Emergency first aid. Providing first aid in emergency conditions. Heart attack - coronary heart disease

The most important thing before the doctors arrive is to stop the influence of factors that worsen the well-being of the injured person. This step involves eliminating life-threatening processes, for example: stopping bleeding, overcoming asphyxia.

Determine the actual status of the patient and the nature of the disease. The following aspects will help with this:

  • what are the meanings blood pressure.
  • are bleeding wounds visible?
  • the patient has a reaction of the pupils to light;
  • has it changed heartbeat;
  • respiratory functions are preserved or not;
  • how adequately a person perceives what is happening;
  • whether the victim is conscious or not;
  • if necessary - provision respiratory functions by accessing fresh air and ensuring that there are no foreign objects in the air ducts;
  • performing non-invasive ventilation ( artificial respiration using the “mouth to mouth” method);
  • performing indirect (closed) in the absence of a pulse.

Quite often, the preservation of health and human life depends on the timely provision of high-quality first aid. At emergency conditions all victims, regardless of the type of illness, need competent emergency actions before the arrival of the medical team.

First aid for emergency conditions cannot always be offered by qualified doctors or paramedics. Every modern person must have the skills of pre-medical measures and know the symptoms of common diseases: the result depends on the quality and timeliness of measures, the level of knowledge, and the skills of witnesses to critical situations.

ABC Algorithm

Emergency pre-medical actions involve performing a set of simple medical and preventive measures directly at or near the site of the tragedy. First aid for emergency conditions, regardless of the nature of the illness or received, has a similar algorithm. The essence of the measures depends on the nature of the symptoms shown by the affected person (for example: loss of consciousness) and on the suspected causes emergency(for example: hypertensive crisis with arterial hypertension). Rehabilitation activities within the framework of providing first aid in emergency conditions, they are carried out according to uniform principles - the ABC algorithm: these are the first english letters, denoting:

  • Air (air);
  • Breathing (breathing);
  • Circulation (blood circulation).

Having witnessed an accident, many of us may become confused, give up, and then shed bitter tears that we could not do anything. Editorial "So simple!" I am convinced that every conscientious person must know how to behave if trouble happens.

High quality first aid for emergencies, and most importantly, the ability to perform it competently and without trembling in the fingers, can save the life of both a loved one and a random passerby. All in your hands!

First aid can be provided by any person who is near the victim at a critical moment. This is an important skill - an elementary but indispensable skill for every person. In one of the situations below, it can become a real lifeline for the victim.

Emergency assistance


Fainting is an unpleasant condition familiar to many. Brief and sudden loss of consciousness occurs as a result of a violation cerebral circulation. The reasons for this are completely different: fear, nervous shock, physical exhaustion or insufficient amount of fresh air in the room. How to recognize trouble and provide the victim with the necessary first aid?


  1. Fainting may be preceded by the following indicative symptoms: dizziness, nausea, severe weakness, blurred vision, tinnitus, numbness in the limbs.
  2. When loss of consciousness occurs, the victim falls. This, by the way, is not without reason: in horizontal position blood supply to the brain improves and after some time the patient safely regains consciousness without outside help.
  3. The victim's airways are usually clear, but breathing is shallow and infrequent.
  4. A weak and rare pulse is felt.
  5. The skin is pale and may appear cold sweat.

First aid

  1. The victim must be placed on his back in the so-called Trendelenburg position when the legs are raised at an angle of 45°, and the head and shoulders are below the level of the pelvis. If it is not possible to place the patient on the couch, it is enough to raise the legs above ground level.
  2. It is necessary to immediately unfasten the squeezing parts of clothing: collar, belt, tie.
  3. If an unpleasant situation occurs indoors, you need to open the windows and let in Fresh air.
  4. You can place a wet and cold towel on the victim’s forehead or moisten the face with cold water, pat the cheeks or rub the ears.
  5. If vomiting occurs, lay the victim's head to one side. This will help prevent vomit from entering the Airways.
  6. Effective and most known method fight against fainting - ammonia. Inhaling ammonia vapor usually helps restore the victim to consciousness.
  7. Do not lift the patient under any circumstances after returning to consciousness! Call urgently ambulance, because fainting can be a consequence of a serious illness, and the victim in any case needs a professional examination.

Heart attack

Myocardial infarction is one of the forms of coronary heart disease, which occurs as a result of necrosis of an area of ​​the heart muscle due to a violation of its blood supply. A heart attack develops at the moment of blockage coronary artery heart thrombus.

The causes of the disease are different: atherosclerosis, hypertension, spasm of the coronary arteries, diabetes mellitus, obesity, alcoholism. If a heart attack occurs, high-quality first aid in the first minutes of a heart attack can save the victim’s life!


  1. First and main symptom heart attack - strong squeezing pain behind the sternum, which extends to left shoulder, shovel, hand. The pain syndrome can last more than 15 minutes, sometimes lasts for hours or even days.
  2. The victim is restless, and there is a fear of death.
  3. Nausea and vomiting are possible, the face and lips may become bluish, and sticky sweat occurs.
  4. There may be shortness of breath, cough, difficulty breathing, and a feeling of lack of air. The airways are usually clear. Breathing is frequent and shallow.
  5. The pulse is weak, fast, sometimes intermittent. Possible cardiac arrest.

First aid

  1. The first thing to do is call an ambulance.
  2. If the person is conscious, it is necessary to sit him in a chair with a backrest or give him a semi-lying position, bending his knees, and allow him to calm down.
  3. It is necessary to unfasten tight clothing, loosen the pressure of the collar or tie.
  4. It is likely that if this is not the first time the victim has had problems with the cardiovascular system, he may have medications with him: nitroglycerin, aspirin, validol, etc. Nitroglycerin is a drug that helps relieve pain during an attack of angina.

    If the pain does not subside within 3 minutes after taking nitroglycerin, it means that the victim is having a real heart attack, which cannot be relieved with medication. This indicative symptom will help distinguish serious problem from a simple attack of angina.

  5. If you have aspirin on hand and the patient is not allergic to it, you should let him chew 300 mg of the drug. Just chew it! This way the medicine will work much faster.
  6. It is necessary to carefully monitor the victim's breathing and heart function. In case of cardiac arrest, resuscitation measures must be started immediately. Carrying them out before the ambulance arrives increases the patient’s chances of survival many times over!

