Why does a tooth hurt after filling and should you see a doctor? A tooth hurts under a filling - causes and pain relief at home

Every person expects that after completing dental procedures, toothache will go away. After all, why else would you visit a doctor? Unfortunately, it is a very common situation when a tooth hurts after filling. What is this connected with? Do I need to see the dentist again? How to reduce discomfort?

How does filling occur?

Successful treatment of tooth decay includes the installation of a filling. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Partial removal of dental tissue affected by caries.
  2. Processing the walls of the cavity in order to prepare them for the installation of a filling.
  3. Laying a special gasket on the bottom of the cavity, with the help of which secondary dentin is formed.
  4. Installing a filling, polishing it, forming grooves.

If advanced caries has led to the development of pulpitis, then the dentist will local anesthesia removes the affected nerve for the patient, treats the inflamed pulp, installs a temporary filling, and after some time fills the dental canals along their entire length and closes the tooth. In more than half of the cases, canal filling is performed poorly, which is why a cyst subsequently forms near the tooth.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling?

Almost all people have a toothache under a filling immediately after its installation. Discomfort increases when eating or inhaling cold air. This normal phenomenon, associated with the dental procedure and damage to the nerve endings in the process.

The pain may last for several days. Usually it is not too intense and is aching in nature. If a tooth hurts after root canal filling, the recovery process will take a little longer – up to 3-4 weeks. It is important to note that every day a person’s condition should improve until the pain goes away.

Tooth hurts after filling: what to do

If the pain after filling is not severe and does not cause excessive inconvenience, then you just need to be patient for 1-3 days: during this time the level of discomfort should decrease significantly. However, if the tooth hurts after filling the canals, then painful sensations may exceed the patience of the owner of the teeth.

  • rinse your mouth with saline solution;
  • apply a cotton wool soaked in lemon balm or valerian tincture to the treated area;
  • rinse your mouth with an infusion based on herbs: propolis, mint, sage, yarrow, calendula or chamomile;
  • press onto the painful tooth for 10 minutes. a cotton swab soaked in a small amount of fir oil (5-6 drops is enough). It is necessary to ensure that the compress does not touch the gum, as this can cause a burn;
  • Apply an ice cube to the tooth and hold until it melts. “Healthy” ice can be prepared by freezing the herbal infusion;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with a soda solution with a slight addition of iodine;
  • treat the affected areas with a piece of bandage soaked in clove oil.

Folk remedies are not always effective, so it is much easier to relieve pain with medications. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Baralgin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Ketorlak;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Tamipul;
  • Ketanov;
  • Dexalgin, etc.

However, you should not get too carried away with taking medications and exceed their normal dosage. If the pain is so severe that it needs to be “dampened”, it is better to see a dentist.

Tooth hurts after treatment of pulpitis and caries: when to consult a doctor

Sometimes pain after installing a filling is not associated with increased tissue sensitivity, but is provoked by factors such as:

  • relapse of caries. On average, a filling lasts 5 years. After this time, it ceases to reliably protect the tooth from bacteria without preventing the development of caries. A relapse can also occur due to medical error and incorrect installation of a filling;
  • allergy to the filling. This is a fairly rare situation, but it still happens. As a rule, toothache is accompanied by skin rash and itching. You need to contact your dentist and replace the filling;
  • cyst. She for a long time develops asymptomatically, but then manifests itself “in all its glory.” A cyst is a kind of sac where pus accumulates. The inflammatory process can be accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by swelling of the gums, fever, general weakness. Treatment should not be put off for a long time, since a cyst often provokes the development of a cancerous tumor;
  • pulpitis. Sometimes a tooth hurts under a filling if caries has developed to pulpitis and has affected soft fabrics. In this case, it is necessary to remove the filling, remove the nerve and seal the dental canal;
  • a filling that doesn’t fit well with the rest of the teeth. When the jaws are closed, the slightly protruding edge of the filling is pressed in upper teeth, causing soft tissues to become irritated and respond with pain. You should ask your dentist to polish the filling according to your bite;
  • poorly performed filling. Even an experienced dentist can make mistakes. A tiny piece of a broken instrument, incomplete removal of inflamed tissue, or an incompletely sealed space - any of the above causes pain and requires correction.

Diagnosing yourself is a thankless and very difficult task. An alarming “bell” should be the fact that more than 4 weeks have passed since the filling, and the pain is still bothersome. Naturally, if there is an increase in temperature, severe swelling of the gums and a general deterioration in the condition, then there is no point in waiting for this period to expire - you must immediately go to the dentist.

You should not delay contacting a doctor, since all processes in the oral cavity occur quite quickly, and the more severely the tissue is affected, the more difficult and expensive the treatment will be.

How to behave after tooth filling

The first time after installing the filling, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:

  1. Don't eat too hot or cold.
  2. Smoking less.
  3. Avoid sweets.
  4. Do not chew with filled teeth, try to reduce the load on them as much as possible.
  5. Give preference to soft and liquid foods that do not need to be chewed.

After a few days, the filling will take root and you can return to your usual diet. It is usually not difficult to understand when the teeth are again ready for the “exploits” of biting into hard cookies.

Of course, it is not very pleasant when a tooth hurts after filling canals or installing a regular filling. But such discomfort is the final stage. All the worst in the form of caries and pulpitis is already behind us, at least for some time.


A tooth hurts under a filling: the main reasons

Most often, tooth pain occurs for the following reasons:

1. Pain that occurs immediately after surgery is called “reactive pain.” painful sensations" Like any intervention, every dental procedure is in some sense a trauma, because the doctor can remove parts of the tooth, clean caries, and inject medications into the gums. For example, after treatment of pulpitis, people may experience discomfort and even pain after filling for a long time. In addition, discomfort can also occur when teeth are closed. As a rule, this symptom goes away after a few weeks.

