About the benefits of porridge. Project "Why are porridges healthy?" Call to action

The benefits of porridge.

A dish made from cereals boiled in water or milk.

Porridge is the most common dish in Russian cuisine. Since ancient times, on Russian soil, porridge has symbolized life, family, peace and harmony. For families with different incomes, porridge was a daily food.

“Shchi and porridge are our food,” the Russian proverb truly says.

Porridge is equally useful for both children and adults. It can be consumed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The variety of porridges has no limits. There are many methods and recipes for preparing porridges: semolina, millet, corn, oatmeal, rolled oats, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and others, no less tasty and healthy. Porridges differ in their composition and are divided into crumbly, viscous and liquid. They can be used as a side dish for poultry, meat, and fish.

Buckwheat porridge is a storehouse of B vitamins. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. Buckwheat porridge has a beneficial effect on heart function, gastrointestinal tract, increases hemoglobin (better in combination with vitamin C), its protein is easily absorbed by the body.

Rice porridge, even more than buckwheat, is rich in B vitamins. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on nervous system and, according to recent research in Japan, increases the level of intelligence. So, it is useful to include rice porridge in a schoolchild’s diet. In addition, rice (especially brown rice) can be compared to a broom that sweeps toxic substances out of the body.

Oatmeal good for the heart - oatmeal removes cholesterol from the body. In addition, oatmeal is a powerful antioxidant and a rich source of energy.

Corn porridge is rich in vitamins and microelements. This porridge is very useful for strengthening teeth, hair, bones, as it contains fluorine and silicon. Vitamin A contained in corn improves skin color and condition.

Millet porridge will help cleanse the body after taking antibiotics and remove toxins from the body. If millet - frequent guest on the table, it normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Millet porridge is slowly digested and saturates the body for a long time.

Pearl barley and barley porridge are similar. They can be called beauty porridges. They normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins, as they contain a lot of fiber. Pearl barley and barley porridge are low in calories, but they perfectly saturate the body and charge you with energy. They are also useful for hair growth, strengthening bones and teeth. Barley also contains lysine (fights viruses) and an important trace element - selenium.

Proverbs and sayings about porridge

  • Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
  • You can't spoil porridge with oil.
  • A good worker gets pancakes with porridge, a lazy person gets nettles.
  • You can't cook porridge without water.
  • Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.

The delicious porridge is smoking, Lesha sits down to eat the porridge, The porridge is very good, We ate the porridge slowly. Spoon by spoon, Ate a little at a time.

Tanya F
Project “Very good porridge for health and soul”

1. Introduction…. 3

2. Main part project.... 6

3. Conclusion...13

4. Methodological support….14

5. Applications…. 15


Behind last years our diet has changed beyond recognition. Thanks to

The gastronomic revolution has made it easier to cook, but more difficult to digest. We drink powdered milk, brew dry milk with boiling water mashed potatoes, we eat bean curd, spread artificial butter on bread, satisfy our hunger with hot dogs, soups from a bag, instant noodles, bouillon cubes have been pushed off the table homemade food. Therefore our project ultimately focused on solving one main problem - the formation of knowledge about healthy eating, about the benefits of products made from different grains as a valuable product for growth child's body.


Studies have shown that poor nutrition (eating foods high in fat, refined sugar, and high in calories) can increase the likelihood of children developing diseases such as cancer and heart disease. vascular diseases, high blood pressure and overweight. It is important to encourage the child to think about the work of his body, to develop certain skills of proper food consumption with early age and create the prerequisites for optimal healthy nutrition throughout life.

Nutrition in preschool childhood is of particular importance for child's health, since it must not only cover the energy it consumes, but also provide the material necessary for the growth and development of all organs and systems of the body.

We are constantly looking for more and more new ways to take care of our health, and in this search we forget about the simplest and most natural things: need to reverse close attention children and parents for their food. To reconsider some views in this direction was the main reason for creating our project.

But, watching the kids eat porridge for breakfast, talking with children and parents, we came to conclusion: some love her, others don’t Very, and some consider porridge a useless product. Therefore, it is so important to give children an idea about cereals, their benefits for human health.

