Laser blepharoplasty around the eyes co2 rejuvenation. Laser blepharoplasty: features and advantages. Main advantages of the procedure

As the body ages, as well as when exposed to certain diseases, the elasticity of the skin of the eyes is impaired, which in turn provokes drooping of the upper eyelid and the formation of bags under the eyes.

IN similar condition the look becomes heavier, looks tired and even gloomy, which adds a few extra years. This problem, according to observations, is expressed in 30% of women closer to forty years. To eliminate it, various procedures and operations are used today.

A special anti-aging technique called laser blepharoplasty deserves special attention. Photos and patient reviews about this plastic method can be viewed on many Internet portals.

What is the procedure

To put it in a language that patients can understand, this is a procedure to correct the shape of the eyelids. With its help, you can get rid of bags in the lower eyelid area, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and other eyelid defects. Today, this operation is rightfully considered one of the most popular in plastic surgery. It is important to note that laser blepharoplasty is considered a less invasive method for eyelid correction. By using modern techniques surgeons succeed with minimal risk resolve the patient's problem.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

As noted above, laser blepharoplasty can help eliminate bags under the eyes, eyelid asymmetry, fatty hernias and congenital pathologies eyelid development. Moreover, this intervention is indicated for excess skin on the upper eyelid, wrinkles in the eye area, as well as loss of the epidermis’ former elasticity.

Despite the relative safety of such an intervention, blepharoplasty is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Blood clotting disorder.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Dry eye syndrome.
  4. Acute viral, infectious, bacterial or fungal diseases.
  5. Glaucoma.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  7. The presence of inflammation in the body.
  8. Recent eye or facial surgery.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Endocrine diseases.
  11. Epilepsy.

Blepharoplasty should be practiced with caution and only after the doctor’s permission when mental illness or depression in the patient. Also, in order not to worsen your condition, before carrying out this operation, it is better to consult with a specialist in advance about contraindications.

Laser eyelid lift: the main advantages of the procedure, preparation rules and correction method

If we compare laser eyelid lift and open surgical plastic surgery, then the first correction method has the following advantages:

  1. Laser eyelid lift has a long-lasting effect that lasts up to five years.
  2. The laser beam immediately cauterizes small vessels, thereby reducing the risk of hematoma formation and bleeding.
  3. The non-surgical method is safer. Also, the beam, unlike a scalpel, does not injure the tissue so much, which guarantees their rapid healing.
  4. During the recovery period after laser eyelid lift, a scar does not form on a person’s skin, as is invariably the case after surgical eyelid correction.
  5. The procedure has fewer contraindications.

It is also important to know that laser blepharoplasty does not require the patient to be in the hospital. Already a couple of hours after the procedure, a person can go home and begin the recovery phase.

Preparation for the procedure

Initial preparation for the procedure involves taking blood and urine tests. You should also definitely consult a doctor and get a cardiogram.

If contraindications are identified, the decision to perform the procedure should be reconsidered. A week before surgery, the patient should give up alcohol and smoking.

It is also important to stop taking aspirin-based medications and hormonal drugs. On the day of the procedure, there should be no decorative cosmetics on your face. Last appointment food before eyelid correction should be five hours before surgery.

Procedure process

Conducted this procedure usually under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used less frequently, but it is considered more harmful to humans. During blepharoplasty, the patient's skin is cleansed of impurities. Next, the surgeon applies markings to make the incision. Special glasses are worn to protect the eyes. Afterwards, the doctor makes incisions in the skin with a laser. At the end, the edges of the wound are fixed with absorbable sutures in the desired position. A bandage is applied to the eyelids.

Eyelid lift without surgery: rehabilitation tips, risks of complications and patient reviews

The recovery period after an eyelid lift without surgery lasts on average two to three weeks.

During this time, it is advisable for a woman to perform the following recommendations specialists:

  1. Refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium and swimming pool.
  2. Minimize the use of modern decorative cosmetics.
  3. Do not practice any other rejuvenation methods (cosmetological methods of facial skin correction, plastic surgery and so on.).
  4. Avoid physical overload.
  5. Apply healing ointments and creams that protect against exposure to UV rays.
  6. Sleep on your back.
  7. Apply soothing compresses.

You should know that after the procedure, small scars may appear on the skin, but you should not be afraid of this, since they will disappear on their own a couple of weeks after the procedure.

Possible complications

An eyelid lift without surgery goes well and a person does not develop complications, however, experts do not exclude the possibility of dry eye syndrome, swelling and burning of the skin. Less commonly, eyelid asymmetry, burns, and bruising occur.

If at least one of these complications occurs, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. If necessary, the patient will be prescribed suitable treatment using local anesthetics, healing and anti-inflammatory agents.

