Healthy low-calorie snacks at work: recipes. Making a healthy snack based on proper nutrition for the whole family Delicious diet snacks

By controlling the amount of calories consumed, it is important to find the right snacks for weight loss in the form of a healthy second breakfast or afternoon snack, which is especially important at work or school, when the brain requires constant nutrition. Snacks help you avoid overeating during main meals, leaving you feeling comfortable and full throughout the day.

What to snack on while dieting

When following nutritional rules, it is important to pay attention to diet snacks for weight loss. This approach to nutrition will benefit those who want to lose weight and stay in shape. Give preference to raspberries, apples, dried apricots, and vegetables. Dairy products are leaders among light snacks. You can eat low-fat types of cheese: they give strength and energy. These easy and healthy snacks for weight loss are rich in fiber, which allows you to satisfy your hunger for a long time.

Natural yogurt for an afternoon snack improves digestion, and to give it more flavor, add fresh berries or bran. Almonds will help replenish the supply of healthy fats, phosphorus, and magnesium. Some snacks for weight loss may even include dark chocolate, but with strict adherence to the dosage - no more than one piece per day. Remember about full night sleep so that the weight loss process goes faster.

Snacks on a healthy diet

A good option are foods that contain a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates. Such snacks proper nutrition(PP) with a low calorie content saturate the body with energy, supporting its work throughout the day. However, it is important to monitor the portion sizes consumed so as not to eat too much, while maintaining slim figure. For PP, oranges, grapefruits, bananas, berries and other low-calorie foods would be ideal.

Snacks for weight loss

When setting a goal to fight excess weight, choose low-calorie snack foods. These include:

  • foods with a lot of soluble fiber - legumes, bran, fruits, vegetables;
  • protein products - poultry, fish, cheeses or eggs;
  • nuts – almonds, pistachios;
  • yogurt – without sugar, additives, preferably natural;
  • dried fruits, whole grains;
  • salads.

The healthy snacks listed above for those losing weight will contribute to weight loss only if their calorie content is accurately calculated. The human brain begins to feel full only after 20 minutes. You'll eat much less if you chew healthy snacks for weight loss slowly and deliberately, and you'll feel full faster after eating.

Snack options

There is no need to run to an expensive restaurant to have tasty and varied food between main meals. All you have to do is choose snack recipes that suit your preferences and needs. The right combination of foods helps stabilize blood sugar levels and a feeling of fullness. Many healthy snacks for weight loss can be quickly prepared and brought with you for a walk or work:

  1. Cottage cheese with fruit. This dish is a strong low-fat protein boost, useful for high physical activity.
  2. Boiled turkey with hummus and avocado. Just three ingredients will provide you with protein energy for several hours.
  3. Green smoothie. Combine spinach, banana, coconut milk, whey, almond oil, ice – healthy drink ready, which you can consume even on the go.
  4. Paleo pancakes. Mix 1 banana and 2 eggs. Fry on small quantity oils A great alternative to high-calorie pancakes.
  5. Eggs. By hard-boiling them, you can have a healthy lunch in just a few minutes. Not fancy, but simple and useful.

Low-calorie snacks

The leaders in this matter are helper products - when losing weight, choose a low-calorie snack:

  • water or tea/coffee – the body confuses the signals of hunger and thirst, so in the case of a diet or PN, liquid is an excellent alternative to any product;
  • cottage cheese or yogurt – minimum calories, maximum protein and beneficial for digestion;
  • greens/salads – satisfy hunger and are good for strengthening of cardio-vascular system;
  • protein will help you lose weight and strengthen muscles;
  • fish and chicken are a source of healthy fats, protein, plus these products are tasty and filling;
  • smoothies or fruits - saturate the body with vitamins, maintaining your figure.

Protein snack

You can snack on pumpkin seeds. Almonds do not require time to prepare, but nourish the body healthy fats and antioxidants. For an afternoon snack, before lunch or dinner, choose mozzarella or ricotta cheeses. They are rich in calcium and can serve as an alternative protein shake. The right snack for weight loss from chicken or turkey will provide the body with building material for muscles, because protein snacks are just right for strengthening them without the risk of gaining weight.