After all, nutritionists are sure: There is simply no better dish than traditional porridge. So why is it healthy to eat porridge and other cereal products? Utility the porridge is that that cereals contain almost everything necessary for the body nutrients and anyone who wants to be healthy and energetic should include porridge into your diet.


Insufficient knowledge of children about the benefits of cereals and their role in strengthening children's health.


Using non-traditional forms and methods health improvement preschoolers through the formation of knowledge about proper nutrition, implementation project will ensure the formation of children's ideas about such a useful product as porridge, and therefore will ensure the formation of a socially significant healthy personality.

Object of study: porridge.

Target project:

Formation of children's ideas about porridge as a healthy food product for human health.

Tasks project:

1. To form children’s ideas about proper nutrition, about a healthy product - porridge, about the vitamins in it.

2. Develop the ability to distinguish and name cereals and grains from which delicious porridge.

3. Develop interest in research activities and a desire to learn new things.

4. Strengthen children’s ideas about the products needed for cooking porridge.

For parents:

1. Stimulate parents’ interest in issues of correct and healthy nutrition for children.

2. Involve parents in working on project, creating a positive atmosphere of joint creativity with the child.

Type project: research - creative.

Duration: two weeks.

Children's age: second junior group (3-4 years).

Participants project: children, teachers, pre-school specialists and parents.

Product project:

Presentation "Porridge- our health» .

Exhibition creative works using various cereals.

Wall newspaper design "Porridge - our health» .

Expected Result:

Through a system of various activities, a conscious understanding of the importance of eating cereals will be formed.

Increasing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities among parents, creating interest in healthy eating in families.

Main part project.

Stages of work on project:

Stage 1 - preparatory: (information and research).

Conducting a survey of parents to obtain information about healthy and proper nutrition of children (Appendix 2).

Clarify children's understanding of the benefits porridge as a valuable product for the growth of a child’s body (Annex 1).

Prepare methodological support project.

Basic work plan for educational areas, taking into account the principle of integration.

Educational areas


Work with children

Working with parents

Cognitive development

Presentations “Cereals. Where do they grow". "Without porridge our labors are worth nothing". “Porridge is an integral part of children’s diet preschool age» . “Which porridge is healthier”.

Di "Help Cinderella", “Find out and name the cereal”, "The Fourth Wheel", "Looking for treasure", "Fill the container".

Experimentation: .

Experience .

Development games fine motor skills “Let’s sort the cereal”, "Guess by touch".

Questionnaire "Correct and healthy eating» .

Reminders “About the benefits of porridge”.

Social and communicative development

Conversations: “What do I like to eat?” “Porridge, what is this?”, “Are they useful? porridge "What strengthens health»

Conversation about cereals, looking at different types of cereals.

Conversation about benefits porridge –“semolina, rice, millet, pearl barley, corn porridge”.

S/r games: “let’s help the animals set the table”, "At the dinner table", "The Cooks".

Speech development

Reading Russian folk tale "Porridge from an axe", "The Fox and the Crane", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed". N. Nosova "Mishkina porridge".

Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet".

- Round dance game“1,2,3 – you cook our pot”.

Learning proverbs about porridge.

Speech game “Which grain is which porridge?” “Guess the porridge from the description”.

Word game "Let's cook porridge"

Puzzles “About cereals and porridges”.

Reasoning "What's happened healthy eating

Learning poems and ditties with children.

«» .

Artistic and aesthetic development

Visual activities:

"My favorite porridge".

Application: “My favorite vitamin porridge” (using cereals).

Fairy tale dramatization "Porridge from an axe".

Making a wall newspaper "Porridge - our health»

Making appliques from cereals.

Physical development

P/n "Edible - not edible".

Song with moves "Cook the porridge".

P/n "The Cockerel and the Hen".

Round dance game“1,2,3 – pot cook porridge» .

P/Y "Porridge - baby", “Magpie – white-sided, cooked porridge”.

Breathing exercises: "Cooking porridge".

Games - relay races:

- "Let's Harvest".

Phys. just a minute “Like Grandma Natasha’s”.

Stage 2 – practical.

1 day (07.11.16)

Subject: "Favorite and useful".

Gaming entertainment “Eat right, you will healthy» .

