Pancreatin or Mezim: which is better? What is better “Mezim” or “Pancreatin” - expert opinions

The psychology of many adults is such that when faced with some problems in the functioning of the body, they first try to treat them on their own, and consult a doctor only in critical situations. But such an approach to one’s own health can lead to a number of very serious problems. Even those medications that can be purchased without a prescription should not be taken just because they helped a friend with similar symptoms. But in some cases, it is quite possible to find an alternative to prescribed medications. So in case of problems at work digestive tract Doctors often prescribe the drug Creon or Mezim or Pancreatin. And sometimes the pharmacy offers a replacement for what is prescribed. But it’s not clear to the patient what is better than what was prescribed or what the pharmacists suggest taking as a replacement...

Both Creon, Pancreatin, and the drug Mezim are sources of digestive enzymes, which are also called enzymes. Normally, they are produced in the body by the pancreas. But in some cases, the amount of independently synthesized enzymes is not enough, or their production is completely hampered due to the presence of some serious health problems.

Enzymes are necessary for the digestion and complete absorption of food. If there is a shortage of them, stool is disrupted, discomfort occurs - pain, dyspepsia, etc. In such situations, doctors may prescribe the medication Pancreatin, Creon or Mezim and other similar drugs.

Which is better Creon or Pancreatin?

In principle, both Pancreatin and the drug Creon contain the same active substance - pancreatin, obtained from the pancreas of animals. This element helps to compensate for the lack of digestive enzymes in the body.

The drug under the name Pancreatin is available in tablet form, Creon is sold in capsules. Each of Creon's capsules saturates the body with a strictly defined dose of pancreatin.

This remedy can be taken during a meal, and it quickly gives positive effect. Capsules begin to act only when small intestine, since they are protected from the aggressive influence of gastric juice.

As for Pancreatin tablets, the amount of active components in them is not precisely defined. This dosage form It begins to act in the stomach, which is not always desirable.

Creon contains a slightly larger amount of pancreatin than Pancreatin. A tangible advantage of the first medicine is also that it contains a strictly defined amount of additional enzymes (chymotrypsin, trypsin and alpha-amyase). They are also present in Pancreatin, but the manufacturer does not indicate their exact quantity.

In all other respects (contraindications and side effects), Creon is no different from Pancreatin.

There is a difference in price between these drugs. So, 20 tablets of Pancreatin (250 mg) cost about 25 rubles, and the price of 20 capsules of Creon 10,000 units is approximately 290 rubles.

If we talk about the country of origin, Creon is produced in Germany, and Pancreatin is produced in several factories located in different countries CIS. Accordingly, we can conclude that Creon is subject to more careful control upon release.

Doctors say that in the absence of serious diseases of the digestive tract, it is quite possible to replace Creon with Pancreatin. The medicine will have a positive effect and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. But to correct serious illnesses (chronic pancreatitis, liver or gallbladder diseases), it is worth using the more expensive Creon with a high content of digestive enzymes.

What better than Mezim or Pancreatin?

Many are sure that since Pancreatin and Mezim contain one active component - pancreatin, it means that they can be considered identical. But in reality, not everything is so simple. Although such drugs are used in the same situations, and they are characterized by similar contraindications and possible side effects, there is still a difference between them.

Firstly, such drugs are produced in different countries. So, Mezim is produced in Germany, and Pancreatin, as we have already found out, is produced in many parts of the CIS.

Secondly, the price of such drugs also differs. 20 tablets of Mezima 20000 are equal to approximately 280 rubles, and 20 tablets of Pancreatin cost about 25 rubles. But price is not the main difference.

Mezim contains a precisely defined amount of enzymes, but such data is not indicated on the packaging of Pancreatin. In addition, Mezim tablets are coated with a special enteric coating, thanks to which they do not suffer from the aggressive effects of gastric juice and begin to act only in the small intestine, where they should. Pancreatin does not have such a shell, so its effectiveness may be somewhat reduced.

A fairly common point of view is that Pancreatin is best used for preventive purposes, and the drug Mezim is best used for the treatment of various pathological conditions. Doctors often recommend, if possible, to give preference to Mezim, since it is manufactured under careful control using European equipment. In the case of Pancreatin, one can argue about compliance with technology.

