Nutrition for joint restoration. Destruction of cartilage tissue, causes, treatment

Treatment of arthrosis knee joint folk remedies, as practice and life experience show, people quite often use, along with methods traditional medicine. First you need to decide what arthrosis is. This medical definition refers to a process that promotes changes in size and shape, as well as the destruction of connective tissues, which are known as cartilage. This pathology is chronic degenerative and develops against the background of painful sensations of varying degrees of intensity.

This disease is detected much more often in the fairer sex than in men. At the same time, excess body weight and varicose veins veins several times increase the risk of developing arthrosis. Along with these factors, the development of the disease is facilitated by previous injuries, meniscal damage, excessive physical activity, weak ligaments, joint pathologies, impaired metabolism and constant exposure to stress.

Degree of development of knee joint disease

So, experts distinguish the following degrees of development of pathology:

  1. Arthrosis of the 1st degree of the knee joint is characterized by slight pain when performing active physical actions. With this degree of development of the disease, synovial fluid may accumulate in the joint cavity, which contributes to the formation of a Baker cyst. Pain syndrome occurs in active state, but immediately stops in a motionless position. In this case, damage to cartilage tissue already occurs. However, the process of deformation of the knee joints cannot be seen externally. Radiography turns out to be ineffective, and there is a need for additional diagnostic studies.
  2. Gonarthrosis 2nd degree. At this stage of development, a process of narrowing of the joint space and significant wear of cartilaginous tissue can be observed. With the second degree of pathology, the process of expansion of bone tissue can already be seen on the x-ray image. Acute pain syndrome is felt even with minor motor activity in which the knee joint is involved. Flexion-extension movements add to the pain syndrome some crunch. Over time, dysfunction of the designated area develops lower limbs, resulting in the knee being unable to bend or straighten. During the examination, the attending physician will already be able to notice the external manifestation of bone tissue deformation.
  3. With grade 3 gonarthrosis, the final thinning of the cartilage tissue and the formation of exposed areas of bone tissue occur. The resulting x-ray allows you to see how salts have accumulated in the joint cavity. External manifestations of pathological processes are already becoming more obvious. The cessation of motor functions does not allow the patient to protect himself from pain.

Application of traditional methods of therapy

As is known, the stage of development of knee joint pathology determines whether treatment will be carried out using medicines or through surgery. In the latter case, specialists replace the affected joint with an artificial one, which is made of metal. This scenario is possible when your own joint is dysfunctional.

As for therapy with medication for such an ailment as gonarthrosis of the knee joint, it includes taking drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. As a side effect when treating a disease with drugs, they can be called bad influence on the digestive system. At the same time, how surgical removal knee joints, and drug therapy should be considered traditional methods of treating the disease.

It should be noted that medicine today is ready to offer a large selection of means and methods for treating the pathological condition of the knee joints, including surgery. However, in order to cure the disease, along with traditional methods of therapy, you can also resort to the help of folk remedies. They, of course, are not a replacement for official medicine, but they can still significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

So, how to treat knee joint disease using traditional recipes? To begin with, you should remember that the use of folk remedies to cure arthrosis is permissible only after this issue has been agreed upon with the attending physician.

On the Internet you can find a lot of methods that are considered folk remedies. Moreover, some of them are not only unable to provide real help, but also pose a threat to health. However, there are means traditional medicine which are recommended by medical experts.

Traditional recipes for weight loss with gonarthrosis of the knee joint

As noted above, the risk of developing this pathological condition increases significantly if the patient is overweight or has developed varicose veins. So, if the reason was the patient’s obesity, then mandatory body weight should be brought to a normal value. Otherwise, all treatment attempts will not lead to the desired results.

The following folk methods will help reduce hunger and get rid of the habit of overeating:

  1. Freshly squeezed white cabbage juice helps get rid of obesity. You should take natural juice 3-4 times during the day, drinking 0.5-1 glass of juice at a time, about 40 minutes before meals.
  2. If you take flax and dill seeds in equal proportions (1 tsp each) and brew them as tea, this will also be an excellent remedy for reducing appetite. Before use, let the drink brew for 1 hour.
  3. Tincture of oatmeal, drunk on an empty stomach, allows you to both reduce weight and nourish the joints, which is very important for pathology of the knee joints. To prepare such an infusion, take 0.5 liters of cool water in the evening. boiled water pour 3 handfuls of flakes, strain and drink in the morning.

Bay leaf to help

Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint with folk remedies also involves the use medicinal properties bay leaf. This tool can be called one of the most effective for removing accumulated salts from the body, including joints. To do this, pour 20–30 bay leaves with 2 cups of boiled water, then boil for 5 minutes and leave to infuse in a thermos for approximately 304 hours.

The resulting decoction should be taken in small sips, and the entire volume should be spread over 12 hours of administration. The course of treatment should last for 3 days, and after a week's break the treatment must be repeated. Such a course must be carried out 1-2 times during the year.

How to combine business with pleasure in the fight for joint health?

What other folk remedies exist for arthrosis of the knee joint? Jellied meat can be called the healthiest and at the same time delicious dish for therapy and prevention of joint pathologies. It allows you to restore cartilage tissue and synovial fluid, which slows down the development of the pathological process. A dish such as jellied meat is rich in proteins and collagen, which are elements of bone, cartilage tissue and ligaments.

The vitamins contained in jellied meat not only have a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, but also have a positive effect on nervous system, help strengthen ligaments and tone muscles. In general, jellied meat has the most positive reviews.

Treatment of joints with chicken cartilage

Another source of collagen can be called chicken cartilage. In folk medicine, the following recipes have been proposed for how to be treated in this way:

  1. Eating 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach will help replenish the collagen deficiency in the body. chopped chicken cartilage and washed down with a glass of orange juice.
  2. For arthrosis, you can cook chicken knees for several hours until they soften, after which the resulting broth is supplemented with salt, pepper and bay leaf. The product must be taken several times a day.
  3. You can eat boiled chicken feet with a meal boiled water with lemon.
  4. Jellied meat can be prepared from chicken cartilage as a separate dish.

Eggshells for joint pathologies

Another means of treating joints that has good feedback popularly known as an eggshell. Egg shells have long been known as a source of calcium. This product is easily digestible, and therefore can be consumed in its pure form. Along with calcium, egg shells contain many other useful microelements.

Another advantage in favor of this product is the fact that consumption eggshells does not lead to side effects. It is completely harmless and also helps to cope with insomnia, irritability, digestive disorders and musculoskeletal problems.

In order to remove the shell, just wash it with soap and warm water. No urgent need is to boil it. During the day, consumption of several grams of the product is allowed.

There are many other traditional medicine recipes that are designed to help combat knee joint problems.

Thus, traditional treatment designed to help, together with traditional medicine, solve problems of the musculoskeletal system.