-Conversation: “What do I like to eat?”. “Porridge, what is this?”.

Reading a Russian folk tale "Porridge from an axe".

Games for developing fine motor skills “Let’s sort the cereal”, "Guess by touch".

Interaction with parents:

Consultation on the topic: « Health close and look for it in the bowl".

2nd day (08.11.16)

Subject: "Hello, porridge".

Conversation about cereals, looking at different types of cereals.

Presentation “Cereals. Where do they grow?

Didactic game "Help Cinderella".

Reading a fairy tale "Potty" porridge» .

Popular wisdom about nutrition (proverbs and sayings about porridge, cereals).

Game situation “Let’s teach Mishka to use a napkin”.

Interaction with parents:

Joint work of children and parents to make appliques from cereals “Porridge is our food”

3day (09.11.16)

Subject: « Good porridge"Yes, the cup is small".

-Conversation: “Are they useful? porridge.

Learning proverbs about porridge.

Making an applique using cereals.

-Active game: "Edible is not edible".

Didactic game “Find out and name the cereal”.

Interaction with parents:

Consultation for parents “How are they useful? porridges from different grains» .

4day (10.11.16)

Subject: “Our mother’s porridge”.

-Word game: « Good bad» .

-Conversation: “How are they useful? cereal porridge» .

Making riddles about cereals and porridge.

Reading a fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears".

-Finger gymnastics: "Porridge - baby".

-Round dance game“1, 2, 3, cook a pot for us”.

Interaction with parents:

Memo for parents "Correct and healthy eating» .

5day (11.11.16)

Subject: "Visiting the Chef".

- Experience: determination of cereals by their properties (by shape, color, smell, size).

Story-driven role-playing game “Let’s help the animals set the table”.

Speech game “Which grain is which porridge?”

-Reading: N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge".

Story-driven role-playing game "At the Dinner Table".

Game with cereals "Young Sorter".

Interaction with parents:

-Consultation for parents: « Healthy eating our children» .

6day (14.11.16)

Subject: "Magic porridge"

Word game "Let's cook porridge".

Speech game “Guess the porridge from the description”.

Reading a fairy tale "Pot cooking porridge".

Didactic game "Wonderful bag". “Drawing on a tray with semolina”.

Experimentation “Soaking cereals in water, why they wash cereals”.

7day (11/15/16)

Subject: "Cooking porridge".

Reading a fairy tale "Masha and Porridge".

Game situation “Tell the cockerel how to eat properly”.

Cooperative activity "Let's cook porridge" (gluing cereal onto a stencil).

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel", "Who can collect the beads faster".

A game “Fill the plasticine molds with cereal”.

8day (11/16/16)

Subject: “How to make porridge tastier”.

Conversation “Our mother’s buckwheat porridge”.

Finger gymnastics "Machine porridge".

-Reading: "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed".

Quiz “Porridge is our joy”.

Role-playing game "The Cooks".

Day 9 (11/17/16)

Subject: "What strengthens health» .

Conversation with nurse "What strengthens health» .

Reasoning "What's happened healthy eating

Breathing exercise "Cooking porridge".

Didactic game with cereals "Looking for treasure".

Interaction with parents:

Together with the children, make an applique from cereals.

10 day (11/18/16)

Subject: "Holiday porridge» .

Reading Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet".

Word game "Correct the mistake".

Games with cereals "Fill the container", "Collect the beads".

Making a wall newspaper "Porridge - our health» .

Stage 3 – final.

Generalization of experience on the topic project« Healthy eating» .

Protection project« Very good porridge for health and soul» .

Presentation project.

Project was implemented from November 7 to November 18, 2016. IN project 25 parents and 25 children took part.

According to the results project we can do the following conclusions:

After conducting research on the topic « Very good porridge for health and soul» , we made sure that porridge is very healthy. Children and parents have become interested in healthy eating, children began to understand that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. By consuming them, we receive the substances necessary for the body, preserve and strengthen our health. During the study, the guys learned that most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but only come from food. This is why cereals should be included in a child’s diet regularly.

As a result of the study, the children, with the help of their teachers, came to the conclusion that porridge is a necessary product for the child’s body and the attention to this dish among preschoolers has increased noticeably.

