Why children and adults grind their teeth in their sleep - reasons, diagnostic methods, effective treatment. Bruxism in adults: causes of teeth grinding in sleep

Often a person does not even realize this, because it happens at night when we are sleeping. Therefore, it is quite easy to confuse this symptom with other problems. This medical phenomenon (bruxism) is still being researched and why adults grind their teeth in their sleep, no doctor can tell you unequivocally and with a 100% guarantee. Using the method of elimination, you can find the origins of the problem, but you will not immediately get an answer.

What is bruxism

This medical term to indicate teeth grinding during sleep. Rare manifestations not that serious. But when this happens regularly, there are many other problems behind it. Millions of people around the world suffer from bruxism and don't know it.

The medical community is already for a long time trying to find the original source. New information has recently emerged that contradicts previous findings.

If you've been searching for answers, you may have come across a lot of information that cites stress as the root cause. However, new evidence suggests that stress is not always the underlying factor.

Daytime bruxism

It is considered a separate disorder. Daytime and nighttime squeaks act differently. While the gnashing of teeth much more common at night, jaw clenching more common during the day. In fact, daytime manifestations may be less common, but they are easier to identify.

Daytime bruxism is associated with difficult work and high level stress. If you clench your jaw throughout the day, you will notice it immediately.

Creak in a dream

Symptoms are not always obvious.

First, your body adapts. The brain stops reminding you of discomfort if it is constant. Therefore, it is easy to adapt to the symptoms and not notice the first signs.

Second, some of the most common symptoms may be caused by other factors.


Many people who suffer from this habit at night are unaware of it until complications develop. Understanding the symptoms is the first step to recognition.

  1. dry mouth;
  2. loose teeth;
  3. enamel damage;
  4. loss of teeth;
  5. increased sensitivity;
  6. inflammation of the gums;
  7. gum recession;
  8. jaw pain;
  9. trismus;
  10. blocked salivary glands;
  11. pain in the neck;
  12. shoulder pain;
  13. Ear ache;
  14. tinnitus;
  15. hearing loss (rare).

As you can see, the range of symptoms is very, very large and this makes it difficult accurate diagnosis. As a result, it is also difficult for scientists to pinpoint the starting point.

Traditionally Accepted Reasons

The medical community has been grasping at straws for a long time. Stress and anxiety are traditionally the most common. But many sources have been identified over time, including such as poor bites and infectious diseases.

Until recently, it was difficult to draw any connections. Daytime bruxism may suggest a stress-related link, but the evidence is ultimately inconclusive. Genetic predisposition also plays a role.

The only thing doctors are sure of is that the source is our nervous system. There is a direct correlation with depression, hostility and sensitivity to stress. However, there is probably another culprit.

The most likely reason why adults grind their teeth in their sleep

Research shows that nighttime teeth grinding may be a defense mechanism to keep you from suffocating at night. The medical community has long made the connection between sleep apnea and grinding—with sleep apnea as a potential culprit.

This is not entirely correct, since clenching the jaw actually helps some people maintain their Airways open at night.

Thus, blocked airways are a major source of both night sounds and obstructive sleep apnea in some people.

Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Cases of apnea can vary in severity. Risks associated with sudden stop breathing are quite serious.

  1. Mental fatigue
  2. Headaches or migraines
  3. Mental health problems
  4. Daytime fatigue
  5. Metabolic syndrome
  6. Weight gain
  7. Type 2 diabetes
  8. Acid reflux
  9. Liver diseases
  10. High blood pressure
  11. Heart disease
  12. Complications from medications

So if you're clenching your jaw due to sleep apnea, why not take steps to look into it in more detail?

How to stop grinding at night

Rare and minor manifestations do not require treatment. But measures need to be taken if such phenomena are frequent and/or serious. Keep in mind that lifestyle is not the least important consideration. Smoking, caffeine and alcohol are considered major factors.

If this is not enough (and most likely it will not be enough), you will want to explore treatment options. Mouth guards are the longest lasting solution to treating the problem.

Mouth guards for teeth protection

They will help protect your teeth from grinding and clenching.

If you grind your teeth during sleep, it is recommended that you have an examination by a specialist doctor before purchasing a mouth guard to rule out obstructive apnea. If your problem is daytime bruxism, mouthguards are truly your only solution.