2. An incorrect diagnosis can cause serious complications in the condition. For example, if the attending physician treated ordinary caries instead of pulpitis and simply filled the tooth, then there is a high probability of progression of the true disease. In addition, it is important to know that in chronic form, untreated pulpitis can lead to complete loss tooth

3. Severe overheating of a filled tooth can cause aching pain. This problem occurs in the absence of special cooling, which must be used when preparing teeth.

When hard tissues overheat, the patient experiences a burn and pulp necrosis develops, which provokes severe pain. In especially severe cases, overheating can trigger the development of periodontitis.

4. Incorrectly installed filling bite can also provoke stabbing pain. This medical mistake can be explained by the fact that most cases of filling are carried out under anesthesia (the entire oral cavity of a person is numb), so the patient simply does not feel whether the new filling is bothering him or not. When a person comes home and starts talking or eating, he clearly feels discomfort and pain in the tooth. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. You just need to contact your dentist, who will clean off the excess material for the filling.

5. Polymerization stress. It can be caused by modern light fillings, which over time cause shrinkage of the materials and pain in the tooth. Most often, this pathology occurs when the technology for installing light fillings is not followed.

A tooth hurts under a filling: additional reasons

Pain in a filled tooth does not always occur. This is the exception rather than the rule. Pain during the installation of a filling may occur in the first two days after the procedure, and this is considered acceptable, but if the pain does not go away and continues to bother you, then it is necessary to identify the source of its occurrence.

Additional reasons why a person may experience pain in a filled tooth are:

1. Individual intolerance by the patient to the metal contained in the filling material. As a result, a person may experience swelling, pain in the tooth and redness of the gums.

2. The incompetence of the doctor and his desire to save money can cause terrible discomfort in the filled tooth. In this case, a person will suffer from pain when eating cold, hot and even sweet foods.

3. Poor cleaning of the tooth cavity can lead to the development of secondary caries and, accordingly, to new pain. It is important to know that advanced forms of caries can cause total tooth extraction.

4. Periodontitis often becomes a source of tooth pain under a filling. With this disease, a disease develops in the deep tissues under the tooth. inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by infection.

In severe forms of periodontitis, the integrity of the bone tissue, causing the unpleasant feeling of a “grown tooth”. Because of this, even with a light touch on a sore tooth, a person will wince from terrible pain. Also unpleasant symptoms can radiate to the ears, temple area and back of the head. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.

5. Pulpitis. Most often it develops as a result of untreated (advanced) caries. This disease is accompanied by acute paroxysmal pain in the tooth under the filling, which usually bothers a person at night. Also, pulpitis can turn into a chronic form - then pain will appear periodically.

6. Tooth cyst. It can develop quite long time(from two months to several years). You should know that initial stages it practically does not cause any painful sensations, but in a neglected state it can provoke severe pain. This disease is quite dangerous because it provokes the destruction of bone tissue (teeth and jaw). If left untreated, the cyst will cause weakness, migraine, high fever and sinusitis.

With a cyst, the tooth may hurt not only while eating, but also at rest. Thanks to modern therapeutic methods Dentists can rid a person of this tumor while maintaining the integrity of the tooth.

A tooth hurts under a filling: symptoms

Toothache in a filled tooth can be of the following nature:

1. Pain that occurs when biting on a filled tooth. The reason for this may be an inflamed nerve, as well as uncleaned dental canals. Some people endure such pain, believing that it will go away over time, but this is a big mistake, because painful conditions can lead to infection and severe inflammation.

2. Aching pain that occurs after treatment. As a rule, it intensifies after anesthesia, when all receptors become sensitive again.

3. Acute throbbing pain may signal development infectious process. In addition, if pus collects under the tooth and gum, then the person will have bad smell from the mouth and rise heat. In severe cases, the cheek near the tooth may become swollen and red.

A tooth hurts under a filling: what to do?

Toothache is considered one of the most difficult to bear. In order to reduce it as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Do not eat food that is too cold or too hot. The best option is food at room temperature.

2. Maintain oral hygiene at least twice a day.

3. Rinse your mouth with a strong chamomile decoction or infusion of mint and sage.

4. When severe pain You can rinse a sore tooth with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

5. Carefully monitor the condition of the tooth: if the gums around it turn red, fester, or become swollen, you should consult a dentist as soon as possible.

6. Apply a gauze swab soaked in valerian tincture to the sore tooth. This will help remove acute attacks pain.

Except folk methods Toothache can be treated with medications (analgesics). Most effective medications given pharmacological group are:

Dentol (gel that is applied directly to the sore gum or tooth);

Cholisal (gel, which is used in the same way as Dentol);

Nurofen (can be in tablets or syrup for oral administration);

Dexalgin (tablets).

There are also special dental drops, which are called “Drops for teeth”. They help quickly relieve pain, but it is recommended to consult your doctor before using them.

What not to do when a tooth hurts under a filling:

You should not inject your gums with any medications, since this should be done exclusively by the dentist;

You should not warm up a sore tooth, since such a procedure will only contribute to the development of the inflammatory process and infection;

You cannot try to remove a filling from a tooth on your own, even if it hurts unbearably (this will only make things worse in any case);

Do not apply ice to the tooth (this can lead to frostbite).


Why does a tooth hurt after a filling is installed?

Many patients complain about this problem. The treated part hurts, and when you press on it, discomfort appears. If this problem is ignored, inflammation develops, as a result of which the tooth can deteriorate and collapse. After treatment, the tooth may and should hurt for some time. This is not a cause for concern because the dentist used instruments that impact both hard and soft tissue.

