How to apply Otipax ear drops correctly. Ear drops "Otipax": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues. Otipax during breastfeeding

Young children suffer from otitis media, which can occur with the slightest cold. How to properly cure developing otitis media?

The most common drug for the treatment of otitis media in children is Otipax ear drops, which are sold in any pharmacy. Otipax drops can be used by children of any age.


The drug contains phenazone and lidocaine. The first is responsible for eliminating inflammation, and the second is for pain relief.

This balanced composition eliminates the symptoms of otitis media as quickly as possible and treats the inner ear. The drug "Otipax" is not an antibiotic, is not addictive, non-toxic and is suitable for children under one year of age.

How to use?

The drops are a yellowish liquid enclosed in a bottle with a total weight of 16 g. Instructions for use suggest dripping these ear drops 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops into the outer ear canal. It is important to remember that the drops must be warm before instilling them. Therapists recommend using the drug for a course lasting no more than 10 days. Side effects include: allergic reactions and irritation.

To use Otipax drops more effectively for both children and adults, you can first drip them onto a cotton ball and then insert them into the child’s ear. The instructions assume horizontal position head when administering the drug.

The instructions for use also state that the drug is prohibited for use in cases of violations eardrum or hypersensitivity to components. Remember, only a doctor can determine whether the eardrum is broken or not! Under no circumstances should you prescribe Otipax ear drops yourself. The doctor also determines how many days you can drip, how many drops, and how many times a day will be optimal for curing otitis media.

"Otipax" is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, but is prohibited for use by athletes, as it gives positive result during a doping test. The instructions suggest consulting a doctor on the use of such drops.

The average price for the drug is about 200 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

The drug can be used in the following cases:

  • otitis media or external;
  • inflammatory process middle ear in young children and pain associated with it;
  • ear congestion;
  • damage to the hearing organs due to barotrauma.

Contraindications for use are:

  • damage to the eardrum;
  • individual intolerance.

Among side effects possible irritation of the ear canal and allergic reactions.


There are both positive and negative reviews for ear drops "Otipax"

Positive reviews of the drops contain the following statements:

  • relieves ear congestion and sharp pain from the first use;
  • a convenient nozzle allows you to drop an exact dose;
  • low price;
  • quickly cures otitis media.

Negative reviews contain the following opinion:

  • causes allergies and rashes;
  • short shelf life after opening - only six months;
  • eliminates only the symptoms, and not the source of otitis media.


The first analogue of Otipax is Sofradex drops. They contain 3 antibiotics, but they do not contain an analgesic component. In addition, they are not suitable for small children due to their hormone content. Also, Sofradex drops have many side effects, and the doses are cumulative, which can lead to allergies. Sofradex can be used for 4 days.

The second analogue is Anauran ear drops. It contains 2 antibiotics and 2 painkillers. But the fundamental difference between these two drugs is that Otipax is intended to relieve pain and inflammation, and its analog Anauran kills microorganisms that cause otitis media or inflammation. "Anauran" has an ototoxic effect, that is, it cannot be used constantly. Application can be expected for 5 days.

The third analogue is the drug "Otinum" based on an antibiotic. It is weaker in strength than Otipax. Some therapists suggest using these drugs in combination, that is, you can drip one drop in the evening and another in the morning. The Otinum analogue can be used for 10 days.

The drug "Otofa" is the fourth analogue ear drops"Otipax". It is cheaper than the comparable drug and is intended for the treatment of the outer and middle ear. It is usually prescribed for lidocaine intolerance. An advantage of Otofa is when used for a damaged eardrum, when all other drops are contraindicated.

In general, any analogue of ear drops can be used instead of Otipax drops, but in any case, consult your doctor before using this or that drug.

Be healthy!

Otipax are ear drops used to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain during an acute inflammatory process occurring in the ear. The anesthetic component begins to act immediately after application, the pain disappears within a few minutes. This drug is one of the most prescribed drugs in otolaryngological practice.

Otipax is available only in the form of ear drops. This clear liquid with an alcoholic odor, which may be almost colorless or have a slight yellowish tint.