Breaking this habit requires an evaluation by your dentist or oral surgeon. After the consultation, a treatment plan can be drawn up. Don't put off the decision, it's yours general state health may be at stake. We hope you have found the answer to the question of why adults grind their teeth in their sleep. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Denial of responsibility:

This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. If you suspect that you may have a health problem, consult your doctor immediately!

Welcome, dear readers of our site. Today's topic is related to a phenomenon that is familiar to many of you. Some encountered it personally, while others have this problem among relatives and friends. That’s why many people are interested in knowing why they grind their teeth in their sleep.

The phenomenon itself is so ancient that even the Bible mentions “gnashing of teeth.” True, we are talking about hellish torments, and not dental problems. But this does not change the essence of the matter - people have been grinding their teeth since ancient times. Therefore, it is worth understanding this issue, understanding the reasons, and finding out how to deal with it.

Interestingly, the phenomenon affects any category of people, regardless of gender and age.

What is teeth grinding?

  • Odonterism;
  • Carolini phenomenon.

Some people grind their teeth periodically. For others, the phenomenon becomes chronic. If symptoms appear in daytime, a person is able to notice them on his own. In other cases, he learns about them from family members. Of course, if a patient suffering from bruxism lives alone, there is a high probability that he is not even aware of his problem. Unfortunately, many people have no idea what troubles such a phenomenon can bring. This will be discussed further.

Video - Why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep?

Causes and negative consequences

People don't fully understand the seriousness of this problem. If children suffer from bruxism, this leads to early tooth decay, nervous disorders, malocclusion and other complications. It also happens the other way around - problems with bite lead to the fact that a person begins to grind his teeth at night. Another common cause is stress. If a patient is constantly forced to hold back negativity, this affects his health. Including in the form of such manifestations. Here you need the help not so much of a dentist as of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

It was believed that among the reasons why in a dream, important role helminthiases play a role. But in the 21st century, there has been no reliable evidence that these two problems are directly related. Both children and adults suffer from helminthic infections. However, this common myth most often applies specifically to children's cases.

Also, in some patients, teeth grinding may be hereditary. Such cases are rare, but medical practice meet regularly.

Let's look at each of the reasons described in order.

Situations associated with nervous tension occur in the life of every person. If they are not regular, they can lead to episodic manifestations of bruxism. But there are many people whose lifestyle, work, environment constantly provoke nervous tension. In such cases, bruxism can become chronic.

When a person grinds his teeth, the load on the enamel significantly exceeds standard values. That is, it is higher than during eating, oral hygiene, etc. As a result, the enamel layer becomes thinner and cracks appear. In turn, this leads to the appearance of caries. Intensifies towards cold and hot. The temporomandibular joint suffers from overstrain. Constant loads can lead to inflammation and pathological changes.

One of the most dangerous manifestations– apnea (stopping breathing).

Diagnostic methods

Currently the best diagnostic method considered EMG. The electromyography procedure allows you to record the electrical activity of the muscles of the mouth. Special sensors are used to take readings.

When contacting a specialist, patients often complain of tinnitus, a “clicking” jaw, and headaches. Even your neck can hurt from tension. Waking up, a person feels tired and overwhelmed. Based on the sum of these symptoms, as well as the condition of the teeth, a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Often people come to see the dentist whose crowns of their teeth are largely worn away. This may indicate that a person suffers from bruxism, but is completely unaware of it.

Before prescribing any specific treatment, it is important to accurately determine the causes of the problem. After all, neuropsychiatric diseases and helminthiasis are treated with completely different methods.

If the reason is related to stress and nervous tension, you should not immediately purchase sedatives. It is quite possible that drug treatment you won't need it at all. If you are constantly angry with someone, try to rethink your attitude towards people, their actions related to these circumstances. In most cases, it turns out that we exaggerate the significance of the problem.

Before going to bed, you need to learn to relax. There are simple ways to do this:

  • an evening walk;
  • relaxing bath with pine extract;
  • aromatherapy;
  • going to the pool. Swimming – great way relieve tension;
  • good fitness training also gives positive results;
  • tea with natural mint and thyme helps.

In the life of any person great value have acquired habits. Train yourself not to close your teeth. Do this only while chewing. Over time, the brain will adapt to the new rule and will follow it even while you sleep.

Before going to bed, you can nibble on a carrot, an apple, or make yourself a salad. Chewing hard vegetables gives your jaws sufficient load. It is unlikely that the body will “want” to re-strain the muscles during sleep. You can apply warm compresses at night. Apply them on both sides to cause muscle relaxation.