When a tooth hurts precisely when chewing food and pressing on it, this may mean that:

  • the filling is made too high (the dentist generously used filling material);
  • the solution could shrink more after hardening or it might not be enough;
  • the procedure was carried out in violation of the rules;
  • the canals are inflamed;
  • dental canals become infected (negligent handling of instruments);
  • the filling solution is of poor quality;
  • appeared allergic reaction;
  • misdiagnosed.

Filling too big

In the first situation, discomfort is noted, since the treated tooth is higher than other teeth. It is impossible to squeeze the jaw tightly, and when biting hard food, the filling puts pressure on the root system and nerve endings, which is why it hurts. Excessive filling material can cause the development of periodontitis if the material ends up behind the roots of the teeth.

Filling too small

When the doctor uses insufficient quantities of material and makes the filling quite small, then some food debris or liquid, or maybe just air, gets in during eating. All this will cause even more discomfort. Caries and inflammation may also develop.

Low work experience

Incompetence is also the result of trouble. The dentist may not dry or overdry the surface on which the filling is attached. When the nerves become too dry, they become damaged or may even disappear. The filling will lie loosely and unevenly if not dried enough, causing small holes to form, but they will cause a lot of discomfort.

Actions that a doctor should take before treating a tooth:

  • remove remnants of a former filling or caries;
  • rinse the cavity;
  • dry with a special device;
  • clean the dental canals;
  • remove nerves (at the patient’s request);
  • dry the dental canals;
  • seal each channel one by one;
  • dry the cavity;
  • install a temporary or permanent filling (this depends on how damaged the tooth is);
  • adjust the filling according to the bite.

It also happens that the doctor cured a neighboring tooth. This is an extremely rare situation, but anything is possible. To check whether the correct tooth has been treated, you need to make tapping movements on other teeth with a metal object. If pain is felt, then you need to go to the dental office.

It is necessary to make a correction. Changes in bite, curvature and injury to the roots of the teeth are guaranteed. The natural edges of the tooth may crack and crumble due to the high pressure.

Infection in the dental canals

Inflammation of the canals is another reason why the tooth hurts when pressed. Dentists offer to remove a nerve to a patient quite rarely. Of course, you want to save the tooth, but endure unpleasant pain no one wants to. Before starting, the doctor needs to remove the old filling and clean the canals. They come in different diameters and the doctor uses spiral-shaped needles to expand them. The channels are cleaned and disinfected. The material is dried and filled. When the dental canals are poorly cleaned and poorly closed, then an infection develops.

Inflammation can develop diseases such as:

  • flux(this is swelling of soft tissues. Body temperature rises, weakness and malaise appear. The dental surgeon will eliminate the pathology);
  • pulpitis(this is inflammation of the internal tissues of the tooth. The tissues consist of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue);
  • purulent process (dangerous because the likelihood of meningitis is high. The brain may be exposed to pus from the oral cavity).


One fourth of the population is susceptible to allergic reactions. Low-quality material from manufacturers from China, which the doctor uses for sealing, can cause allergic reactions.

Signs may include:

  • edema;
  • the appearance of tearing;
  • discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • attacks of suffocation.

If these signs appear, contact your dentist immediately!

You need to know: there are situations in which the tooth aches due to the inattention of the victim. The attending physician should warn that after the procedure you should not consume food or liquids for several hours. A photopolymer filling, which petrifies under the influence of a curing lamp, is an exception.

Avoiding solid foods (carrots, meat, crackers, cucumbers) will help prevent pain. Also, when brushing your teeth, you should be careful and not press too hard with the brush.

Unbearable pain

Pain is not ignored if:

  • edema and swelling appeared (not subside for more than 3 days);
  • there is an abscess in the mouth;
  • body temperature increased;
  • headaches appeared;
  • there is no way to close the teeth - the filling is in the way;
  • formation of gaps between the filling and the tooth is observed.

If at least one of these symptoms is observed, then you cannot self-medicate.

What to do if there are no symptoms?

For relax discomfort some measures can be taken.

  1. Prepare a warm solution of baking soda and salt and rinse your mouth four times a day, as well as after meals. Recipe: pour water into a cup (t should be 37 - 40 degrees Celsius), add salt and soda (1 tsp soda, the same amount of soda).
  2. Buy dried chamomile flowers at the pharmacy. Recipe: take 60 grams of dry herb for one glass of water, boil, leave for 30 minutes. Now strain and rinse in the same way as with the soda solution.
  3. Prepare a decoction of sage. Recipe: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry sage (one glass). After this, leave for 10 minutes. According to the scheme, strain and rinse 4 times a day.
  4. Use fir oil. To do this you will need a cotton pad and the oil itself. Lubricate the cotton wool and apply to the area of ​​pain for about 5-10 minutes.

Need to know! If your cheek is swollen, you cannot warm it. A purulent process may be hidden; if it is heated, there is a risk of an abscess.


A number of drugs can be used as pain relievers.

How to alleviate your condition after filling?

Irritating factors can be reduced:

  • not drinking too hot or cold drinks;
  • giving up smoking;
  • rinsing your mouth herbal decoctions or whatever the dentist recommends;
  • using ointments as a pain reliever (also based on the doctor’s advice!).

You need to visit the dentist's office approximately once every six months. Thanks to this, you can avoid many hidden diseases and also keep your teeth in excellent condition.


