Help to get out of binge drinking. How to get out of binge drinking on your own? Top recommendations

On your own, it will take at least a day. Purchase medications such as Activated Carbon, Essentiale Forte, Valocordin and Mezim in advance if you have stomach problems. In addition, stock up on lemon, jam, honey, mineral water, cabbage or cucumber brine, kvass, kefir, apple juice, milk. Prepare beef or lamb broth in advance.

Start the procedure the day before have a hard day. In the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid (milk, mineral water, brine, juice, kefir) and take 1 capsule of Essentiale Forte, 2 of Activated Charcoal and 20 drops of Valocordin. Then eat the broth with bread. You can also take cold and hot shower. Now rest. After 5 hours, take 2 more Essentiale Forte and 2 charcoal tablets. If your heart doesn't bother you, you don't have to drink Valocordin. Eat the broth again and drink tea with lemon and honey. Relax or do enjoyable activities (watch TV, read a book).

In the evening, take medications in the same quantities as during the day, and eat. But don’t overeat – take care of your liver. Then stand in the shower longer and then go to bed. The next day, get up early and take 1 tablet of Essentiale and charcoal. On this day, try to move more. Also continue to drink plenty of fluids and take medications as described above.

Use "Ammonia". To use it to get out of binge drinking it will take 2-3 days. Dilute two drops of medicine in one glass of water at room temperature. Then mix thoroughly and drink. It is advisable to do this before meals to avoid upset.

Keep yourself busy. After all, many people are helped not to think about alcohol by being very busy, for example at work. If you are in or not working at all, offer your relatives your help. Thus, plunging into business and worries, you will take your mind off what reminds you of alcohol.

Shake your body, raise your adrenaline, and be distracted by brighter emotions. For example, take up extreme sports. But if your health does not allow it or there are other reasons why you cannot afford it, jump with a parachute or take a ride on an attraction. A surge of adrenaline will cover everything negative emotions and difficult feelings.

Use medications such as Valerian Extract. IN large doses This drug can relieve. Dissolve the drops in water and eat a large meal after taking the medicine. Aspirin can also help. In addition, pay attention to effervescent tablets which are sold in pharmacies and dispensed. Don't forget about vitamins and activated carbon.

Try to get out binge drinking using mint and drinking plenty of fluids. Buy mint tincture, mix 20 drops with 1 glass of infusion drinking water and take several times a day. In general, drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. Consume juices that have a sour taste.

If it’s difficult to quit drinking on your own, register on thematic forums. There you will find people who want to give up alcohol. They support each other and share advice. These people are experiencing the same emotions and feelings as you. This is why it is easier to stop drinking alcohol in a group than alone. Such contact sometimes helps much better than various medications.

Call a doctor at home. Nowadays, many private clinics serve patients at home. What's good about this method? First of all, the fact that qualified specialists will provide assistance to you, assessing general state body using special equipment. Also medical workers will prescribe you adequate treatment, dose necessary medications and warn about possible side effects.

Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can bring benefits to the body, for example, alcohol helps relieve stress and improves mood. But only if it is not abused. Otherwise, a person may simply go on a binge.

In this case, the amount of alcohol consumed is no longer controlled, the body experiences severe stress, and many of its organs may begin to fail. That is why it is very important to know how to properly get out of this state, and what is necessary for this.

The longer the alcohol binge, the stronger and larger the consequences will be. It is best, of course, to seek help from a drug addiction specialist, but if this is not possible, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the following action plan:

  1. It is necessary to replenish your home first aid kit. After all overuse alcohol had a negative impact on the condition of almost everyone internal organs. Therefore, there should be drugs on hand to restore the liver and normalize gastrointestinal tract, vitamin complexes, drugs to improve and normalize heart function. And also sedatives.
  2. In addition, you should always have on hand non-carbonated mineral water, mint drops, fresh brine from cabbage or cucumbers without vinegar, fruit juice, honey and chicken or beef broth. It is these products that have been used for many decades as the main means of removing a person from binge drinking.

