The most powerful remedies for thrush in women. Thrush tablets for women

There are dozens of domestic and imported drugs on pharmacy shelves, but if you purchase them without first taking a smear and without consulting a gynecologist, there is a high risk of the disease becoming chronic. Uncontrolled use of medications – main reason that the number of cases of thrush is increasing year by year. If you are interested in productive treatment thrush, then when the first symptoms are detected, you should act according to the following scheme.

Taking a smear for flora

This painless procedure is necessary to determine the composition of the microflora. Normally, it should contain 90% of lactobacilli and several copies of Candida and Gardnerella. During the examination of the sample, the number of bacteria, leukocytes, and pseudomycelium of yeast fungi is determined. If the latter are detected, then it is possible additional analysis- culture of microflora, which makes it clear which of the 150 names of fungi of the genus Candida is to blame for the inflammation. When the diagnostic titer of the fungus is higher than 104 CFU/ml, a diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis is made.

Prescription of medications

In case of acute and chronic candidiasis, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the causative agents of the disease - Candida fungi. To do this, you need to take a course of antibiotic tablets. They are prescribed only by a doctor and sold at a pharmacy with a prescription.

Both women and doctors view pills against candidiasis favorably. If suppositories and special gels need to be used for at least a week, then tablets get rid of thrush in 1-3 days (not always, you need to consult a doctor). At the same time, they affect Candida fungi not only in the vagina, but also in all other organs, making a recurrence of the disease unlikely.

The main groups of drugs used to treat candidiasis in women:

  • Triazole antibiotics (Flucostat, Diflucan, Mikosist, etc.).
  • Polyene antibiotics (Nystatin, Levorin, etc.).
  • Antibiotics of the imidazole group (Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole).
  • Macrolides (Natamycin, Pimafucin, etc.).
  • Combined drugs (Polygynax, Terzhinan, etc.).

Let's figure out how the drugs in each of these groups work.

Polyene antibiotics are of natural origin. They act by destroying the integrity of the fungal cell membrane. Polyenes are not characterized by absorption from gastrointestinal tract. One of the first drugs in this group was nystatin, however, due to its low bioavailability (3-5%), if it is prescribed, then taking tablets is combined with the administration of suppositories. The next two representatives of the group, amphotericin and levorin, have high toxicity and are prescribed very rarely.

Low-toxic drugs of a number of macrolides include Natamycin (Pimafucin). It is effective against most yeast-like fungi and does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes. Its main advantage is the possibility of treating vaginal candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs of the class of triazole compounds inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol and prevent further reproduction and growth of fungi. They act only on fungal cells without affecting metabolism female hormones. In addition, medications based on fluconazole are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, absorbed by more than 90%, and are effective for 30 hours after taking the tablet. Currently, they are prescribed mainly for acute or chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis.

Antibiotics of the imidazole group have a pronounced fungicidal effect and penetrate well deep into tissues. According to research data, clotrimazole cures thrush in 70-82% of cases, miconazole in 80%, ketoconazole in 68%. Efficiency largely depends on acidity gastric juice.

Combination drugs may contain several antibiotics at once. Thus, among the components of Terzhinan, the antibiotic neomycin, hormonal drug, prednisolone, which relieves inflammation, and the substance ternidazole, which suppresses the activity of candidiasis pathogens.

Medicines available without a prescription local application. These are various suppositories, douching solutions (Vagotil, Betadine). Considering general state, severity of the disease and accompanying illnesses The gynecologist may prescribe systemic therapy or treatment with local drugs.

Purchasing medicine from a pharmacy and using it

The first place women visit after leaving the clinic in 90% of cases is the pharmacy. Most people are lucky and just buy the right medicine. For others, the pharmacist, due to the lack of a prescribed drug, advises them to purchase an analogue drug (this can happen even if the price is original drug is very high). Is it worth purchasing a generic medicine and what is an analogue medicine? As soon as the patent (a document that does not allow other pharmaceutical companies to produce the invented drug) expires, the production of a drug that has the same chemical formula and the same active ingredient. There is no longer any need to spend money on its testing and development, so the analogue is much cheaper. This is definitely a plus. However, it is also worth paying attention to the disadvantages. The degree and quality of purification of analogue drugs from impurities is much lower than that of original drugs. This affects the bioavailability of the drug and significantly increases the number of side effects.