Patient's actions after filling installation

If you've just left the dentist's office after getting a filling, there are a few things to keep in mind. important rules. If you don't follow them and don't take safety precautions seriously, pain may be just the smallest of all. wide range negative consequences. Remember that the first time after installing the filling you need:

  1. avoid very hot, cold and hard foods;
  2. do not consume sweets (especially chocolate) in large quantities - they can cause enamel destruction;
  3. choose a comfortable brush with medium-hard synthetic bristles;
  4. toothpaste should be without harmful fillers;
  5. mouth rinse balm should be used after every meal;
  6. stop smoking for at least a few hours;
  7. do not drink alcohol - it has specific feature destroy a fresh filling;
  8. do not load the filled teeth with the chewing process, gently bite and press on the tooth;
  9. add to your diet rich in vitamins and minerals, food that is easy to chew and does not harm the enamel;
  10. avoid traumatizing filled teeth;
  11. If your tooth hurts after a recent filling, contact a specialist.

The sensation of having a recent filling hurt can be quite painful and can leave you with several extremely unpleasant hours. In especially severe cases, it can even hurt to touch the cheek, and the gums ache incessantly. This is why you should not put off visiting a doctor: in some cases, self-medication does not end in anything good for the patient.

Why do teeth hurt after filling?

Why is it formed pain syndrome? Pain is an absolutely adequate reaction of the body to nerve irritation. If the nerve has long been removed, it is worth looking for the cause of the pain elsewhere. There are many factors that can affect this process. First, you need to understand the type of toothache:

  1. Tooth hurts after pulpitis treatment. Incorrect treatment of an advanced form of the disease is the most common reason the occurrence of such pathologies. It is recommended to undergo an additional course of therapy in order to completely eliminate the consequences of pulpitis.
  2. Pain in the tooth when biting food. If your enamel hurts after you bite off a large piece of solid food, you should refrain from further eating it. A fresh filling has not yet taken root well enough, making it an easy and vulnerable target for mechanical impact from outside.
  3. Tooth hurts after fresh filling. It is worth remembering that in the first hours after filling this is completely normal. The form is thus seated in the canal, and the filled area is much more sensitive to pressure.
  4. The gums pulsate and itch when pressed. Inflammation may occur some time after you have your teeth filled. The pain intensifies when biting and pressing, and it feels like you need to scratch the gums to relieve the itching.

In what cases can you not do without the help of a doctor?

Many people deliberately put off visiting a doctor, trying to eliminate the discomfort on their own.

Complications after improper treatment of pulpitis and toothache after emergency filling are a good reason to visit the dentist. Clinical picture sensations that make you need to go to the hospital immediately:

  1. temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. headache and dizziness;
  4. apathy and lethargy;
  5. complete loss of appetite;
  6. unpleasant sensations of sharp pain radiating to the nerve;
  7. weight loss in a short period of time;
  8. intense pain syndrome;
  9. swelling and enlargement of the gums.

How to get rid of pain at home?

If you are still determined to be treated at home and do not want to waste your time visiting a doctor, you should approach this process as responsibly as possible. Be sure to study the indications and contraindications for the use of all medications that you plan to use. It would be a good idea to regularly rinse the mouth and apply special applications to the affected area.


Toothache after a fresh filling can be easily eliminated with the help of painkillers. When a unit with a filling hurts very much, you can use a maximum of two tablets - excess medicines may harm and irritate the gastric mucosa. Pain after treatment of advanced pulpitis can also be removed with the help of medications. Most often for this purpose in domestic dentistry they use:

Rinses and applications

When pain and swelling of the cheek when pressed become a result of filling, it is necessary to resort to the use of applications and rinses. This is a fairly simple method of treatment, which will soon help you forget about the complications of caries and pulpitis, not experience discomfort when biting and forget about the troubles with the old filling.

How the treatment procedures are carried out:

How many days after the procedure does tooth pain disappear?

How long will the treatment take? Under normal conditions, you can touch the filling within two days after its installation. When the oral cavity begins to hurt in the first few hours, this is an absolutely normal and common occurrence. If complications develop, their treatment may take from several days to several weeks - in this case It's a dull pain will accompany you for a long time.

What to do if your gums are inflamed or itchy?

When the gum space between filled teeth itches, there is a possibility that inflammation develops. It could be like typical reaction on the introduction of a foreign agent, and the first sign of untreated caries.

Possible complications after filling

Unfortunately, the procedure for treating and filling teeth is not always successful. A lot depends on the doctor’s qualifications, but some things cannot be predicted in advance. In this case, irritation of the oral cavity should be treated for several days, and after that you can proceed to restoring the filling.

Main types of complications:

  1. Allergic reaction to materials and medical alloys. Sometimes it occurs unbearable itching, rash, angioedema or even spasm of the vocal cords.
  2. Burns of the gums during preparation for the procedure. This complication is directly related to the patient’s anxiety or the doctor’s inexperience.
  3. Violation of the integrity of the enamel. This is a fairly common pathology, which depends on the nature of the teeth’s reaction to the introduction of new material.
  4. An acute painful reaction to a change in temperature occurs due to the fact that not all tooth canals were filled with filling material. The number of canals in one tooth may vary.
  5. Loss or destruction of the filling. When a substance lies loosely in the canal tissue, any external influence can cause damage.
  6. Sensation of a filling when biting. An incorrectly selected size can cause malocclusion and interfere with normal chewing.
  7. Incomplete cure of caries, due to which it becomes unpleasant to bite. A very rare pathology that directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor.


Dental filling is most often performed in the treatment of caries and in the restoration of teeth after injury. This procedure consists of removing diseased areas of the tooth, including dentin and enamel, followed by restoring its integrity using special plastic hardening materials.

It often happens that after filling (especially canals), the tooth hurts for some time. In this case, pain can either increase over time or gradually subside. Let's try to find out whether it is normal for a tooth to hurt after filling, how long you can tolerate these unpleasant sensations or whether you need to immediately “sound the alarm”, and also what are the reasons for this.

Can a tooth hurt after filling?

In fact, the filling procedure is an intervention in the functioning of the body, and after it you may feel pain for some time, which decreases every day. Pain may be due to the fact that during the procedure the pulp was removed or periodontal inflammation was treated.

