I'll take fir oil. Fir essential oil: what properties does it have and how to use it? Interesting video about the beneficial properties of fir

Essential oil fir has been used in medicine for many years to treat various diseases; the product contains many beneficial properties. The oil is obtained from the shoots of fir trees growing in the forests of Eastern Siberia. Fir essential oil is universal, and most importantly, natural remedy, because the fir tree grows only in ecologically clean areas.

To answer the question “How is fir oil useful?”, you should learn about its positive qualities.

  1. Fir essential oil is often used to prevent colds and treat lung diseases. Thanks to provitamins and phytoncides, the product has a general strengthening effect on the body. Fir essential oil is considered an indispensable product for frostbite and hypothermia.
  2. Treatment of joints with fir oil will be very effective - the product has strong analgesic and decongestant properties. It is widely used for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, and neuritis. For osteochondrosis, fir oil will also be the best treatment - using spruce solution for joints, you can eliminate painful sensations.
  3. Fir essential oil can restore blood circulation, increase arterial pressure, improve work of cardio-vascular system. It is also worth noting that fir oil for fractures will be one of the best sedatives, pain relievers, and wound healing agents.
  4. Fir essential oil is often used to eliminate chronic fatigue, insomnia, it can activate the nervous system and relieve stress. The benefits of fir oil have been proven in the treatment of dermatological, gynecological and urological diseases.
  5. The oil can be used externally, for bathing and aromatizing rooms. With its help, you can disinfect a room, purify the air, and get rid of pathogenic microbes. Aromatherapy with fir oil will help cope with various colds.
  6. As additional treatment internal organs You can use fir oil internally.

Contraindications for fir oil

Before using the product, you must remember that it has some contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance. Before use, apply 1 drop of oil to the skin. If a slight tingling sensation does not go away after 5 minutes, it is better to stop using it.
  2. Kidney diseases. Without the recommendations of the attending physician, the use of fir oil at any stage of the disease is strictly not recommended.
  3. Fir oil during pregnancy and lactation it is strictly contraindicated, because the oil can cause allergic reaction not only for the mother, but also for the child.
  4. Children under 12 years of age should not be given this oil.
  5. Ulcers and gastritis are also contraindications for the use of the product. Start using internally oil solution fir is recommended only after consulting with a specialist.
  6. Epilepsy attacks.
  7. Drinking fir oil on an empty stomach is also not recommended.

Fir oil in cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, fir oil for the skin is used only if a severe advanced form is observed. skin ailments in the form of purulent formations, furunculosis. Fir oil for the face against wrinkles will also good remedy, healing facial skin. The product effectively eliminates sagging, smoothes, and rejuvenates the dermis. Fir oil is often used against fungus on the nails, feet, and also to reduce sweating, unpleasant odor stop.

Using fir oil for baths

This procedure has a beneficial effect on colds. It can be used as inhalation, aromatherapy, bathing.

To take a bath, you need to dilute 8 ml of oil in 200 ml of warm water, and then pour the mixture into bathing water. You need to take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This procedure helps relieve tension, improves sleep and relieves insomnia. If you carry out the procedure regularly, the product will have a general strengthening effect and rejuvenate the skin. In cases where it is necessary to eliminate gynecological and urological ailments, taking oil baths will be an excellent addition to the main course of therapy.

Fir oil for bronchitis can be used for going to the bathhouse. In the sauna, you need to pour an oil solution onto the hot stones at the rate of 1 drop of fir oil per 1 liter of water. To enhance the effect, you can drip 1 drop of fir oil into your nose. After such a procedure, any colds will disappear.

Treatment of skin diseases and acne

Fir oil for acne will be quite effective if you prepare the product correctly. For preparation you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 30 g laundry soap;
  • 50 ml fir oil.

First you need to put an enamel pan of water on low heat. Then add grated soap to the water, stirring the mixture thoroughly. Cook until the soap is completely dissolved, then wait until the product cools. Once the composition is at room temperature, you can add essential oil to it, stirring thoroughly. Leave the product in a dark place for 1-2 hours.

