The best tablets for wet cough. How to treat a cough? Cough medicines

Quite often it occurs at the initial stage of respiratory infectious diseases. Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough does not lead to the removal of sputum, that is, it is unproductive.

Attacks of dry cough can be quite painful. Treatment in this case is carried out in two directions: removing the cough reflex, if there is no sputum, or removing viscous sputum from the bronchi, if it accumulates.

The occurrence of a dry cough can be associated with diseases of both lower and upper respiratory tract. Most often it occurs in the initial stages of the disease, when viruses and bacteria infect the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx, but do not go lower. Attacks of dry cough are provoked by an irritated throat and a feeling of dryness.

Medicines for dry cough are prescribed depending on the reasons that provoked it. As a rule, it is barking, annoying, strong, the person suffers from shortness of breath, and a coughing attack does not bring relief.

If the cause of this condition is an infection of the upper respiratory tract without accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, the cough remains dry and is relieved with antitussive drugs. With the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, over time, a dry cough turns into a wet one. This phenomenon can often be observed with acute respiratory infections.

The causes of dry cough can be the following diseases:

  1. ARVI. The viral infection primarily affects the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, so the patient develops a dry cough and an acute cough. In this case, a dry cough can turn into a wet cough as the disease progresses.
  2. Bronchial asthma. Asthma leads to attacks of dry cough, which then develop into shortness of breath and suffocation. Such an attack can be triggered by stress, exposure to allergens or other factors.
  3. . This disease usually occurs in young children. Its main symptom is a severe paroxysmal cough. This disease can be fatal if left untreated.
  4. Tracheitis. Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa may be a consequence of untreated acute respiratory infections. The disease is accompanied by dry paroxysmal cough, which often occurs at night and in the morning.

Often with a viral or bacterial infection The patient also experiences high fever, rhinitis and other characteristic symptoms. If they are absent, one should not exclude a cardiac cough caused by insufficient blood supply to the lung tissue.

Dry cough preparations for adults and children

Treatment for dry cough should be prescribed by your doctor. For children, drugs in the form of syrups are most often recommended. They are easier to digest and allow you to accurately determine the dosage.

Medicines must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, its stage, and the patient’s age. All drugs for the treatment of dry cough can be divided into 2 groups: antitussives and expectorants.

The former inhibit the activity of the cough department of the brain and relieve an attack, while the latter facilitate the coughing process itself, allowing sputum to separate. It is impossible to take these drugs at the same time, since the sputum will dilute and increase in volume, but due to the suppression of the cough reflex, it will remain in the bronchi, causing an inflammatory process.

There are several drugs for the treatment of dry cough that can be used by both adults and children of a certain age:

  • Sinekod. The drug is available in the form of syrup and drops. It can be used to treat dry cough in children from 2 months (in the form of drops). The drug is an antitussive. It relieves attacks of dry cough, affecting the centers of the brain.
  • . This is a combination drug that simultaneously relieves cough and has an expectorant effect. It is available in the form of tablets and drops. Children can take Stoptussin in the form of drops from 6 months.
  • Bronchicum. This is a drug based herbal ingredients. It has an expectorant and antimicrobial effect, can be prescribed for both dry and wet cough. Available in the form of tablets and syrup for children from six months.
  • . This is a drug with an antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. In the form of drops, the drug is approved for use in the treatment of children from 2 months. The drug can cause addiction, so it is prescribed in short courses.

When choosing a drug, you need to carefully read the instructions, take into account all possible side effects and contraindications. It is worth remembering that even drugs natural basis can cause severe allergic reaction.

Safe treatment for dry cough during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, a woman's immunity is significantly reduced. The likelihood of encountering a viral or bacterial disease at this time is high.

The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that during pregnancy most drugs are contraindicated (especially in the first trimester), and it is impossible not to be treated, since any infection poses a danger to the fetus.

In this case, only the attending physician should prescribe treatment, taking into account the duration of pregnancy, diagnosis and condition of the patient. The following drugs are acceptable for the treatment of cough during pregnancy:

  • . This drug allows you to remove phlegm from the bronchi and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mucaltin contains marshmallow root. It is not prohibited for use during pregnancy, but dosage must be observed and monitoring for the occurrence of side effects.
  • . This is the syrup plant based, which has a pronounced expectorant effect. It allows you to dilute mucus and remove it from the bronchi. This medicine contains a large number of herbs, therefore can cause allergies. The course of treatment can last up to 7 days, subject to the dosages prescribed by the doctor.
  • Sinekod. Coughing causes tension in the abdominal wall, which is undesirable during pregnancy. If sputum does not accumulate in the bronchi, antitussive drugs such as Sinecod are prescribed. It can be used from the 2nd trimester. However, the effect of this drug on the fetus has not been fully studied, so it is prescribed only if the benefits outweigh the risks.

It is worth remembering that even folk remedies are not safe. They can provoke an allergic reaction or increase the tone of the uterus. If during treatment a woman’s condition worsens, headaches, swelling, or rash appear, she must stop taking the medications and consult a doctor.

Inhalation medications for dry cough

Inhalation using already for a long time remain the most effective treatment for respiratory tract infections. In the form of steam, the drugs become more effective and penetrate directly into the lungs, bypassing the stomach. This allows you not only to cope with the disease faster, but also to avoid the occurrence of most side effects.

