"Enterosgel": analogues. "Polysorb" or "Enterosgel" - which is better? Reviews. Polyphepan or Polysorb: comparison and which is better to choose

You can find a lot of medicines on sale that have wide range applications. They are commercially available, so anyone can freely purchase them without a prescription and use them without consulting a doctor. But at the same time, patients face difficult choice: which medicine to give preference to. One of the most common medications are sorbents. They are used in the correction of a wide variety of intoxications and poisonings, they are used to cleanse the body and for therapy allergic diseases. Polysorb or Smecta or Enterosgel can be used as sorbents, which is better?

Polysorb or Smecta, which is better??

Doctors equally often prescribe Polysorb and Smecta to their patients. It is quite natural that patients are interested in which of the remedies is better to give preference.

Thus, Smecta contains diosmectite, which is an aluminum-magnesium silicate of natural origin. And Polysorb is a source of silicon dioxide - also completely natural highly dispersed silica.

Distinctive feature of both drugs - the fact that their smallest particles cannot injure the mucous membranes digestive tract, which is especially often observed when using the popular activated carbon.

Both Smecta and Polysorb are sold in powder form; the medicine should be diluted in small quantity water and take orally.

The classic dosage of Smecta is nine to twelve grams per day, this amount is usually divided into three to four doses. The drug gives a pronounced positive effect, but not suitable for long-term use. When used systemically, the drug can provoke the development of hypovitaminosis, interfering with the absorption of nutrients.

Polysorb is usually taken three grams three times a day (nine grams per day). In particularly serious situations, the dosage may be increased. Distinctive feature

Polysorb - it rarely causes side effects and is suitable for long-term use. Occasionally, the medicine provokes increased constipation (if you are prone to it).

Speaking about the effectiveness of sorbents, one cannot fail to mention the sorption area. Thus, Polysorb has a sorption area equal to three hundred square meters per gram of medicine. As for Smecta, this figure is three times lower and is equal to one hundred square meters per gram of active substance. More high rate indicates more active absorption and elimination of aggressive substances. Thus, Polysorb gives a faster and more pronounced effect.

However, it is worth noting that both drugs have contraindications. Thus, Smecta is contraindicated in patients with intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and with glucose-galactose malabsorption. This medicine should also not be used for chronic constipation and sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

As for Polysorb, it is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, internal bleeding unknown etiology, intestinal atony and individual intolerance.

Thus, it gives a more pronounced and faster effect, and does not provoke side effects. In addition, unlike Smecta, it has a more neutral taste.

Which is better Smecta or Enterosgel?

As we have already found out, the main active substance Smects are diosmectite; as for Enterosgel, its effect is due to the presence of an organosilicon preparation in its composition.

It has the form of a powder that still needs to be dissolved, make sure that there is no sediment in the solution, and drink quickly. And Enterosgel is a jelly-like product that does not contain grains. It dissolves easily in liquids and the digestive tract after entering the body. Enterosgel gives a slightly faster effect than Smecta. In addition, it passes quite quickly throughout the digestive tract, eliminating only aggressive particles such as toxins, allergens, etc.

As for the sorption activity we have already mentioned above, for Smecta it is equal to one hundred square meters per gram of the product, and for Enterosgel it is one hundred and fifty square meters per one gram of the active substance. Therefore, Enterosgel absorbs aggressive substances more effectively.

In addition, it is extremely important role The mechanism of action of drugs and the size of their particles play a role. So Enterosgel is completely unable to bind and remove from the body the metal ions it needs or mineral salts, and common proteins or immunoglobulins. It specifically eliminates only harmful particles. Smecta can cause hypovitaminosis with prolonged use. That is why Enterosgel is often recommended for long-term therapy; in addition, doctors usually prescribe this drug to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Enterosgel has more wide list indications than Smecta. In addition, it does not contain any additional components. Smecta contains not only the active substance, but also dextrose monohydrate, flavorings, and sodium saccharinate. It is believed that this makes the taste of the medicine more pleasant, but it cannot be used for allergies and other problems with carbohydrate metabolism.

Thus, it is more effective and safer than Smecta. But it costs, of course, an order of magnitude more.