The skin of the eyelids is the most vulnerable part of the epidermis. It does not have a fat layer that protects against aggressive influences environment. Sun rays, along with poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, various diseases, quickly lead to the appearance of swelling, wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Because of this, the eyes lose their beauty and expressiveness. But the most important enemy of the skin, undoubtedly, is age. At thirty-five years old, the first signs of aging may already appear. The article will discuss reviews of laser blepharoplasty, as well as the pros, the preparation process and all the advantages of the operation.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty is usually performed in the following cases:

  • Changes in the skin around the eyes due to age.
  • Congenital feature of the shape of the eyelids.
  • Developmental pathologies, injuries, and so on.
  • Having bags under the eyes.
  • Drooping corners of the eyes along with asymmetry.

Laser blepharoplasty is done for people of different ages. Most often, women over forty who want to eliminate age-related changes resort to eyelid lifting.


This procedure has a lot of various contraindications. The main prohibitions of laser eyelid blepharoplasty most often include the following:


It is worth saying that today laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids is slowly replacing surgical techniques, as it has many advantages. The main advantages of this procedure include the following advantages:

Another reason why this method is the safest

Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, as well as the lower ones, is usually performed using two types of rays: carbon dioxide and erbium. Through the wavelength and absorption coefficient, the carbon dioxide laser penetrates deep into the skin and promotes vascular coagulation. Thanks to this method, the risk of bleeding is significantly reduced. During this procedure, the tissues become very hot, so pain may occur. The price of laser blepharoplasty varies depending on many factors.

How should you prepare for surgery?

In order to prepare the patient for surgery, the surgeon prescribes an examination. Thanks to him, it is possible to identify chronic pathologies, which in the future will allow the specialist to select the maximum safe method carrying out the procedure. Before performing laser blepharoplasty lower eyelids, as well as upper ones, the patient must undergo the following tests:

  • Delivery of general and biochemical analysis blood.
  • Coagulability assay.
  • Determination of sugar content.
  • Electrocardiogram.

In addition, at the stage of preparation for the procedure, the doctor asks the patient for information about allergies to medications. The use of medications containing aspirin and the presence of dry eye syndrome are also taken into account.

How does a surgeon prepare a patient for surgery?

As part of the preparatory stage before laser blepharoplasty upper eyelids, as well as lower ones, the doctor must perform the following steps:

  • Set the level of eyelid deformation.
  • Assess the amount of excess skin.
  • Determine the depth of wrinkles.
  • Give a forecast regarding the likelihood of drooping eyelids.
  • Assess the tone of cartilage tissue.
  • Set the amount of unnecessary fat tissue.
  • Perform computer simulation of the final result.

Carrying out blepharoplasty

The question of where laser blepharoplasty is performed can be answered unequivocally - in plastic surgery and cosmetology clinics under the strict guidance of a specialist doctor.

At the very beginning, the surgeon marks the eyelids. Special lenses are placed on the eyes, which perform protective functions. To carry out this procedure, local anesthesia is used. For these purposes, a special cream is applied to the affected area. Exposure time ranges from ten to fifteen minutes.

Immediately after pain relief is achieved, the doctor uses laser irradiation to make a small incision in the natural skin folds. Through the incision, excess skin and, in addition, fatty tissue are removed.

Absorbable sutures, surgical tape or a special cream are used to stitch the wound. The laser acts in such a way that it heats the cells to the required temperature, which has a positive effect on them. As a result of this procedure, the muscle tissue and collagen framework. In addition, collagen production is stimulated.

To undergo a full course of laser blepharoplasty, the patient is required to contact the clinic before four times. In Moscow, laser blepharoplasty can be performed in many places. The main thing is to be very careful when choosing an institution and a specialist surgeon. The reason is simple - everything related to beauty and health requires a scrupulous approach. As for the cost, it starts from 40,000 rubles.

How long does this procedure take?

Laser circular blepharoplasty or intervention on only one type of eyelid does not involve waste large quantity time. First, a special cream that has an anesthetic effect is applied to the affected area. Twenty to thirty minutes after this, laser exposure begins. As practice shows, the duration of one such procedure does not exceed fifteen to twenty minutes.

After completion of the laser intervention, the treated area is covered special means, which helps reduce pain syndrome, preventing the appearance of swelling. Laser blepharoplasty does not require hospitalization of the patient, so the patient is sent home literally on the same day.

Patient rehabilitation

If the laser intervention was carried out correctly, the rehabilitation period will last no more than two weeks. On the first day after completion of the procedure, a cold compress should be applied to the eyelids. This will reduce the risk of any bruising or swelling in the treated area.