Can be used for inhalation mineral water or saline. They help soften the throat, remove phlegm, and relieve inflammation. In some cases, more than strong drugs. However, in pure form they are not used. When inhaled, any drug must be diluted with saline in the specified proportions.

The following drugs can be prescribed to treat dry cough using inhalation:

  • . This is a combination drug that has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Available in the form of drops, which are added to saline solution during inhalation. It is not used in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Berodual is prescribed for dry cough caused by bronchial asthma or acute bronchitis.
  • Salbutamol. This drug relieves bronchospasm, stops attacks of dry cough leading to shortness of breath in bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease. The drug is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age. Salbutamol should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • . This is a drug based on ambroxol. It increases secretion in the bronchi, as a result the volume of sputum increases, it becomes less viscous and easier to expectorate. Prescribed for asthma.
  • . The drug has a mucolytic effect, thins and removes mucus, and also relieves inflammation and prevents the development of complications.

Inhalations are not carried out when elevated temperature body (above 37.5), as well as with high blood pressure, nosebleeds and hemoptysis, suspected purulent processes.

What complications can a dry cough cause?

Complications directly depend on what disease caused the cough. Even a mild infection without treatment can lead to... One of dangerous consequences cough is (pneumonia). It occurs when viral infection bacterial joins.

Also serious consequences may occur during pregnancy. A cough usually indicates an infection. Any infection may cause harm to the fetus. It can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death or developmental delay.

TO alarming symptoms can be attributed:

  • High temperature. The temperature can rise with various viral and bacterial diseases. In the case of ARVI, it rarely rises above 37.5 and lasts no more than 3 days. If hyperthermia occurs long time, this indicates the development of a serious inflammatory process.
  • Hemoptysis. The appearance of sputum mixed with blood indicates damage to the bronchial vessels. This phenomenon may be a sign various diseases, up to lung cancer.
  • Severe shortness of breath. Severe shortness of breath and a feeling of shortness of breath in a child may be a sign false croup or bronchial asthma. This symptom requires immediate medical attention.
  • The appearance of sputum with pus. Purulent sputum is a sign of a bacterial infection. It requires treatment with antibiotics and a thorough examination.

From the video you can learn the recipe for preparing the most effective folk remedy for dry cough:

The best prevention of dry cough is to strengthen the immune system. On immune system hardening has a beneficial effect on humans, proper nutrition, playing sports. To avoid viral diseases Regular ventilation of the room will help, maintaining optimal level air humidity, as well as lack of contact with infected people.

Each of us faces it at least once or twice a year - from time to time we, our children, family and friends suffer from it. Modern pharmacology offers us many means to combat this symptom. The mechanisms of action of these drugs are different, so their inept use can lead to serious complications from the respiratory, nervous and other systems of our body. From this article you will learn about what groups the drugs used to treat cough are divided into, what the mechanisms of action are, and also get acquainted with the main representatives of each group. Let's begin...

All drugs used to treat cough are divided into 3 large groups:

  • expectorants or expectorants;
  • sputum thinners or mucolytics;
  • cough suppressants or antitussives.

Expectorants or expectorants

The choice of drug depends on the nature of the cough and the cause that caused it.

Mechanism of action: drugs of this group enhance physiological activity ciliated epithelium respiratory tract and peristaltic (wave-like) movements of bronchioles. This promotes the movement of mucus from lower sections respiratory tract to the upper and its elimination. In addition, expectorants contribute to a slight increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands (i.e., the amount of sputum discharge increases) and a decrease in the viscosity of the latter.

Expectorants are used for productive (wet) coughs to speed up the removal of sputum. complex treatment bronchitis, pneumonia and inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

The active ingredients of drugs in this group are, as a rule, medicinal plants. Release forms vary and include both tablet preparations and preparations in the form of syrups, suspensions, preparations for the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

The main representatives of drugs that stimulate expectoration are the following:

  1. Thermopsis lanceolata herb. It is included in “Cough tablets”, “Cough medicine for adults”, and is also available in powder form. It is recommended to take 0.01–0.5 g of active ingredient 2–4 times a day;
  2. Marshmallow roots. Available in the form of powder, syrups (“Alteika”, “Altemiks”, “Marshmallow root syrup”), tablets (“Mukaltin” - contains 0.5 g of the drug). It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of powder or granules orally 4–6 times a day or 1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day after meals, “Mukaltin” before meals, 1–2 tablets 3–4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days. In addition, marshmallow roots are included in breast herbal teas:
    • chest collection No. 1 - in addition to marshmallow, includes coltsfoot leaves and oregano herb;
    • chest collection No. 3 - in addition to marshmallow root, it contains licorice root, sage leaves, anise fruits and pine buds.