I hope that the Popular Health magazine helped you make your own choice. In order to choose the most effective sorbent in each specific case, you should consult a doctor.

Ekaterina, www.site

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Polysorb and Enterosgel are drugs from the group of enterosorbents that can remove and bind harmful substances (toxins) from the human body. The oldest of all existing enterosorbents is charcoal. Cases of its use as a sorbent, an anti-poisoning agent, have been known since the time of Cleopatra and the first emperor Ancient Rome- Julius Caesar. In purified form, the product is well known to everyone under the name “”.

Millennia have passed since then, and the pace of civilization and the development of technology have made it possible to make a revolution in medical science. A new generation of enterosorbents has appeared, whose medicinal properties significantly exceed capabilities charcoal. The well-known and most used by pharmaceuticals are colloidal silicon dioxide (the commercial name of this sorbent is “Polysorb”) and polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (the trade name of the sorbent is “”). Both enterosorbents show very good results, but there are always nuances. Therefore, let’s try to figure out what is better – Polysorb for poisoning or Enterosgel?

Evaluation of the release form and ease of use of the drug - good way pharmaceutical product comparisons. After all, such a seemingly insignificant detail can sway the modern consumer, spoiled by the delights of the market, in his favor.


Polysorb is produced in the form of a dry powder for making a suspension, hermetically sealed in a package. The medicine is packaged in plastic bags weighing 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 12 g. The drug is also available in plastic bags - net 50 and 100 g, and polystyrene jars of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 , 45 and 50 g.


The drug is made in the form of a gel, from which pastes and suspensions are prepared for oral administration. Enterosgel can be packaged in the form of a gel in plastic bags - net 45 and 225 g, or in jars - net 225 g. Paste for oral use is packaged in two-layer polyethylene bags - net 15 and 45 g, tubes - net 45 and 225 g ., plastic jars – net 225 and 405 g.

Conclusions and comments

Both Enterosgel and Polysorb have high sorption capacity characteristics, the parameter of which determines the effectiveness of the enterosorbent as a whole. It shows the drug's ability to absorb toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.

But in the use of Polysorb there are a number of intermediate procedures that are insignificant in complexity - before use it must be diluted with water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Enterosgel does not require such a procedure; the drug is ready for use by default. The gel can be diluted in water or washed down with water. Thus, Enterosgel is somewhat more convenient to use than Polysorb.

Mechanism of action of drugs

Pharmacokinetics medicinal drugs– an important feature that can determine the merits and scope of the drug.


Colloidal silicon dioxide is capable of binding organic molecules. Entering the body in the form of a suspension, the medicine absorbs All allergens, metabolic products, toxins and removes them with feces. Enterosorbent is not absorbed into the tissues of the intestines and other internal organs. That is, the drug does not act or interact more than what is prescribed by its intended purpose. Polysorb has low sorbing properties and low ability to retain toxins. Silicon dioxide has a smooth structure, and therefore toxins “sticking” to the particles of the drug can “come off” and enter the intestines again. The drug acts very quickly and can bring relief to the patient within half an hour.


Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate gel has unique capabilities due to its porous structure. It makes it possible to absorb toxins and other harmful substances in the body, acting like a kitchen sponge for washing dishes. This enterosorbent has a special pore size, which allows it to selectively act on substances contained in human body. That is, microelements and vitamins are not excreted, but remain in the body - thus, the medicine acts exclusively on toxins, leaving them untouched useful material.

Conclusions and comments

From the above it can be understood that Polysorb is a drug with low and not sufficiently selective sorbing properties. And Enterosgel is a medicine with greater sorbing and selective properties than Polysorb.

In each individual episode, this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage of the enterosorbent. Polysorb, for example, becomes an indispensable tool in cases of combating poisoning of an unknown nature - it removes everything, and therefore its “non-selectivity” is only beneficial. But in cases where the nature of the poisoning is clearly established and understood, treatment with Polysorb is less advisable, since it removes useful substances from the body - microelements, useful proteins and vitamins, but Enterosgel does not.

The remark that Polysorb removes everything from the body does not look like an exaggeration if we talk about its ability to remove beneficial microorganisms (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) and water from the body. The absence of microsymbionts of the bacterial world in the human body can lead to dysbacteriosis, which, of course, does not testify in favor of Polysorb.