Attention! The most important thing in quitting binge drinking is considered to be psychological aspect. So, a potential alcoholic himself must first of all want to feel sober life again. Otherwise, as soon as he feels better, he will return to increased alcohol consumption.

Video: how to deal with the problem yourself?

Watch a video that tells you how best to quit binge drinking at home, if possible, without seeing a doctor? Is it possible to get out of binge drinking on your own? Which medications necessary to get out of an uncomplicated binge? What are the principles of treating simple binge drinking? Is it possible to quickly get out of a not very long drinking binge, and how to do it?

Exit plan for a long beer binge

It is the first three days that are considered the most difficult and critical. An organism accustomed to receiving loading dose alcohol, will experience severe withdrawal, and the person himself may experience severe mental discomfort. That is why it is very important that during this time the patient is supported with all his might by his closest and dearest people.

Important! To get a person out of binge drinking, you should limit his contacts with people as much as possible. outside world, especially with friends who also like to abuse alcohol.

The call to recover from a hangover may be stronger than common sense, and a person may simply give up. Therefore, in the very first days, he should not leave the walls of his home, and strangers should not come to him.

The first day is the hardest. Therefore, the night before you should go to bed early, and immediately before going to bed, drink a glass of water to which twenty drops of mint extract have previously been added. Immediately after waking up, you should drink 500 ml of pure still water, you can add a couple of spoons of honey to it.

The next stage is a warm shower, but in no case a contrast shower. Temperature changes provoke a sharp narrowing and dilatation of blood vessels, which can become main reason heart attack or stroke. Instead of alcohol, it is important to take this day Activated carbon, kvass, valocordin and warm chicken broth. The main task is to prevent alcohol from entering the body.

On the second day, liquid porridge with water, with a minimum amount of fat, should be included in the diet. And also take medications for the liver or improve stomach function again. The volume of clean drinking water increases to three liters.

On this day, you should use sedatives and cardiac medications as little as possible; the body should begin to function normally on its own. From this day you should start taking vitamins, especially B6 and glycine.

The third day is a turning point, despite the fact that the person already feels significant relief, he still has a depressive mood and general weakness. Therefore, here you can only expand your diet with fiber, also drink a lot of water and adhere to bed rest.

Attention! During the first three days of withdrawal from binge drinking, the patient should not be allowed to perform any physical activity. This may cause severe and sharp deterioration well-being. Physical labor in minimal quantities is acceptable from 4, or better yet, from 5 days from the start of treatment.

Reception medicines should be agreed with your doctor. It is best to purchase those medications that the patient has already used before, and they are not contraindicated for him.

Quit immediately or gradually?

Experts still recommend quitting binge drinking gradually. That is why during the first day it is allowed to drink up to 250 ml of high-quality vodka or cognac with meals. A weakened body with severe intoxication can react unpredictably to a sudden lack of alcohol. So, loss of consciousness, tachycardia, or even a stroke may occur.

Important! An abrupt exit from binge drinking is allowed if excessive alcohol consumption lasted no more than three days in a row.

This option is suitable only for people with a strong will and iron health. They are allowed to drink 150 ml of high-quality alcohol on the first day. And you should eat fatty broths along with homemade ham or lard.

Relieve serious condition The following medical advice will help the patient:

  • Mandatory use of absorbents, for example, Enterosgel.
  • Complete peace and maximum support from loved ones.
  • If the craving for alcohol is too strong, then it is better to drink high-quality kvass or homemade fruit drink, but you should definitely avoid drinking even non-alcoholic beer.
  • It is necessary to sleep as much as possible and visit the toilet as often as possible.
  • Access must be provided fresh air into the room.
  • You should definitely take medications to restore your liver. They will not only help remove alcohol from the body faster, but will also help this important organ recover.

Attention! If the patient’s health does not improve within the first two days of quitting binge drinking, you should definitely seek help from a narcologist.

Quitting binge drinking is a complex and rather lengthy process that negatively affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, it is best to prevent the onset of such a condition than to treat it later.