However, it is worth noting that a huge number of Russian users prefer the more budget-friendly Pancreatin, which successfully copes with its tasks.

Choose as much as possible suitable remedy In each specific case, only a doctor can. Therefore, you should use enzyme preparations only after consultation with a specialist.

It differs from the most common “mezim” in Russia, Mezima Forte, in the large amount of active ingredient - pancreatin. Mezim forte 10000 is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets. According to the pharmacological index, Mezim Forte 10000 belongs to the group “Enzymes and antienzymes”. Mezim forte 1000 is taken orally, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Also, Mezim Forte 10000 should not be used simultaneously with liquid products whose pH is greater than 5.5 (for example, milk), as this leads to premature destruction of its shell. Maximum daily dose mezima forte 10000 - 15000–20000 units Ph. Eur. lipase per kg of patient body weight. Attention! The description of the drug “Mezim Forte” on this page is a simplified and expanded version official instructions by application.

Let's look at these two drugs for replacement therapy and digestion improvement using the example of the most similar Mezim Forte (10000) - available in tablet form and Creon 10000 - available in capsule form. To understand whether Creon or Mezim is better, we will be primarily interested in the amount of these enzymes. Mezim has an obvious advantage here.

In addition, Mezim is a product of the German company Berlin-Chemie, which needs no introduction. In addition, Mezim is better known as trade brand Mezim Forte. The last word in means strong. Pancreatin has 10 of them, and Mezim has 20 or 80. And in terms of the cost of 1 tablet, the difference is not so high.

Method of application of mezim forte 10000 and dose

The duration of therapy with Mezim Forte 10000 ranges from several days (in case of indigestion, dietary errors) to several years (if constant replacement therapy is necessary). The dosage regimen is established individually, taking into account the indications and severity of the pathology. Let's look at the composition, enzyme activity, release form and other nuances in order to objectively evaluate their effectiveness. The main active ingredient of both drugs is pancreatin - a set of enzymes for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

This coating prevents the tablet from dissolving prematurely in the stomach. However, it is worth considering the number of tablets in the package. It breaks down mainly fats and has virtually no effect on proteins and carbohydrates.

Dosage form and composition of Mezim Forte 10000

In addition to Pancreatin, they contain extracts of bile and the mucous membrane of the large stomach cattle. And the activity of lipases, amylases and proteases in them is stronger than in many others similar drugs. In the acidic environment of the stomach, pancreatin quickly loses activity, so it is usually released in an enteric coating.

By composition. Both pure pancreatin and those containing additional substances can be used. Pancreatin is an extract of the pancreas that contains enzymes that improve the digestive process. Pancreatin was first used in the mid-60s of the last century in the form of a powder made from pig pancreas.

Thanks to this membrane, pancreatin passes through the stomach and, penetrating into duodenum, under the influence of a more alkaline environment begins to dissolve. Pancreatin has a number of different trade names - Biozim, Vestal, Mezim, Panzinorm, Pancreazim, Pangrol, Ferestal, Pankrelipase, Enzibene, Evenzym, Biofestal, Ermital and others.

How does Creon differ from Mezim in the end?

Since pancreatic lipase is most susceptible to gastric acid, the absorption of fats and fat-soluble compounds will depend entirely on the quality of the enteric coating. According to ATC - to the group “Drugs that promote digestion (including enzyme preparations)” and has code A09AA02. Pancreatin is the active component of the drug, which is of natural origin (isolated from the pancreas of cattle or pigs).

Mezim forte 10000 is available in the form of round, biconvex pink pills, with a characteristic odor of pancreatin, having a core and an enteric shell, consisting of different components. Mikrazim – Russian Mezim in capsules. But there is also Pancreatin Forte. The difference in cost between Mezim Forte and Pancreatin Forte can be quite noticeable.

Indigestion is considered one of the most important problems in modern world. That is why today many drugs are produced that restore enzyme deficiency in the stomach and intestines.