This may be good news for people who are overweight and, accordingly, have water retention in their bodies. But long-term use of a hydrophilic enterosorbent, like Polysorb, can lead to intestinal atony, decreased motility of the digestive tract - that is, to constipation and even intestinal obstruction. The latter is unlikely, but such a threat potentially exists.

Contraindications and side effects

An important argument in comparing one drug with another is contraindications and side effects. Their number and features are quite capable of predetermining the choice medicine. At the same time, you need to remember that each medicine may have its own unique opportunities, which may become decisive in this choice.


Polysorb, like Enterosgel, can sorb protein, but if polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate removes from the body only “bad” protein, for example, pus, then silicon dioxide, along with pus, also removes “good” proteins - proteins and polypeptides. There are also advantages to this feature of Polysorb - it is more effective as an external treatment for septic formations and burn disease. The loss of “good” protein becomes a problem with long-term use of the drug and can lead to protein starvation of the body, the signs of which will appear as brain failure, decreased immunity, muscle weakness, edema and anemia.

Polysorb is not recommended for use in combination with other medications, as it negates them therapeutic effect due to its hypersorbing ability. The drug should also not be used if signs of intestinal atony and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are detected.


Many reviews of people who took Enterosgel indicate that the drug does not have any side or negative properties. However, if you study the instructions for the medicine, you will find out that you should not drink it in the following cases: during constipation; during intestinal obstruction (after – possible); with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract; in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Conclusions and comments

If you simply compare the instructions for the drugs in the “side effects and contraindications” sections, you can easily see that Enterosgel is much better in this regard better than Polysorb A.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs in cases of poisoning

In case of poisoning with spoiled food or alcohol poisoning, toxins are formed in the body - various harmful substances, the amount of which is proportional to the person’s well-being. That is, with an increase in the volume of toxins, health worsens, and with a decrease, accordingly, it improves. The criterion for choosing an enterosorbent should be its safety, speed of action, and versatility of use.


Gastric lavage with Polysorb helps against food poisoning. About 2 g of powder is diluted in a glass of water, mixed thoroughly and given to drink. After 15 minutes, you need to throw up what you drink. After, 2-3 hours later, you need to drink another 6 g of sorbent. Daily dose Polysorb should be divided so that the poisoned person takes enterosorbent every 1.5-2 hours. Dissolved silicon dioxide should be washed down with plenty of water or rehydron. This is necessary in order to replenish the body’s loss of fluid, since a lot of it is lost through vomiting and diarrhea. We must not forget that Polysorb belongs to the group of hydrophilic sorbents. The next day after poisoning, enterosorbent is drunk 4 g four times a day. Further - depending on the well-being of the victim.

The alcoholic ruff you drank the night before doesn't seem so fun when the harsh morning arrives. Polysorb for alcohol poisoning shows very good results, as evidenced by numerous user reviews on the Internet. Polysorb is often recommended for hangovers, as a remedy that can quickly bring the victim to his senses. It must be used in the same way as in the case of food poisoning- according to the same scheme. Polysorb can treat chronic alcoholism and bring the drinker out of binge drinking. To do this, you need to take the drug for one to one and a half weeks.

If Polysorb does not help with alcohol poisoning, then the cause of the ailment is something else - the effectiveness of this remedy in such cases is close to one hundred percent.


How to take Enterosgel for food and alcohol poisoning? The regimen for taking the drug is unchanged in both cases - three tablespoons per day. The medicine should be taken again after 3-4 hours. The dosage can be increased if the poisoning is severe. But it should not exceed 200 g, although cases of overdose in medical practice was not recorded. Enterosgel is easily tolerated by the body and can be used at any age - even infants. Suitable as prophylactic to cleanse the body, as it does not remove beneficial substances from the body. Enterosgel is effective for alcohol intoxication, in no way inferior to Polysorb.

Enterosgel is compatible with other medications. But you need to maintain a time interval of 1 hour between their use.

Conclusions and comments

So, Polysorb or Enterosgel: which one is better? Which of these agents of the same spectrum of action should be chosen as the optimal enterosorbent? Write your answer to this question in the comments!

