Mudras for working with emotions, Vishudha (throat chakra), creativity, flow state. Mudras of earth, water, fire, air, space

Akash mudra increases the element of ether (space) in the body. It communicates a feeling of peace, kindness, love. Improves hearing and performance thyroid gland. Your aura is filled with high vibrations of light, tenderness, and harmony.

Sage Nisargadatta said: “Unshakable faith is stronger than fate. If you believe in God, cooperate with Him. If you don’t believe, know the true Self. Either watch the world as a performance, or make it perfect with all your might. Or both at the same time.”

This mudra enhances positive thinking and destroys destructive programs in the subconscious. Promotes meditation, develops intuition, and is favorable for the development of extrasensory abilities.

This mudra helps detoxify the body, regulates cellular metabolism, and helps overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.


Connect the tips of the thumbs and middle fingers on both hands. The remaining fingers are straightened. Hands rest loosely on your knees, palms up.


Mantra “Hrim” is the bija of the heart, space and prana; it projects the power of the Sun. This mantra can be used to open, purify and strengthen any word. It fills you with health, vitality and enlightenment.

Mudra is an ancient Aryan term denoting the position of the fingers and body as a way of controlling the flow of internal energy - Living (Prana, Qi). This is a tool for a person to work with his body and the space around it. Mudra is a word with the same root word as “wisdom”. This is due to the fact that, despite their simplicity, finger locks have a huge impact on the body and the redistribution of energy around it. Therefore, in ancient times they were secret and were transmitted personally through the chain of discipleship from Teacher to student. This is exactly what they do in traditional schools to this day, but still, taking into account the fact that many mudras and descriptions of their actions have already been revealed to people by other authors, we will reveal some of the main mudras.

So, what do mudras give us? First of all, they activate one or another flow of energy Alive (I live earth, I live water, I live fire) in the body, promoting more quick deliverance from diseases and inharmonious energetic or bodily states. Mudras perfectly relieve stress, remove congestion in the body, relax tense areas, relieve pain, harmonize the whole body, treat specific organs and diseases, increase the overall tone and defenses of the body, and help to find calm and concentration.

Our fingers are internally connected with the functioning of our organs and the general energy structure. When they are folded at a certain angle and touch each other in different options, the force of energy flow into organs and systems changes, the direction of energy flow inside our body changes.

Mudra "Earth"

Execution technique. The ring finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use. Strengthens and harmonizes the influence of the earth element in the body. The earth element mainly consists of bones, skin, hair, and nails. Improves the psychophysical state of the body, increases strength and endurance, relieves the feeling of mental weakness and stress. Helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, diseases of the skin, teeth, hair. Helps overcome greed, apathy, despondency and gross sensuality. Improves an objective assessment of one’s own personality, increases self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

Mudra "Water"

Execution technique. The little finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use. Strengthens the water element in the body. It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, injuries, metabolic disorders, hypertension, diabetes. Favorable for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, bloating, distributes moisture, etc. Used for dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Helps sublimation of sexual energy. Helps control feelings and harmonize desires, overcome anger, envy and irritability.

Mudra of Fire

Execution technique. The middle and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use. Increases the fire element in the body. Warms the body and clears the belly. Relieves drowsiness, hypochondria, depression, cures nasopharyngeal diseases, colds. Improves vision, helps harmonize digestion, strengthen immune system, memory improvement. It cleanses and rejuvenates all body tissues and prevents the formation of tumors, helps normalize lipid metabolism, and increases sexual activity; protects against the destructive effects of toxins and premature aging.

Mudra "Air"

Execution technique. The index finger and thumb are easily connected by pads; the remaining fingers are straightened (not tense). Combine with belly breathing.

Practical use. Increases the air element in the body. Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, insomnia, excessive drowsiness, high blood pressure. Improves the functioning of the body's most important systems: immunity, central nervous system, liver. This mudra gives strength and revives us again. Helps overcome laziness, inertia, and depression. Strengthens motivation and gives strength to intention.

Mudra "Space"

Performance technique. All fingers are gathered into a bun. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use. Increases the element of space in the body. Strengthens positive thinking, removes destructive programs in the subconscious. Promotes the emergence of harmonious meditative states, develops intuition, is favorable for development psychic abilities. Removes toxins from the body, regulates cellular metabolism, helps overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.

Mudras that open (activate) chakras.

Opening the chakras and activating them is one of the goals of yoga, which serves to awaken higher consciousness in a person so that he no longer blindly follows his ego(ism). The development of higher consciousness goes hand in hand with an increased perception of spiritual values, a sense of beauty, where at the end of the path we are expected to experience comprehensive joy and liberation from the bonds of suffering.

Below are the Mudras for activating (opening) the seven main chakras and auxiliary chakras located on the palms.