To lose weight or maintain weight after a diet, you need to constantly adhere to your daily routine. This is difficult, especially when there is work that requires attention, family. Snacking on a healthy diet is an important part of the diet, which helps regulate hunger, reduces stress levels, and calms you down.

Proper nutrition after a diet includes everything necessary for the body substances, including carbohydrates. Many people take the concept of a snack lightly - throwing any food into your mouth as quickly as possible.

Proper snacks for weight loss

Eating three meals a day after a diet does not help maintain the desired weight. It involves large amounts of food to fill you up, which has a bad effect on your figure and health. Small portions are better absorbed by the body and are digested faster, but an hour after eating the person is hungry again. There is only one way out - add a few more small meals - snacks.

The principle of eating 5-6 times in small portions has the following advantages:

  • no feeling of hunger - no stress;
  • a person does not overeat - food does not linger in the stomach;
  • blood sugar is maintained at the same level, which avoids diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases;
  • fat metabolism is controlled by the right foods.

Meal plan including snacks:

  1. Breakfast.
  2. Snack.
  3. Dinner.
  4. Snack.
  5. Dinner.
  6. Snack.

Snacking in the evening is fine, but you should use foods that are low in calories. You can’t resist the urge to eat an extra piece of meat, especially for meat lovers. This negatively affects the attitude towards the diet and leads to breakdowns. Nutritionists do not advise eating heavy meals at night, but it is better to eat boiled meat than to worry about kefir.

Lose weight or improve your health

You should immediately clarify what the purpose of proper nutrition is and what it is aimed at. There are two options:

  1. Lose weight.
  2. Improve your health.

If you look at it, dietary restrictions are not always aimed at. With the help of diets, certain diseases are treated - the gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, stomach. The issue of calories is not acute, but you should eat less often and use lighter foods. Such diets are more aimed at reducing the toxic load from the body and facilitating the functioning of organs.

Includes – products plant origin in any form. Sugar other than that found in fruits and vegetables is not recommended. Such diets are not recommended for permanent use, as they deprive the body of energy. Can be used temporarily to remove toxins from the blood and feel lighter. The most the best products There will be raw vegetables and fruits. Not everyone can eat plants all the time. Sooner or later the body will require “normal” food.

Attention! For daily meals and snacks, you need to choose foods that give you pleasure and make you forget the feeling of hunger. The less the body feels the influence of the diet, the longer it will last.

Fractional meals

Fractional meals help you gradually lose weight without focusing on diet. Difficulties that arise at the beginning of the process can be overcome in one week:

  • It’s not easy to stop eating a lot because the habit remains;
  • It's hard to choose a time to have a snack.

Changing your routine is always inconvenient, but when it comes to health and figure, you have to try.

Fractional meals are more considered therapeutic or fasting. Small portions do not load digestive system, because it is capable of secreting a certain amount of enzymes and digestive juices. What is not digested is stored in the form of extra pounds.

This explains why people who eat one meal a day do not look good in appearance. They skip the morning meal because they don’t have time. There's no time for lunch. What remains is dinner, for which they eat everything in the refrigerator. The body cannot cope with such a load. In addition, the feeling of hunger has Negative influence on the psyche. A mindset is created that you need to store fat, because tomorrow it will be the same, that is, a whole day of constant hunger.

Small meals make the brain relax: everything is fine, food is always at hand, there is no need to collect fat “for a rainy day.” A variety of snacks helps satisfy the taste buds, which is important for gourmets.

What you need to know about snacking

What foods are harmful as snacks:

  • chips, crackers;
  • instant broths;
  • five-minute noodles, soups;
  • sausage, smoked meats;
  • salted nuts, dried fish;
  • hamburgers;
  • carbonated drinks.

Office workers suffer from only food cravings - cookies, cakes for lunch. You will have to give up this habit, although it will not be easy to do in a company. Here you need to stand firm in your positions and not give in to persuasion to snack on baked goods.