    To prepare the infusion, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the collection, leave for 20 minutes, and strain. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

  3. Liquorice root. It comes in the form of a powder (“Complex licorice root powder”, “Dry licorice root extract”), an oral solution (“Breast elixir”, containing anise oil and ammonia in addition to licorice), and syrup (“Licorice root syrup”). Included in breast collection No. 2, in addition to licorice, it also includes plantain and coltsfoot leaves. The most commonly used syrup is 1 tablespoon per dose 3-4 times a day after meals, washed down with plenty of liquid.
  4. Anise fruit. They are produced directly in the form of crushed raw materials in packs and are included in “Anise Oil” and “Ammonia-Anise Drops”. The infusion is prepared in the same way as from the breast collection, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. “Anise oil” is used 2–3 drops per dose, “Ammonia-anise drops” – 10–15 drops per dose. Both the fruits and oil of anise are included in Bronchicum tea, which is used as an expectorant.
  5. Plantain leaves. Have various shapes release: crushed raw materials in packs or filter bags, briquettes, oral liquid, syrup (“Dr. Theiss Plantain Syrup”, “Herbion Plantain”). The infusion is prepared according to the usual scheme: 1 tablespoon of raw material is infused in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, filtered and taken 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 2-3 times a day. The briquette is infused in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, filtered and taken orally 30 ml (2 tablespoons) 2-3 times a day. Syrup is taken 15 ml (1 tablespoon) every 2-3 hours (i.e. 5-7 times a day).
  6. Thyme and ivy. They are produced in the form of crushed raw materials in packs, and are also included in herbal preparations“Bronchipret” (available in the form of drops (50 drops orally 3 times a day), syrup (5.4 ml 3 times a day) or tablets (1 tablet before meals 3 times a day)) and “Pertussin” ( take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day). Ivy preparations also include “Gedelix” - syrup and drops, “Prospan” - syrup and effervescent tablets. A drug containing thyme is “Bronchostop”.
  7. Other medicinal plants - istoda roots, cyanosis rhizomes with roots, elecampane rhizomes with roots, coltsfoot leaves, wild rosemary shoots, oregano grass, etc. Available as crushed raw materials or in the form of briquettes, less often in the form of tablets or granules .
  8. Guaifenesin. Produced under the name "Tussin". The recommended dose is 100–200 mg 3–4 times a day.

Combined expectorants

  • "Doctor Mom" Contains extracts of licorice, elecampane root and rhizomes, ginger and turmeric, basil, aloe, menthol, etc. Available in the form of syrup and cough lozenges. It is recommended to take the syrup 5–10 ml orally 3 times a day, lozenges – 1–2 pieces orally 3 times a day.
  • "Pectoral". Its components are extracts of plantain, thyme, primrose and senegia.
  • "Stoptussin phyto." Contains thyme and plantain extracts.
  • "Eucabal balm." Contains eucalyptus and pine oils.
  • "Eucabal syrup." Contains plantain and thyme extracts.
  • "Pectolvan phyto". It has a complex composition, including alcohol extracts of elecampane root, Icelandic cetraria, soapwort tincture, hyssop and thyme.

Mucus thinners or mucolytics

Drugs of this group are capable of breaking the peptide bonds of the protein and the disulfide bonds of the mucopolysaccharides that make up the sputum, which contributes to the transition of its structure from viscous to more liquid. Other effects of mucolytics are activation of glands that secrete mucous secretions, improvement of the function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, stimulation of the synthesis and secretion of a substance that prevents the collapse of the most distant elements respiratory system– alveoli, – pulmonary surfactant.

Mucolytics are used for dry coughs in order to transform them into wet – productive ones. They are usually prescribed in combination with expectorants, bronchodilators, and antibiotics.

The main means that help thin sputum are listed below.

  1. Acetylcysteine. Facilitates the removal of sputum, diluting it and promoting its removal. Stimulates expectoration. Reduces inflammation. It is recommended to take 0.4–6 g per day orally (after meals) in one or more divided doses. It can be used in the form of inhalations of 2–5 ml of a 20% solution 3–4 times a day for 15–20 minutes, as well as intramuscularly or intravenously – 3 ml of a 10% solution once a day. Given medicinal substance contain:
    • “ACC” – effervescent tablets and powders of 100, 200 and 600 mg;
    • "Acestad" - tablets of 100, 200 and 600 mg;
    • “Acysteine” – solution for injection and granules for the preparation of oral solution in sachets of 600 mg;
    • “Cofacin” – sachets of powder of 100 and 200 mg of the drug;
    • “Fluimucil” – granules for creating a solution for oral administration 200 mg, effervescent tablets for preparing an oral solution 600 mg, solution for injection.
  1. Carbocysteine. The structure and mechanism of action is similar to acetylcysteine.

Use 0.75 g (1 tablespoon of 5% syrup) 3 times a day or 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Available in the form of the following drugs:

  • "Fluditek" - 2% (for children) and 5% (for adults) solution;
  • "Mukosol" - capsules of 375 mg.
  1. Bromhexine. One of the features of the action of this substance is the stimulation of the formation of pulmonary surfactant. The drug is prescribed orally at 0.008–0.016 g (1–2 tablets) or 2–3 teaspoons of 0.08% syrup. The course of treatment is from 4 days to 1 month. Bromhexine preparations:
  • “Bromhexine 4 and 8 Berlin-Chemie” – oral solution 4 mg in 5 ml and tablets 8 mg;
  • “Bromhexine 8 drops” – contains 8 mg of bromhexine, as well as fennel and anise oils, menthol;
  • “Solvin” – elixir 4 mg in 5 ml, tablets 8 mg.
  1. Ambroxol. It is close in structure to bromhexine, just like that, in addition to liquefying sputum, it stimulates the formation of endogenous surfactant and improves bronchopulmonary secretion and rheological parameters of sputum. Available in tablets (take 1 tablet - 0.3 g - 3 times a day), retard capsules (take 1 capsule 1 time a day), in the form of a solution (take 4 ml of a 0.75% solution 3 times a day ), syrup (10 ml of 0.3% syrup 3 times a day). Ambroxol preparations are:
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Ambrohexal";
  • "Ambrotard";
  • "Medox";
  • "Flavamed";
  • "Abrol."