    In the first seconds of ventricular fibrillation it can be effective precordial stroke. Two sharp, intense blows with a fist are delivered from a height of 30–40 cm to the sternum at the border of its middle and lower third. If there is no pulse on carotid artery after two strokes, you should immediately proceed to chest compressions and artificial respiration.

This video clearly describes everything stages of implementation cardiopulmonary resuscitation victims not only of a heart attack, but also of other emergency conditions!


Stroke is damage to brain tissue and disruption of its functions caused by impaired cerebral circulation. The causes of a vascular accident can be different: insufficient blood supply to one of the areas of the brain, cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis or embolism associated with diseases of the blood, heart, and blood vessels.

How to identify first signs of stroke, everyone needs to know in order to provide timely assistance, because every minute counts!


  1. Sudden causeless headache.
  2. The appearance of weakness in the muscles, numbness of half or individual parts of the body (arm, leg, face).
  3. Visual disturbances and double vision may occur.
  4. There may be a sudden loss of balance and coordination, nausea and loss of consciousness.
  5. Speech disturbances or slowing often occur, and the affected person may have a sagging corner of the mouth or a dilated pupil on the affected side.
  6. If you notice the above symptoms, act immediately!

First aid

  1. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance - a stroke victim needs immediate professional help.
  2. If the patient is unconscious, it is necessary to check whether he can breathe. If you find breathing problems, clear the patient's airways by laying him on his side and cleaning the mouth.
  3. Move the patient to a comfortable position. Many people say that it is strictly forbidden to touch or move a stroke victim, but this is a myth!
  4. If possible, it is necessary to measure blood pressure and record the readings.
  5. If the patient is conscious, it is necessary to find out how long ago the stroke occurred. In the first 3 hours after the onset of a stroke, the patient can undergo emergency therapy - thrombolysis.

    This procedure includes intravenous administration a drug that dissolves a blood clot that is blocking cerebral artery. In this way, brain disorders can be eliminated or significantly reduced.

  6. Do not give water or food to the patient.
  7. Under no circumstances should you give medications to a patient! Reducing blood pressure is also not recommended. Hypertension in the first hours of a vascular accident is the norm associated with adaptation of the brain.

Epileptic seizure

An epileptic seizure may look quite scary, but in fact it does not require immediate medical attention. However, know the symptoms of an epileptic attack and simple rules Everyone should treat the sick!


  1. Most often, an attack begins with an aura. Pre-epileptic the aura can be olfactory, visual or auditory, when the patient feels unusual smells, sounds or sees complex images. Sometimes during an aura, a patient with epilepsy can warn others about an impending attack, thus protecting himself.
  2. Often from the outside it seems that the attack began for no reason at all - the patient screams and falls unconscious.
  3. Breathing becomes difficult, lips turn blue.
  4. Convulsions occur. The limbs tense and relax, twitching randomly.
  5. Sometimes patients may bite their tongue or cheeks.
  6. The pupils do not respond to light stimuli.
  7. Possible spontaneous bowel movements, vomiting, profuse salivation. Foam may appear at the mouth.

First aid

  1. The first thing you need to do is calm down yourself. If the patient has indicated a possible seizure, make sure that if he falls, he is not in danger (sharp corners, hard objects, etc.)
  2. If the patient is not in danger during a seizure, do not touch or move him. Be there for you throughout the attack.
  3. Do not try to restrain the victim in an attempt to stop the seizure. This will not help him in any way, but it may cause unwanted injuries.
  4. Be sure to note the time of the onset of the seizure. If the attack lasts longer than 5 minutes, you must call an ambulance. A prolonged attack can cause permanent damage to brain cells.
  5. Important! Do not put it in the mouth of a sick person foreign objects. Many people believe that during an epileptic seizure a person’s tongue may become stuck. Alas, this is a serious misconception. All muscles, including the tongue, are in hypertonicity during an attack.

    Under no circumstances should you try to open a person’s jaws and place a hard object between them. There is a risk that during the next stress the patient will either bite you, or get a dental injury, or may choke on debris from an object.

  6. When the attack stops, place the patient in a comfortable position. Make sure that breathing is back to normal: check that the airways are clear (they may be blocked by food debris or dentures).
  7. If the patient is injured during an attack, all wounds must be treated.
  8. Until the person is completely back to normal, he should not be left unattended. If a seizure is followed by another or an epileptic attack occurs for the first time, the patient needs hospitalization.

Only timely and competently provided first, and then qualified medical care. And if, God forbid, a friend, colleague or a random passer-by is overtaken by trouble, each of us must know what to do.

Means and methods of transporting victims

Carrying by hand. It is used in cases where the victim is conscious and does not have fractures of the limbs, spine, pelvic bones and ribs, or abdominal wounds.

Carrying on your back with your hands. Intended for the same group of victims.

Carrying on the shoulder with the help of hands. Convenient for carrying a victim who has lost consciousness.

Carrying by two porters. Carrying with a “lock” is used in cases where the victim is conscious and either has no fractures or has fractures upper limbs, shins, feet (after TI).

Carrying "one after another" used when the victim is unconscious but has no fractures.

Carrying on a sanitary stretcher. This method is not used for spinal fractures.

Timely and correctly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the basis for preserving the lives of many thousands of victims who, due to various reasons sudden cardiac arrest occurred. There are many such reasons: myocardial infarction, trauma, drowning, poisoning, electrical trauma, lightning, acute blood loss, hemorrhage in vital centers of the brain. Diseases complicated by hypoxia and acute vascular insufficiency, etc. In all these cases, it is necessary to immediately begin measures to artificially maintain breathing and circulation (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

Emergency conditions:

· acute disorder functions of cardio-vascular system(sudden cardiac arrest, collapse, shock);

Acute respiratory dysfunction (suffocation due to drowning, foreign body entering the upper respiratory tract);

acute dysfunction of the central nervous system(fainting, coma).

Clinical death- the final but reversible stage of dying.