What you can snack on without worrying about being overweight:

  1. Protein products. Eggs, cottage cheese. The best side dish would be greens. There are many recipes where protein is combined with green salads, parsley, dill, and spinach. Such a snack will not add excess weight on the hips and waist. Quite the opposite, because digesting protein requires additional energy, which the body will take from its fat reserves.
  2. Oatmeal. Component English breakfast. It was not for nothing that the British ate oatmeal every day - it is low-calorie, nutritious, and contains many useful microelements and vitamins. This complex carbohydrates, which will relieve hunger for a long time.
  3. Fresh vegetables, fruits. Preferably sweet ones, because sour ones cause gastric juice to secrete more intensely and can provoke a real attack of hunger. Can be cooked different vegetables and take with you to work - carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli, beets.
  4. Nuts, dried fruits. Can be consumed if breakfast was light or not at all. One disadvantage of nuts is their increased calorie content. Sedentary work implies a reduced calorie intake - no more than 1800 per day.
  5. Fermented milk products – kefir, yogurt. At the same time they help cope with intestinal problems.

Now in detail about snack options with proper nutrition.

Fermented milk drinks should not be fatty if we are talking about a figure in the process of formation. It's better to use regular yogurt, but add sweetener. This will soothe your taste buds. You can take it as an additive to yogurt oat bran. It’s hard to find a healthier product than this product. Flaxseeds are also useful. People on a monotonous diet need useful substances, for example, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 9. In addition to fish, these substances are found in abundance in flaxseed. A teaspoon per glass of yogurt will be enough for a snack. You need to let them steep in the drink for a bit - they will become softer.

Dried fruits are a healthy thing, but they should not be confused with candied fruits, which contain many times more refined sugar. You can only afford a couple of pieces a day. Exotic dried fruits - dates, figs - can be eaten if there is an urgent need for sweets. In women this happens before menstruation. The natural sugar contained in dates will not harm your diet, but will calm your nerves.

Fresh vegetables large doses Not everyone can handle it. The intestines can react with dysbiosis, flatulence, and bloating. Therefore, they should be boiled or stewed in a slow cooker. You can even boil one potato. This vegetable cannot be ignored because it is rich in natural starch and potassium, which is good for the heart. If you eat all this without bread, there will be no problems with weight. Boiled vegetables - a good option for a night snack. There are a lot of jokes about women's diets that stopped at night. Therefore, in order to sleep peacefully, you must eat something tasty.

Fruit acids can also disrupt intestinal function. If problems start, you can do cottage cheese casseroles with fruits, berries. If there is not enough sugar to taste, use a liquid sweetener to prepare the mixture. It is important that diet food is enjoyable.

Meat, fish, cheese are the main food of the strong half of the population. They also sometimes suffer from excess weight and try. Everyone will appreciate a man gnawing a carrot in the office with humor. You will have to listen to a lot of ridicule and “good” advice. But no one will notice a man who eats a piece of meat and salad, because this is considered normal. As a snack once a day, you can eat meat or fish dishes. It is better if it is a second breakfast or afternoon snack. The meat will have time to digest before evening. You can organize something easier - kefir, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt or yogurt.


Breakfast is the most important part of nutrition. Morning meals set the mood for the whole day, so breakfast can be hearty - carbohydrates, fiber. If you eat bread, it must be whole grain, without yeast. In this regard, there is nothing better than yeast-free lavash. Eastern cuisine can provide an example of proper nutrition.

Depending on the density of the first breakfast, you can choose products for the second snack, which usually occurs after 3 - 4 hours. If the first meal is missed, the second breakfast can be organized earlier so as not to feel hungry and not to increase the amount of food. Banana - a source of carbohydrates, calcium and silicon - copes with the feeling of hunger in a couple of hours - just before the next meal.

Snacks on the run

You can have a snack on the move. For this purpose there are drinks - yoghurts, which will eliminate the feeling of hunger. Unsalted nuts in small portions – 100-200 g. These products can be consumed in transport. Considered a good snack pumpkin seeds, bran crackers or a sugar-raising bun. A sandwich with a whole grain bun, boiled meat and herbs is already a hearty breakfast.

In the process of work, it is important not to forget that water is the main need of the body. Its quantity, with proper nutrition, must be strictly controlled. Still pure water can sometimes replace a snack because the need for water will be higher than the need to eat. All well-known nutritionists advise starting a meal by drinking water: 1 – 2 glasses. This will prepare the digestive system to produce gastric juice, will help avoid gastritis.