Infectious disease physician, private clinic"Medcenterservice", Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

Rhythm modern man does not always allow you to eat right, drink clean spring water, walk often and get enough sleep. Poisonings, allergic reactions, intoxication of the body with various toxic substances occurs quite often. In such cases, drugs that can cleanse the body of toxic substances come to the rescue.

Some of the most common enterosorbents are Polysorb and Enterosgel. But we’ll try to figure out which one is better in this article.

Characteristics of Enterosgel

Enterosorbent gel Enterosgel has a porous structure. This drug is available in the form of a paste and gel intended for internal use. The composition has neither color nor odor.

Suitable for different patients age categories at:

  • various intoxications of acute and chronic forms;
  • severe poisoning with toxic compounds, medications, alcoholic beverages;
  • complex therapy acute intestinal infections;
  • purulent and septic diseases that are accompanied by intoxication;
  • and allergies;
  • renal failure;
  • viral hepatitis.

This drug is also useful for workers in hazardous industries as a preventive measure.

Negative manifestations include feelings of nausea and constipation, and a feeling of aversion to the medicine.

Detailed instructions for using Enterosgel can be read.

Properties of Polysorb

Another strong new generation sorbent is Polysorb. The preparation is made on the basis of silicon of natural origin. The medicine is taken in the form of an aqueous suspension - the powder is mixed in water; it is not used in dry form. The amount of the product depends on the patient’s weight. There is no overdose, which eliminates fears side effects.

This drug is used in the following cases:

  • acute and chronic intoxications;
  • acute gastrointestinal infections;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • living in areas with unfavorable ecology.

Occasionally, allergies, dyspepsia and constipation may occur from taking it. From long-term use treatment (more than two weeks), the absorption of vitamins and calcium may be impaired, which entails taking multivitamins as a preventive measure.

Even more information about the drug.

So which is better: Polysorb or Enterosgel

The comparison is shown in the table:

Enterosgel Polysorb
Release form gel and paste powder
Use by pregnant women and nursing mothers allowed allowed
Prescription for children allowed at any age allowed at any age
Interaction with other drugs Can be used in complex treatment at intervals of 1 - 2 hours with other medications Reduces the effectiveness of other medicinal formulations
Course of therapy From 3 – 5 days to 2 – 3 weeks From 2 to 30 days
Shelf life 3 years 5 years. Prepared solution – no more than two days
Possibility of external use No Yes (for cleansing wounds and ulcers)
Conditions for dispensing at the pharmacy Without a doctor's prescription Without a doctor's prescription
Price 10 bags - 475 rubles 10 bags - 383 rubles

What consumers say

There is no consensus in drug reviews. For someone the best remedy is Polysorb, and someone praises Enterosgel. This question is quite individual.

I like Polysorb better because it has no aftertaste. Enterosgel slightly sweetens. The first days I took it normally, but then I even felt disgusted.

Irina, 29 years old

Polysorb perfectly restores the body. It is even recommended for use in preventive measures. I always feel great after taking it.

Maria, 26 years old

Polysorb is more versatile. It not only helps against allergies and poisoning, but also cleanses the body of accumulated toxins.

Katerina, 58 years old

I recommend Polysorb. Enterosgel sometimes causes constipation, and cases of allergic reactions to its components become more frequent. On medicine Polysorb Such cases are isolated manifestations.

Alina, 37 years old

I don’t understand why many people don’t like Enterosgel? It helps me a lot, I have never noticed any side effects. I even gave it to a child who was poisoned - it helped.

Olga, 32 years old

I think that Enterosgel is much easier to take. And I like its action.

Nikolay, 36 years old

Polysorb is presented in the form of silicon oxide - a tiny powder that resembles crushed glass and can damage the walls of the gastrointestinal system in order to enter the body. It is prohibited to use even for gastritis, not to mention other problems with the digestive tract. By the way, I wouldn’t give it to children either.

But Enterogel is a gel-like mass that will not harm the body, does not absorb microflora, and still removes toxins well. And the gel does not stick to the walls of the stomach.

Victor, 47 years old

I can’t say anything bad about any of the drugs. But I prefer Polysorb, since it costs much less.