The finished emulsion must be added to the bath before water treatments. Also, essential oil for facial skin will be very useful if you use the product as a mask. Medicinal properties fir oil appear quite quickly if a person does not combine the product with alcoholic beverages, spicy food and tobacco products.

Fir oil for herpes

To eliminate such an unpleasant disease, you can use the oil in pure form or as mixtures. Good results shows a remedy made from 20 ml of fir oil with 300 g of celandine juice. Mix the ingredients until smooth, and then, using a cotton swab, apply the product to the area of ​​skin affected by herpes. It is important to remember that this mixture can cause burns, so it should be used with caution.

Treatment of warts

Getting rid of warts is very simple. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 30 ml fir oil;
  • 10 ml vinegar;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

The garlic needs to be chopped, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients; the oil is added last. Before applying the product, warts must be steamed in hot water. It is better to apply the mixture pointwise using a cotton swab.

Remedy for lice and nits

The instructions for use included in the oil package will help you understand how to use essential oils correctly. Also, after carefully studying the instructions, you can find out that fir oil will be effective not only for osteochondrosis cervical region, but also how medical method treatment of pediculosis.

Here are instructions for preparing a product with fir oil for lice.

Composition of the product:

  • 300 ml celandine juice;
  • 50 ml fir oil;
  • 30 ml burdock oil.

To remove lice, you need to wait until the celandine juice turns into a jelly-like mass. Then add essential oils to the juice and mix the mixture thoroughly. The resulting product should be gently rubbed into the scalp, left for 20 minutes, and then removed with warm water and shampoo. The procedure should be carried out daily until complete recovery.

Treatment of nail fungus

To get rid of nail fungus, experts recommend applying pure fir oil to your nails or steaming them in solutions based on essential oil.

A remedy consisting of:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 10 drops of fir oil.

First you need to heat the water and then add essential oil to it. The product must be mixed well, then lower the limbs into the solution and keep in the solution for 10-15 minutes. To remove fungal plaque on nails, you will need to carry out the procedure 3 times a day for 1 week. Also, a compress made from essential oils with the addition of fir oil is excellent for treating fungus.

Fir oil for hemorrhoids

Fir oil can eliminate hemorrhoids different stages and forms. If hemorrhoids located outside, you need to massage with oil. The procedure must be carried out daily up to 5 times a day.

To eliminate internal knots, tampons soaked in fir and sea ​​buckthorn oils. It is recommended to change tampons 3 times a day.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

The characteristics of fir oil show that the product is quite effective for osteochondrosis. For this disease, essential oils must be rubbed into the diseased area of ​​the body, and then wrapped in a towel. Reviews of fir oil for osteochondrosis indicate that the product is very effective, because it helps relieve pain in the joints. Therefore it is often prescribed as additional remedy therapy of the disease.

Essential oils are considered one of the the best means eliminating many diseases. Fir oil will help cope with various ailments when used correctly. To prevent the oil from causing harm, you must remember the contraindications and not violate the rules for its use.

Fir oil is widely used for external therapy. It contains valuable substances with disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects.

Fir oil - what kind of product?

Fir oil is a natural essential oil obtained from the buds, young shoots and needles of the plant. The product can be used within folk and traditional medicine. Two types of oil are produced - cosmetic and medicinal, the difference is in the degree of purification and manufacturing technology. The cost of the drug varies depending on the volume and manufacturer - from 25 to 300 rubles. The manufacturers are pharmaceutical companies:

At home, the drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor, as its effect is very powerful. The aromatic yellow-greenish liquid contains more than 35 active ingredients. Among them are bornyl acetate, monoterpenes, provitamin A, vitamin E. The composition also contains aldehydes, organic and fatty acid, glycerides. The oil contains a number of microelements, ascorbic acid, tannins.

The main actions of the product are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant.

The product also has a local irritating effect, so it is used to enhance local blood circulation and microcirculation. It improves overall well-being, body resistance, and eliminates fatigue. The product will help heal wounds and destroy infection; it is also beneficial for the skin and is widely used in cosmetology.