A condition experienced by the body within a few minutes after the cessation of blood circulation and breathing, when all external manifestations vital activity, but irreversible changes have not yet occurred in the tissues. Duration clinical death under normothermic conditions – 3-4 minutes, maximum – 5-6 minutes. At sudden death, when the body does not expend energy to fight prolonged debilitating dying, the duration of clinical death increases slightly. In conditions of hypothermia, such as drowning cold water, the duration of clinical death increases to 15-30 minutes.

Biological death- a state of irreversible death of the body.

Availability biological death in the victim, can only be determined (established) by a medical professional.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation– a set of basic and specialized (medicinal, etc.) measures to revitalize the body.

Survival depends on three main factors:

· early recognition of circulatory arrest;

· immediate start of main activities;

· calling a resuscitation team to carry out specialized resuscitation measures.

If resuscitation is started in the first minute, the probability of revival is more than 90%, after 3 minutes - no more than 50%. Don’t be afraid, don’t panic - act, perform resuscitation clearly, calmly and quickly, without fuss, and you will definitely save a person’s life.

Sequence of basic CPR activities:

· state the lack of reaction to external stimuli (lack of consciousness, lack of pupillary reaction to light);

· make sure that there is no reaction of external respiration and pulse in the carotid artery;

· correctly place the person being resuscitated on a hard, flat surface below the lumbar level of the one who will perform resuscitation;

· ensure patency of the upper respiratory tract;

deliver a precordial blow (with sudden stop heart: electrical trauma, pale drowning);

· check for spontaneous breathing and pulse;

Call assistants and a resuscitation team;

· if there is no spontaneous breathing, start artificial ventilation lungs (ventilation) - perform two full exhalations “mouth to mouth”;

· check for a pulse in the carotid artery;

· begin indirect massage heart in combination with mechanical ventilation and continue until the arrival of the resuscitation team.

Precordial stroke applied with a short sharp movement of the fist to a point located 2-3 cm above the xiphoid process. In this case, the elbow of the striking hand should be directed along the victim’s body. The goal is to shake the chest as hard as possible to restart the suddenly stopped heart. Very often, immediately after a blow to the sternum, the heartbeat is restored and consciousness returns.

Technique for performing mechanical ventilation:

· hold the nose of the person being resuscitated;

· tilt the victim’s head back so that an obtuse angle is formed between his lower jaw and neck;

· make 2 slow breaths of air (1.5-2 seconds with a 2-second pause). To avoid gastric bloating, the volume of air blown in should not be too large and the blowing should not be done too quickly;

· Ventilation is performed at a frequency of 10-12 breaths per minute.

Technique for performing indirect cardiac massage:

· pressure on the chest of an affected adult is performed with two hands, for children - with one hand, for newborns - with two fingers;

Place your hands folded together 2.5 cm above the xiphoid process of the sternum;

· place one hand with the protrusion of the palm on the sternum of the person being resuscitated, and the second (also with the protrusion of the palm) on the back surface of the first;

· when applying pressure, the resuscitator’s shoulders should be directly above the palms, do not bend the elbows, in order to use not only the strength of the hands, but also the weight of the entire body;

· carry out short, energetic movements so as to cause the sternum to bend in an adult by 3.5-5 cm, in children under 8 years old - 1.5-2.5 cm;

· if the resuscitator acts alone, then the ratio of the frequency of pressure to the rate of mechanical ventilation should be 15:2, if there are two resuscitators - 5:1;

· the rhythm of compressions on the chest should correspond to the heart rate at rest - approximately 1 time per second (for children under 10-12 years old, the number of compressions should be 70-80 per minute);

· after 4 cycles of CPR, stop resuscitation for 5 seconds to determine whether breathing and circulation have been restored.

Attention!!! Unacceptable!!!

· inflict a precordial blow and perform an indirect cardiac massage on a living person (a precordial blow with a preserved heartbeat can kill a person);

· stop chest compressions even if a rib is broken;

· interrupt chest compressions for more than 15-20 seconds.

Heart failure is a pathological condition characterized by circulatory failure due to a decrease in the pumping function of the heart.

The main causes of heart failure can be: heart disease, prolonged overload of the heart muscle, leading to its overwork.

Stroke is an acute circulatory disorder in the brain that causes the death of brain tissue.

The main causes of stroke can be: hypertension, atherosclerosis, blood disease.

Symptoms of a stroke:

· Strong headache;

Nausea, dizziness;

loss of sensation on one side of the body;

drooping corner of the mouth on one side;

Confusion of speech

blurred vision, pupil asymmetry;

· loss of consciousness.

PMP for heart failure, stroke:

· clean the oral cavity and respiratory tract from mucus and vomit;

· put a heating pad at your feet;

· if the patient does not regain consciousness within 3 minutes, he should be turned on his stomach and cold applied to the head;

Fainting– short-term loss of consciousness due to ischemia (decreased blood flow) or hypoglycemia (lack of carbohydrates due to malnutrition) of the brain.

Collapse– spicy vascular insufficiency, characterized by short-term sharp drop arterial and venous pressure, a decrease in circulating blood volume due to:

· lack of oxygen in the inhaled air (rapid ascent uphill);

exit large quantity liquid portion of blood into the area infectious process(dehydration with diarrhea, vomiting with dysentery);

overheating when there is rapid loss of fluid from profuse sweating and frequent breathing;

slow response of vascular tone to sudden changes in body position (from a horizontal position to vertical position);

· irritation vagus nerve(negative emotions, pain, at the sight of blood).

PMP for fainting, collapse:

· place the patient on his back without a pillow, turn his head to the side so that the tongue does not sink in;

· make sure there is breathing (if not, perform mechanical ventilation);

· make sure there is a pulse in the carotid artery (if there is no pulse, proceed with CPR);

· bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose;

· provide access to air, unfasten clothing that makes breathing difficult, loosen the waist belt, open the window;

· raise your legs 20-30 cm above the level of the heart; · if the patient does not regain consciousness within 3 minutes, he should be turned on his stomach and cold applied to the head;

· urgently call an ambulance.

Fainting is a sudden, short-term loss of consciousness that occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the brain.

Fainting can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Usually a person comes to his senses after a while. Fainting in itself is not a disease, but rather a symptom of a disease.