In the first weeks after surgery, small scars may be noticeable on the eyelids. But over time they will gradually disappear. Scarring is common and occurs towards the end of the third week. In order to slightly speed up recovery and recovery, doctors recommend doing the following:

  • Patients should avoid using cosmetics for ten days. The only exception in this case is special means.
  • It is recommended to sleep on your side or back, with your head slightly elevated.
  • You should not use aspirin, or any medications that contain it.
  • During the first month after completion of the operation, it is necessary to refrain from intense physical activity.
  • It is not advisable to visit a sauna or bathhouse.
  • It is extremely important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Doctors usually recommend the use of sunscreen, which must be applied to the skin for one month after the procedure.

Possible complications

It is important to note that such a procedure can cause negative health consequences, which include the following complications:

Now let’s find out what patients who have undergone laser blepharoplasty say.

The eyes are the first to indicate our age. Overhanging upper eyelids and bags under the eyes are signs of aging. The look, at the same time, seems tired or even angry.

Plastic surgery helps to regain open, clear eyes. IN Lately Blepharoplasty is very popular as a type of plastic surgery - an excellent alternative to surgery.

There are a sufficient number of clinics in Moscow that provide laser plastic surgery. The price for eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow is determined by the complexity and number of manipulations performed.

Attention!! Thus, the price in Moscow for upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be below 25,000 rubles. And for blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids in some clinics it may not differ from the same procedure for the upper eyelids, but it may be higher.

Blepharoplasty – what is it?

The skin in the eyelid area is very thin and delicate, so it is more intensely exposed to external influences than other areas of the face ( Sun rays, dust, precipitation, hazardous production). These factors cause external changes, appearing over the years, subsequently forming the first light wrinkles and skin folds. Thanks to blepharoplasty, it has become possible to eliminate age-related metamorphoses and other defects without instrumental intervention.

Laser blepharoplasty in Moscow allows you to remove excess skin around the eyes without a single cut.

At the same time, a small area of ​​the old dermis layer is eliminated due to laser treatment of the eyelid area. Such a gentle operation leads to a quick restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the eyes.

More recently, eyelid correction was carried out only through surgery, which involved cutting the skin with a scalpel. New technologies make it possible to carry out gentle procedures using a laser device.

Attention!! The price of blepharoplasty for eyelids in Moscow is given separately for each eyelid (two upper or two lower) or for both eyelids at once (upper and lower eyelids on both eyes). At the same time, the price of laser blepharoplasty often does not include either local or general anesthesia, but may include a consultation with a surgeon and anesthesiologist, which is why the cost may be higher.

Which laser is more effective?

A blepharoplasty session is usually carried out using one of two types of light emitters - CO2 (carbon dioxide) and erbium.

CO2 laser radiation passes deeply through the layer of epidermis, cutting it, the edges of the vessels are melted, reducing the formation of bruises to a minimum. The disadvantage of using such a laser is that the skin tissue being treated becomes very hot, increasing the likelihood of burns and pain in the postoperative period.

An erbium laser produces a beam of light that penetrates shallowly into the tissue and is not capable of causing a burn to the delicate skin of the eyelids. This is very important fact or that should be taken into account. The erbium laser is considered the safest for the organs of vision, and the procedure performed with it is painless.

The price for eyelid blepharoplasty in Moscow does not depend on the choice of laser type. There are no fixed prices for upper eyelid blepharoplasty. To choose a suitable clinic, you need to compare prices yourself and find out which laser will be used to perform the procedures.

Benefits of laser surgery

Plastic surgery involves unpleasant complications in the form of bruises, hematomas under the eyes, infection, scarring. Laser blepharoplasty in Moscow allows you to avoid undesirable consequences operations. Its advantages lie in a number of factors:

  1. Rapid healing of wounds. The incision made with a laser has a small width. In this case, the surrounding tissues are completely slightly injured. This allows the incision to be intensively delayed and the rehabilitation period to be significantly reduced.
  2. The appearance of hematomas and swelling is reduced to a minimum. This effect is achieved due to high thermal indicators of light exposure. During the procedure, small vessels are simultaneously cauterized, eliminating internal bruising that forms bruises.
  3. Lack of Scars. No matter how sharp the scalpel is, it still leaves scars, which often have to be hidden under a layer of makeup or behind dark glasses. The laser beam eliminates the formation of scars.
  4. Absence infectious complications. During laser surgery the wound walls receive a local mini burn, which prevents penetration pathogenic microorganisms into the blood. This reduces the risk of infection to a minimum.
  5. Ambulatory treatment. Short term recovery after surgery excludes inpatient observation. For 4-5 hours after the end of the operation, the patient is at rest, under the supervision of a doctor; then, if the indicators are satisfactory, he is sent home. The patient comes to the clinic only to check the postoperative condition on the day prescribed by the doctor. Prices for laser blepharoplasty in Moscow are set taking into account the stay in the clinic, where special clothing and a clean bed are provided.
  6. Lasting effect. Depending on the characteristics of skin aging, the lifting effect lasts for 4-5 years, in some cases up to 10 years.

