Oncology treatment in China. How the Chinese treat cancer. Informative video: treating cancer with soda at all stages

Oncology studies the causes, mechanisms of development, clinical picture of tumors and develops methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Along with such recognized leaders in this area as Germany and Israel, in recent years China has taken a leading position in the fight against terrible diseases. The success of cancer treatment in China lies in combining ancient knowledge with traditional Chinese medicine with achievements in cytology, genetics, biochemistry, surgery, radiology and other scientific and practical disciplines.

Basic principles of cancer treatment in China

Every year, 8,000,000 people in the world face a difficult test, which not everyone can cope with. This is a malignant tumor. Among the causes of cancer development, Western medicine identifies the following factors:

  • physical (excess ultraviolet radiation, radiation);
  • chemical (carcinogenic food, industrial waste);
  • microbiological (viruses, bacteria);
  • psychosomatic (chronic stress, unwillingness to live);
  • genetic (heredity, mutations);
  • pathophysiological (failure in the immune system, disease internal organs);
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking).

It is absolutely obvious that if the disease is so polyetiological, then main reason not clear. In China, for many centuries, they were looking for the root cause of diseases and often found it in the metaphysical field, gradually developing the principles of the correct psychoenergetic interaction of consciousness with the body, surrounding people and the Universe as a whole. Today, the postulates of cancer treatment in China have been confirmed by advanced science, and they are as follows:

  • cancer can be cured at any stage,
  • The skill of the doctor and the techniques used are decisive,
  • the fight should be directed at the cause, and not at the effects and symptoms,
  • strengthening and healing the whole body is the key to success,
  • for seriously ill patients, a combination of innovations and experience of healers is especially recommended,
  • Tumor treatment is carried out continuously, alternating with rehabilitation courses.

The result of oncology treatment in China: an integrative approach to getting rid of a malignant tumor leads to the fact that patients with advanced forms of cancer are cured and begin to live a full life after 2-3 years.

Thanks to state program funding in China, built and equipped with modern equipment very a large number of oncology clinics that meet the highest world standards. Active research and testing of the latest means of combating tumors have become a priority in Chinese medical science.

Surgical measures to get rid of tumors are harmoniously combined with conservative ones. Optimization of internal Qi energy helps strengthen the immune system, which plays a decisive role in the destruction of cancer cells.

Citizens of the CIS and other countries in their reviews of cancer treatment in China quite often note that restoring the energy balance leads to a decrease in the severity of the pathology. The fact is that endocrine system, associated with the energy centers of the body, triggers the activation mechanism of metabolism and improves the functioning of organs and other systems. In addition, proper circulation of vital energy means good blood circulation and prevention of molecular mutations.

Cancer treatment in China is accompanied by the use of herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies. The consequence is the prevention of the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

The role of innovative surgery in China in the treatment of oncology

The most common in the Middle Kingdom surgical interventions are divided into radical, palliative and transplantation. The cost of resection of the kidneys, intestines, stomach, lungs, and mammary glands surprises foreigners with its democratic nature. The medications used, disposable consumables, instruments, equipment are not inferior to the best Western clinics. The skill of Chinese doctors in the treatment of tumors is constantly being improved on the basis of leading surgical centers in Europe and the USA.

For malignant brain lesions, the famous Gamma Knife. It refers to stereotactic surgery, which does not require incisions or opening of the skull.

The essence of the method is the precise impact of radiation on the pathological area. A bloodless knife does not affect healthy tissue, but concentrates light beams at one point. When the tumor is located in hard-to-reach areas of the body, and vital areas are located nearby important organs that cannot be affected (for example, the pituitary gland), the indications for the use of Gamma Knife in the treatment of cancer in China are expanding.

Therapy costs are one third lower than with conventional therapy surgery. Treatment takes 1 day, hospitalization is not required. The method is well tolerated, has no age restrictions, and does not carry the risk of infection.

Has even more benefits in cancer treatment in China radiosurgical system Cyberknife. In cases where tumors are considered inoperable by conventional surgery, this method allows them to be removed from any part of the body, even if they move with breathing. The operation can be performed either non-invasively or invasively. The universalism of Cyber ​​Knife in relation to Gamma Knife also manifests itself in relation to metastases.

One beam of megavolt photons from a Cyber ​​Knife is 4 times more powerful than several irradiating beams from a Gamma Knife. But the most appropriate treatment option will be determined by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the particular patient. Some will be shown the Gamma Knife; This often happens with very small brain tumors.

Oncology in China - hopes will be justified!

In order for tumor treatment in China to be timely and successful, the entire range of high-precision diagnostic techniques is used: positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, contrast radiography, ultrasonography, all types of biopsies, as well as lab tests, made in conditions of unique technological equipment.

China is considered a world leader in the use of non-invasive ultrasound devices for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors. Digital installation for HiFu therapy locally heats tissue, destroying cancer cells without side effects (unlike radiation and chemotherapy). The procedure time depends on the size of the tumor and the presence of metastases and averages four hours. HiFu therapy in China is three times cheaper than in Europe and the CIS. No other country in the world has such detailed research and long-term clinical trials method, like in China.

