The left eye begins to see worse. One eye sees worse than the other: possible causes and treatment features

If a person notices that one eye periodically or constantly sees worse than the other, it is important to find out the reasons for such a violation and with the help complex treatment try to correct your vision. In medicine, a disease in which one eye begins to see worse is called amblyopia. Pathology often occurs against the background of progressive ophthalmological or other internal diseases, so it can only be dealt with under the supervision of a competent specialist.

Main causes of violation

Loss of vision in one eye can begin to bother a person at any age; this is due to dysfunction of the visual center, in which the relationship of both organs with the brain is disrupted. An adult or child complains that he cannot focus on the object in question; it looks fuzzy, blurry, with distorted color and shape. At the same time, with the second eye, the one that is healthy, a person sees much better. If the perception of color and distance of objects does not coincide, the eye in which vision has deteriorated turns off, and the second one reproduces a clear image of objects that are close or far away.

Common reasons why the left eye sees worse than the right or vice versa are:

  • visual fatigue;
  • complication after suffering and untreated infectious and viral diseases;
  • eye and skull injuries;
  • retinal detachment;
  • age-related degeneration processes in the eye structures;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • strabismus.

The formation and development of a low-quality tumor is the cause of different pupil sizes and decreased vision.

Another reason why vision deteriorates and the left or right eye hardly sees is a formation in the brain malignant tumor. As the disease progresses, vision immediately drops by several percent, one pupil becomes larger than the other, general well-being is sharply affected, the whites become darker, and the eyes look different due to the protrusion of the apple.

How to understand?

In the initial stages of development, the disease does not manifest itself severe symptoms, therefore, the patient does not immediately notice that one eye has begun to see poorly. As it progresses, it becomes noticeable that the affected organ slows down in the perception of information, and objects located closer or further away are blurred. The same image in a healthy and diseased eye may have different shades, be slightly lighter or darker.

In unfamiliar places, patients with amblyopia cannot orient themselves in space; due to the fact that one eye has ceased to adequately perceive information, the person becomes confused, clumsy, and careless when moving. A child’s organ of vision goes blind after watching TV or playing on a computer or tablet for a long time. In order to see letters, images or objects a little better, the patient covers with his hand the half of his face where one eye sees poorly. Also, the eyelid can close reflexively so that the brain can adequately perceive information.


To determine the causes of deterioration in vision in one organ, it is necessary to undergo a number of measures, including an ultrasound of the eyes.

If a person is blind in the left or right eye, you should not delay visiting the doctor. An ophthalmologist will treat the disease; it is he who will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, ask about disturbing symptoms and decide what to do next. To understand exactly why one eye sees more clearly and brightly than the other, you will need to undergo a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • tonometry;
  • electroretinography;
  • visometry;
  • refractometry;
  • determination of the state of the oculomotor system and fixation;
  • Ultrasound of the visual system;
  • CT or MRI of the brain.

Treatment options


At the initial stages of development, amblyopia is treated with a special technique called occlusion. The essence of therapy is to alternately overlap the patient and healthy organ vision, due to which the eye muscles are trained and equalized optical power both eyes. To get the most positive effect, you must strictly follow the treatment regimen and the timing of wearing the bandage. Auxiliary physiotherapeutic procedures, such as:

Electrical stimulation helps restore and activate optic nerve fibers that have weakened as a result of the disease.
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • UHF therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • color therapy;
  • massage;
  • therapeutic exercises.


The operation is prescribed in extreme cases, when the root cause of the development of amblyopia is irreversible deformation or oncological diseases organs of vision. Surgery is performed in inpatient conditions under local or general anesthesia, it all depends on the diagnosis and individual characteristics the patient's body. During the procedure, the doctor eliminates defects and applies stitches. To prevent development postoperative complications, rehabilitation is necessary. During the recovery period, the patient is prescribed medication and auxiliary treatment, it is important to strictly follow the rules and recommendations of the doctor, which will help speed up recovery. Along with drug treatment diseases, you can eat a vitamin salad made from greens.

  1. Rinse young leaves of nettle, dandelion, parsley, dill and green onions well under running water and dry.
  2. Chop the ingredients with a knife, place in a deep plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  3. Mix everything well and use it every day as a complement to main dishes.

The infusion, which is prepared and consumed as follows, has a good effect on the organs of vision:

  1. Mix dried hernia and eyebright herbs in equal quantities.
  2. Separate 1 tbsp from the mixture. l. and pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Let the product sit for half an hour.
  4. Add a little honey to the prepared infusion and drink every time before eating.

Sometimes amblyopia occurs - a pathology in which one eye sees worse than the other. Translated from Greek, the word “amblyopia” means “lazy eye.”

Amblyopia, fortunately, is a reversible phenomenon. It is based on dysfunction visual analyzer, and not organic damage to the eye. Amblyopia is a condition where one eye has poor vision due to impaired communication with the brain.

The main problem of patients suffering from lazy eye syndrome is the lack of binocular vision. Their brain simply refuses to synchronously read images from the right and left eyes. As a result, it is difficult for such patients to assess the surrounding reality - it loses its volume and familiar outlines.

The disease is most often caused by visual impairment in the early years of life (up to 7 years). The essence of the phenomenon is this: the images formed by the two eyes differ in quality, and the human brain cannot combine them into a common visual picture. As a result, diplopia occurs - a split image.

In order to avoid double vision, the brain stops using data from the eye, which shows an incorrect image on its retina. Therefore, it processes information received only from the healthy eye. Due to the fact that all this happens from early childhood, the second eye ceases to develop normally and perform its functions.

Risk area

People who suffer from strabismus or have relatives with strabismus are at risk. Amblyopia can also occur if proper measures have not been taken to treat diseases such as myopia, farsightedness and lens opacity.

Children who have vision problems under the age of 7 years, as well as premature and weakened babies are most susceptible to lazy eye syndrome.

Types of amblyopia

Depending on the etiology, amblyopia occurs:

refractive - appears due to a systematic unclear image on the retina, caused by refusal to wear glasses for hypermetropia, strabismus, etc.;

dysbinocular- occurs with strabismus;

obscuration - appears with congenital cataracts and ptosis, which prevent the normal passage of light through the retina;

anisometropic- occurs if the difference in visual acuity of the right and left eyes is more than two diopters.

How to treat

Like any disease, amblyopia is best cured with initial stage. Therefore, the main component successful treatment - early diagnosis. It should be remembered that amblyopia does not go away on its own, and the sooner you resort to medical care, the sooner recovery will come.

The beginning of treatment will be an examination that will identify the root cause of the disease. And then, depending on the factors that provoked the disease, the ophthalmologist will prescribe adequate therapy: conservative or surgical.

Surgical therapy is indicated for obstructive amblyopia, the purpose of which is to replace the lens, which cannot cope with the load and prevents clear vision.

Conservative methods

Conservative treatment It will begin with vision correction using glasses and lenses, and will continue with the use of special techniques:

  • occlusion (“turning off” the eye that sees better, using bandages and films);
  • penalization (artificial weakening of vision of the more alert eye or);
  • hardware optical-physiological therapy;
  • pleoptic treatment (using computer programs).

Amblyopia can also be corrected by wearing special corrective glasses and hardware treatment, including an amblyocor apparatus and laser electrical stimulation. However, all procedures are permissible strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Also, activities such as putting together puzzles, drawing, etc. will help you recover faster.

Where to treat

For help, you can contact an ophthalmologist at a regular clinic. He will examine the condition of the eyes, conduct necessary research, prescribe treatment, select glasses. Conservative treatment is also carried out in multidisciplinary clinics.

Private ophthalmology centers also provide treatment for amblyopia, but all services are paid.


Hardware treatment methods in public clinics free. If the cause is cataract or, surgery is required to correct these disorders. The cost of correcting strabismus is from 20,000 rubles, treatment of cataracts is from 30,000 rubles.

Sudden blindness (amaurosis) can be a consequence of retinal detachment or ischemia and other eye diseases (for example, uveitis), damage to the optic nerves, or bilateral damage to the visual cortex. Patients with acutely developed visual impairment should be urgently hospitalized. At the same time, the information that the emergency doctor is able to collect about the development of the disease is important and helps to quickly establish a diagnosis at the hospital stage.

Causes of sudden blindness

Sudden blindness in one eye is usually the result of damage to the retina and other structures of the eye or optic nerve. One of its common causes is a transient circulatory disorder in the retina. Typically, patients complain of a veil that suddenly falls in front of the eye and sometimes covers only part of the field of vision. Sometimes sensory disturbances and transient weakness in opposite limbs are simultaneously observed.

The duration of the episode ranges from several minutes to several hours. In 90% of cases, the cause is embolism of the retinal artery from an ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque in the internal carotid artery, aortic arch, or from the heart (often with damage to the valves or). Less commonly, the cause is a drop in blood pressure in a patient with severe stenosis of the internal carotid artery. Sudden blindness in one eye is a harbinger and should be a reason for active examination of the patient.

The likelihood of developing a stroke can be reduced by constant intake of aspirin (100–300 mg per day) or indirect anticoagulants (for cardiogenic embolism). In young people, retinal migraine may cause transient blindness in one eye. The loss of vision in this case is a migraine aura that precedes an attack of headache or occurs shortly after its onset.

However, even with a typical history, it is advisable to exclude pathology with the help of a special study carotid arteries and hearts. Differential diagnosis It is also carried out with a visual aura in the form of a migrating flickering scotoma during an attack of classical scotoma, but the visual aura usually involves the right and/or left fields of vision in both eyes, and not one eye, in addition, it remains visible in the dark and when closing the eyes.

Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy is caused by insufficient blood flow through the posterior ciliary artery, which supplies the optic disc. Clinically, it manifests itself as a sudden loss of vision in one eye, not accompanied by pain in the eyeball. The diagnosis can be easily confirmed by fundus examination, which reveals swelling and hemorrhage in the area of ​​the optic nerve head. Most often it develops in patients with long-term arterial hypertension and, often - in patients with vasculitis or.

In 5% of cases (especially often in patients over 65 years of age), neuropathy is associated with temporal arteritis and requires immediate corticosteroid therapy to prevent damage to the second eye. Diagnosis temporal arteritis facilitated by identifying painful compaction and absence of pulsation of the temporal artery and signs of polymyalgia rheumatica. Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy is less common. It is usually caused by a combination of severe anemia and arterial hypotension and may cause nerve infarction in the retrobulbar region.

Sometimes posterior ischemic neuropathy occurs against the background of massive blood loss during surgery, gastrointestinal bleeding, or trauma. There are no changes in the fundus. In hypertensive crisis, a sudden drop in vision may be a consequence of spasm of the retinal arterioles or ischemic edema of the optic nerve head. Unnecessarily rapid decline AD can lead to optic disc infarction.

Optic neuritis, an inflammatory demyelinating disease, often involves the retrobulbar part of the nerve (retrobulbar neuritis), so pathology cannot be detected during the initial examination of the fundus. Most patients, in addition to acute loss of vision, experience pain in the eyeball, which intensifies with its movement. The disease often develops in at a young age, can recur and is often the first manifestation of multiple sclerosis.

Intravenous administration large doses methylprednisolone (1 g per day for 3 days) accelerates recovery. Sudden blindness in both eyes may be a manifestation of toxic optic neuropathy. Toxic neuropathy may be associated with methyl alcohol, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), or carbon monoxide poisoning. A more gradual development of optic neuropathy with increasing atrophy without a disc swelling phase can be caused by a number of medicines– chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol), amiodarone, streptomycin, isoniazid, penicillamine, digoxin, ciprofloxacin, as well as lead, arsenic or thallium poisoning.

Blindness can also be a consequence of the development of congestive optic discs (with benign intracranial hypertension or brain tumors). It is often preceded by short-term episodes of blurred vision in one or both eyes, occurring when changing body position and lasting several seconds or minutes.

In case of persistent loss of vision, administration of methylprednisolone (250–500 mg intravenously) and urgent consultation with an ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon are necessary. Acute blindness in both eyes can also be a consequence of bilateral infarction of the occipital lobes (cortical blindness) and occur as a result of blockage of the basilar artery (usually as a result of embolism) or prolonged systemic arterial hypotension. The source of embolism is usually atherosclerotic plaques in the vertebral arteries.

The development of blindness is often preceded by episodes of vertebrobasilar insufficiency with unilateral or bilateral paresthesias or paresis, ataxia, dysarthria, hemianopia, dizziness, double vision. Unlike bilateral blindness caused by damage to the optic nerves, with cortical blindness, pupillary reactions remain intact.

Some patients with cortical blindness develop anosognosia: such a patient denies the presence of blindness, claiming that the room is dark or he simply forgot his glasses. Acute blindness can be psychogenic in nature and be one of the manifestations of hysteria. Typically, such patients (usually young women) claim that everything around them is immersed in darkness (patients with organic cortical blindness often find it difficult to describe their visual sensations).

The history often reveals other hysterical symptoms (lump in the throat, pseudoparesis, hysterical seizures, mutism, hysterical gait disturbances). Pupillary reactions normal, no stem symptoms. Unlike those around them, whose obligatory presence and extreme concern can serve as an additional diagnostic criterion, patients are often not alarmed, but rather calm, and sometimes even smile mysteriously (“beautiful indifference”).

Sudden blindness may be a symptom

Which doctors should I contact in case of sudden blindness?

Among all the diseases inherent in any person, eye diseases are no less common. There is a classification eye diseases, which may have similar symptoms and therefore require examination by a doctor.

Each disease is characterized by its inherent clinical picture and poses a particular danger to humans in the absence of adequate and competent treatment. The same can be said about eye diseases, which occur in medical practice no less often than all others inherent in a person at any age.

Eye diseases can be pathological or infectious nature. Of course, infectious diseases are considered less dangerous, since they can be easily treated with timely consultation with a specialist, than pathological ones. This statement is due to the fact that a number of pathological eye diseases require surgical intervention and cannot be eliminated by medicinal method treatment.

Often a patient goes to the doctor with a complaint that one eye has become worse at seeing. There are many reasons for this, and in order to determine one of them, an in-depth diagnosis is needed, which consists of a thorough examination of the fundus of the eye. Very often the reason poor eyesight one of the eyes is a retinal rupture in the periphery and its detachment. With this diagnosis, urgent surgical intervention is required to exclude total loss vision. Another reason lies in the narrowing of the blood vessels of the eye without any serious abnormalities and pathological changes. In this case, vasodilators are taken as prescribed by the doctor. eye drops general impact.

Often the cause of poor vision in one eye can be a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis. This will seem strange to many, but medical practice Such cases are common. The fact is that due to cervical osteochondrosis, the main aorta, which runs along the spine and supplies the brain and optic nerve with the necessary blood flow, is pinched or damaged. When the aorta is pinched by vertebral displacement, the flow of blood to the brain and to the optic nerve is partially stopped, which is the cause of poor vision. In this case, treatment should not be aimed at restoring vision, but at eliminating the underlying cause, that is, cervical osteochondrosis.

And finally, there is lazy eye syndrome (amblyopia). The disease is characterized by the fact that one eye, for some reason, “lags behind” the other in development visual function. Amblyopia, as a rule, develops due to strabismus, farsightedness, astigmatism, nystagmus, cataracts, and corneal opacities. The disease affects children to a greater extent, but this does not mean that adults can also be involved in the process. It should be borne in mind that the symptoms of the disease can be spontaneous, when the patient complains that vision has deteriorated not over a certain period of time, but instantly. In this case, it makes no sense to hesitate and hope for a miracle, since we are talking about irreversible consequences.

Therefore, it is extremely important to promptly and promptly consult a doctor for a thorough examination and competent treatment. Whatever the cause of visual impairment, the doctor may require the patient to provide a history of all illnesses, and also refer him to full examination to discover and identify the real reason diseases. Only after a thorough examination will the doctor be able to choose the most reliable treatment option that will help eliminate the problem. Treatment of the disease, depending on its degree and course, is complex and includes drug therapy and surgical intervention. If the doctor decides that drug therapy will not give positive results, prompt elimination of the problem is prescribed.

It makes no sense to self-medicate or refuse surgery, since some causes of poor vision can lead to complete loss of vision. Thus, if one eye begins to see worse than the other, you should not wait until the symptoms disappear on their own. On the contrary, the patient must listen to the body, to the ongoing processes and changes in order to tell the doctor (ophthalmologist) about them. This will help to correctly determine the cause and select correct treatment. Sometimes the patient’s participation helps the doctor quickly solve the problem. Therefore, you should not delay the visit and, especially, the doctor’s instructions. This will help to avoid future consequences such as the development of vision impairment or its complete loss.

An ailment such as deterioration of vision in one eye has various reasons and requires mandatory and prompt contact with a specialist. This approach will help the patient avoid further consequences and preserve his vision in the future.

Such common diseases of the visual system as astigmatism, myopia, cataracts, and strabismus are often accompanied by a disorder called amblyopia. This pathology leads to the fact that one eye sees worse than the other. The disease is also known as “lazy eye”. Let's figure out what a disease is when one eye sees worse than the other, and what to do if such a disorder occurs.

What is amblyopia?

The pathology is based on the development of dysfunction. Fortunately, this process is reversible because there is no factor organic damage eyes.

Why does one eye see worse than the other? Similar condition occurs due to impaired interaction with the corresponding part of the brain. The main problem with this is the loss. In fact, the brain refuses to synchronize signals from the right and left eyes. That is why one eye sees worse than the other, and it is extremely difficult for patients to objectively assess the surrounding reality. The image formed on the retina not only loses its usual outlines, but also becomes less voluminous.

The mechanism of pathology development

Why can deterioration sees worse than others most often in early age. Adults are less likely to suffer from such disorders. The mechanism of the phenomenon itself is the transmission of a lower-quality image by one eye. Thus, the brain is unable to combine the received signals into a common, holistic picture. As a result, the picture splits.

As amblyopia develops, the brain gradually stops completely using the eye, which forms an incorrect image. If the pathology is present from early childhood, the eyes stop developing synchronously, which leads to the development of a whole host of other pathological conditions visual system.

Who is at risk?

The disorder, when one eye sees worse than the other, most often develops in people who suffer from strabismus or have relatives with this pathology. Amblyopia can also occur if you refuse to take timely measures aimed at farsightedness, astigmatism, or restoration of the clouded lens of the eye. Children with poor health and premature babies are susceptible to the development of the syndrome.

Types of Amblyopia

Based on the etiology of the disease, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Refractive amblyopia - develops as a result of the systematic formation of a blurred image on the retina of one eye. This is often caused by reluctance to wear vision-correcting glasses for strabismus and myopia.
  2. Dysbinocular amblyopia is a common pathology in the presence of strabismus.
  3. Obscurational amblyopia is a genetic disorder that is inherited. May develop with congenital ptosis or cataracts.
  4. Anisometropic amblyopia - gradually develops in cases where one eye sees worse than the other by only a few diopters.


As with any other pathologies, it is better to combat the development of amblyopia by early stage. The key to successful treatment here is early diagnosis. You need to understand that the violation does not go away on its own. Therefore, the sooner qualified health care, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

Diagnostic procedures aimed at identifying amblyopia involve performing an examination, which makes it possible to establish the root cause of the formation of the pathology. Subsequently, the ophthalmologist prescribes surgical or conservative therapy, based on the factors that lie at the root of the development of the disease.

If parents have vision problems, children must undergo a complete ophthalmological examination at the age of 3-5 years. It is during this period that it is easiest to cope with the development of amblyopia.

To strengthen the weak optic nerve, special contact lenses, glasses or laser correction. The eye sees worse than the other until the effects of cataracts or strabismus are eliminated. At the right approach When organizing therapy, these methods make it possible to quickly cope with the presented disorders.

Children are often prescribed to wear the so-called pirate bandage. To do this, the old glasses frame is covered with cardboard or opaque plastic. Covering the “strong” eye makes the “weak” visual organ work more actively. As an alternative to the device, some ophthalmologists prescribe patients to wear opaque contact lenses and instill atropine into the healthy eye, which leads to the formation of a blurred image.

Where to go for help?

Any experienced doctor at an ophthalmology clinic can develop a set of therapeutic measures to eliminate amblyopia. The specialist will perform diagnostics, prescribe vision-correcting procedures, and select special contact lenses or glasses. The most qualified assistance can be obtained by contacting a private ophthalmology center. However, in the latter case, all services will be more expensive.

Cost of treatment

Therapy using hardware techniques is free in government medical institutions. If the root of the disease is strabismus or the development of cataracts, to eliminate amblyopia you will have to resort to surgical intervention. The cost of such events starts from approximately 20,000 rubles.


As you can see, amblyopia is quite serious pathology. If you do not pay due attention to eliminating the disease in the early years of life, the damaged eye may subsequently completely lose the ability to function normally. That's why timely diagnosis and application complex therapy plays a huge role in restoring normal visual acuity.