Eating rarely is harmful to the body and promotes the accumulation of fat deposits. You need to accustom yourself to frequent appointments food. To do this, you need to control snacking. Reminders installed on your phone or computer can help you organize your diet.


Judging by the data recent ROMIR survey, more than half of us prefer completely unhealthy snacks - cookies, cakes and buns. Completely empty calories, sugar, fat and no feeling of fullness after half an hour.

Nutritionist Marianna Trifonova, author of the book “How to Live to Be Slim and Healthy,” calls this haphazard eating of everything that comes to hand. “The most harmful thing is the endless drinking of tea with buns, cakes, sweets, as well as the daily consumption of pizza and French fries, not to mention sweet carbonated water,” she lists. — Sandwiches with white bread and fatty sausage or cheese, in addition butter. If such snacks are repeated day after day, they will not lead to any good.”

There is nothing wrong with having 3-4 snacks throughout the day. On the contrary, in this way you can reduce the portions of lunch and dinner and maintain a slim figure. But it’s important to arrange snacks consciously. “When I watch what I eat, I usually snack on fruit, unsweetened yoghurt, low-fat cheese and crackers,” says Katerina Nikitina, founder of the Delicious Diet culinary community. — During the “unconscious” period, I can eat both cookies and a piece of cake. All this seems to accidentally fall into my mouth, my memory refuses to register it, and in the end I’m perplexed: why do I only eat healthy things, but don’t lose weight?”

Choose the right time

“The best time for a snack is a second breakfast around 12 o’clock and an afternoon snack at 5 o’clock in the evening,” advises Marianna Trifonova. “It is this time sequence that will allow you to not overeat at dinner, which is most often the reason for gaining excess weight.”

Make allowances for your last meal

“If your breakfast was hearty, have a snack not after two hours, but after three or four and eat something light, such as yogurt or fruit,” advises nutritionist Ekaterina Belova, chief physician of the Center for Personal Dietetics “Nutrition Palette” and presenter of free seminars about healthy eating and weight loss. “On the contrary, we unexpectedly ate a lot during the afternoon snack - a hot dish, salad, dessert - limit ourselves to a glass of fermented baked milk for dinner.”

Achieve balance

A good snack gives you a feeling of fullness, is quickly digested and does not overload the stomach. “You can chop some greens and a little vegetables into soft cottage cheese and spread it all on bread. It takes no more than a couple of minutes,” says Katerina Nikitina.

According to Ekaterina Belova, it can be vegetable soup or salad, milk product, fruits and berries in season. The most underrated snacks, in her opinion, are boiled corn, a sandwich with grain bread/bread, cottage cheese, cucumber, tomato and lettuce, fruit jelly or thick milk-fruit jelly.

“I am categorically against snacking on fruit juices and smoothies - they sharply raise blood sugar levels,” says Ekaterina. - For the same reason, if you are going to snack on candy, do it right after lunch, when you have eaten something fatty and with fiber. Then absorption occurs more slowly, and you don’t feel hungry after half an hour.”

Marianna Trifonova encourages combining solid and liquid foods during snacks. “This makes all the taste buds work, activates enzymes, and the process of digestion is much more intense.” Her favorite healthy snacks are a tuna sandwich with lettuce, baked apples, unsweetened yogurt, a sandwich with whole grain bread and low-fat soft cheese. Drinks include freshly brewed black tea or cocoa.

Break stereotypes

It’s firmly stuck in my head: it’s good to snack on apples, nuts, dried fruits, etc. The problem is that it’s hard for me to stop at one apple or five nuts - I immediately want more. But let’s say 100 g of nuts is already 600 kcal. A woman with a sedentary job, like me, needs a maximum of 1700-1800 kcal per day. In addition, store-bought muesli bars are confusing with a wild amount of additives and preservatives.

“Apples, like grapes, cause increased production of gastric juice in many people and thereby stimulate appetite,” says Ekaterina Belova. — If you notice that it’s difficult to stop eating some products, find a replacement for them. For example, instead of apples, eat a banana.”

The expert also doesn’t trust store-bought muesli bars, primarily because of the large amount of sugar. “Look at the composition,” advises the nutritionist. “If sugar is listed in first or third place, don’t take it, there’s too much of it.”