The problem of alcoholism is relevant in all countries of the world. Because of this addiction, people lose touch with society, leave their families, and commit crimes. Alcoholism affects not only the patient himself, but also his relatives. This problem is common cause family discord. A person suffering from alcoholism gradually loses orientation in time and space and becomes an associative personality. In order to somehow help their loved one, the patient’s relatives ask themselves: how to get out of binge drinking at home? The fact is that many people who have bad habit, refuse hospitalization and deny that they are addicted to alcohol. In addition, the patient’s relatives do not always want to publicize the delicate problem of their family.

Why do people ask the question: “How to get out of a long drinking binge?”

Ethanol alcohol has many negative effects. When an alcoholic drink enters the human body, the digestive organs, in particular the pancreas and liver, are the first to be affected. The fact is that alcohol is considered a foreign substance - a xenobiotic, the metabolism of which is very complex. Since the liver is responsible for cleansing the body of harmful agents, it suffers most quickly. Pancreatic enzymes are not designed to break down alcoholic beverages. For this reason, when alcohol enters an organ, it damages it with its toxins. In addition, ethanol alcohol has an indirect harmful effect on the heart, kidneys, stomach, esophagus, etc. Another target for alcohol is the brain. As a result harmful effects its structural cells - neurons - die. It follows from this that drinking alcohol must be stopped or limited by all available methods.

What diseases does alcohol lead to?

The question of how to get out of binge drinking at home is very important. After all, thanks to the effects of alcoholic drinks, the body begins to break down. The very first manifestations are considered to be symptoms of intoxication, chronic inflammation liver and pancreas, gastritis. With constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, diseases progress, leading to cirrhosis, pancreatic necrosis, and gastric ulcers. As it decreases nerve cells a person begins to become increasingly lost in the surrounding space, his sleep, memory, and thought processes are disturbed - all this is a manifestation of alcoholic encephalopathy (dementia). Quitting binge drinking is a necessary measure. After all, this is the only way to stop the progression of destruction of the body.

Why do you need to know how to help get out of binge drinking?

Alcoholism is a disease that occurs individually for each person. It has several stages and forms, so treatment must be chosen carefully. One of the common types of alcohol-related illness is binge drinking. It involves periodic exacerbations of addiction, followed by attenuation - a time when a person does not drink alcohol. Unfortunately, this condition progresses in most cases. At the same time, the frequency and duration of binge drinking increases each time. During such periods, the patient’s relatives need to be patient and try to help in every possible way. It is possible to quit binge drinking at home only if loved ones are interested in the health of their relative.

In what ways can you influence an alcoholic?

It is known that a drunk person not only does not account for his actions, but also does not feel responsible for them. Therefore, discussing the problem of alcoholism with a drunk patient not only makes no sense, but is also dangerous for the patient and his family members. Naturally, it is much easier to cure a person from an addiction if he himself desires it. In this case, it is necessary to influence the patient psychologically as much as possible, to explain to him what the harm and danger of his habit is. This should be done at moments when the person is sober. Unfortunately, most alcoholics do not admit their addiction and do not want to stop drinking. It is much more difficult with such people, because they most often refuse to listen to their loved ones, and also do not want to receive any treatment. In such cases, you have to resort to folk and drug effects without the patient's consent.

What medications can be used at home?

For patients suffering from alcoholism, carry out drug therapy must be done with great caution. This is due to the fact that due to the effects of ethanol alcohol, their metabolism is severely impaired. Therefore, any mistake can aggravate the situation, even leading to the death of a person. How to quit binge drinking at home with the help of medications? First of all, you need to dilute a few drops of ammonia in small quantity boiled water and give it to the patient to drink. The same can be repeated after 30 minutes. The next step is to use the drug Metronizadol in an amount of 500 mg, after 6 hours you need to give a second dose of the drug. After these steps, diuretic therapy (the drug Furosemide) should be started, which will help remove alcohol and its toxins from the body. In order to avoid dehydration, the patient should be given as much fluid (water) as possible.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

Amateurs know how to get out of a binge easier traditional medicine. There are many ways to cleanse your body of alcohol toxins without resorting to medications. Among traditional methods withdrawal from binge drinking can be distinguished as follows:

  1. Give the patient as much tea as possible (can be green) with lemon. Thanks to the action of acid, ethanol toxins are eliminated.
  2. Use rosehip decoction, thyme infusion, juices with the addition of citrus fruits.
  3. Honey in combination with milk is another remedy for relieving symptoms of intoxication.
  4. You can give the patient brine.

