rash. However, some doctors recommend using dried nettles, because it reduces the amount of histamine produced in the body.
      • Coltsfoot. Europeans have used this plant for healing for centuries. skin diseases. You can make a paste from the leaves or purchase the drug in tablets.
      • Basil can also act as a natural antihistamine. Heat a couple of basil sprigs with steam and gently apply to the problem area of ​​the skin.

    Part 3

    General Tips
    1. Wash your face twice a day. Do this carefully and do not use a dirty towel - pimples are caused by bacteria that live on dirty towels.

      • Use a facial scrub once a week to remove dead skin cells. Scrub removes upper layer skin, called the epidermis. It is useful to do this procedure once a week.
      • Moisturize your skin after every wash. Skin is also an organ of the body. Just like your kidneys, it needs moisture to stay healthy. Moisturize after every wash.
    2. Don't touch your face. Avoid touching your face, consciously or unconsciously. Your hands are very dirty carriers of bacteria. The less you touch your face, the better your skin will feel.

      Play sports. Exercise stressgreat way get rid of acne. During training you get rid of stress. Stress is thought to cause acne, although doctors have yet to find a clear connection.

      • Relieve stress and anxiety through sports. Join a sports team, join a gym, or simply do daily exercise. All this will help you clear your skin.
      • After class, shower immediately. When you exercise, you sweat (at least if you exercise correctly). After an intense workout, your skin is full of dirt, salt, and dead skin cells.
    3. Avoid sweets. For beautiful skin, minimize the amount of sugar in your diet. Sugar can increase inflammation and lead to flare-ups and the formation of new pimples. Avoid candy, chocolate and sweet soda.

      Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol makes acne worse. Alcohol dehydrates your body, depriving it of a vital ingredient. Alcohol contains a very high amount of sugar, which contributes to the appearance of acne. If you want to protect yourself, try drinking less alcohol and monitor your body's reaction. And if there is a case when alcohol cannot be avoided, drink more water.

      Don't squeeze pimples. Do not squeeze, pick, or scratch them. This will only increase redness and inflammation. Easy to say, but difficult to do. If you don't squeeze pimples, scars may not form at all, and pimples will go away faster.

    • Be careful when using toothpaste. Toothpaste dries out the skin, so be sure to moisturize after treatments.
    • Wash your face twice a day.
    • Ignore the stories that sugar and chocolate cause acne. This is wrong. Poor nutrition and sensitivity to certain foods cause acne. Some people can eat chocolate, but a piece of cheese will give them a rash. Remember to eat right. Consume healthy food and pay attention to foods that cause your acne.
    • Applying an ice cube to the affected area of ​​the skin will reduce the redness.
    • NEVER shower immediately after work. Otherwise, you will only make things worse - your pores will become clogged and you will also harm your skin. When you get home, wait 30 minutes before showering.
    • Always pat your face to dry it, never rub. Rubbing will only make the redness worse.
    • Never touch pimples with your hands. There are a lot of germs on your hands, and your hands are also very oily. If you touch pimples with your hands, you risk getting an infection.
    • Drink plenty of water on a regular basis.
    • Take at night Apple vinegar. It doesn't smell very nice, but it actually helps.
    • If possible, use toothpaste no mint. It will burn less.
    • Products such as aloe vera gel and soap based charcoal will help cleanse the skin and make it less oily. Continued use of these products will help prevent acne and rashes.
    • Aloe vera gel is truly amazing! And if you apply baking soda to the pimples, then not a trace will remain of them.
    • Use an exfoliating scrub every two days.

This is a long search suitable means facial skin care, and traces of pimples, and in some cases, dislike of one’s appearance.

However, with properly selected and regular care, the skin can be given a healthy appearance.

Possible causes of acne

Some determine the source by exclusion, others turn to doctors and do a series of medical research. As always, the truth is in the middle.

TO the most common Causes of acne include:

  • Hormonal imbalance. In order to understand whether such a symptom occurs, a blood test is taken.
  • Poor nutrition. An abundance of flour, sweet, fatty foods, as well as canned food. Also, a lack of vitamins and microelements can affect the deterioration of skin condition.
  • Enlarged top layer of skin. In this case, the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands cannot get out and subcutaneous inflammation occurs.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nervous exhaustion, stress, frequent worries.