The main thing in this situation is the fact that under no circumstances should self-medication be allowed. For arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment should not be limited to traditional methods A doctor's consultation is always necessary.

The human body tends to wear out over time. This also applies to cartilage tissue, which plays an important role in the structure of joints. Thinning of cartilage tissue is a natural process; restoration of cartilage in the knee joint causes many difficulties.

The structure of cartilage tissue

Cartilage in the human body performs several functions, one of them is hinge. This is not a scientific name at all, but this word perfectly defines the importance of cartilage tissue. One can imagine the connection of two bones in the human body. If there had not been a special layer between them during each movement, then after a short time they would have been erased almost completely. In addition, every movement would be accompanied by unbearable pain at the junction of the bones.

The structure of the joint allows you to move without feeling pain and without wearing away the bones due to the cartilage. Synovial fluid plays the role of natural lubricant; it covers the inner surface of the joint. And its absence has a destructive effect on the entire joint. In addition, synovial fluid is a supplier of nutrients to cartilage. Due to the absence or small number of capillaries in the cartilage, blood cannot transport nutrients here, without which the destruction of cartilage tissue is possible.

The absence of blood vessels in cartilage is quite logical, since during operation the cartilage is deformed several times under the influence of external factors and in the process of movement. If there were a lot of blood vessels in the cartilage tissue, then they would be constantly squeezed, which would negatively affect the entire circulatory system. Therefore, cartilage receives nutrition from synovial fluid.

But the operation of this liquid also has its own characteristics. If the cartilage is completely immobilized, an example would be a cast, then the cartilage tissue begins to thin out. This is due to the fact that the lack of movement does not allow synovial fluid to flow to those places that are in a static position. A decrease in the amount of synovial fluid leads to a decrease in cartilage tissue.

Durable and at the same time elastic

Collagen is responsible for the ability of cartilage to be strong and at the same time ideally deformable. It fills almost half of the intercellular space of cartilage. Its structure allows it to remain strong and, if necessary, be stretched or twisted. And the main advantage is that having taken one form, it just as easily takes on another.

The composition of cartilage includes water, a large amount of which is found in the intercellular space, which allows the cartilage to always be elastic. Water also allows the cartilage to take on more load due to the fact that it is distributed as the body needs it. Its mechanism of excretion through synovial fluid allows it to adapt to almost any unexpected situation.


Damage to cartilage tissue is a simple matter, but what natural element is responsible for restoration?

Chondrocytes help restore cartilage tissue. These are the cells that are responsible for the formation of the compounds necessary in cartilage. Restoration and production of new compounds occurs quite quickly, but there is a small drawback.

The fact is that the bulk of cartilage is collagen and other compounds, and chondrocytes in cartilage tissue are no more than 3 percent. Due to the fact that all other components significantly exceed the number of chondrocytes, recovery is not always as fast as we would like.

In this regard, the functioning of cartilage is maintained normally throughout life, but if injured or overexerted, these cells will not be able to independently restore all the components of the cartilage.

What can cause thinning cartilage?

Knee joints, like hip joints, receive a lot of stress and can be damaged for a number of reasons. Cartilage in the knee joint due to constant load becomes thinner and, unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore it. There are several reasons why cartilage and, consequently, knee joints are damaged.

Injury. A fairly common reason among athletes is that the cartilage tissue of the joint is damaged. It often happens that during sports a small part of the cartilage breaks off. In this case, the cartilage continues to work normally, and restoration of the damaged area does not require additional effort. But there are also more serious injuries that, in addition to damage, can cause inflammatory process, which aggravates the treatment process.

Degenerative wear. This damage can happen to literally any of us. The fact is that this group includes injuries associated with excessive loads on the joint. If deformation of the knee joint is added to everything, this often leads to softening of the cartilage; over time, small cracks appear in the cartilage tissue and the articular cartilage becomes thinner. In this case, it is so thin that it can be 2 times thinner than normal.

A person experiences pain, and the cartilage tissue becomes thinner. If treatment is not started in time, such changes will only worsen and the natural restoration of the knee joint cartilage will become impossible. In the final stages, the cartilage in the knee joint is completely destroyed and cannot be restored. Only surgery and a prosthesis can help restore the functionality of the leg.

Arthrosis. With this disease various reasons the cartilage begins to simply wear off. At first, this disease does not cause severe pain, but still makes itself felt. With this disease, it is very important to consult a doctor in time, since in the first stages of this disease you can treat by taking pills and doing special exercises. But if the cartilage is so thin that the chondrocytes are simply unable to repair the damage, you will have to resort to drastic treatment methods. Most likely, knee replacement will be needed.

How to restore cartilage yourself?

Cartilage tissue simply cannot remain without stress, so it is constantly damaged. But in order to normalize the process of thinning and recovery, you need to know that the body itself can produce a special hormone that is responsible for the speedy restoration of joints. It is called growth hormone. An increase in this hormone in the body allows damage to be repaired faster.

In this process, everything follows a chain: growth hormone increases the level of insulin-like growth factor in the body, which, in turn, allows chondrocytes to divide. As you know, it is chondrocytes that produce all the components of cartilage tissue. If you start increasing growth hormone in the body, cartilage restoration will occur automatically.

There are several factors that increase this hormone. Its production is significantly affected by nutrition, this does not mean that you need a strict diet or switching to eating only vegetables, this will rather have a negative effect. Change your diet aside healthy eating. Avoid fast food and soda; this approach will not interfere with the body’s functioning and the natural production of growth hormone. You need to eat in small portions, but often, the body will not be overloaded, and nutrients will constantly be supplied. It is worth adding more protein foods, which will stimulate the production of growth hormone.

Those who like to get a good night's sleep can rejoice, because this hormone is produced to a greater extent during sleep. Healthy sleep will increase the concentration of growth hormone in the body.


There is one option for increasing growth hormone, which is included in complex treatment for minor damage to the cartilage or when it begins to wear out. These are familiar workouts to everyone. Constant exercise allows you to strengthen your muscles, and if you perform exercises to restore cartilage, then two problems are solved at once. During such training, you need to remember simple rules:

  • do not train to such an extent that you don’t even have the strength to leave the class;
  • alternate between rest and training;
  • determine training days and don’t miss them;
  • exercises to restore joints should not last too long.

Doctor visits

If the doctor suspects that the hyaline cartilage of the knee joint may wear away further, in this case you will be prescribed complex therapy, which includes medicine and exercises.

Remember that excess weight gives additional load, so it will have to be reset. To restore cartilage in the knee joint, you must periodically perform the following exercises:

  • you need to lean on the back of the chair with your hands, and move your sore leg to the side and hold it in this position for a couple of seconds;
  • you need to sit on a chair and swing your legs;
  • do an exercise called “bicycle” in the morning;
  • sit on the floor, bring your legs together and extend them in front of you, and then reach for your toes with your hands.