The fact is that bruxism is often provoked by muscle tension. By getting rid of them, you will solve the problem easily and painlessly, without resorting to medications.

In some cases, patients are given special ones that protect their teeth from damage. But this technique is not therapeutic. Its task is exclusively to protect tooth crowns from abrasion. In some cases, splinting is used. Injections of agents leading to muscle relaxation are also possible if bruxism is provoked by muscle spasm.

If the cause of the problem lies in malocclusion, the patient is referred for a consultation with an orthodontist. A specialist helps you choose correction methods. For adults, these are braces.

In case of such problems, you should avoid drinking drinks at night that contain caffeine and other substances that can be regarded as stimulants (guarana, taurine, etc.). So tea, coffee and energy drinks are cancelled. Some patients even resort to hypnosis sessions. Although in most cases the problem is solved by much less radical methods.

After the main symptoms have been eliminated, you can begin treatment of teeth damaged by increased stress and conduct enamel remineralization courses. For this, both toothpastes and special toothpastes are used.

Video - Bruxism teeth grinding

Preventing teeth grinding

Any doctor will tell you that it is much better to approach prevention issues wisely than to deal with the consequences later. Now that you know the main reasons, you can think about how to prevent teeth grinding while you sleep.

Learn to relax. This skill helps good health and longevity. If you meditate, do yoga, qigong, or practice other techniques, you can learn to control your body. Moreover, this good ways relax your muscles.

In many ancient and modern techniques are practiced breathing exercises. Medicine confirms their effectiveness in the fight against nervous problems and muscle tension.

3 preventive methods from bruxism:

PhotoMethod of treatmentDescription
Drug treatmentBoiled water with boiled herbs acts as a medicinal sedative. In addition to such prevention, your doctor may recommend a baby cooling gel for teething.
Folk remediesUse fresh vegetables and hard fruits (apples, carrots) in your diet. Temporarily exclude sweets and foods fast food. To protect your tooth enamel, your doctor will recommend using a mouthguard or dental splint. This will reduce stress on the teeth.
Psychological aspects“Close your lips, keep your teeth apart” - recommendations of neurologists. A walk before bed, doing puzzles, reading books will also be useful for calming the child’s nerves.

This concludes our story. We hope that we were able to answer the question of why people grind their teeth in a dream, convey information to you, and make it quite interesting. Comment on the article and be sure to subscribe to site updates. We promise regular appearance of interesting articles!

Video - Why do you grind your teeth in your sleep?

Teeth grinding during sleep occurs not only in children, but also in adults. In medicine, this condition is usually called “bruxism.” The reasons that cause this phenomenon, there may be many. Among them, the most important are considered to be nervous overexcitation, the initial stage of epilepsy, helminthiasis in severe form etc. We will learn further about why adults grind their teeth in their sleep, as well as how to get rid of bruxism.

We find out what reasons can cause grinding of teeth in a dream

The main source leading to the appearance of bruxism is psycho-emotional stress. Psychologists believe that grinding teeth in a dream means that a person is experiencing numerous complexes. In addition, bruxism can be a symptom of neuroses, stress, and depression.

Important! As you know, a person who experiences anxiety, worry or fear experiences muscle tension. In this case, the jaws are compressed, which provokes the occurrence of teeth grinding.

If a person is under stress, he may grind from time to time in his sleep. This symptom indicates that you need to urgently seek help from a specialist.

With neurosis in an adult (namely, this pathology is a consequence of prolonged stress), squeaks become permanent. This phenomenon can already disturb others and become a cause of family conflicts.

During the daytime, grinding sounds are heard much less frequently, since during this period an adult can control himself.

Bruxism, the causes of which mainly lie in neurological disorders, can manifest itself in initial stage development of epilepsy. It is by the grinding that a micro-attack of illness is sometimes judged. In addition, adults may grind their teeth due to damage to the fifth, or trigeminal nerve.

Teeth grinding can also be caused by dental problems. Among them are the following:

  1. Malocclusion.
  2. Poorly installed or manufactured filling.
  3. Incorrectly installed dentures, braces.

Important! There is an opinion that bruxism can occur in adulthood due to difficult childbirth, the presence cervical osteochondrosis, birth trauma.

