Why are there stars before my eyes? Floaters before the eyes: causes, treatment, what to do, connection with diseases. Types of simple visual hallucination

The stars look like flying flies, dark spots, spots that move in space. This may be a natural manifestation of the eyes adapting to changes in lighting.

If the stars flicker for a longer time, and there are no obvious reasons for their occurrence, it means that there is some kind of internal imbalance in the body.

There are many different reasons for the appearance of stars in the eyes. These include the following:

  • a sharp drop or jump in blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • overwork;
  • lack of iron and magnesium in the blood;
  • osteochondrosis cervical region;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • poisoning.

In addition, spots before the eyes may appear due to the natural aging of the eyeball, namely destruction vitreous. An ophthalmologist will help determine this.

Do not dismiss the symptom of spots before the eyes, as it can cause serious consequences. It is always easier to treat a disease in the early stages.

  1. If a person has a recurring problem with stars and spots before his eyes, he should consult a specialist. This may be a general practitioner who will prescribe appropriate tests to determine the exact cause of the symptom.
  2. Special eye gymnastics helps to get rid of flashing before your eyes. The exercises consist of alternating muscle tension and relaxation. You need to close your eyes tightly (5 seconds), and then calmly look ahead (10 seconds).
  3. It is also recommended that, while sitting straight, look away as much as possible, first to the right, and then to left side. Gymnastics should be repeated once a day for 10 repetitions.

In addition, stars in the eyes in any case indicate overwork. A person should temporarily refrain from working and playing on a computer, healthy image life, get enough sleep, walk more fresh air, start taking a course of vitamins with microelements.

Therefore, it is important to monitor whether asterisks appear at regular intervals. If the answer is yes, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the causes of the symptom. If the stars were a one-time occurrence, then there is no need to worry.


From time to time a person notices black dots in front of his eyes that resemble stars. And when he turns his gaze, they do not disappear, but swim across, also coming into view. Black spots before the eyes do not cause severe discomfort and do not pose a danger, but in certain cases they can serve as symptoms of serious eye diseases. First, you need to consider why stars appear before your eyes.

The appearance of floating stars in front of the eyes can be caused by a phenomenon called vitreous opacities. The eye is designed in such a way that the space between the retina and the lens is filled with a gel-like substance called the vitreous. Dead cells and decay products are concentrated in it and over time form pinpoint areas. Black dots, visible to humans, are actually a shadow from such areas on the lens.

Reasons for these destructive changes:

age-related changes;

- vascular diseases;

- eye injuries;

- impaired metabolism;

- infectious diseases.

In most cases, the appearance of stars before the eyes is not a threatening factor, but in certain cases you need to worry and immediately consult a doctor. When not just one star flies in front of your eye, but a large number of, this may indicate intraocular bleeding.

If the symptom is accompanied by blurred vision and sudden flashes of light, the cause may be a detached retina. In these cases, a quick visit to a doctor may be the only chance to save vision. In addition, black spots before the eyes may be a temporary phenomenon caused by sharp jumps blood pressure or fatigue. In this case, the asterisks are not separate disease, but only a symptom that is quickly eliminated along with the cause of its occurrence. Enough have a nice rest, if the reason is overwork, or taking the necessary medicines, if the appearance of stars is the result of high blood pressure.

If the cause of floating black spots before the eyes is vitreous opacities, and they are not a sign of a serious disease, serious treatment this problem does not require. Surgical or laser methods Treatment in these cases is not applied, since possible results surgeries are more serious than the mild discomfort that the presence of these dots before the eyes can cause.

In addition, most people eventually stop paying attention to them, and some stars may simply disappear from view. However, if black spots appear before your eyes, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.

Usually for treatment of this disease use eye drops, B vitamins, as well as drugs to improve metabolism. In addition, it is necessary to reduce eye strain, do visual exercises and have your eyesight checked at least once a year. These measures are largely preventive and are aimed at preventing the disease from developing. It will not be possible to completely solve the problem.

Why do stars appear before my eyes?


When tilting or turning their head sharply, some people notice stars in their eyes. Even a slight flicker can cause a lot of discomfort to a person. To quickly and effectively get rid of this problem, you must consult a doctor. A doctor will help identify the cause of development unpleasant symptom, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To begin treatment, the first thing you need to do is determine why the stars appear before your eyes. The most common reasons for the development of this disease can be considered:

  • Lack of oxygen in the brain due to poor circulation;
  • Very high or, conversely, low blood pressure;
  • Shortage in the body useful vitamins and microelements;
  • Reduced hemoglobin;
  • Consequences of injury to the organs of vision or head.