“As a matter of principle, I never eat nuts,” Katerina Nikitina supported me. “Although they are very healthy, you can get too carried away and not notice how you eat a thousand calories, or even one and a half.”

If the yogurt is unsweetened. Cheese - soft, low-fat or hard, but with a fat content of up to 15%. Crispbread - rye or multigrain biscuits without salt.

Prepare snacks at home

“My favorite snacks are those that don’t need to be cooked,” admits Katerina Nikitina. — The ideal option is fruit. You eat and you’re free to go for a walk until lunch. But preparing snacks for future use is also a great option. You can quickly make broccoli balls, dry apples, fruit marshmallows, or bake diet cookies.”

They last a long time, are easily transported (if you need to take them to work) and do not interfere with your concentration on matters more important than food itself. Best Recipes- in our table.

5 healthy snacks

Name Ingredients Time Process Advantages
Apple marshmallow 1.5 kg apples; 3 tbsp. l. water 1-1.5 hours Pour water into the bottom of a thick-walled pan, place apple slices, and cook covered for 10-15 minutes. Mash, leave over low heat without a lid until evaporated. Level the mass on a baking sheet with parchment in a slightly open oven at 100-200 degrees Not a gram of fat or sugar. You can adjust the degree of sweetness by choosing different varieties apples
Broccoli balls 500 g broccoli; 50 g pistachios; 100 g dill; 1 tsp. tarragon; 2 cloves of garlic; 1 tsp. wine vinegar; 1 tsp. salt; 100 g goat cheese 30 minutes Boil broccoli, chop and squeeze excess liquid. Mix with finely chopped pistachios, garlic, herbs, vinegar, salt, cheese. Roll the balls Not only a snack, but also an excellent side dish for meat or fish
Dried cherry tomatoes 500 g cherry tomatoes; 1 tbsp. l. fresh thyme; 1 tbsp. l. Sahara; 2 cloves of garlic; salt; olive oil 50 minutes Line the mold with paper and grease with oil. Cut the tomatoes into 2 parts, sprinkle sugar, finely chopped thyme, salt and finely chopped garlic on top. This should be done evenly so that each slice is covered with spices. Bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 130-140 degrees, periodically checking readiness Great in salad or with bread
Stuffed mushrooms 150 g raspberries; 12 large champignons; 250 g chicken breast fillet; salt, pepper to taste; 100 ml dry white wine; 1 Bay leaf; 1 sprig of rosemary; 1 bunch of oak leaf lettuce; 2-3 tbsp. l. wine vinegar; 4 tbsp. l. olive oil; 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 35 minutes Fry the fillet cubes, add salt and pepper. Lightly fry the champignons and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes, covered, with water, herbs, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Place mushrooms on top of lettuce leaves on a plate. Reduce the broth by 2/3, remove the rosemary and bay leaf. Pour into a bowl, add 2 tbsp. l. oil, vinegar, sour cream and beat until smooth. Place fillet pieces and lettuce leaves cut into strips into the same bowl. Mix. Stuff the champignons with salad chicken fillet. Decorate with berries Portobello mushrooms are suitable instead of champignons; turkey, beef or lamb are suitable instead of chicken. Designer dish, can be customized to your liking
Carrot cake 300 g carrots; 125 g hazelnuts; 125 g almonds; 4 eggs; 200 g brown sugar; 50 g flour; 1 tsp. baking powder; zest of 1 lemon; a pinch of cinnamon; 1/2 protein; 60 g powdered sugar; marzipan 40 minutes Divide 3 eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with 100 g of sugar into a fluffy cream. Add 50 g of flour mixed with baking powder, lemon zest, and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix. Mix with finely grated carrots. Add the ground hazelnuts and almonds into the flour. Beat the whites to strong peaks, add 100 g of sugar and beat until stiff. Mix with carrot mixture. Grease a baking dish with oil and place the dough. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Cool in pan for 5-10 minutes, then cool on a wire rack. Let it brew overnight. For the glaze: beat 1 egg white into a strong foam, add 40 g of powdered sugar, beat, add another 20 g and beat for 3 minutes. maximum speed. Spread the cake, let dry, decorate with marzipan No butter, minimum flour, sugar can be reduced further, lots of carrots and nuts

When active brain activity which occurs throughout the day, it is important not to forget about proper nutrition, paying due attention to it. For those who are watching their figure, it is necessary to choose the right snacks for weight loss, and begin to shape healthy diet needed from breakfast.