Combination drugs for thinning sputum

  • “Milistan cough syrup” – 5 ml of syrup contains 15 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride and 100 mg of carbocysteine;
  • “Milistan hot tea for cough” – contains 30 mg of ambroxol and 200 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • “Bronchosan” - drops containing 8 g of bromhexine chloride, as well as menthol, fennel oil, anise, motherwort, peppermint and eucalyptus;
  • "Salbroxol" - tablets containing 15 mg of ambroxol and 4 mg of salbutamol.

Cough suppressants or antitussives

For a dry, obsessive, painful cough, the patient may be prescribed antitussive drugs (acting directly on the cough center).

Drugs in this group can reduce the excitability of the cough center in the central nervous system, thereby contributing to cough suppression. Indicated for obsessive dry cough not accompanied by sputum production: chronic diseases respiratory tract, .

Some of the antitussive drugs (narcotic analgesics) have a number of serious adverse reactions from depression of the respiratory center to a painful addiction to them (drug addiction), therefore a number of them are excluded from the Nomenclature of Medicines. Of the drugs in this group, only codeine, produced in the form of powder and tablets of 0.015 g, is currently used for the treatment of cough in some cases. This tool is part of combined cough preparations - “Terpinkoda”, “Codterpin”, “Cough Tablets”.

A separate group of drugs are non-narcotic antitussives. They are free of side effects narcotic analgesics, do not cause addiction, but are very effective in reducing cough.

The main representatives of the group of non-narcotic antitussive drugs are the following:

  1. Glaucine. Selectively inhibits the cough center located in the brain. Does not depress the breathing center. Not addictive. Recommended for oral administration after meals: 0.5 g 2-3 times a day. The drug based on glaucine is called "Glauvent". There is also a combined drug containing glaucine and ephedrine - “Broncholitin”.
  2. Oxeladine. Adults are prescribed 20 mg 3 times a day in a short course - 2-3 days after the onset of cough. The drug based on this substance is called Paxeladin.
  3. Butamirat. The effects of this remedy are antitussive, moderate bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory. Adults are recommended to take 2 tablespoons of syrup, or 2 tablets, or 1 depot tablet 2-3 times a day. Preparations containing butamirate are “Sinekod”, “Codesin” and the combined drug “Stoptussin” (in addition to butamirate, it contains 1 g of guaifenesin).

There are many more drugs based on the drugs described in our article - it is impossible to list them all. In addition, the reader should remember that each drug has a number of contraindications and side effects, which means that self-medication can result in

How to treat a cough? Cough medicines

Thank you

The most a common symptom diseases of the respiratory system is cough- This is a forced, sharp, repeated exhalation of air. Thanks to coughing, the upper respiratory tract self-cleanses itself of sputum, mucus, germs, and foreign bodies.

The immediate cause of this phenomenon is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, bronchi, and trachea. Cough is reflex action, in some cases it can be called arbitrarily.

In chemical plants where people work with toxic, harmful volatile substances, workers are required to wear ingress protection. chemical substances into the respiratory tract. If you ignore safety rules and do not wear masks or respirators, then a cough reflex may also occur from mechanical and chemical irritation.

Differential differences

Even when coughing severely, people do not always seek help from a doctor, preferring to treat themselves. Sick people come to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to give something to stop coughing" Of course, self-selected medications can relieve a cough. But it’s better to consult a therapist.

The pharmacist usually asks what kind of cough is observed - wet or dry ?
The choice of medicine will depend on this. " Wet or dry" - this is the simplest differentiation based on the presence of sputum; in addition to this, they also distinguish:
  • Periodic (occurs with bronchitis).
  • Short continuous (pleurisy).
  • Hoarse (inflammation of the vocal cords).
  • Barking (damage to the larynx; hysterical syndrome).
  • Paroxysmal (whooping cough).


If a person coughs painfully, dryly, feeling a “scratching” in the chest and throat, then in this case it is advisable to take cough medicines, which suppress the cough reflex and normalize sputum production. It is recommended to take lozenges and lozenges with sage, medications Libexin or Bronholitin.

If a person coughs with sputum, and it is difficult to separate and has a viscous consistency, then it is necessary to use drugs that thin the sputum, such as: Lazolvan, Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine. These drugs have a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, relieve spasm ( narrowing) bronchi.

For acute respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections), the doctor will prescribe antitussive drugs and will not administer antibiotic therapy. And if a patient is diagnosed with bronchitis or pneumonia, then treatment with antibiotics will be carried out first, since suppressing the activity of microbes is a priority therapeutic goal. This is why it is important to get examined by a doctor. Taking it for a cold serious disease bronchi, the patient will try to relieve only one symptom - cough, not suspecting that he is worsening his condition with ineffective self-medication.