What other factors can contribute to the appearance of creaking in a dream?

  1. Malignant and benign tumors brain.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, caffeine.
  3. Long-term smoking.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Taking medication with a sleeping pill.
  6. It has not yet been proven whether a hereditary factor can influence the appearance of bruxism.

If a person grinds his teeth in a dream, then this can be dangerous to health. Among severe consequences There is abrasion of enamel, loss of teeth, development of intramaxillary pathologies, changes in facial expressions, facial shape, insomnia, etc.

Types of bruxism

Medical experts distinguish such types of bruxism as night and daytime. A little more about them.


From the name itself it is already clear that this disease manifests itself in adults and children while awake. Teeth grinding during the day occurs due to the fact that it is observed nervous tension. The reasons also include the general emotional condition. You can cope with this type of bruxism with the help of a psychologist.

A specialist will tell you how to properly control your emotions. The person himself should monitor the moment when, during an emotional outburst, the jaw spontaneously clenches and independently stop this manifestation.


As for nighttime bruxism, the situation here is a little different. A person in a state of sleep cannot control the movements of his jaws himself, therefore, self-control in this case has no place. The reasons for the appearance of regular short-term night grinding of teeth, which occurs several times during sleep, are as follows:

  • in children: enlarged adenoids, emotional stress, late dinner with dense and heavy food shortly before going to bed, nervous shocks during the day;
  • in adults: severe stress, installation of dentures to which one has not yet become accustomed, hard and dangerous work that affects the human nervous system.

Psychosomatics of bruxism

Psychosomatics is a science aimed at studying psychological aspects influencing the development and course of a particular disease.

Important! Hippocrates also said that wear of teeth means confusion of the soul.

It is worth noting that in people suffering from bruxism, during an encephalogram, disturbances are detected in the area of ​​the brain responsible for behavioral factors, regulation of sleep mechanisms and emotional reactions (lombic system).

From a psychosomatic point of view, there are several categories of people who may develop bruxism:

  1. People who lack attention.
  2. People who constantly feel guilty and also doubt their every action.
  3. Workaholics.
  4. Envious people.
  5. People who suffer from nightmares, phobias and fears.

Psychomatic disorders usually occur at night when a person goes to bed. Here the subconscious mind comes into play, and every now and then it replays the emotions and experiences experienced during the day. This causes grinding of teeth in sleep.

How to cure bruxism? This question is taken up by a psychotherapist. Psychosomatic treatment is aimed, first of all, at analyzing all stressful and conflict situations. Then methods of relief are developed negative emotions, anxiety states and fears. In addition, the patient is taught relaxation techniques.

Consequences of bruxism

Bruxism damages tooth enamel. Due to the fact that the chewing muscles of the face tense, the jaw contracts and moves so that a characteristic grinding sound is formed. Over many years of night or daytime bruxism, teeth can become deformed:

  • chips appear;
  • enamel wears off.

The harm is done and soft tissues in the oral cavity. The gums may begin to bleed, even to the point of inflammation.

And neuroses change a person’s mental and emotional state. Frequent stress and neuroses can provoke other unpleasant diseases.

Which doctor should I contact for bruxism?

When it comes to children under the age of 7 years, no treatment is usually prescribed for bruxism. By this period of time, all signs and symptoms of the disease disappear on their own and without a trace. But if teeth grinding continues after that, then you should consult a doctor for further advice on treating the disease.

You should contact several specialists:

  1. Dentist, orthodontist, periodontist. They fix external signs Bruxism on teeth – chipping, abrasion. These doctors prepare special mouth guards to avoid further deterioration of the oral cavity and tooth enamel.
  2. Psychotherapist which helps patients cope with internal reasons bruxism on an emotional level. They develop methods of relaxation, reducing muscle twitching, prescribing medications and vitamins.
  3. Somnologist, helping to properly tune in to a healthy, deep sleep without consequences.

Only a comprehensive analysis of the situation will help get rid of the internal and external manifestations of bruxism.


A doctor can easily determine the presence of bruxism in both an adult and a child. Let's look at some diagnostic options in more detail.


So, you can independently understand that bruxism is present in a person’s life. If it is daytime, then the patient can observe:

  • severe tension in the masticatory muscles during excitement, anger or in a stressful situation;
  • pain in the mouth, gums;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth, as the enamel wears away, nerves can be exposed;
  • teeth wear down, become deformed, and chips appear.