What to snack on while dieting?

Forming a fitness menu for the whole day, just like choosing dietary snacks for weight loss, you need to ensure that your diet includes foods that contain all the substances and microelements necessary for the body. After all, a lack of one of them (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc.) will immediately affect your well-being. Low-fat cheeses, vegetables, fruits or berries are perfect snacks when losing weight. It is important to take into account the nutritional value of a particular product and its calorie content. Give preference to snacks high in fiber - these include nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, broccoli), dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates). If you choose a diet as a way to lose weight, then do not forget about healthy sleep, which will speed up this process.

Snacks with proper nutrition

Observing aspects healthy eating, first of all, consider the serving size - it should not be large. The main rule here is that less is better, but more often. Your diet must include proteins and complex carbohydrates. For low-calorie foods when choosing healthy snacks, pay attention to peaches, oranges, tangerines, natural yogurt(1.5%), berries. These foods are the best for snacking.

Snacks for weight loss

In addition to serving size, also pay attention to the quality of chewing of food. This needs to be done efficiently and slowly - this way you will eat less and get full faster. To choose the right low-calorie snack foods, you need to know them. energy value and competently create a diet taking it into account. Balanced diet should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Here is an example of foods that can help you lose weight when consumed during a snack:

  • foods high in fiber (dried fruits, beans, vegetables and herbs);
  • foods containing sufficient protein ( lean fish and poultry, eggs);
  • fermented milk products with low content fat content (natural yogurt, cheeses, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • grain crops that are a source slow carbohydrates(oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley porridge, lentils);
  • nuts are a product that successfully combines fats and fiber;
  • greens - it contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins.

If you want to lose weight and not feel hungry, then the cottage cheese diet for weight loss is perfect for you.

To avoid gaining weight, you need to know which foods contribute to fat gain. Read about what products these are by following the link -.

Snack options

Based on the right combination products and knowing them beneficial features, you can easily prepare various snacks without spending a lot of money and time. By purchasing groceries in advance, you don’t have to worry about feeling hungry throughout the working day:

  1. One of the most useful protein-containing foods is cottage cheese, especially irreplaceable if you lead an active lifestyle. It can be consumed in combination with fruits or berries.
  2. An easy protein snack is poultry, and the healthiest one is turkey. If you complement it with avocado, you will make up for the deficiency healthy oils and fats, and chickpea paste (hummus) will fill you with fiber.
  3. In hot weather, a variety of smoothies can be a great option. Mix foods in a blender and get healthy snacks for losing weight. The best combination is a combination of greens (parsley, spinach, cilantro), fiber (fruits, berries) and protein (natural yogurt, coconut milk or kefir). For achievement maximum benefit You can add almond oil to this drink.
  4. Find alternatives to unhealthy foods. For example, pancakes that are tasty but harmful to your figure can be made healthy. It is enough to mix a couple of eggs and 1 banana.
  5. If you really don't have enough time to cook, you can always boil a few eggs in advance and take them with you.

Low-calorie snacks

Grocery stores provide a wide choice in this matter:

  • poultry and fish are foods that are high in protein and fill you for a long time;
  • natural juices and smoothies are healthy snacks that can be consumed even on the go;
  • greenery - The best way saturate the body useful substances, and another advantage of it is that it can be used in unlimited quantities;
  • The right snacks for weight loss are those that bring only benefits to your body. These are low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt;
  • If you feel hungry, and it’s still a long time before you eat, try drinking a glass of water, because we often confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger.

This article will talk about snacking on a healthy diet.

Let's first define the understanding of the term.

What's your snack?

In the wrong understanding, it means grabbing something quickly, on the go, when you are very hungry, and there is no time or opportunity to sit down at the table to eat. With this approach, unhealthy snacks often result. You ran out to the nearest fast food during your lunch break, grabbed a coffee and a burger and ate it on the run, or bought a chocolate bar at the kiosk to quickly satisfy your hunger.