When a person begins to come out of a drinking binge, he is tormented by a hangover. In this case, kefir diluted in water will help. This solution must be salted and drunk quickly.

Parenteral administration of drugs during binge drinking

In most cases, alcohol is removed from the body by installing systems. This ensures a quick hit medicinal solutions into the blood, as a result of which it is faster cleared of toxins. Almost every alcoholic, as well as his relatives, knows how to get out of a binge with the help of a drip. Administering medications using the system is considered mandatory in all drug treatment hospitals. In some cases, an IV is placed at home, and the patient’s relatives must have the skill to carry out such manipulation. This method is designed to completely remove ethanol and its compounds from the body. In addition, we must not forget about maintenance therapy, especially if the patient suffers from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. The solutions needed to cleanse the blood are NaCl 0.9% or 5% glucose. In order to remove ethanol and its toxins from the body, about one and a half liters of these medications are required. In addition to them, adsorbent substances are added to the dropper, which help to quickly cleanse the blood of harmful alcohol compounds.

First aid for long-term drinking

If the condition alcohol intoxication continues for several days or even weeks, the patient’s body is severely depleted. As a result, functional failure of all systems may develop, which is the cause fatal outcome. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide first aid if alcohol intoxication. If there is such a patient among close people, all his relatives should know how to get out of binge drinking at home. First of all, in case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. For this purpose a solution is used baking soda and salt (1 teaspoon per liter of water). The next step is taking a contrast shower, which must be done at least once an hour. This will help make the nervous system work faster, which will lead to activation of the whole body.

In addition to cleansing from ethanol and its derivatives, it is necessary to constantly support the patient’s body. To do this, it is recommended to provide him with complete rest. The room where the patient is located must be constantly ventilated. At the moment of withdrawal from binge drinking, it is necessary to support the cardiovascular and nervous systems, since they are the most depleted. For this purpose, herbal medicines (motherwort, valerian) are used. It is also important proper nutrition patient (hot meat broths, fruits,

Binge drinking is prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages (when a person drinks constantly for 3-4 days). The body, bombarded with toxins, does not receive complete sobering, becoming more and more intoxicated. Every morning for a drinker begins with a painful hangover. To relieve an unbearable condition, a person takes another dose of alcohol.

How to get out vicious circle when binge drinking lasts 7 days, what should you do? You can contact specialized clinic, where the poisoned body will be completely cleansed. But there are ways to overcome binge drinking yourself at home. This is what we will talk about.

Hangover syndrome leads to the development of life-threatening conditions

A drunken state (or hangover syndrome) occurs at stage 2 of alcoholism. This is a severe exacerbation when alcohol no longer brings the expected relief, but serves only as short-term support for an organism exhausted by poisons. You can understand that a person is in a drunken state by the following signs:

  1. At the sight of a new portion of alcohol, a person becomes excited.
  2. After the next dose of alcohol taken, there is no feeling of intoxication.
  3. All thoughts are focused on drinking, the person is not interested in any other problems.
  4. An alcohol addict is unable to remember the events of the previous day (memory lapses).
  5. One loses track of time and the amount of alcohol consumed (the person is not able to answer how much alcohol he has already taken and for how long).

How the body reacts

A hangover syndrome is accompanied by severe intoxication. The unhappy liver is no longer able to cope with the removal of toxins. The poison gradually spreads throughout the body.

The hangover syndrome in addicted people is fundamentally different from the hangover state in healthy individuals.

The whole range of unpleasant sensations experienced by addicted people every morning leaves an imprint on their health:

  • blood vessels are destroyed;
  • the liver suffers greatly;
  • the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted;
  • problems arise in cardiac activity;
  • changes occur in the functioning of the brain.