Night bruxism, in addition to dental problems, can be accompanied by:

  • fatigue during the day due to restless sleep;
  • “bags” under the eyes, “bruised” skin on the face, unhealthy complexion;
  • severe irritability during the day;
  • fatigue, drowsiness.

Do not ignore these symptoms and consult a doctor immediately.

Medical diagnosis

Medical diagnosis is absolutely necessary, since it is necessary to exclude a disease such as epilepsy, which is life-threatening if left untreated.

A good neurologist can determine the presence of bruxism based on the patient’s verbal description of symptoms. If we add to this the dental damage confirmed by the dentist due to their friction from each other, then the diagnosis will be made with great accuracy.


This type of hardware diagnostics is needed to exclude epilepsy, one of the factors of which is teeth grinding. Polysomnography is a comprehensive study of a person using ECG, EEG and CTG. In this case, the doctor receives data about the condition of the patient’s heart, the frequency of its contractions, the functioning of the brain, its impulses and reactions to various stimuli (sharp light, sound).

Brooks checker

A Brooks Checker is a special foil that is used by the dentist to determine occlusal obstructions during bruxism. The doctor makes an impression of the upper and lower jaw and makes a special mouthguard with foil. It is applied to the teeth for 1-2 days. This period of time is enough that the dentist was able to identify pathology in the patient.

After such research medical worker prescribes appropriate treatment and proper prevention.

How to treat bruxism?

Bruxism in an adult can be treated after the underlying cause of teeth grinding during sleep has been determined. If the source is emotional disorders, worries, stressful situations, then some recommendations will help:

  1. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed. The air in the room where a person sleeps should be cool and humid. This is very important condition for a restful sleep.
  2. To prevent disturbed sleep, you should try to take a walk in the fresh air in the evening.
  3. You should not watch films and programs that excite the nervous system before going to bed. Computer games are also banned.
  4. Bruxism in adults, the cause of which is emotional stress, is eliminated by using sedatives for plant based.
  5. Try not to eat before bed – 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  6. Take B vitamins. This useful element will restore the functioning of the nervous system and help increase stress resistance.
  7. Pay more attention to rest and relaxation. Plan your day correctly.

Bruxism, the treatment of which is primarily aimed at calming the nervous system, can be easily eliminated with the help of relaxation techniques. It is also recommended before bed to take a herbal bath with motherwort, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, lavender, and listen to calm music.

The technique of relaxing the jaw muscles will also help in this case. To do this, clench your teeth tightly. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Do this several times. This simple exercise combats nighttime creaking and completely relaxes your jaw muscles.

If you have problems in dental plan, contact your dentist immediately. When asked how to get rid of squeaking, dentists answer as follows. A special mouthguard is used, which is applied to the dentition (made individually for each patient). This design will prevent grinding and also resist abrasion and destruction of tooth enamel.

Is bruxism treated with medication?

After conducting several important medical research, scientists have concluded that some of the most effective drugs for treating bruxism are benzodiazepines and relaxants.

The first option is psychotropic pills that block the activity of the nervous system. As a result, a sedative effect is produced, falling asleep occurs faster, anxiety is relieved, and stress symptoms are alleviated. Benzodiazepines are especially useful when it comes to treating bruxism caused by drug and alcohol addiction.

Muscle relaxants are necessary to relax muscles, including chewing ones. Unfortunately, treatment with these tablets cannot be considered effective, since muscle relaxants have only a temporary effect and do not affect the source of teeth grinding at night. The main contraindication to treatment is diseases accompanied by increased intracranial pressure.

It is worth noting that some people note positive effect after botulinum toxin injection. This natural toxin is designed to relieve muscle spasms. The effect after injection lasts about 6 months. Then repeated administration is required.

Important! Treatment of bruxism with botulinum toxin Lately is becoming increasingly popular.

Sedatives are also recommended for use in the treatment of teeth grinding. Accept better medicine plant-based, so as not to harm the body. Here is a good sedative for bruxism - Novopassit, Persen, Motherwort in drops, Valerian in tablets and in infusion form.

Will traditional methods help in treatment?

For some people, traditional medicine helps with bruxism. Many people say: “When I grinded my teeth, a warm compress on my jaw helped.” Yes, heat actually helps relax muscles and prevents teeth grinding. To do this, dip a piece of cloth in warm water, wring it out and apply it to the jaw. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After a week of applying the compress, the squeaking should go away.