Pancreatin refers to digestive enzyme agents, which are an extract of the contents of the pancreas. It contains pancreatic enzymes protease, lipase, amylase, which are involved in the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Pancreatin is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or for errors in nutrition; it allows you to compensate for the insufficient activity of the body's own enzymes, and in addition, significantly improves the digestion process. Pancreatin is produced under various trade names, which includes Mezim.


Mezim is a digestive enzyme remedy that replenishes the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes in the body. In addition, it has amylolytic, proteolytic and lipolytic effects. The drug contains pancreatic enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase and alpha-amylase. The drug is responsible for improving functional state gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes digestion processes. Mezim-Forte is one of the most popular drugs intended for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the many analogues of Pancreatin; it belongs to the category of digestive enzymes.



Both of these drugs contain the active substance pancreatin, but in different dosages. Largest quantity The enzyme is contained in Mezim, so it is used in more severe cases. The drug has a specific dosage and is used as an enzyme agent depending on the severity of the disease. Pancreatin contains less active substance(which is not subject to mandatory dosage), it is prescribed for mild digestive disorders.

Conclusions website

  1. Pancreatin is an enzyme preparation that is used to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Mezim is an analogue of Pancreatin.
  2. Pancreatin contains enzymes (amylase, protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin) in free dosage. In Mezim, the amount of active substances is strictly taken into account.
  3. Pancreatin – cheap drug, Mezim costs a little more.

Regular digestive problems constant feeling heaviness in the stomach after a fatty meal makes it necessary to take special drugs with digestive enzymes. Medicines can eliminate unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, heaviness, bloating, flatulence. The drugs help stabilize the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs, and get rid of stagnation in the intestines from overeating. The modern range of enzyme preparations of domestic and foreign production is wide, so choosing one, but effective, is difficult. Many people prefer to take Mezim and Pancreatin. You should figure out whether there is a difference between them, and what are the features of each medication?

Tablets of different enzymes may be identical in appearance.

Description of Mezim and Pancreatin

The main component of Mezim, which determines its effect on the body, is pancreatin, which has an amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic effect. An enzyme isolated from animal tissue helps break down fats, proteins and starch into fatty acid, glycerin, amino acids, mono- and dextrins. As a result, the digestive system normalizes its functioning, broken down nutrients are better absorbed in the small intestine, removing the load from the pancreas. The maximum enzyme activity of Mezim occurs 30 minutes after taking the tablet. The drug is indicated for use in gastrointestinal disorders caused by:

  • exocrine dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • reflex failures of the cardiovascular system;
  • postoperative syndrome after removal of a glandular organ followed by irradiation;
  • general condition after removal of part of the intestines, stomach;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diarrhea of ​​non-infectious nature;
  • diet disorders;
  • overeating.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • with acute and aggravated pancreatitis;
  • in case of excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with allergies to medications.

Adverse reactions:

  • allergic rash;
  • nausea;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • formation of strictures in patients with cystic fibrosis.

Long-term treatment with Mezim is fraught with hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia. If any side effect the drug should be discontinued.

Enzyme preparation to improve digestion.

Mezim affects the absorption of iron, so during long-term therapy you need to take medications containing iron at the same time as it.

The main feature of Pancreatin is to replenish the deficiency of digestive enzymes. The product contains lipase, protease, amylase, which help ensure the complete breakdown of pine products into useful microelements that are easily absorbed by the body. The medicine supports the healthy functioning of all digestive organs.

The drug is indicated for use in acute, acute and chronic pancreatic disorders. The drug is also taken in cases of diagnosing:

  • gastritis;
  • atrophic changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dyspepsia;
  • non-infectious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • fibrosis, cirrhosis, necrosis of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • functional diarrhea;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increased flatulence.

Pancreatin is prescribed for constant overeating, harmful gastronomic preferences, before diagnosing the condition of the digestive organs. In the preparation active substance is of animal origin, therefore side effect There may be an allergy from use. The drug is contraindicated in case of lactose intolerance, acute course and exacerbations of pancreatic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Dosages for the treatment of drugs for gastrointestinal disorders in cystic fibrosis are selected with caution.