A chronic drinker never admits that he is sick and in need of help. Alcohol dulls the sensations of your own body, which frantically signal trouble. And such signals are very noticeable; a loved one can notice them by asking the addict about how he feels:

Pain in lumbar region . This is a signal of kidney problems. In chronic alcoholics, such pain sometimes reaches critical levels, leading sufferers to suicide attempts.

Signs of alcoholism

Headache. This syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of blood vessels in brain cells under the influence of ethanol molecules. Blood vessels cerebral vessels develop blood clots, which very often leads to stroke. Gradually, entire sections of the brain begin to die off in a drunkard, causing death.

Trouble swallowing saliva. This is the signal of someone suffering from poisons thyroid gland. If a drinker has difficulty swallowing, he needs a thorough check of all organs endocrine system. The problem is confirmed by growing weakness, weight loss and high fatigue.

Painful urination. In this case, we can talk about awakened kidney stones or the development of cystitis. The constant companion of a binge alcoholic - nagging pain, which is marked on the right side. This sign is alarm signal about the onset of liver cirrhosis.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Types of hangover syndrome

Narcologists and psychiatrists distinguish two types hangover syndrome. Let's characterize them:

Pseudo-binge. The most common form of drunkenness. It is characterized by a more adequate perception of reality by the drinking personality. A person can drink every weekend and then go to work without forgetting about his responsibilities. Or the individual has a significant factor-reason for drinking: a holiday, grief.

True binge. This type of hangover syndrome is much more acute and severe. Being in a state of true binge drinking, a person can no longer take a break from alcohol on his own. There is an absolute dependence of the individual on alcohol. The strongest develops withdrawal syndrome, and the obligatory hangover does not bring satisfaction.

How to quit binge drinking at home

When starting to get out of a drunken state on your own, be prepared that the person will feel very bad in the coming days. To mix discomfort At a minimum, make sure you have the following essentials in your home:

Medicines. To get out of binge drinking at home, you need some pharmaceutical products. Without their use, it is impossible to cope with binge drinking. To maximally neutralize the destructive effects of alcohol on the body, powerful therapy is needed, including the following types of medications:

  1. Sorbents that help cleanse the body of toxins and alcohol breakdown products. The simplest and most effective sorbent is activated carbon. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. But it is not recommended to use charcoal for more than 2-3 days, otherwise beneficial substances will begin to be washed out of the body. In addition to coal, you can use Essentiale Forte, Polyphepan, Mezim, Enterosgel.
  2. The stress that will accompany the body when fighting binge drinking will affect the condition of the heart. Stock up on Valocordin, Corvalol or Panangin.
  3. Painkillers that can be used to relieve pain in the joints, head, aches, and tremors. Aspirin or No-spa will help.
  4. To improve digestion, replenish home first aid kit agents that restore intestinal perilstatics. These are Festal, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Penzital.
  5. Mild sleeping pills: Melaxen, Donormil, Novo-Passit, Persen-Forte. Such sedatives will improve night and daytime sleep.
  6. If you plan to break out of binge drinking over a long period of time, you can follow the advice of doctors and arm yourself with: Clonidine (the drug lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect and stops tremors of the limbs). Tiapride (an antipsychotic that removes alcohol aggression) or Carbamazepine (removes convulsions and helps remove waste products from the body) will help cope with binge drinking.
  7. Vitamin complexes. Essential for calm and recovery nervous system, memory regeneration and thought processes. When choosing a suitable complex, pay attention to what it contains: mandatory must be present ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

Important Products. To understand how to get out of binge drinking on your own, you should seek advice from our elders. Our ancestors successfully used products that help relieve hangovers and restore strength. These are brines, pickles, lemon, fermented milk products, apples. Cook more meat (preferably beef) broth.

According to narcologists, getting rid of a drunken state at home, surrounded by family and friends, is much more successful than in a clinic.

There are two ways to say goodbye to a destructive condition and cleanse your body of toxins. Choose the one most suitable for your case.

Quick method

This method is suitable for people who have enough strength and will to stop drinking alcohol and restore the body. In this case, the patient’s relatives will help to quickly get out of the binge with their moral support.

A quick exit from binge drinking is dangerous due to its severe consequences for the psyche of a drunkard. Before adopting this method, evaluate all the pros and cons.

