How French Bulldogs play. Training and raising a French bulldog at home. Requirements for arranging a dog area

Training is not at all difficult, but only for those who want to quickly teach their dog commands, and not wait for the right time. Just so you know, it may never come, but the puppy grows every second, turning into an adult member of the family with his own foundations, rules of behavior and his own point of view on the world around him.

In the absence of education and training, a dog’s worldview can differ significantly from yours. So judge for yourself whether it is worthwhile to engage in parenting from the early months. We advise you to study the article in more detail, it will help you in the shortest possible time establish contact with the dog and move in the right direction.

Flexibility of the puppy's character

While the puppy is small, as dog experts say, you can “mold” anything you want out of it, like an ideal and calm animal out of plasticine. Gradually establishing contact, he will perceive you as higher in rank. Again, if you start raising a puppy at about 2-3 months, up to 5 months the character can be formed. After that it was difficult. So, you want to teach a Frenchman, then let’s move forward...

The difficulty ahead is that puppies are very playful and inattentive at the age of 2 months. Often distracted by sound or movement. Therefore, try to ensure that training always takes place in silence.

Place it away from heating appliances and TV, kitchen microwaves and coffee makers, and washing machine. All this can frighten the pet, and he will simply begin to fear the learning process.

No matter how hard we try to avoid training a puppy french bulldog, after all, someone immediately gives up raising, discovering that the puppy is completely busy with other things, you need to endure all the problems and continue. This will pay off handsomely in the future, just imagine yourself with a smart French bulldog on the street, proudly walking next to you on a harness and leash...

At the same time, not trying to evade or bark at a passing cat. It is for this peace of mind that you and those around you need to fight, raising and making efforts for this, believe me, these efforts are small and worth it. Another advantage of upbringing and early training is the safety of the dog itself - all the “tidbits” lying on the street will be happily eaten by hungry yard dogs or removed by a janitor. Your dog will have the pride of not bending over and picking up trash, thereby saving his stomach.

Training highlights

Remembering your nickname

Try to get the dog used to you, your presence and voice as quickly as possible. A few rules will help you remember your name:

  • The nickname should sound and not growl, that is, keep the content of the sounds “r”, “ch”, “sh”, “zh”, “f” to a minimum;
  • A name for a French bulldog is suitable, consisting of 2 syllables or one;
  • Repeat the nickname with positive emotions, and when punished or outburst of emotions, do not remember his name yet.

Natural needs

Toilet training French bulldogs can be challenging. Usually small dogs that do not yet know how to cope with their needs in in the right place transferred to a tray or diaper. This is done after every meal (6 times a day), after the game. If you haven't gone for a walk, after drinking, and also in the morning. If you teach from the very early age, this is great, your carpets and other accessories, and if it is a boy, then the walls will be safe.

With age, the dog may develop a sense of dominance and may have problems with the toilet, but, in any case, at this stage it will become easier. Especially when the French bulldog understands where to go to relieve himself. There are times when the owner himself does not have time to carry the baby to the toilet, so you need to monitor the behavior, and if it changes, sound the alarm.

Some owners cover the area with newspaper if they find that the dog is walking on the floor. And then the newspaper itself is moved to the tray, so the dog catches its “smell” and next time will strive to do business there. The most favorite place should be sprayed with a special antigasin spray, which is sold in any veterinary pharmacy. It should be remembered that the Frenchie is not a dog that asks to go outside, it will endure until the last moment, because it belongs to a decorative breed and is much better at home.

Reward and Punishment

If raised incorrectly, a French bulldog can become angry, become aggressive and growl at passers-by. The dog has no serious intentions to bite, but only to intimidate, so there is no need to wear a muzzle in order to save lives. And French bulldogs, due to the structure of their muzzle and throat, are contraindicated from wearing various “accessories” other than a harness with a leash. In order not to frighten the neighbors with the angry expression on the dog’s face, you need to raise the puppy correctly at the age of the puppy.

If you don’t know how to train a dog to obey you, here are a few rules for successful training - the carrot and stick method:

  • Seek contact with your dog - pet him several times a day and scratch him. At the same time, the dog will gradually learn to sit still and not fidget, but for now be patient;
  • From incentives The best way these are affectionate words, strokes, sometimes a treat;
  • Try to feed yummy food only after the command has been successfully completed;
  • Use the “whip” when the dog has done something wrong, in a figurative sense. The best punishment is to send the bulldog to its place;
  • Make sure that this very place is cozy and soft, located away from drafts and radiators;
  • When trying to commit mischief or in a moment of misconduct, tap the newspaper on the table, clap your hands, and say “bad boy/girl.” In general, something like that.

Bulldog and teams

Training a French Bulldog is very important in education. You should teach the puppy basic commands, this will help control him, as we already said on the street, and comply with the culture of behavior.

The dog’s safety will not be at risk if the Frenchman learns the commands “fu”, “come to me”, “place”, “sit”. Try not to overload the puppy; one command will be enough for several days. Moreover, the dog still has many lessons to learn - including toilet training in the right place and remembering its name and many other nuances.

For example, if your 4-5 month old puppy is chewing on everything and trying to do tricks with your furniture, then he is teething. The milk ones fall out and new permanent and strong ones grow, to make it easier for him, buy rodents, other toys, give cartilage and special bones. A Frenchman should not chew ordinary bones under any circumstances. Try to educate the puppy so that he knows what specific things he needs to chew; it is possible to wean him off biting his hand by putting a toy in his mouth.