A successful operation allows the patient to lose about 5 years. In addition, the procedure makes it possible to live a full life, getting rid of unpleasant appearance defects in the eye area. The price in Moscow for eyelid blepharoplasty includes the cost of manipulation of the upper and lower eyelids, often including an inpatient stay.

In what cases is laser surgery performed?

Laser blepharoplasty, of course, is primarily carried out on the initiative of the patient. But often surgery determined by medical indicators.

What does the laser blepharoplasty procedure eliminate?

Let us list the main indicators, both obtained over the years and at birth:

  1. facial wrinkles around the eyes of varying intensity;
  2. mesh wrinkles (crow's feet);
  3. excess skin, drooping eyelid;
  4. drooping (ptosis) of the upper eyelid varying degrees manifestations;
  5. deformation of the eyelids;
  6. change in eye shape;
  7. dark circles of a bluish or brown tint under the eyes;
  8. bags or hernias under the eyes;
  9. asymmetry of eyelid lines;
  10. clearly defined nasolacrimal grooves;
  11. decreased muscle activity of the eyelids;
  12. feature of Mongoloid type eyes;
  13. pronounced facial aging.

Laser blepharoplasty has no age-related contraindications and can be performed when minor changes occur appearance eye. In these cases, the procedure is carried out without cutting the skin, in a gentle manner.

If the patient has significant deep transformations of the skin of the eyelids, the specialist uses surgical intervention, cutting, making incisions in the skin area, if necessary.

How much does blepharoplasty cost in Moscow??

Prices for eyelid blepharoplasty range from 40-70 thousand rubles for the entire operation. In addition, the price increases if additional manipulations are required, so it is not fixed, it may be slightly higher.


Like any surgical intervention, laser blepharoplasty has its contraindications. These include the following conditions:

  1. High sensitivity to laser radiation;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the operation area;
  3. Pathological changes in the endocrine system;
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. The presence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
  6. Problems with blood clotting;
  7. Presence of HIV infection;
  8. Glaucoma, increased eye pressure;

Before deciding to undergo laser blepharoplasty for the eyelids, the patient should understand that puffiness under the eyes and dark circles may be symptoms indicating the presence of some disease in the body, for example, kidney disease. Therefore, in any case, you should consult a therapist before making an appointment for blepharoplasty.

Laser blepharoplasty technique

The price for eyelid blepharoplasty is often lower for eyelid plastic surgery in a complex than if done separately in different time on the lower and upper eyelids.

How does surgery occur using a laser device? During laser treatment, the processes of coagulation (clotting) and ablation (removal of skin particles) of the treated area are carried out. That is, with the help of a laser, the coagulation of the protein fraction of the skin is achieved, and through ablation, the copy layer is polished. In fact, a significant surface of the skin is removed from the treated area. Subsequently, the skin quickly recovers and regenerates, creating an excellent lifting effect.

How is the laser blepharoplasty procedure performed?

  1. This procedure is carried out in one session, the duration of the effect lasts for five years;
  2. The first stage involves marking the eyelids, while the eyes are protected with special lenses;
  3. Immediately before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is applied to the treated area around the eyes. But when performing additional manipulations, general anesthesia is recommended;
  4. The process itself takes no more than 20 minutes, this factor makes blepharoplasty very convenient and comfortable for the patient;
  5. The edges of the wound are sutured using surgical glue or tape. Sometimes the edges are sutured with absorbable sutures;
  6. After the procedure, slight hyperemia (temporary redness of the skin) may be observed in the treatment area. By the end of the day or the next morning, slight swelling and redness appear;
  7. On the third day, there is a decrease in swelling and a slight change in the color of the skin around the eyes. During this period of restoration of eyelid skin function, it is recommended to treat the area with Bepanten cream or any other soft cream;
  8. On the fifth day, peeling of the treated area is observed, scabs come off from the skin in the form of small or large plates of the epidermis;
  9. The restoration of the eyelid skin occurs by the seventh or eighth day. These days you can already see the results of blepharoplasty: excellent lifting effect, significant reduction of wrinkles, reduction or complete disappearance of fatty hernias. Prices for laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids with redistribution of hernial sacs range from 40-50 thousand rubles;
  10. But the rejuvenation effect does not end there. The intensity of the process is observed for another 6-7 weeks;
  11. The final result is most evident in the 8th week after the procedure. The price can be chosen based on the possibilities, the result will not take long to arrive;

In the future, after a two-month period, additional procedures may be carried out if desired:

  • Biorevitalization. Introduction of microinjections special drugs, based on hyaluronic acid.
  • Plasmolifting. Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the skin. This rejuvenation technique does not require surgical intervention.
  • Botulinum toxin. Special tampons enhance the effect after blepharoplasty.