Valentina, 55 years old

When treating eczema, the doctor prescribed Polysorb and external agents. I took it for a week, then severe constipation began. I’ve never experienced anything like this – it’s like it’s tearing me apart from the inside. I couldn’t go to work, it was so bad!

Yulia, 37 years old

Polysorb is an excellent sorbent that improves the performance of the gastrointestinal system. After one dose, body weight can drop up to a kilogram!

Masha, 25 years old

If we compare Polysorb and Enterosgel by the number of positive reviews, it turns out that the majority of patients prefer Polysorb. The opinion of experts is more inclined towards the use of Enterosgel.

They believe that Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent, and after its use dysbacteriosis can appear. Enterosgel differs from this drug in that it works selectively in the intestinal lumen, which is better for children and adults, as well as for allergies in infants. This product absorbs dangerous bacteria, viruses, toxins and protozoan microorganisms without having a negative effect on natural microflora. Therefore it is more effective.

The instructions for using Polysorb contain information that the medicine is not used for peptic ulcers. But Enterosgel has no such restrictions. This is a new generation drug, it does not lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and helps restore its integrity.

Today on the medicine market there are many means for removing harmful substances from the body. But buyers most often choose Polysorb or Enterosgel. These 2 drugs belong to the category of enterosorbents. They are prescribed to patients with various diseases caused by toxic and infectious lesions of the body, with metabolic disorders. The use of sorbents has long been an integral part of the complex treatment of allergies of various origins, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and skin diseases.

Properties of drugs

The main property of all existing enterosorbents is the ability to adsorb substances harmful to the body. Polysorb and Enterosgel have a similar mechanism for absorbing certain molecules and elements that may be the cause of a particular disease. The secret of the adsorption of these medications lies in their composition.

Polysorb PM consists of tiny particles silicon dioxide. This is highly dispersed powdered silica. By reacting with various substances, the molecules of the active substance are able to bind toxins, cells of pathogenic microflora, waste products, allergens and remove them from the body, preventing harmful elements from being absorbed into the blood.

Enterosgel is considered an analogue of Polysorb. It is also made on the basis of a substance containing silicon. This is a methylsilicic acid hydrogel. The principle of action in the body of this drug is also based on molecular adsorption. Once in the intestinal lumen, silicic acid molecules absorb all unnecessary and potentially dangerous substances for the body and remove them from the body unchanged along with the stool.

However, choosing one of the drugs to cleanse the body is necessary only after consulting your doctor. After all, the patient may have an individual intolerance to any components of the drug, which can negatively affect his health.

Similarities and differences between medicines

If we compare the effectiveness of two popular sorbents, Polysorb is significantly ahead of Enterosgel, since the absorption capacity of silicon dioxide microparticles in its composition is approximately 3 times higher than the adsorption of methyl silicic acid. This means that Polysorb is much faster and better able to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

But such an advantage may not always be beneficial to health. With long-term use of this drug, constipation may occur, and in rare cases even intestinal obstruction, which is explained by the high absorption capacity of the sorbent and its widespread effect. Polysorb does not act selectively. It is a non-selective drug. This means that together with pathogenic microflora and molecules of harmful substances from the intestines can remove vitamins and microelements, without which the body cannot function normally. Therefore, during a course of treatment of various pathological conditions With Polysorb, it is recommended to simultaneously take multivitamins and calcium supplements, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

In this case, Enterosgel acts more delicately. Its molecules are a gel that is not capable of harming the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The action of the drug is aimed only at adsorption pathogenic microorganisms and substances harmful to the body. Therefore, the low absorption area of ​​this medicine, compared to Polysorb, is justified by careful treatment gastrointestinal tract and elements necessary for the body.

The beneficial microflora existing in the intestines is not affected by any of these enterosorbents, so the joint intake of lacto- or bifidobacteria during the course of treatment is not required. Although among analogues of drugs there are medicines that not only cleanse the body, but also populate it beneficial bacteria. These medications include Lactofiltrum. But its adsorbing capacity is significantly lower than that of Polysorb PM and Enterosgel.