To achieve your goal and quit binge drinking in 1 day, you need to adhere to one main rule: detoxify at the same time as protect against dehydration. Simply put, along with the reception aids, a person will have to drink a lot:

  • on the first day of the fight it is better to stick to simple non-carbonated mineral water;
  • on the second day, the drinking diet can be diversified with fruit drinks, juices, and weak tea with lemon (green or black).

Morning. The busiest time is when dependent person he feels the worst and wants to get over his hangover. It is strictly forbidden to help the body by taking even low-alcohol drinks. You will have to be patient and drown out the desire with brine or mineral water in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.

Consequences of long-term alcohol consumption for the body

Then take a couple of tablets of activated carbon and some additional sorbent. After 15-20 minutes, drink cardiac remedy. Now I have to force myself to eat a little. Meat broth, a piece of bread, tea. Then go to the bath and invigorate your body with a contrast shower.

According to psychologists, the most difficult time is leisure. Here family and friends will come to the rescue. A person coming out of a binge should definitely be constantly distracted by something from the idea of ​​drinking alcohol.

Dinner. Lunch time begins with taking the same medications (sorbents). Now you need to measure your blood pressure. If the indicators are normal, this is very good. This means that the body has started recovery processes. At lunch you should eat well: broth, bread, sauerkraut, tea with lemon or water.

During the entire process of breaking out of binge drinking, you should drink as much as possible. The liquid helps cleanse the body of breakdown products of alcohols and toxins.. After lunch, try to get some sleep (sleeping pills will help you fall asleep).

Evening. The next intake of sorbents is in the evening (after 17-18 hours). By this time it is usually played out a good appetite. But don’t load your body with heavy, fried, fatty foods just yet. The liver has not yet come out of the stressful state and still requires rest.

Have dinner with the usual dishes that you ate for lunch, take a warm bath and go to rest, taking a sleeping pill. Tomorrow will be easier. The next day will not differ from the regime of the first day. But my health has already improved noticeably.

Consequences of alcohol poisoning

Move more, go for a walk and be sure to get a good and full night's sleep. The next 24 hours are dangerous due to the disorder emotional sphere. A person may experience depression, panic, and anxiety.

Such sensations are quite predictable and can be easily relieved by taking antidepressants and mild sedatives. But please note that sedatives must be in tablet form, and not in the form of an alcohol solution.

How to get out of binge drinking quickly, personal advice from people who have encountered similar condition, will help you make this journey with the least emotional loss:

  1. Take a cool shower every hour. If a person who is on a drinking binge is unable to move, sit him in a bathtub and run a stream of water from his neck down his body.
  2. The most better food for the time of recovery from binge drinking - rich beef broth. Eat it as often as possible.
  3. Natural honey is an excellent helper. You should eat a teaspoon every 20-25 minutes (honey can be diluted with milk). In total, you are allowed to eat up to 6-7 servings of honey per day.
  4. Use decoctions medicinal herbs. The most suitable option is chamomile tea.
  5. The basis of any therapy is deep sleep. When coming out of a binge, it is important to sleep a lot, until you feel that you are no longer able to lie with eyes closed. Mild sleeping pills will help you get enough sleep.

The main task of the process of recovering from a hangover syndrome is to instill in a person the idea that something pleasant can be obtained not only with the help of alcohol. You need to learn to see and receive satisfaction from other activities. Only then the body itself will begin to perceive alcohol as poison and poison.

Lingering method

The method of long-term relief from hangover syndrome is based on a gradual reduction in the dose of alcohol consumed. The entire period of recovery from a drunken state with a long-term method should not exceed 15-20 days.

The main thing in this method is the development of a competent, nutritious diet with mandatory regular intake of vitamins. Thanks to this, the body will gradually restore physical strength and protective functions.

During this period, drinking alcoholic beverages is permitted, but only if the person experiences strong painful symptoms. For a short time (1-3 days) it is recommended to completely deprive the addict of alcohol. During this period, withdrawal symptoms and an indomitable thirst to drink may occur.