Prices for laser eye blepharoplasty in Moscow, regarding the correction of Mongoloid eye shape, start from 30,000 rubles, reaching 65,000 rubles.

It may be limited to only carrying out the procedure itself without additional manipulations; it may not include additional procedures; their cost must be negotiated separately.

Middle-aged and older people face cosmetic problems with their eyelids and often resort to plastic surgery. Most often, blepharoplasty is performed between the ages of 35 and 45 years. It is during this period that tissue destruction occurs; after surgical intervention, the natural feature of the skin at this age contributes to its healing and restoration. The seam after the procedure remains invisible, as it will be “hidden” in the natural crease of the eyelid.

What is laser blepharoplasty

A procedure that removes redundant body fat on the eyelids, after which a person’s gaze becomes more expressive, and the skin around the eyes becomes noticeably younger. You can only perform plastic surgery on the upper or lower eyelids; this procedure is used by those who want to change their appearance and rejuvenate their face.

After it is carried out, the following results can be achieved:

  • get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, the so-called “”;
  • eliminate both the top one and raise their corners;
  • cut out hernias under the eyes and thereby get rid of;
  • improve vision if the eyelid hangs over the pupils and obstructs vision.

Eyelids really reveal a person’s age, and often such a defect prevents him from seeing the full picture around him, but a lift is needed not only because of age-related changes, but also for a number of other reasons:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • hormonal and biological changes;
  • choosing the wrong cosmetics for eye care;
  • improperly performed plastic surgery;
  • bad habits.

The video below will tell you what laser blepharoplasty is and what its advantages are:

Concept and types

An eyelid lift can be either when the laser treats all areas of the skin around the eyes, or it can only treat the upper or lower eyelid.

  • Lower eyelid blepharoplasty even eliminates bruises, “bags” and various visual defects. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and can be performed either under local or under general anesthesia. After it there are practically no scars, and if they remain, they are barely noticeable. Compared to other techniques, laser blepharoplasty causes only slight swelling and discomfort, and rehabilitation does not last long.
  • Blepharoplasty on the upper eyelids It is used when the skin in these places loses its elasticity and a drooping eyelid appears. At the same time, the person looks much older than his age, and his look becomes tired. The procedure is used for people who have hernias or excess skin on the upper eyelid. Hospitalization is not required for the operation; it is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. On average, the operation lasts 40 minutes.

Laser blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids (before and after photos)

Differences from other types of blepharoplasty

It is a minimally invasive method; just like laser plastic surgery, it has a short rehabilitation period, no eyelid incisions are made, and excess skin is removed through punctures. For older patients, sutures may be necessary, but this measure is only used for a day.

Unlike other techniques, after laser blepharoplasty there is no swelling left; after the operation, the skin immediately begins to produce its own elastin and collagen. If all the flaws could not be eliminated the first time, then correction can be carried out, but with a mandatory break of one month.


Despite the safety of the procedure, it still cannot be performed with the following deviations:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;


Laser eyelid surgery is used in the following cases:

  • at ;
  • emerging “bags” under the eyes and;
  • elimination of congenital eyelid defects;
  • to change the shape of the eyes;
  • in the presence of subcutaneous fatty hernias;
  • with increased eye fatigue due to overhanging skin;
  • drooping eyelid;
  • with facial asymmetry.

Transconjunctival surgery of the lower eyelids with laser

Comparison with similar techniques

  • As an alternative to the procedure in question, the doctor may suggest, but most often these two procedures are performed sequentially one after the other. If they are performed simultaneously, the doctor will not be able to determine the degree of intervention.
  • Lipolifting or lipolifting can be used as additional procedures to blepharoplasty.
  • In some cases, plastic cannot cope with, then it is advisable to use injections with or.

How is the operation performed?

The operation is carried out using a laser, which makes excisions in in the right places. The duration of the operation ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, this factor is influenced by the number of defects and the complexity of their elimination.

The full effect after surgery can only be assessed after two to three months.


Without preliminary preparatory measures, a person may develop symptoms, so you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of your treating specialist. Before blepharoplasty in mandatory need to:

  • do fluorography;
  • take laboratory tests;
  • consult with a therapist and endocrinologist;
  • pass the .

Tests must be taken to exclude the presence of somatic and infectious diseases, which will negatively affect the results after blepharoplasty. It is important to pass:

  • , by chemical analysis of which the presence of diseases in organs is determined genitourinary system;
  • , it is checked for the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • analysis for AIDS and hepatitis C and B;
  • , after which you can determine the blood clotting index;
  • blood to check Rh factor and blood group;
  • for the presence of syphilis.