1 g of drops contains:

  • phenazone (40 mg);
  • lidocaine hydrochloride (10 mg).

The composition of the drug includes auxiliary components:

  • glycerol;
  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

The drops are in a bottle containing 16 g of the drug. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box. In the same pack there should be a special dropper placed in a blister.

What is it used for?

Otipax drops should be used to eliminate symptoms that occur during acute inflammatory diseases external and middle ear associated with severe pain:

  • otitis media in the acute stage (including purulent and unspecified);
  • otitis media that developed as a complication of influenza or ARVI;
  • chronic otitis media during exacerbation (serous or mucous);
  • otitis externa;
  • abscess of the outer ear.

This remedy is also prescribed to reduce the manifestations of otitis media caused by barotrauma (a consequence of the body being exposed to sudden changes in pressure in the external environment).

pharmachologic effect

Otipax is a combination drug, the use of which has two effects at once: anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic.

The non-steroidal component phenazone is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. This is a substance that reduces the activity of cycloxygenase, an enzyme that promotes the conversion of arachidonic acid into mediators of the inflammatory reaction (these include prostacyclin, as well as leukotrienes and prostaglandins). As the concentration of substances decreases, hyperemia becomes less noticeable, swelling decreases, and pain in the area affected by the inflammatory process decreases.

Lidocaine hydrochloride - anesthetic local action. It causes blocking of impulses traveling along the nerve pathways, and as a result, the area of ​​​​living tissue exposed to it temporarily loses sensitivity, including becoming insensitive to pain.

When these two components are combined in one preparation, the severity and duration of the analgesic effect increases and inflammation is relieved more quickly. The medicine also helps soften mucus and inflammatory products, which helps remove them from the ear.

The drug only provides local impact, its components are not absorbed into the blood unless the eardrum is damaged.

Instructions for use

Immediately before use, the bottle with the drug should be kept for some time in a warm place (about 25°C) so that its contents warm up to room temperature. To warm up faster, you can hold it in your palm for a few minutes.

The sequence of actions when using ear drops is as follows:

  1. Before you start using the drug (this applies to its first use), you should remove the cap that covers the bottle and install the dropper included with the medicine bottle, which acts as a dispenser.
  2. It is advisable to place a towel under your head, after which you need to lie on your side. In this position, you need to drip the medicine into the ear.
  3. After instillation, you need to lie on the same side without moving for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. If you need to do this procedure for the other ear, you need to turn over to the opposite side, inject the drug and lie still for the same amount of time.

The medicine should be used 2-3 times a day. A single dose is 3-4 drops for one ear.

Usually 2-3 days of such therapy are enough for the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. The maximum period of use of the drug Otipax, provided for official instructions, is equal to 10 days. If, after this period, the ear pain still bothers you or other symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor again.

Contraindications and side effects

Otipax should not be prescribed for:

  • violation of the integrity of the eardrum (if it is physically damaged or perforated due to a pathological process);
  • hypersensitivity to any component contained in the drug (for example, if the patient has a tendency to have an allergic reaction to lidocaine).

Sometimes these drops can cause unwanted effects:

  • hyperemia of the ear canal;
  • local irritation;
  • allergy.

These phenomena occur infrequently, but if they do occur, you should consult a doctor. In such a situation, a complete review of treatment recommendations may be necessary.

Application for children

If the drug is used in accordance with the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor, then its use is safe even for newborns. It should be taken into account that in children inflammatory processes can develop very quickly and lead to dangerous complication, therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and begin treatment in the first hours after the onset of symptoms of otitis media or other inflammatory disease of the hearing organs.

When dosing the drug, the age of the child is taken into account.

The drips should be the same as for an adult patient, 2-3 times a day, unless the doctor gives other recommendations. The course of treatment is up to 10 days. Before starting to use the medicine, the child must be examined by a doctor.

special instructions

Once the bottle with drops has already been printed, its contents are suitable for use for no more than 6 months.