Use of traditional medicine methods

Many well-known cosmetic brands base the formulation of their products on various folk secrets.

The following plants and substances have long been known for their healing properties and help get rid of pimples:

This grass grows in many regions of the Russian Federation.

Since ancient times, it has been used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases due to the presence of a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. St. John's wort has astringent And disinfecting effect.

When used on sensitive skin, it is important to use infusions and masks with a minimum concentration.

Recipes for St. John's wort:


10-15 grams of dry herb are steamed with boiling water and infused for half an hour. This infusion is used as a tonic. The tonic should be stored refrigerated for a maximum of three days.

Ice cubes

The prepared infusion is frozen in molds. Ice should be wiped clean skin twice a day.

Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, bactericidal properties.

The plant contains B vitamins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a beneficial effect on complexion.

The chemicals found in aloe help exfoliate dead cells, soften the skin and tighten pores.

The following preparations can be prepared from aloe:

  • Aloe leaves are made into a puree and used as a mask.
  • The skin is wiped with aloe juice.
  • Aloe pulp is mixed with white clay.

In my own way chemical composition baking soda can act as an acid or alkali. Thus, it effectively helps normalize pH imbalance on the skin.

It also dries the skin well and gets rid of excess fat.

It is worth noting that soda-based products cannot be abused.

Possible uses:

Spot application

Mix soda with water until a thick paste is obtained and the mixture is applied locally to the pimples.


Preparation is similar to the previous recipe, only the mixture lasts 10 minutes. A similar mixture can also be used to scrub the skin.

Soda baths

About half a glass of soda is dissolved in water, and the bath itself is taken for 15 minutes. Afterwards you need to wash off the soda with warm water.

This plant is capable improve intracellular metabolism.

It also perfectly tones and disinfects.

Helps tighten pores.

From bay leaf The following preparations can be prepared:


To prepare it you will need 15 grams of dried laurel leaves and boiling water. The leaves are filled with water at 90 °C and kept in a closed container for a day.


Dry leaves are poured with vodka and aged for three weeks. Used this infusion only locally.

Steam baths

Several bay leaves are poured with water at 90 ° C and boiled for 15 minutes. Afterwards, you will need to hold the affected areas of the body (usually the face) over the steam.

This herb is often used to treat all kinds of purulent processes on the skin.

She's wonderful removes germs And disinfects the skin.

Wormwood is also known for its rejuvenating properties due to the presence in the composition ascorbic acid and flavonoids.

Recipes for using wormwood can be as follows:

Herbal infusions

10 grams of dry crushed herb are filled with water at 90 ° C and kept in a closed container for up to 8 hours. Used as a tonic.

Ice cubes

The wormwood infusion is frozen in molds and the skin is rubbed with ice in the morning and evening.

Spot application

You can also use wormwood oil topically.

Calendula has antimicrobial And wound healing properties.

It tightens pores and reduces sebum production.

Application options:

Calendula tincture (sold in pharmacies)

It is used locally to treat acne and comedones.

Decoction of marigold petals

A decoction of marigold petals (the common name for calendula) is prepared independently. Used as a tonic.

Raw pumpkin

Pumpkin contains everything you need microelements And useful material , which problem skin needs.

Masks made from this fruit will be a good prevention against acne.

The pumpkin pulp is grated on a coarse grater. The mask is ready for use.

The composition of celandine contains organic acids, which makes him beautiful cleanser for problem skin.

It also contains natural antibiotics, vitamins A and C.

Celandine should be used very carefully, because overdose can be harmful.

Used for acne:

Celandine juice

You can make it yourself from fresh celandine or buy it in a store. Apply exclusively locally.


You can steam both dry and fresh celandine leaves. Later it is used as a tonic, but very carefully and for no more than one week. Prolonged use may cause dry skin.

Birch buds and leaves have anti-inflammatory And antimicrobial action, perfectly heal wounds, improve blood microcirculation, narrow pores.

Decoctions and infusions are made from them, which are used to wipe the skin of the face after washing.

They are made from birch tar.