In China, people most often die from cancer, with stroke coming in second. Conventional Western therapies, chemotherapy, radiation and surgical methods increasingly used in Chinese hospitals since 1960. However, side effects such treatments are often quite significant. This has led the Chinese government to fund research into traditional herbal medicines. One result was the regular use of herbal medicine as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation. This protects the immune system from damage and increases the life expectancy of cancer patients. Sometimes the effect is significant in combination with modern drugs.

Left - apoptosis of a damaged cell, right - division of damaged cells

Crushed dried rhizomes with angelica root - one of the anti-cancer medicinal plants

Any alternative methods Cancer treatment, including Chinese medicine, must be agreed with your doctor.

Cancer treatment in China has been documented since ancient times, although there was no specific concept for the disease. Records of malignant tumors dating back to 221-207 BC were found, describing treatment approaches.
In accordance with the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it was important to control the causes of malignant tumors, as well as the coexistence with the emerging tumor, while constantly suppressing metastases.

TCM doctors believe that there are several causes of malignant tumors. These are toxins and other factors environment, called external causes. Is there some more internal reasons, such as stress, poor diet, accumulation of food waste and organ damage. All this comes down, according to TCM, to improper circulation of qi energy along the meridians of the body.
A person is healthy when there is a balanced, sufficient flow of qi. But if the circulation of qi is blocked for any reason or there is an excess or deficiency, then pain and illness appear. Cancer, like all other diseases, is seen as a manifestation of an underlying imbalance. The tumor is the “upper branch” and not the “root” of the disease. Each patient may have a different imbalance that causes what appears to be the same type of cancer. Each person is unique, so Chinese doctors are trying to more accurately determine what has happened to qi energy: excess, deficiency or blockage. The Chinese doctor strives to correct the imbalance and return the body to as healthy a state as possible. The prescribed treatment will vary from one patient to another, depending on the specific imbalance.

Modern medicine and medical scientists are carefully studying the effectiveness of TCM in treating cancer. This is important from the point of view of scientific validity and the convergence of TCM with evidence-based medicine. For example, on the website of the US National Cancer Institute you can find short description Shi Pi Yin herbal decoction against cancer (page loads slowly). This decoction is prepared based on herbs used in TCM.

Herbal anticancer agents

Herbal medicine is the main method of TCM in the treatment of cancer. Many Chinese patients prefer herbal medicines rather than Western allopathic drugs. Herbal preparations are considered to be much less dangerous, slower and gentler in action, but no less, and perhaps more effective, compared to synthetic chemicals.
A certain disadvantage of herbal medicine for cancer is the slow effect natural remedies compared to modern treatment methods.

Medicinal herbs used to treat cancer have different actions. Some increase the number and activity of immune-active cells and proteins, others cleanse the blood of toxins, and others prevent inflammatory reactions.
In addition, herbal therapy for cancer treatment can improve appetite, reduce nausea and vomiting, and relieve stress.

Herbs are almost always used as part of formulas (complex recipes) containing several herbs and, sometimes, animal organs and minerals.
Below, as an example, are three of several dozen TCM formulas for the treatment of tumors. Only qualified TCM doctors can correctly compose and prepare them so that they are as effective as possible with fewer side effects. They know which parts of plants and in what proportions to take. Also, it is important to correctly understand the specific concepts of TCM.
In the formulas, not all components act on the cause or symptoms of the disease, in this case, cancer. Many play auxiliary roles: enhancing the therapeutic effect, treatment concomitant diseases, regulation of the degree of activity of other components.

1) Zen formula Sheng Ping Pian (Zeng Sheng Ping Pian). Includes Sophora tonkinensis, Polygonum bistorta, Prunella vulgaris, Sonchus brachyotus, Dictamnus dasycarpus and Dioscorea bulbifera.
2) Formula Bao Fei Yin. Includes Clerodendrum bungei, black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.), large-flowered broadbell (Platycodon grandiflorus), Ural licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch). It is prepared in the form of a decoction.
3) Formula of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Includes Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis Sieb., Alisma orientalis, etc.
Each of the formulas is not applied universally, but to a specific organ with a tumor and is prepared for patients individually.

The Shi Pi Yin decoction mentioned a few paragraphs above is also a formula. It contains aconite root (Aconiti), ginger root, poria mushroom (Poria), atractylodis macrocephalae, magnolia bark, saussurea root (Aucklandia costus), licorice fruit and root, parts of areca, jujube fruit, etc.

In addition to those mentioned above, the following are used in the treatment of cancer: medicinal plants: astragalus, privet, ginseng, codonopsis, lingzhi, turkey rhubarb, gingko biloba, gentian, cordyceps, Amur velvet, asparagus, capillary. Astragalus has been used in China since 1975 in China for cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatment. These treatments reduce the function of the immune system, but astragalus helps return it to normal. But in some cases it also has a direct anti-cancer effect.

Also, the medicinal properties of two types of alocasia have long been known in China. One type is effective for stomach and breast cancer, the other for liver cancer. This has been confirmed by recent scientific pharmacological studies.
Chinese angelica is highly prized. It is used clinically in China to treat cancer of the esophagus and liver with good results, as well as other organs. The Chinese effectively use this herb both separately and in combination with other medicines. But with long-term use, its adverse effects on some internal organs cannot be ruled out.