From the spirit, which embodies the five primary qualities, the physical body develops. The physical body itself is equipped with these qualities, and on the basis of such a connection between the spirit and the body, we perceive the external world, which, in turn, consists of five primary qualities, the elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space (ether). Each chakra serves a specific psychic purpose and also performs a specific task for the body. The five lowest chakras are associated with the five elements, and 5 fingers are also subordinate to them.

1. Nameless – root chakra, earth.

2. Little finger – sacral chakra, water.

3. Large – solar plexus chakra, fire.

4. Index – heart chakra, air.

5. Middle – throat chakra, ether (sky).

Mudras that stimulate the energies of the original elements also stimulate (activate) the corresponding chakras.

The 6th and 7th chakras are not associated with the fingers, but there are mudras for their activation.

Pran-Mudra (Prana Mudra), Mudra of life No. 6

The mudra equalizes energy levels throughout the body and increases its vitality; the implementation of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Lam”.

Prithivi-Mudra (Prithvi-Mudra) No. 13

Mudra of the earth, the performance of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Lam”.

Ushas-Mudra (Ushas-mudra) No. 2

The mudra concentrates the sexual energy of the second chakra and directs it to the energy centers located above; the implementation of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “You”.

Bhudi-Mudra (Bhudi-Mudra) No. 15

Mudra of water or liquid, the performance of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “You”.

56. Surya-Mudra (Surya-Mudra)

Mudra of fire. Reduces weight, reduces belly fat deposits. Helps with diabetes and liver diseases.


Both hands. The ring finger is pressed against the first phalanx of the thumb. The remaining fingers are straightened. Hands rest loosely on your knees, palms up.

Perform for 10-20 minutes.


Normal, smooth.


Imagine sunlight, golden color, attention to the solar plexus.


It's safe to be where I am.

I create my own security.

I love and approve of myself.

The performance of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Ram”.

Rudra-Mudra (Rudra-Mudra) No. 21

Mudra is the ruler of the solar plexus chakra; the execution of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Ram”.

Ganesha-Mudra (Ganesha-mudra) No. 1

The mudra stimulates the work of the heart, eliminates any distortions in this area; the implementation of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Yam”.

Vayu-Mudra (Vayu-Mudra) No. 11

Mudra of air or wind, the performance of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Yam”.

57. Akasha-Mudra (Akasha-Mudra)

Mudra of ether or sky. Improves hearing and thyroid function .


Both hands. The tips of the thumb and middle fingers are connected. The remaining fingers are straightened. Hands rest loosely on your knees, palms up.

Perform for 10-20 minutes.


Normal, smooth.


Visualize the color blue, focusing on the throat chakra.


I have reliable protection inside and out.

The performance of this Mudra can be accompanied by the mantra “Ham”.


58. Third eye mudra

Opens and activates the frontal chakra (Ajna chakra).

This Mudra stimulates the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.


Sit up straight.

Jnana Mudras: thumb and little finger are connected in a ring. The other fingers are extended.

Focus on the area between the eyebrows. Direct your inner gaze there, turning your eyes behind your closed eyelids. eyeballs as if you are looking from the inside. The eyes should be relaxed.

Repeat the mantra "Om".

Stay in this state of concentration and silence for ten to twenty minutes.

Hakini-Mudra (Hakini-Mudra) No. 27

Hakini (Shakti) is the six-faced and six-armed goddess of the ajna chakra (third eye, frontal, sixth chakras). She represents the five principles centered in the lower chakras and the gifts of the ajna chakra.


Technique for activating the frontal chakra (opening the third eye).

It's amazingly simple and effective exercise, it became known about it from one person who tried it on own experience. After a month of training, my friend began to feel an irresistible ecstasy in the brain, and also began to notice strange things... Technique of execution: this exercise must be done in the evening, when it gets dark, every day, for a month. Take an ordinary candle and place it in front of you at arm's length. Light a candle, look closely at the flame at the very center of the candle. Don't blink or shift your gaze. If your eyes are tired, squint slightly, moisten your eyes with your own tears, but do not blink. Then widen your eyes again. Perform this exercise for 1 minute at the beginning, increase the time by 1 minute every day. So in 30 days you will reach 30 minutes of close contemplation. When the time for contemplation is over, close your eyes and contemplate the imprint of the flame on the retina of your eye. Contemplate it until it disappears, it will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. When contemplating the print, try to roll your eyes and drag it to the area between the eyebrows. Hold it there, but without straining your eyes. This may be difficult at first, but with practice the difficulties will disappear. When the imprint disappears, open your eyes, repeat this for 30 days. Effect: this exercise improves vision and the functioning of the pituitary gland, a special organ of the brain responsible for concentration and paranormal perception. Activation of the pineal gland leads to the release of the youth hormone melatonin, as a result of which a person gains the ability to maintain his youth for many years. Intuition and the ability to clairvoyance develop.


59. Mudra of light

Opens and activates the parietal chakra (Sahasrara chakra).


Sit up straight.

Hands are on your knees, palms facing up.