Fainting can be due to various reasons:

1. Unexpected sharp pain, fear, nervous shock.

They can call instant decrease blood pressure, resulting in a decrease in blood flow, disruption of blood supply to the brain, which leads to fainting.

2. General weakness body, sometimes aggravated by nervous exhaustion.

General weakness of the body resulting from the most various reasons starting from hunger, poor nutrition and ending with constant worry, can also lead to low blood pressure and fainting.

3. Staying in a room with insufficient oxygen.

Oxygen levels can be reduced due to large numbers of people indoors, poor ventilation and air pollution tobacco smoke. As a result, the brain receives less oxygen than needed, and the victim faints.

4. Staying in a standing position for a long time without moving.

This leads to stagnation of blood in the legs, a decrease in its flow to the brain and, as a result, to fainting.

Symptoms and signs of fainting:

Reaction - short-term loss of consciousness, the victim falls. In a horizontal position, blood supply to the brain improves and after some time the victim regains consciousness.

Breathing is rare and shallow. Blood circulation - pulse is weak and rare.

Other signs are dizziness, tinnitus, severe weakness, blurred vision, cold sweat, nausea, numbness of the limbs.

First aid for fainting

1. If the airways are clear, the victim is breathing and his pulse is palpable (weak and rare), he must be placed on his back and his legs raised.

2. Unfasten tight parts of clothing, such as collars and belts.

3. Place on the victim's forehead wet towel, or wet his face with cold water. This will lead to vasoconstriction and improve blood supply to the brain.

4. When vomiting, the victim must be moved to a safe position or at least turned his head to the side so that he does not choke on the vomit.

5 It must be remembered that fainting can be a manifestation of a serious condition, including acute illness, requiring emergency assistance. Therefore, the victim always needs to be examined by a doctor.

6. You should not rush to raise the victim after he has regained consciousness. If conditions allow, the victim can be given hot tea, and then helped to rise and sit down. If the victim again feels fainting, he must be laid on his back and his legs raised.

7. If the victim is unconscious for several minutes, most likely it is not fainting and qualified medical attention is needed.

Shock is a condition that threatens the life of the victim and is characterized by insufficient blood supply to tissues and internal organs.

The blood supply to tissues and internal organs can be impaired for two reasons:

Heart problems;

Decrease in the volume of fluid circulating in the body ( heavy bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).

Symptoms and signs of shock:

Reaction - the victim is usually conscious. However, the condition can worsen very quickly, even to the point of loss of consciousness. This is due to a decrease in blood supply to the brain.

The airways are usually free. If there is internal bleeding, there may be problems.

Breathing is frequent and shallow. This breathing is explained by the fact that the body is trying to get as much oxygen as possible with a limited blood volume.

Blood circulation - pulse is weak and frequent. The heart tries to compensate for the decrease in circulating blood volume by speeding up blood circulation. A decrease in blood volume leads to a drop in blood pressure.

Other signs are skin that is pale, especially around the lips and earlobes, and cool and clammy. This is because the blood vessels in the skin close to direct blood to vital organs like the brain, kidneys, etc. The sweat glands also increase their activity. The victim may feel thirsty due to the fact that the brain senses a lack of fluid. Muscle weakness occurs due to the fact that blood from the muscles goes to the internal organs. There may be nausea, vomiting, chills. Chills mean lack of oxygen.

First aid for shock

1. If the shock is caused by a circulatory disorder, then first of all you need to take care of the brain - ensure the supply of oxygen to it. To do this, if the injury allows, the victim must be laid on his back, his legs raised and the bleeding stopped as quickly as possible.

If the victim has a head injury, then the legs cannot be raised.

The victim must be placed on his back with something under his head.

2. If shock is caused by burns, then first of all it is necessary to ensure that the effect of the damaging factor ceases.

Then cool the affected area of ​​the body, if necessary, lay the victim with his legs elevated and cover him with something to keep warm.

3. If shock is caused by cardiac dysfunction, the victim must be placed in a semi-sitting position, placing pillows or folded clothing under the head and shoulders, as well as under the knees.

It is not advisable to lay the victim on his back, as this will make it more difficult for him to breathe. Give the victim an aspirin tablet to chew.

In all of the above cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance and, until it arrives, monitor the condition of the victim, being ready to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

When providing assistance to a victim in shock, it is unacceptable:

Move the victim, except when necessary;

Allow the victim to eat, drink, smoke;

Leave the victim alone, except in cases where it is necessary to leave to call an ambulance;

Warm the victim with a heating pad or some other heat source.


Anaphylactic shock - extensive allergic reaction immediate type, which occurs when an allergen enters the body (insect bites, medicinal or food allergens).

Anaphylactic shock usually develops within a few seconds and is an emergency that requires immediate attention.

If anaphylactic shock is accompanied by loss of consciousness, immediate hospitalization is necessary, since the victim in this case may die within 5-30 minutes due to asphyxia or after 24–48 hours or more due to severe irreversible changes vital important organs.

Sometimes death can occur later due to changes in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, brain and other organs.

Symptoms and signs of anaphylactic shock:

Reaction - the victim feels anxiety, a sense of fear, and as shock develops, loss of consciousness is possible.

Airways - swelling of the airways occurs.

Breathing - similar to asthmatic. Shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, coughing, intermittent, difficult, may stop completely.

Blood circulation - the pulse is weak, rapid, and may not be palpable on the radial artery.

Other signs are a tense chest, swelling of the face and neck, swelling around the eyes, redness of the skin, rash, red spots on the face.

First aid for anaphylactic shock

1. If the victim is conscious, give him a semi-sitting position to facilitate breathing. It is better to sit him on the floor, unbutton the collar and loosen other pressing parts of the clothing.

2. Call an ambulance.

3. If the victim is unconscious, move him to a safe position, control breathing and blood circulation and be ready to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Bronchial asthma - allergic disease, the main manifestation of which is an attack of suffocation caused by a violation of bronchial patency.

An attack of bronchial asthma is caused by various allergens (pollen and other substances of plant and animal origin, industrial products, etc.)