Modern medical science is conducting research to find out what determines the anticancer properties of certain TCM herbs. This brings TCM closer to evidence-based medicine. Below, for some illustration, a few examples are given.
1) Magnolia officinalis has long been used to reduce and remove malignant growths on the skin. It turned out that the bark and seeds of magnolia cones contain the plant lignan honokiol, which demonstrates a chemopreventive effect on the chemically induced development of skin cancer. Honokiol, as well as magnolol, are produced in magnolia under stressful, unfavorable conditions as part of a survival mechanism.
2) Chinese scholars medical university and the Medical Center of the Chinese Ministry of Defense found that butylidene phthalide and polysaccharides contained in angelica (Angelica sinensis) can have a therapeutic effect on different kinds human cancer. Butylidenephthalide suppresses the proliferation of tumor cells and promotes their apoptosis. It also inhibits the activity of the enzyme telomerase, which leads to tumor aging.
3) In the body there is a so-called. nuclear factor kappa bi (NF-kB) is a universal transcription factor that controls the expression of genes of the immune response, apoptosis and cell cycle. NF-κB plays important role in the genesis, growth, development and metastasis of cancer, and is also involved in the development of resistance to tumor treatment. Therefore, medical scientists are searching for substances for which (NF-kB) is a target. Studies have shown that astragalus polysaccharides can inhibit NF-κB activity, and therefore delay the development of cancer. In this regard, polyphenol in turmeric root and melittin in bee venom etc.

From a relatively recent one: in 2018, an innovative herbal formula against breast tumors was formulated by a group of Chinese scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It includes such well-known medicinal plants as Andrographis paniculata, Eleutherococcus senticosus (Acanthopanax senticosus), Chinese camellia (Camellia sinensis), as well as Hedyotis diffusa, synonyms - hediotis diffuse and hediotis broad-branching. The formula has shown encouraging results in terms of antimetastatic effect in breast tumors. But clinical trials on it have not yet been conducted.


Acupuncture in TCM is a weaker method of cancer treatment compared to herbal medicine. It is used to relieve pain and some other symptoms of the disease and side effects of treatment. Currently, it is also used by Western medicine based on scientific research. It can be used alongside conventional treatments such as synthetic and natural medicines or radiation therapy.

Medical research show that acupuncture works by stimulating the nerves. This releases biochemicals in the body that can reduce symptoms of the disease. For example, acupuncture releases serotonin. It is a pain reliever that may promote a feeling of comfort. However, the number of clinical trials of acupuncture for cancer pain relief is still small.
Randomized trials support the antiemetic effects of acupuncture in patients receiving chemotherapy. The number of episodes of vomiting is significantly reduced.

During sessions, needles are inserted into several points. The person performing this procedure may rotate the needles in the body and/or leave them on the points for a while.

In addition to conventional body acupuncture, electroacupuncture (using a weak current through the needles), ear acupuncture, where needles are inserted into the outer part of the ear, and acupressure are used.

Additional Methods

Another component of Chinese medicine is the ancient exercises of qigong. They combine slow, symmetrical, graceful movements, meditation, relaxation, special breathing, guided imagery and other behavioral techniques. Their purpose is to enable a person to regulate and direct the flow of qi into his body. The patient is taught to concentrate the qi at a point about 5 cm below the navel called the dan tian or vital center. From it qi flows into different areas bodies. Patients learn to feel the presence of qi in the vital center in the form of localized heat, and then direct vital energy to certain parts of the body. It takes about three months to gain this experience.

Massage combined with acupuncture in post-cancer patients may improve mood.

In addition, one should never lose sight of the body's ability to heal itself. Medical research around the world also suggests that one percent of cancer patients can recover without treatment. It is important that the survival instinct works, there is a good ecology and a favorable psychological environment around.

Integrated Treatment

In Western countries, TCM has become additional means cancer treatment. Success is achieved to a greater extent by those patients who fight the disease comprehensively. They involve an oncologist who, in addition to conventional treatment methods, also practices acupuncture and herbal pharmacology, a nutritionist and a psychologist. As a result, a more complete synergistic therapeutic effect is often observed. When used in combination with chemotherapy, Chinese herbal medicine can control and minimize the side effects of chemical drugs and can enhance their therapeutic effect. The herbs also help strengthen the immune system, whose functions are suppressed by radiation treatment.

In China modern methods Cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are considered effective for treating benign and malignant tumors. At the same time, Chinese doctors are trying to combine Eastern and Western methods. Conventional treatments have the advantage of providing faster results, but have many side effects. Traditional Chinese methods are longer lasting but have almost no side effects. Many doctors practicing in China say that the best results against cancer are obtained through a combination of Eastern and Western medicine, as well as following a special diet, Chinese yoga and physical therapy.

Over the past few years, China has taken a leading position among modern medical tourism centers. This is due to the fact that doctors in this country use non-standard approaches to combating various diseases, combining innovative medical achievements with ancient Chinese techniques. Cancer treatment in China, which is highly effective, is based on the same principle.