Indications for use

As an aromatic and general tonic, as an anti-infective drug, fir oil is used for spraying in baths and saunas. This helps against the following pathologies:

For the above problems, you can use the oil in other ways - breathe, do inhalations (a nebulizer is not used for this purpose, you need compressor inhaler). The product is taken internally less often, but is rubbed externally into the skin for many diseases:

The product can be used to massage the joint area; it is excellent for arthrosis and arthritis - it relieves pain. In case of fractures, by accelerating microcirculation, oil will allow you to recover faster. In ENT practice, fir oil is used against otitis media - it is dripped into the ear, it is indicated for stomatitis, sore throat and gingivitis.

The properties are also useful for cosmetic purposes. Its benefits for hair include eliminating dandruff and stopping hair loss. For the face, the product is used for ulcers, pimples, boils, and it is also suitable for wrinkles, sagging and age spots.

Instructions for use

Used for joint diseases medicinal baths. Add 5-10 drops of oil to warm water, stay in water for 15 minutes, course - 10 procedures every other day. Oil is also used for massage - drop 5 drops per 10 ml of base product (any cream, peach oil). Gently rub the product into the area of ​​the affected joint, repeat the therapy twice a day for 7 days.

It is better to rub your joints before going to bed, and then immediately go to bed in a warm bed.

Inhalations are used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis. The easiest way is to douse the heater with water (500 ml) with 3-4 drops of the product in a bathhouse. In parallel, you can use incense, lavender, eucalyptus.

Similar procedures help with insomnia, nervous overstrain, stress. Also treated against cough in this way:

  • heat a liter of boiling water to 80 degrees;
  • add 5 drops of the product;
  • breathe, covered, while steam flows;
  • Such inhalations are not given to children under 12 years of age.

You can prepare a foot bath for a cold. To do this, on the pelvis hot water pour 20 ml of oil, put your feet on for 15 minutes. Also, for a cold, you can mix 50 ml of olive oil, add 3 drops of fir, mint, rosemary, rub into the chest and back. The drug is taken orally to strengthen the immune system. 6 ml of the product is combined with 200 ml of any juice and a teaspoon of honey. A cocktail in this portion is drunk once a day for 21 days.

How else can you use the oil?

There are many other recipes recommended by traditional medicine that involve fir preparations:

For lichen, mix the product with 1:1, rub the lichen spots twice a day until they disappear. Against intestinal infection They drink this remedy - add 4 drops of oil to a glass of tea (cold) and drink it three times a day. For bruises and contusions, the drug is rubbed into the skin in its pure form. For toothache, moisten a tampon and apply it to the tooth.

Contraindications and side effects

When treating wounds, it should be borne in mind that deep tissue damage does not tolerate the use of home remedies. In this case, fir can cause harm, because the product is not sterile. It is contraindicated to do inhalations or drink the product internally:

Contraindications to internal treatment- breastfeeding, epilepsy, gastritis and stomach ulcers, acute colitis. For renal and liver failure, acute diseases gallbladder, therapy will also have to be abandoned.

You should not drink the oil on an empty stomach - it will cause severe nausea.

Before the first appointment, the patient should be checked for allergies. Lubricate the elbow area with inside If there are no reactions after an hour, therapy can be carried out. You should avoid getting fir in your eyes to cause symptoms. allergic dermatitis. During pregnancy, the use of the drug threatens to disrupt the embryonic development of the child and kidney disorders. In case of an overdose, severe poisoning is possible, requiring treatment in a hospital!

In the Western Siberian taiga and the Caucasus Mountains, in Kamchatka and in the upper reaches of the Lena River, evergreen coniferous trees of the pine family grow. The ancient Karelians called them “pikhka” (resin). In the Russian language, a modified name has been fixed - fir.

Out of fifty known species Abiessibirica (Siberian fir) is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It contains up to 3.7% essential substance (in other types less than three).