But you will have to endure to the limit of your own capabilities. Each new break gets longer. Don't forget to take the recommended ones medical supplies, products that help in the fight for health.

Classification of stages of alcoholism

To understand how to get out of binge drinking correctly, you should pay attention to personality psychology. It is very important to keep a person busy during this time. This will help prevent the development of depression. Be sure to remove from the apartment everything that reminds you of drinking: bottles, glasses, wine glasses, cut glasses.

How long does it take to rehabilitate?

It is impossible to predict the timing of complete recovery from hangover syndrome. How quickly will a person return to the world and sober life depends on the following factors:

  1. Duration of drinking. The longer the drinking period, the more difficult for a person return to sobriety.
  2. Alcohol quality. Getting out of a hangover after first-class alcohol is much easier and faster than cleansing the body after counterfeit alcohol of poor quality.
  3. Existing diseases. Getting rid of a hangover is complicated by the presence of any chronic illnesses.

The hardest, most terrible time when fighting binge drinking is the first 2-3 days. It is at this time that breakdowns often occur, severe painful reactions are observed, aggressive behavior. But the game is worth the candle. After all, a drunken state leads to complete physical and degradative destruction, and in the worst cases, to the death of a person.

Alcoholism is now considered one of the incurable diseases. Alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, vodka can be purchased in every grocery store, and at any time of the day (despite the ban on sales after twenty-three hours). Sellers cleverly disguise the “product” in black bags, and the “buyers”, thinking that they have deceived the whole world, are happy and carry their treasured purchase.

A person drinks at any time of the day: some alone, because they are ashamed to be seen drunk, some strictly in company, because they are bored alone. In any case, both of them drink more and more often and, as a result, go on binges (initially short, then their duration increases, and the interval between binges decreases). At first, they cope with this problem on their own, but the time comes when they need outside help.

A person on a drinking binge has little idea of ​​what to drink and where to drink it. Of course, the most effective way place him in a hospital where he will receive necessary treatment: They will clean the blood and put in IVs. But the problem is that not everyone will agree to such hospitalization, one has financial problems, the other does not need a sick leave certificate with a stamp drug treatment clinic. In case a person applies for free help, there is a risk that he will be registered with narcological clinic and it will not be so easy for him to free himself from this “stigma”. There is only one way left: to get out of the binge yourself. To do this, he will need the help of close people, and even better, relatives, who, in turn, need to stock up on great patience, courage and a great desire to help the patient.

How to quit binge drinking at home

To get out of binge drinking, you need to stop drinking alcohol in the evening. Try to go to bed early and sleep longer by drinking an infusion of mint or other calming herb. It is also necessary to rinse the stomach, where a huge amount of toxins has accumulated. To do this you need to take 1 liter boiled water, one teaspoon each of salt and soda, give the patient a drink and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. After this, drink activated carbon or another sorbent (up to 10 tablets), take Essentiale Forte for pain in the liver, validol or mint tablets for heart palpitations, dissolve glycine tablets under the tongue (it is harmless, it is even given to children).

Many people have their own proven ways to get out of binge drinking. For example, taking acidic juices or drinks such as Apple juice, cucumber or cabbage pickle, tea with lemon, as well as mineral water without gases, fermented milk products. Need to drink a large number of fluids, because alcohol leads to dehydration. It is not recommended to take fatty and heavy foods in the first days of recovery from binge drinking, only broths and light soups.

How to get out of binge drinking

A person who has decided on his own needs to gather all his willpower into a fist and begin to act: on the first day in the morning, take a tablet of aspirin and activated charcoal: aspirin relieves pain symptoms, activated carbon - toxicity. Endure nausea, dizziness, try to drink chicken or beef broth. The next day, take a contrast shower, it will improve the general condition of the body and try to eat. Of course, start moving and doing some light physical activity. Do not take under any circumstances during recovery from binge drinking. hot bath or go to the bathhouse or sauna. This can lead to cardiac arrest.