Joint creative tasks for parents and children contributed to strengthening family relationships.


In the process of implementation project favorable health-preserving environment, which allows children to expand their knowledge about proper nutrition, about different types of cereals, about the content of vitamins in them that are useful and necessary for strengthening health.

In our study, we proved that porridge is a filling and healthy dish and perfect healthy breakfast , That's why, What: first, morning porridge increase concentration throughout the day; secondly, porridge does not contribute to obesity; thirdly, people who regularly eat porridge for breakfast in the morning are better able to withstand stress and are in good physical shape.

The hypothesis put forward was confirmed. The children were interested, they played with pleasure, applied the acquired knowledge in story games. The guys met different types cereals and remembered their names, as well as the names of cereals. We found out that very porridge healthy and contain a lot of vitamins. Children began to have a different attitude towards the cereals offered for breakfast in kindergarten, children began to develop a concept of what is harmful and what is beneficial for them health.

The work carried out with parents contributed to the fact that they began to pay more attention to proper nutrition.


1. Vinogradova N. A., Pankova E. P. "Educational projects in kindergarten» .

2. Boltovskoy G., "Porridge- our health» .

3. Kovalev I. I. "Russian Cooking", Moscow, "Economy" 1982

4. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina « Design method in the activities of a preschool institution".

5. Pokrovsky A. A. "A book about delicious and healthy food » . Moscow. V. O "Agropromizdat", 1983

6. Pokhlebkin V.V., « Porridge in a new way» .

7. Pokhlebkin V.V., "My menu".

8. Sinelnikov S. "Cereals"

9. Sklyarevsky L. Ya. « Healing properties food plants". Moscow, Rosselkhozizdat. 1975

10. Internet resources:


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municipal government educational institution

"Krasnoseltsevskaya secondary school"

Bykovsky municipal district Volgograd region

Research project

on this topic:

“Why are porridges healthy?”


3rd grade students


Davletkalieva Lidiya Andreevna,

teacher primary classes

With. Krasnoselets 2015

Project development algorithm



    Main part……………………………………………………….7

    1. History and reasons for this study……...7

      What is porridge?........................................................ .....................................8

      What is the history of the appearance of porridge in Rus'?............................................10

      What types of porridges are there?........................................................ ...........................eleven

      How is porridge useful?........................................................ ..............................12

      Conducting a questionnaire…………………………………….14


List of references……………………………………………………….17



It’s hard to imagine the morning of a person who cares about his health without porridge. But many people don’t want to eat porridge. Some say it makes you fat, others say it takes a long time to cook. But he brings breakfast great benefit body.

The relevance of this project is the fact that There is no healthier thing on earth than breakfast. Breakfast should be 25% of daily ration. Porridge is one of the oldest dishes in Russia. Porridge is the very product that, thanks to the content of nutrients, gives strength and health to everyone!

Many parents do not know how to cook porridge either for themselves or for their children. Porridges are gradually going out of fashion, and no one wants to mess with them in the world of fast food. Therefore, children do not want to eat porridge in the morning for breakfast, although this healthy dish is available to every family; necessary in a healthy diet.

Porridge is a valuable storehouse of vitamins (especially group B), fiber, proteins and so-called “slow” carbohydrates, since they consist of cereals. Cereals are grains of all kinds and different ways preparations. In addition, porridges are distinguished by their low calorie content. At least until they're topped with butter and sugar.

Objective of the project: prove that porridge is a nourishing and healthy dish, develop recommendations that will increase the popularity of porridge among children

Project objectives:

    study literature on the topic;

    analyze the concept of “porridge”;

    get acquainted with various types grain crops used for cooking cereals;

    find out what porridge is and how it is useful;

    find old recipes cooking porridge;

    select illustrative material to accompany this work;

    conduct a study of the school breakfast menu and peers’ opinions about cereals using a questionnaire;

    consolidate ideas about the work of a cook and introduce them to the work of a cook through observations; cultivate respect for working people.