Hold both hands in the Jnana Mudra position: the thumb and little finger are connected in a ring. The other fingers are extended. Focus on the area (just) above (the crown) of your head.

Imagine the light that pours from there into every cell of your body and, bringing healing, illuminates and penetrates the darkest corners of your body.

Stay in this state of concentration and silence for ten to twenty minutes.

60. Mudra that opens and stimulates the chakras of the hands

Technique for activating the manual chakras (the ability to independently obtain and master the Reiki technique).

This Mudra develops the ability to perceive the energy centers of the hands and activates the hand chakras. With this exercise you can open the channels for using the Reiki technique without initiation.


Sit up straight.

Keep your hands inside facing each other, at a distance of approximately the width of the palm.

Close your eyes.

Feel each finger;

Feel your palms.

Feel the energy that radiates from both hands.

Feel the energy field - the aura that envelops your hand and fingers.

Feel the contours of your hands. Do you perceive boundaries as firm or fluid?

Feel how the energy fields of both hands seem to expand.

Feel how the energy fields of both hands merge.

Feel how this energy radiates warmth.

Move your hands away a little.

Feel how the energy field changes, which then begins to expand again, how the energy fields again touch and merge with each other.

Bring your palms millimeter by millimeter closer to each other. After each movement, stop and pay close attention to what is happening.

Feel how the energy field changes.

Observe if its intensity and density increase? Does the temperature remain the same?

Observe with your eyelids closed: can you perceive the colors and their changes? Can you say something about the consistency of energy?

Force the energy fields of both hands to merge together with the power of thought. Send the energy of the right hand to the left hand, and the energy of the left hand to the right hand.

Feel how the energies on both sides penetrate each other.

Observe how you feel when both hands touch? Does this increase or decrease energy metabolism? Is it warm?

You can continue this exercise, for example, by communicating with the plant through your hands: make your hands sensitive, as described above. Feel your heart. Then place your open palms on the energy field of the flower, placing them at a short distance from it. Send him your loving energy. Make contact with it: send energy to the flower and receive it from it.

Polarity Ha - Tha.

If you find out which energy you need to strengthen, you can use the following Mudras No. 61 and No. 62.

In India, it became known very early that the entire universe is woven from opposites. Yogis use this knowledge in Hatha Yoga when they want to balance Sami (opposites), otherwise polarities, through yogic exercises.

Tha corresponds to the concept of Yin in Ancient China and denotes those types of energy that are associated with the feminine principle. Ha denotes the energy that falls under masculinity and corresponds to the Chinese concept of Yang. However, this does not mean at all that Ha energy should predominate in a male body, and Tha energy should predominate in a female body. As a person develops spiritually, his body gains greater energy balance. It is for this reason that enlightened beings who appear on Earth in the form of avatars often have an androgynous, that is, bisexual, appearance.

In the pantheon of Indian gods, Shiva is depicted as half male and half female. In the list below you will find a list of parts of the human body and those properties that correspond to either the Ha energy or the Tha energy.


Right side

Right hand

Front end



Reasonability, mind













Left-hand side

Left hand

Rear end body















When one side dominates in the body, it means that the person is in an unbalanced state. If, for example, he succumbs to rationality, then the action of Ha will prevail in him, which can be expressed in callousness and rudeness. Stress is a typical manifestation of such imbalance, which also manifests itself at the bodily level. We find a correspondence for such an imbalance at the social level: the predominance and overestimation of the rational, “male” side leads to the fact that the “female” land is almost on the verge of destruction.

If, on the contrary, the action of Tha predominates, then it may happen that a person turns out to be too passive or allows himself to be taken over by emotions, without being able to internally distance himself from them.

Mudras are exercises for the fingers, which are endowed with enormous energy. Mudras are a kind of yoga for the hands. By performing these simple actions, you can control your body and consciousness: increase and decrease arterial pressure, influence the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, brain. Psychologically, by performing mudras, you can develop self-confidence, femininity or masculinity, and achieve peace of mind. Some mudras are familiar to everyone, for example, the mudra of knowledge. Other mudras are not so popular, but no less effective. The “Life Saving” mudra can become a salvation when heart attack until I arrived ambulance.

Mudra of fire, air, earth, water

In the Indian understanding of the world, everything that surrounds us is influenced by powerful energies. The energies of the four elements are clear and familiar: fire, earth, water and air. To maintain and strengthen each of the elements in the body, the corresponding mudras are added.

Fire mudra has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, fights depression and apathy, increases immunity and improves vision. All these processes are subject to the energy of fire. You need to fold the mudra by connecting the thumbs and middle fingers on each hand.

You need to fold the mudra by connecting the thumbs and middle fingers on each hand.

Earth is an element responsible for the condition of skin, hair, nails, bone tissue, increases endurance and makes a person stronger physically and mentally. The execution of the mudra is simple: the thumbs and ring fingers are connected.

The execution of the mudra is simple: the thumbs and ring fingers are connected.