All of these exercises are considered basic, they can be modified, and others are often added to them. It all depends on what stage your disease is at and what intensity of training you need.

For severe cartilage damage

Patients do not always seek help in time for the destruction of cartilage tissue in the knee joint; because of this, medications and exercises become literally useless in treatment.

Stem cells

One method of restoring damaged cartilage is to attract stem cells. These cells can be stimulated to accumulate in the joint or transplanted directly into the damaged area. Despite all the advantages of this method, it also has disadvantages, the main one being that this method of treatment is not suitable for everyone, this is due to the time at which chondrocyte production begins. Transported stem cells will produce chondrocytes in the required quantity only after several years, during which time the damage may worsen, and treatment will not make sense. Due to all the features of this treatment method, the patient will have to use crutches for some time when moving in order to maximally relieve the damaged knee joint.


There are several transplant methods. One of them is autologous transplantation. This process involves taking cartilage tissue from a healthy area of ​​the joint and transplanting it to the damaged area. The tissues take root well, which stimulates the process of restoring the functionality of the joint.

Cultivation will require two operations. Due to the fact that during the first operation, intact cartilage cells are taken from the knee joint and new ones are grown with their help. During the next operation, cells grown in the laboratory are transplanted, and the damaged areas are removed, which allows the cartilage to function again.

How to prevent destruction?

It will not be possible to completely eliminate the destruction of cartilage, since even ordinary movements can cause microtrauma, but some serious damage can be prevented.

When playing sports, do not forget about knee pads. It must be remembered that excess load on the joint leads to cartilage damage. Overweight accelerates the process of thinning and damage to cartilage.

By following simple rules, you can delay damage to cartilage tissue in the knee joint.


What are osteophytes and spines of the knee joint and how to remove them?

Osteophytes are pathological growths on the surface of bone tissue. Such processes are unusual for a healthy skeleton. They can be different shapes and sizes.

These are mostly small, minor bumps or bumps. In advanced cases, osteophytes take the form of spines, which cause acute pain.

Causes of osteophytes

Osteophytes arise from cartilage tissue, which gradually grows. At the first stage of the disease, it is soft and elastic, but gradually it begins to stiffen. The shoots take on a sensitive shape. They can even be felt through the skin and muscles.

There are many reasons that can cause the appearance of spikes in the knee joint:

  1. Predisposition at the genetic level. If one of your relatives suffered from this disease, the risk of developing it increases significantly.
  2. Arthrosis of the knee joint. With this disease, inflammation of the joint occurs, which begins with the cartilage tissue and spreads to the bone.
  3. Injuries that may result in detachment bone structure, and wander around the knee joint, irritating surrounding tissues. Injuries accompanied by infections can also cause growths and calluses.
  4. Prolonged stress on the knees can cause contraction and friction of the cartilage, which can cause microtrauma. Damaged cartilage begins to actively divide.
  5. Malignant tumors stimulate the appearance of osteophytes, usually quite large in size.
  6. Surgeries on the knee joints can cause spines to grow.
  7. Chronic diseases of neuropathic origin.
  8. Long-term specific inflammations caused by tuberculosis or syphilis.
  9. Pathological changes in the skeleton, in which tubercles appear on the bones.
  10. Hormonal disorders.

Characteristic signs

There are symptoms that indicate the development of osteophytes in the knee:

  • when moving, a crunching sensation occurs in the knee;
  • after sleep it is difficult to bend or straighten the knee;
  • when weather conditions change, the knee begins to “twist”;
  • as it grows, the osteophyte irritates pain receptors, resulting in sharp pain, which does not allow full movement.

Diagnostic goals

Diagnostics allows us to identify the presence of osteophytes, as well as the stage at which the disease is located.

Three main research methods are used for diagnosis:

  1. X-ray of the joint. This method makes it possible to determine the shape and size of identified osteophytes and the condition of the joint space. However, with this study it is not possible to obtain information about changes in the periarticular tissues.
  2. CT scan. With its help, you can scan the diseased joint layer by layer, determine the condition of the surface and ligaments of the joint, as well as periarticular tissues. The study makes it possible to detect oncological changes or inflammatory processes in tissues.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee. The most effective method for diagnosing pathological changes in the joint. Osteophytes can be single or multiple, and have different shapes.

Complex of therapeutic measures

The goal of removing spines and osteophytes in the knee joint is to eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort when moving, as well as restore the functionality of the joint.

Traditional methods

Treatment of osteophytes of the knee joint is carried out according to the following scheme:

Surgical removal of spines as a last resort

Surgical intervention is used when drug treatment did not bring the desired effect. There are two types of surgical treatment:

  • arthroscopic – a small incision is made through which video equipment is inserted and osteophytes are removed with its help;
  • endoprosthetics - removal of a damaged joint, instead of which a metal implant is inserted.


Treatment of osteophytes of the knee joint with folk remedies can be carried out in combination with drug therapy. Before use, consult your doctor.

Use the following recipes:

Rehabilitation after surgery

When performing arthroscopy, rehabilitation begins immediately after completion of the operation. A pressure bandage is applied to the knee to prevent bleeding into the joint cavity or swelling, the leg is placed on an elevation, and cold is applied to the area.

On the first day, exercises are prescribed and performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist. On the 3rd day you are allowed to stand up; you can fully load the knee only after a week.

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics includes measures to develop the knee, return to normal gait, as well as strength training.

Possible complications

Complications may occur after surgery.

After arthroscopy, an inflammatory reaction may occur. Pain and swelling persist for several days after surgery, which can be eliminated with drug therapy.

In rare cases, ligaments, cartilage or synovium may be damaged during surgery. It is also possible that fluid may accumulate in the joint capsule, deep vein phlebitis, or infection inside the joint.

Complications after endoprosthetics occur extremely rarely. Basically, they can develop against the background of chronic diseases of the patient. The most common complication is thrombosis. In rare cases, excess scarring may occur.

How to avoid thorns?

To avoid this problem, follow these recommendations:

  1. Control your weight. Extra pounds place additional stress on your knees. Nutrition should be balanced.
  2. Follow a sleep schedule, and you need to sleep on a flat, hard surface.
  3. Watch your posture while working at the computer. It is necessary to take regular breaks during which to perform exercises.
  4. Play sports. Even small exercise stress will help avoid joint problems.

At the first symptoms of the development of osteophytes in the knee joints, you should consult a specialist. After conducting the diagnosis, he will prescribe you effective treatment. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! Be healthy!

In everyday life, a person is faced with a number of tasks that can result in injury. The most common location for such injuries is the knee. The bone structure itself, tendons or cartilage can be injured. How to restore cartilage tissue of the knee joint? There are a lot of provoking factors, and often the person’s lifestyle itself leads to such symptoms.