Project type: research

Object of study:

- canteen of MKOU "Krasnoseltsevskaya Secondary School"

Porridge as a food product

Subject of study: beneficial properties of porridge

Project participants:

School students


School cook

Medical worker

Research methods:

    from theoretical methods - analysis of literature, analysis of concepts;

    from general scientific sociological methods - questioning (or questionnaire);

    One of the empirical research methods is observation.


    electronic resources

Project duration: short.

Age of project participants: 9-10 years


When asking children “What do you like to eat most for breakfast? “Not a single student said that they eat porridge for breakfast. Children believe that cereals are not tasty and do not have to be eaten.

Therefore, before us there aroseproblem - how to help children discover the valuable qualities of dairy products and cereals, their importance for the development of the child’s body.

A problem has emerged: children have insufficiently formed ideas about the importance of eating cereals for the growth and health of children.

Research hypothesis :

We assume that as a result of the study we will prove that eating porridge has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Practical importance Our research is to develop recommendations that increase the popularity of porridge as a high-quality and healthy food product.


Porridge is the very product that, thanks to the content of nutrients, gives strength and health to everyone! Porridge is the best breakfast.The usefulness of breakfast with porridge is that it allows you to feel full for quite a long time.

Practical importance research :

Expected Result:

    ideas about the benefits of cereals in the diet will be formed baby food, the importance of their consumption for growth and health.

    will develop an interest in preserving one’s own health.

    if children know more about the benefits of porridge, then perhaps they will love this dish or, at least, change their attitude towards porridge for the better;

    if children at school are happy to eat porridge for breakfast, they will get sick less and, therefore, grow healthy generation our country.



One of the main childhood memories is porridge!When we were younger, we didn't understand why our mothers sometimes just forced us to eat porridge. They told us that eating porridge is healthy, that porridge helps us grow strong and healthy -“One more spoon for grandma!”, “Until the plate is clean, you won’t go for a walk!”When we became schoolchildren, we noticed that in the school canteen on the days when we were fed porridge for breakfast, some children did not want to eat it and did not listen to the cook who said that porridge was healthy. Nowadays, porridge is considered the food of the elderly, children and sick people. But is this really so? Why do many children often refuse to eat porridge? We wondered - is porridge really healthy, why do many children not want to eat it? What is porridge anyway, and what types of porridge are there?

Collecting information about the benefits of porridge and its nutritional properties.

1.2. WHAT IS PORridge?

From the literature we have learned that there are many scientific definitions concepts of porridge. For example, in a large explanatory dictionary modern Russian language D.N. Ushakov gives the following interpretation of this word:

PORridge, porridge, · women

1. A dish made from cereals boiled in water or milk.Buckwheat porridge. Milk porridge. with an unsuccessful blow a figure in a game of gorodki or skittles, whenever

2. trans. About the fact that, when liquefied, it becomes similar to this food ( preim. about dirt; · colloquial ). After the thaw and the first rains, the road turned into some kind of dirty mess.

3. trans. Confusion, disorder (in thoughts;· colloquial femme ). He has a mess in his head.

4. One town crushed, not a single pin knocked out of line ( sport. ). Make porridge .


Interesting Facts about porridge:

1. The Chinese were the first to cultivate millet, from which millet cereal is made. Then millet came from China to other countries. Millet porridge was loved in Rus' for yellow. Millet porridge is rich in B vitamins and many microelements. Substances contained in millet prevent fat deposition.

In some Russian regions, during matchmaking, the bride had to serve millet porridge to the guests. Only the one whose porridge turned out crumbly and without a specific bitterness was married.

2. Buckwheat is made from buckwheat seeds. But this porridge is eaten only in the CIS countries; the rest of the world feeds pheasants with “base grains” and stuffs their pillows with buckwheat husks. Thanks to high content iron strengthens the walls of blood vessels and accelerates wound healing.

3. Pearl barley and barley porridge are cooked from barley grains (whole polished ones are used for pearl barley, crushed ones for barley).

Barley is an ancient cereal that was a valuable commodity and even a standard of weight for many cultures. Nowadays pearl barley porridge is not very popular because its preparation requires time and skill. Meanwhile, Japanese researcher Yoshihie Hagiwara, who devoted 13 years to studying 150 types of cereals, came to the conclusion that barley is the best source nutrients. In addition, this cereal removes toxins from the body and successfully fights infections.