Bronchial asthma is expressed in attacks of suffocation, experienced as a painful lack of air, although in reality it is based on difficulty in exhaling. The reason for this is the inflammatory narrowing of the airways caused by allergens.

Symptoms and signs of bronchial asthma:

Reaction - the victim may be alarmed, during severe attacks he may not be able to utter several words in a row, and he may lose consciousness.

Airways may be narrowed.

Breathing - characterized by difficult, prolonged exhalation with a lot of wheezing, often heard at a distance. Shortness of breath, cough, dry at first, and at the end with viscous sputum.

Blood circulation - at first the pulse is normal, then it becomes rapid. At the end of a prolonged attack, the pulse may become thread-like until the heart stops.

Other signs are anxiety, extreme fatigue, sweating, tension in the chest, speaking in a whisper, bluish skin, nasolabial triangle.

First aid for an attack of bronchial asthma

1. Take the victim out into the fresh air, unfasten the collar and loosen the belt. Sit leaning forward and focusing on your chest. In this position, the airways open.

2. If the victim has any medications, help them use them.

3. Call an ambulance immediately if:

This is the first attack;

The attack did not stop after taking the medicine;

The victim has difficulty breathing and finds it difficult to speak;

The victim showed signs of extreme exhaustion.


Hyperventilation is pulmonary ventilation that is excessive in relation to the level of metabolism, caused by deep and (or) frequent breathing and leading to a decrease in carbon dioxide and an increase in oxygen in the blood.

The cause of hyperventilation is most often panic or serious anxiety caused by fright or some other reason.

Feeling strong anxiety or panic, a person begins to breathe faster, which leads to sharp decline carbon dioxide content in the blood. Hyperventilation sets in. As a result, the victim begins to feel even more anxious, which leads to increased hyperventilation.

Symptoms and signs of hyperventilation:

Reaction - the victim is usually alarmed and feels confused. The airways are open and free.

Breathing is naturally deep and frequent. As hyperventilation develops, the victim breathes more and more frequently, but subjectively feels suffocated.

Blood circulation - does not help to recognize the cause.

Other signs include the victim feeling dizzy, a sore throat, tingling in the arms, legs or mouth, and the heart rate may increase. Seeks attention, help, may become hysterical, faint.

First aid for hyperventilation.

1. Bring a paper bag to the victim's nose and mouth and ask him to breathe the air that he exhales into the bag. In this case, the victim exhales air saturated with carbon dioxide into the bag and inhales it again.

Typically, after 3-5 minutes, the level of blood carbon dioxide saturation returns to normal. The respiratory center in the brain receives the appropriate information about this and sends a signal: breathe more slowly and deeply. Soon the muscles of the respiratory organs relax, and the entire respiratory process returns to normal.

2. If the cause of hyperventilation is emotional arousal, it is necessary to calm the victim, restore his sense of confidence, and persuade the victim to sit calmly and relax.


Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - attack acute pain behind the sternum, due to transient insufficiency coronary circulation, acute ischemia myocardium.

The cause of an attack of angina is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, caused by coronary insufficiency due to a narrowing of the lumen of the coronary artery of the heart due to atherosclerosis, vascular spasm, or a combination of these factors.

Angina pectoris may occur as a result of psychoemotional stress, which may lead to a spasm of pathologically unchanged coronary arteries hearts.

However, most often angina still occurs when the coronary arteries are narrowed, which can account for 50–70% of the lumen of the vessel.

Symptoms and signs of angina:

Reaction - the victim is conscious.

The airways are clear.

Breathing is shallow, the victim does not have enough air.

Blood circulation - pulse is weak and frequent.

Other signs - main sign pain syndrome- his paroxysmal behavior. The pain has a fairly clear beginning and end. The nature of the pain is squeezing, pressing, sometimes in the form of a burning sensation. As a rule, it is localized behind the sternum. Irradiation of pain to the left half is typical chest, V left hand to the fingers, left shoulder blade and shoulder, neck, lower jaw.

The duration of pain during angina pectoris, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 minutes. They usually occur during physical activity, most often when walking, and also during stress.

First aid for angina pectoris.

1. If an attack occurs during physical activity, it is necessary to stop the load, for example, stop.

2. Place the victim in a semi-sitting position, placing pillows or folded clothing under his head and shoulders, as well as under his knees.

3. If the victim has previously had angina attacks for which he used nitroglycerin, he can take it. For faster absorption, a nitroglycerin tablet must be placed under the tongue.

The victim should be warned that after taking nitroglycerin, a feeling of fullness in the head and headache, sometimes dizziness, and, if standing, fainting may occur. Therefore, the victim should remain in a semi-sitting position for some time even after the pain goes away.

If nitroglycerin is effective, the angina attack goes away within 2–3 minutes.

If the pain does not disappear a few minutes after taking the drug, you can take it again.

If, after taking the third tablet, the victim’s pain does not go away and lasts for more than 10–20 minutes, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, since there is a possibility of developing a heart attack.


Heart attack(myocardial infarction) - necrosis (death) of a section of the heart muscle due to disruption of its blood supply, manifested in impaired cardiac activity.

A heart attack occurs due to blockage of a coronary artery by a thrombus - a blood clot that forms at the site of narrowing of the vessel due to atherosclerosis. As a result, a more or less extensive area of ​​the heart is “switched off”, depending on which part of the myocardium the blocked vessel supplied with blood. The clot stops the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, resulting in necrosis.

The causes of a heart attack can be:


Hypertonic disease;

Physical activity combined with emotional stress - vasospasm during stress;

Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases;

Genetic predisposition;

Influence environment etc.

Symptoms and signs of a heart attack (heart attack):

Reaction - in the initial period of a painful attack, restless behavior, often accompanied by fear of death, later loss of consciousness is possible.

The airways are usually free.

Breathing is frequent, shallow, and may stop. In some cases, attacks of suffocation are observed.

Blood circulation - pulse is weak, fast, and may be intermittent. Possible cardiac arrest.