Air is responsible for respiratory system in the body, helps improve sleep, and also fight laziness.

The mudra of the air element is formed with the index finger and thumb.

Varuna mudra (water mudra) regulates everything in the body related to water. It helps with the functioning of the kidneys, stomach, fights dehydration and affects blood composition. It is useful for women to fold this mudra to keep the skin fresh and moisturized and fight wrinkles. In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect your thumbs with your little fingers.

In order to perform this exercise, you need to connect your thumbs with your little fingers.

Mudra for headaches

The headache can be so unbearable that traditional medicine becomes powerless. Then healing mudras for fingers come to the rescue. By changing the energy balance in your body, you can get rid of headaches. The “Window of Wisdom” mudra helps spasm of blood vessels in the head and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. The spasm is relieved, therefore the pain recedes. To fold this mudra you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Press the ring finger of your left hand with your thumb into your palm;
  2. Spread the rest of your fingers wide;
  3. Repeat the steps for the right hand.

Mudra "Window of Wisdom"

Another mudra that helps with migraines is the Chandman Bowl. It works best if performed in a room scented essential oil bergamot. The folding algorithm is as follows:

  1. Keep both hands in the solar plexus area;
  2. Close the index, middle, ring and little fingers of each hand tightly;
  3. Place one palm on top of the other, forming a bowl;
  4. Straighten your thumbs and put them to the sides.

Healing mudras should be folded easily, without pressure.

Mudra "Chandman's Bowl"

Mudras for heart disease

Diseases of cardio-vascular system very common not only among older people, but also among young people. Heart disease is one of the most common reasons of death. If you have a heart attack, you don't have a minute to lose. While the ambulance is traveling, you need to try to provide first aid to the patient. The heart health mudra can help with this.

Mudra "Saving Life"

It is not for nothing that the “Life Saving” mudra received such a name. Doing this during a heart attack can save your life. The blood vessels of the heart dilate, the heart beats smoother and more rhythmically. Mudra technique:

  1. Bend your index finger and press it to your palm;
  2. Connect the pads of the thumb, middle and index fingers;
  3. Leave your little fingers straight.

Mudras are performed on both hands.

Mudra of God Ganesha

Ganesha – indian god in the form of an elephant. The mudra of god Ganesha has therapeutic effect for heart diseases.

  1. Left hand with palm facing out, right hand facing in;
  2. Clasp your fingers;
  3. Gently pull to the sides.

The main thing when performing Ganesha mudra is not to make sudden movements.

For arrhythmia, hypertension and angina, a mudra called “Temple of the Dragon” will help. Dragon - according to Indian mythology - magical, magical creature, a combination of all elements. The hands in this mudra form a temple, each finger symbolizes a part of the dragon’s body: the thumbs are the head, the little fingers are the tail of the dragon, the body of the dragon is the middle fingers.

Execution of mudra:

  1. Bend your ring fingers and connect them;
  2. Connect the remaining fingers straight.

Mudra "Temple of the Dragon"

The mudra is performed with two hands and requires concentration on healing from toothache and attentiveness. It is better to perform the exercise while lying down, holding your hands at the level of your solar plexus.

Fingers fold like this:

  1. The tips of the fingers, the thumb of the left hand and the middle one of the right hand, are connected;
  2. The index finger of the left hand is placed between the middle and index fingers of the right;
  3. Cross the middle and ring fingers of both hands together;
  4. Connect the thumb of your right hand with the ring finger of your left;
  5. Place the little finger of your left hand under the little finger of your right.

Healing mudras for high blood pressure

Indications for performing blood pressure mudra: increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, heart disease. With this exercise, improve emotional condition, cope with irritability, apathy and fatigue. It is enough to fold the thumbs and index fingers of each hand and straighten the remaining fingers.

Mudra for high blood pressure

Another mudra for pressure is performed like this:

  1. Cross your middle and ring fingers;
  2. Cross your little fingers so that the right one is on top;
  3. Bend your right thumb;
  4. Place the index finger of your left hand on the bent finger of your right;
  5. Straighten the index finger of your right hand upward;
  6. Straighten your left thumb to the side.

The vajra arrow mudra represents the fight against disease, defeating the source of the disease, like an arrow. Yoga for fingers for hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system recommends this exercise:

  1. Connect your thumbs along the entire length of the side surfaces;
  2. Connect the tips of your index fingers;
  3. Cross the remaining fingers together.

Shakti - mudra for women's well-being

Shakti - mudra

Shakti is a revered goddess, the beloved wife of Shiva. Shakti is the personification of mother nature, the universe, and all life on Earth. Shakti - mudra fills with the energy of the feminine principle.

Indications for folding this mudra are insomnia and emotional agitation.

  1. Connect the tips of the ring fingers;
  2. Connect the tips of the little fingers;
  3. Place the bent thumbs inside the palms;
  4. Curl your free fingers around your thumbs.