What other options? There are more conscious people who try to watch their figure and take an apple or banana with them to snack in this way. These are healthier, one might say, light dietary snacks. But, you must admit, the saturation from them is short-lived, lasting about an hour. And I want to eat again.

The third option often happens in the mode of busy people. When snacking simply doesn't exist. A person suffers from hunger (at the same time believing that I’d rather not eat anything than these harmful fast food sandwiches with mayonnaise, so I’ll lose weight faster).

And one more option. When snacking lasts all day :) This happens when a person does not work in a business office atmosphere, but in a company where there is a flexible approach to the schedule and dress code, and also if work or the main pastime takes place at home. The picture is something like this. I’m busy with something, working and working, and then: Shouldn’t I have some tea? There is also a bowl of cookies and chocolates. Such people do not feel hungry during the day, because there are several such tea parties per day.

I want to warn you right away. If you recognize yourself in one of these described options (point two with apples is okay, forgivable), then this is all wrong. And the concept of snacks is incorrectly formed in your head, of course, if we are talking here about the right snacks for losing weight or keeping yourself and your health in shape.

Most people do not have a correct understanding of eating patterns.

Many people have formed the opinion that daily ration consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner. And many do not pay due attention to the food that sometimes happens between these three meals. But, in my opinion, it is precisely this chaotic regime with spontaneous snacking that causes metabolic disorders and weight gain.

In this schedule we take into account: what we ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But what happened between them is somehow forgotten. Sometimes, indeed, a person eats three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or twice a day (breakfast and dinner). Supposedly “correctly”, you don’t eat a lot, but for some reason you gain overweight.

If a person eats daily norm carbohydrates for 3 meals, then about 100-115 grams of glucose will enter the blood at one time (300-350 grams/3). All glucose in the liver is converted to glycogen. Normally, the liver has about 90 grams of glycogen, and the rest of the glycogen is converted into fat. Thus, with 3 meals a day, 30-45 grams of fat can be deposited. And this is a weight gain of -1-1.3 kg of fat per month. Accordingly, if a person eats once or twice a day, then according to similar calculations, the increase in fat per month will be 2-3 kg.

I like this figurative comparison. A fire is burning in the fireplace. To keep it burning all day, you need to add firewood to it at certain intervals. And if you don’t do this, then by the end of the day the fire will begin to die out. Seeing this, we throw a large armful of firewood. So what's going on? The fire finally goes out. This is roughly what happens with our digestive system. In order for the “digestive fire” to burn, we must add a little “fuel” to it at certain intervals. And if, after fasting all day, after leaving work, you eat a large portion (out of hunger), you will “extinguish” your digestive system. In this case, the body, in order to avoid such stress, will put what it eats in reserve (in the most problematic areas) - in the sides, thighs, butt, and stomach.

Thus, for me personally, a snack is the same necessary full meal. Which occurs between breakfast and lunch, and then between lunch and dinner, sometimes another one after dinner. This meal may be smaller in portions and calories than the main three meals. But it should not be treated with disdain. This meal needs to be planned in much the same way as we plan, for example, our dinners, when we say: what are we having for dinner today? 🙂

Personally, I call snacks like this: second breakfast and afternoon snack. Sometimes there is a second dinner too 😆...

Thus, we build an approximate power supply diagram:


11:00-snack (second breakfast)


16:00-17:00-snack (afternoon snack)

18:00-19:00 - dinner

21:00-snack (second dinner)

Of course, if you have not followed such a diet before, you may experience a reaction:

  • Eating so many times a day will make me gain weight!!!
  • This is very difficult and inconvenient, especially during a work schedule!!!

But here I want to dissuade you. If we eat often, then, accordingly, we will not want to eat a lot at one time. The stomach will not stretch, the portions will be much smaller. As a result, with 5-6 meals a day, you eat less in total than with 2-3 meals a day.

Regarding the difficulties, I agree that initially it will not be easy to organize yourself and get used to such a regime. But by gradually changing your diet to the correct pattern, it will become part of your good habit. And then you won’t want it any other way. The main thing here is to take the first step and start acting like this day after day.

Well, now let's talk specifically. What to do: Healthy snacks for losing weight and staying in shape.

Planning is not difficult.