At this moment it is very important to pronounce words of an educational nature. There are also nuances when feeding, because the puppy may look into your plate with a tearful look, waiting for “manna from heaven.” But no, you won’t fall for such persuasion.

Feed at regular times, pour a moderate amount of food into the bowl, hold the bowl with your hand, and call the dog by name. Hold the bowl in this position while the puppy eats, so he will understand that he must respect the owner and obey him, because food brings a lot positive emotions. Basically, like any game that builds contact. Let it pass under the auspices of the bulldog - I will follow the command and receive a reward.

The little eared “Frenchie” comes from tough fighting dogs and has been winning hearts for more than a century with his funny appearance and calm, balanced and courageous disposition, unexpected for a dog of his size. He can protect the owner and his property, and will not shy away from a dog much larger than himself.

The description of the breed characterizes it as a true companion, an intelligent, loyal, friendly dog, extremely attached to its owners, sensitive to their mood, quite obedient and trainable. Raising a French Bulldog Puppy You can even trust a child of 7 or 8 years old, naturally, under the close supervision of adults. And yet this cute dog has some character traits inherited from his fighting ancestors. He is courageous, distrustful of strangers, stubborn, and sometimes, in rare cases, aggressive. Preparing to become its master, future owner should consult with the breeder in advance and find out how to raise a french bulldog Right. Attention to the individual traits of this breed will allow you to grow your puppy into a true friend.

French Bulldog: training and education

Raising a French Bulldog begins from the moment he was brought into the house of the people who will now become his family. As a rule, the puppy is 1.5-2 months old at this time, and this period in his life is very important - the puppy adapts to external environment. In the very first days, the baby needs to be introduced to all family members, including other animals, for example, a cat. good-natured french bulldog and cat often get along peacefully, but owners must be on guard and not allow “showdowns” between their pets until they get used to living together. At this stage of life, the baby must master several main things:

  • his nickname, which he must get used to and immediately respond to it as soon as the owner calls him;
  • its place in the house - a bedding or basket;
  • toilet. At this age, the puppy does not yet control his body, cannot restrain himself, and the owner must know , by equipping him a tray in a certain place. After all vaccinations have been completed and the required quarantine has been completed, the dog is gradually taught to do his business outside;
  • sometimes the owners are touched if the kitten growls and bites. However, you should take such manifestations seriously - the puppy is not really playing at all. The reason may be excessive timidity or attempts to establish dominance in their “pack”. Needed as soon as possible stop your french bulldog from biting and growl at family members. You should immediately show the child that such behavior is unacceptable, so how to remove aggression from a French bulldog puppy, when he turns six months or more, it will be problematic.

How to train a French bulldog at home

At the age of 4 months they begin french bulldog training to obey and carry out important commands. By this time, the puppy has already formed the main character traits, he must know the collar and leash, and most importantly, unquestioningly recognize the primacy of the owner. Training consists of teaching the necessary commands: “No”, “Fu”, “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Fetch”. The pupil will not immediately begin to follow the owner’s orders, and may be stubborn and unwilling to obey. A person must be patient and persistent, not get irritated or angry under any circumstances, so how to train a french bulldog This is possible only through calm comments and encouragement. The owner expresses his displeasure in a stern, firm voice, without angry shouts. It is unacceptable to hit a dog - this can lead to someone becoming cowardly and at the same time aggressive French bulldog. Such a dog, on the one hand, is afraid of unfamiliar people and objects, on the other hand, it growls for no reason and rushes at its fellow tribesmen, strangers and even on their own owners. Bayy french bulldog barking for any reason also indicates mental imbalance, since dogs of this breed usually bark little.

Despite its small size and charming appearance, this lap-dog- is not a toy at all, it has character and dignity, so training a French bulldog at home The owners must approach this very responsibly. All training mistakes in the first few months of a puppy’s life will give disastrous results in adulthood. Insufficient or, conversely, excessive severity will lead to the fact that instead of a friendly, understanding companion, you will end up with an uncontrollable, uncontrollable one. angry french bulldog , which will bring more grief than joy.

The charming and sociable French Bulldog can be a great friend to anyone. Representatives of this breed are not averse to taking the place of a guard or a faithful hunting companion due to their intelligence and flexible nature. However, the main part of the advantages of the “Frenchman” is the merit of the owner, who tries with all his might to instill obedience in his dog. After all, deep in the dog’s mind there are signs of his ancestor – stubborn and wayward english bulldog. Without proper upbringing, the “Frenchie” will fully display all the qualities of his ancestor, so before buying a puppy, it is important to get acquainted with how to raise a French bulldog.

A dog of any breed, including the “French”, owes its comprehensive development to the fact that it has a number of constant reflexes. They help the dog survive in any environment, and no trainer can achieve their extermination. On the contrary, attempts to suppress these reflexes will end in their strengthening.

When starting to raise any puppy, you need to take into account its unconscious desire for the following states:

If at least one of these conditions is not met, there can be no talk of any education. For example, it is impossible to teach something to a hungry or frightened puppy. Only one of these reflexes - reproduction - tends to be destroyed. Thus, non-purebred individuals often go through painful and problematic childbirth, so they are castrated or sterilized.

Important! In a castrated dog, the desire to look for a female disappears after about 6 months, and the energy freed from this reflex rushes into another direction. It is important for the owner to direct him to training or sports games, otherwise the bulldog will devote all his energy to “eating” stress and begin to gain weight.