It is necessary to take expectorants and antitussives if the cough is dry, nasal, frequent coughing interferes with normal sleep. Drugs that suppress the cough center - Stoptussin-Fito, Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Sinekod.

Expectorants and mucus thinners are called mucolytics. These drugs help clear the lungs of mucus and remove it out. Commonly used mucolytic drugs: Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Halixol, Mucopront, Mucodin, Fluimucil.

If the cough does not go away for several weeks and is accompanied by severe chest pain; If your cough produces bloody sputum or yellow-green sputum, contact your local doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment with herbal preparations

Herbal preparations significantly weaken cough symptoms, have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the formation of sputum and improve expectoration, and relieve bronchospasm. These include: Gedelix, plantain preparations ( Bronkhin, Stoptussin-Fito, Eucabal, Breast collection No. 2). Combination drugs are also widely used: Kofol, Doctor Mom, Kofrem, Suprima-Broncho. These medications eliminate cough of any etiology and relieve inflammatory manifestations for whooping cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Most of these drugs are used to treat both adults and children, since they have no side effects and consist of natural substances.

Other herbal preparations:
1. Herbal tea No. 25 by Dr. Seleznev (facilitates expectoration, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract).

2. Preparations from marshmallow. Marshmallow has an enveloping and softening effect on the membranes of the bronchi, relieves irritation and improves sputum separation. It is used for both dry and wet coughs. Preparations containing marshmallow: Altemix, Chest collection No. 1, Mukaltin, Dry cough syrup, Licorice.

3. Oregano has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect, is part of Breast Collection No. 1 and Bronkhina.

4. Thyme has an antimicrobial effect, is part of domestic and foreign drugs - Eucabal, Stoptussin-Fito, Pertussin.

Flu or a cold is manifested not only by coughing, but also by fever and runny nose. To treat these diseases, drugs are used that contain several active substances, each of which is aimed at a specific symptom.

These drugs include antipyretic, antitussive, and antiallergic components. However, it is worth remembering that this symptomatic treatment and it is not always justified. For example, when the temperature rises, this is a protective action of the body aimed at suppressing microbial activity. Therefore, it is not recommended to bring down a temperature of up to 38 degrees with antipyretic drugs.

Or in the case when you cough up phlegm, you should not suppress the cough reflex, because the phlegm will linger in the body and can cause stagnation.

Treatment with folk remedies

1. Gogol-mogol. Prepare as follows: grind the egg yolks with sugar until white. Drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach.

2. Wine with pepper roots. Boil 50 grams of pepper roots in 250 ml of wine ( white). Then you need to strain the mixture and drink it hot at least three times in a day.

3. Onions and goose fat. Grate the onion and mix it with fat. Rub this mixture into the chest and neck area. After rubbing, wrap your chest and neck with a warm scarf or handkerchief.

4. Onions and milk. Finely chop a large onion or two small ones, boil in 250 ml of milk. Leave for at least 4 hours, then strain. Take 20 grams every three hours ( about one tablespoon).

5. Onions and sugar. Cover the chopped large onion with sugar in the amount of two tablespoons. After 8 - 10 hours the mixture will be ready. For treatment, you need to consume not only sweet onions, but also the resulting juice.

6. Onions and honey. Chop 500 grams of onion, add 400 grams of sugar, pour 1 liter. water. Cook for 3.5 hours. After the mixture has cooled, add 50 grams of honey. You should take onions with honey after meals, a few tablespoons at a time.

7. Bananas. Grind the bananas into a pulp, pour hot water (two bananas – 1 cup of water). Add sugar. Heat over low heat.

8. Butter with egg yolk. Prepared this way: 20 grams of butter, 30 grams of flour, 30 grams of honey, two egg yolks. Mix thoroughly. Take before meals.

9. Cream, milk. These products coat the irritated throat and reduce the unpleasant scratchy sensation during coughing. You can drink hot tea with butter.

10. Milk and oats. Pour the oats into a small saucepan, two-thirds full. Add one third of the milk. Simmer in the oven over low heat. As the milk boils, add more. Cook until the oats are cooked through. Drink 3 tablespoons of the mixture, morning, afternoon and evening.

11. Wormwood tincture. 20 grams of dried wormwood is poured with vodka ( 500 ml). Leave for at least a day. Drink the resulting product one tablespoon several times a day. Due to the alcohol content, this product is not given to children.

12. Eucalyptus tincture. Sold in pharmacies.

13. Radish with sugar. The radish is chopped finely and covered generously with sugar. After a few hours, sweet juice is released; You need to take it every hour, a spoonful. This effective remedy cures even very severe coughs.

14. Infusion of coltsfoot. Used for pneumonia, cough, bronchitis. Pour boiling water over the coltsfoot leaves, in the ratio “a glass of water – a tablespoon of leaves.”

15. Rub with goat fat. After rubbing your chest with goat fat, you need to wrap yourself warmly. Rub it every day for a week.

16. Eucalyptus inhalations. Grind and brew eucalyptus leaves ( if they are not available, buy them at the pharmacy Eucalyptus oil ), pour into a cup or deep plate, roll up a cone from cardboard, the wide end of which should be pressed tightly to the edges of the plate, and through the narrow end, inhale the steam for 15 - 20 minutes.