Indications for use

Enterosgel and Polysorb are silicon-containing medicines, having general principle actions. Therefore, the indications for use of these medications are the same. These drugs are widely used to treat various problems with health, such as:

  • bowel dysfunction, diarrhea;
  • intestinal infections;
  • poisoning medicines, toxic substances, alcohol, drugs;
  • various types of allergies;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • skin diseases (acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • infectious diseases genitourinary system;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • purulent wounds and burns;
  • consequences of radiation sickness and chemotherapy.

The uniqueness of Polysorb and Enterosgel is that both products can be used during pregnancy to relieve toxicosis. These drugs are not absorbed into the blood, therefore they are absolutely harmless to the fetus. They can also be used during breastfeeding. These sorbents can be given to children infancy as prescribed by a doctor. Enterosgel is most often recommended for children. It has a sweetish taste, so kids are more willing to accept it than other analogues.

Typically, enterosorbents are taken orally. But for treatment skin diseases These drugs are also used as means local action. They are used in the form of cosmetic masks. Based aqueous solution Polysorb makes compresses on the affected areas of the skin. Enterosgel is applied to wounds and burns. These remedies have proven themselves well for the treatment of acne and psoriasis. The combination of internal cleansing of the body from toxins, harmful substances and metabolic products with local influence sorbent on the skin gives excellent results.

Side effects of Polysorb and Enterosgel can only occur against the background of individual intolerance to their components, which is extremely rare. You should not take these sorbents during an exacerbation peptic ulcer, acute renal and liver failure and intestinal obstruction. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of each drug should be determined by the doctor.

Sorbents Polysorb or Enterosgel - which is better for allergies, many doctors still argue. Enterosorbents in traditional medicine are used everywhere - in case of poisoning, allergic manifestations, skin diseases, functional disorders Gastrointestinal tract and urinary system organs.

Today there are several popular adsorbents, which differ in their properties, actions and the presence of adverse reactions. Which one is more effective and how do the drugs differ?

Polysorb or Enterosgel. What is more convenient to use

  • Enterosgel is available in the form of a paste and gel suspension. Both types of the drug are ready for use; if desired, the gel can be diluted with water or juice. The adsorbent is tasteless and odorless and easy to use.
  • Polysorb has a powdery structure that requires dilution before use. the right amount liquids. This is not always convenient if you need to take the product outside the home.

Polysorb or Enterosgel. Safety of allergy medications

Polysorb has high sorption activity, which is not always good. Enterosgel differs from all sorbents, including those based on highly dispersed silica, in its selective effect.

Polysorb is a sorbent that is active against proteins. In practice, it is often prescribed to people with burns in order to cleanse the blood of toxic substances of a protein nature.

However, in all other cases, it is recommended to take a sorbent with selective properties - Enterosgel, which will preserve the integrity of useful substances, including proteins, preventing the appearance of edema, anemia, muscle weakness, and decreased protective functions body.

Preservation of microflora: which is more effective. Video

  • Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent, so it is possible that dysbiosis may develop after its use.
  • Enterosgel acts more delicately, being localized exclusively in the intestines. It cleanses the body of toxins, pathogens, poisons, keeping the natural intestinal microflora normal.

Enterosgel, unlike Polysorb, has no contraindications in the form of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of internal organs.


Indications for use

Enterosgel and Polysorb are silicon-containing drugs that have a general principle of action. Therefore, the indications for use of these medications are the same. These medications are widely used to treat various health problems, such as:

  • bowel dysfunction, diarrhea;
  • intestinal infections;
  • poisoning with medications, toxic substances, alcohol, drugs;
  • various types of allergies;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • skin diseases (acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • purulent wounds and burns;
  • consequences of radiation sickness and chemotherapy.

The uniqueness of Polysorb and Enterosgel is that both products can be used during pregnancy to relieve toxicosis. These drugs are not absorbed into the blood, therefore they are absolutely harmless to the fetus. They can also be used during breastfeeding. These sorbents can be given to infants as prescribed by a doctor. Enterosgel is most often recommended for children. It has a sweetish taste, so kids are more willing to accept it than other analogues.

Typically, enterosorbents are taken orally. But for the treatment of skin diseases, these drugs are also used as topical agents. They are used in the form of cosmetic masks. Compresses are made on the affected areas of the skin using an aqueous solution of Polysorb. Enterosgel is applied to wounds and burns. These remedies have proven themselves well for the treatment of acne and psoriasis. The combination of internal cleansing of the body from toxins, harmful substances and metabolic products with the local effect of sorbent on the skin gives excellent results.