“Two pillars” in education: encouragement and punishment

Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement are the main methods of influencing the French Bulldog. In the process of rewarding, the owner shows the dog that it has correctly completed what is required of it. Punishment is used to stop unwanted behavior in the future.

However, both methods must be approached consciously and carefully, because both excessive punishment and excessive encouragement can cause harm in education. The nuances of both methods are presented in the table.

Table 1. The need for encouragement and punishment of a French bulldog in the process of education

Why is it necessary
An obedient pet must be praised immediately after it has correctly followed an order or performed well in training. Thanks to regular rewards, the dog will learn that exemplary behavior is followed by a “yummy treat.” He is more likely to perform actions that earn the owner's approval.The most acceptable method of punishment is a severe reprimand. The bulldog will understand that the owner is not satisfied with his behavior, and in the future he will try not to act like that. But it is necessary to punish immediately after the offense has been committed, otherwise the relationship between the action and the punishment for it will be lost.
What not to doPieces of treats with which the owner rewards the pet should be changed regularly. Otherwise, the same “yummy” food ceases to be a desired reward for one’s efforts. Variety makes training enjoyable and not boring.Under no circumstances should you beat a dog, even for the most serious offense. The pain caused to the pet will definitely return to the owner, because a frightened dog often behaves inappropriately - bites, scratches, attacks children.
NuancesPositive reinforcement can be sweet Nothing, appreciative pat, pat or treat. Most trainers use a treat as a reward, but some dogs prefer a favorite toy or affection from their owner. Before choosing a reward method, observe your dog's reaction to each of them.Do not punish your dog too gently, otherwise desired behavior will not be possible to achieve.

A small bulldog reaches out to its owner for a treat

Dog trainers say that positive reinforcement is driving factor in shaping the dog's behavior. But even the most clever dog will not be able to learn the command the first time, so repeated repetition is important in education. The trainer must maintain composure and be understanding of the dog's disobedience, slowly but persistently leading it to the desired result.

Important! If your dog's behavior doesn't change after punishment, keep an eye on him. Perhaps the punishment comes at the wrong time, and the pet associates it with another action. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to punish within 2-3 minutes after the commission of the offense.

Training a French Bulldog by character type

Some owners, instead of taking on the task of training a wayward French bulldog on their own, entrust this task to a professional dog handler. But there are also disadvantages to this approach: a dog that unquestioningly follows all commands from its trainer may forget about everything at home. She will return to stubbornness and reluctance to learn anything.

Therefore, it is still recommended to start training at home. But before starting lessons, you need to observe your pet to find out what type of character it is. After this, you can decide on the approach to raising a Frenchman.

Choleric bulldog

Excitable choleric bulldogs nervous type require intensive work on inhibitory reflexes, as well as the development of endurance. Their training comes down to the following principles:

  1. Work without distractions. During training, you need to remove anything that could distract you. excitable dog and throw him off balance. In addition, alternating excitation and inhibition is prohibited - for example, the commands “fetch” and “fu” should not follow in order.
  2. Training is not a game. For choleric bulldogs, the playful manner of training is not relevant; in such an environment it is impossible to teach them anything.
  3. Discipline. The framework of discipline should be outlined for the excitable dog, which must be strictly observed. You need to talk calmly, give orders clearly, and measure praise and punishment correctly.

During training with a choleric person, the trainer remains absolutely calm, all movements must be smooth. Success can only be achieved with regular exercise, preferably daily.

Phlegmatic Bulldog

Slow phlegmatic people need to be raised completely differently. So, too active and varied training is not suitable for them, since from overload with commands they can become inhibited and completely stop responding to orders.

A completely exhausted phlegmatic dog can simply lie on his back and refuse to do anything, demonstrating with all his appearance that he is indifferent to everything that is happening around him. After this, training must be stopped immediately, because it will be pointless.

The most important thing that is required from a trainer is sensitivity, gentleness and tact. He will have to feel the dog's mood in this moment and monitor how she reacts to orders.

Simple tasks followed by increased encouragement can arouse interest in learning among phlegmatic people. Gradually, the tasks become more difficult, and each completed command is generously rewarded with “yummy food.” With this approach it is possible to stir up the dog. In addition, the experience of dog handlers shows that phlegmatic puppies are best trained in a group with choleric peers.

Sanguine Bulldog and Melancholic Bulldog

Absolutely different types temperament, which require completely opposite methods of education. If sanguine people are smart and quick to learn, then melancholic people are inhibited individuals who are not inclined to train. The differences between them are presented in table form.

Table 2. Peculiarities of raising melancholic and sanguine types of French bulldogs

Attitude to training
  • quickly understands what the trainer wants and carries out orders without problems;
  • capable of learning using any method;
  • with a sanguine person you can take not only the main program, but also specialized courses for dogs;
  • is not distracted by external stimuli, calmly reacts to coercion, and does not slow down.
  • it is very difficult to get interested in training, even if it is part of the game;
  • constantly yearns, maintaining a sad expression on his face;
  • can begin training only if he is madly attached to his beloved owner;
  • the desire to respond to commands may disappear even due to light rain drizzling outside.
  • NuancesThe sanguine French bulldog can be called an exception. This type of temperament is extremely rare among representatives of the breed, so the owner who gets an obedient and intelligent bulldog is a real lucky one.The nuances of the sanguine French Bulldog can be called an exception. This type of temperament is extremely rare among representatives of the breed, so the owner who gets an obedient and intelligent bulldog is a real lucky one. The most resistant to training type of temperament. Despite this, a melancholic bulldog can be trained to dial main commands if the owner has patience. The four-legged dog can follow commands to obtain praise from humans.