Other signs - strong pain in the region of the heart, usually occurring suddenly, often behind the sternum or to the left of it. The nature of the pain is squeezing, pressing, burning. It usually radiates to the left shoulder, arm, and shoulder blade. Often during a heart attack, unlike angina pectoris, the pain spreads to the right of the sternum, sometimes involves the epigastric region and “radiates” to both shoulder blades. The pain is growing. The duration of a painful attack during a heart attack is calculated in tens of minutes, hours, and sometimes days. There may be nausea and vomiting, the face and lips may turn blue, and severe sweating. The victim may lose the ability to speak.

First aid for a heart attack.

1. If the victim is conscious, give him a semi-sitting position, placing pillows or folded clothes under his head and shoulders, as well as under his knees.

2. Give the victim an aspirin tablet and ask him to chew it.

3. Loosen tight parts of clothing, especially around the neck.

4. Call an ambulance immediately.

5. If the victim is unconscious but breathing, place him in a safe position.

6. Monitor breathing and blood circulation; in case of cardiac arrest, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Stroke - caused pathological process acute circulatory disorder in the brain or spinal cord with the development of persistent symptoms of damage to the central nervous system.

The cause of a stroke may be a cerebral hemorrhage, cessation or weakening of the blood supply to any part of the brain, blockage of a vessel by a thrombus or embolus (a thrombus is a dense clot of blood in the lumen of a blood vessel or heart cavity, formed during life; an embolus is a substrate circulating in the blood, not occurring under normal conditions and capable of causing blockage blood vessels).

Strokes are more common in older people, although they can occur at any age. More often observed in men than in women. About 50% of stroke victims die. Of those who survive, approximately 50% are crippled and have another stroke weeks, months or years later. However, many stroke survivors regain their health with the help of rehabilitation measures.

Symptoms and signs of stroke:

Reaction - consciousness is confused, there may be loss of consciousness.

The airways are clear.

Breathing - slow, deep, noisy, wheezing.

Blood circulation - pulse is rare, strong, with good filling.

Other signs are a severe headache, the face may turn red, become dry, hot, disturbances or slowing of speech may be observed, and the corner of the lips may sag even if the victim is conscious. The pupil on the affected side may be dilated.

With a minor lesion there is weakness, with a significant one - complete paralysis.

First aid for stroke

1. Call qualified medical assistance immediately.

2. If the victim is unconscious, check whether the airway is open, and restore airway patency if it is compromised. If the victim is unconscious but breathing, move him to a safe position on the side of the injury (to the side where the pupil is dilated). In this case, the weakened or paralyzed part of the body will remain at the top.

3. Be prepared for rapid deterioration of the condition and for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

4. If the victim is conscious, place him on his back with something under his head.

5. The victim may have a mini-stroke, in which there is a slight speech disorder, slight clouding of consciousness, slight dizziness, and muscle weakness.

In this case, when providing first aid, you should try to protect the victim from falling, calm and support him, and immediately call an ambulance. Control DP - D - K and be ready to provide urgent assistance.


Epilepsy - chronic illness caused by brain damage, manifested by repeated convulsive or other seizures and accompanied by a variety of personality changes.

An epileptic seizure is caused by excessively intense stimulation of the brain, which is caused by an imbalance in the human bioelectric system. Typically, a group of cells in one part of the brain becomes electrically unstable. This creates a strong electrical discharge that rapidly spreads to surrounding cells, disrupting their normal functioning.

Electrical phenomena can affect the entire brain or just part of it. Accordingly, major and minor epileptic seizures are distinguished.

A minor epileptic seizure is a short-term disruption of brain activity, leading to temporary loss of consciousness.

Symptoms and signs of petit mal seizure:

Reaction - temporary loss of consciousness (from several seconds to a minute). The airways are open.

Breathing is normal.

Blood circulation - pulse is normal.

Other signs are a blank stare, repetitive or jerking movements. individual muscles(head, lips, hands, etc.).

A person comes out of such a seizure as suddenly as he entered it, and he continues the interrupted actions, not realizing that a seizure was happening to him.

First aid for minor epileptic seizure

1. Eliminate the danger, sit the victim down and calm him down.

2. When the victim wakes up, tell him about the seizure, since this may be his first seizure and the victim does not know about the illness.

3. If this is the first seizure, consult a doctor.

A grand mal seizure is a sudden loss of consciousness accompanied by severe cramps(convulsions) of the body and limbs.

Symptoms and signs of grand mal seizure:

Reaction - begins with sensations close to euphoric (unusual taste, smell, sound), then loss of consciousness.

The airways are clear.

Breathing may stop, but is quickly restored. Blood circulation - pulse is normal.

Other signs are that the victim usually falls to the floor unconscious, and begins to experience sudden convulsive movements of the head, arms and legs. There may be a loss of control over physiological functions. The tongue is bitten, the face turns pale, then becomes cyanotic. The pupils do not react to light. Foam may appear at the mouth. The total duration of the seizure ranges from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.

First aid for grand mal seizure

1. If you notice that someone is on the verge of a seizure, you need to try to ensure that the victim does not hurt himself if he falls.

2. Make room around the victim and place something soft under his head.

3. Unbutton the clothing around the victim's neck and chest.

4. Do not attempt to restrain the victim. If his teeth are clenched, do not try to unclench his jaws. Do not try to put anything into the victim’s mouth, as this can lead to injury to the teeth and closure of the respiratory tract with fragments.

5. After the convulsions have stopped, move the victim to a safe position.

6. Treat any injuries sustained by the victim during the seizure.

7. After the seizure has stopped, the victim must be hospitalized if:

The seizure happened for the first time;

There was a series of seizures;

There is damage;

The victim was unconscious for more than 10 minutes.


Hypoglycemia - reduced content blood glucose Hypoglycemia can occur in a diabetic patient.

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, which regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.

If the brain does not receive enough sugar, then just like with a lack of oxygen, brain functions are impaired.

Hypoglycemia can occur in a diabetic patient for three reasons:

1) the victim injected insulin, but did not eat on time;

2) with excessive or prolonged physical activity;

3) in case of insulin overdose.

Symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia:

Reaction: consciousness is confused, loss of consciousness is possible.

The airways are clean and free. Breathing is rapid, shallow. Blood circulation - rare pulse.

Other signs are weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. Feelings of hunger, fear, pallor skin, profuse sweat. Visual and auditory hallucinations, muscle tension, trembling, convulsions.