To perform shakti-mudra you need to lie down in a comfortable position. Shakti requires even breathing. Yoga for fingers does not tolerate fuss and distracted thoughts. Folding mudra for insomnia is the best healing assistant in the fight for restful sleep.

Sense organs

For hearing disorders, ether mudra (Akasha mudra) often helps. Yoga for fingers is good for hearing loss, inflammation, and ear pain. The mudra of heaven (ether) is performed as follows:

  1. Connect the fingertips of the middle and thumb of your left hand;
  2. Repeat for the right hand;
  3. Straighten the remaining fingers.

Akasha - mudra is indispensable for older people suffering from hearing loss.

The use of healing mudras for eye health is common not only in India, but also everywhere where yoga is practiced. Increase visual acuity, relieve eye fatigue, increase endurance and improve general state The mudra of life will help your health. To fold this position, you need to connect the pads of the little fingers, ring and thumbs on each hand.

Emotional stress

Shakya - Muni hat

Unusual healing mudras for emotional and psychological health help to relax and relieve tension. A mudra called “Shakya-Muni Hat” helps with depression. The significance of the Shakya-Muni mudra is difficult to overestimate. Technique for performing the Shakya-Muni Cap:

  1. Connect the pads of the middle fingers and little fingers;
  2. Connect the bent phalanges of the ring and index fingers;
  3. The thumbs are straightened and connected by the lateral surfaces.

In addition to the mudra, the Shakya Muni Cap is widely used mudra of fearlessness. This is the position of the fingers Helps develop self-confidence and resist negative influence and overcome fear. The mudra of fearlessness is performed not with the fingers, but with the palms:

  1. The right palm is at chest level, facing forward;
  2. The left palm is horizontal at the level of the solar plexus.

Heavenly Temple Staircase

Sometimes depression and depression arise as a result of the fact that a person does not see a way out of the situation, it seems as if he is stuck at one level. This is where the magical Staircase of the Heavenly Temple comes to the rescue. This mudra helps to move to new level, find a way out of the situation, develop.

  1. Cross the fingers of both hands so that the fingers of the right hand are at the bottom and imitate a staircase;
  2. Straighten your little fingers;
  3. Place your hands at the level of the solar plexus.

Apana mudra helps to achieve harmony and mental well-being. Apana energy helps with temperature, inflammation, fever, removes toxins and waste. To perform the Apana mudra, you need to sit in the lotus position, relax and visualize the glow around your body. Technique for performing Apana mudra:

  1. Connect the ring, thumb and middle fingers together;
  2. Straighten your index fingers and little fingers.

For injuries

Shambhala Shield

When a person is physically injured, proper recovery he needs a “shield”, protection from external factors. The same goes for psychological trauma. . Shield, refuge, protection from negative energy - all this means mudra, which is called the “Shield of Shambhala”. The Shambhala shield represents security and peace. Such a shield will help you recover from injuries and fractures or stress. The Shambhala Shield is performed as follows:

  1. Clench your hand into a fist (for women - the right, for men - the left);
  2. Align the second palm at the level of the solar plexus;
  3. Press your fist into your palm, which represents the shield.

The healing properties of mudras have been tested for centuries; if performed correctly, you can heal serious psychological and physical ailments without drugs.

I have already talked about the primary elements from which all living things are created. The following mudras will allow you to find balance within yourself, which creates the foundation for strengthening your health. These mudras can be performed as a small complex in a weakened state or individually, depending on certain negative sensations.

First of all, let me remind you about the essence of the primary elements, with the exception of ether, which contains the features of all four.

Air (in Sanskrit “vayu” - from “va”, which means “to move”) - wind, blow. This element symbolizes mobility, deployment. It, of course, cannot be identified with natural winds that bring us heat or cold. We can feel this air, but not hear or see it, which is quite understandable even when we are hiding from frost or heat.

Fire is an element given to us in two manifestations: light and heat. We really see it. There is no light - you cannot see the outlines of objects and people. Color is also associated with light. Whoever taught in physics lessons: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” (the colors of the spectrum, together making up light). We may recall how we observe with interest the color differences in the parts of a flame.

The next element is water. It has its own characteristics, the main ones being density, heaviness, and cold. (Heat is considered to be a property of fire.) Saliva is also water, so taste is associated with it.

Earth, unlike water, which has fluidity, is the densest and heaviest of the elements. The smell is considered to belong to solid particles - when separated from bodies, they are captured by the olfactory organ.

There are many mudras that allow you to restore the harmony of all elements and thereby the unity of human existence itself.

Mudra of Heaven

Since the sky occupies a superior position in relation to the earth, in humans this mudra is associated with its upper “component” - the head. It affects the subtle element – ​​ether. Accordingly, the mudra of Heaven regulates a person’s internal hearing, and is also intended for those suffering from ear diseases or those who are hard of hearing.

Execution method. The middle finger is bent so that its pad touches the base of the thumb. The big one presses the bent middle one. The other fingers remain straight, without tension.