The tree is surprising in that all its components have medicinal properties.

Oil is prepared from the buds, bark, needles, and young fir branches, which has been known since ancient times as a panacea for a wide range of diseases, including runny nose and colds using inhalation.

Composition and healing properties

Ether is the basis for the production of camphor.

Its composition includes several dozen organic matter that determine the healing properties of fir.

  • Tannins.

Render anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa. Removes toxins, carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals (lead, mercury, zinc, cadmium). Most often used during the inhalation procedure for colds.

  • Vitamin C.

Antiviral property. Increases immunity. Kills pathogenic bacteria. Effective against runny nose as inhalation. Properties have a positive effect on the functioning of many organs (central nervous system, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands). Powerful antioxidant.

  • Carotene.

Improves skin condition human, smooths out wrinkles. Increases the body's resistance to negative effects environment. Reduces risk malignant tumors. Improves vision.

  • Phytoncides.

Have a strong antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E).

Antioxidant. Improves the metabolic process. Rejuvenates the body and prevents the aging process. Accelerates the healing of burns and wounds. Prevents vascular fragility, participates in the formation of red blood cells. Strengthens the heart muscle.

  • Flavonoids.

Strengthens and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Relieves swelling. Warn premature aging cells. They have an antihistamine effect.

  • Microelements (iron, cobalt, manganese, copper).

Increases hemoglobin. Improve oxygen supply into cells, promote their regeneration. Regulate metabolic processes. Reduce nervous irritation. Strengthen muscles. Promotes the production of insulin. Prevents the development of anemia and promotes quick treatment runny nose and colds.

Interesting video O beneficial properties fir:

Application in medicine

IN modern medicine its use is justified:

  • antibacterial;
  • tonic;
  • calming;
  • painkillers;
  • wound healing;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Flu, respiratory diseases different etymologies.
  2. Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough.
  3. For inhalation using a nebulizer.
  4. Sore throat, tonsillitis.
  5. Gastritis with decreased gastric secretion, colitis.
  6. Rhinitis (acute and chronic).
  7. Angina pectoris.
  8. Eczema.
  9. Inflammatory and infectious diseases eye.
  10. Skin fungus, herpes.
  11. Wounds, burns.
  12. Dental diseases.

Fir essential oil relieves pain for various ailments:

  • cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • radiculitis.

Fir oil is rubbed into temples for headaches.
When taken orally, do not exceed the indicated dose. Amount of more than five drops may cause poisoning.


Vladislav . I do inhalations with fir oil. In five days it completely removes mucus from the bronchi and quickly cures a runny nose. Tested on myself and children using inhalation. My wife always adds a couple of drops to the water when cleaning the apartment. . The pine aroma improves your mood, vitality increases. The price is great. I recommend.

Elena. I used to use fir oil only as a flavoring agent. I didn’t believe in the healing properties until my tooth ached at night. I applied a cotton swab with oil, and the pain subsided almost immediately. I still had to go to the dentist, but the product saved me from a sleepless night.

Precautionary measures

Like any medicine, fir essential oil has a number of contraindications.

  • Allergic reactions can cause swelling (up to anaphylactic shock). This happens in rare cases.

You can avoid the risk by testing. Rub in a small amount of in the arm or leg. If rashes, itching and burning do not appear within a few hours, it may be used as directed.

  • Drinking alcohol of any strength will reduce the effect of treatment to zero.
  • Despite the fact that fir oil is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should be careful during periods of exacerbation. Do not use if you have strong heartbeat.
  • During aromatherapy, the appearance of a severe headache indicates intolerance to the fir smell. You should turn off the lamp and ventilate the room.
  • Contraindication for use is pregnancy.
  • Use with great caution when treating children under three years of age. Even a foot massage with essential oil can trigger an allergic shock.

Application in cosmetology

Thanks to healing composition The oil is widely used to care for hair, face and hands.

Taking care of your hair

The use of fir oil for hair in the form of masks prevents hair loss by strengthening its roots. Hair becomes shiny and healthy.