Side effects of Polysorb and Enterosgel can only occur against the background of individual intolerance to their components, which is extremely rare. These sorbents should not be taken during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, acute renal and liver failure and intestinal obstruction. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of each drug should be determined by the doctor.


Sorbents and their analogues

The word sorbent translated from Latin means “absorbing”. Currently, sorbent preparations are actively used by patients to solve many health problems:

  • toxic conditions;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin pathology;
  • diseases of the kidneys and other organs.

Most often, many diseases are caused by toxic and infectious lesion body, as well as due to metabolic disorders. Doctors prescribe sorbents together with other drugs for complex treatment.

The pharmacy chain offers many products that can remove harmful substances from the body. However, most buyers prefer two drugs - Enterosgel and Polysorb. They belong to the group of enterosorbent drugs and have similar properties, removing harmful substances from the body.

Most drugs have analogues. They are absolute and relative Absolute analogues medications are different similar composition according to the content of main active ingredients. The drug may differ in dosage and method of administration. Relative analogues include products whose composition is slightly different, but has the same effect on the body.

In addition to the effectiveness of the drug, ease of use and safety are also important. To understand which drug to choose, Polysorb or Enterosgel, it is worth carrying out comparative analysis and summarize.

An effective sorbent helps fight poisons, toxins, heavy metals and others harmful substances. Medicine has a positive effect on the intestines, and also cleanses the blood. Main, active substance medication - polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (organic silicon). Already on the third day a positive effect is noted.

Due to the structure of the medication, it absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. At the same time, microelements, vitamins and all other useful components remain in the body. After reception, they are created favorable conditions in the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, pathogenic flora of the genitourinary system and intestines is eliminated.

Enterosgel is used depending on the patient’s age up to three times a day. The release form of the drug varies:

  • sachets;
  • pasta in plastic containers;
  • gel for suspensions.

This medication has many analogues, including white and black coal, as well as Smecta, Lactofiltrum and others.

Action of Polysorb

This is a drug with complex effects. After administration, it enters the gastrointestinal tract and removes harmful substances. Polysorb is often used to treat acute intestinal infections. Since it helps cleanse the body, it is often taken for weight loss and acne. For this purpose, it should be taken in a course.

The drug is a white powder with a bluish tint, odorless and tasteless. Main, active ingredient - silicon dioxide. Its molecules react with various harmful substances in the body and are able to bind them and remove them. It is characteristic that they are not absorbed into the blood.

You can take it up to 7 times a day. Single dose should be tied to body weight. The drug Polysorb is sold in prepackaged sachets that need to be diluted with water. The shelf life of the ready-to-use solution is only 1 day.

Safety of use

When choosing Enterosgel or Polysorb, you must consult a doctor. Any patient may have an intolerance to individual components in these products or their analogues, which will negatively affect their health and bring only harm instead of benefit.

Gel-like Enterosgel has selectivity, maximally binding harmful compounds. However, it does not affect all the beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Polysorb has increased sorption activity towards proteins. With increased protein consumption in the body, protein “starvation” may begin, which will negatively affect the patient’s health. For this reason for long-term use it is better to choose Enterosgel.

Water balance and microflora

In case of intestinal infections, kidney pathology, weight loss in conditions of dehydration, it is very important to prevent additional loss of fluid in the body. In this situation, it is necessary to select drugs with the greatest selectivity in relation to water molecules.

When taking hydrophilic sorbents for more than ten days, they begin to bind water, which can slow down the intestines, and this leads to atony. Enterosgel, even with long-term use, does not cause disturbances in the passage of contents in the gastrointestinal tract.

Enterosorbents have different selectivity, therefore, not all drugs treat beneficial microorganisms that live in the intestinal lumen with care. Causative agents of intestinal infections and other unfavorable factors lead to microflora disturbances in the digestive tract. Antibiotics also have bad influence.

Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent. Its use can cause dysbacteriosis. Enterosgel has more delicate properties, so it selectively performs its work in the intestinal lumen. It absorbs only harmful bacteria, viruses, and toxins. At the same time, the development or growth of representatives of natural microflora is not suppressed. For this reason, selective enterosorbents work more effectively. Cleansing of the body occurs at a faster pace than from the use of non-selective analogues.