Features of the Chinese healthcare system

In 2015, the country's government launched pilot reforms in hospitals. With government funding, new clinics and health centers at various levels have been built, employing more than 11 million doctors. Annual advanced training is mandatory for specialists; medical courses have become part of the curricula of more than 1.5 thousand middle and high schools.

The government is also concerned about improving the quality of medicines produced in China. Thus, according to the instructions of the Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and medicines, by the end of 2019 all oral generics (analogues) will be tested for compliance with the original medicines.

Every year, financial resources are allocated for innovative developments in the field of oncology, radiology, surgery and other branches of medicine.

Cancer screening in China

Treatment in China for pediatric oncology and therapy for adult patients begins only after a comprehensive diagnosis. First, a physical examination is performed by a specialized specialist, who prescribes further examination. The following methods are used to diagnose cancer in China:

  • laboratory research;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • colonoscopy (examination of the colon);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of internal organs;
  • sonography (ultrasound) of joints;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • scintigraphy (radioisotope scanning);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • biopsy (sampling of tumor tissue for analysis);
  • positron emission tomography (PET);
  • single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT);
  • thermometry (measuring the temperature of individual areas of the body) and so on.

Treatment for blood cancer in China often involves a bone marrow stem cell transplant. Transplantation can be allogeneic (when stem cells from a donor are used) or autogenous (when the patient's own stem cells are transplanted). The first option provides greater chances for the effectiveness of therapy, and the second guarantees the absence of a host versus donor conflict.

Treatment of ovarian cancer in China, breast, uterine, prostate, thyroid gland, kidneys, which are considered hormone-dependent pathologies, are also carried out using hormone therapy. Special preparations block the production of hormones by the patient’s body and prevent their positive effect on the growth of malignant cells.

Therapy for pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, treatment in China for cervical cancer and other types of disease is carried out using targeted therapy.

The patient is prescribed innovative biological drugs that, unlike chemical ones, prevent the division of malignant cells, disrupt the blood supply to the tumor and stop its growth process.

One of the undeniable advantages that distinguishes the treatment of esophageal cancer in China from the treatment of oncopathologies of other organs is that the entire process is supervised by experienced specialists who have improved their skills in international centers and collaborating with research institutions.


The classic method of combating malignant neoplasms is surgery. It can be cavity and endoscopic (minimally invasive). The choice of a specific technique depends on the location of the tumor, its size, and the extent of the pathological process.

If the patient requires complete removal of the affected organ, transplantation from a donor is possible. After surgical treatment of melanoma, skin grafting (restoration of removed skin) is performed.

Treatment in China for benign brain tumors and malignant neoplasms various localizations are carried out using cryosurgery. The essence of the method is to expose cancer cells to cold, as a result of which they die and the tumor is destroyed.

The antiangiogenesis technique is also used in the fight against cancer. The patient is given drugs that can block the proliferation of pathological cells. The neoplasm is not receiving enough nutrients and stops increasing in size.

Innovative techniques

One of the specific ways to combat cancer pathology in China is the use of chitosan and holican preparations. The first ensures alkalization of the membranes of pathological cells, neutralizing the toxins they contain and increasing their vulnerability to leukocytes. The second activates the body’s production of T-lymphocytes and prevents the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones.

Another innovative technique is the treatment of lymphoma in China using CAR-T therapy. Its essence is as follows: T-lymphocytes are isolated from the patient’s blood using the leukopheresis procedure, and a DNA cassette encoding a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), consisting of three parts - intracellular, membrane and extracellular, is delivered to them. It is the third of them that ensures the destruction of cancer cells. CAR-T cells are multiplied in a laboratory and injected into the patient's blood. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that after the elimination of one target they are not destroyed, but move throughout the body to find and destroy the next one.

Achievements are also applied in China genetic engineering for the treatment of oncopathologies.

For this purpose, viruses are used as carriers of genetic information. A protein is extracted from them, which provides the ability to cause disease in the human body. The DNA of viruses only contains information about how to enter cells. Thus, they attack and destroy malignant cells.

Among non-invasive hardware methods of fighting cancer in China, HIFU therapy is increasingly being used. In its context, the tumor is exposed to an ultrasound machine. Pathological cells heat up and are destroyed under the influence of temperature. Healthy tissues are not damaged.

Methods of ancient Chinese medicine in the fight against cancer

Chinese oncologists, when drawing up a therapeutic program for each patient, are guided by the following principles:

  • cancer can be cured at any stage of its development;
  • therapy should be aimed at eradicating the cause of the disease, and not its consequences and symptoms;
  • The key to success is the healing of not only the affected organ, but the entire organism.

Therefore, in combination with innovative treatment regimens, the centuries-old experience of traditional healers is used. Alternative cancer treatment in China is considered especially useful for patients with severe forms of cancer pathologies, when medications alone are not enough to alleviate the condition.

Herbal medicine is used in the fight against cancer. For this purpose, products made from herbs (ginseng, lingzhi, astragalus, codonopsis, privet and others) grown in ecologically clean regions of the country are used. Herbal medicines enhance the body's defense response, inhibit the growth of pathological cells and activate the growth of healthy ones.

Reflexology remains relevant in China.

The essence of the technique is that the doctor uses thin needles inserted under the skin to influence certain points of the body. Nerve impulses arise in them that can stimulate or inhibit the functioning of a particular organ. Reflexology sessions are absolutely painless.