The next stage is the treatment of thrush (candidiasis) with the purchased drug.

A drug Analogue Mode of application special instructions
Terzhinan Release form: vaginal tablets. Unique Vaginal tablets are inserted once a day into the vagina, after first keeping the tablet in water for 30 seconds. After administering the drug, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 (sometimes 20) days. Allowed during pregnancy
Livarol Release form: vaginal suppositories "Ketoconazole", "Oronazole", "Mycoquet" The suppository is inserted deep into the vagina before bedtime. Course of treatment: mild candidiasis – 3-5 days, acute or chronic candidiasis – 10 days. Allowed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Diflucan Single dose 150 mg. drug (without chewing, just swallow). For frequent cases of thrush, you can take 150 mg once a month.
Pimafucin Release forms: enteric tablets, cream, vaginal suppositories Treatment of vaginal candidiasis is possible with suppositories. Suppositories are administered once a day in a lying position. Duration of treatment: 3-6 days. For acute candidiasis, additional tablets are taken: 4 r. per day one tablet. Duration of treatment is 10-20 days. Treatment is not carried out during menstruation. Allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Treatment of genital candidiasis in a partner is carried out with Pimafucin cream
Clotrimazole Release forms: vaginal tablets, suppositories, solution, ointment or cream.
Hexicon Release form: vaginal suppositories Suppositories are administered twice a day for 7-10 days. Not compatible with soap
Mikosist Taken similarly to Diflucan
Polygynax Release form: vaginal capsules Inject 1 capsule per day deep into the vagina, then spend some time lying down. The course of treatment is 10-12 days (in case of prophylactic use - 6 days).
Klion-D Release form: vaginal tablets Twice a day, 1 tablet for 10 days. Before administration, the tablet is moistened in boiled cool water. During treatment, it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse.
Gyno-Travogen Release form: candles 1 suppository deep into the vagina for 3 days in a row.

For treatment to be successful...

Taking medications is not the key to cure. Correction plays every role immune status and diet, hygiene.

  1. Taking immunocorrective drugs. One of the causes of vaginal candidiasis is weak immunity. Therefore, its stimulation will help get rid of the disease faster and also prevent its reoccurrence. Check with your doctor which drug is suitable for your case.
  2. Nutritional features. For active reproduction of the fungus, a sufficient amount of glycogen is necessary, which in turn is formed from glucose. Glucose is found in all sweets and confectionery products, fresh baked goods. In addition, they promote the proliferation of candidiasis pathogens alcoholic drinks, vinegar. Vinegar is also present in ketchup and mayonnaise, so it is also advisable to exclude these products. You should lean on unsweetened fruits, lemons and lingonberries, carrot juice and seaweed, spices ( Bay leaf and cloves), natural yoghurts And herbal teas.
  3. Hygiene. During the course of treatment, you should abstain from sexual intercourse, wash your face twice a day, refuse panty liners and antibacterial soap(in addition to yeast fungi, it also kills beneficial lactobacilli).

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis is not only about taking medications prescribed by the gynecologist. This includes eliminating factors predisposing to vaginal candidiasis, increasing immunity, treating sexual partner candidiasis, and much more. Do not forget that only a doctor can conduct a full examination and treatment.

Thrush makes significant adjustments to the life of any woman. Candidiasis is one of the most common infections of the genitourinary system.

It occurs due to the colonization of microflora by microscopic fungi of the Candida group, which are present in healthy body. An excessive increase in bacteria leads to an inflammatory process.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs that differ in release form and methods of application. Which one to use is decided by each woman individually with her doctor.

When thrush occurs, treatment can take place quickly and effectively only with the use of high-quality medicine. Women often doubt which form of medication to choose, because today there are various variations in the pharmacy: suppositories, ointments, tablets.