Treatment with folk remedies is not complete without the use of valerian. Only in this case, the product is purchased not in tablets, but in the form of oil. Mix a few drops with olive oil and rub the mixture on your neck and jaw. At night, you can drink a mug of tea with valerian root. This remedy will have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Important! Drinking herbal drinks at night is useful not only when a person grinds his teeth in his sleep, but also for strengthening the immune system and improving work digestive tract etc.

Another good sedative is tea with chamomile, mint, and lemon balm. For this, 1 tsp. the product without a slide should be poured into a glass, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. After this, the drink is filtered several times, cooled and drunk at night.

If you grind your teeth, try one of these traditional methods. Take a mug of milk and put it in the microwave. At the moment of boiling, add 1 tsp to it. turmeric and 1 tbsp. honey, mix well. Use the product 30 minutes before bedtime.

Treatment with folk remedies is very effective. Especially if you combine them with sedatives, gymnastics to relax the jaw muscles and psychotherapeutic methods.

Only a doctor can answer the question of how to treat bruxism. Therefore, try not to make independent attempts to get rid of teeth grinding, but rather trust a qualified specialist - a neurologist, dentist, psychotherapist. The doctor will identify the main causes and treatment will be prescribed immediately.

Mouthguards for the treatment of bruxism

To get rid of the adverse effects of bruxism, special mouthguards are used. Depending on the variety, they are divided into night and day. They are made from hypoallergenic polymer material. The mouthguards are almost invisible on the teeth and fit tightly to them without causing discomfort.

It is worth noting that mouthguards are not full treatment bruxism. They only eliminate the consequences of teeth grinding - chips, deformation, excessive stress on the gums.

Problems with the nervous system and emotional state must also be treated.

Manual therapy and massage

You can relieve tension during the daytime and before bed with a relaxing massage and manual therapy. In the first stages, you should not self-medicate. Consultation with a specialist is necessary! It is the doctor who will tell you what type of massage is suitable for the patient, what time is needed for the session and how many sessions need to be performed to achieve maximum effect.


To prevent BRXism, you need to pay attention Special attention condition of teeth and nervous system. So, you need to systematically carry out relaxing practices both during the day and before bed to avoid night and daytime bruxism. Self-massage will also help. However, before you begin manipulation, you need to consult with a neurologist and psychotherapist so as not to harm yourself.

In addition, it is worth visiting more often dental office for examination of the oral cavity. With such an unpleasant disease, teeth suffer greatly, so it is necessary to eliminate the resulting damage in a timely manner.

Some people, both children and adults, grind their teeth in their sleep. This causes discomfort both to those around him and to the “creaker” himself: the jaw muscles become overstrained and the teeth suffer. The most unpleasant thing is that such a phenomenon may also indicate health problems. What disease can this unpleasant grinding of teeth be a sign of, and how can it be treated?

What is bruxism and why is it dangerous?

Involuntary clenching of the chewing muscles, which leads to movements of the closed jaws, is called bruxism. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed during sleep, but occasionally occurs in awake people who from time to time strongly clench their jaws.

During attacks of bruxism, teeth are subjected to strong friction against each other, which gradually wears away the enamel, increases tooth sensitivity, and causes caries. In young children, as a result of bruxism, a correct bite.

Bruxism is also dangerous due to the appearance of pain in the facial muscles, which leads to chronic lack of sleep, increased fatigue, constant fatigue. All this together leads to exhaustion of the body and can be one of the factors in the development of depression.

Because of DC voltage muscles, back pain appears at night, cervical spine spine, headaches. Bruxism can even cause sleep apnea, which is deadly.

Why do some people grind their teeth while sleeping?

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The causes of bruxism are varied, and it is not always possible to understand why it appeared and how to get rid of it. Often at night, creaking occurs as a reaction to constant stress, which causes overexcitation of the body.

The use of substances that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system can also provoke bruxism. These are coffee, nicotine, alcohol, psychotropic drugs. An additional risk factor for the development of bruxism is considered night snoring: People who snore are more likely to grind their teeth in their sleep.

Sometimes bruxism appears due to the presence of some serious disease, for example, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, or epilepsy. This phenomenon can also occur after a person has experienced a traumatic brain injury.