Wind Mudra

It affects the second of the elements listed above - air, which also determines the degree of adequate response of the nerve endings of the body. Violation of the proportion of this element complicates a person’s mobility and makes sensations painfully acute. Wind mudra is also used for rheumatism, twitching of the neck and head. They alternate it with wise Life.

Execution method. You need to reach the base of your thumb with the pad of your index finger. Use your index finger to lightly hold it with your thumb. The other fingers remain straight and relaxed.

Mudra of Fire

Allows you to restore spiritual clarity, and accordingly, the ability to see and visually perceive objects. In Buddhism, the light of fire is a symbol of wisdom. This is a mystical unity with God, a transformation of nature. Also, in different traditions, the test of a person’s virtue is associated with fire.

Execution method. The index finger and thumb need to be connected in such a way that a ring is formed. Keep your other fingers extended.

Mudra of Water

Life on Earth is impossible without water. Water forms the basis of the human body. Therefore, it is quite understandable that this mudra is associated with blood and mucus. An excess of the latter leads to diseases of those organs where it accumulates. Mucus may appear as excess contents in the stomach, liver, intestinal tract. It accumulates when pulmonary diseases when sputum forms. According to all Eastern ideas, excess fluid leads to an energy blockade of the body.

Execution method. With the little finger of the right hand we touch the base of the thumb, with which the little finger is lightly pressed. The left hand clasps the right one from below. The thumb of the left hand is located on the thumb of the right.

Mudra of the Earth

The earth, as the primary element from which our body is built, determines the type of personality and a person’s susceptibility to certain diseases. Bones, muscles, and olfactory organs are formed from the earth element. Correlating with it is the strength of the spirit, its ability to maintain integrity. This mudra is aimed at strengthening the normal psychophysical state, counteracting mental weakness and stress. In addition, it also has a pronounced protective effect - protection from external energy influences.

Execution method. The thumb and ring fingers touch with their pads (light pressure is applied). The remaining fingers are straightened. Performed in parallel with both hands.

Along with the listed mudras, which regulate the balance of the elements in a person, restoring the harmonious balance of the parties, we can name several more that also directly relate to the most important energy exchanges in the body.

Mudra of Energy

It helps get rid of harmful substances, which block the paths of energy movement in human body, thus breaking the polarity energy metabolism, a person loses the very source of strength. Therefore, this mudra provides an analgesic effect, helps get rid of toxins and toxic compounds, and at the same time affects the improvement of the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Execution method. Connect the pads of the middle, ring and thumb fingers. The other fingers remain free and straight.

Mudra of Life

It allows you to balance the energy field and accumulate potential for the functioning of the whole organism. As the name suggests, the mudra of Life strengthens the general condition, filling it with life-giving forces. This has the best effect on performance, endurance, and helps to avoid overwork, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Execution method. Connect the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb, all other fingers are straightened. It is done in parallel with both hands.

Mudra of Intuition

It concerns thought processes and mental organization. The mind should be kept clear and under control, but with the help of intuition, the vastness of other worlds opens up before a person. Therefore, intuition seems to stand above the listed five elements, drawing us towards the center of the universe, the focus. The mudra is aimed at improving inner vision and insight.

Execution method. The little finger and thumb are connected into a ring. The other fingers remain extended.

Mudra of Strength and Protection

She gives a person great strength, because it establishes communication channels with the solar and lunar spheres. In addition, it balances masculine and feminine, gives a sense of integrity.

Execution method. The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. They are in a crossed position in front of the chest, turned outward. The thumb is inside the fist, it is protected from external influences.

Mudra that gives self-control

Mudra increases the ability to maintain endurance and presence of mind, thanks to which in stressful situation you will be able to control yourself and protect yourself from mistakes.

Execution method. Let's straighten our arms to the sides and bend our elbows at a right angle. The hands are at ear level, palms facing forward. Let's press the fingers, with the exception of the thumbs, to the palms; extend our thumbs and point them at the temples (Fig. 35). Breathing is short and fast.

Mudra for success

The mudra removes blockages of mental and emotional energy that have arisen in the past and are now standing in your way.

Execution method. We connect the index fingers of both hands so that the thumbs are hidden under the palms, which are facing down. Let's press our index fingers tightly together for a second. Then we turn our palms up - now our little fingers are connected. And again turn the hands palms down so that the index fingers are connected (Fig. 36). At the moment of changing the position of the hands, each time we pronounce the mantra HAR. Breathing is fast and short.

Mudra that increases efficiency

This mudra affects all energy channels in the human body, balances the nervous and endocrine systems and promises you utmost concentration in any situation.

Execution method. We bend our arms at the elbows and raise them to chest level, placing them about two centimeters from the body, with the inside of the palms facing the chest. Right hand is located on top of the left one. The fingers of both hands are extended, the tips of the thumbs are pressed against each other, the forearms are parallel to the floor (Fig. 37). Breathing: slow and deep breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds.