Each type pharmacological form has its own specific features, which you need to know when choosing a drug.


The use of this type of drug is popular, but few people know that they will only be effective on initial stage infections when Candida fungi have recently settled in the microflora.

The advantage of suppositories is that they have a minimum of contraindications and act locally on the site of the disease. The duration of therapy depends on the drug chosen.


The use of ointments is based on the same action as when using candles. They kill fungi by local action and are able to get rid of them within 2 weeks. bothersome symptoms diseases.

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A positive factor is the use of many types of this form of the drug during pregnancy. But there is also a significant disadvantage - the remedy will be ineffective in the chronic form of candidiasis.

They are a type of oral medications. As a rule, this is the highest quality and quick way impact on pathology, especially if it is chronic.

If the course of taking suppositories and ointments is generally designed for at least 7 days, then among oral medications there are those that can kill fungi in 2 doses.

Gynecologists often prescribe tablets after unsuccessful therapy with local drugs. This form of medication has a significant advantage: it can a short time to solve a problem.

Tablets are the highest quality and fastest way to influence pathology, especially if it is chronic.

If the course of taking suppositories and ointments is generally designed for at least 7 days, then among oral medications there are those that can kill fungi in 2 doses.

The disadvantage of tablets is side effects And wide list contraindications (in some medications).

It is important to know! Only a gynecologist after an examination can select a drug for thrush, the treatment of which will quickly and effectively get rid of the infection. It is necessary to know the stage of the disease and the causes in order to correctly carry out drug therapy.

Top 10 effective remedies for candidiasis

In the pharmacy the drug can be presented in the form of capsules, powder for self-cooking suspension and solution. The dosage is calculated by the doctor and depends on the duration and severity of thrush.

Therapy lasts on average 7 days. It is undesirable to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation period. The average cost of a medicine is 500 rubles.

Refers to products that have a wide variety of release forms. Today you can buy Pimafucin in the form of cream, suppositories and tablets. The drug is interesting because it involves treatment of both partners.

Cream is ideal for men, and vaginal suppositories for women.

Tablets are usually taken 4 times a day for a week. The suppositories are designed for therapy for 9 days, 1 suppository before bedtime. The cream is the longest in terms of application time - from 2 to 3 weeks.

Apply to the affected area of ​​the body. The advantage of the drug is that it is inexpensive and is not contraindicated during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The average price is 350 rubles. It is an inexpensive remedy for thrush, treatment is quick and effective. Due to the affordable cost, variety of shapes and high quality

earned trust and popularity. Available in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories, vaginal tablets , solution for external use. The course of treatment is usually no longer than 4 weeks.

Cream and ointment are applied 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. Local forms are used for a week, 1 suppository or tablet at night.

. The average cost of the drug is 100 rubles. Available in the form. vaginal suppositories The course of treatment is on average 5 days.

It is necessary to administer 1 suppository at night. The drug can be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The average price is 500 rubles. Carefully! When using Livarol, you need to take into account specific side effect . While using candles, your partner may experience allergic reaction


– hyperemia of the penis. Used in the form of suppositories or vaginal tablets. The drug is administered into the vagina 2 times a day for 7 days. Contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy.

The average cost is 250 rubles.

These are enteric capsules or an injection solution that are effectively used in the treatment of protracted forms of thrush. Can cure candidiasis of any localization quickly and effectively. The dosage is prescribed strictly individually according to the doctor's prescription. The average course of therapy is 2 weeks. Cannot be used by small children and pregnant women.

One of the modern popular medications, available in the form of a spray and gel, intended for care and personal hygiene for candidiasis. Can be used throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The course of application of the spray is 5 days. It is necessary to treat the affected area 6 times a day. The average price is 550 rubles.

Is an excellent remedy for fungal infections. One of the popular products, available in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories. Use is limited to the administration of 1 suppository or tablet at night.

Therapy lasts 7 days. When using the tablet, the manufacturer advises keeping it in a humid environment for 30 seconds before administration. Contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. The drug costs from 360 to 450 rubles.