Even in cases where it was done complex treatment with damage to the gums, and all manipulations were performed correctly, the dental tissues and periodontium are injured and may be slightly painful. But you should know that discomfort should disappear completely within 2 to 4 weeks.

But if after filling the tooth hurts for a long time, and no relief is felt, then there is some kind of pathology, and you need to see a doctor. You should make an urgent visit to the dentist if:

  • The tooth hurts very much after filling;
  • increased temperature appears;
  • swelling occurs.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling?

Let's consider the most probable reasons pain after filling.


One of the causes of pain in a filled tooth may be incorrect treatment, namely, poor quality cleaning of the tooth cavity before installing a filling. Even the smallest piece of caries-affected tissue left behind can lead to the development of acute pulpitis, causing sharp, throbbing pain.


There are cases when the front or other tooth hurts a few days after filling, and the pain is wave-like, occurring while eating and subsiding after the impact on the tooth stops. This may indicate development chronic pulpitis, which is also most likely the result of dental errors.


Less commonly, pain may be associated with individual intolerance to the filling material and the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, symptoms such as rash, itching, etc. occur. For this reason, the filling will have to be removed and another one installed that does not contain allergenic substances.

Damage to the seal

Pain that occurs in a filled tooth 1 to 2 months after the procedure may be due to damage to the filling. Sometimes this is a consequence of poor-quality material, in other cases – non-compliance with the dentist’s recommendations. If the filling stops If the tooth cavity is tightly closed and separated from its walls, then food debris penetrates there, causing caries, and subsequently pulpitis.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Pain that occurs after filling when exposed to hot or cold food, sweets, or sour foods may indicate a hypersensitivity tooth This may be due to the fact that the cleaned tooth cavity was over-dried or under-dried. When overdrying, the nerve endings located in the top layer dentin (sometimes this can cause their death). An under-dried cavity also irritates the nerve endings.

Why does a toothache hurt after arsenic? Strong pain reliever for toothache in tablets

Like any medical intervention, filling is accompanied by tissue trauma. The result is painful sensations. However, normally they are moderate and disappear within a few days. If a filling is placed, and the tooth hurts severely for more than 3 days, the cause is dental errors or complications.

Ideally, after the filling is placed, there should be no unpleasant sensations. However, minor pain is considered normal.

Such pain appears as a result of exposure to a drill, files for passing through canals, and cleaning from carious and necrotic tissue. The reaction is mild and periodic. She appears:

  • for hot, cold, spicy, sour, sweet, salty;
  • during the transition from heat to cold;
  • when chewing hard foods, biting.

Minor pain after tooth treatment and filling is installed is normal.

Important! How much a tooth hurts after filling depends on the degree of intervention and individual sensitivity. Usually the sensations last from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Pain as a result of medical errors

To distinguish normal pain after filling canals and the crown of a tooth from pathological pain, its nature, intensity, duration, as well as the presence of additional symptoms are taken into account.

Complications are indicated by:

  • tooth pain persists for more than a month;
  • the sensations do not subside every day, but intensify;
  • the aching character of the pain is replaced by a throbbing, sharp one;
  • other symptoms appear: swelling of the gums, fever.

These signs are the result of one of the medical errors:

Additional Information! Very rarely, toothache after filling appears due to an allergic reaction to the material. It is accompanied by a rash, redness, and swelling of the gums.

Pain after root canal filling

A tooth with a filling may react to irritants after a failed root canal sealing. The situation is related to the dentist's mistakes.

If your tooth hurts after toothache, the cause may be:

Important! With all the mistakes associated with filling root canals, you should not think whether the reaction can go away on its own. The chewing unit must be urgently treated, otherwise there is a high risk of losing it.

How to relieve symptoms?

When a filled tooth hurts, The best decision, what to do - consult a dentist. If the sensations are within normal limits or it is not possible to immediately visit a doctor, remove severe reaction can be done in one of the following ways:

Important! If an incisor, canine or molar becomes sick after treatment, it should not be heated. Heat will increase the spread of infection and the inflammatory process.


What specific treatment is required and how long it will take depends on the specific problem:

Pain after filling most often develops as a result of medical errors. Less commonly, they are the body's response to injury. To avoid unpleasant sensations after a filling has been placed, it is recommended to reduce the chewing load on the treated tooth for several days.

Pain after tooth filling can be assessed in different ways. This may be a normal condition and is not something to worry about. Or, on the contrary, this is some kind of deviation from the norm, in which it is necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible. Taken into account the following factors: nature of pain, dynamics, method of treatment, possible errors, etc.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling?

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the filling substance.
  2. The diagnosis is incorrect and the treatment is therefore incorrect.
  3. Incorrect filling.
  4. If the tooth was initially neglected, the inflammatory process could spread to the soft tissues. Even if all manipulations with a diseased tooth were done professionally.
  5. Perforation of the tooth root - when screwing in, the doctor can make a “non-physiological hole” due to negligence.
  6. Even a very experienced dentist is not immune from mistakes: when filling canals, a piece of a tooth that broke off during treatment may remain in them. Which will subsequently lead to inflammation.
  7. If dead tissue is not completely removed, then the inflammatory process may begin again.
  8. If it has not been done before X-ray In order to accurately determine the boundaries of the future filling, then troubles cannot be avoided.
  9. After filling the canals, there may be a space inside that is not completely sealed, which means that the shrinkage was calculated incorrectly.
  10. Poor quality treatment by an unprofessional doctor, violation of technology.
  11. Part composite material may go beyond the tooth, the doctor did not completely grind the filling. Therefore, even the usual closing of the jaws will cause pain.
  12. Infection.