First aid for hypoglycemia

1. If the victim is conscious, give him a relaxed position (lying or sitting).

2. Give the victim a sugar drink (two tablespoons of sugar per glass of water), a piece of sugar, chocolate or candy, maybe caramel or cookies. Sweetener doesn't help.

3. Ensure rest until the condition is completely normalized.

4. If the victim loses consciousness, transfer him to a safe position, call an ambulance and monitor his condition, and be ready to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Poisoning is intoxication of the body caused by the action of substances entering it from the outside.

Toxic substances can enter the body in various ways. There are different classifications of poisoning. For example, poisoning can be classified according to the conditions under which toxic substances enter the body:

During meals;

Through the respiratory tract;

Through the skin;

When bitten by an animal, insect, snake, etc.;

Through mucous membranes.

Poisoning can be classified according to the type of poisoning:

Food poisoning;

Drug poisoning;

Alcohol poisoning;

Poisoning chemicals;

Gas poisoning;

Poisoning caused by insect, snake, and animal bites.

The task of first aid is to prevent further exposure to poison, to accelerate its elimination from the body, to neutralize the remains of poison and to support the activity of affected organs and systems of the body.

To solve this problem you need:

1. Take care of yourself so as not to get poisoned, otherwise you will need help yourself, and the victim will have no one to help.

2. Check the victim's reaction, airway, breathing and blood circulation, and take appropriate measures if necessary.

5. Call an ambulance.

4. If possible, determine the type of poison. If the victim is conscious, ask him about what happened. If unconscious, try to find witnesses to the incident, or packaging of toxic substances or some other signs.


The purpose of this essay is to study the basic concepts regarding the provision of first aid, as well as to consider a set of measures for the provision of first aid.
The subject of the study is emergency conditions, accidents, and shock.

Emergency condition

Emergency conditions - a set of symptoms ( clinical signs), requiring first aid, emergency medical care, or hospitalization of the victim or patient. Not all conditions are immediately life-threatening, but they do require treatment to prevent significant and long-term effects on physical or mental health a person who finds himself in such a state.









A feature of emergency conditions is the need for accurate diagnosis in the shortest possible time and, based on the expected diagnosis, determination therapeutic tactics. These conditions can arise as a result of acute diseases and injuries of the digestive organs, exacerbation of chronic diseases, or as a result of complications.

The urgency of the condition is determined by:
Firstly, the degree and speed of dysfunction of vital organs and systems, primarily:
hemodynamic disturbances (sudden change in frequency, pulse rhythm, rapid decline or increased blood pressure, acute development of heart failure, etc.);
dysfunction of the central nervous system (violation of the psychoemotional sphere, convulsions, delirium, unconsciousness, cerebrovascular accident, etc.);
respiratory dysfunction (acute change in frequency, breathing rhythm, asphyxia, etc.);

the outcome of an emergency condition or disease (“to foresee a danger means to half avoid it”). For example, a rise in blood pressure (especially against the background of its persistent increase) is a threat of stroke; infectious hepatitis - acute yellow liver degeneration, etc.;

Thirdly, extreme anxiety and behavior of the patient:
directly life threatening pathological conditions;
pathological conditions or diseases that are not directly life-threatening, but in which such a threat can become real at any time;
conditions in which the lack of modern medical care can lead to permanent changes in the body;
conditions in which the shortest possible time it is necessary to alleviate the suffering of the patient;
conditions requiring urgent medical intervention in the interests of others due to the patient’s behavior.

First aid for emergencies

Fainting is a sudden, short-term loss of consciousness that occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the brain.

Fainting can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Usually a person comes to his senses after a while. Fainting in itself is not a disease, but rather a symptom of a disease.

First aid for fainting

1. If the airways are clear, the victim is breathing and his pulse is palpable (weak and rare), he must be laid on his back and his legs raised.

2. Unfasten tight parts of clothing, such as collars and belts.

3. Place a wet towel on the victim’s forehead, or wet his face with cold water. This will lead to vasoconstriction and improve blood supply to the brain.

4. If vomiting, the victim must be moved to a safe position or at least turned his head to the side so that he does not choke on the vomit.

5 It must be remembered that fainting can be a manifestation of a serious, including acute, illness that requires emergency care. Therefore, the victim always needs to be examined by a doctor.

6. You should not rush to raise the victim after he has regained consciousness. If conditions allow, the victim can be given hot tea, and then helped to rise and sit down. If the victim feels faint again, he must be placed on his back and his legs raised.

7. If the victim is unconscious for several minutes, most likely it is not fainting and qualified medical assistance is needed.


Bronchial asthma is an allergic disease, the main manifestation of which is an attack of suffocation caused by obstruction of the bronchial tubes.

Bronchial asthma is expressed in attacks of suffocation, experienced as a painful lack of air, although in reality it is based on difficulty in exhaling. The reason for this is the inflammatory narrowing of the airways caused by allergens.

First aid for an attack of bronchial asthma

1. Take the victim out into the fresh air, unfasten the collar and loosen the belt. Sit leaning forward and focusing on your chest. In this position, the airways open.

2. If the victim has any medications, help use them.

3. Call an ambulance immediately if:

This is the first attack;

The attack did not stop after taking the medicine;

The victim has difficulty breathing and finds it difficult to speak;

The victim showed signs of extreme exhaustion.


Hyperventilation is pulmonary ventilation that is excessive in relation to the level of metabolism, caused by deep and (or) frequent breathing and leading to a decrease in carbon dioxide and an increase in oxygen in the blood.

Feeling extreme anxiety or panic, a person begins to breathe more quickly, which leads to a sharp decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Hyperventilation sets in. As a result, the victim begins to feel even more anxious, which leads to increased hyperventilation.

First aid for hyperventilation.

1. Bring a paper bag to the victim’s nose and mouth and ask him to breathe the air that he exhales into this bag. In this case, the victim exhales air saturated with carbon dioxide into the bag and inhales it again.

Typically, after 3-5 minutes, the level of blood carbon dioxide saturation returns to normal. The respiratory center in the brain receives the appropriate information about this and sends a signal: breathe more slowly and deeply. Soon the muscles of the respiratory organs relax, and the entire respiratory process returns to normal.