Mudra for overcoming fatigue

This mudra will help restore your strength, heal you, invigorate you and increase your intuition.

Execution method. We bend our fingers into fists, with the exception of the index fingers - they are extended. The right fist is facing down, the left is facing up. We place the right index finger on the left index finger and connect them in the middle of the second phalanx so that the meridians passing here touch (Fig. 38). Breathing – slow, deep inhalation through the nose and slow, tense exhalation through a closed mouth. We direct the stream of exhaled air to the tips of the index fingers.

Mudra that promotes renewal of strength

This mudra helps to accumulate energy in the body, necessary to renew physical and mental strength, and allows you to cope with everyday professional stress and various household chores.

Execution method. We stretch our arms straight in front of us. Right hand we clench it into a fist and clasp it with the palm of our left hand so that the bases of both palms touch, and the thumbs are closely pressed to each other and extended upward (Fig. 39). Breathing is uniform, slow and deep.

Mudra for gaining a strong character

This mudra will change the metabolic mechanism inherent in your brain, help strengthen your will, make you a spiritually rich and strong person, capable of attracting equally strong people.

Execution method. We raise our hands to the level of our heads, clench our fingers into fists. Straighten the thumbs of both hands and extend both index fingers upward. Left hand is located at the level of the chin, the right one is slightly above the face. The folded palms are facing each other (Fig. 40). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that promotes maximum concentration

This mudra will help you calm down and focus. Thanks to it, you will be able to master the flow of thoughts and direct them in the right direction.

Execution method. We put the thumbs and index fingers of both hands into a ring; We point the remaining fingers up and extend them. We connect our hands above the navel so that the extended fingers of both hands touch each other back side(Fig. 41). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that develops mental acuity

This mudra affects the central areas of the brain and stimulates thought processes. Thanks to her, you will be able to make the right decision in the most difficult situations in life.

Execution method. Left palm lift and open, move the elbow to the side. With the index and middle fingers of the right hand, slowly, with pressure, we walk along the center of the left palm, and then to the very tips of the middle finger and little finger. The fingers of the left hand move back under pressure. The movement is performed several times up and down (Fig. 42). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for overcoming trials

This mudra will help in difficult life situations do not give in to pessimism, resist negative energy and attract positivity. Thanks to her, you will learn self-control.

Execution method. We clench both hands into fists and point our thumbs out. Then we begin to raise and lower our arms from the sides, describing large circles (Fig. 43). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for gaining self-confidence

This mudra increases the body's ability to generate positive energy, and also prevents thoughts and actions with which a person can harm himself.

Execution method. We place our hands just below the heart, spreading our elbows to the sides. We connect the bent middle, ring and little fingers of both hands with the second phalanges. The index fingers are extended forward and the pads touch. We extend our thumbs towards the chest and also connect them with pads. The thumbs touch the body in the solar plexus (Fig. 44). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that helps relieve psychological stress

This mudra helps relieve excessive mental load, maintain balance and strengthen nerves.

Execution method. We bend our arms at the elbows and fold them under the chest, just above the navel. Palms facing up, the back of the left palm rests on the right palm. The fingers are extended and closed (Fig. 45). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudras for speech development and discussion

Dispute and Persuasion

Execution method. The middle and thumb of the right hand touch, the index finger should be kept straight up, the ring and little fingers should be bent. This is how we gain support for what we think. This is especially important when you are setting yourself up to make an argument.


Execution method. The tips of the thumb and index finger barely touch, forming a circle. The remaining fingers are extended upward. Such a gesture calls for patience and attention (Fig. 46).

"Wheel of Law"

Execution method. The man is sitting. The index and thumb of the right hand are bent into a ring. At the same time, they come into contact with the middle finger of the left. Hands near the chest, the left covers the right. The law protects our thoughts from evil, and attunes us to what is reasonable and bright.

Execution method. The hands should be placed one on top of the other, palms up, and placed on crossed feet. These are gestures of comprehension. They are commonly found in meditation practice. If you complete this exercise, you will feel new horizons that you were previously afraid to approach.

The sage Zhuang Tzu said: “To know how to find the unknown is perfection. Who knows the inexplicable Path? He, if anyone can know, is the Heavenly Storehouse. Add to it - it won't overflow. Scoop it up – it won’t get smaller. This is the hidden light."


Also called the Hermit's mudra. The hand is pointing down, away from the body. This symbolizes the renunciation of worldly pleasures, the ascetic path (Fig. 47).

This is a gesture of calm and fortitude. It is important to learn this by finding the foundations in your own soul, and to show your firmness to others.


Execution method. The arm is extended horizontally (maybe vertical position). The palm turns forward. The thumb presses the middle and ring fingers, being located on the latter. The index and little fingers are extended along the arm (Fig. 48).

This is a gesture of disgust from the negative, calling on love as the basis of life. It is important to reproduce it if you want to “catch” the positive energy that would lead you to harmony in your relationships with other people.