  • Nourishing hair mask. Two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, 2 drops of oil, mix until smooth. Rub into hair roots. Put a rubber cap on your head and wrap it in a warm scarf. Leave for one and a half to two hours. Rinse off.

The mask is useful for oily hair. It improves functioning sebaceous glands. It should be done once every three days.

  • Using a mask of two tablespoons of burdock oil and five drops of fir oil stimulates hair growth. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to hair. Massage your hair and scalp for fifteen minutes (you can use a brush with natural bristles). Rinse off with warm water.

The mask copes well with dandruff and restores damaged hair.

  • To strengthen weak, split ends, mix onion juice, a tablespoon of honey, and 3 drops of oil. Siberian fir. Apply to hair and rub in. Put a rubber cap on your head and wrap it in a warm scarf. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour. If not discomfort, extend the procedure to 40 minutes. Rinse off.

To avoid irritation skin It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dose.


Olga. I add it to shampoo. I'm very pleased. The hair becomes fluffy and shiny. A friend made a nourishing mask, the effect exceeded expectations.

How to use hair care oil:

Taking care of your skin

Fir oil has found application thanks to
healing properties flavonoids nourish, rejuvenate, smooth the skin. It removes small wrinkles. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands (important for oily facial skin).

Use on oily skin gives a positive cosmetic effect.

  • Whipped mask tightens pores egg white with three drops of oil.
  • A mask of boiled potatoes (mash thoroughly), a tablespoon of heavy cream or natural yogurt and three drops of oil.

All masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a damp cotton swab. After this, wash your face with warm water ( better than a decoction herbs).

Do not apply pure Siberian fir essential oil to your face. This may cause irritation and swelling. It is permissible to apply the oil directly to pimples and blackheads for no more than 10 minutes.

Fir oil can be used for cooking cosmetic ice. The use of the product tones the facial skin and prevents premature aging.

To do this, dilute two teaspoons of honey in 0.5 liters of warm water. Add five drops of healing oil. Pour the liquid into ice cube trays and freeze.

Rub the cubes over your face every morning.


Marina. Masks are great for wrinkles. The skin of the face is smoothed. But one session is ineffective. You need to do it at least a couple of times a week.

Taking care of your nails and skin

Pure fir oil should not be applied to the skin of the hands due to possible skin irritation.

You can choose olive or rapeseed oil as a base for masks and creams.

  • A bath of flaxseed decoction with a few drops of fir oil softens, smoothes, and eliminates dryness. Immerse your hands in warm liquid for half an hour.
  • Once a month, do warm wraps. To do this, mix vegetable oil and a few drops of fir oil, heat slightly, apply to soft cloth. Wrap your hand, put plastic wrap on top, and wrap it with a scarf. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Repeat for the other hand.
  • It's easy to make an environmentally friendly, nourishing hand cream at home.

Prepare an infusion of several herbs, taken in equal proportions (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, sage, calendula). Combine two tablespoons of infusion, a teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Add a little butter to make a thick mixture. Beat everything well (it’s easier to do this in a water bath). Lastly, pour in five drops of fir oil.

  • The nail plate is strengthened by a mixture of fir and jojoba essential oils. Apply it with a brush and let it absorb.
  • Fir oil completely destroys nail fungus and protects against re-infection.

To do this, the liquid is applied to the affected nail three times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


  • Anna . My nails are brittle and constantly peeling. Even lemon didn't help. I started making baths, just adding a few drops to warm water. The problem has disappeared. And the skin of my hands became very pleasant, silky.

Use in everyday life

  • Expels insects.

The property of fir to destroy mosquitoes, flies and other unpleasant neighbors was noticed long ago. Coniferous branches were laid out in the houses.

Instead of branches, you can make deodorant. Pour 1/4 cup of vodka into a liter of water, add 20 drops of fir oil. Shake. Pour into a spray bottle and spray around the apartment as needed.

Flying insects will quickly disappear.

As a pleasant bonus, the owner will receive disinfected air.