2. If the cause of hyperventilation was emotional excitement, it is necessary to calm the victim, restore his sense of confidence, and persuade the victim to sit calmly and relax.


Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) is an attack of acute pain in the chest caused by transient coronary circulatory failure and acute myocardial ischemia.

First aid for angina pectoris.

1. If an attack develops during physical activity, it is necessary to stop the exercise, for example, stop.

2. Give the victim a semi-sitting position, placing pillows or folded clothes under his head and shoulders, as well as under his knees.

3. If the victim has previously had angina attacks, for the relief of which he used nitroglycerin, he can take it. For faster absorption, a nitroglycerin tablet must be placed under the tongue.

The victim should be warned that after taking nitroglycerin, a feeling of fullness in the head and headache, sometimes dizziness, and, if standing, fainting may occur. Therefore, the victim should remain in a semi-sitting position for some time even after the pain goes away.

If nitroglycerin is effective, the angina attack goes away within 2–3 minutes.

If the pain does not disappear a few minutes after taking the drug, you can take it again.

If, after taking the third tablet, the victim’s pain does not go away and lasts for more than 10–20 minutes, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, since there is a possibility of developing a heart attack.


Heart attack (myocardial infarction) is necrosis (death) of a section of the heart muscle due to disruption of its blood supply, which manifests itself in impaired cardiac activity.

First aid for a heart attack.

1. If the victim is conscious, give him a semi-sitting position, placing pillows or folded clothes under his head and shoulders, as well as under his knees.

2. Give the victim an aspirin tablet and ask him to chew it.

3. Loosen tight parts of clothing, especially around the neck.

4. Call an ambulance immediately.

5. If the victim is unconscious but breathing, place him in a safe position.

6. Monitor breathing and blood circulation; in case of cardiac arrest, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Stroke is an acute disturbance of blood circulation in the brain or spinal cord caused by a pathological process with the development of persistent symptoms of damage to the central nervous system.

First aid for stroke

1. Immediately call qualified medical assistance.

2. If the victim is unconscious, check whether the airways are open, and restore airway patency if it is compromised. If the victim is unconscious but breathing, move him to a safe position on the side of the injury (to the side where the pupil is dilated). In this case, the weakened or paralyzed part of the body will remain at the top.

3. Be prepared for rapid deterioration of the condition and for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

4. If the victim is conscious, lay him on his back, placing something under his head.

5. The victim may have a mini-stroke, in which there is a slight speech disorder, slight clouding of consciousness, slight dizziness, and muscle weakness.

In this case, when providing first aid, you should try to protect the victim from falling, calm and support him, and immediately call an ambulance. Monitor DP - D - K and be ready to provide emergency assistance.


Epilepsy is a chronic disease caused by brain damage, manifested by repeated convulsive or other seizures and accompanied by a variety of personality changes.

First aid for petit mal seizure

1. Eliminate the danger, sit the victim down and calm him down.

2. When the victim wakes up, tell him about the seizure, since this may be his first seizure and the victim does not know about the illness.

3. If this is the first seizure, consult a doctor.

A grand mal seizure is a sudden loss of consciousness accompanied by severe spasms (convulsions) of the body and limbs.

First aid for grand mal seizure

1. If you notice that someone is on the verge of a seizure, you need to try to ensure that the victim does not hurt himself if he falls.

2. Clear some space around the victim and place something soft under his head.

3. Unfasten the clothes around the victim’s neck and chest.

4. Do not try to restrain the victim. If his teeth are clenched, do not try to unclench his jaws. Do not try to put anything into the victim’s mouth, as this can lead to injury to the teeth and closure of the respiratory tract with fragments.

5. After the convulsions have stopped, transfer the victim to a safe position.

6. Treat all injuries received by the victim during a seizure.

7. After the seizure has stopped, the victim must be hospitalized in cases where:

The seizure happened for the first time;

There was a series of seizures;

There is damage;

The victim was unconscious for more than 10 minutes.


Hypoglycemia - low blood glucose levels Hypoglycemia can occur in a diabetic patient.

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, which regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.

Reaction: consciousness is confused, loss of consciousness is possible.

The airways are clean and free. Breathing is rapid, shallow. Blood circulation - rare pulse.

Other signs are weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. Feelings of hunger, fear, pale skin, profuse sweat. Visual and auditory hallucinations, muscle tension, trembling, convulsions.

First aid for hypoglycemia

1. If the victim is conscious, give him a relaxed position (lying or sitting).

2. Give the victim a sugar drink (two tablespoons of sugar per glass of water), a piece of sugar, chocolate or candy, maybe caramel or cookies. Sweetener doesn't help.

3. Provide rest until the condition is completely normalized.

4. If the victim has lost consciousness, transfer him to a safe position, call an ambulance and monitor the condition, and be ready to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Poisoning is intoxication of the body caused by the action of substances entering it from the outside.

The task of first aid is to prevent further exposure to poison, to accelerate its elimination from the body, to neutralize the remains of poison and to support the activity of affected organs and systems of the body.

To solve this problem you need:

1. Take care of yourself so as not to get poisoned, otherwise you will need help yourself, and the victim will have no one to help.

2. Check the victim’s reaction, airways, breathing and blood circulation, and take appropriate measures if necessary.

5. Call an ambulance.

4. If possible, determine the type of poison. If the victim is conscious, ask him about what happened. If unconscious, try to find witnesses to the incident, or packaging of toxic substances or some other signs.


An accident is an unforeseen event, an unexpected set of circumstances, resulting in bodily injury or death.

Typical examples are a car accident (or being hit by a car), falling from a height, objects falling into windpipe, falling objects (bricks, icicles) on the head, defeat electric shock. Risk factors may include non-compliance with safety precautions and alcohol consumption.

Accident at work - case traumatic injury health of the victim, which occurred for a reason related to his labor activity, or while working.


  • Car accident
  • Getting hit by a car
  • Fire
  • Burning out
  • Drowning
  • Falling out of the blue
  • Falling from height
  • Falling into a hole
  • Electric shock
  • Careless handling of a power saw
  • Careless handling of explosive materials
  • Work injuries
  • Poisoning