Excavations of ancient settlements near Kyiv confirm that barley was the main grain of these lands and all lands located to the north. In the 10th and 11th centuries, the transition to wheat forced farmers to destroy barley crops. Some historians believe that this is what indirectly influenced climate change middle zone Russia from moderately mild (as in Europe) to more damp and cold. The fact is that forests were destroyed for wheat crops; it was more profitable to grow wheat, since it was more expensive. But more land was required for it, unlike barley, which was more unpretentious, and its yield was higher.

Barley was also grown in America.

Perlovka owes its name to its resemblance to freshwater pearls (from the word “pearl” - pearl). Jachka healthier than pearl barley, because it is not subjected to grinding and retains more vitamins.

4. Wheat and semolina porridges are prepared from crushed wheat ( wheat porridge) and ground (semolina). The most refined variety of semolina is Guryev porridge. A delicacy made with milk with the addition of nuts, creamy foam and dried fruits was invented in early XIX century, Minister of Finance Count Guryev.

In the 1920s, when the All-Union Children's Pioneer Camp was formed, a cheap and satisfying dish became the basis children's diet. Processed wheat cereals help you gain weight. But they contain almost no useful elements.

5. Oatmeal is cooked from flattened oat grains.

“Oatmeal” is most popular in Scotland, where a championship in the preparation of this dish is held. And Edinburgh has the world's only oatmeal bar.

Oatmeal increases the body's resistance, improves metabolic processes and the work of the heart. Three-quarters cup of dry cereal covers daily requirement person in fiber.

6. Mamalyga or corn porridge. Cooked from corn flour. This porridge was the main dish of Romanian and Moldavian peasants, because corn was not taxed. Corn porridge improves metabolic processes in the brain and strengthens memory. It does not contain fat, cholesterol or gluten, so it is recommended for those who suffer from allergies.

7. Rice porridge. Made from rice grains. Rice appeared about 15,000 years ago in the area South Korea. Later it was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great. But in Russia they tried rice only under Peter the Great and called it “Saracenic millet.” The word "rice" did not appear until the end of the 19th century.

IN Japanese the word "rice" and "eat" are the same word. In China, the expression “breaking a bowl of rice” means leaving work.

Rice contains amino acids and B vitamins that are beneficial for humans and does not contain gluten.


The cereal is poured into the pan,
Fill with cold water,
And they put it on the stove to cook.
And what can happen here?(answer: porridge)

Black, little baby,
And there is a lot of land in it,
They will cook in the water,
The guys will eat it.

(answer: porridge)

Black, little baby,
and there is a lot of land in it;
They'll cook it in the water and the kids will eat it.
(answer: porridge)

In the city of Torzhok
They sell a woman in a pot.
(answer: porridge)


The pot is small, but it cooks porridge.
The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
Once you’ve made the porridge, don’t skimp on the oil.
To be without porridge if there is no butter.
Grandma with porridge, and grandfather with a spoon.
You made the porridge yourself, so you can disentangle it yourself.
And a fool will understand how they put butter into the porridge.
Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

Project participants:

Children preparatory group det. Garden "Crane";


Relevance of the project: the need to develop healthy lifestyle values ​​is dictated by the environmental and social situation and the deteriorating health of children. Studies have shown that poor diet (eating foods high in fat, refined sugar, and high in calories) can increase the likelihood of children developing diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and excess weight. It is important to encourage your child to think about how his body works. , develop certain skills for proper food consumption from an early age and create the prerequisites for optimal healthy nutrition throughout life.

Target: To develop knowledge about the usefulness of porridge. Porridge is the key to a healthy diet.


  • Develop search activity and intellectual initiative
  • Develop special methods of orientation – experimentation and modeling
  • Form generalized methods mental work and means of building your own cognitive activity and with the help of a teacher.
  • Develop the ability to predict future changes.
  • Formation of prerequisites for educational activities: arbitrariness in behavior and productive activity; the need to create your own picture of the world; communication skills.
  • Formation of design and research skills: identify the problem; with the help of the teacher, look for the right solution, choose the most adequate solution; independently analyze the results obtained.