The drug is sold in capsule form. It is used on the first day at 400 mg, then in the next 24 hours you should take another 250-400 mg of the medication.

A potent remedy that has many contraindications. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. C ena – 500 rubles for 3 capsules.


At the pharmacy this remedy can be seen in the form of vaginal suppositories and intravaginal emulsion. The course of therapy lasts from a week to 14 days. You need to take one capsule in the evening, preferably before bed.

The emulsion is used for young children according to the same scheme. The average price of candles is 600 rubles, emulsions are 450.

All of the above medications are widely used when thrush occurs; treatment is quick and effective if there are no associated complications.

How to achieve quick results in therapy

In order for the healing process to be better and more effective for candidiasis, it is necessary to use additional methods of influencing the infection.

These techniques may include:

  • use of immunomodulatory drugs;
  • diet;
  • restoration of normal microflora;
  • compliance with the rules intimate hygiene;
  • elimination of factors and causes affecting candidiasis.

It is simply necessary to increase immunity during thrush, then the treatment will take place quickly enough. Today there are many immunomodulatory agents that help increase the body's strength for active struggle with Candida fungus.

Promote vitality the body will help special diet which ideally all women should adhere to.

Besides modern drugs you can use available folk recipes, promoting immune therapy.

Recipe 1. Ingredients: honey, onion, lemon and orange. All components, except honey, are used in equal proportions and actively mixed. Then add 5 tbsp. spoons of sweet ingredient. The drug is used for about a month, 3 tbsp. spoons 2 times a day.

Recipe 2. Ordinary dry black currant leaves are infused for 20 minutes boiled water. Peeled and chopped garlic (5 cloves) is added to the broth. The entire mixture is simmered over low heat for another 3 minutes. Take before meals 2 times a day. The course of immune therapy is 30 days.

A special diet, which ideally all women should adhere to, will help increase the vitality of the body.

Use natural products will help you forget what thrush is.

You should include foods that strengthen your immune system every day in your diet:

  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, carrots);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt);
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits (kiwi, orange, avocado, grapes);
  • pine nuts;
  • olive oil;
  • marine fish.

Note! Gynecologists do not recommend using drugs with immunomodulatory effects on your own, as this can be very dangerous. Before using them, you must take an immunogram.

Doctors agree that eating natural foods and managing healthy image life will help you forget what thrush is. Treatment is quick and effective only with an integrated approach.

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This approach also includes caring for intimate area and restoration of optimal vaginal microflora. Personal hygiene rules will help you avoid repeated relapse. During therapy, this may include baths using chamomile.

Washing with oak bark or baking soda solution will also help you forget about candidiasis faster.

Simple, effective and available methods. Baths and douching based on medicinal natural herbs should promote rapid and effective treatment with thrush.

Chamomile-based baths and douches should facilitate quick and effective treatment for thrush.

To avoid relapses of candidiasis, you should avoid bad habits and factors leading to its occurrence:

  • decreased immunity due to colds or other illnesses;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • increased environmental humidity.

New generation drugs for thrush

Pharmacological developments do not stand still and scientists have developed a new generation of drugs for candidiasis. They are able to get rid of Candida fungi in a minimum period of time. They belong to the 4th generation antimycotics. Unfortunately, not all drugs have reached the market; some are still at the clinical trials.

The group of 4th generation antimycotics includes: Ambizom, Abelset, Amfocil.

Antimycotics, which are just beginning to be introduced into pharmacy chains, belong to the group of polyenes. Main active substance These antibiotics are liposomal amphotericin B. This group of drugs includes: ambisome, abelset, amphocil.

Today the most effective medications against thrush are drugs from the second group - 4th generation triazoles.

They are able to act directly on the focal lesion and its localization. For example, the drug Caspofungin is already actively distributed on the international market

. It is also planned to introduce analogues of this medication, which will be called Micafungin and Anidulafungin, in the shortest possible time. Treating thrush should be taken seriously. If therapy is based on A complex approach , including modern medicines, folk remedies and additional incentives in the form of giving up bad habits and observing personal hygiene rules, then positive effect

will be guaranteed.