For successful results you need to adhere to some restrictions:

  • a few days before surgery you should not use cosmetics, deodorants and perfumes;
  • 2 months before the procedure, you should not sunbathe or visit solariums;
  • a couple of days before the process itself should be stopped physical exercise;
  • , since it has a toxic effect on the entire body, inhibits tissue regeneration and stops metabolic processes;
  • , since nicotine released from cigarettes is a vasoconstrictor, which impairs wound healing;
  • You should not take medications that reduce blood clotting before surgery, such drugs include: acetylsalicylic acid And ;
  • it is necessary to switch to products that can improve the elasticity and healing of the skin, and remove from the diet those that can increase vascular bleeding: citrus fruits, baked goods with cocoa, chocolate, smoked foods, spices, strong coffee, fatty and spicy foods.


To protect the patient's pupils, special lenses are put on them, and then the eyelids are marked. The operation then looks like this:

  1. The areas where the incisions will be made are numbed. This is done using a special cream like.
  2. Next, you need to wait a quarter of an hour for the anesthesia to take effect.
  3. Incisions are made in the designated areas and manipulations are performed to remove excess fat or remove hernias.
  4. The incisions are closed with sutures, surgical tape or glue.
  5. A sterile bandage is tied. Since the laser has a cauterizing effect on the vessels, there is no bleeding after the operation.

Marking on the eyelid before such an operation

Anesthesia can also be general; the choice is made before the operation.

Watch this video to see how the procedure is performed:


After a correctly performed operation, a person immediately has an open look, the eyelids are significantly raised, and wrinkles are eliminated around the eyes.


It lasts for 14 days. For the first few days, cold compresses are applied to the eyelids, which can prevent the formation of swelling and bruising. With normal skin regeneration, the sutures heal within a week. But cosmetics cannot be applied to the eyelids until 10 days have passed.

  • In the first two weeks, swelling or bruising may persist, sometimes increased lacrimation, maybe increased sensitivity eye.
  • Physical activity is not allowed for a month after surgery.
  • If a person wore lenses before blepharoplasty, they cannot be put on immediately after the operation; they must be left for at least 2 weeks.

Consequences and complications

If any deviations occur, there is an explanation for this:

  • Edema. It is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of blood vessels.
  • Dry eyes. It occurs due to disruption of the lacrimal glands.
  • Asymmetry of the eyelids. It can only manifest itself due to the doctor’s lack of competence.
  • Hematomas. They may be due to damage to a large vessel.

How much does it cost and where is it made?

Blepharoplasty is performed in specialized clinics, and prices vary from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. The cost is influenced by the complexity of the problem, the popularity of the doctor and the clinic, as well as the territorial location of the selected medical center.

Laser blepharoplasty is one of the most popular and effective ways skin rejuvenation in the area around the eyes. After a “warrior of light” appeared in the service of doctors - a laser beam - the region aesthetic surgery reached a whole new level.

Now those who were frightened by the mere thought of the cold metal of a scalpel can restore attractiveness and expressiveness to their eyes as safely and accurately as possible. What do you need to know about laser blepharoplasty, what is it?

What is laser blepharoplasty?

Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that uses a laser to correct deformities or improve the aesthetic appearance of the eye area.

In most cases, laser blepharoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons.

However, it may be a medical necessity due to visual impairment in the peripheral area. The results of the manipulation usually last for a very long period.

Operations to restore the face to its former beauty were practiced 3 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt.

The desire to stay young as long as possible and attractive man carried through its entire history and into modern society it only gets stronger every day, especially among the fair sex.

A favorite of women today who want to tighten the skin around their eyes is blepharoplasty - an operation to correct the eyelids and eliminate wrinkles and fat bags.

But many women are afraid of the scalpel they use plastic surgeon. In this case, you should pay attention to laser blepharoplasty.

For this, a laser beam is used instead of a scalpel. This method is less traumatic, but it also refers to surgical methods for eyelid correction.

There are also non-surgical techniques, which can be found out below. They do not involve incisions, but involve laser exposure to the surface of the skin, which leads to certain positive changes.

Let's first understand laser blepharoplasty, which is performed surgically. It is carried out through a dosed thermal effect of a light beam on biological tissue.

An erbium or carbon dioxide (CO2 or carbon dioxide) laser is a beam of light that penetrates tissue to a depth of only 1 micron and is not capable of leaving a burn, which is extremely important when performing manipulations on delicate skin.

The beam penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and seals the lumens of blood vessels.

This reduces the risk of bleeding, but increases the possibility of getting severe burn and collisions with painful sensations. It is the carbon dioxide laser that is used in surgical blepharoplasty.

Using a CO2 laser, surgeons achieve a thinner incision, which results in a more aesthetic and invisible suture. After laser blepharoplasty, there is usually less severe swelling and bruising and fast recovery.