The drug should not be used in patients whose eardrum is damaged, since in this case contact of its active components with the anatomical elements of the middle ear can lead to serious complications. This will increase the likelihood of hearing deterioration, even complete loss is possible.

The drug, when used as directed in accordance with the instructions, acts only in the local area and does not affect the activity of the central nervous system. It cannot interfere with driving a car or a potentially dangerous technical device.

This drug can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and nursing mothers.

Professional athletes should note that one of the active components in Otipax drops (phenazone) may cause a positive doping test result.

If you intend to participate in official sports competitions, it is recommended to replace it with another product that does not contain substances prohibited in sports.

Drug interactions

Cases of interaction of the drug with other drugs, which would lead to negative consequences, in the entire history of its use in otolaryngological practice has not been registered.


Otipax drops are used in otolaryngology for acute inflammatory diseases of the ear. This complex remedy contains an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory component. The first of them copes with pain within 5-10 minutes after instillation into the ear, and the second helps relieve inflammation and prevents the development of complications.

This remedy has no age restrictions for use; it can be prescribed to children from birth. But do not forget that it can only be used if the integrity of the eardrum is not compromised. Before starting treatment, you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist.

Many families often face the problem of ear pain in small child due to a cold or infectious disease. Most often it is triggered by an inflammatory process that causes severe discomfort for the baby and causes anxiety for the parents. For emergency assistance V home medicine cabinet You must have ear drops and know how to apply them correctly.

Description of the drug Otipax, composition and dosage form

Medicine Otipax is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drug that effectively eliminates pain syndrome and speeding up full recovery. It is a colorless or yellowish solution with the odor of alcohol, which is available in 15 ml dark glass bottles with a dropper tip. The shelf life of an unopened bottle is five years. After the first use, the drug can be used for six months.

The healing effect is achieved due to the content of the following substances in 1 gram of the medicine:

  • phenazole (40 mg) - a synthetic non-steroidal analgesic that blocks the symptoms and development of the inflammatory process, as well as the sensitivity of receptors to pain;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride (10 mg) – anesthetic local action, which instantly relieves severe throbbing pain and enhances therapeutic effect phenazole.

Otipax contains auxiliary components that help the active substances to be absorbed faster and penetrate deeper into the canal. They dilute pathological mucus and stimulate its further removal from the ear cavity:

Indications for the use of ear drops for children

Treatment with Otipax for children can only be started after consultation with a specialist - a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. The doctor pays attention to the appearance of the following symptoms in the baby:

  • pressing on the cartilage located at the beginning of the auditory canal (tragus) causes sharp pain to the child;
  • feeling of constant tinnitus (“shooting in the ear”);
  • itching sensation inside the ear canal and palate;
  • nasal congestion;
  • release of pathological exudate (pus);
  • hearing impairment;
  • increased body temperature against the background of painful spasms.

Such a child’s well-being indicates developing painful processes in the ears against the background of diseases:

  • otitis media of various origins and severity (catarrhal, barotraumatic, post-infectious, chronic);
  • pain in the ear against the background of developing ARVI, inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • damage to the ear canal by any object or action that does not affect the eardrum;
  • suppuration (boils, abscesses, ulcers) in the outer part of the ear canal.


  • damage or rupture of the membrane separating the middle and outer ear;
  • sensitivity or allergic reaction (increased swelling, itching, redness) to any component of the medication;
  • if the inflammatory process has advanced beyond the middle ear area.

Instructions for use and dosage

Parents who are planning to treat their children with Otipax need to remember that only the attending physician can select the treatment regimen and dosage.

Infants and newborns up to 1 year of age are prescribed 1-2 drops in each ear 2-3 times a day. Children aged from one to three years – 3 drops 3 times a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed a dose of 3-4 drops three times a day.

After five days of using the medicine, you must visit your doctor to adjust the prescription. The specialist must decide how much solution to drip, and whether there are any visible manifestations of allergies. A one-time use of Otipax drops to a young child will give a short-term truncated effect that will not lead to complete deliverance from the problem.