Chinese healers believe that most diseases occur due to poor circulation of the “Qi” energy in the human body, which provides communication with the cosmos. To activate this vital energy, a comprehensive qigong system is used. It combines gymnastics, breathing and meditation exercises that promote self-healing and health maintenance.

How much will therapy cost in China?

Prices for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in all medical institutions are different. The full cost of cancer treatment in China will be calculated individually at the selected clinic.

This amount depends on several factors: the number of diagnostic measures prescribed, the methods of therapy used in a particular case, the duration inpatient treatment, quality of medical service, qualifications of the doctor under whose guidance the therapy was carried out. Oncology treatment in China, compared to Israel and South Korea, will cost slightly less.

Recovery after therapy

Considerable attention is paid to the rehabilitation of patients after treatment in China. The specificity of local restorative medicine also lies in the combination of modern techniques with ancient ones that appeared several centuries ago.

The advantage of rehabilitation in Chinese clinics is that doctors focus on restoring the patient’s body’s ability to independently manage its physical condition and maintain internal stability.

Therefore, local doctors abandoned standard rehabilitation protocols. Patients treated in China are prescribed, according to indications, such restorative procedures as oxygen, climate, phyto, laser, acupuncture, acupressure and general oriental massage.

Every year, for more than 8 million people around the world, cancer becomes a difficult ordeal, which, unfortunately, not everyone can overcome. Science and medicine around the world are aimed at overcoming cancer, however, the number of people dying from cancer remains consistently high. And the cause is not always cancer itself. Often we are talking about wasted time, uninformative diagnosis, inadequate treatment, which cause the death of patients. Thus, according to statistics, in developing countries the percentage of patients who receive adequate medical care in the fight against cancer is extremely low. That is why every day a huge number of people travel to other countries for cancer treatment.

China is also considered a promising country, whose medicine combines the best traditions oriental practices and modern world standards. Of course, countries such as Israel and Germany are considered leaders in cancer treatment, but this is only because very little is known about cancer treatment in China. While Chinese oncologists deal with the problem of cancer treatment very seriously and annually receive patents for new unique drugs.

International Tourism Center "NewMed Center" is one of the few companies that operates in the Chinese market, provides support to patients and organizes treatment in the best clinics countries. Regarding the treatment of oncology in China, patients come to us who have already tried different methods, which doctors have literally already abandoned. And within a few months of cancer treatment in China, we see amazing results! Chinese medicine today has unique methods of treating cancer, including HIFU therapy, drug therapy based on herbal ingredients and much more. Today the opportunity to obtain a qualified medical treatment cancer in China for most patients is a chance to successfully overcome the disease and prolong life.

Principles of cancer treatment in China

Today in the theory of Chinese medicine there is no such thing as “ incurable disease", and the first steps towards curing cancer in China were taken many centuries ago. Today the Chinese government is focusing Special attention fight against cancer and actively funds various research programs. Approaches to the treatment of oncology in Western medicine are fundamentally different from those around the world.

Principle #1:Cancer is curable at any stage, and the effectiveness of treatment depends on the adequacy of the methods and the professionalism of doctors.

Principle #2:It is necessary to fight not with the consequences of the disease, but with its causes.

Principle #3:The success of cancer treatment depends on general health improvement and strengthening the whole body.

Principle #4:the combination of innovative techniques with traditional ones makes it possible to achieve a positive outcome in the treatment of even severe patients.

Principle #5:continuity of treatment. Each subsequent course is followed by a rehabilitation rehabilitation program.

Thanks to this approach, within 2-3 years the patient, even with advanced forms of cancer, begins to live a full life and stops treatment with the oncologist.

Cancer diagnosis in China

Clinics in China use all the most advanced techniques for extensive cancer diagnosis, including at the earliest stages. These include:

  • Laboratory diagnostics- study biological materials for the presence of tumor markers and vital signs;
  • Ultrasound organs and blood vessels, including contrast studies;
  • Sonography– ultrasound condition of the joints, which allows you to determine tumor activity at the very beginning of the disease;
  • X-ray– which includes mammography, irrigoscopy and radiography;
  • Computed tomography (CT) makes it possible to study the pathology of any organ. There are also CT angiography aimed at studying blood vessels, multilayer CT aimed at studying the organ under different angle and in projection and spiral CT angiography, thanks to which a study is performed with the introduction of a contrast agent.
  • Virtual colonoscopy– video diagnosis of pathologies of the lower gastrointestinal tract.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET CT)– allows you to monitor various processes in the body, including metabolism, transport of nutrients, receptor interactions.
  • Scintigraphy— isotope scanning of internal organs and bones for the development of metastases, osteoporosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)– virtual examination of parts of the brain and spine for tumors and vascular pathologies.
  • Biopsy tissues of internal organs with subsequent laboratory examination
  • Endoscopy has also proven itself as a diagnostic method. With the help of laparoscopy and cystoscopy, it is possible to examine hidden pathologies of the pelvic and other organs.
  • Thermography— hardware diagnostics, sensitive to infrared radiation.

All period cancer screenings in China takes no more than 1-2 days. At this time, the patient is accompanied by representatives of the NewMedCenter company. The patient passes initial examination and a consultation with an oncologist, who prescribes an examination program based on the patient’s medical history.

Cancer treatment in China: types of disease

Oncology affects any organ and system of the body. With an inadequate treatment regimen, even a small pathological focus can turn into metastases in neighboring organs within a few years. IN clinics in China offer an expanded treatment program for cancer types such as:

  • Gastric cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma, neuroendocrine tumors);
  • Pancreatic cancer (ductal adenocarcinoma, cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Colon cancer (including small bowel cancer, small bowel lymphoma, carcinoid tumors);
  • Polyposis of the colon;
  • Lung cancer (small cell and non-small cell cancer, including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, bronchial carcinoids, smooth muscle cancer, blood vessel cancer);
  • Breast cancer (papillary cancer, medullary cancer, inflammatory cancer, infiltrating ductal cancer, Paget's cancer);
  • Ovarian cancer (serous cystadenocarcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma and others);
  • Prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, small cell and squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Cancer Bladder(superficial and invasive, including transitional cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma);
  • Liver cancer (genatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocellular carcinoma);
  • Kidney cancer (sarcoma or Wilms tumor, renal cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the kidney or pelvis);
  • Thyroid cancer (papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic cancer);
  • Cancer of the throat, tongue, larynx;
  • Brain cancer (acoustic neuroma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, meningioma and others);
  • Skin cancer (melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Kaposi's sarcoma);
  • Bone cancer (Ewing's sarcoma);
  • Sarcoma of the heart;
  • Lymphosarcoma.

Modern cancer treatment methods in China

Oncology departments in China successfully use all the most advanced methods of treating cancer, which are relevant in all developed countries of the world. The clinics are equipped with modern operating rooms with video monitoring and installations for laparoscopy and for treatment using radiosurgery techniques; the clinics have radiation therapy departments and are equipped with sterile boxes. When going to China for cancer treatment, you can be sure that medicine here is at the same high level as in European countries, the USA or Israel. Chinese oncologists are guided by the recommendations of world cancer control organizations when it comes to diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment methods in China:

Surgical treatment of cancer. The surgical method is still the most effective in some cases. To date cancer treatment in China surgically involves radical or palliative operations, as well as organ transplantation operations

Radiation therapy. This method treatment in clinics in China often used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is indicated for the treatment of laryngeal cancer, prostate cancer, and rectal carcinoma. The essence of the method: under the influence of X-ray radiation, the molecular composition of the affected cells changes, thus, the tumor cells die, while healthy cells remain undamaged.

Chemotherapy. Drug treatment different types of oncological diseases are shown both as a separate technique and as part of complex therapy. Modern medications that are used for the course chemotherapy in China, actively destroy cancer cells. The course of chemotherapy is aimed at suppressing latent metastases after surgical or radiation treatment. Today, a group of chemotherapy drugs used by Chinese oncologists have a gentle effect and do not pose a danger to vital organs.

Hormone therapy. Treatment of breast and prostate tumors with a group of hormone-containing drugs is successfully used in practice in many medical centers in China. Hormonal therapy is prescribed both separately and in combination with other methods.

Photodynamic therapy. A method of conservative treatment that involves the use of photoactive groups of drugs. The drugs are introduced into the patient’s body, their action is activated by laser radiation. As a result of a photochemical reaction, tumor cells die. This method is considered quite gentle and is used to treat cancer of the skin, tongue, larynx, lungs, as well as tumors of the uterus and vagina.

Immunotherapy. Conservative method treatment based on the response of the immune system human body on proteins that were exposed from the surface of cancer cells. The human immune system does not distinguish cancer cells and therefore does not activate the defense mechanism. That is why so-called “killer drugs” were developed, which attack tumor cells, but are not rejected by the body.

Focused ultrasound ablation method (HIFU therapy in China). One of the latest and high-tech methods of conservative treatment of malignant tumors of the uterus and prostate cancer. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves high intensity tumor tissues die, and the effect is only on a strictly localized area.

Radiotherapy intensity modulation method. The method is used to treat malignant tumors that are localized in hard-to-reach places and therefore cannot be treated surgically. The tumor is exposed to rays of varying degrees of intensity, as a result of which the cancer cells die. Typically, the modulation method can be applied in several stages.

Proton therapy is proton radiation therapy, one of the most promising directions nuclear medicine. The treatment takes place thanks to a special device - a charged particle accelerator. Cancer cells are irradiated with carbon ions and hydrogen protons. The advantage of the technique is high precision of impact.

IMRT– radiotherapy based on a 2-linear accelerator, computed tomograph, video monitoring system. The technique makes it possible to regulate the intensity of radiation depending on the size of the tumor, its location and the patient’s condition.

Cryodestruction method. A treatment method based on freezing tumor tissue with liquid nitrogen. Refers to minimally invasive surgery and is used to treat colorectal cancer, uterine cancer and all types of skin cancer.

Antiangiogenesis method. Administration of drugs that block the proliferation of cancer cells. As a result, the tumor does not receive the necessary nutrients and its growth stops. The technique has virtually no negative impact on healthy organs and is well tolerated by the patient.