Video: what drugs to quickly and effectively treat thrush

About the symptoms, causes and methods of treating thrush in this video: About the treatment of thrush using methods traditional medicine

at home in this video: Gynecologist's advice about proper treatment

See thrush in this video: Thrush is inflammatory disease , which originates as a result of the activity of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Thrush or candidiasis is an unpleasant itching, burning and copious discharge from the vagina. The disease can be cured with the help of local and internal use

. How to treat thrush in women, you will learn from this article.


All medications for thrush in women are divided into 2 groups. The first group includes local preparations - ointments, suppositories, vaginal suppositories. The second group includes drugs for oral administration -. From locals medicines

  • Clotrimazole treatment of thrush in women is started; drugs with antimycotic activity are used for this purpose. Most often patients are prescribed: (analogues –). Clotrimazole is used for six days, using 1 suppository at night. The drug has an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of ergosterol, which is one of the most important components of the fungus.
  • Natamycin treatment of thrush in women is started; drugs with antimycotic activity are used for this purpose. Most often patients are prescribed: Pimafucin, Primafungin). This medicine can also be used during pregnancy, which is its advantage. The active substance included in the drug helps to disrupt the integrity of the pathogen’s cell membrane and its function. Suppositories are used once a day for one week.
  • Miconazole treatment of thrush in women is started; drugs with antimycotic activity are used for this purpose. Most often patients are prescribed: Mycozon, Ginesol, Daktarin). Miconazole suppositories are used for a week. This drug does not cause dysbiosis in the vagina, and shows its effectiveness in treating chronic thrush in women. It has antifungal and antibacterial effect, active substance, which is part of the drug, disrupts the intracellular synthesis of fungi, which leads to their death.
  • Ketoconazole treatment of thrush in women is started; drugs with antimycotic activity are used for this purpose. Most often patients are prescribed: Livarol). Ketoconazole has an almost immediate effect, but with prolonged use, the fungus may develop drug resistance.

Note! It is possible to treat thrush in women with local medications for 2-7 days. During the period of taking topical medications, you should wash with disinfectant solutions of soda or potassium permanganate.

Oral medications have an effective effect on candidiasis, but it should be understood that they can also have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. This is why many pills are sold only by prescription.

If doses are not observed or antifungal drugs are taken incorrectly, an infectious fungus may develop drug resistance, after which it will be quite difficult to cure candidiasis.

For the treatment of thrush in women, the tablets most often prescribed are Flucostat and its analogues: Fluconazole, Mycoflucan, Mycomax, Diflucan. In unadvanced cases of candidiasis, one tablet of Fluconazole may be sufficient. In advanced forms of the disease, the drug is used according to a special scheme: tablets are taken on the first, fourth and seventh days of treatment.

In addition to main therapy

After treatment, the vaginal microflora often suffers. In order to restore it and prevent relapses, as well as for prevention, you can use special women's probiotics.

One of the most common infectious diseases is thrush. Its development is provoked by the candida fungus. The disease affects the mucous membranes and occurs in children, women and men. The symptoms of infection are very unpleasant, so it is worth starting therapy immediately after detecting the first signs of infection.

Cure for thrush

There are several ways to treat this unpleasant illness. It is recommended to choose drugs for thrush taking into account numerous factors. The disease can develop in men, women or children, affecting the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose or genital area. Taking into account clinical picture can be used:

It is recommended that your doctor discuss the effectiveness of a particular treatment method. All antifungal medical supplies are divided into local and internal. Ointments and creams for chronic thrush and advanced diseases are ineffective, but they help get rid of itching and relieve irritation. If you believe the reviews, then the most effective is complex therapy, which combines local drugs against thrush and antimycotic capsules with home remedies.