Neurologists believe that the cause of teeth grinding during sleep may be damage to the neurons of the trigeminal nerve. In the same time popular belief The fact that a person grinds his teeth when he has worms has not been scientifically confirmed.

Manifestations of night bruxism in children

Teeth grinding can occur not only in adult men and women, especially pregnant women, but also in children and adolescents. If this happens at all small child and appears infrequently, then the reasons for special concern No: nervous system in childhood she is very mobile, and her development may be accompanied by bruxism. It is quite possible that the child is simply exploring the capabilities of his body, including the mobility of his jaws, which is why he grinds.

However, when bruxism is observed on a regular basis, care should be taken to find out its causes. Grinding your teeth in a dream can mean the following:

  • enlarged adenoids;
  • influence of hereditary factors;
  • teething;
  • lack of B vitamins in the body.

In addition, infants, like adult women and men, also experience stress in different periods own life. For example, abrupt weaning can lead to nervous overexcitation, which is why the child begins to grind at night.

In order for your baby to stop grinding his jaws, you need to carefully monitor his mood and, if necessary, stabilize his condition. Usually, this is achieved by using warm baths before bedtime and strictly following the regime. Good effect They also provide massages and soothing herbal teas. In spring and autumn, after consultation with a pediatrician, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins.

Before going to bed, you should give up active games and engage your child in some calm activity. It is also necessary to ensure that the child develops a correct bite: a violation of the position of the teeth also leads to attacks of teeth grinding.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of such a phenomenon as tooth grinding, which brings many unpleasant moments to both the patient himself and his loved ones, it is recommended to perform certain rules. First of all, you should learn to cope with stressful situations and teach your body to relax. To do this, each person can develop their own methods:

  • listening to your favorite music,
  • relaxing bath,

Such measures help relieve unnecessary nervous tension and promote peaceful sleep.

During the day, it’s good to give your jaws a workout: chew carrots, nuts, and other hard foods. It is useful to monitor the position of the jaws: the lips should be closed and the teeth should be open. In the evening, you can apply a warm compress to your cheekbones.

Before going to bed, you should avoid using stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol. It is important to get enough sleep, as lack of sleep can also cause bruxism. You need to go to bed in a dark, cool room, eliminating any distractions: TV, light sources. It is important to have regular check-ups with your dentist, as grinding can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Treatment methods

If attacks of teeth grinding during sleep do not disappear, and even more so, become more frequent, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify their cause. The doctor will select a special treatment, the main task of which is to relieve the masticatory muscles from hypertonicity. Mouthguards are usually recommended - special devices that are made from photographs of the patient’s teeth and are used during sleep. Treatment is quite lengthy and lasts up to a year. This time is necessary for the facial muscles to get used to their new state.

If the cause of the squeak is determined to be psychological problems, consultations with a neurologist and psychotherapist will be required. Specialists will prescribe sedatives, as well as drugs that stabilize sleep. While awake, a patient with bruxism is advised to stop chewing objects (pens, pencils) and not chew gum.

A relaxing massage can have a good effect; a doctor can also prescribe it. In case of advanced teeth grinding during sleep, hypnosis and Botox injections can be used.

Botox is used to treat hypertonicity by blocking the nerve impulse that goes to the muscle. After several injections, muscle tone decreases, and the person stops creaking his jaws in his sleep. Injections can be made into the masseter or temporal muscles. The duration of the procedure is only 15-20 minutes.

Folk remedies for night teeth grinding

Grinding can be treated using methods traditional medicine. Basically, the recommendations are aimed at relieving stress and relaxing the body of a sick person before bed. For example, 30 minutes before falling asleep it is useful to drink decoctions of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, valerian, and motherwort. A tablespoon of dried herb is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, left for 2 hours, then filtered and drunk at night. Can I have a glass? warm milk with honey - it will also help you calm down and relax.

Another method to relieve teeth grinding is a warm compress. You need to take a terry towel, wet it in hot water and wrap tightly around the jaw. It should be kept until completely cooled; it can be used in the morning and evening.

Compliance with the regime and the exclusion of stress-forming factors give a positive effect during treatment. However, if these remedies do not help for a long time, then you need to seek advice from a specialist, he will help you find out the cause of the night grinding and tell you what to do.

Bruxism is not considered a disease, but if a person grinds his teeth in his sleep for a long time, then he should consult a doctor. Constant grinding and chattering of teeth can cause loosening and abrasion of the enamel, as well as jaw displacement, malocclusion, headaches and neck pain, ringing in the ears.