  • Eliminates unpleasant odors.

For this purpose, an aroma lamp is used.

A piece of cloth soaked in oil can help remove the smell in the refrigerator. It should be left on the shelf for a few minutes or the inner walls should be wiped.

  • Fights mold.

Particularly good at eliminating black mold in the bathroom. To do this, you need to wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab and pay attention to the joints between the tiles. For prevention, from time to time disinfect the air in the bathroom using an aroma lamp.

Beware of fakes

Price for 50 ml of fir oil ranges from 150 to 250 rubles. You can also find cheaper offers (in a number of pharmacies the price ranges from 40 to 70 rubles).

It is worth thinking about the feasibility of saving.

The raw materials are quite expensive. Unscrupulous manufacturers often reduce the price by adding cheap vegetable oils and alcohols. This is not the worst option.

It’s worse when synthetic analogues are introduced into the composition.

Interesting video about fir oil:

Need to know!

  • Real Siberian fir oil is transparent, with a slight greenish or yellowish tint.

The presence of sediment, structure separation, or rich color indicates a low-quality product.

  • You can check the authenticity of the product by applying a couple of drops to a piece of paper. Let dry. Remaining oil traces indicate the presence of foreign additives.
  • A very strong pine smell should also alert you. Natural fir oil has a light pine aroma.

Fir is a coniferous plant, from the branches, cones and needles of which it is extracted medicinal oil. On New Year place fir instead of standard spruce, it will not only retain its presentable appearance for longer, but will also improve the body’s aroma. The oil has found application in aromatherapy, cosmetology, and medicine.

Fir oil, like others, is obtained by steam distillation. Old trees produce more ether, so they are used more often than others.

This product is stored long time- up to 10 years if storage requirements are met. But silver fir oil loses its properties after 2 years. At the same time, it becomes not only useless, but sometimes also toxic, dangerous to human health.


It is used in cosmetology, treatment and in solving some everyday issues. Its properties are extensive:

  • Has a beneficial effect on respiratory function, protects against inflammation, acute respiratory infections, flu, especially during increased danger get a cold. Used for prevention and treatment.
  • Useful for people with hypertension and hypotension, as it regulates blood pressure. It is used to stabilize blood sugar levels, so diabetics and people prone to this disease are recommended to have regular preventive actions with fir oil.
  • Heals wounds. But it cannot be applied undiluted to these places; it is recommended to combine it with badger, pig or goose fat. The mixture is applied to cracks, cuts, eczema and other minor damage to the skin.

    For serious injuries, fir oil is no longer suitable.

    All of the above properties are due to the rich composition of fir oil.

    Application in cosmetology

    Women love to take care of their body, maintaining the beauty of their skin for many years, so as not to age prematurely and become covered with hated wrinkles. Some visit cosmetic procedures, which cost a lot of money. Some people take care of themselves at home and use expensive cosmetics. But nature has long ago prepared all the most valuable things for us, so not taking advantage of its gifts is simply a sin. One of these gifts is fir oil, which has long been used in the treatment of certain cosmetic problems.

    This remedy has a wound-healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect. That is why it is widely used in the treatment skin diseases, such as: eczema, wounds and cracks, dermatitis, psoriasis. Relieves acne, purulent rashes, furunculosis.

    For oily skin fir oil is also effective. It removes increased sebum production, cleanses pores, and the skin condition is normalized. Women over 30 years of age use the anti-wrinkle product to get rid of them and as a preventive measure.

    The only exception may be spot application to inflamed areas, such as acne.

    Cosmetic products are enriched with fir oil: creams, shampoos, and rinses are made using this product. For this they take single dose any cream and drip 3-5 drops of oil into it and apply it to the face, as you usually do every day.

    To keep the skin of the whole body toned and good condition do massages. To do this, add 5-7 fir oil to the massage product, oil or cream and rub for 40-60 minutes. It is recommended to perform such procedures every other day in a course of 10-12 times.

    Fir oil is combined with other oils both in aroma and in its beneficial properties. It could be juniper oil.