Even a completely healthy person can sometimes notice stars before their eyes; the reasons for this symptom are prolonged exposure to a dark room. Once your eyes get used to the bright light, the flickering will disappear.

Structure of the eye

Doctors say that dark spots before the eyes are not a reason to sound the alarm. This symptom can occur in both young and elderly people, and it is associated with a natural change in the eye - destruction of the vitreous body. The name is indeed frightening, but this pathology does not pose any serious danger to your health. After 40 years, this organ begins to gradually disintegrate, resulting in small, opaque particles. If flashes before your eyes become more frequent, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. This symptom may indicate separation of the vitreous from the wall of the eye.

Flickering before the eyes is a symptom of a dangerous disease

Stars before your eyes, the causes of which you do not understand, must be treated under the strict supervision of professional doctors. The thing is that they can be the first symptom of the development of very serious and dangerous pathologies, namely:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. With this disease, blood circulation is disrupted, pressure in the arteries changes, as a result of which an unpleasant flicker regularly appears before the eyes.
  • Severe internal bleeding. In this case, the patient sees many white dots.
  • Severe intoxication of the body. Poisoning can negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and damage the optic nerve. An additional symptom of this disease may be visual splitting of objects.
  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Progression of diabetes mellitus.

All these diseases can have extremely negative consequences for the patient’s health. If stars appear before your eyes quite often (1-2 times a week), you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

Treatment methods

Stars in the eyes are a symptom of what? Only a physician can determine the exact cause of the development of unpleasant flickering. To do this, he needs to conduct an initial examination of the patient and study the diagnostic results. Therapy directly depends on the cause of midges in front of the eyes.

Timely diagnosis will help stop the development of pathology

Most often this symptom occurs when vegetative-vascular dystonia. To get rid of it quickly and effectively, you need to completely change your lifestyle. Get enough sleep, move more, eat only healthy foods, stop smoking and bad habits. Patients with VSD should avoid emotional conflicts and nervous tension.

Treatment of vitreous destruction

If stars appear before your eyes natural reasons, you won't need the help of doctors. The thing is that medications for the treatment of vitreous destruction have not yet been invented. To make flickering less uncomfortable, perform a simple exercise - keep your head straight and move your gaze sharply to the left and right. This way you can move opaque particles to the sides, thereby clearing your view.

Flickering in the eyes causes discomfort and can cause frequent headaches

If the damage to the steloid is very severe, doctors may prescribe surgery. To quickly eliminate stars in the eyes, the following procedures are used:

  • Vitreolysis– the operation is performed using modern laser equipment. The opaque particles of the vitreous body then break down into microscopic particles that do not interfere with vision. This procedure can have complications, so it is recommended only in extreme cases.
  • Vitrectomy– surgery to remove the vitreous. The surgeon may remove part or all of the organ and replace it with a balanced salt solution. Complications may also occur after the procedure - hemorrhage, cataracts, retinal detachment. The operation should only be performed as prescribed by a physician.

A healthy lifestyle will help maintain the integrity of the vitreous body into old age. Monitor your health constantly, undergo a routine medical examination, and then you can stop the development dangerous diseases on the very early stage.


  • Reasons for the appearance of stars before the eyes
  • Treatment of midges before the eyes

Stars in the eyes, the causes of which can vary, usually appear as small spots or dots shaped like a small cloud. They often appear after looking for a long time at objects that have a fuzzy background. For example, this can happen after observing the sky or stars. After a person turns his gaze in the opposite direction, the sparkling dots continue to move in the other direction and then settle.

Reasons for the appearance of stars before the eyes

After a person reaches the age of 40, some molecules in the vitreous eye, which is transparent, begin the process of breaking down into small particles. These fragments lose their transparency and begin to be perceived by the human eye like darkened shadows flying before your eyes. Quite often, this symptom manifests itself in people who suffer from myopia. However, young people also have stars before their eyes. healthy people. This may happen after long stay in the dark or at the moment of awakening. Flying stars pass immediately after the eyes get used to the light.