For effective treatment alcoholism experts advise AlcoLock product. This drug:

  • Eliminates cravings for alcohol
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Consists of natural ingredients and is completely safe
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    How to get out of a long binge

    A person who has been on a long-term binge (for example, a week) needs to know that simple kefir or brine will not improve the body’s condition. First, you need to do an enema of 1 liter of water, one teaspoon each of salt and soda. Rinse the stomach with the same composition. Traditionally, drink activated charcoal, if you have a severe headache, take a tablet of citramone or effervescent aspirin, if your liver is already hurting, take Essentiale Forte. You should remember about Polysorbon powder - it is an astringent that will help remove toxins from the body through urine. The listed remedies plus patience and willpower will help with binge drinking for 7 days or more.

    What not to do when coming out of a long-term binge

    When helping a person get out of a binge, you need to try to support him morally, you don’t need to put pressure on him, remember all his negative actions and mistakes. In this situation, he already feels like a scum of society, some kind of insignificant person. If you have already decided to help, then this is exactly what you need to do. Moral support in this situation can help more than any medicine. It is necessary to avoid sharp physical activity, temperature changes, this can provoke heart disease.

    Everyone has it drinking man there are many so-called friends always ready to drink with him. During the period of recovery from binge drinking, it is necessary to protect the patient from communicating with them so that they do not harm him. If a person is also addicted to smoking, then it is necessary to reduce smoking to a minimum. The nicotine contained in cigarettes worsens the patient’s already condition.

    The hardest thing when breaking out of binge drinking is... The condition will be bad on the second and third days, but, of course, it is much easier than the first. It is necessary, although difficult, to try to take at least some food, 2-3 spoons at a time, then lie down under a warm blanket and try to sleep. An organism that for a long time I didn’t see anything except alcohol, I need to replenish my strength, albeit gradually. Many people (not all, of course) who were on a drinking binge and then were able to find the strength to overcome this illness remember this period of their lives with horror and, of course, will not touch alcohol, at least for a long time. Having analyzed this period of life, they must understand that this will not lead to good: a person during his drinking bouts can die, if not cardiac arrest, then from cirrhosis of the liver, or from an accident.

    Others would like to remind you that if you quit drinking on your own, this does not mean that the problem is solved; it can come back again while you have an alcohol addiction. In this situation, you need to seek help from a good narcologist who will help relieve alcohol addiction, will carry out high-quality coding. After all, alcoholism is a diagnosis and you need to strictly control your behavior and not drink any alcohol at all. After all, if control is weakened, binge drinking can return again and again.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, health problems, work problems, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods alcoholism treatment...

    Read completely

    Another effective method, is to take natural honey. There is a true opinion that with a lack of potassium in the body, a person’s craving for drinking alcohol increases. Consequently, addiction to alcoholic beverages will be significantly reduced if the potassium deficiency in the body is compensated.

    Honey is the largest and highest quality source of potassium; in addition, it contains a huge amount of useful substances. If you constantly take honey in food, the need for potassium in the body will decrease, and, accordingly, the craving for alcohol. In addition, honey also has a calming effect: in the evening and at night, it is recommended to take 2-3 teaspoons of honey and drink enough warm water. In this case, the person falls asleep calmly, softly and sleeps more deep sleep. This is very necessary when coming out of binge drinking. It is also an excellent diaphoretic; it is especially effective when recovering from heavy drinking. When taking honey, intense sweating will begin, many toxins will come out with sweat through the pores of the skin.

    Imagine a family with a drunken alcoholic. These are constant scandals, insults, fights. The spouse turns into a bundle of nerves, the children are frightened, they look for help from relatives and neighbors, and then they begin to run away from home, find company they like, usually problematic, and new troubles arise, but only with children. After all, child psychologists never tire of saying that it is not enough to give children smart and kind books to read, you need to teach them by example. So they look at the father (mother) of alcoholics, they have no other examples in life and repeat the mistakes of their parents. Every child wants to go on a family hike, build a snowman, or just ride on dad’s shoulders. But, apart from drunken parents, their companies, empty containers on the table, they see nothing.

    Human life is very short and it is stupid to interrupt it due to addiction to alcohol. How will the relatives of this person feel, who, due to an addiction to alcohol, has lost the most precious thing a person has - life? Didn't you save it? Didn't they save you?