Radiosurgery, gamma knife. Inoperable treatment of oncology in China using a gamma knife installation makes it possible to treat both benign and malignant brain tumors. Gamma Knife is used in cases where the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place and it is not possible to operate on it using standard neurosurgical methods. This is a minimally invasive intervention without craniotomy, which is the most minimally traumatic and does not pose a threat of brain damage due to microtrauma, as is the case with standard surgical intervention.

Stem cell transplantation from a donor. While other countries are actively discussing the ethics of stem cell treatment, China already has positive results in the treatment of cancer with stem cells transplanted from a donor. The method is effective in the treatment of ovarian, kidney, pancreatic cancer and metastases.

Bone marrow cell (or stem cell) transplant surgery).

Bone marrow transplant operations in China- The procedure is very common. Thanks to a huge donor base, modern hardware installations and specially equipped wards for rehabilitation, it is ensured effective treatment. When it comes to bone marrow transplantation, stem cell transplantation is assumed. Typically, the donor can be one of the patient’s blood relatives, but if there is no such person, then cells from a suitable donor are used.

Eastern cancer treatment methods in China

Back in the late 1970s, sad statistics emerged in China: cancer was in first place among the causes of death in the Chinese. It was then that a program was adopted aimed at supporting research into ancient Chinese medicine. Today, the peculiarity of treatment cancer in China is A complex approach: a combination of international standards and traditional medicine. The result of this program has proven its effectiveness - mortality from cancer has decreased significantly.

The most current methods oncology treatment in China Herbal medicine, physiotherapy, and treatment with fungal spores are still considered.

Herbal medicine in China

Anti-cancer drugs produced in China are based on plants such as ginseng, astragalus, privet, lingzhi, codonopsis and other specific species. The collection of plants takes place in the ecological regions of China and Tibet. The main effect of herbal preparations is aimed at activating immune processes, the growth of healthy cells and the inhibition of tumor cells.

In addition, herbal complexes are also used to overcome the side effects that many patients suffer from. We are talking about pain, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, which are caused by general intoxication of the body after chemotherapy.

The preparations Holican and Chitosan, which are used in oncology departments in China.

Thus, Chitosan increases the sensitivity of cancer cells, neutralizes toxins and deprives cells that are just emerging from protection. Thus, the cells enter the bloodstream, where they are absorbed by lymphocytes. As a result, tumor growth stops and an obstacle is created for the spread of metastases.

The drug Holican is used for the prevention of cancer and for treatment in the earliest stages. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and suppresses the proliferation of tumor cells. In general, the effect of the drug is to prevent the process of cell degeneration. The Holican complex belongs to the third generation of medicines; pharmacologists and genetic engineering specialists worked on its creation.

Physiotherapy and psychotherapy in China

A complex of various procedures is used together with classical therapeutic techniques. All physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in a hospital setting by certified specialists. Oncology treatment in China is accompanied by the following procedures:

  • Qi-gong massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Fasting and special diets;
  • Meditation, hypnosis, psychocorrection.

All these techniques have the goal of overcoming the causes of the disease, increasing energy potential, and activating immune processes. As a result of physiotherapy in China:

  • An antitumor effect is achieved - the growth of cancer cells is stopped;
  • The development of cancer in other organs – metastasis – is prevented;
  • There is an increase in the functions of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • There is an improvement in the metabolic process.

The results of psychotherapy in the fight against cancer are also worth noting. Many psychology practitioners view cancer as the consequences of stress, incorrect attitudes, and experienced complexes. The task of the psychotherapist is to find out the reasons and work together with the patient, aimed at overcoming them. Hypnosis and meditation techniques are used to increase patient motivation.

Cancer centers in Shanghai

There are specialized oncology clinics and institutes in Shanghai, where the best scientific medical personnel are concentrated, as well as official centers of oriental medicine, which are funded and controlled by the state. The most famous medical centers in China, specializing in cancer treatment, are located in Shanghai:

  • Shanghai Cancer Center at Fudan University (FUSCC)
  • HospitalShuguang at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai University Medical School
  • Huashan Hospital of Shanghai Fudan University

The NewMed Center has connections with the best specialists in almost all the largest clinics in Shanghai. Our managers know the necessary procedures for paperwork, organization and treatment. By trusting us, you can be sure that all issues will be resolved efficiently and quickly. We know how important cancer treatment in China is to you, and we will do everything we can to overcome the disease together with you.

Chinese hospitals have been using conventional Western therapies, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer since 1960. The side effects of such treatment can be quite significant. This prompted the idea to use the achievements of traditional Chinese medicine along with modern techniques.

One of the results was regular use medicinal plants as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation. This protects the immune system from damage and increases the life expectancy of cancer patients. Sometimes the effect is significant when used in combination with modern drugs. Key herbs for cancer treatment: Astragalus. privet, ginseng, codonolsis, atractylodes and lingzhi - strengthen the body’s nonspecific immunity and increase the functions of T cells.

It must be emphasized that any alternative methods of treating cancer, including those from Chinese medicine, must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Interestingly, cancer treatment in China has been documented since ancient times. According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, disease control is important. The principle of coexistence of the rest of the body with the tumor while constantly suppressing its development is being introduced into treatment and practice. The main goal is to destroy more than half of the tumor.