Damage and wear of articular cartilage can occur as a result of the following reasons:

  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • too active sports;
  • progression of other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • poor diet;
  • hypothermia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections.

The cartilage tissue of the knee joint is damaged equally often in both men and women.

Symptoms of cartilage tissue destruction

First clinical manifestations– sudden decrease in mobility of the knee joint. The man begins to limp slightly. But these restrictions on mobility are not permanent, but permanent, and therefore few people find time to visit a doctor. By the way, by limping gait you can determine which knee has problems with cartilage tissue.

When walking, a person will try to lean more on the healthy leg. It turns out that the one that is less involved in walking is the real source of this problem. Meanwhile, pathological processes invisible to the eye occur in the knee joint. The cartilage becomes thinner, and due to its reduction in size, the bones wear away. The cartilage in the knee joint is additionally injured, and a strong inflammatory process often develops here.

A man feels pain in his knee. He may also notice that this joint seems to be swollen, swollen, and increased in size. The skin in the knee area became red and tense. At the last stage, osteophytes are formed - bone growths between the articular parts of the knee joint. They interfere with movement, bending and straightening the knee. Is it possible to restore cartilage tissue and feel lightness in the knee again? It all depends on the degree of damage.

Modern medicine has a lot of possibilities and methods that improve cartilage tissue, although its condition does not always return to normal. All treatment methods can be divided into two main groups: traditional and non-traditional. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore it is impossible to talk about the obvious benefits of one and the low effectiveness of the other.

Treatment with traditional methods

So, first the doctor determines whether there is inflammation in the knee joint, and in the vast majority of cases the answer is positive. Inflammation is traditionally treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be taken orally, tablets, capsules, or by injection. The latter method of administering anti-inflammatory drugs is used for severe symptoms and severe pain.

Analgesics will help the patient forget about the pain. Restoring knee joint cartilage is impossible without taking special drugs, which contain components related to the cartilage tissue itself. These are so-called chondroprotectors - modern means for the regeneration of destroyed cartilage structures. They can be of different types.

Based on chondroitin

This component is present in all joint structures, and without it, no joint will simply function normally. The body receives it from the outside and delivers it through the bloodstream directly to the bones and cartilage.

Over time, the digestibility of all necessary for the body substances, including chondroitin, decreases, and it becomes necessary to obtain it with the help of special pharmaceutical preparations.

Most common trade names:

  • Chondrolone;
  • Structum;
  • Atrin;

Drug for restoration of cartilage tissue of joints

Based on glucosamine

This component promotes the growth of cartilage tissue, and as a result, strengthens it. Here are the following medications:

  • Sustilak;
  • Elbona;
  • Don;
  • Glucosamine sulfate.

Based on animal ingredients

The components of these products are not created in a chemical laboratory, but are isolated from animal cartilage and bones. They have a serious drawback - they contain foreign protein, which is fraught with the possible occurrence of allergic reactions. However, doctors and patients note an undoubted effect after therapy with such drugs.

So, what can you find at the pharmacy? Rumalon. Its high effectiveness is also due to the fact that the drug is injected directly to the site of destroyed cartilage tissue. Shark cartilage. This is a food gel that allows you to quickly restore the structure of cartilage. The structure of cartilage is very complex. If it is severely worn out, then it is impossible to restore it with one single medicine.

Combined products

Complex therapy may also include combination drugs. They help to simultaneously reduce the activity of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, as well as relieve a person from pain and reduce swelling (Teraflex, Advance).


They stimulate the synthesis of fluid in the interarticular space and thereby help restore the functionality of the knee joint (Arteparon).

Hyaluronic acid

This component is synthesized by the body itself, and therefore cannot be called foreign to tissues. Hyaluronic acid is good because its molecules attract huge amounts of water, which promotes local hydration. By injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the area of ​​diseased cartilage, you can achieve an increase in the amount of synovial fluid, and this is the best prevention abrasion of joint elements.

Hyaluronic acid also has a positive effect on the structure of the cartilage itself: it becomes more elastic, which means its shock-absorbing function increases.

Dietary supplements

Essentially, these are vitamins, minerals and other biological components isolated from plants, bee products and other gifts of nature. They will really help in cases where the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the knee joint was caused by a poor diet (Stop Arthrosis).

Homeopathic remedies

Experts still argue about their benefits. different countries. Usually, homeopathic remedies do not cause harm, but their effect appears much longer than that of other drugs. In a word, they can be prescribed to those patients whose situation with the cartilage tissues of the knees is not yet very serious, and there is still time to restore the structure (Traumeel S).

Injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid can quickly improve the condition of cartilage tissue in the knee joint, and also help to activate regenerative processes

Physical exercise

Restoration of cartilage structures is impossible without growth hormone, and it is released only in response to physical activity. The more it is, the higher the concentration of the hormone in the body will be. After treatment physical culture the person will feel lightness, joy, uplifting mood and vigor. Therapeutic training should be performed under the supervision of a trainer, at least at first.

Subsequently, when the condition of the knees improves and the patient masters correct technique exercises, you can do them at home. What sports are preferable for restoring knee joint cartilage? Of course, nothing compares to the benefits of swimming. Swimming is a real balm for joints. In water, the mass decreases and fragile knees do not have to support the body.

In addition, the load on muscle structures increases, because to move you have to overcome the density of water, and the friction force here is much higher than in air. Weightlifting, dancing, running, jumping and some other sports should not be present in the life of a person with bad knees. These types of physical activities put too much stress on the knee joint and contribute to its destruction rather than repair.


Changing the diet is included in the mandatory standard of recommendations that the attending physician will prescribe to the patient. So, you need to give up a lot of fatty, fried and spicy foods. It worsens the composition of the blood, and therefore has an extremely negative effect on the nutrition of the joints. What should appear in the diet of a person with sore knee joints? First of all, food should be rich in vitamins, microelements and biologically active components.

Particular attention should be paid to lemons, kiwi, rosehip infusion and herbs. They contain a high content of vitamin C, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of tissues in the body. If the damage to the knee joint is not associated with gout and salt deposition in the joint, then the patient can consume more rich broths.

A long-term method of boiling meat with bones makes it possible to isolate substances from them that are very similar in structure to cartilage, but doctors are still arguing about the appropriateness of this method of restoring joints. Finally, you need to limit drinks such as tea, coffee, and alcohol in your diet. They are diuretics, as they flush out calcium salts from the body especially strongly.

Recovery with folk remedies

Unconventional methods are an excellent and proven way to restore cartilage tissue of the knee joints. They are not only healthy, but also accessible to almost everyone, because their preparation requires those ingredients that, as a rule, are available in every home. So, the following recipes can be used for restoration.

Bay leaf infusion

Take 2-3 large leaves of dried laurel, pour 300 ml of boiling water over them and leave for half an hour. This drink must be taken throughout the day, two sips between meals. The duration of the course is 3 months, after which you need to take a break for a month. If the knee joints still require attention, the course can be repeated.

Bay leaf acts as an internal antiseptic and also activates metabolic processes, as a result of which blood microcirculation in the joints becomes much more active. In addition, laurel is a source of valuable microelements and vitamins, due to the lack of which many diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.

Bay leaves can be found in every home, and therefore preparing an infusion according to this recipe will not be ruinous for a patient with bad knees

Plantain compress

Once upon a time, all children knew that if you apply a plantain leaf to a sore spot (knee or elbow), then all the pain will go away. Later, experts substantiated this effect by the unique restorative effect of plantain on joints. So, the plantain leaf needs to be slightly crushed to break the cellular structure and release the plant juice.

Now you need to lightly smear it with honey, apply it to the sore knee, secure it with an elastic bandage and cover it with a warm scarf. This compress should be kept for about an hour, after which it should be carefully cleaned. skin in the knee area from the remains of honey.

Garlic tincture

Take 3 peeled heads of garlic, chop thoroughly, pour in a liter of vodka, and then place in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to shake the drink periodically to make the tincture more saturated. After 3 weeks, the composition is filtered. They need to lubricate the sore knee at night, and also, if possible, during the day.

Homemade warming ointment

To prepare it you will need to mix 3 tbsp. l. lamb fat with 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard. This composition should be applied with soft rubbing movements on the knee, then covered with a plastic bag and insulated with a thick scarf.

Chestnut tincture

Take 300 g of fruits and 100 g of flowers of this tree, which are filled with a liter of alcohol, and then infused for a week in a dark place. This tincture should be used to wipe the sore knee several times during the day. This drink accelerates local metabolic processes, which means that medications and nutritional components reach all tissues of the joint faster.

The cartilage tissue of the knee joint is the basis for all movements of this joint. Without its normal functioning, bending and straightening the knee would be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. Doctors urge you to immediately come for a consultation at the first unpleasant symptoms, and then a long active life will be ensured for the person.

Restoration of joints and cartilage is one of the most current problems modern medicine. Lifestyle and intense loads contribute to their accelerated wear. It is necessary to examine in more detail existing treatment methods that help slow down destructive processes and regenerate tissue of articular joints.

The essence of the functioning of the joint is to ensure mobility of the skeleton and depreciation of bone elements. The most important part of the articular joint is hyaline cartilage, but it is this that is primarily subject to destruction.

The following factors can provoke this:

  • traumatic injuries;
  • intense physical activity;
  • diseases of the joints and bones (, etc.);
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • chronic diseases of various body systems;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • age-related changes in tissue structure, natural wear and tear.

It is almost impossible to eliminate such causes of problems with the musculoskeletal system from your life, but you can still reduce their influence. By creating favorable conditions, it is possible to provide not only protection, but also restoration of cartilage in the joints.

Alarming symptoms

In most cases, wear and tear of the cartilage lining is a rather lengthy process. Some signs allow you to identify the problem in time, but the more intense they appear, the more difficult it will be to stimulate natural tissue regeneration.

The following symptoms may indicate that urgent restoration of knee joint cartilage is required:

  • joint pain;
  • swelling, swelling of soft tissues;
  • hyperemia;
  • crunching and squeaking when moving;
  • stiffness;
  • deformation;
  • change in the size of the joint space;
  • instability;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • loss of ability to work.

Such manifestations cannot be ignored, because in the absence of countermeasures, the destruction of the joint will continue, and the final price may be too high - disability.

Determining the degree of wear

In order to determine the optimal way to restore articular cartilage in a particular case, it is necessary to first undergo diagnostics. To more accurately identify the degree of damage to cartilaginous and bone elements, tomography is used, since x-ray It is impossible to consider the full picture of the current situation.

If tomography does not reveal all aspects of the problem, the doctor can conduct an arthroscopic examination.

Depending on the degree of cartilage wear, treatment may be limited to preventive, conservative therapeutic and surgical measures:

  1. Initial stage. There are microdamages, the symptoms are mild. It is enough to reduce the influence of negative factors and take a preventive and health course.
  2. Progressive stage. Disturbances in the structure of cartilage tissue are quite pronounced; it becomes thinner, which is accompanied by increased discomfort and difficulty in movement. Intensive conservative techniques are required, in some cases it is advisable to immediately perform arthroplasty.
  3. Advanced stage. The cartilage is intensively destroyed, exposing areas of the bone, which becomes deformed as a result of friction. Complications arise, the patient suffers from severe pain, movements are difficult, and the formation of osteophytes is observed. The changes are irreversible, so solving the problem requires surgery and long-term rehabilitation.

Recovery methods

There are many ways to restore joints, but most of them only work in the initial stages of cartilage destruction.

These include conservative traditional and home treatment methods:

  • taking medications and dietary supplements;
  • carrying out health procedures;
  • performing gymnastic exercises;
  • use of folk recipes.

The possibility of surgical restoration anatomy and functions of articular joints. All these areas should be examined in more detail.

Nutrition and drinking regime

The simplest thing you can do for the health of your joints and the body as a whole is to switch to balanced diet. It is important to refuse harmful products, fried and baked goods. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits, light lean meat, fish, whole grain cereals, and dairy products.

Alcohol consumption is reduced to a minimum, coffee should be limited to 1 - 2 cups per day. All this will help restore the balance of nutrients, improve metabolism and normalize weight.

To stimulate the production of synovial fluid and the regeneration of cartilage tissue, the following products are considered especially useful:

  • bone soups;
  • aspic;
  • aspic;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • pectin-containing fruits and berries;
  • jelly.

Since restoring water in the joints is important to ensure the production of synovial lubrication and prevent its thickening, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. The exact norm depends on the person’s weight, age and lifestyle.

A properly formulated diet and drinking regime ensure the penetration of the required amount of nutrients and vitamins into the synovial fluid and blood flow system, so that the joints receive everything they need to maintain their health.


A more difficult issue is the selection of medications. To prevent and eliminate minor injuries, vitamin and mineral supplements and chondroprotectors are necessary. They provide joints with the necessary nutrients, improve metabolic processes in tissues and stimulate their regeneration.

For more late stages Such drugs can only complement the main therapy. Medications are used directly for treatment.

These primarily include analgesics, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids for joint restoration. They allow you to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and stop the inflammatory process, improve tissue nutrition, and overcome pathogenic factors, provoking the development of the disease.

The table shows the pharmaceutical drugs most often used to stimulate joint recovery:

Name of drugs and photos Composition basis or type of drug
Chondroxide, Structum

Chondroitin sulfate
Artron, Dona, Glucosamine

Arteparon, Hirudoid

Collagen joint, Collagen ultra

Honda, Sustaveron, Arthrotop

Combined with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate
Rumalon, Aflutop

Chondroprotectors of animal origin
Hyalurom, Sinokrom, Fermatron

Hyaluronic acid
Teraflex Advance, Artrodar

Complex NSAIDs
Prednisolone, Dexamethasone

Zel T, Traumeel S

Homeopathic and antihomotoxic remedies
Omega-3, Fish oil

Omega acids
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron

E, C, D, B12, F, A


The list of agents that can provide protection and restoration of articular cartilage is determined by the attending physician after diagnostic measures. There are entire vitamin and mineral complexes with selected components specifically for the treatment of joints.


The question of how to restore cartilage in joints using procedures deserves special attention. This is an excellent option not only for treating existing problems, but also for preventing their occurrence in general.

The following methods are used in medical practice:

  1. Physiotherapy. Standard hardware procedures for musculoskeletal problems. These include IR, UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, DDT, darsonvalization, etc.
  2. Reflexology. This is a way to activate the body's resources by influencing bioactive points using special needles, pressure, heat, needle applicators, etc.
  3. Peloid therapy. Involves performing mud applications. To improve the penetration of minerals, additional heating or electrical stimulation of problem areas is carried out.
  4. Hirudotherapy. Leech treatment is used for various diseases joints. Their saliva thins the blood, the procedure stimulates blood circulation and eliminates congestion.
  5. Thalassotherapy. It involves the use of sea resources (salt, algae, etc.) to improve the health of the body.
  6. Manual therapy. In most cases, massage is used in different techniques. In case of deformation, manual correction of the joint can be performed, but it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications and that the doctor is sufficiently qualified.

Important! You should select the optimal set of procedures together with your doctor. He will tell you, for example, how to restore knee joints in as soon as possible, determining the most effective directions of influence for a particular case.


In order to ensure complete restoration of cartilage in the joints, physical activity cannot be avoided. For a gentle effect, special sets of exercises have been developed. One of the most popular is the course of kinesiotherapy according to Bubnovsky.

You can highlight some simple exercises to understand how to restore the knee joint and other articular joints using gymnastics:

  • flexion-extension of limbs;
  • rotation in the joint;
  • passive movements (pulling the knee to the chest);
  • partial squats;
  • moving the legs back and to the side;
  • lifting the legs from a lying position;
  • "bike";
  • "mill";
  • raising arms using weight;
  • swimming;
  • yoga asanas;
  • walking;
  • jogging for short distances.

Jumping, lifting heavy weights, sudden movements, prolonged monotonous loads, climbing stairs - all this is contraindicated if you have problems with the joints.

Folk remedies

At home, traditional medicine is actively used to stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. To prevent unpleasant consequences It is recommended to consult with your doctor in advance regarding the safety of using the selected recipes.

The most popular treatment for joints is alcohol rubbing. The instructions for preparing tinctures are very simple: the necessary raw materials are crushed, placed in a jar and filled to the top with vodka. After 14 days of exposure, the mixture is rubbed on sore joints.

The following are most often used as a healing base for such rubbing:

  • potato sprouts;
  • white lilac flowers;
  • chestnut fruits and inflorescences;
  • red pepper;
  • propolis;
  • fly agaric;
  • cinquefoil

For internal use It is recommended to use gelatin. A tablespoon of dry powder is poured with cold water overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, the swollen mass is diluted with water to make a total of 200 ml and drunk.

Another interesting and simple one folk remedy for joint restoration - chicken cartilage. To make it, you need to boil chicken feet, separate the cartilage and grind them. Every day you need to take a dessert spoon of this remedy on an empty stomach.


When conservative methods are ineffective, the doctor may decide to perform surgery. There are several options for such surgical interventions. Since large joints are most often subjected to such procedures, let’s consider them using the knees as an example.

Reconstruction of the knee joint can be done as follows:

  1. Arthroplasty. The joint is sanitized using an arthroscope. All damaged tissue that cannot be restored is removed, healthy surfaces are cleaned and polished.
  2. Corrective osteotomy. This is a complex procedure that can be used as an alternative to arthroplasty. Its essence is to eliminate deformation by cutting out the bone and displacing it. The disadvantage of such an operation is that it eliminates the disease that led to pathological changes, thus fails.
  3. . If the restoration of cartilage in the knee joint naturally becomes impossible, the problem can be solved by installing an artificial prosthesis in place of the worn areas of the articular joint.

Such types surgical treatment are used most often. After the operation, temporary immobilization is required; further rehabilitation is carried out according to a scheme similar to conservative treatment: taking medications, procedures, exercise therapy.

Since it is very difficult to restore a joint with a progressive disease, it is better to take care in advance to maintain its health.

For prevention, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • eat right, adjust your diet according to the current needs of your body;
  • give up bad habits;
  • move more, for example, go for daily walks or play sports;
  • avoid traumatic situations;
  • avoid overstraining ligaments, sudden movements and excessive stress on joints;
  • do not get too cold;
  • deal with it in a timely manner infectious diseases and their consequences;
  • take vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • use chondroprotectors;
  • do not neglect joint problems, especially if characteristic symptoms begin to bother you;
  • do not self-medicate.

Be sure to watch the video in this article to learn more about modern methods of joint reconstruction.

Various pathological conditions spine are associated with a violation of the structure of cartilage tissue. Under these conditions, treatment aimed at restoring the lost function of cartilage becomes relevant.

What methods can be used to achieve the goal? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the very structure of cartilage tissue, which is important for the spine.

Where is cartilage located in the spine? This structure consists of such formations as intervertebral discs. They are elliptical-shaped cartilages that are located between two adjacent vertebrae along the entire length of the spinal column.

Intervertebral discs perform the function of shock absorption - they smooth out the range of movements and prevent the vertebrae from hitting each other. Each disc has a nucleus pulposus inside, which is surrounded by a fibrous capsule. Pathology occurs when a section of the nucleus (disc herniation) comes out through a defect in the capsule, which comes into an anatomical conflict with surrounding formations.

What does cartilage tissue consist of? Its structure includes:

  • Chondrocyte cells.
  • Intercellular matrix.

The latter contains very important substances, without which the work of cartilage is impossible. At the molecular level, cartilage consists of:

  1. Collagen is the main protein of the connective tissue of the human body. Creates a “framework” for the remaining molecules in the cartilage.
  2. Hyaluronic acid – provides elasticity properties.
  3. Proteoglycans are molecules that fill the spaces between collagen fibers.
  4. Chondroitin sulfate - together with hyaluronic acid is responsible for the elastic properties of discs.

A feature of cartilage tissue is the absence of blood vessels. The discs receive nutrition from synovial fluid and diffusion from other tissues. As a result, the metabolism in cartilage is low-intensity, so restoration of cartilage tissue is a difficult process.

Causes of pathology

There are not many diseases that cause cartilage pathology, but they make up a significant proportion of spinal diseases. Restoration of cartilage tissue is necessary in the following conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Disc protrusion and herniation.
  • Intervertebral disc injuries.
  • Systemic connective tissue diseases.
  • Lack of protein and microelements in the body.

The listed problems cause a whole cascade of pathological processes. When the structure of the cartilage is damaged, its fragments begin to compress the surrounding structures. The inflammatory process begins. The reaction may involve nerve roots and plexuses, muscles and ligaments, and even bone tissue.

Advanced diseases of cartilage tissue lead to disability. This is why it is important to begin restoring these structures as early as possible.

Recovery methods

Vertebrology is a branch of medicine that develops methods for treating diseases of the spine. This science has been searching for the most effective schemes for influencing damaged spinal cartilage tissue for many years.

The following areas of treatment can be distinguished:

  1. Changing your diet.
  2. Use of medications.
  3. Application of stem cells and other experimental methods.
  4. Assistive technologies: physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on each of the listed methods in order to achieve the most effective results of cartilage tissue restoration.


Using only drugs to treat cartilage without lifestyle changes will be the least effective way therapy. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. They disrupt blood circulation processes, which aggravates the disease.

It is very important to change your eating habits. You should add to your diet:

  1. Dairy products contain calcium, which strengthens cartilage and bone tissue.
  2. Rich meat broths - they contain hyaluronic acid necessary for cartilage.
  3. Jellied meat and jellied fish also contain mucopolysaccharides and proteins that are beneficial for the spine.
  4. Seafood. They contain phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements.
  5. Desserts with gelatin contain mucopolysaccharides.
  6. Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins that strengthen the immune system and prevent the inflammatory response.
  7. Worth consuming in large quantities clean water and fresh juices. The liquid makes the cartilage elastic and enhances metabolic processes.

Nutrition should be complete in protein and carbohydrate composition, sufficient for energy value. In this case, the body will produce sufficient quantities of anabolic hormones involved in the restoration of cartilage.


Today, the basis for the restoration of spinal cartilage tissue is created by medications. The drugs are used in various dosage forms and belong to different chemical groups, but in one way or another they protect the cartilage from additional damage.

Drugs can be divided into the following groups:

  • Chondroprotectors.
  • Vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Hormonal agents.

Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages. In addition, medications can cause side effects, so they must be prescribed by the attending physician.


Modern medicine is trying to find an ideal remedy that acts on the mechanism of development of the disease, and not on its symptoms. Currently, clinical trials of drugs from the chondroprotector group are actively underway.

These medications contain cartilage tissue substances or their analogues, which notice the deficiency of their own metabolites and prevent the progression of pathology. Chondroprotectors are divided into several groups:

  1. Preparations containing only chondroitin sulfate: Chondroxide, Chondrolol.
  2. Products with natural ingredients (extracts of marine organisms, calf bone tissue): Rumalon, Aflutol.
  3. Medicines containing mucopolysaccharides - Arteparon.
  4. Preparations containing glucosamine – a precursor of chondrotin. This group includes the drug Artron Flex.
  5. Combined products: Teraflex, Artron-complex.

There are also medications containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs along with chondroprotectors. The combination is aimed at quickly reducing the intensity of pain.

Advantages and disadvantages

The wide potential of drugs in this group is explained by the presence of a number of significant advantages. These include the following properties of drugs:

  1. Influence directly on metabolism, eliminating the deficiency of its own metabolites.
  2. A wide selection of dosage forms: tablets, injections, ointments and gels.
  3. Well tolerated, minimal side effects.
  4. Proven clinical effectiveness with long-term use.

Chondroprotectors have not yet become widespread. This is due to the presence of certain disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to penetrate into the tissues of the spinal column.
  2. Long-term use is required. The course lasts 3–6 months.
  3. Symptoms are reduced only a month after starting treatment.
  4. A combination with symptomatic remedies and physiotherapy is necessary.
  5. High price.

The doctor must individually select the drug based on the patient's condition and the results of clinical trials.


Clinical trials have shown a significant effect of cartilage restoration when using anabolic hormones - somatotropic and thyrocalcitonin.

The first is produced in the pituitary gland and is responsible for the growth and development of the body in youth. With age, the level of the hormone decreases, and cartilage tissue loses its strength and elasticity. The introduction of a somatotropic hormone drug in injection form led to an improvement in the reparative (restorative) properties of the intervertebral disc.

The effect is potentiated by the simultaneous use of thyrocalcitonin, another pituitary hormone. It affects activity thyroid gland and enhances the anabolic effect. Under the influence of hormones, protein synthesis in the liver is activated, the number of chondrocytes increases, and cartilage acquires strength.

Unfortunately, hormones have a number of negative effects. They lead to skeletal imbalances, disruption of the liver and kidneys, and changes in blood pressure levels.

That is why the widespread use of somatotropic hormone and thyrocalcitonin is not observed. The drugs are used in a limited number of clinics and are being tested.

Vitamins and antioxidants

The use of vitamins and microelements to restore cartilage has a significant effect. The following drugs are used:

  1. Nicotinic acid (vitamin K) – the product promotes the production of growth hormone. The dosage of the drug is carefully selected so as not to affect blood clotting processes.
  2. Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid has an antioxidant effect, it prevents the inflammatory reaction, activates the body's immune forces, and helps normalize metabolic processes.
  3. Vitamin D – together with calcium helps strengthen not only bone tissue, but also cartilage. Prevents the development of degeneration in the form of bone osteophytes and osteoporosis.

In addition to vitamins, the doctor may prescribe complexes of microelements, mainly calcium and phosphorus. Amino acids enhance the effect: lysine, proline, alanine, vitamin P. The most rational is to prescribe a complete multivitamin complex containing the necessary substances in the required dosage.

Experimental techniques

Medicine strives forward, using the most modern achievements of scientists. Some experimental techniques have great potential for restoring spinal cartilage:

  1. Application of stem cells. Embryonic cells are embedded in the cartilage and transform into chondrocytes, replacing the lost function.
  2. Introduction of prepared chondrocytes into the cartilage. The method is prevented from being used immune reaction body to introduce foreign cells.
  3. Replacement of synovial fluid through the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone. The disadvantage is the difficulty of use in cases of damage to several spinal discs.
  4. The use of clenbuterol and other adrenergic receptor stimulants. The drugs have an effect similar to anabolic hormones, but do not have their side effects.

In addition to the described methods, it is widely used surgical correction pathology. Sometimes it is impossible to eliminate disc pathology in any other way. When restoration of cartilage tissue is unsuccessful, doctors resort to removing the hernia or the entire disc and replacing it with a prosthesis.