The following steps are used for treatment:

  1. Cleaning a carious cavity, cleaning canals, killing and removing a nerve, etc.
  2. Then the resulting void is disinfected and filled with a special material: composite material, gutta-percha, amalgam, etc. Dental treatment is, in fact, a trauma to the body.

That's why recovery period can be quite long. You just need to learn to distinguish mild pain from others caused by complications and unsuccessful filling.

If after treatment you feel tolerable pain that gradually subsides and other warning signs there will be no fever, swelling, etc., then you need to be patient for a few days.

If the intervention was more serious, then the pain will continue for up to a month.

Duration of pain

The duration of pain will depend on:

  • doctor's qualifications;
  • reasons for medical intervention;
  • drugs and equipment used;
  • characteristics of the body;
  • state of the immune system.

Even if the patient was treated according to all the rules, the pain may still last from several hours to a month. It should not be strong and should gradually go away, not grow.

When the pain is sharp and throbbing, seek help immediately. Only a doctor can determine the degree of danger: find the cause, carry out treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

How to relieve pain?

What can be done for this at home?

Take a pain reliever:

  • Baralgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ketorol;
  • Kneaded;
  • Nise;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Nimulid;
  • Coffedon, etc.

Regular Aspirin may help for a short time. When the anesthesia wears off, take one tablet and one more at night. If it gets better in the morning, then there is no need to worry. But if it doesn’t subside, on the contrary, go to the hospital.


  1. , but sea is better suited. You can make a solution only from salt, but it is better to mix it in a glass of warm boiled water: 1 tsp. l. salt and 1 tsp. baking soda, 2 drops of iodine and rinse your mouth as often as possible.
  2. Suitable for rinsing: furatsilin solution, hydrogen peroxide.
  3. A piece of sterile bandage is moistened: tincture of valerian, eucalyptus, valocordin. And used as an applicator.
  4. Make a paste in equal proportions: onion, salt, garlic. Apply to the sore spot and cover with a sterile bandage.
  5. A piece of ice is wrapped in a sterile napkin and apply for 10 minutes.
  6. Place a piece of fresh lard behind your cheek.
  7. Sip some vodka and, having transferred it, hold it in the area of ​​the diseased tooth for 5–7 minutes.
  8. Warm up a piece of propolis in your hands and apply it to the gums as an application, a very effective method.
  9. Brew the sage: 1 tsp. half a liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. You can also brew other herbs for rinsing: celandine, St. John's wort, yarrow, marigold, chamomile, etc.
  10. A cotton swab can be soaked in healing oil: sea ​​buckthorn, fir, clove, camphor, etc.

When should you see a doctor?

Consult a doctor if: sharp, paroxysmal pain, swelling of the gums, cheeks, inability to close your mouth completely. Even tooth mobility may appear, general health may deteriorate, and body temperature may rise significantly.

To minimize the occurrence of pain, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. After the filling is installed, you cannot eat for the first two hours.
  2. Do not drink too cold or very hot drinks and foods.
  3. It is useful not to smoke at least for the first few days.
  4. Give up sweets at least for a while; the following are good for dental health: cottage cheese, seasonal fruits, vegetables, not fried fish, fresh meat, etc.
  5. You cannot immediately put a large load on the treated tooth. For the first 3-4 days, try to chew on the healthy side, and do not eat solid food for the first week: crackers, hard candies, tough meat, etc.
  6. Brush your teeth 2 times a day, and only with high-quality toothpastes and a good brush.

If your tooth hurts not very much, but you are still nervous about it, then go to the dentist. Still, it would be better to visit a doctor and hear that everything is fine than to call an ambulance after a while. The main thing is not to panic!

When pressed. Often, after a filling is placed, pain appears.

Sometimes they appear when pressed or bitten, sometimes just like that. This article explains why a tooth hurts after it has been filled.

Installing a filling of any type is a procedure during which the canals or other cavity are filled with filling materials.

It is performed during the treatment of caries, periodontal disease or pulpitis. Problems often arise after installing a temporary or permanent filling on the dental canals.

As a rule, the materials from which the filling is made isolate the tooth, its cavity and canals from destructive effects and infections.

It is very important that the person is not allergic to the filling substance, otherwise complications and problems may begin after the procedure.

Usually, after a filling is placed, an x-ray is taken so that the doctor can make sure that everything was done correctly - there were no voids or irritation.

Materials for filling can now be divided into two main groups - permanent and temporary.

The first type is used for canals and roots; in addition, they isolate well from saliva, are completely safe for humans and do not change their structure over time. They are made for several years.

The second type is also used for filling canals and the root system. Basically, this material is a paste with a high content of calcium and antiseptic substances.

They are intended for filling for several days or months, but no more, since the fillings made from them are less durable.

Quite often, people go to the doctor because the tooth hurts when pressing and biting after installing a temporary filling.

In order to achieve best result, some dentists combine components of both materials so that the tooth is better isolated from harmful substances.

Often, specialists mix a sealant paste (which forms the basis for a temporary filling) and silver (or gutta-percha) pins.

The former are good for filling distant parts of the root system, but they are very susceptible to dissolution, so they are mixed with other materials.

Such pastes can be ordinary or with therapeutic effect. The latter help restore the microflora inside the tooth. The second materials (pins) are denser and are suitable for filling the tooth in its main part.

Before installing a temporary or regular filling on a tooth, its canals are thoroughly washed with various antibacterial substances from a syringe. The dentist's main job is to seal them tightly.

Despite this, complications after root canal filling are quite common. Among them are changes in the color of the enamel, pain when biting or pressing after installation of a filling (when the tooth hurts for more than two days).

In addition, sometimes there are cavities or areas that the material simply did not reach. In this case, after treatment there is a high probability of infection and the development of inflammation.