There is no specific concept of cancer in classical Chinese medicine. Many medications have been developed as a way to relieve pain and prolong life by strengthening the body's vitality and stopping tumor growth.

Chinese doctors believe that there are several causes of cancer. These are toxins and other environmental factors, so to speak, " external reasons" And “internal causes”: stress, poor nutrition, accumulation of food waste in the body, organ damage. This leads to improper circulation of qi energy along the meridians of the body.

Chinese doctors claim that the tumor is “ top layer”, and not the “root” of the disease.

A person is healthy when there is a balanced, sufficient flow of qi. But if the circulation of qi is blocked for any reason or there is an excess or deficiency, then pain and illness appear. Oncological diseases, like all other diseases, are considered as a manifestation of a basic imbalance of energies in the body. Each patient may have a different imbalance that causes what appears to be the same type of cancer. Each person is unique, so Chinese doctors are trying to more accurately determine what has happened to qi energy: excess, deficiency or blockage. A Chinese doctor corrects an imbalance rather than treating a condition called, for example, “stomach cancer”, “breast cancer”, etc. The prescribed treatment will vary from one patient to another, depending on the specific imbalance.

Chinese diagnosis is also different: in Chinese medicine it is made from the point of view of yin and yang and qi energy. When making a diagnosis, the doctor is guided by 8 principles, which are four paired polar categories: yin and yang, cold and heat, deficiency and excess, internal and external. Eight principles provide the basis for analyzing data collected through physical examination, tongue and pulse tests, and symptom monitoring. Once the doctor has a complete picture of the disharmony, he can formulate a treatment plan to restore balance.

Language is considered a particularly clear indicator of a person’s health. Minor changes in the color and texture of the surface of the tongue indicate to an experienced doctor a specific imbalance in the body and indicate the stage of the disease.

In China, modern cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are considered effective for treating benign and malignant tumors. At the same time, Chinese doctors are trying to combine Eastern and Western methods. Conventional treatments have the advantage of providing faster results, but have many side effects. Chinese methods are more long-lasting, but have no side effects. Many doctors practicing in China say thatThe best results against cancer are obtained through a combination of Eastern and Western medicine, as well as following a special diet, Chinese gymnastics (in particular, qigong), and physical therapy.

In Western countries, Chinese medicine has become a complementary treatment for cancer. Success is achieved to a greater extent by those patients who fight the disease comprehensively. They involve an oncologist who, in addition to conventional treatment methods, also practices acupuncture and herbal pharmacology, a nutritionist and a psychologist. As a result, a more complete synergistic therapeutic effect is often observed. When used in combination with chemotherapy, Chinese herbal medicine can control and minimize the side effects of chemical drugs and can enhance their therapeutic effect. The herbs also help strengthen the immune system, whose functions are suppressed by radiation treatment.

Most Chinese people prefer herbal medicines rather than Western allopathic drugs. It is believed that herbal preparations are significantly less dangerous, act more slowly and softly, but no less, and perhaps more effective, compared to synthetic chemicals. Herbs are almost always used as an ingredient in recipes, with one formula containing 6 to 12 herbal ingredients.

Almost all of the Chinese herbs used today to treat cancer fall into three main categories. Herbs of the first group increase the number and activity of immunologically active cells and proteins. The second group cleanses the blood of microbes and toxins. Herbs of the third group prevent inflammatory reactions. In addition, herbal therapy for cancer treatment can improve appetite, reduce nausea and vomiting, and relieve stress.

The most prized is Chinese angelica. It is used clinically in China to treat esophageal and liver cancer. Very good results. The Chinese use this herb either alone or in combination with other medicines.

Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of oncological diseases is recognized throughout the world. Experts from Cardiff University (UK) have joined forces with scientists from Peking University to scientifically study Chinese traditional medicine. They proceeded from the fact that traditional Chinese medicine in combination with conventional chemotherapy significantly improves the therapeutic effect.

The researchers used a complex composition of 14 herbs used in Chinese traditional medicine. Its benefits for cancer patients have been shown, but its mechanism of action remains unknown.

“The herbal formula has been shown to be beneficial for patients with certain solid tumors when used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. This suggests that Chinese medicine may be one of the keys to developing new treatment regimens. We are already looking for opportunities for clinical trials of such regimens at lung cancer and other types of cancer,” the authors said.

Qigong helps

One component of Chinese medicine is the ancient gymnastics exercises of qigong. What is Qigong? It is a combination of slow, symmetrical, graceful movements, meditation, relaxation, special breathing, guided imagery and other behavioral techniques (methods).

Their purpose is to enable a person to regulate and direct the flow of qi into his body. The patient is taught to concentrate the qi at a point about 5 cm below the navel called the dan tian or vital center. From it, qi flows to different parts of the body. Patients learn to feel the presence of chi in the vital center in the form of localized heat, and then direct the vital energy to specific parts of the body. It takes about three months to gain this experience.

In addition, one should never lose sight of the body's ability to heal itself. Medical research around the world also shows that 1% of cancer patients can recover without treatment. It is important that the survival instinct works.

Editor: Olga Yagafarova

Magazine "Partners" July 2014 No. 143