Mezim tablets have this appearance.

If Mezim or Pancreatin additionally uses the prefix “forte” in the name, it means that the tablets are covered with a durable coating that prevents premature dissolution of the drug in gastric juice. Therefore, the tablet reaches in its original form small intestine, where enzymes are activated in an alkaline environment. After performing its function, the active substance is digested and excreted from the body.

Both drugs are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, or for children under three years of age. But in cases of justified risk, the attending physician may prescribe any of these remedies. According to some points in the instructions for both drugs, you might think that they are the same drug.

Is there a difference between the medications?

The action of both drugs is aimed at improving the digestion process and eliminating discomfort. Both Mezim and Pancreatin eliminate heaviness in the stomach and nausea when overeating or abusing fatty foods. We can assume that one medicine is an analogue of another. However, these funds are not identical. The composition of both medications includes the same enzymes. The main differences between domestic Pancreatin and foreign Mezim are caused by the difference in the magnitude of enzyme activity:

  • the composition of 1 tablet of Mezim includes pork pancreatin with minimal activity of lipase enzymes - ED EF 3500, protease - ED EF 250, amylase - ED EF 42,004;
  • Pancreatin tablets of 250 or 300 mg use a free dosage with unmeasured enzyme activity.

Therefore, the enzyme preparation Pancreatin is a means of improving functionality digestive system, and Mezim is considered its analogue with an exact figure for enzyme activity in 1 tablet. Both drugs differ in cost: Pancreatin is cheaper than Mezim.

What is better “Mezim” or “Pancreatin” for pancreatitis? This frequently asked question. Let's find out in this article.

About diseases of the pancreas

Pancreatic diseases are becoming more common. The reason for this is reduced stress resistance modern man, and poor ecology, and bad habits, such as rich fatty and sweet menus, smoking, and alcohol.

All this leads to violations in gastrointestinal tract, and they, in turn, determine reduced level enzymes that break down food into less complex components for good absorption by the body. And this directly affects the pancreas, diseases of which are characterized by the irreversibility of processes in its tissues.

Most Popular

“Mezim” and “Pancreatin” (we’ll find out which is better below) remain the most popular medications for people suffering from pancreatic diseases. There is often debate on various forums about which of these medications is the best. Let's look at how the first medicine differs from the second.

Pharmacological characteristics of "Pancreatin"

This drug is based on pork pancreas juice. Other components are enzymes - protease, amylase, lipase. The special coating that covers the tablets is designed to protect the enzymes contained in it from exposure Gastric acid. At the same time, it is this acid that activates their action.

"Pancreatin" is recommended for use by those people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis, enzyme deficiency, gastritis, flatulence and any disturbances in the digestive process.

People often ask which is better - Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin.

At the same time, the drug is contraindicated in those patients in whom its animal component causes intolerance. Plus, it should not be consumed by pregnant women or those suffering from acute pancreatitis.

As a rule, no problems arise when taking Pancreatitis, but in some cases reactions in the form of nausea or vomiting are possible. As for pregnancy, the effect of the contents of the drug on the health of the fetus and the maternal body has not been studied, since appropriate tests have not been conducted.

What is better “Mezim” or “Pancreatin”? Reviews on this matter are available in large quantities.


The disadvantage of "Pancreatin" is that its instructions do not provide a clear number of units of all components, and because of this, its exact dosage is difficult. Its price is quite low - from 20 to 75 rubles, which, of course, increases its popularity. In addition, it is available in almost all pharmacies; they import it in large quantities. This medicine should be taken with or after meals with water.

Since the concentration of pancreatin in this drug compared to other analogues is low, it is used to treat only mild degrees of gastrointestinal disorders. The doctor can prescribe from 1 to five tablets per dose - this depends on the patient’s body weight.

So, the advantages of "Pancreatin" include its availability, low cost, and also the absence harmful effects on gallbladder. In addition, it is practically not counterfeited. But the disadvantages in the form of unclearly prescribed doses of active substances, intolerance to some of them and rather weak protection against stomach acid sometimes really bother some of the patients.

So, which is better - Mezim or Pancreatin?