All these cases are a mistake by doctors and require immediate contact with a dentist, regardless of whether the filling is temporary or permanent.

Complications after root canal filling

In addition to the main mistakes during canal filling, there are other cases of poor-quality treatment of this part of the tooth.

Sometimes pain when pressing and biting after a filling has been placed can be explained by other reasons. One of them is when the dentist was unable to find all the canals.

This reason is quite common, because these components are very narrow, which is why they are almost invisible.

It happens that the dentist could not find everything due to the peculiarities of their structure or if the tooth is not located very correctly.

If the specialist has not found all the channels, then an infection will inevitably get into them, and after that inflammation will begin.

Another common reason is incomplete cleansing of the canals. This is explained by the fact that some people have very narrow ones, so they are difficult to clean. Because of this, the tooth may well hurt after filling.

Sometimes dentists clean canals too quickly with antibacterial solutions. In this case, harmful microorganisms may not completely disappear, which can also lead to problems.

In some cases, specialists perform poor quality fillings on the canals. Then the risk of complications increases to 95%.

This is the most common reason for a toothache. That is why in every dental clinic Diagnostics after filling is provided with an X-ray or a visiograph.

Complications after incorrect installation of fillings on canals can lead to a cyst or cystogranuloma. In especially severe cases, the neighboring tooth may also be damaged.

Sometimes after filling, teeth hurt when pressing and biting - this is also a sign that the canals have not been completely cured.

In this case, the pain can be different - very strong or barely noticeable. In any case, if a tooth hurts and a person has recently gone to the dentist, then it is better to go to the clinic again as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may end up removing the problematic bone process.

Many people wonder why the tooth reacts very strongly to changes in air temperature. You should know that this is also a sign of poor-quality root canal treatment.

Therefore, after visiting a doctor, you need to carefully monitor tooth sensitivity.

In some cases, inflammation of the gums is observed - a fistula or gumboil appears. Sometimes you can see a blister of purulent fluid. This is also one of the signs that teeth need re-treatment.

Dental fillings and possible complications

When the tooth itself is filled, some complications may arise. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of filling is placed - temporary or permanent.

If you set the first type, then re-treatment will take less time. Some people don't know why their jaw hurts. Meanwhile, this is also one of the signs of improper treatment.

To fill a tooth, other materials are used, which depend on its type. For example, if you need to install a filling on the front row, then the characteristic of shrinkage during chewing is not very relevant.

It is also very important to choose the material to match the shade of the enamel so that it does not stand out and the tooth looks solid.

Typically, various composites are used for such fillings, which can be successfully selected to match the desired shade.

They also use Impresso ceramics for filling, which is no different from enamel at all - neither in color nor in structure.

In addition, it is less exposed to nicotine and dyes in food and drinks. But such a filling is used only if the tooth is severely damaged.

Before filling, the enamel is thoroughly cleaned - for this, an Air flow device is usually used. The principle of the procedure is that water with cleansing medicinal composition is applied under pressure to the tooth, during which plaque and tartar are effectively removed from the gums.

Despite the fact that filling teeth is much easier than filling canals, problems still arise here. Usually fillings are placed during the treatment of caries or pulpitis.

Some people begin to wonder why their tooth hurts on the first day after visiting the doctor. The answer is simple and is that filling is also an operation, albeit a small one.

During this process, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are affected, which are very susceptible to irritation, and the body also needs time to “get used” to the foreign body.

Sometimes the tooth under the filling begins to hurt when pressed or bitten. This suggests that it was not sufficiently processed before the procedure.

In this case, you will have to do the filling again. If a temporary filling was previously placed, then repeated the treatment will pass much faster.

In addition, after filling there is damage to the surface, and a person can also get a burn to the pulp chamber. In addition, acid may get on the dentin layer, which is also unacceptable.

Many people ask why a filling falls out and think that they did something wrong. In fact, this is a doctor's mistake. Then it is better not to contact the dentists who installed such a filling.

Quite often after installation, the patient begins to experience pain when pressing and biting. In this case, you need to take painkillers.

It happens that a tooth hurts because it is very sensitive. If after a week it still bothers you, then you need to go to the clinic to have a new filling installed.

Sometimes the tooth hurts when pressing and biting because inflammation has begun under the filling. Then you need to make an appointment for a follow-up appointment, during which the doctor will remove the filling material and fix the problem.

The rarest case is an allergy to the filling material, which occurs after the tooth has been filled.

Some people wonder: why did the gum swelling begin if everything was installed normally?

The reason for this lies in the features human body, the consequence of which is an allergy to certain components.

For many, this is just pure hell, and they really want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. In this case, the dentist seems to be our only salvation. It will help you say goodbye to this problem once and for all. However, it often happens that patients leave the dentist with almost the same pain. Naturally, such people are very interested in why a tooth hurts after filling.

It is known that we have the most sensitive nerve endings in our mouth, and the process of filling, eliminating infected and dead tissue is an additional injury to which the body responds with a natural reaction.

Filling process

There are actually several reasons for discomfort, and the most obvious of them is the body’s reaction to surgical intervention, as well as incorrect installation of a filling, incompletely cured caries, or failure to comply with doctor’s instructions. If the pain does not stop within 10-12 days after filling, you need to go to the doctor and determine the cause.

Fillings are usually placed to treat caries that destroys the tooth. The filling process is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is the most optimal solution to the problem. The patient is given an anesthetic, then the affected tooth is opened and the damaged tissue is removed. After which the actual filling itself, grinding and the final stage - polishing - takes place.

What kind of pain is there?

In severe, advanced cases, it may be necessary to completely clean out the carious cavity, and sometimes remove the nerve. All work is divided into several stages, and if the dentist makes a mistake in one of them, pain cannot be avoided.