Basis for the preparation of expectorants ( herbal teas ) can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Decoction of wild rosemary.
  • Decoction of nine strength.
  • Viburnum decoction.

For dry cough

  • Onions and milk. Finely chop 10 medium onions and one head of garlic and cook in milk, after cooking, add honey. Drink a tablespoon after an attack of dry cough.
  • Keep a tablespoon of granulated sugar on the fire until the sugar becomes Brown. Then pour the sugar into the milk. Keep the resulting substance in your mouth until it dissolves.
  • Before going to bed, drink milk with poppy seeds. Grind a couple of teaspoons of poppy seeds in a mortar, then pour in hot milk. After straining, drink while the milk is warm.

If a child coughs...

Folk remedies, with the exception of those containing alcohol, are excellent for children. Dosages for children should be halved.

1. Freshly squeezed carrot juice with the addition of honey. Take a tablespoon 5 times a day.

2. "Sugar" radish. Cut into small cubes black radish, add sugar and bake in the oven. Then you can throw away the baked radish, drain the juice and take it 3 times a day before meals, 2 teaspoons.

3. Lemon with honey. Boil the lemon over low heat for about ten minutes until it becomes completely soft. Then squeeze the juice out of it, add 30 grams of glycerin to the juice, and a little honey for the eye. Take one teaspoon of syrup five to six times a day. When coughing attacks become noticeably less frequent, you need to reduce the number of doses. This remedy is recommended for both children and adults. Instead of lemon, apple bite is sometimes used.

4. Milk and honey. Half a glass of hot milk and a teaspoon of honey is a wonderful cough remedy.

5. Honey with anise. A teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of anise seeds, add a pinch of salt. Pour a glass of water and turn on the gas. After boiling, let the infusion cool, then strain the mixture. Children – a tablespoon 8 times a day. For adults, double the dosage.

6. Honey with butter. Take the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and stir into a homogeneous paste. Eat 1 teaspoon, several times a day.

7. Figs boiled in milk. 2 - 3 figs are boiled in a glass of milk, drunk warm, before bed. Effectively relieves cough. This remedy has long been used when children suffered from whooping cough and colds.

Nutrition for patients with cough

To soften the mucous membrane of the throat, it is advisable to include milk porridge in the diet, mashed potatoes with added milk, tea with milk.

Cough, both dry and wet, is not an independent disease, but a symptom, natural reaction the human body to a stimulus. A special center in the brain stem is responsible for its appearance, which sends impulses causing contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, abdomen, chest. Irritants for the occurrence of symptoms are physiological, mechanical and chemical factors, as well as infectious agents.

Features of dry cough

Cough without sputum production is classified depending on etiological factors its occurrence:

  1. Natural – the body’s reaction to irritation of the throat mucosa by cold or hot food, or air, dust, smoke. It may also begin when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract.
  2. Pathological – a manifestation of an allergy or a consequence of a disease, for example, a cold.

Features of dry cough are that it:

  • Delivers severe discomfort and even torment and, unlike wet, does not bring relief.
  • It can be mild or hysterical, sharp or lingering, barking, chesty or muffled.
  • Often occurs at night and in the morning, interfering with normal sleep, causing painful sensations in the chest.

Treatment of dry cough is prescribed depending on the causes of its occurrence:

  • When the triggering factor is physiological in nature, the irritant is eliminated and medications that soften the throat mucosa are prescribed.
  • If the symptom arose as a consequence of a disease of the respiratory system, it is advisable to take drugs that do not suppress a dry cough, but promote its transformation into a productive wet one.
  • When the causes of the appearance are allergies, whooping cough, tumors, diseases of the central nervous system, cardiovascular or digestive systems– alleviate the patient’s condition by reducing the intensity of coughing efforts, suppressing them.

Obviously, it is advisable to resort to treatment only after the exact causes of the symptom have been established.

Features of a wet cough

The appearance and separation of mucus indicates that pathological processes are occurring in the organs of the respiratory system. Usually sputum is a symptom of the development of pneumonia (pneumonia), bronchitis, ARVI, influenza, laryngitis.

But at the same time, the transformation of an unproductive dry cough into a wet one, expectoration is the first sign that the recovery process has entered the final stage. After all, when mucus is evacuated from the elements of the respiratory system, pathogenic microorganisms are also removed.

All you need to do for a wet cough in adults and children is to take the appropriate medicines which intensify expectoration. They also normalize the characteristics (rheology, viscosity, fluidity, density) of the separated mucus.

The best remedies for dry cough

Depending on the clinical picture diseases and factors that provoked the onset of the symptom, the following types of drugs can be prescribed:

  1. Medicines that stimulate the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one, thin the mucus and activate the processes of its separation.
  2. Medicines that help to weaken or disappear the symptom (in cases where the cough should not and cannot be productive).

At home, it is almost impossible to determine which medications should be taken. Only a professional can help here differential diagnosis disease, which will allow the doctor to prescribe adequate treatment. However, it will not be superfluous to find out what remedies are usually used by doctors in a given situation.


This drug is used to reduce the severity of the symptom. This remedy has a complex effect, as it affects the cough center and at the same time gently promotes expectoration. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Omnitus is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The product is suitable for the treatment of children over 3 years of age (the drug is in liquid form) and adults. The medicine is characterized by good absorption, acts quickly, has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

This effective drug, intended for therapy chronic bronchitis and other diseases in which the patient is bothered by a painful dry cough. Despite the fact that the instructions for the product indicate that it is suitable for eliminating pneumonia, doctors do not recommend using this medicine during the period of sputum discharge.

The drug has an antitussive, antispasmodic effect, and also reduces swelling of the bronchial mucosa and increases their lumen. Available in syrup form and is suitable for treating children over 3 years of age and adults.

This drug has a complex effect on the body. It soothes coughs and relieves unpleasant painful sensations in the area of ​​the bronchi. At the same time, the medicine has a mucolytic and expectorant effect, promoting the evacuation of mucus.

The product is available in the form of tablets and drops and is often used to treat adult patients, children and infants weighing less than 7 kg.


This is a relatively inexpensive and effective drug, after using which the patient will cough much easier, but more productively. The product helps to liquefy and expectorate mucus, stops the process of inflammation, has an antispasmodic effect on the bronchial muscles, and improves the patency and function of the respiratory tract.

Sinekod is available in the form of tablets, drops, syrup and is often used for the treatment of adults, as well as children from 2 months.

This complex drug has a versatile effect, thanks to which a dry cough first transforms into a wet one, and then completely disappears. The product contains natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. And also expectorant, protective, soothing, softening and immunostimulating.

Herbion is available in the form of syrup, which makes it an optimal treatment for adults and children over 24 months. The drug has few contraindications (diabetes, fructose intolerance) and does not have any side effects on the patient's body.

Top best expectorants

If the cough is accompanied by mucus discharge, the doctor prescribes drugs that intensify this process. Some medications - mucolytics - have a positive effect on the quality of sputum without increasing its quantity. Other drugs - expectorants - help remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs. There are also combination drugs with complex action.

The list of over-the-counter medications that are used to improve sputum production is extensive. But there is a rating of the best, time-tested and experience-tested by thousands of patients.

This drug effectively affects sputum, improving its quality characteristics and stimulating its evacuation. Available in the form of syrup and solution for inhalation. This expectorant will help solve the problem of wet cough in adults and children over the age of 2 years.

Ambroxol, according to research results, is not only highly effective, but also well tolerated by the patient’s body. The likelihood of adverse reactions occurring is extremely low.


This drug is not only relatively cheap, but also has many forms of release - capsules, tablets, syrup, solution for oral administration and injection. This medicine has a mucolytic, secretomotor, expectorant effect. Some doctors believe that Ambrobene is the best effective cough remedy.

The drug can be used to treat patients of any age; it has a high safety profile and rarely causes side effects.

This is an effective and harmless remedy for local application in the treatment of wet cough in children under 6 months. The drug is not taken orally; the ointment is applied to the skin in the chest and back. After the first use of the medicine, you can expect expectorant, mucolytic, spastic, and anti-inflammatory effects.

The ointment is applied to the skin 2 times a day and its use should not be combined with taking medications that block the cough reflex - Stoptussin, Codelac, Sinekod.

This drug copes well not only with wet cough, but also with high fever, inflammatory process and pain. The medicine is distinguished by its natural composition, which does not contain alcohol, as well as its consistency, convenient for use in children, and its pleasant taste.

Doctor MOM is a drug that has wide range actions. It has a bronchodilator, antiseptic, analgesic, mucolytic and expectorant, anti-inflammatory and general healing effect. The use of the drug is appropriate when treating children over 3 years of age and adult patients.


This medicine has been familiar to many since childhood. The main advantages of the drug are low price, natural composition, accessibility, safety of use. The main active ingredient is marshmallow extract, and therefore Mucaltin copes well with wet coughs and promotes the evacuation of viscous secretions that make breathing difficult.

The therapeutic effect of using the drug does not occur immediately - after 1-2 days - a minor drawback of the drug. Restrictions on use - diseases digestive tract, diabetes, allergy to the main active ingredient.

When to see a doctor

You should go to see a doctor or call him at home immediately after a cough occurs. After all, only a physician can establish the nature and cause of this symptom, as well as prescribe medications that will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Before diagnosis, it is generally strictly contraindicated to take medications that suppress dry cough. For example, if a child (and even an adult) has pneumonia, and the mother gives him Broncholitin, the patient's condition will usually worsen.

But you can take expectorant medications on your own, but only if the patient is an adult and not a child, especially an infant or under 3 years of age. For example, it is impossible to treat children with medications in the form of a spray, since using the drug in this form can cause broncho- or laryngospasm in them.

If the patient nevertheless decides to undergo treatment on his own, he will still have to see a doctor in the following cases:

  1. The cough (dry or wet) does not go away for 7-14 days, the therapy did not have any effect.
  2. The patient has a stable and long-term elevated body temperature - 38°C or more. Moreover, even alternating paracetomol and ibuprofen does not help cope with hyperthermia. Or the fever subsides, but only for a short time. Heat in newborns and children under 3 years of age - this is a direct indication for urgent contact with the ambulance service.
  3. During a cough, green, yellow sputum, mucus containing blood, or having an unpleasant putrid odor is released.

Possible complications

If the cough is not treated or the therapy is carried out incorrectly, it may occur. severe consequences for the whole body:

Are common Insomnia, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, physical and intellectual activity, weight loss, damage to the vocal cords.
From the lungs Exacerbation of asthma, spontaneous pneumothorax(burst of bubbles lung tissue), hemoptysis.
Urogenital Involuntary urination, defecation, uterine prolapse (in women).
Neurological The appearance of syncope (fainting) with loss of consciousness, pain and disruption of brain function.
From the gastrointestinal tract Vomiting, hernia, gastroesophageal reflux.
Muscles and skeleton Stress fracture of the lower ribs, damage to the rectus abdominis muscles and diaphragm.
Cardiovascular Retinal hemorrhage.

Importance proper treatment wet cough is that it helps cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus, which is a breeding ground for life and reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it needs to be “treated,” that is, stimulated. Otherwise, fungi, bacteria or viruses will continue to harm the body.

It is also important not to ignore or suppress a dry cough until the exact causes of its occurrence are clarified. After all, by removing the symptoms, it is impossible to get rid of the disease; it will progress, acquiring a chronic or severe form.

Any type of cough warning sign that something is happening in the body pathological process. Sometimes coughing can appear for quite ordinary reasons - due to irritation of the throat mucosa by smoke, dust, or due to thermal effects. But in most cases, such a symptom occurs due to illness.

The patient cannot determine the pathology on his own at home, and he should not ignore his condition. The doctor, after conducting a diagnosis, will prescribe medications that will help suppress a dry cough or transform it into a wet one, as well as improve expectoration.

The quality of cheap cough remedies is not inferior to their more expensive analogues, if the composition of the drugs is the same active substance and their production technology is the same. Review of cheap, but effective means will help make the choice of drug in accordance with the nature of the ailment and the personal characteristics of the patient.

Find cheap replacement It is not difficult to use an expensive remedy, but before buying a medicine, you need to determine the type of illness. Drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • wet cough remedies;
  • dry cough remedies.

Before using the medicine, you should carefully read the instructions and the list of contraindications. For prolonged and severe dry or wet cough, which may be a symptom serious illnesses, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The presented expectorants and their analogues eliminate only the manifestations of the malaise, but not its cause.

Attention! Medicines for dry cough are contraindicated for wet coughs. The wrong choice of means can cause blockage of the lumens of the bronchi, which will create an obstacle to the removal of mucus.

Medicines for wet cough

A wet cough occurs when mucus accumulates in the lower and lower upper sections respiratory tract. An attack of such a cough ends with the release of sputum, and its duration is shorter than that of a dry cough. The following inexpensive but more effective expectorant medications will help combat the illness:

  1. Libexin: a drug that relieves expectoration. Blocks the cough reflex, but does not depress breathing. It comes in the form of tablets or syrup. Libexin should not be taken for diseases associated with increased bronchial secretion, after inhalation anesthesia and operations.
  2. Stoptussin. The medicine reduces the viscosity of mucus and removes bronchial secretion. Stoptussin is prohibited for patients with myasthenia gravis, during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Available in the form of tablets or drops.
  3. Linkas. Anti-inflammatory and expectorant drug local action. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components in its composition. The syrup is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age; lozenges are allowed to be taken at any age.

For those who want to quickly restore the health of the lungs and bronchi when quitting smoking, anti-smoking medications are suitable. wet cough.

What to take for a dry and persistent cough

This species is characterized by sudden, sharp and severe attacks, but not accompanied by sputum production. Often found in smokers or is one of the first signs of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. There are cheap but high-quality remedies against dry cough:

  1. Mukaltin. The medicine contains marshmallow root, which thins mucus and provides an expectorant effect. Mucaltin has a local anti-inflammatory effect and is available in the form of tablets, syrup and mixture. The drug is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and hypersensitivity to marshmallow root.
  2. Pertussin. The drug contains thyme extract, which reduces the viscosity of sputum and removes it from the body. Pertussin syrups and solutions are prohibited for use in patients with heart failure.
  3. Doctor Mom. Lozenges, syrup or tablets have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its pleasant taste, the medicine is well suited for children suffering from dry cough. Use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.
  4. Bromhexine. The product provides an expectorant effect and is used for bronchitis and pneumonia. Bromhexine tablets and syrup are prohibited during exacerbation peptic ulcer, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

If the use of these medications does not produce results within a week, you need to visit an otolaryngologist or therapist and find out why the treatment is failing.

Patient opinions about medications

Alexey, 42 years old.

In search of a cheap but high-quality expectorant, I discovered Stoptussin. The tablets help instantly: The best decision for quick and inexpensive relief from colds.

Oksana, 34 years old.

To treat dry cough, I always use the medicine “Doctor Mom” - it is effective, but inexpensive remedy, proven by more than one generation. The drug is suitable for both adults and children: my daughter appreciated the pleasant taste of the syrup.

Olesya, 19 years old.

I quit smoking, my bronchi are clogged, but the sputum does not come out. I bought Bromhexine, the pharmacist said - good medicine from dry cough. It helps, but slowly.