Side effects and contraindications

Polysorb is well tolerated and is a hypoallergenic drug. Side effects are rarely observed when taking it due to silica intolerance. It rarely causes constipation. If adverse reaction appears, then you should stop taking the medication. Contraindications include:

  • age of children under 1 year;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach ulcer, intestinal erosion.

Enterosgel is often prescribed as a medication for complex therapy for many diseases in children and adults. Unique composition The drug makes it possible to give it even to infants. It is often prescribed to pregnant women during toxicosis as a prophylactic and for treatment. It can also be taken by young mothers while breastfeeding.

Eneterosgel has no side effects, but it has There are certain contraindications:

  • ulcer of the stomach and 12-type intestine during an exacerbation;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony, complicated by constipation.

According to reviews from practicing doctors, Enterosgel is inferior in effectiveness to Polysorb, although its cost is several times higher. These two products are very similar to each other because they have a similar principle of action. Which one to give preference to Enterosgel or Polysorb should be decided by each person after consultation with the attending physician. Much depends on the state of the body and other factors.


Characteristics of Enterosgel

Enterosorbent gel Enterosgel has a porous structure. This drug is available in the form of a paste and gel intended for internal use. The composition has neither color nor odor.

It is used for patients of different age categories with:

  • various intoxications of acute and chronic forms;
  • severe poisoning with toxic compounds, medications, alcoholic beverages;
  • complex therapy of acute intestinal infections;
  • purulent and septic diseases that are accompanied by intoxication;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • renal failure;
  • viral hepatitis.

This drug is also useful for workers in hazardous industries as a preventive measure.

Negative manifestations include feelings of nausea and constipation, and a feeling of aversion to the medicine.

Detailed instructions for using Enterosgel can be read here.

Properties of Polysorb

Another strong new generation sorbent is Polysorb. The preparation is made on the basis of silicon of natural origin. The medicine is taken in the form of an aqueous suspension - the powder is mixed in water; it is not used in dry form. The amount of the product depends on the patient’s weight. There is no overdose, which eliminates the fear of side effects.

This drug is used in the following cases:

  • acute and chronic intoxications;
  • acute gastrointestinal infections;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • living in areas with unfavorable ecology.

Occasionally, allergies, dyspepsia and constipation may occur from taking it. Long-term use of the product (more than two weeks) may interfere with the absorption of vitamins and calcium, which entails taking multivitamins as a preventive measure.

Even more information about the drug is here.

So which is better: Polysorb or Enterosgel

The comparison is shown in the table:

Enterosgel Polysorb
Release form gel and paste powder
Use by pregnant women and nursing mothers allowed allowed
Prescription for children allowed at any age allowed at any age
Interaction with other drugs Can be used in complex treatment at intervals of 1 – 2 hours with other medications Reduces the effectiveness of other medicinal formulations
Course of therapy From 3 – 5 days to 2 – 3 weeks From 2 to 30 days
Shelf life 3 years 5 years. Prepared solution – no more than two days
Possibility of external use No Yes (for cleansing wounds and ulcers)
Conditions for dispensing at the pharmacy Without a doctor's prescription Without a doctor's prescription
Price 10 bags - 475 rubles 10 bags - 383 rubles

What consumers say

There is no consensus in drug reviews. For some, the best remedy is Polysorb, while others praise Enterosgel. This question is quite individual.

If we compare Polysorb and Enterosgel by the number of positive reviews, it turns out that the majority of patients prefer Polysorb. The opinion of experts is more inclined towards the use of Enterosgel.

They believe that Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent, and after its use dysbacteriosis can appear. Enterosgel differs from this drug in that it works selectively in the intestinal lumen, which is better for children and adults, as well as for allergies in infants. This product absorbs dangerous bacteria, viruses, toxins and protozoan microorganisms without negatively affecting the natural microflora. Therefore it is more effective.

The instructions for using Polysorb contain information that the medicine is not used for peptic ulcers. But Enterosgel has no such restrictions. This is a new generation drug, it does not lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and helps restore its integrity.