Pharmacological characteristics of "Mezim"

Its main component - pancreatin - is similar to that contained in the medicine described above. The dosage of all components is clearly indicated. This is 4200 units of amylase, 250 of protease, 3500 of lipase. There are other substances in the composition of the product that are auxiliary. A type of drug called "Mezim 20000" contains twice as much pancreatin in its composition.

Sufficient amount of basic active ingredient makes this drug more effective means than "Pancreatin" in the fight against the symptoms and causes of housing and communal services ailments. But at the same time, you should be careful with its dosage.

The drug itself is produced in Germany, so its price is much higher than that of Pancreatin, which means the risk of running into a fake is also higher.

The main reason for its use is the prevention of pancreatic dystrophy, as well as the treatment of chronic inflammation. It is also prescribed for chronic gastritis, and it also relieves well the symptoms that accompany overeating.

What is better - “Panzinorm”, “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Creon”, “Pancreatin”? All these remedies are very similar in their action.

"Festal" is a combined enzyme preparation, helping to improve digestion processes. Main pharmaceutical property this drug is to ensure the processes of breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine.

We will only cite incomplete list analogues of "Festal", including drugs that are the most popular and frequently prescribed today:

  • "Pancreatin".
  • "Panzinorm."
  • "Penzital".
  • "Creon."
  • "Uni-Festal".
  • "Pancitrate."
  • "Hermital".
  • "Enzistal".
  • "Mezim."
  • "Biozyme".

A well-made advertisement for Mezim leads to people accepting it even in cases where it is not shown at all - in situations food poisoning, with nausea. Or they take it “just in case,” actually just like that, believing that it will improve digestion. Under no circumstances should you do this.

How to prescribe

As a rule, Mezim is prescribed in the amount of one or two tablets before meals. But again, the dosage depends on the patient’s weight, and it must be determined by the doctor. The same as the dosage for children. As a rule, they are not prescribed for children under three years of age. The drug is also not recommended for pregnant women. You need to take these tablets with plenty of clean water.

Which is better: “Mezim” or “Pancreatin” or “Creon”, it can be very difficult to decide.

Side effects of this medication may include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and increased urea levels.

This drug is effective in the treatment of both mild and serious forms of gastrointestinal disorders, since the content of the active substance in it is increased.


So, the advantages of Mezim include clear and detailed information about the doses of all substances in one tablet, increased efficiency impact on the patient’s body, as well as proven German quality. And its disadvantages are its high cost, a higher number of “side effects” in comparison with “Pancreatin”, plus the likelihood of purchasing a counterfeit instead of the original medicine.

And according to people’s reviews, which is better - “Mezim” or “Pancreatin”. More on this below.

What the reviews say

We studied reviews that people left on sites that sell data medications and on the forums. Debates about the benefits of one of these two drugs are very common, but the main conclusions are as follows:

  • Some users highlighted the cost of "Pancreatin" as an undeniable advantage of this drug.
  • Some wrote that they encountered side effects when used of this medicine- he made them feel sick.
  • On medical forums, experts spoke of “Pancreatin” as a drug with very weak effects;
  • "Mezim", judging by the reviews, is more effective - this was written by users who tried both drugs.
  • The high price of Mezim often makes it inaccessible to people with low incomes who are sick chronic diseases, the indication for which is taking this drug.
  • On medical forums, doctors noted its higher effectiveness compared to Pancreatin.

Which is better: “Micrazim”, “Mezim”, “Pancreatin”, it’s up to you to decide.


Analysis of the pros and cons of both drugs does not give a clear answer to the question - which of them is better? Be that as it may, their appointment should be prescribed by a doctor, namely a gastroenterologist. He should answer your questions and justify the choice of this medicine. However, we can say that the dosage of the active component of Mezima and Pancreatin is very individual and depends on many conditions - the nature of the disease, its severity, the presence of contraindications, the patient’s body weight, etc. Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe these medications. IN best case scenario- there is a chance to experience their “side effects” for yourself. Well, in the worst case, you end up in the hospital.

Which is better, “Mezim” or “Pancreatin”, it is still better to check with your doctor.