Physical development:

  • Expand children's understanding of the benefits of eating a variety of cereals.
  • To develop children's safe behavior skills and the habit of healthy image life, develop a conscious attitude towards your health

Cognitive development

  • Systematize knowledge, stimulate the development of cognitive and creative abilities,
  • Develop the ability for speech planning, establish cause-and-effect relationships
  • Continue to enrich children's vocabulary, improve the ability to construct a statement, use different parts of speech in accordance with their meaning, coordinate words in a sentence

Social development

  • Development of self-knowledge and positive evaluation; mastering methods outside of situational and personal communication
  • Continue to introduce children to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults
  • Develop intelligence and the ability to solve problems independently

Aesthetic development

  • Develop imagination, technical drawing skills, collective creativity: cultivate the desire to act in concert.
  • Strengthen the ability to sing independently, emotionally.

Planned result

A conscious attitude towards your health, the ability to choose healthy foods, understanding the importance of eating cereals.

formation of voluntary behavior, increasing self-esteem

communication skills

Project development algorithm

Preparatory stage

1. Selecting a project topic

2. Defining goals and objectives, drawing up a work plan.

3. Selection of material, clarification of available information.

Practical stage/formation of specific knowledge, abilities, skills/.

1. Educational area"Cognition":

Conversations; solving problem situations; didactic games and exercises

2. Educational field "Communication"

Composing stories


Didactic games

Dramatization of fairy tales

3. Reading fiction

Riddles, proverbs, sayings

Poems, stories, fairy tales.

4. Educational area “Socialization”

Didactic and role-playing games

Rules of etiquette

5. Educational field “Physical education”

Finger gymnastics

General developmental exercises

6. Educational area "Health"


Fostering a food culture

7. Educational area "Security"

Didactic games


8. Educational field “Artistic creativity”

Drawing, modeling, applique “Crafts from cereals”, “Healthy and harmful products”, “Porridge on the table”, panel “Porridge on the table - friends in the house”

9. Educational field "Music"

Learning songs and dances.

The final stage

Defense of the project “Porridge is our food.”

1. Relevance of the problem

Both in kindergarten and at home we are often told: “Eat more porridge, you will be healthy.” If you don’t eat porridge, you will not have the strength.” And I don't really like porridge. And in kindergarten, in the dining room, I often see children taking porridge back, and we are very often given porridge in kindergarten. So I thought: “Are porridges really as healthy as adults say?” I decided to find out this question. Could this be true? After all, something very tasty is often harmful to the body, but something healthy is not always tasty. With this problem, the whole group of children turned to our teacher, Irina Fedorovna. Irina Fedorovna suggested that we conduct a study and find out together whether porridge is healthy or not. We set a goal, defined tasks and drew up a work plan. The work has begun.

Porridge- a dish of cereal grains boiled in water (or milk), sometimes with additives such as salt, sugar, seasonings, milk, fruits, dried fruits, jam. Porridge differs from a side dish made from cooked cereals (grains or cereals) in that it has a more liquid consistency. Very common in Russian cuisine. Traditional food for breakfast. Traditionally, porridge is cooked in clay or cast iron pots in a Russian oven, now also in pans on stoves or in special dishes in microwave ovens.

Target: Find out whether porridge is good for human health?


1. Find out the history of the appearance of porridge in a person’s life.

2. Find out from which cereals cereals for porridge are obtained.

3. Find out nutritional values porridge.

4. Determine whether cereals are healthy or not.

Hypothesis: I assume that cereals do not benefit the human body.

Work plan:

1. Find material that tells about the history of the appearance of porridge in human life.

2. Ask adults what they think about the benefits of cereals. Find out if children like porridge and why

3. Find out what porridge is made from.

4. Find out how cereals affect the human body.

5. Is porridge mentioned in literary works?

6. Draw a conclusion about whether porridge is healthy or not .

1. The history of the appearance of porridge in human life

Porridge is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. The traditions of Russian cooking are determined by the specifics of historical cooking (oven and pots), but this is also connected with the main activity of peasants in Rus' - arable farming, cultivation of grain crops.
Porridge is the most common Russian dish. The word porridge itself in its ancient meaning is Proto-Slavic and means a food prepared from mashed grain (krash - “to rub”). Initially, porridge was a liquid soup made from flour, but later, with the advent of new grain crops and the spread of buckwheat, the word “porridge” began to mean primarily buckwheat porridge.