Preparations for thrush in women

At home, vulvovaginal candidiasis and other types of this disease They are treated with herbal decoctions, creams and tablets that contain antimicrobial components. Almost all medications for thrush for women have a wide spectrum of action, so you need to select them carefully so as not to harm your health. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

An important stage of treatment is determining sensitivity to antifungal drugs. At the initial stage it is better to choose local remedies to combat thrush, and for chronic genital candidiasis, a course of special tablets (nitroimidazoles) is needed. Women should be especially responsible for treatment during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Popular drugs for the treatment of candidiasis in girls:

  1. Vaginal capsules with fenticonazole Lomexin.
  2. Suppositories Miconazole, Pimafucin, Neotrizol.
  3. A single dose of Fluconazole ( cheap analogue Flucostat).

Remedies for thrush in men

This disease can develop not only in women, but also in men, however, its treatment has its own peculiarities. How to get rid of candidiasis? It is necessary to choose drugs with a strong effect for topical application. Use special antifungal gels, ointments and creams twice a day until signs of infection disappear. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take pills orally. To alleviate the condition, you can pay attention to folk remedies (soda solution, infusions useful herbs and other). Additionally, patients are prescribed a diet.

What drugs to treat thrush in men:

  • Econazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Iconazole;
  • Clotrimazole solution;
  • Natamycin.

Remedy for thrush in children

When children are sick, it is especially important for parents to choose the best remedy from thrush. In modern pharmacies there are several common medications that differ in price and form of release. How to treat candidiasis in a child? You can consider an antifungal agent for the treatment of thrush in children from the following list:

  1. Miramistin has a wide range of actions. The product is available in the form of an ointment or medicinal solution. The composition is applied in a small layer to the damaged area.
  2. Candide – effective remedy, according to parents' reviews. For babies it is prescribed in the form of a solution, which is used to treat the affected area. Take no more than 3 times every day, course – up to two weeks.
  3. Nystatin is an antibiotic available in tablet form. It can be prescribed for advanced and severe forms. The composition sometimes causes allergies.

Topical antifungal drugs

If the disease is light form, then it is recommended local treatment solutions, sprays, ointments, and it is worth taking antibacterial tablets in severe cases. The fact is that antibiotics have a negative effect on bladder, liver and kidneys. Below are popular antifungal drugs for thrush local action:

  1. Canesten – antibacterial gel, cream, vaginal tablets.
  2. Nystatin ointment is an effective remedy with low cost.
  3. Miconazole is one of the top most popular medications for local treatment of thrush.
  4. Levorin is another effective topical treatment that is reasonably priced.

Candles for thrush

When candidiasis bothers women, the most convenient treatment is suppositories. During therapy with vaginal suppositories, the substances of the drug actively penetrate the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, discomfort and itching. The most popular are Lomexin, Zalain, Diflucan suppositories for thrush. The course of treatment lasts, depending on the location of the infection, up to 14 days. This method of therapy is not recommended for use during menstruation, except for suppositories based on Povidone-Iodine: Betadine or Sertaconazole.

Vaginal tablets for thrush

Often suppositories are confused with vaginal tablets due to a similar method of use. A doctor should prescribe treatment with such drugs. The use of vaginal tablets is effective even in advanced forms of the disease. Capsules are administered using an applicator or fingertip, pre-moistened with water. The use of tablets during pregnancy is allowed. The most popular drugs are presented below:

  1. Restore beneficial microflora vagina can be done by using topical preparations based on lactobacilli. For example, using Lactozhinal vaginal capsules. They contain enhanced lactobacilli LCR35, which contribute to the rapid normalization of pH and natural vaginal microflora. In the warm and moist environment of the vagina, they come to life and multiply, thus restoring the bacterial balance, which not only provides protection against pathogens, but also prevents the proliferation of thrush fungus, which distinguishes the product from analogues based on milk and ascorbic acid. Laktozhinal is a medicinal product and is approved for pregnancy and lactation. Thus, in addition to the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, the use of Lactozhinal ensures the prevention of relapses of thrush.
  2. Klion-D 100 – price – about 400 rubles.
  3. Terzhinan is a product containing nystatin, ternidazole, prednisolone. The cost of a package of 6 pieces is 330-380 rubles.
  4. Irunin - price about 300-350 rubles per package.

Creams against thrush

If you start local treatment when the first signs of the disease are detected, you can avoid the advanced form and relieve irritation. Anti-thrush cream for women is even suitable for therapy during lactation and pregnancy. The most popular means are presented below:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Candide
  • Triderm;
  • Zalain.

Spray for thrush in women

In addition to ointments, creams and suppositories, products in the form of aerosols can be used to treat candidiasis in the intimate area. Thrush spray is a safe treatment option, suitable for the early stages of the disease. The most popular are the following aerosol preparations:

  • Hasiko;
  • Panavir;
  • Kandiston;
  • Epigen.

Thrush capsules

Launched and chronic forms This disease requires serious treatment with antimicrobial agents. Popular oral tablets for thrush are presented below:

  1. Pimafucin is a well-known antibiotic, not allergic, can be used in the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women.
  2. Diflucan is a very effective broad-spectrum capsule. Contraindicated in pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases.
  3. Flucostat - tablets with a quick effect. Improvement is noted after taking one capsule.

Folk remedies for thrush

Except medicinal method treatment, there are numerous home recipes worth considering. For example, it is useful to replace hygiene products for thrush with a decoction of chamomile or string. However, the most popular way traditional therapy is douching. For it, decoctions of St. John's wort, a solution of soda or manganese are used. Treating thrush at home folk remedies happens more gently and safely. At the first signs of infection, localization of the fungus can be avoided if therapy is started in a timely manner.

Thrush is a disease inflammatory in nature, the appearance of which is provoked by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The disease causes great discomfort and discomfort as the following symptoms: itching and burning of the external genitalia, redness and swelling of the genitals, white discharge of a cheesy nature, discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination.

But besides all of the above, thrush is a disease with far-reaching consequences. Untreated candidiasis can lead to serious sexual dysfunction, problems with bearing a child, and even infertility.

In addition, if a pregnant woman has not been treated, then she can “reward” her child with a fungal infection from the first days of life.

Given what is known about thrush, the importance of timely treatment of this disease. Some people are stopped from going to the doctor by lack of money. But is it possible to find inexpensive remedy from thrush?

Which medicine for thrush should I choose?

As you know, any disease has its own cause, and candidiasis is no exception. Hormonal imbalance, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, poor diet, frequent hypothermia, lack of proper hygiene, presence chronic diseases, application oral contraceptives– all this and much more can provoke the development of the disease.

Effective treatment of thrush includes the following aspects:

  • elimination of infectious pathogen;
  • normalizing the vaginal microflora;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • timely treatment of the underlying disease against which candidiasis developed, or due to which the immune system was weakened.

Medicines that have an antimycotic agent effectively fight candidiasis; to put it simply, they neutralize the causative agents of thrush - fungal infection.

Expensive drugs are not always the most effective; there are also cheap drugs that also fight fungal infections well. Let's look at the most affordable options medications that will help get rid of thrush.

Effective remedies for thrush: TOP-6

I would like to immediately note that it is inadmissible to self-medicate. You can't just go to the pharmacy and buy cheap drug against thrush. The first step is to carry out and after making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor selects treatment. So, let's look at the most inexpensive and effective remedies for thrush.

Inexpensive tablets against thrush

Let's look at three tablet medications that effectively combat the manifestations of thrush and eliminate the very cause of the disease.


These tablets occupy a leading position in the ranking of effective and inexpensive antimycotic agents. Typically there is one tablet per package, but smaller dosage forms are available so you may need up to six tablets. Their average price ranges from 60-100 rubles.

The main active component of the drug effectively removes clinical manifestations diseases, in particular itching and burning.

It is also worth noting that the uncontrolled growth of a fungal infection leads to the formation of entire colonies of yeast-like fungi. So fluconazole effectively fights these growths.

The doctor selects the dosage of the drug based on individual characteristics development of the disease. That is why at the first symptoms of the disease it is better to consult a doctor for laboratory research and making the correct diagnosis.


Fluconazole, the active component of the drug, helps kill the fungal infection. In addition, it is able to fight with bacterial vaginosis, which increases its efficiency.

The product is used as a separate use, as it does not combine well with others. medicines. Mycomax should not be used during pregnancy.

Typically, a Mycomax tablet for vaginal candidiasis is taken once. At acute forms The remedy must be taken every month for six months. The cost of Mikomax is on average 150-200 rubles per package.

Speaking about mycomax, we can highlight some features:

  • the drug has wide range actions;
  • used in the treatment of not only candidiasis, but also many other infectious processes;
  • used for candidiasis of various localizations;
  • The product is also used for preventive purposes.

Complete instructions for using Mikomax.


Nystatin is an antifungal aggressive reagent that negatively affects fungal infections. Main active ingredient The drug is a polyene antibiotic element. Treatment is carried out both.

Nystatin destroys the protective membrane of the Candida cell, leading to its death. According to experts, small dosages of the drug stop the growth of yeast-like fungi, and large doses lead to their complete death.

A feature of nystatin is that it acts selectively. It neutralizes fungal infection, while colonies of other microorganisms are not destroyed.

However, the product should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, patients with gastrointestinal disorders should be careful when using nystatin. The cost of Nystatin tablets is from 30 to 50 rubles per package, Nystatin suppositories - from 30 to 90 rubles per package,

Sometimes side effects may occur in the form of the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea.

Complete instructions for using nystatin.

The cheapest suppositories for thrush for women

Candidiasis suppositories are the most in a convenient way local therapy vaginal thrush in women. The principle of operation of vaginal suppositories is associated with their deep penetration into the mucous membrane. Thanks to this effect, the causative agent of the disease is destroyed, the inflammatory process and clinical symptoms decrease.

It is worth remembering that uncontrolled use of medications for thrush can lead to a violation natural microflora and, as a consequence, the occurrence of relapses of the disease.


Vaginal suppositories Polygynax have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The drug is distinguished by a wide range of its effects, therefore it is used in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • endocervicitis;
  • and etc.

The main feature of the drug is that it can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, Polygynax is prescribed to prevent complications that may arise as a result of an infectious or bacterial process before childbirth. The cost of Polygynax candles ranges from 110-200 rubles.

The fact is that if a woman is not completely cured, then when passing through birth canal a child may become infected with a fungal infection and will have to be treated for thrush from the first days of his life oral cavity. In addition, according to experts, the product can be safely used during menstruation.

You can find a full description of the drug Polygynax.


Clotrimazole is a cheap remedy for thrush, which, in addition to its main purpose, is prescribed in the following cases:

  • various genital infections. But provided that the causative agents of these diseases are sensitive to the main component of vaginal suppositories.

Clotrimazole can be used already from the second trimester of pregnancy, and is also suitable for use during lactation.

TO negative aspects These suppositories may cause the following side effects:

  • discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse and urination;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • headache.

Clotrimazole should not be used during menstruation. Also, the first trimester is a contraindication to its use. The point is that in this the period is running bookmark is vital important organs and systems, therefore during this period it is extremely important to avoid the use of any medications. The price of Clotrimazole suppositories is 30-60 rubles.

You can find a full description of the drug Clotrimazole


Livarol is effective antifungal drug, which is used for primary vaginal candidiasis. Livarol is usually prescribed in the following cases:

  • acute or ;
  • prevention of fungal infections;
  • to normalize microflora during uncontrolled use antibiotics or with a weakened immune system.

It is important to understand that for successful treatment thrush should approach the problem comprehensively, taking care of proper nutrition, observing the rules of intimate hygiene and increasing immunity:

  • to strengthen your immune system, take multivitamins;
  • eat a balanced diet. Eliminate sweet and yeasty foods, as well as alcohol and spicy foods from your diet;
  • during treatment, refrain from intimacy;
  • wash your face twice a day and use special means for intimate hygiene.

As you can see, treatment of candidiasis is not always an expensive therapy. Using cheap medicines can give excellent results. The main thing is to start treatment on time and carry it out under the supervision of a specialist. The price of this drug is above average and amounts to 350-400 rubles.

Detailed instructions for using Livarol are available.