In some cases, stars before the eyes serve as a signal of the presence of a serious disease that can lead to serious complications. Stars may appear before your eyes:

  • with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (often it is the cause of the symptom). Asterisks appear due to abnormalities in blood pressure in the arteries of the spine;
  • in case of acute internal bleeding, the stars have White color. This symptom is often the first and only;
  • at acute form poisoning when harmful substances start attacking nervous system human body. In this case, the optic nerve begins to suffer first. A person begins to see not only small stars in the eyes, but also double objects in the eyes;
  • during hypertensive crisis;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with traumatic brain injury;
  • with age-related changes;
  • for vascular diseases;
  • after eye injury;
  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • for infectious diseases.

Most often, the appearance of stars in the eyes is not a threatening factor, but in some cases it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital. Especially when there are a lot of stars flying before your eyes. This may indicate intraocular bleeding.

If at this symptom If you experience blurred vision and sudden flashes of light appearing before your eyes, this may be due to retinal detachment. At the same time, timely contact with a doctor can give only chance to preserve vision.

Dark spots before the eyes may appear with increased blood pressure and when overworked. Stars before the eyes are not a disease, they are a symptom that quickly passes after the cause of them is eliminated. If the whole point is overwork, then a good rest will be enough.

Shiny white flies most often appear when suddenly getting out of bed.

People who have low blood pressure may experience white floaters even in normal situations. This may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness - little blood flows to the brain. If white flies appear frequently, you should go to a cardiologist or neurologist to study cerebral circulation and prevent the onset of ischemic stroke. Black flies are observed at high physical activity when the vessels of the retina fill with blood. They also serve as a sign of hypertension. If black flies appear in a normal situation, then you need to go to a cardiologist. This can save you from the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Taking care of health is very important for a person. Signs that make you take a closer look at yourself are various pains, dizziness, weakness, swelling, as well as spots and stars in the eyes. Why do spots appear before a person’s eyes, what is this connected with? Let's look at it in more detail.

Stars in the eyes

Symptom manifestation

When a person looked at the sun and then moved his gaze to the ground, floaters would certainly appear in the eyes, but after about five minutes they would disappear into space. The view will become clear and clear again.

Stars look like flying flies, dark dots, spots that move in space. This may be a natural manifestation of the eyes adapting to changes in lighting.

If the stars flicker for a longer time, and there are no obvious reasons for their occurrence, it means that there is some kind of internal imbalance in the body.

Stars before your eyes: why do they appear?

There are many different reasons for the appearance of stars in the eyes. These include the following:

  • a sharp drop or jump in blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • overwork;
  • lack of iron and magnesium in the blood;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • poisoning.

In addition, spots before the eyes may appear due to the natural aging of the eyeball, namely, destruction of the vitreous body. An ophthalmologist will help determine this.

Consequences and prevention

You should not ignore the symptom of spots before your eyes, as it can have serious consequences. It is always easier to treat a disease in the early stages.

  1. If a person has a recurring problem with stars and spots before his eyes, he should consult a specialist. This may be a general practitioner who will prescribe appropriate tests to determine the exact cause of the symptom.
  2. Special eye gymnastics helps to get rid of flashing before your eyes. The exercises consist of alternating muscle tension and relaxation. You need to close your eyes tightly (5 seconds), and then calmly look ahead (10 seconds).
  3. It is also recommended that, while sitting upright, look away as much as possible, first to the right and then to the left. Gymnastics should be repeated once a day for 10 repetitions.

In addition, stars in the eyes in any case indicate overwork. A person should temporarily give up working and playing on the computer, lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, walk more in the fresh air, and start taking a course of vitamins and microelements.

Therefore, it is important to monitor whether asterisks appear at regular intervals. If the answer is yes, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the causes of the symptom. If the stars were a one-time occurrence, then there is no need to worry.

It is unlikely that you will be able to find at least one person who in his life has not observed the appearance of stars before his eyes. This is a very common phenomenon and in most cases does not pose any danger - just move your gaze, blink, and such visual defects disappear. But if stars in the eyes begin to appear frequently or are constantly present in the field of vision, mandatory It is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist, because such a pathological sign may indicate several diseases, including those dangerous to health and life.

What it is

In medicine, stars before the eyes are called photopsia.. These are elementary, that is, simple, visual hallucinations, which are accompanied by the appearance in the field of view of non-objective images - moving points, spots, sparks, flashes, incomprehensible shapes of figures (zigzags, lightning, rings, etc.), a false perception of the sensation of light in the eyes. Typically, these simple visual hallucinations are luminous, shiny, white or yellow color, sometimes patients describe them as “black flies”.