    A pitiful expression on the face is a common practice for a melancholic bulldog

    General principles of development and upbringing of a puppy in stages

    The formation of the character and behavior of a French bulldog occurs over several main stages. At the beginning of life, each stage helps to learn more about the future character of the pet. For a mature dog, the stages are associated with gaining life experience and the readiness to learn certain commands - from simple to complex.

    Stage 1. Start of life

    Initial development occurs from 1 to 6 weeks of a puppy's life. This period is characterized by:

    The puppy at this stage maintains a strong bond with his mother, so she is his main caregiver and influences him.

    Important! At the end of the first stage, the breeder or the owner himself must carefully monitor the puppy’s behavior, noticing the most striking character traits. The baby should try to move more, look and smell the surrounding objects and all available means explore the world.

    Stage 2. Adaptation, getting used to the name

    The age of 4 to 8 weeks is extremely important for the development of conditioned reflexes. During this period, puppies begin to demonstrate the ability to acquire the first skills of life in an unknown world. He plays with his mother and the other kids, gradually learning the basics of discipline and communication.

    During this period, the owner will have to:

    Stage 3. Socialization, basics of training

    French Bulldogs are very sociable animals that need a lot of interaction with people and other animals. It is between 8 and 12 weeks that they begin to be curious about other puppies, sniffing at them and barking provocatively.

    So, the socialization of a small bulldog is the most suitable period for:

    1. Getting used to your hands. These are preparatory steps that will facilitate the education process in the future. The puppy must allow itself to be picked up, ears and teeth examined, turned onto its back and placed in a standing position.
    2. Learning simple commands. At about 2-3 months, it’s time to teach the four-legged commands “come to me,” “walk,” and “place.” Already at 4 months, the little Frenchman is able to cope with the implementation of more difficult orders, for example, “fu”, “no”, “sit”, “lie down”.
    3. Fighting aggression. Aggression can manifest itself in a child’s behavior, but many owners do not take it seriously. From puppyhood, a French bulldog must understand that there is a subordination between animal and human. When a puppy growls at its owner, there is no need to turn it into a joke: such behavior must be eradicated immediately.
    4. Dosing caresses. Because of its charming face and friendly nature, the French bulldog often becomes the object of endless caresses, stroking, and lisps. Uncontrolled manifestations of love will only do harm, turning the four-legged dog into a capricious, spoiled dog.

    Babies aged 2 to 3 months suffer from increased excitability and a shaky psyche. More than ever, the owner’s attention and his careful attitude in stressful situations are important to them.

    Stage 4. Struggle for leadership

    At 3-3.5 months, puppies, not yet weaned from their mother and brothers, begin to fight for leadership with their peers. If at this age the baby is already in new family, he is trying to dominate the person.

    The main task of the owner is to show that he is the dominant one, the leader, who should be obeyed. Otherwise, the dog will decide to try on the role of leader, and as it grows up it will only strengthen in this position. The process of subordination occurs according to certain rules which are presented in the table below.

    Table 3. Peculiarities of subordination of the French bulldog

    Ban on bitingA teenage bulldog will definitely find out at the first opportunity who is the leader in the house. During the game, he may snap or bite his owner. But if he reacts with dignity every time, the baby will gradually begin to take the position of a subordinate.
    Control while walkingWhen walking, you need to pay special attention to how the dog reacts to the owner’s demands. Do not allow the leash to be pulled different sides, thereby dragging the person along with you. To avoid this, the commands “fu” and “no” are used while simultaneously patting the dog’s butt. Gradually she will understand that she cannot behave as she wants.
    Close contactAs a result of long-term communication between the owner and the bulldog, close emotional contact should be established between them. They begin to understand each other better, the animal reacts to the slightest change in the owner’s mood. If the upbringing was carried out correctly, the bulldog, already at 3 months of age, finally recognizes its owner as the leader.
    Regular trainingDuring this period, the growing “Frenchman” requires daily training and energetic games. fresh air. The trainer repeats with him the orders “come to me”, “sit”, “stand”, “lie down”. Ball and frisbee games are practiced. The load should be added gradually - both physical and psychological.
    Buying a collar with a leash13 months is the age when you can buy a collar and leash for your puppy. The collar should be soft, comfortable and wide. Accustoming to the equipment occurs gradually along with the command to “walk” and encouragement with “sweets.”

    The experience of breeders shows that between the owner and the bulldog there can be 3 different types relationships: human leadership, the leader dog and equality between humans and animals. For those who want to raise a pet according to all canine laws, the only the right decision there must be unconditional recognition of a person as a leader.

    Stage 5. Fighting fear

    This period can occur between six months and 14 months, depending on the dog’s individual temperament, and can last 1-2 months. The dog begins to be afraid of various things that he previously accepted calmly. In addition, there is a fear of new, unfamiliar objects. The owner's goal is to help the dog overcome these fears and support it.

    The problem is dealt with using the following algorithm:

    1. After the owner notices the bulldog’s fear, he gives the dog the command “stand.”
    2. A dog that freezes after a command may whine, showing its fear. The owner approaches the object that frightened the puppy and touches it with his hand.
    3. The person commands “come to me” and waits for the puppy to approach. If this does not happen, the command should be repeated in a persistent but soft voice.
    4. The owner must behave calmly, clearly demonstrating that he is not at all afraid of the object. When the puppy approaches, you need to let him make sure that the thing is not dangerous, allow him to examine it and smell it.

    If the trainer behaves patiently and steadfastly, this feeling will immediately be transmitted to the dog, and he will calm down.

    Stage 6. Transitional age

    The most difficult period in raising a dog, which begins at one year of age and can last about 3 years. The desire to dominate awakens again in the animal, he tries to find weak spots in the character of the owner and take a leadership position in the house.

    This period is also characterized by the following factors:

    • sudden aggression of the dog towards those people and animals to whom it was previously friendly;
    • growling or loud barking at friends who came to visit, although previously the bulldog calmly sniffed them and allowed himself to be petted;
    • reaching puberty, which requires continued active play and training.

    The owner and all family members during this period must stock up on self-control and perseverance. A bulldog that barks and lunges at guests should not be locked in a room. Dog handlers recommend giving the “place” command in such a situation and allowing the dog to remain in the company without feeling like an outcast. If it doesn’t work the first time, repeat the order again, but in a more stern tone.

    Friends also need to be warned about difficult period so that they do not try to communicate with the four-legged first. “The Frenchman” must react to the guests himself. This way the owner will show the dog that he is on the side of the visitors and they require the same respect as family members.

    Important! If in adolescence The dog behaves extremely inappropriately and it is impossible to calm it down; it is recommended to go to a specialist. An experienced dog handler will give advice or actually show you how to calm a bulldog. You can learn more about the causes of aggression in dogs in our separate section.

    Practical skills: socialization, education, training

    The upbringing of a four-legged animal is a multifaceted and ambiguous problem. Thus, a puppy who is trained not to climb on the table can be called well-mannered, but at the same time he will not understand a single command. A dog who ideally masters all commands will also be well-mannered, even if he begs or chews his owner’s things.

    French bulldogs, who from birth have an unshakable calm psyche, are socialized faster and go through the training stage. Moreover, how effective training will be depends on motivation. It can be positive or negative: the dog follows the order - receives encouragement, does not follow the command - receives punishment.

    Training a French Bulldog at home

    So, we have already managed to find out that the development process of a small French bulldog is filled with various difficulties and requires close attention and the sensitivity of the owner. It is preferable to raise and train representatives of the breed at home, so as not to traumatize the pet’s psyche by strangers. Training puppies and adult bulldogs has its own nuances and rules.

    The French Bulldog can fetch thrown sticks on the command "fetch"

    How to start training a puppy

    You can’t force a puppy to train immediately after it arrives in the house. The four-legged animal needs to be given time to cope with the stress of changing its place of residence and to get used to the new conditions a little. Otherwise, excessive pressure will cause excessive timidity or the development of aggression.

    At the initial stage, the dog should have a single owner who will give it maximum attention. If the friendship improves, the baby will begin to whine and worry in the absence of the owner, and react to his appearance with a joyful bark. Already at this time education begins:

    • a small bulldog is forbidden to do everything that cannot be done as an adult (climb onto the bed, chew shoes, bite);
    • begging is eradicated immediately; at the first attempts to ask for food during a family dinner, the dog is sent to the place;
    • treats should not be given between meals; the treat should be a reward for the correct response to orders.

    Accustoming to a nickname

    After the first rules of life in the house have already been outlined for the puppy, accustoming him to a name begins. It happens as follows:

    Over time, the treat is replaced with praise, otherwise, due to excessive feeding, the treat will cease to be desirable, and the bulldog will completely stop obeying.

    Toilet training

    The little bulldog is very weak bladder, therefore, during the potty training period, it is better to remove all carpets from the floor. Instilling the skill of writing where needed lasts about 2-3 months. The algorithm will be like this:

    1. Buying a tray where the “Frenchie” will go in the first months of life. It should be planted in a pot immediately after waking up, after exercise, or some time after lunch.
    2. If the ward managed to go to the toilet, you need to praise him. Otherwise, let him go for a walk and try again after another 4-5 minutes. Over time, the four-legged dog will get used to it and will use the tray on its own.
    3. The baby will need time to get used to the new rules, so the owner needs to be patient and not scold the child for puddles on the floor.
    4. Up to 4 months, bulldogs have poor control over urination and may simply not have time to get to the toilet.
    5. In the future, control should be strengthened and more persistent. However, the owner needs to prepare for the fact that up to 8-9 months of age, the four-legged animal may inadvertently leave piles and puddles on the floor.

    You need to praise your four-legged dog especially actively after he has gone to the toilet outside at the start of his walk. For several months he may defecate both in the apartment and on the street, and you need to prepare for this.

    Basic commands

    The list of basic training for a growing bulldog includes a whole range of exercises that are designed to provide him with a comfortable life in an urban environment. So, this basic list includes the following commands:

    Training an adult dog

    If an adult French bulldog immediately appears in the family, the new owner will have to independently fill the gaps in education that the previous family made. A four-legged dog that is already accustomed to doing something that is strictly forbidden to do in a new home will have a hard time getting out of the habit. If the dog cannot be trained under any conditions, it is better to contact professional dog handlers.

    And for those who decide to raise a bulldog on their own or continue their training with childhood, you should start training outside. Outdoor exercises are a very important part of training.

    Practicing basic commands on the street

    In the first stages, all exercises will be much worse for the four-legged than in an apartment. This is facilitated by many distractions: cars, strangers, constant noise and others. The rules for street training will be as follows:

    1. You should persistently but calmly repeat the command, not allowing the dog to ignore it.
    2. During the first months, it is forbidden to let the bulldog off the leash.
    3. You cannot allow a four-legged animal to pick up something from the surface of the soil or take it from the hands of strangers; such moments are immediately stopped by the command “no”.

    If the dog successfully shows itself on the street and is not distracted when demonstrating commands, you can take it to the dog park. It’s best if they’re already walking there trained dogs. After the bulldog gets used to it a little, you can let him off the leash. Stairs, barriers and other exercise equipment on such sites will help the dog develop physically, and communication with his own kind will help socialization.

    On the street you can train all the already known commands - “near”, “to me”, the “sit/stand/lie” complex and gradually supplement them with new exercises.

    Practicing the “lie down” command

    In-Depth Training

    Bulldogs cannot be service or guard dogs, however, some commands from the specialized course are available for them. So, the “Frenchman” can be entrusted with:

    If desired, you can train a representative of the breed to perform sports exercises - for example, with the commands “crawl”, “snake”, “roll”.

    However, the owner should remember that in-depth training is only possible with the participation of a professional dog handler due to the stubborn nature of the bulldog. Of course, you can try to train your pet yourself, but you still can’t do it without expert advice.

    Video - How to train a French Bulldog

    Sooner or later, any owner is faced with a behavior problem in their dog. Understanding the reasons for behavior and the ability to cope with the situation helps to quickly solve the problem.

    Here are the basic rules that apply to almost any situation.

    Control your dog and you will control the situation. By putting a collar and leash on your dog, you can control it. For many dogs, putting on "training" gear means "getting to work" and can help solve the problem. A dog on a leash cannot run away or chase a runner or animal, and the owner has the opportunity to help him understand what to do....

    How to stop a dog from jumping on people with its paws

    First, teach your dog what he should do instead of jumping on you. Move away from her and click while she
    approaches you BEFORE she jumps on you. Then place the treat on the floor so that the dog is waiting for it from below, not from above. Once she understands what you want, you can begin to delay the click until she comes to you and stands calmly in front of you. If she does jump, ignore her and take a step to the side so her paws slide off you.

    continued in full news..

    Wolf behavior has been studied relatively well. Almost everything that has become known in the course of research about one or another of its reflexes, their purpose and innate reactions to stimuli also applies to dogs, whose structure allows them to make movements similar to the movements of a wolf. There is no need to say that a dog that does not have a tail cannot swing one, and a lop-eared dog will not raise its ears and will not be able to depict with them what a dog with erect ears does. Some dogs have so thick skin on their faces that their facial expressions are not very expressive, while others have long fur or folds of skin that make it difficult to clearly express their mood, making it difficult for us to understand the animal. In addition, even dogs of the same breed differ greatly in their expressive capabilities, at least from a human point of view. From the above it is clear that each dog is individual in facial expressions and means of expression. At the same time, all representatives of the dog tribe have a lot common features, and no special experience is required to understand them correctly.

    Facial expressions
    A dog is capable of expressing a variety of shades of its mood. This ability is achieved using the lips, ears and eyes. These organs complement each other as innate exponents of instinctive states and as exciters of instinctive actions. It is not so easy to list all the facial expressions that a dog can express. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to listing the main types of facial expressions. Knowing them, you can determine your mood with relative ease. own dog and dogs of those breeds that are well known to the dog owner. But when meeting an unfamiliar breed, difficulties may arise in interpreting the various shades of facial expressions.

    Expressions of an aggressive state
    From a practical point of view, the most important thing for us is to know when a dog is ready to attack and, in general, when it is hostile towards an animal or person. Her mood is very easy to determine. It is most clearly manifested in the manner of making grimaces, when the front teeth and fangs are exposed. True, aggressiveness is also characterized by many other behavioral features, by which one can judge the degree of aggressiveness and the intensity of the stimulus. Consider an example where a dog demonstrates aggression, but does not experience fear. For similar condition Protruding ears are always characteristic, shifted towards each other and extended slightly forward. In a lop-eared dog, the posterior edges of the base of the ears will be spread out in this case, and ears extremely extended forward. The stronger the aggressiveness, the more the teeth are exposed, sometimes even the fangs are visible, especially on the side facing the “enemy.” At the same time, folds form on the muzzle. A very angry dog ​​has a raised nose. In addition, folds appear around the eyes and on the forehead (in the longitudinal direction). The latter is also typical for a dog in such a state when, experiencing some fear, it is ready to defend itself, but not to attack. In a purely aggressive state, the dog does not move the corners of its mouth back, so that from the side the cut of its mouth appears short...


    The ability to swim is necessary for a dog when used in many special services. In addition, swimming helps physical development dog, improves its health.

    The conditioned stimuli are the command “Forward!” and a throwing gesture right hand in the direction of movement, and unconditional - a treat, a fetch object, stroking. This technique is practiced after the dog has been trained to move forward on command in parallel with techniques for overcoming obstacles.
    The dog is accustomed to water in the summer and in warm weather. In this case, a shallow reservoir with sloping, non-swampy banks is selected. The trainer, holding the dog on a short leash, excites it by playing and runs 10-15 steps along the shore, to which the dog usually reacts very weakly. Then, having removed the dog’s leash, the trainer runs away from it into the water and draws it along with him through play. When the dog walks 5-10 m in water, he rewards it.

    Many have had to deal with aggression from some dogs, protect their pets and try to protect themselves. An attack by a large dog can result in serious injuries to a person, but for our dogs such cases can end in fatal. This article provides a number of useful tips on what to do in such cases. But the main advice, of course, is to be careful, be vigilant during walks and try not to get into situations that threaten conflicts with other dogs.

    You can train your dog to perform the following commands: “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Fetch!” (bring up the thrown object), “Voice!”, “Ugh!” etc.

    Some owners teach their dogs some circus acts, for example, jumping through a hoop, rope, and the ability to walk. hind legs etc. If desired, you can train a French bulldog to fetch, guard things, follow a scent, walk along a boom and up stairs.

    You can teach a dog a lot with affection and encouragement. It would be desirable, although mandatory training has not been introduced for dogs of decorative breeds, as is done for service breeds, however, they need to know certain rules of behavior. At the very least, they must obey the owner and obey him unquestioningly.

    The dog owner needs to pay special attention to the behavior of his friend in public places, on the street, and in transport. A dog should not bark, much less rush at people. The same applies to the dog’s behavior in the apartment. The owner needs to learn how to quickly and decisively subdue the dog if it is aggressive towards people who come to visit. In order to avoid justified dissatisfaction of neighbors, it is necessary to “make the dog silent.”

    This is a very important command. It is said when you need the dog to stand still for a while, for example, when you are brushing the dog, putting a harness or collar on it. This command is especially needed when the dog needs to be stopped while moving. A lot of dogs die under the wheels of cars or from teeth large dogs. A command can be considered learned when, even being at a great distance from the owner, the dog immediately stops on this command and waits for the owner, and does not run, for example, after another dog.

    After the puppy gets used to walking on a leash, you should begin to learn the command “Near!” At this command, the dog must walk at the owner’s left leg without pulling on the leash.

    It is necessary to educate the puppy from a very early age conditioned reflex to the command “Come to me!” The owner, going for a walk with the dog, takes a treat and, when the puppy runs 3-5 meters away from him, says the puppy’s name and the command “Come to me!” At this command, the puppy must run up to the owner. For good execution of this command, a treat is given.

    This command is associated with what seems to be the best and most pleasant thing in life for a small dog: it needs to get closer to its beloved owner, receive affection, encouragement, and treats from him. This could also mean a short but fun play episode for her, etc. Call the puppy by name, then give the command “Come!” (always use only one of the terms). If the puppy doesn't obey right away, pat yourself on the leg. If this does not help, pretend that you are leaving. Get the puppy to run up to you cheerfully (with desire). Praise him for completing the command: give him a treat, pet him. The sooner you teach your puppy this command, the better it will be for both you and the dog.

    Never scold or hit a puppy unless it immediately runs to you!

    The goal of training a dog is to develop its natural abilities. A well-trained dog works cheerfully and considers work to be play because it understands that it gives pleasure to its owner by following his commands.

    Dogs imitate their owners, adopting not only their character, but also their vices. Snarling, bad well behaved dog usually belongs to a rude, uncontrolled person (though it happens that the dog is more educated and more correct than the owner himself). A calm, obedient dog has a gentleman owner.

    The dog's brain has large potential opportunities, and it must be developed so that the mutual understanding between a man and his dog is deep and soulful.

    A whole world of pleasures and great benefit you can get from communicating with a well-bred and loved (love is necessary) dog. This dog will climb high level, she is no longer a beast, but a comrade worthy of a person.

    From the very beginning of your life, teach your puppy to follow simple commands, for example, “come to me,” “fu,” “yes.” Try to do this gently, without causing negative emotions in the baby. The game form is best suited for this.

    Also, don't let your dog beg. If you give in just once and share a piece from your plate, the French Bulldog will make its own eyes hungry dog in the world every time you eat. The dog must not only clearly know its place, but also exclusively from your own bowl.

    Finally, from the very beginning of education, do not forget about the correct ratio of punishment and reward. Certainly, little puppy In case of misdeeds, it is very unfortunate to scold, but this measure is forced and necessary. Don't let your dog get away with pranks, otherwise in the future it may lead to The dog will absolutely not obey its owner.

    The “Frenchie” is not a breed whose training needs to be approached with the utmost rigor. Introduce at least a small element of play into each training session; this will prevent the puppy from getting bored during training, no matter where it takes place - at home or in a special area. There is no need to devote too much time to teaching commands - half an hour a day will be enough for your pet to learn the command without getting too tired. But you need to do this regularly. And most importantly, do not teach your dog to follow commands for treats, otherwise in the future he will only carry them out for a “bribe.”

    Toilet training

    The first rule that the owner needs to remember when toilet training is: be patient!

    A small puppy does not always understand his mistakes, so you should not swear too much if the baby makes a puddle in in the wrong place. The Frenchman did this not out of harm or stupidity.

    A puppy should be toilet trained from the age of two months.

    Instead of litter box litter, it is better to use absorbent diapers. Newspaper is not suitable for such an intimate matter - lead is harmful even to dogs. Never use cat litter. The baby can swallow it, which will lead to digestive problems.

    Be careful where you choose the toilet. It should be quiet, calm and secluded, so that no one distracts the dog from “important matters”.

    If you have a large family, then you should not install a dog toilet in the bathroom or toilet room, otherwise it may happen that the dog will not be able to get there when it needs it. Therefore, this puddle will be solely on your conscience!

    As soon as you see that the puppy wants to go to the toilet, immediately take him to the litter box. Characteristic signs: The puppy whines and spins around. Do not over tighten, otherwise a puddle will appear on the floor.


    In the event of an “accident,” you need to scold the puppy immediately, because in five minutes he will already forget about his offense.

    Remove all carpets from the baby's reach, otherwise there is a high probability that your Frenchie will like to relieve himself in them much more than in the litter box.

    Remember that French Bulldogs are extremely clean dogs, so their litter box must be kept perfectly clean.

    How to teach a puppy to wear a diaper?

    The process of teaching a puppy to wear a diaper is no more difficult than training a dog to use the toilet.

    To do this, it is enough to meet only four conditions:

    • Buy a low litter tray so that your French Bulldog can climb over its sides. Instead of stuffing, put a diaper there. They are both disposable and reusable. During training, do not change the location of the toilet or buy a new tray. Always keep this area clean;
    • After the puppy has eaten, immediately take him closer to the diaper. Also remember that your baby will want to go to the toilet immediately after waking up. Do not let him do his “business” on the carpet, as it will be very difficult to wean him off this;
    • fence off the space within which the puppy will live. Set up a toilet for him there with a diaper. This way you will make the task easier for yourself, because you won’t have to look all over the house for the place where the Frenchie decided to relieve himself;
    • clean up the place immediately after the “accident”. In no case should the cleaning product contain ammonia, because this substance is part of the bulldog's urine, and its smell will only attract the dog. Place a rag containing urine on your puppy's diaper or squirt on it. special means which attracts the dog.

    How to train a puppy?

    A puppy cannot concentrate on one action for a long time, so training should be short but frequent.

    If your baby is not yet four months old, then optimal time will be five minutes at a time, when he gets older, then increase the time to ten minutes. You need to exercise your dog three to five times a day.

    Be patient, do not be lazy to repeat commands (sometimes you will have to do this more than a dozen times). Do not be aggressive towards your puppy and never use physical violence towards her.

    Choose a time when your puppy is most alert.

    It is not recommended to train after a heavy lunch, as the baby will want to sleep. However, French bulldogs cannot be trained on an empty stomach - after last appointment It should take an hour and a half to two hours before eating.

    Gradually make your workouts more difficult. First, teach your dog simple commands (“come to me”, “fu”), and then more complex ones consisting of several simple ones.

    Once your dog has mastered several commands, try clicker training (training using a special device that produces clicks). Click, then immediately give your dog a treat. While executing commands, click the clicker. So, over time, the dog will begin to associate the expected behavior with this sound.

    Gradually remove treats so that the dog learns to follow the owner's commands without additional reward.

    Below we will look at several examples of teaching a French bulldog simple commands:

    • to teach your dog to follow the “fu” command, do the following actions. When she begins to chew on something that is not intended for this, lightly hit her on the nose and say “ugh.” After that, give her her toy. Repeat this until the puppy learns what things in the house are meant for his teeth;
    • To teach your dog the “sit” command, stand him in front of you and hold a treat in your hands. Give the "sit" order firmly but in a friendly manner and press the French Bulldog's lower body to the floor. Give a treat and praise your baby. Repeat the exercise, however, this time do not help the bulldog.

    Thus, we can conclude that you can teach a dog to commands only with the help of patience, a friendly attitude, strictness and large quantity treats

    Dog behavior on the street

    First of all, the pet must be accustomed to a harness, leash and other accessories for walking. Read how to do this.

    The French bulldog is an extremely peace-loving creature, and also has small dimensions, so it is not difficult to accustom the “Frenchie” to decent behavior.

    • walk at a calm, measured pace, do not adjust to your pet if he decides to take an unplanned walk. Ideally, the dog should know the command “near”;
    • If the bulldog starts to pull the leash towards itself, then just stop. Ignore his attempts to pull you along with him;
    • When your dog looks back at you, praise him. If this happens several times during one walk, then give him a treat. This is called "leash training";
    • Like any other pet, the French bulldog is prone to picking up all kinds of garbage from the ground. To wean him off this, learn the “fu” command;
    • do not interfere with the socialization of the dog, if it wants to communicate with another pet, then do not interfere with this if the “new friend” is friendly;
    • The French bulldog is not prone to aggression, but sometimes it can be overly friendly. Learn the “place” command to stop your dog the moment he wants to interact with a stranger. Remember that someone may be afraid of such a baby, and besides, some people can easily offend even a dog that is peaceful towards them.

    Basic training methods

    A training method is a method of influencing a dog, the task of which is to develop in it the skills necessary for a trainer.

    To train French bulldogs, two types of training are most often used - taste-based and mechanical methods.

    They are the calmest and do not cause negative emotions in the dog in the process.

    Let's look at each of them step by step.

    Taste-based training method:

    • stock up on your pet’s favorite treats (human food should absolutely not be used as a reward!);
    • start training three to four hours after feeding;
    • give the dog a command;
    • repeat it until the bulldog does it correctly;
    • give him a treat;
    • repeat this process until reinforced, following the principle: correct execution of the command is a treat.

    Mechanical training method:

    • put the dog in front of you and give it a command;
    • if she performed it correctly, then stroke her or scratch her behind the ear;
    • Use mechanical rewards every time your dog obeys you.


    It is worth noting that in the case of French bulldogs, a forced training method cannot be used. Your pet will be afraid of you and, instead of following commands, will try to either move away or hide.

    Conclusion and conclusions

    Now you know how to raise a French bulldog so that it grows up to be an obedient dog. Remember that the most important thing is this process– your patience and perseverance.

    Under no circumstances should you give up trying to train your pet, because even such a wayward dog as the “Frenchie” will sooner or later obey you.

    Useful video

    From this video you will learn how to properly teach a French bulldog the following commands:

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