2. Research methods:

Firstly, I would like to know what grains the porridge is made from.

In Rus', porridge was cooked from buckwheat, wheat, millet, oats and many other grains. Cereals contain almost all the nutrients the body needs in an ideal ratio.

Like every nation in which agriculture predominated, as opposed to livestock breeding and hunting, grain crops and its products were the main food products.


Children's pediatrician: “Porridge contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins. They improve digestion. Porridge contains everything necessary for a person nutrients. Buckwheat porridge is for the heart. One of the healthiest porridges is Millet porridge for energy. It is believed that millet porridge gives strength. Anti-aging oatmeal contains vitamin C, which protects the body from aging. Barley porridge for youth. Known to ladies as "Beauty Porridge"

Cook: Natalya Yuryevna told us what the porridge is made from. We learned that semolina is ground from wheat and boiled semolina porridge. Millet is obtained from millet and millet porridge is cooked. Pearl barley and barley porridge are made from barley. And rice is a guest from Asia. Rice porridge is prepared from rice.

Mom: Together with my mother, we also cooked buckwheat porridge at home. Mom said, “Porridge gives strength to a person. It contains a lot of vitamins.

4. Is porridge mentioned in literary works?

It is unlikely that any other dish of Russian cuisine has as many legends and fairy tales, proverbs and sayings as porridge, a symbol of prosperity.

The children in our class know stories, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, and poems about porridge.

We not only read these works, but also staged a dramatization of the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”

They sang songs and even danced. (Dance of the cooks)

5. Are cereals used elsewhere?

We made panels from cereals and organized an exhibition.

Ruslan and his mother embroidered a beautiful picture “Porridge on the table - friends in the house”

We played a variety of games: “Guess by touch”, “Guess by taste”, “Third is a wheel”, etc.

6. Conclusion


Any porridge is an extremely healthy and also dietary product.

The inclusion of various cereals in the diet helps a person not only get the vitamins, microelements and others that are so necessary for the body useful material, but also contributes to the prevention and, in some cases, targeted treatment of many diseases.

1) Porridge has a long history;

2) Porridge is useful for the human body, since the grain from which it is cooked contains various vitamins and microelements;

3) Porridge has a beneficial effect on digestion, the functioning of the heart and other organs;

4) Many fairy tales, riddles, and proverbs have been written about porridge;

I realized that I was wrong in my guesses that porridge is not healthy.

In a word, my hypothesis was not confirmed, so “Eat more porridge - you will be healthy!”


1. Boltovskoy G. Porridge – our health.

2. Pokhlebkin V.V. Porridge.

3. Pokhlebkin V.V. The secret of good cuisine.

4. Pokhlebkin V.V. My menu.

5. Pokhlebkin V.V. Porridge in a new way.

6. Internet resources.

Project stages:

1. Analytical and diagnostic (questioning children and parents, collecting information about where the porridge came from on the table, studying literature on the problem).

2. Practical (methods and techniques of teaching, forms of organizing children, use of new technologies)

3. Analytical-summarizing (summarizing the results of work with children and parents on the problem, summarizing experience).

Form of the final event:

Leisure time with parents "Porridge is our joy"

Goal: to acquaint pupils and parents with the history and origin of various cereals, with folk traditions related to grain crops; educate the child’s taste, nutritional culture and healthy lifestyle; form an idea of ​​the importance and benefits of cereals in the daily menu.

1. Bring children to understand the benefits of porridge, as well as to become familiar with the algorithm for preparing porridge.

2. Strengthen the ability to name and distinguish the names of cereals. Name different cereals.

Project product:

For children: exhibition of children's works, newspapers, collages "My delicious porridge"

For parents:- creation of the book “Recipes for the most delicious porridge”;

Making collages, posters, newspapers “How we cooked porridge”

For the teacher:

- a card index of proverbs and sayings about healthy eating, porridge;

Consultation for parents “Healthy nutrition for preschoolers”; “About the benefits of cereals.”

Selection of notes on joint activities.



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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