The main thing is to know the basic principles of building a diet:

  • Include protein foods in every meal.
  • When losing weight, sweet foods (honey, fruits, dark dark chocolate without additives) can be gradually included in the diet in the first half of the day; in the afternoon, only unsweetened foods.

I offer you ideas, options for snacks with proper nutrition, what will be convenient to prepare and eat at home, and what to take to work.

Second breakfast (protein-carbohydrate):

  • apple baked with cottage cheese inside, topped with 0.5 tsp. honey
  • any fruit or 100 gr. berries with yogurt (100 gr.) without additives and without sugar
  • curd balls with dried fruits and nuts (for an example of how to make them with your own hands, at home and in a hurry, see my website)
  • milkshake from 100 gr. milk, 100 gr. water, 100 gr. any berries, 50 gr. cottage cheese 5%.
  • 15 gr. (no more, and not daily) real good dark dark chocolate with green tea without sugar or yogurt without sugar and without additives.
  • Curd or milk dessert, prepared without flour or with wholemeal flour, without sugar. (see my website for recipes for similar desserts)
  • 10-15 gr. walnuts, 1 date, 2 pcs. dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes)

Afternoon snack (vegetables, fiber, protein products):

  • half an avocado with feta cheese (30 gr.)
  • vegetable salad with any white cheese and olive oil dressing
  • fermented baked milk (200 gr.) and bread (without yeast, whole grain)
  • greens with cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream or kefir (total weight 200 g)
  • vinaigrette salad with beans and without potatoes with olive oil (200 gr.)

The 2nd dinner (no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime) should be as light as possible, mainly protein:

  • glass of kefir
  • glass of yogurt without sugar
  • boiled egg white
  • 100 gr. warm milk(can be 1:1 with water)
  • omelette (casserole) from egg white with milk (50 gr.) and 30-50 gr. green beans.

Snacks at work

No doubt it's not easy. I agree that preparing this and taking it with you to work is a little inconvenient, time-consuming, and unusual. You will have to make preparations in advance, in the evening. But there is a plus to this: you spend an extra 15-20 minutes in the kitchen, instead of horizontal position on the sofa in front of the TV 🙂 (this additional activity will only benefit you!).

Most likely, finding healthy snacks at work (and around work) will be very difficult. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plastic boxes for food prepared at home. At least for a working day you will need 3 boxes (2nd breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).

Some structures have strict regulations on going out for lunch. And, perhaps, you will not be allowed to get up from your desk and go out for snacks. But you go to the toilet? Consider the type of food for this type of operating mode, so that you can “throw it in your mouth” on the go and move on, on your own workplace. See the selection on my website: on proper nutrition. My recipes are provided just for such cases: strict work schedule and regime, easy quick cooking, convenient to take with you, portioned small convenient presentation formats.

And since you are determined to change yourself for the better, then understand and be determined that it will not work out otherwise! Other methods may lead to temporary weight loss, but then the weight will return and your health will deteriorate irreparably.

It is very convenient if near your place of work there is a canteen or buffet, or a buffet option. Almost always from this assortment you can choose the right healthy snacks for weight loss that you need.

Various cocktails can also be a good quick alternative. This refers to cocktails and cocktails, which are now offered in a large assortment on the market. On my website there are reviews of such cocktails with my recommendations for you. It comes as a powder in a jar, making it easy to take with you everywhere along with a shaker. Fill it with water or milk, chat - less than a minute and your snacks are ready! Time required – less than 3 minutes for preparation and consumption. At the same time, a feeling of fullness is ensured for at least 2 hours, not to mention the benefits and the presence of all necessary nutrients.

Summarizing all of the above, a healthy snack for those losing weight and people trying to maintain their health and body in shape is very important aspect in nutrition. You cannot neglect it, otherwise you risk gaining fat and extra pounds. Snacking for losing weight at work is a difficult, but completely doable task. The main thing is to organize yourself properly and prepare or think through the food in advance.

By following this diet, you are guaranteed excellent health, vigor, energy and health throughout the day! And so, day after day! According to this snack scheme junk food will leave your life forever, and you will gradually, without failure, begin to lose extra pounds and keep your body in great shape!

You can ask me any questions on this topic using the feedback form or leave your comments under the article.

I wish you success!

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