TOP 10 advantages of laser procedure

The popularity of using a light beam is due to a number of advantages that the method has:

  1. After the beam, a wound appears that is much smaller in width than after a scalpel, which means minimal tissue trauma and, as a result, rapid healing.
  2. Thanks to high temperature, the laser beam cauterizes small vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of hematomas and swelling after eyelid lift.
  3. During the healing process, a scar does not form, although this is inevitable when performing an operation even with the most thin instrument. After laser blepharoplasty, you will not have to disguise scars with decorative cosmetics or hide your eyes behind dark glasses.
  4. After the intervention, there is less swelling and discomfort - the CO2 laser beam delays the lymphatics, which leads to a decrease in postoperative edema and discomfort.
  5. After laser blepharoplasty, a faster recovery is observed. The fact is that reduced trauma, minimal bleeding, less pain and swelling lead to faster recovery.
  6. By cauterizing the incision site, the likelihood of infection entering the wound and the risk of complications are minimized.
  7. Laser blepharoplasty does not require the patient to stay in the hospital. After a few hours, a person can safely go home and later come to the clinic only for follow-up examinations.
  8. The effect of the procedure lasts from 4 to 10 years.
  9. Blepharolifting performed using a light beam can be combined with laser resurfacing, which provides maximum rejuvenating effect.
  10. The list of contraindications for such manipulations is smaller than for traditional surgery.

5 main types of blepharoplasty

Depending on the location and severity of the problem, the doctor prescribes the patient one or another type of laser blepharoplasty surgery:

  1. Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. During the correction process, the doctor makes incisions and excises excess adipose tissue and skin. Upper eyelid surgery is performed to reduce the appearance of heavy and drooping upper eyelids. Incisions are made with a laser to gain access to remove/reposition fat deposits, excess skin and muscle above the eyes.
  2. Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids. Prescribed for bags, hernia, etc. There are two types of it: percutaneous subciliary (the tissue is cut along the ciliary edge) and (the incision is made at inner surface century). Also performed to remove/reposition fat deposits, excess skin and muscles under the eyes.
  3. – correction of two eyelids at the same time.
  4. Correction of eye shape. It is especially popular among women with Asian appearance. In such cases, the surgeon removes the epicanthus (“Mongolian fold”) and forms a Caucasoid fold.
  5. Canthopexy. This operation is performed if a person has broken ligaments in the eyelid area. The doctor will correct not only the shape of the eyes, but also their expression during such laser blepharoplasty.


Correction of aesthetic imperfections, as a rule, is prescribed at the request of a person if he is not satisfied with something in his appearance. But there are also medical indications for laser blepharoplasty.


  • severe sagging or drooping of the lower eyelid;
  • a large amount of excess skin on the eyelids;
  • the presence of fatty hernias;
  • significant deformation of the eyelids and drooping corners of the eyes;
  • difference in eye shape and facial asymmetry;
  • significant changes in the skin of the eyelids associated with age;
  • wrinkles.


Correcting aesthetic imperfections using a laser is considered to be the maximum safe procedure for human life and health. However, laser blepharoplasty has a number of contraindications.


  1. the presence of endocrine diseases;
  2. inflammatory process at the site of surgery;
  3. exacerbation phase of a chronic disease;
  4. the presence of benign and malignant tumors in the body;
  5. blood diseases (hemophilia);
  6. increased intraocular pressure;
  7. HIV infection;
  8. increased sensitivity to the laser beam.

Preparing for surgery

With all the professionalism of the chosen doctor and high guarantees of success, the patient should not miss the important fact that laser blepharoplasty, like any operation, must be carefully prepared.

It is mandatory to have your blood and urine tested, and also have a cardiogram done. Surgeon on preliminary appointment get acquainted with test results, study the patient’s medical history and assess the condition of the skin and muscle tissue around the eyes.

The standard list of preparatory measures includes (at least a week before the scheduled date):

  • quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • suspension of admission medicines based on aspirin and hormonal drugs.

You should eat food no later than 5–6 hours before blepharoplasty.

How is blepharoplasty performed?

In 9 out of 10 cases, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Most often, patients choose local anesthesia, but when planning additional procedures, general anesthesia is recommended.

First of all, the doctor marks the eyelids and places them on the pupil. protective lens. Then a special anesthetic cream is applied to the surgical site.

After 10 - 15 minutes, the surgeon proceeds directly to cutting the tissue and correcting the eyelids.

Upon completion of the operation, the edges of the wound are sutured with absorbable sutures or secured with special surgical glue (tape).

Laser blepharoplasty does not require much time. When the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor begins work. On average it will take him about a third of an hour.

At the end of the operation, when the wounds have already been sewn or glued, the doctor applies a special agent to the affected area. It will reduce painful sensations, will protect against the occurrence of edema.

After the manipulations have been performed, there is no point in detaining the person, so he has the right to go home on the same day and do his previous business.


Period full recovery lasts on average from one to two weeks. But you need to be especially careful and responsible in caring for the corrected area in the first few days.

  • apply cooling compresses;
  • sleep with your head slightly elevated, preferably on your side or back;
  • at least for the first week rehabilitation period exclude the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • refuse admission medicines, which contain aspirin;
  • avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, solarium (as well as long exposure to the sun);
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not forget to use cream with high factor protection from ultraviolet rays (for a month).

Do not be alarmed by the appearance of small scars on the eyelids - they will gradually disappear approximately three weeks after the operation.


Provided that laser blepharoplasty is performed by a qualified specialist using proper equipment, the effect is amazing: all defects visible before the operation almost or completely disappear, and the look becomes more open and expressive.

In addition, the skin becomes even and smooth, making the patient look several years younger.

The “bags,” like hernias, disappear, and there is no longer a shadow of soreness and fatigue on the face.

Possible side effects and complications

Any surgical intervention is associated with the possibility discomfort and complications. Before laser blepharoplasty, the patient is notified of the possibility of such symptoms. side effects, How:

  1. “Dry eye” syndrome or, conversely, permanent tearing. All this indicates dysfunction sebaceous glands, which, as a rule, are restored 2 to 3 weeks after using special eye drops.
  2. Postoperative pain. If necessary, the doctor prescribes painkillers.
  3. The appearance of hematomas and periorbital edema. It does not happen often and occurs due to damage to abnormally located vessels during surgery. Bruises disappear in about 7 – 10 days.
  4. Noticeable asymmetry of the eyelids. This complication can occur both when the surgeon is insufficiently qualified and when the patient has structural features of the skin.
  5. Burn. Likely consequence operations performed using a carbon dioxide laser

If one or more symptoms occur, as well as significant and prolonged discomfort, you must notify the specialist who performed blepharoplasty.

Question answer

Blepharoplasty is a surgical intervention that is aimed at improving a person’s appearance. That is why there are no specific age restrictions. Basically, the operation is performed to eliminate age-related changes, so doctors advise not to think about plastic surgery before the age of 30-35.

To perform blepharoplasty, the doctor can use one of the above lasers. Erbium laser is more suitable for those with delicate skin that would be negatively affected by strong exposure. This laser will not burn the skin, because it does not penetrate deeply. In the case of blepharoplasty, a CO2 laser is often used, as it seals the vessels, which will protect against bleeding. But after it a burn may appear.

The cost of the service will be affected by the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, the complexity of the intervention, and the price of additional services. It is important to initially discuss with the doctor what is included in the cost of the operation, so that there are no misunderstandings in the future.

Fractional thermolysis (DOT rejuvenation)

Fractional thermolysis is a procedure that destroys tissue under the influence of high temperatures.

And photothermolysis is the same procedure, only the effect is caused by a point light (laser).

Dot therapy is aimed at targeted rejuvenation of the face and body, eliminating wrinkles, the effects of acne, scars and other skin defects.

This procedure is performed without surgery.

The doctor uses an erbium laser, which is applied precisely to the surface of the skin.

As a result, the top layer of the skin is removed, that is, dead cells are eliminated. Also similar laser correction improves dermal regeneration.

Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that after laser blepharoplasty the patient gets a wonderful result. But should everyone, when correcting the eye area, go under a scalpel or laser beam?

This radical methods fight against age-related changes, which are ideal for people with pronounced problems.

What should women do if they have slight swelling or darkening? skin covering Are there shallow creases in the eyelid area?

Women with subtle age-related changes and problems with the eyelids should pay attention to a more gentle laser method– fractional thermolysis.

The following advantages of fractional thermolysis can be highlighted:

  1. Safety. This method is much safer when compared with other types of laser blepharoplasty. The specialist acts on the skin with a laser without disturbing its integrity. The patient does not run the risk of infection.
  2. Delicacy. This method is gentle on the surface of the face.
  3. Physiological. During the procedure, the upper layer of the dermis is damaged, the skin begins to rejuvenate and recover.
  4. Long lasting effect. It does not disappear for 2 years. And after the session, the skin is restored within a few days.
  5. Painless. The doctor uses anesthetic ointments to minimize pain during laser thermolysis.

The procedure itself lasts about 20-45 minutes. Clinics often use the Fraxel laser.

Blepharoplasty with laser resurfacing

It is a method that will also protect a person from the plastic surgery office. Often, a carbon dioxide laser is used for the procedure. With its help, the upper layer of the dermis is evaporated.

There is no need to worry, as the skin itself is not damaged. The session lasts from half an hour to an hour. For proper results, you need to conduct about 5 such sessions.

This method has almost the same undeniable advantages as thermolysis. But the effect of the procedure lasts longer.

There is an opinion of surgeon Sonia Bandreshia-Bansal that blepharoplasty in combination with CO2 laser resurfacing will give best result. Blepharoplasty will remove excess skin and the CO2 will help tighten the skin and stimulate collagen.