When discomfort occurs:

  • when chewing and biting, contact with cold or hot food;
  • in a calm state.

That is, pain can be arbitrary or provoked by some external factors. There are only three main ones after filling:

  • First - natural reaction body for installation.
  • The second is a doctor's mistake.
  • The third is failure to follow the dentist’s recommendations.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling: reasons

Incorrect diagnosis. Pulpitis can easily be confused with chronic caries, and an inexperienced doctor may make a mistake by placing a filling in the wrong place. Another situation is when depressurization occurs, the material moves away from the bottom of the cavity, thereby irritating the nerve endings and delivering severe discomfort to the patient.

Dental polymerizers have a negative impact on oral cavity and on the pulp, changing its structure, and this is another reason why a tooth hurts after filling. The tooth cavity must be prepared before installation, namely, evenly dried. Overdrying leads to irritation of nerve endings, which is why malaise appears. An incorrectly installed filling will interfere and cause pain when bitten.

An allergic reaction to composite materials or medications may occur. In this case, pain appears immediately after filling. Nearby soft tissues swell, gums, jaw and even head hurt greatly.

The doctor's fault

Often, the dentist himself is to blame for the patient’s suffering, who, having decided to save money, used cheap materials or, through negligence, installed the filling incorrectly. Unpleasant pulsation, alternating acute pain, occurs when the dentist hastened to cement the canal and installed a filling on the day of the patient’s first visit.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling? The nerve was not completely removed, but it must be removed radically. If infected nerve tissue remains, pus will collect under the filling and an inflammatory process will develop, which is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. If not installed correctly, the composite material can extend beyond the tooth root and irritate the soft tissue, causing inflammation.

Going beyond the boundaries of the hard tissues inside the gums can also cause inflammation. Why does a tooth hurt after filling? This is the body's response to infection.

Reasons for the formation of pathogenic microflora

If you look at the diagram of the tooth structure and root canals, you can see several small conical tubes. But the diagram does not give a complete picture, and the exact number of such branches cannot be seen before treatment begins. It is impossible to properly process and seal all branches.

Therefore, if they remain in their original state after treatment, the inflammation does not go away and persists, causing toothache. It cannot even control the lumen of the canal along its entire length. Here are just a few factors that cause inflammation:

  • not completely cleaned infected canal walls;
  • the walls of the root canals are poorly washed from blood;
  • the appearance of pores when installing a filling;
  • resorption of the composite material after installation.

This is a list of treatment defects leading to the accumulation pathogenic microflora, does not end.

When pain is normal

Not every pain can be a signal that you need to immediately run to the dentist. First of all, it is worth determining her character. If the question arises about why a tooth hurts after filling when pressure is applied, this may be due to local irritation of nearby tissues. Often, a doctor, working with metal instruments, damages the gums and root system. In this case, the pain should go away on its own.

When a filling was placed on a tooth that was already bothering you, the discomfort will continue for some time. It is important at this time not to provoke pain by eating hot or cold food or drinks.

Pain may be increased by:

  • too sweet food;
  • eating solid foods;
  • hypothermia.

First aid

When the pain does not go away within two weeks, this is a clear reason not to delay a second visit to the dentist. It is not always possible to see a doctor right away, and toothache cannot be tolerated. Here two questions arise: “Why does the tooth hurt after filling? What should I do before going to the clinic?”

The first thing you can do is take painkillers. In such cases, drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are recommended. Helps calm inflammation alcohol tincture propolis, from which dental lotions are made. It is also used for rinsing the mouth.

  • Decoctions of sage, chamomile, celandine, oak bark, acupressure, beets crushed into porridge, fir oil compresses.
  • A proven remedy will help relieve swelling - rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution (dissolve 0.5 tablespoons of salt and soda in a glass of warm water).

However, it should be said right away that the problem cannot be completely solved with home remedies alone. Why does a tooth hurt after root canal filling? Feedback on effectiveness folk remedies positive, and their use will help soothe the pain, but not cure the tooth.

Swelling and swelling

The gums may become very swollen after filling. In some cases this is a normal phenomenon, in others it is a signal of the onset of a serious infectious process. Redness, swelling, temperature are the first signs that purulent inflammation. If you do not consult a doctor in this case, the situation may lead to fatal outcome. The fact is that the accumulation does not go away on its own and does not dissolve, it looks for a way out.

Not finding it, the infection spreads through the bloodstream, reaching maxillary sinuses, and then goes to the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to make a surgical incision in a timely manner and allow the pus to come out.

Choosing a specialist

It is important to trust dental treatment, including fillings, only to specialists who will approach the problem responsibly and reduce the risk of sensations that disturb the patient. Normally, pain goes away after a week, although some doctors allow a longer period, it all depends on the degree of tooth decay.

The effectiveness of treatment is largely determined by the quality of the materials and instruments used, as well as the qualifications of the doctor, that is, compliance with all technologies. Negligent attitude of a specialist can lead to:

  • flux and swelling;
  • infectious infection;
  • reactions to temperature changes;
  • loss of filling;
  • allergic reaction.

Often people are afraid to go to the dentist not only because of the fear of pain, but also because of the high cost of services. An experienced specialist may provide services at inflated prices, but if he has proven himself well, then it is better to overpay once than to suffer and spend even more money later.

Diagnosis of periodontitis

If caries reappears on a filled tooth, it must be treated with special solutions. carious cavity and insert a new filling. In any case, a repeated examination by a doctor is required, even in the absence of other symptoms.

With periodontitis, pain may occur after filling. The doctor is not to blame in such a situation. No one can guarantee a successful result of periodontitis treatment and will not immediately determine why a tooth hurts after canal filling. With this procedure, the movement of microbes is stopped, but some of them remain sealed under the seal until the body copes with them on its own.