This herb contains natural antiseptics.

Sage is great for purulent wounds, including eels.

Prepared from sage:


Two tablespoons of the herb are brewed with boiling water or heated in a water bath.

Ice cubes

The broth is frozen and ice is used to wipe the skin.

This herb is famous for its antibacterial And anti-inflammatory properties.

It promotes skin regeneration and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Homemade tonics and ice are prepared from chamomile.

Preventive skin care

It is important not only to dry the skin and rid it of excess fat, but also moisturize.

You need to choose gel-like creams that are quickly absorbed and do not remain on the skin.

Many people who experience increased sebaceous secretion wash their faces frequently. This only harms the skin, because... It is not recommended to over-dry the skin.

In this case, the skin begins to produce even more oil due to impaired secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The best option would be periodic scrubbing so that the skin gets used to getting rid of fat on its own.

Basic rules for washing problem skin

It will be most favorable foam for washing.

It is important not to injure the skin with too aggressive drugs, but to teach it to get rid of fat on its own.

The products used should not contain soap, so as not to cause an alkaline environment on the skin during bathing. It is the alkaline environment that promotes the growth of bacteria.

Peeling as a remedy for acne

Cosmetologists and dermatologists often use peeling to treat purulent inflammation.

This method is classified as a method deep cleansing skin.

After the procedure, skin cells can freely receive beneficial substances. The complexion is also refreshed and blood circulation improves.

Regular use of peeling can eliminate scars and marks from old pimples. The lipid balance of the skin is also normalized, as a result of which the appearance of new comedones is reduced.

Highlight chemical And mechanical facial peeling.

The first one usually contains crushed parts of berries and fruits, as well as all kinds of abrasive substances.

Chemical peeling includes: fruit acids, which help remove dead skin cells without causing damage. You can contact a cosmetologist to carry out this procedure or prepare peeling at home.


Mix salt and water until a mushy mass is obtained. The paste is applied to the face using patting movements of the fingers for two minutes. Removed with warm water.


Oatmeal in an amount of 15 grams is finely ground in a blender. To them add 15 grams of sour cream and 3 grams lemon juice. Peeling lasts 15 minutes. The skin is perfectly cleansed and the fat balance is normalized.

Homemade acne masks

Supportive facial treatments done on your own at home can make a difference important role in getting rid of acne. You can always make masks at home.

Here are the most common recipes:


The pH of cucumbers and human skin is identical.

Cucumbers have astringent and tonic effects, excellent bleach, moisturize And calm down, which is so necessary for problem skin.

A mask based on them is very simple to make. The cucumber should be grated on a coarse grater and the resulting pulp should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.


Cosmetic clay is wonderful adsorbent and absorbs excess fat and dirt.

In addition, clay is known for its antiseptic properties , it dries and whitens the skin due to its rich composition of various minerals.

Cosmetic stores sell bags of powdered clay.

To prepare the mask, the powder is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. It is advisable to keep the mask for no more than 10-15 minutes, because... clay can be very tight on the skin when it dries.


Potatoes have bactericidal And anti-inflammatory properties.

The peeled tuber is grated on a coarse grater.

Then add one spoon of honey and a little lemon juice to the pulp.

The period during which the mask is kept on the face is 15 minutes.


Lemon is great whitens skin. In addition, an acidic environment is most beneficial for pH equalization problematic skin.

Honey will moisturize the skin and help fade stains.

The mask is prepared from honey and lemon two to one, respectively. Apply to the skin using massaging movements.

You should keep it for no more than 10 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

According to its chemical composition it is antiseptic.

It creates an acidic environment on the skin, which helps destroy germs.

A regular mask is perfect for acne. Yeast is taken, slightly diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream and 3-4 drops of peroxide are added.

The use of steam baths

An important factor is facial skin cleansing. Steam baths will help perfectly in this matter.

Under the influence of steam, blood circulation improves, facial skin becomes elastic, and pores open, allowing excess fat and impurities to come out.

If your skin is oily, then steam cleansing will be useful no more than once a month, because... More frequent use of the procedure may disrupt the fat balance of the skin. If you have a mixed skin type, you can take steam baths a couple of times a month.