But teeth suffer more from this, because when creaking, a person clenches his jaws tightly and rubs his teeth against each other. This leads to the destruction of enamel and the occurrence of caries.

There are cases where adults who suffered from bruxism for many years had their teeth ground down to the roots. To avoid such consequences, you need to order mouth guards from your dentist that will protect your teeth.

The consequence of bruxism can be the development of orthopedic mobility of teeth. In this case, the bite may deteriorate, pain in the jaw joints will appear and the inflammatory process will begin.

The cause of the creaking may also be an unstable mental condition, in which a person cannot relax even at night. This leads to inadequate rest and, as a consequence, to even greater fatigue, emotional disorder and depression.

Causes of teeth grinding

  • too much overstimulation of the body;
  • increased brain activity;
  • stressful situations;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • presence of dental anomaly;
  • missing one or more teeth;
  • malocclusion;
  • Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease;
  • superficial sleep, frequent awakenings and other sleep disorders.

How to independently determine bruxism?

It doesn’t matter when people grind their teeth: in their sleep or during the day, in any case, jaw movements are unconscious. This phenomenon becomes a real nuisance when a person begins to have problems with his teeth.

Symptoms indicating that a person suffers from bruxism:

  • changes in the shape of teeth, their shortening;
  • the appearance of ulcers on inner surface cheeks;
  • migraine;
  • click in the jaw;
  • neck pain;
  • tinnitus.

Manifestations of bruxism in children

In children aged 1 to 5 years, bruxism can occur quite often - up to several times a night and even during the day, which may be explained by a kind of testing of newly emerging teeth. However, if the duration of each attack exceeds 10 seconds, it is best to consult a specialist, since prolonged grinding can not only damage the child’s tooth enamel, but also be a symptom of a serious disease, for example, adenoiditis.

If attacks of bruxism in a child are short-lived, but are accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms, How headache in the morning or pain in the upper body, parents should also consult a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment, for example, using night guards - special devices that allow you to keep your jaw open during sleep.

In addition, to prevent teeth grinding, it is recommended to do special exercises before bed, which allows the facial muscles to relax. Also, the child must be limited in active games before bedtime, as well as in watching TV and computer games. It is better to read him a fairy tale or play calm games, such as board games.

For a child suffering from bruxism, it is very important to maintain a daily routine and go to bed on time. Last appointment food should be no later than 60 minutes. before going to bed. To find out why your children began to grind their teeth in their sleep, you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with them more often. Perhaps they are worried about some problems related to their peers or teachers in kindergarten problems that they can’t solve on their own, without your help.

Preventive measures to prevent teeth grinding

What needs to be done to not only get rid of the squeak, but also to prevent its regular manifestations? Here are some simple rules:

  • Tire your chewing muscles before going to bed - chew a carrot;
  • control the position of your jaws during the day, while keeping your lips together and your teeth apart;
  • a warm compress on your cheekbones before bed will help relax your facial muscles;
  • eat right, exercise physical exercise which will balance the nervous system.

Treatment of bruxism

When treating bruxism in adults and children, the main goal is to relieve hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles. The attending physician may recommend the use of special devices - mouthguards, which should be used only at night. Aligners are made using impressions of your teeth. The duration of such treatment can be up to 1 year. Over this long period, the facial muscles get used to their new state.

In order to correct your psychological state, you need to consult a neurologist or psychiatrist. This is especially true for men who work in high-stress environments. You can also take sedatives based on various herbs. Take care of your psyche and avoid stress.

People who suffer from teeth grinding are advised to avoid chewing gum and get rid of the habit of chewing pencils.

As folk remedy You can rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction, which relieves tension well. To prepare the solution, you need to brew 1 tbsp. spoon of herb in 200 ml boiled water, hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool the solution and strain it.

For effective treatment, you will need to learn to relax the muscles of the neck, mouth and shoulders. To do this, you can use various special techniques and exercises. Self-massage may also help. Avoid hard foods, invigorating drinks, drink more water and take vitamins.

In particularly difficult cases, relaxing medications, Botox injections and hypnosis will help. During treatment it is necessary to purchase a special toothpaste, which will help restore weakened enamel. But remember that all restoration procedures must be applied only after complete deliverance from bruxism.