    Application in medicine

    This product is used not only to maintain the beauty of the body and face, but also in folk medicine. It is not used as often as juniper oil or other softwood oils. It is sold in pharmacies and has a fairly high cost. But despite this, fir oil is known in narrow circles and is most often used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, skin diseases, to restore damaged hair, to get rid of certain types of pain.

    The main feature of fir oil is its disinfectant properties.

    It kills pathogenic bacteria from the environment, purifies the air and gets rid of airborne infections.

    Fir oil will relieve the following diseases respiratory tract:

    • Runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis.
    • Bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.
    • Flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
    • Cough.

    To get rid of these ailments, rub with fir oil in combination with other base oils, inhalation, instillation, and rinsing.

    Treatment of skin diseases:

    • Burns, minor injuries to the upper layer of the epidermis. For the treatment of serious and deep wounds doesn't fit.

    • Herpetic eruptions on the surface of the skin. To do this, soak a cotton swab in oil and apply it to the sore spot several times a day.
    • Fungal diseases of the feet. To do this, gauze cloth is soaked in fir oil and lotions are applied for 5 minutes for 5 days until complete healing.
    • To treat bedsores and diaper rash, pure fir oil is applied to the affected areas.

    Treatment of pain and spasms:

    • For toothache, stomatitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis, apply lotions with a cotton swab, which is soaked in fir oil, and rinse.
    • If the joints are inflamed, take a warm bath, rub the affected area with alcohol, and then with fir oil. It relieves inflammation and pain.
    • For pain during an attack of angina, lubricate the heart area with fir oil. The pain subsides in a short period of time, the patient feels relief.
    • For insomnia, take warm baths with 5 drops of oil.
    • To treat inflammation in the vagina, make sitz baths of 3 liters of water with 2 drops of fir oil for 15 minutes. Water temperature - 40 degrees. Course – 2 weeks.

    Household use

    They are also used in everyday life. This can be not only deodorizing the room, but also cleaning it from infections, fungi, corrosive odors, and insects.

    There are several ways to use fir oil in everyday matters:

    1. The apartment is cleaned at least once a week. Before vacuuming the house, you should soak a piece of cotton wool in oil and suck it in with a vacuum cleaner. This will release the aroma from technical device throughout the cleaning. This will remove the unpleasant odor from tobacco, refresh the room, and regular use of such aromatization of the apartment will get rid of mold on the walls. Any aromatic oils are suitable for this, for example, lavender oil, lemon balm, etc.
    2. Fir oil is also used as an air freshener. Instead of buying expensive chemicals, which contain a lot of things that are not very useful for the human body, make a natural spray that will take care of both the pleasant aroma of your home and your health. To do this, add a few drops of fir oil and water to a spray bottle and periodically spray throughout the apartment. During repairs, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of oil to paint or wallpaper glue, especially if there is fungus in the room.
    3. Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, oil sprays can be used in the room where a sick person is lying. This will reduce the bacteria in the air and speed up recovery.

    Before adding oil to water, dissolve it in ethyl alcohol, take 2-3 teaspoons of alcohol per 5-7 drops of oil.

    After this, this amount of oil-alcohol mixture is poured into half a liter of water.


    One of the contraindications in the use of fir oil is childhood up to 12 years of age and adults over 55 years of age.

    Use with caution for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnant and lactating women, people with liver and kidney diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

    We must not forget that fir oil must be used diluted and only in exceptional cases Apply topically when clean.

    Fir oil - useful remedy from many ailments.

Hello, friends!

I found a bottle of fir oil at home and thought that I hadn’t yet told you how I actively used it in the most different situations. Now there is no particular need for it, so I forgot about it. But the use of fir oil is worthy of attention.

The healing properties of fir oil are simply amazing and thanks to them, such a miracle is used both externally and internally: for a runny nose and cough, sore throat, joint pain, radiculitis and burns, mastopathy and acne.

Fir oil: medicinal properties

Fir is a very smart tree; it cannot grow in a polluted atmosphere, but only in the cleanest ecological regions, mainly in Eastern Siberia. Therefore, the natural oil produced from parts of this tree is truly pure.

Fir oil has been used in folk medicine for a long time; it is one of the most expensive pine oils. Although industry now produces it in large volumes, so the price of a bottle of fir oil in a pharmacy is about 40 rubles per 10 ml.

Oil with the most pleasant aroma creates a unique smell of fresh coniferous forest in the premises. To do this, you can leave it in in the right place a piece of cloth soaked in oil.

A bath with fir oil calms the nerves, helps relax muscles, relieve fatigue, promotes calm, deep sleep and generally prolongs youth. It is enough to add 3-5 grams of oil to the bath.

What is the secret of the life-giving power of fir oil, how is it useful?

Fir oil contains more than 35 useful substances, which kill microbes, stimulate the body’s defenses, increase blood circulation in organs, and improve their functioning.

Fir medicine tones, strengthens, activates the function of the sex glands, endocrine system. Relieves inflammation and provides excellent pain relief.

And most importantly - biologically active substances fir oil is able to penetrate deep through the skin and tissue to the very source of the disease.

Application of fir oil

In its properties and application, it is very similar to, to which we have already devoted a separate topic.

Fir oil for colds and flu, coughs, sore throats

When I had a cold, I first of all used fir oil.

  1. You can rub your feet, arms, chest, and back with it - up to six times a day.
  2. Fir oil for a runny nose is instilled into the nose one drop at a time. True, I didn’t really like this procedure, as there was a slight burning sensation, sneezing, and tears flowed from my eyes. Although after 15 minutes everything passed. But this is much better than instilling naphthyzin, which you get used to and then cannot get rid of. By the way, fir oil helps.

I gave preference to inhalations.

  1. Inhalations with fir oil are good for a runny nose and cough; they are effective for bronchitis, both acute and chronic, for pneumonia, and even relieve asthma attacks.

Before the procedure, do a sensitivity test to fir malt to see if you are allergic to it.

Boil water and drop 2-3 drops of fir essential oil into it, cover with a large towel and breathe over the steam for no more than 5-7 minutes.

I liked this kind of treatment, because at the same time you breathe in the pine aroma, as if you were in the taiga. And relief came immediately.

You can achieve a kind of inhalation if, after rubbing your body with oil, you cover your head with a blanket and breathe for a few minutes.

  1. If your nose is stuffy, you can breathe in the vapors of fir oil by dropping it on a handkerchief and bringing it to your nose.
  2. We also practiced taking fir oil for coughs internally - putting 3-5 drops of oil in your mouth at night and swallowing them.
  3. Likewise, for a sore throat, 1-2 drops of pure oil were dripped deeper onto the tonsils. You can lubricate the tonsils cotton swab, soaked in oil. It is advisable to also instill fir oil into the nose at the same time.

The use of fir oil for skin problems and toothache

Juvenile acne can be easily treated with fir oil; to do this, apply it to acne and pimples before going to bed.

Fir oil is used to remove warts and treat nail fungus and herpes. The desired area is lubricated 3-4 times a day with pure oil.

For diaper rash, psoriasis, minor cuts and scratches, treat the surface with pure oil.

Oil cannot be used in its pure form on large-area wounds, as it can cause burns. In such cases (for eczema, ulcers, festering wounds, lichen), an ointment is made with the addition of any fat - melted butter, internal goose, pork or badger. For 1 part oil – 2 parts fat.

The ointment is well mixed and used 2-3 times a day for up to 25 days in a row.

For bleeding gums or toothache, moisten a strip of bandage in clean oil and apply it to the gum. First hold it for 15-20 minutes on one side of the tooth, then transfer the bandage to the other side.

Fir oil in gynecology

For warning inflammatory diseases It is recommended to take baths from decoctions of chamomile, calendula, linden with the addition of fir oil. Such baths improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

For mastitis, apply compresses to the chest with fir oil, which is pre-mixed with baby cream.