In addition, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • You need to unscrew the cap from the bottle and attach the dropper tip;
  • before dripping the solution, it needs to be slightly warmed up so that there is no discomfort from the cold liquid in the inflamed ear;
  • tilt your head to the side so that the ear being treated is at the top;
  • hold your head in such a position for several minutes so that the solution saturates all the bends of the ear canal;
  • After the procedure, it is advisable to place a small cotton wool pad in the ear canal (experts recommend smearing the cotton wool with Vaseline to enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug on the child’s body).

Side effects of the drug

In extremely rare cases, most often associated with a gross violation of the instructions of the attending physician, patients (especially children) may experience some unpleasant effects while using Otipax drops.

These include swelling of blood vessels and capillaries in the ear canal, itching, irritation, redness and different kinds allergic rashes on the shell of the ear. Cases of overdose with this drug have never been recorded by specialists.

Interaction with other drugs

Otipax does not interact in any way with other medications and substances. It can be applied in complex therapy with any antibiotics, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs that help speed up the healing process. However, professional athletes need to know that when consumed regularly, it gives positive test at doping control.

If a child has an ear infection and it manifests itself severe pain, topical agents are often used. One of the most popular drugs for ear diseases is called Otipax.

Adults often drip this medication during severe ear pain and others unpleasant symptoms otitis But can it be used in children, how does this drug act on an inflamed ear and in what dosage is it used? How to properly bury ear drops in small patients and what medications can replace Otipax in the treatment of otitis media of various natures?

Release form

Otipax is produced by the French company Biocodex in only one form - ear drops. They are sold in glass bottles, complemented by a dropper, which is separately packaged in a blister. The weight of the drug in one bottle is 16 grams.

The medicine itself appears as a clear solution that is usually colorless but sometimes has a yellow tint. The medicine smells like alcohol.


The action of Otipax is associated with the presence in the solution of two active substances. One of them is phenazone, contained in 1 gram of the drug at a dose of 40 mg. Second active connection is lidocaine hydrochloride. Its amount per 1 g of solution is 10 mg.

To ensure that the drug remains liquid and does not spoil, its auxiliary ingredients are ethyl alcohol, water, sodium thiosulfate and glycerol.

Operating principle

Otipax has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is provided by phenazone present in the drops. This component is one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (belongs to the group of pyrazolones) that can block cyclooxygenase and disrupt the synthesis of prostaglandins. It not only eliminates inflammatory reaction, but also reduces capillary permeability.

Another important therapeutic effect Otipaxa is local anesthesia. This effect of the drops is primarily due to lidocaine, because it is an effective anesthetic that acts by antagonizing calcium and sodium ions. This effect on nerve fibers interferes with the perception and transmission of pain signals.

In addition, phenazone also has some analgesic effect, so the use of such ingredients in combination leads to faster pain relief, and the anesthetic effect is stronger and very long lasting.

It's confirmed laboratory research, according to which no traces of the drug were found in the blood of patients who had Otipax instilled into their ears.

At the same time, Otipax acts only at the site of use, that is, such drops only affect the ear tissue. If the integrity of the tympanic septum is not broken, the drug is unable to be absorbed into the blood and have any effect. harmful effects to internal organs.


Otipax is used as symptomatic therapy (primarily for pain relief) with such pathologies:

  • Otitis media in the acute stage, characterized by an acute catarrhal or purulent inflammatory process.
  • Chronic otitis media.
  • Otitis media, which developed during ARVI or influenza, as a complication of a viral infection.
  • Otitis caused by barotrauma of the ears.
  • Otitis externa.

Sometimes you can hear advice from mothers or doctors to use Otipax for prevention, for example, if a child has severe runny nose and there is a high risk of developing otitis media.

Most specialists do not prescribe such drops for preventive purposes, but pay attention to proper treatment rhinitis

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Otipax is prescribed to children from birth, since this drug is considered harmless for both newborns and older patients. However, the use of drops in a child with otitis is recommended only after examination by an ENT doctor or pediatrician.