For the first time, such a visual phenomenon as photopsia was described by the physician Kelius Aurelianus in the 1st century. AD as one of the symptoms of migraine. Photopsia can be either unilateral or appear simultaneously in both eyes. They occur in both blind and sighted people of various ages, both in light and dark rooms.

The appearance of stars before the eyes may indicate not only damage to the eye itself, but also to other parts visual analyzer, in particular, the brain

If photopsia develops in a patient, due to various reasons inadequate stimulation occurs various departments visual analyzer. As a result, stars, flashes, dots, lightning and other elementary visual hallucinations appear in the field of vision.

Characteristic symptoms and varieties

As already mentioned, photopsia can have many forms, they can have different color, frequency of occurrence and duration, but they can all be grouped into several categories:

  • lightning – white or yellow stripes of different brightness, zigzags, rings and other incomprehensible shapes;
  • stars (sparks) – bright white dots that quickly move across the field of view;
  • outbreaks - sharp and very short-term false feeling light in the eyes, some patients describe this version of photopsia as a sudden blow to the head;
  • floaters are small black dots or stripes that move with your eye movements.

A variant of simple photopsia, which is often found in patients with pathology of the vitreous body of the eye

At the same time, depending on the reason why photopsia appear, the patient may feel other pathological symptoms, for example, dizziness, headache, increased eye fatigue, pain in the eyeballs, blurred vision, intolerance to external stimuli (light, sound), increased sweating, fear, heartbeat, etc.

Important! You definitely need to describe all your pathological symptoms to the doctor, in addition to the flying stars in your eyes, this will help the specialist quickly navigate your situation and prescribe the necessary complex diagnostic studies.

Ophthalmic causes

There are many ophthalmological diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of flying stars in the eyes. Let's look at the most common of them.


Mechanophosphene in ophthalmology is the phenomenon of the appearance of a light flash, stars and other photopsies during mechanical impact on the eyeball (pressure, blow).

If pressure is applied to the eye with a finger through closed eyelids, a sensation of light appears. This is due to the effect on the retina - the light-receiving inner shell eyes. It is capable of responding not only to one stimulus (light), but also to others: electrical impulses, X-rays, heat waves, mechanical pressure.

Using mechanophosphene, you can roughly determine the working areas of the retina at home. If mechanophosphene does not occur, we can conclude that the corresponding area of ​​the retina is not working.

In areas of retinal detachment and retinal breaks, it will not be possible to induce mechanophosphene

The phenomenon of mechanophosphene also explains the appearance of light images during eye injury (for example, if you accidentally hit your eye with your finger).

Detachment and destruction of the vitreous body

The vitreous body is a gel-like transparent substance that fills the entire internal space between the retina and the lens of the eyeball. 99% of this formation consists of water, proteoglycan molecules, glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid).

The main functions of the vitreous body:

  • providing the eyeball with the necessary shape;
  • participation in the refraction of light;
  • imparting “incompressibility to the eye.”

Vitreous detachment, as a rule, is a slowly progressive pathology of a degenerative-dystrophic nature, the risk of which increases with the number of decades lived. For certain reasons, the tone of the hyaloid membrane of the vitreous body decreases, which is accompanied by its detachment. This threatens loss of visual acuity, development of myopia, damage to the macular zone of the eye and blindness.

Unfortunately, vitreous detachment in the early stages is completely asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis difficult.

The causes of vitreous detachment are:

  • age-related decrease in collagen synthesis and hyaluronic acid in the body after 50 years;
  • the presence of concomitant ophthalmological pathologies - often found in people with myopia and pathology choroid eyes;
  • metabolic, autoimmune and endocrine diseases;
  • very rarely, pathology can be directly related to eye injury.

It is important to know! Vitreous detachment is the most a common complication surgical interventions on eyeball. Therefore, it is very important to comply with everything medical recommendations regarding postoperative rehabilitation period to prevent such a complication.

Destruction of the vitreous body is the clouding of the fibers of this formation, due to which it loses its basic optical properties and is accompanied by various kinds of visual defects, including the appearance of floating white stars in front of the eyes.

The main causes of pathology are involutive (age-related) changes in the visual analyzer, various ophthalmological diseases, pathology of cardio-vascular system, diabetes. As a rule, the disease is not dangerous and has a relatively favorable prognosis. Naturally, patients experience some discomfort, but most of them get used to it and live “in unison” with their photopsies.

When the vitreous body is destroyed, its fibers change their structure, which leads to a violation of the transparency of this anatomical formation

What to do in such cases? Unfortunately, effective methods No treatment for destruction has been developed to date. Medicines help remove only small opacities; large defects do not resolve until the end of life. It is important to identify and eliminate the root cause of the clouding of the gel-like substance of the vitreous body - this will stop the progression of the disease. There are also surgical methods treatment, but the prognosis for them is unstable; complications very often arise, which are much more dangerous for the patient than manifestations of destruction of the vitreous body. In each case, the issue of treatment is decided on an individual basis.

Retinal lesions

This is a very serious group of pathologies in which detachment or rupture of the retina occurs, usually due to vascular diseases, which prevent normal power supply to the light-receiving part of the visual analyzer.

Important to remember! Light flashes, stars and other photopsia appear early in the disease, so it is important to seek immediate treatment. medical assistance, to avoid total loss vision.

Thus, if you are wondering what the symptoms of stars in the eyes may be, remember the important answer - they can signal pathology of the retina and the threat of blindness.

The disease is treatable, usually with surgery, but only if pathological process haven't gone far yet. In terms of prognosis, it is important to identify the real reason detachments and ruptures, for example, this is often observed in people with uncontrolled arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosing retinal detachment is very simple; a routine ophthalmological examination is sufficient.

Other reasons associated with retinal damage that can cause stars around the eyes include spasm of its blood vessels. This picture can be observed in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, neurological diseases, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic and endocrine disorders.

Damage to other parts of the visual analyzer

Other ophthalmological causes of simple visual hallucinations include:

  • inflammation of the choroid (choroid) – choroiditis;
  • corneal damage - keratitis, dystrophic changes;
  • progressive glaucoma with lesions optic nerve;
  • progressive cataract;
  • optic neuritis;
  • retinal hemorrhages;
  • diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy;
  • macular edema.

Other reasons

If the occurrence of photopsia is not associated with eye pathology, then most likely the reason lies in neurological diseases with brain damage or cardiovascular diseases.

These reasons may include:

  • ocular migraine, or visual scotoma;
  • preeclampsia and eclampsia during pregnancy;
  • hypertonic disease and its complications (acute and chronic hypertensive encephalopathy - brain damage against the background of very high blood pressure);
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • brain tumors, as well as intraocular neoplasms;
  • effect on the body of certain poisons (organophosphorus compounds);
  • migraine;
  • syndrome vertebral artery against the background of cervical osteochondrosis or other pathologies.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the most common causes of photopsia include pathologies of the retina and vitreous body, so these lesions should be looked for first. Photopsies of cortical origin (caused by brain damage) are quite rare, but still, if the ophthalmologist does not find a problem, you must make an appointment with a neurologist.

Stars in the eyes appear normally during the period of vision adaptation to external conditions. This symptom is also accompanied by a sharp change in blood pressure. If flies appear regularly or are constantly present, we can talk about a serious pathology - destruction of the vitreous body. It can only be treated surgically, traditional methods or massage can only temporarily stop the spread of changes.

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    Description of the pathology

    The reasons for the appearance of dots, floaters and cobwebs in the eyes are a consequence of changes in the composition of the vitreous body, namely its destruction. Normally, the eye contains about 99% fluid and 1% additional substances. Pathology is diagnosed if the composition changes. There are several types of the disease:

    • filamentous. The reason is the gluing of the fibers of the vitreous body or their loss of their usual transparency.
    • Grainy. Hyalocyte cells form the fiber structure, but over time they become denser and stick together. Appears as dots before the eyes.


    In the absence of vision pathologies, there should be no cobwebs or dots. If they are constantly present, the situation requires a thorough examination and treatment. Health care must be provided in a timely manner to avoid negative consequences.

    Sometimes the dots appear only at first, and then, as they get used to it, the person stops reacting to them. Symptoms may indicate dangerous pathologies:

    Cause Description
    DiabetesIt causes damage to blood vessels, including the retina and brain. If the disease is accompanied by this symptom, then the vessels are significantly damaged
    HypotensionBags under the eyes appear due to insufficient filling of blood vessels with blood.
    Arterial hypertensionAccompanied by irritability, sudden mood swings, drowsiness and the appearance of spots
    IntoxicationFloaters occur when the body is poisoned by substances that affect the central nervous system. Accompanied by ghosting
    Cervical osteochondrosisPoor circulation in the vertebral artery leads to destruction of the vitreous body. Black flies fly, irritability appears
    Traumatic brain injuryAccompanied by white floaters after severe head injury
    Internal bleedingThe condition is dangerous, poses a threat to life and requires immediate surgical intervention. White floaters are often the initial sign

    A child may develop spots before his eyes due to blood diseases, such as anemia.

    Floaters during pregnancy

    An attack of eclampsia - sharp increase pressure in pregnant women - also manifests itself in the form of black dots in front of the eyes. First observed headache and vomiting, the temperature may rise. The appearance of floaters is accompanied by blurred vision. Many people do not focus on this, perceiving it as toxicosis, but these symptoms are among the harbingers of the disease.

    The danger of an attack of eclampsia during pregnancy lies in hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) of the fetus, which can lead to serious abnormalities and even death, including the mother. Pathology can occur during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your condition.

    There is a pathology called preeclampsia or gestosis, which is a precursor to eclampsia. With it, swelling, the appearance of protein in urine and high pressure. In this case, the woman is hospitalized and provided with the necessary medical intervention. Sometimes this is an indication for surgery.

    Eye diseases

    Besides stated reasons, the symptom also appears in a number of eye pathologies:

    Therapy methods

    Before you begin treatment for floaters before your eyes, you need to find out their cause. You cannot get rid of them on your own. If serious problems no, then only psychological adaptation is necessary.

    Antihypoxants, antioxidants, lutein pigments, enzymes and vitamins are mainly prescribed. The medicine is prescribed by a specialist; self-medication is unacceptable, as the condition may worsen.

    The drug Emoxipin is prescribed, which comes in the form of drops. It is useful to take vitamins with lutein. In addition to floaters, this treatment relieves other eye problems.

Probably, many are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as stars in the eyes, dots or goosebumps, and it can appear at any age; it is provoked by a wide variety of reasons, which are not always possible to identify on your own.

The first reason why stars appear in the eyes is the destruction of the vitreous body, which is a gel-like substance that fills the cavity between the retina and the lens. It consists almost entirely of water and normally the vitreous body should be transparent, but why do stars appear in the eyes? As a result of the influence of negative factors, molecules disintegrate and opaque particles form. It is this process that is called destruction, and stars in the eyes are a symptom of what? The reason for their appearance is hidden precisely in these particles.

Another reason, causing the appearance stars or black dots before the eyes - this is a separation of the vitreous body, in this case it moves away from back wall eyes. The main sign of pathology is periodic flashes or flickering, with the dots before the eyes gradually increasing.

Often this type violations worry older people, because with age, the connection and contraction of the vitreous body weakens. Also, the body can go beyond the field of vision and move freely in the inner space of the eye.

The appearance of stars in the eyes may be one of the signs of the development of other pathologies; there is also a group of people who, regardless of age, are at risk. Goosebumps or dots before the eyes may appear in the following cases - mechanical injury to the eye, myopia, inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of vision.

Stars before the eyes can be caused by a disturbance in metabolic processes (for example, appears with the development of endocrine diseases), the opening internal bleeding, as a result sharp drop blood pressure, poisoning with certain substances, traumatic brain injury, anemia and cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the pathology will be characterized by a violation of proper blood flow in the arteries of the spine, which are responsible for delivering nutrients to the brain.

The reason that caused the appearance of stars before the eyes can be very diverse and be hidden in any of the diseases listed above, which a doctor will help to identify. Only after diagnosis and examination of the patient can therapy be prescribed; it is better to refuse independent treatment, since it will not bring any benefit. There are cases when cloudiness moves out of sight on its own, and there is a feeling that the problem has gone away, but in reality this is not the case.

To date, there are no means or techniques that will help quickly remove goosebumps or black spots before the eyes. However, the doctor may prescribe the use of special medications that promote their resorption; vitamin and mineral complexes are also prescribed.

It is worth noting the fact that the formation of goosebumps or stars in old age is considered quite normal occurrence and occurs quite often. This condition is caused by the aging process of the body and from about 40 years of age the first symptoms of the disorder begin to appear, but it also cannot be ruled out that this pathology also worries young people.