Assisted recovery methods

All described methods of cartilage restoration have a long-lasting effect. How to speed up the effect of vitamins and chondroprotectors? Physiotherapy methods are often used for such purposes:

  • UHF, UFO.
  • Electrophoresis and phonophoresis.
  • Electromyostimulation.
  • Paraffin applications.
  • Hot baths.

You can complement the procedures with massage. You can preserve healthy tissue by maintaining the correct motor regimen. Static and dynamic overloads are excluded, complexes of exercise therapy and therapeutic exercises are used.

The listed procedures must be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

During the first months of treatment, symptoms will not change significantly. The following drugs help alleviate the patient's condition:

  • Analgesics.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Glucocorticosteroids in injections.
  • Spinal blockades.
  • Muscle relaxants.
  • B vitamins in injection form.

Spinal corsets, bandages and orthopedic belts also help reduce the intensity of symptoms. The attending physician will help you choose a design.

Knee cartilage important element musculoskeletal system. It is on this part of the leg that the greatest load is placed upon movement. And in the case of injuries and bruises of the knees, it is the cartilage tissue that is the first to suffer. Also, this tissue itself wears out over time, becomes increasingly thinner, loses elasticity, and a person develops various diseases.

Arthrosis develops slowly

Structure cartilaginous fabrics

Cartilage is a thin, elastic tissue. There are two types of cartilage in the knee joints: fibrous (meniscus) and hyaline. The fiber fabric is very durable and can withstand pressure. And hyaline is more elastic and covers the surface along which the joints move. Unfortunately, hyaline tissue, which is of a higher quality in composition, is poorly restored. New formations are mostly fiber fabric Bad quality.

Cartilage tissue primarily performs a connective function; the main purpose of such tissue is to reduce friction at the junctions of bones. The entire inner surface of the joint is covered with synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant. Just as engine oil is important for a car, synovial fluid is important for human joints. Second important function This fluid is to provide nutrition to the cartilage tissue. After all, there are practically no capillaries in articular cartilage, and blood does not flow there. Therefore, all nutrients come from the synovial fluid.

Chondromalacia patella

Chondromalacia is the process of destruction of the cartilage of the posterior surface of the patella, which is accompanied by severe pain. Chondromalacia can develop after dislocation, trauma, or instability of the patella.

Affected cartilage and patella


The main symptom of chondromalacia of the patella is deep, Blunt pain, which intensifies when moving the legs or when sitting for a long time with bent knees. From time to time, especially after intense exercise, effusion in the joint is possible. There are also clicks and crepitations. The pain becomes unbearable after physical activity, and after rest it subsides.

Of course, it is quite difficult to determine a disease based on symptoms; it is better to conduct a comprehensive study of the body and, based on it, the doctor will be able to select the correct treatment.

Types of Chondromalacia

There are 4 types of destructive changes in the patellas.

  • Type I is characterized by changes in the central part of the patella, often due to subluxation or tilting.
  • In type II, changes begin in the area of ​​the lateral facet. The cause is also subluxation or excessive tilt of the patella.
  • Type III changes are located on the medial facet of the patella. There are many reasons for the formation, including rough reduction of a strong dislocation, improper distribution of pressure due to subluxation or tilting of the patella, and reconstructive operations with moving the tibial tuberosity back.
  • Type IV changes begin on the proximal part of the patella and extend to 80% of the area. Type IV most often occurs as a result of direct trauma to the anterior flexed joint.


Cartilage tissue is very fragile, since it is small in thickness; it is very easy to damage and difficult to restore. Nowadays, doctors use various recovery methods. Treatment can be conservative medication and surgery.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment is based on the following procedures: rest, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, changing the training regimen for athletes. This is followed by a rehabilitation program that includes stretching the muscles and ligaments that hold the patella, and the muscles of the hamstring. It is important to do exercises to build quadriceps strength. A person also feels more comfortable with an elastic bandage on the knee joint.


Use chondroprotectors to protect your connective tissues

The most effective drugs are chondroprotectors. They contain substances such as chondroitin and glucosamine.

  • Chondroitin sulfate is a polysaccharide that is also present in cartilage. This drug allows you to increase the compressive and tensile strength of cartilage tissue. After taking chondroitin, patients experience pain in the knee, the thinned tissue becomes stronger, and the person can live their normal life.
  • Glucosamine restores damaged tissue and protects against mechanical damage.

These medications are recommended for use as prophylaxis. They prevent abrasion of bone tissue. It is very important to start taking this type of medicine at the onset of the disease. Chondroitin and glucosamine are absolutely safe drugs, which does not have side effects. But if the destruction has already affected the entire tissue, chondroprotectors will not help.

For most patients in the early stages, these measures bring serious relief, but if the pain continues, this means that the abrasion has not stopped and it is necessary to proceed to surgery.

Knee cartilage restoration joint surgical methods

Destroyed tissue of the knee joint brings quite big problems into a person’s life, this and constant pain, and decreased physical activity. Nowadays, modern methods of surgical restoration of cartilage tissue are used in medicine:

  • tunneling method;
  • arthroplasty method;
  • microfracture method;
  • replacement of defects with chondrocytes.


Tunneling is mild operative an intervention during which channels are formed in adjacent cartilage bone tissue. These actions make it possible to mechanically remove increased intraosseous pressure and normalize microcirculation, which provides tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen.

After the procedure, discomfort and pain disappear. The leg functions almost normally and within a day after the operation you can move around calmly.

A contraindication for this procedure is inflammatory infectious process in the joint itself or its structures.


Arthroplasty is endoprosthetics. It is quite effective and effective method restoration of cartilage tissue, which is in quite high demand. During the procedure, all affected areas are removed and replaced with artificial prostheses.

Artificial cartilage works no worse than natural cartilage

After the surgical procedure, the patient has complete pain relief and an improved quality of life for many years.

Contraindications include active and systemic infection, neurological pathologies, affecting the legs and impaired peripheral circulation.


The goal of this method is to stimulate the formation of cartilage tissue in a natural way. Microfracture is used when large-scale destruction of structures occurs, that is, the destruction reaches the bones. In the damaged area, the surgeon uses special instruments to make small holes so that multifunctional cells can escape and become the basis for replacement cartilage.

Chondrocyte transplantation

This operation is prescribed for very large tissue lesions. This technique was invented not so long ago, but it has proven to be quite effective and efficient. The essence of the method is this: samples of healthy cartilage tissue are taken from the joint using a special arthroscopy method. Next, healthy cells are grown in a special laboratory, which are placed on the damaged areas using repeated arthroscopy and the leg is restored to normal.

This operation cannot be performed on people over 50 years of age and children under 16 years of age. There are also contraindications for chronic, destructive changes in the structures of the knee joint.

Only a doctor can choose a technique after complex diagnostics body and determining the degree and cause of cartilage destruction.