Even such a product that is safe for children should not be dripped into the ears without consulting a doctor, because for treatment with Otipax it is important to first determine whether there is any damage to the eardrum. If its integrity is compromised, this can lead to serious complications.


Drops are not prescribed in the following cases:

  • If your child has a damaged eardrum.
  • If a young patient is hypersensitive to lidocaine or any other component of Otipax.

There are no other contraindications to treatment with drops, and they can be prescribed to adults both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may occur during treatment with Otipax. In some patients, contact of the medication with the tissues of the ear canal provokes redness and irritation. If such negative symptoms or any other adverse reactions manifested itself in a child, you need to consult a doctor and replace the drops with another medication.

Instructions for use

Often, the doctor prescribes dripping the drug into the ear twice a day, but sometimes three times of application is required. A single dosage for a child of any age is 3-4 drops. This amount of solution must be injected into the external auditory canal using the dropper included with the bottle. To open the medicine, you need to remove the cap from the bottle, then remove the dropper from the separate package and, putting it on the bottle, screw it tightly.

Further actions the following:

  • Before dropping Otipax into a child’s ear, the bottle with drops (if it was stored in a refrigerator) needs to be held in a clenched palm for a while so that the solution warms up a little. Contact of cold medication with the ears is unacceptable.
  • To instill Otipax, you need to turn the bottle over and press on the center of the dropper. After administering the medicine orally auricle The dropper should be tightly closed by screwing on the white cap, and then the bottle should be kept away from children.
  • The baby's head is turned so that sore ear was located on top. After dropping the drug, the child’s head should be held horizontally for some time so that the drops do not leak out. You can also use cotton pads to prevent the medicine from leaking out.
  • If the drug is used using cotton wool flagella, the dose of medication prescribed by the doctor is dripped onto the end of the turunda and inserted into the ear canal.
  • The duration of use should be determined by an ENT doctor, but usually the medicine is not used for more than 10 days. If the symptoms of the disease do not go away during this period, a re-examination by a specialist and other treatment are required.

You also need to show the child to the doctor if no improvement is observed on the second or third day of treatment with Otipax.


Cases of negative impact high dose Otipax has not been registered to date. If the patient's tympanic septum is intact, the medication is not absorbed and does not harm the patient's body.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer does not mention the incompatibility of Otipax with any other medications, so the drug is often prescribed in combination with antibiotics, antiseptics and other drugs that help cure otitis media and affect the cause of the disease.

However, if doctors prescribe such drops along with other topical medications, they do not recommend instilling different medicines into the ear less than 30 minutes apart.

This means that other ear drops can be used no earlier than half an hour after using Otipax.

Terms of sale

Purchasing Otipax from a pharmacy does not require a prescription, but consulting a doctor before using such drops is advisable. The average price of one bottle of drops is approximately 240-270 rubles.

Storage Features

The shelf life of a sealed bottle of Otipax is 5 years, however, after the first use, the drops cannot be stored for longer than 6 months. If the drug was opened more than six months ago, it should be thrown away.

You can keep the medicine at room temperature, but very often it is stored in the refrigerator.

It is important that the medication is stored in such a way that it is inaccessible to children.

Inflammatory processes in the ear cavity are manifested by hearing loss, inflammation and painful sensations. Therefore, their treatment requires complex-action drugs, which include Otipax ear drops with local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Main active ingredients: phenazine (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), lidocaine hydrochloride (analgesic). Additional components that do not have medicinal properties:

  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol

The drug is packaged in dark glass bottles of 15 ml with a plastic tip and rubber top for easy dosing. The medicine has an alcoholic odor and is colorless, but a yellowish tint is allowed.

One package contains a bottle of drops, a pipette tip and instructions for use.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is due to the content of two active components:

  1. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. Prevents the passage of pain impulses due to antagonism with calcium and sodium of the membrane nerve fiber, as a result of which the pain syndrome decreases.
  2. Phenazine is an analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Mechanism of action: inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and blocking of cyclooxygenase, which is manifested by inhibition of inflammatory processes.

The interaction of the two components provides a quick, long-lasting analgesic effect. Otipax drops stimulate the liquefaction and removal of discharge from the ear cavity.