"Worship and Prayer"

Execution method. Two hands are placed opposite the chest, palm to palm, in a position of prayer. This gesture, as in the case of veneration, is understandable to everyone.


Execution method. The hand is extended, as if a man is carrying a banner.


Execution method. The index finger is pointed at the intended object above (Fig. 49).

"Respect and Honor"

The arm (from hand to shoulder) is at shoulder level, palm facing the chest, fingers slightly curved, tips slightly turned towards the shoulders.


Execution method. All fingers are intertwined, palms are connected, the tips of the thumbs and forefingers are extended upward together.

Two outstretched fingers resemble the world axis, which holds together the entire universe.


Execution method. The ends of the thumb and index fingers are connected into a ring, the rest remain open. Palms facing up.

In this mudra, palms facing upward are important. This is a sign that all the channels of your body are open to knowledge. This mudra sets us up for better comprehension of the most complex meaning and its assimilation.


Execution method. Big and index fingers They touch as if a grain is sandwiched between the pads. The rest are free. The palm is turned downwards. This is a symbol of spiritual comprehension, holding the grain of truth.

Mudra that awakens tenderness

This mudra regulates the electromagnetic field of the brain, due to which peace and tenderness descend upon you.

Execution method. Let's clench our fists and bring them with the outer edge of our closed palm to our temples. Lightly press your fists to your temples and straighten your fingers. Let's close our eyes. Then again clench our palms into fists and press them outside to the temples (Fig. 50). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for achieving a feeling of contentment

This mudra will balance your energy, relieve the feeling of annoyance that arises from various failures, and bring peace.

Execution method. We connect the tips of the thumb and middle fingers on the right hand, as well as the tips of the thumb and little finger on the left, into a ring. The remaining fingers are relaxed. The hands are located at a distance of several centimeters from one another at the level of the navel (Fig. 51). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for finding love

This mudra activates the passage of energy, which awakens the feeling of love.

Execution method. Bend the middle and ring fingers of both hands and press them to the palms. Raise the little fingers, thumbs and index fingers up (Fig. 52). Breathing: inhale slowly and exhale quickly.

Mudra for finding happiness

This mudra has a powerful effect on the state of mind and gives a feeling of happiness.

Execution method. Bend the ring and little fingers on both hands and press them gently but firmly thumbs to the palms. Extend the index and middle fingers upward. Breathing is uniform, slow and deep.

Mudra for maintaining sexual energy

This mudra keeps sexual energy in balance and helps control it by cleansing and restoring the glands responsible for the human genitals.

Execution method. Place your palms and interlace your fingers. The left little finger is at the bottom. We clasp our hands tightly (Fig. 53). By placing the right thumb on top of the left, we increase our sexuality. By placing the left thumb on top of the right, we are filled with sensuality and tenderness. Breathing - vigorously inhale and exhale through the nose.

Mudra for overcoming anger and preventing headaches

This mudra will help you conquer yourself negative emotions, channel the energy of anger into a constructive direction and find peace of mind. It is also effective in preventing and relieving headaches.

Execution method. We raise our hands to our foreheads. We clench our forward-facing palms into fists and extend the thumbs of both hands towards each other. We press our thumbs on the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose and focus our gaze on the tip of the nose (Fig. 54). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that promotes longevity

This mudra affects the nerve of life running along the spine and contributes to the emergence of a new physical biorhythm, characteristic of centenarians.

Execution method. We stretch our arms straight in front of us without bending our elbows. We fold our palms into a ladle, as if we are catching a stream of water in them. Breathing is short and fast.

Mudra that promotes peace

This mudra will help you control your emotions and enter a state of complete peace of mind.

Execution method. We raise left hand up, at ear level, palm facing forward. We connect the thumb and middle fingers into a ring, the rest are extended. We bend our right arm at the elbow and place it at the level of the solar plexus; the thumb and little finger touch at the tips, the remaining fingers are extended, the palm is facing upward (Fig. 55). Breathing - inhale to the count of “one, two, three, four” and quickly exhale vigorously.

All of the above gestures have their own special meaning. It only appears when the fingers interact.

I have already said above what each finger of the hand means. In India I was told about another meaning. The thumb is consciousness and infinity. Every time one or another mudra is selected, the thumb points you towards infinity. It’s as if you find yourself returned to your original state, when nothing disturbed the harmony. The index finger is a sign of creation, the creation of man and physical body. It means that the energy of the Creator is manifested and realized in a specific person. When you join your thumb and index finger into a ring, you bridge the gap between everything and your Self. The middle finger means the separation of the personal “I”, the emergence of a feeling of separation and separateness. Nameless - alienation, as well as the world of illusions. Finally, the little finger is the sum of all deeds, both good and bad. The secret of my fingers was revealed to me in Tibet. Looking at the Buddhist monk who was telling me about them, I thought that he probably knew where the path to the light lay, especially after the Dalai Lama passed by...

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