The drug acts only locally, its components are not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and do not have a harmful effect on organs and systems. Drops interact locally with the mucous membranes and skin of the ear (in the absence of damage to the eardrum).

Indications and restrictions for use

The drug is used for symptomatic treatment and relieving ear pain in the following diseases:

  • otitis media, which arose as a complication after the flu;
  • barotraumatic otitis;
  • Acute otitis media (catarrhal form).

The drug is approved for children with external otitis, eustachitis, for preventive purposes after removal foreign body from the ear.

Otipax is contraindicated in cases of intolerance to its components and the presence of damage to the eardrum. Using the drug with a damaged membrane can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and hearing impairment.

Instructions for use

Before instilling drops, it is necessary to clear the ear canal of excess earwax and discharge (if any). For this purpose it is better to use cotton buds with a limiter to avoid pushing wax into the ear cavity and forming a cerumen plug. Before use, you need to wash your hands with soap, open the bottle of drops and put on the pipette tip. The drops must be warmed in your hands until room temperature, to prevent irritation.

Use in adults

Before instillation, you need to lie on your side, pull your earlobe back and up (for better penetration of the drops) and drop 3 to 4 drops into the ear canal. After instillation, you need to lie down for 10 minutes. To warm the ear cavity and prevent droplets from leaking out, you can close the ear canal with cotton wool. The number of procedures per day is 2 - 3 times, the maximum duration of treatment is 10 days.

Use in children

Otipax drops are produced in one form for children and adults. The rules for preparation and administration are similar. Infants up to 1 year of age are instilled with 1-2 drops into the sore ear, and for babies from 1 to 2 years old, 3 drops are instilled. For children over three years of age, 4 drops. The number of instillations per day is 2 - 3 times, the duration of treatment is no more than 10 days.

For newborns, drops can be placed on a cotton or gauze turunda and inserted into the sore ear. After instillation of the product, the ear canal is covered with cotton wool lubricated with Vaseline to prevent evaporation, leakage of droplets and increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Use in pregnant and lactating women

The medication is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and does not have a harmful effect on the fetus, so the drops are not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provided that the eardrum is intact.

Using the product during air travel

An inflammatory process in the middle ear that occurs when there is a drop in atmospheric pressure called aerootite.

To prevent the development of aerootitis and injury to the eardrum during a flight, it is necessary to drop 1 - 2 drops of Otipax into each ear before departure and landing.

Contraindications, side effects

Side effects develop extremely rarely, and more often they are associated with intolerance to the substances included in the composition. Side effects:

  • redness of the ear cavity;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the ear;
  • hearing loss.

If these symptoms appear, stop using the drug. Contraindications for use: intolerance to the components of the drops, damage to the eardrum.

Overdose, interaction with other drugs

No cases of overdose were identified, since the drug acts only in the ear cavity and does not enter the systemic bloodstream. But, theoretically, an overdose can manifest itself as hearing loss and disruption of the vestibular apparatus.

The manufacturer indicates that there are no negative interactions between Otipax ear drops and other medicines not detected. At simultaneous use Otipax and other ear drops must be administered within 15 to 20 minutes.

special instructions

The medicine contains active ingredient, which can give a positive result for doping in athletes. Drops do not affect psychomotor reactions, so there are no restrictions on control vehicles No.

If side effects occur, there is no positive dynamics, or symptoms of the disease persist, the use of the drug is stopped and, as prescribed by a doctor, they are replaced with ones similar in action or components.

Before using the product, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary to determine the integrity of the eardrum.

Shelf life, storage

Ear drops stored in a protected place from direct sun rays and children at a temperature not exceeding 30 C. The shelf life from the date of manufacture of the drug indicated on the packaging is 5 years. After opening the bottle, Otipax drops retain their therapeutic effect for up to 6 months.

After specified period the medication must be disposed of, since the severity of its action is reduced or absent. The product is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription form.

The average cost of Otipax drops in Russia is 300 rubles.


The most popular analogues of the drug Otipax are: