Symptoms and treatment of moderate sinus arrhythmia in children. Arrhythmia in a child: what is it and what to do? Moderate sinus arrhythmia in a teenager

Moderate sinus arrhythmia in a child is physiologically normal, does not require treatment and is associated with a period of active growth. The ventricles of the heart contract unevenly due to malfunctions of the nerve center - the sinus, which generates electrical impulses. The disease can progress and lead to heart failure. Children with symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia should receive periodic supportive treatment.

In children 4 years old, symptoms of arrhythmia include:

  • shortness of breath at rest;
  • capricious behavior;
  • deterioration of appetite, sleep;
  • pale skin;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • suspension and weight gain.

Severe sinus arrhythmia occurs in adolescents and is accompanied by diseases such as cardiosclerosis.


Sinus arrhythmia is diagnosed based on electrocardiogram (ECG) data and patient complaints. Additionally used ultrasonography heart - echocardiography, hormone analysis.

The main way to identify the cause of heart rhythm disturbances is daily or Holter ECG monitoring.

A small device for taking an ECG is attached to the patient’s belt, and the electrodes are attached with an adhesive tape to the skin of the chest at certain points. The child carries the device with him throughout the day without changing his usual lifestyle.

All changes are reflected on the ECG; after computer decoding, the doctor makes a conclusion, enters it into the medical history, and prescribes treatment. Monitoring allows you to capture changes in heart rate that occur only during exercise. Such changes can occur in a patient 1-2 times a day and are not detected when taking an ECG in the usual way.


For moderate sinus arrhythmia, provoked by physical fatigue and nervous stress, treatment with sedatives is prescribed. When treating, preference is given to Novopassit, Corvalol, hawthorn, valerian.



Prevention of moderate sinus arrhythmia in children is adherence to a sleep schedule, physical activity, nutrition. The child should often take walks and do exercises. The load should be dosed, useful hiking, running, skiing, swimming. To prevent complications, the child is given an ECG 4 times a year to prevent an unfavorable outcome of the disease.

Sinus arrhythmia in children is a disease that does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. With the development of this pathology, the duration of the intervals between heartbeats changes, while their frequency either remains within the normal range or changes up or down.

Sinus arrhythmia in children modern medicine classified as follows:

  • respiratory arrhythmia– during exhalation, the number of heart contractions decreases, and during inhalation, it increases. This is a compensatory reaction to bring more oxygen into the body;
  • arrhythmia not related to breathing.

Sinus arrhythmia, which is most often diagnosed in preschool patients age category, can be pronounced, moderate and sharp. Severe sinus arrhythmia in a child can be diagnosed both in children (up to 5 years old) and in schoolchildren (from 7 years to 10 years old).


Sinus arrhythmia in a child is usually accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  1. frequent fainting;
  2. pain in the heart area;
  3. fatigue;
  4. shortness of breath;
  5. cyanosis in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  6. gag reflex, nausea;
  7. lethargy;
  8. temperature changes (fluctuations within minor limits);
  9. there are interruptions in the functioning of the heart (shortening or increased heartbeat);
  10. feeling unwell even with little physical activity;
  11. pallor;
  12. dizziness, etc.

This pathology in the work of the heart can be hereditary, or it can develop against the background various problems with health, excess weight, underdevelopment of internal organs, unformed vegetative system, etc.


Each parent can suspect at home that the baby has a disorder heartbeat. To do this, just place your palm on the heart area (in the area of ​​the left nipple) and count the number of heartbeats. Failures can also be detected by palpation of the pulse. If parents identify any deviations from the norm, they need to immediately show their children to specialists, since more dangerous diseases have similar symptoms.

Sinus arrhythmia in young patients may be suspected by a pediatrician during an examination. To make an accurate diagnosis, children are sent for hardware examination.

This pathology can be detected on an ECG, so children, especially those involved in sports sections, are sent for this examination once every three months.

When identifying ECG sinus arrhythmias in mandatory refer such patients:

  • on laboratory examination, where they take the clinical and biochemical analysis blood and urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart (to assess the ejection fraction from the left ventricle to assess the sufficiency of its work);
  • transesophageal electrophysiological study;
  • control electrocardiographic examination.

If in the process of carrying out complex diagnostic measures doctors will not reveal more serious pathologies, the child will still be under the supervision of a cardiologist. Once every six months he will have to undergo an electrocardiographic examination, based on the results of which a specialist will coordinate him further actions. As a rule, this pathology is not treated.


Young children who have been diagnosed with sinus arrhythmia should eat a healthy diet. Parents must ensure compliance general recommendations specialists. It is necessary to exclude from the daily diet those foods that can provoke metabolic disorders, which will result in rapid weight gain. This is especially true for products with preservatives, taste improvers, and also containing a large number of saturated fats.

  1. dried apricots;
  2. zucchini;
  3. nuts;
  4. pumpkin, etc.

Portions for babies should be kept small (the volume of food will be compensated by the frequency of meals increased to 6), and the last feeding should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Physical exercise

Many parents panic at the mere mention of sinus arrhythmia, as they consider it an incurable disease that can change the usual rhythm of life of their children. Despite the seriousness of the name, this pathology does not prevent children from attending sports clubs. Moreover, with maturation of cardio-vascular system it usually goes away on its own (people say “The disease has outgrown”).

Doctors who treat such patients do not prohibit them from sports, but at the same time limit their strong physical exercise. The best solution there will be moderate loads that can keep you in good shape children's body. They will not lead to exacerbation and development of more complex pathological processes.

For children with sinus arrhythmia, experts recommend the following activities:

  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • good sleep (the child should not go to bed late);
  • morning exercises (you need to do exercises after waking up constantly);
  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • absence of stress and other nervous conditions;
  • healthy balanced diet(the emphasis should be on vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish);
  • yoga class, breathing exercises(under the supervision of experienced instructors), etc.

Every young patient should understand that this pathology may not go away with age., therefore it is extremely important to constantly monitor your condition. To do this, it will be enough to visit a cardiologist regularly and undergo hardware diagnostics.


Each married couple who plans to conceive a child must make every effort to ensure that he is born healthy, without hidden pathologies. To do this, you need to pay more attention to your health, and in the process of family planning, fulfill all the requirements of specialists. It is important to give up all bad habits(smoking, alcohol, etc.). During pregnancy, women should minimize exposure to strangers, especially with the onset of cold weather, when epidemics of influenza and other viral diseases begin.

Parents should regularly take their newborn baby for routine checkups and, if possible, not separate him/her from him for as long as possible. breastfeeding. When transferring to artificial mixtures It is important to prevent overeating so that the baby does not begin to gain excess weight.

Many examinations help to suspect as well as diagnose various disorders health. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that parents have their children examined annually. After all, the same electrocardiogram can reveal the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart. Probably everyone knows that the heart is a rhythmically working organ. Normally, the heartbeat rhythm is set by the so-called sinus node.

Sinus rhythm of the heart - what does it mean?

And there is a normal functioning of our main organ, indicating that the heart muscle is functioning normally.

The above node is a natural impulse generator located in the right atrium. The impulse of movement occurs exclusively from top to bottom. Initially it enters the right atrium, then the left atrium. The impulse then travels through the atrioventricular junction directly to the ventricles. As a result, the heart either relaxes or contracts again, maintaining its main function - pumping blood in the body.

Sinus heart rhythm in children: normal

The norm for this parameter in children differs from the indicators inherent in an adult. Thus, the sinus rhythm of the heart in a 1-year-old child reaches approximately 140 beats per minute. From one month of life to the first year - 132 beats per minute. Over time it slows down. However, this is not yet a reason to state that sinus arrhythmia has occurred in the child. At approximately 3 years old, the above figure reaches 124, but already at 6 years old - 115 beats per minute. At about 7 years old, this figure drops to 106 beats per minute in schoolchildren. At 10 years this figure reaches 88.

In some cases, the child is diagnosed with sinus arrhythmia. This indicates that the distances between adjacent teeth on the cardiogram differ, that is, the sinus node is weak. In such cases, Holter monitoring is needed, as well as a drug test to find out whether pathology is present and whether the regulation of the autonomic system has gone astray. If the examination has established that the arrhythmia arose due to a malfunction of the sinus node, then corrective changes in the vegetative status are prescribed.

If a child experiences fainting due to arrhythmia, other methods are often used, such as implantation of pacemakers.

Sinus heart rhythm in children is disrupted in the same way as in adults. It can signal tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia. However, such disorders occur in children for different reasons than in adults. So, according to statistics in childhood arrhythmia occurs in 25% of children. But this is not at all a sign of a serious illness. Such violations are also typical healthy children. The frequency of these changes increases even in puberty. The reasons for this are cardinal, combined or extracardiac. The latter include heart defects, rheumatic carditis, infective endocarditis or cardiomyopathies.

The occurrence of childhood arrhythmia is associated with diseases of the nervous or endocrine system, intoxication, magnesium or selenium deficiency, individual intolerance or overdose of medications. This also includes infectious complications. Heart rhythm may be disrupted due to psychological, physical, and emotional overload. Many children suffer from arrhythmia of extracardiac origin. This may be caused by a defect in automaticity, conduction, or a combination of the two. Sinus heart rhythm disturbances may even be asymptomatic. But to establish an accurate diagnosis by prescribing correct treatment, only a qualified doctor can.

In reality, it is not always necessary to consider a violation sinus rhythm as a definite sign of a progressive disease. Sometimes this phenomenon can occur due to breathing, that is, when the respiratory system is immature, and a banal jog or fast walk, high body weight or a period of active growth of the child, prematurity, or can provoke changes in the sinus rhythm of the heart.

In any case, after an electrocardiogram, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do correctly given certain indicators.

Especially for -Nikolay Arsentiev

Many, even the most banal studies that are carried out in a clinic during a medical examination, help to suspect and diagnose various serious health problems. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to neglect annual examinations with primary specialists, as well as systematically conduct basic research. An electrocardiogram is considered to be one of the important and at the same time simple diagnostic manipulations. Having received the result of such a study in their hands, many patients pay attention to the indicated sinus rhythm of the heart. Let's talk about the term sinus rhythm of the heart, what is the norm in adults and children.

Probably every person knows that the heart is an organ that performs work rhythmically. U healthy person The heartbeat rhythm is determined by the sinus node. Accordingly, we can conclude that the sinus rhythm of the heart is precisely the normal heart rhythm.

The sinus node is a natural impulse generator and is located inside the right atrium. The impulse moves from bottom to top. First it reaches the right atrium, and then the left. The impulse then passes through the atrioventricular junction towards the ventricles. Its effect causes the heart to contract and relax rhythmically, thus performing its main functions - pumping blood throughout the body.

Sinus rhythm of the heart - what does it mean on the cardiogram?

With normal sinus rhythm on the cardiogram, all P waves have a constant shape, and distance R-R or R-R is the same. The heart rate ranges from sixty to eighty beats per minute. Accordingly, with such indicators, the heart is in order and functions with stability and clarity.

If the sinus rhythm is unstable, then the cardiogram shows that the height of the P waves, as well as the distance between them, are not the same. Observing such a picture, the doctor can conclude about weakness sinus node or that another node of the heart has become the pacemaker. In this case, the patient is indicated for special diagnostics. Such studies will already help to find out what exactly caused the sinus rhythm disturbance: pathology of the sinus node itself or problems in its autonomic system.

Thus, if the doctor wrote in the cardiogram that sinus rhythm is normal, we can conclude that normal operation the patient's heart. Violation of this indicator often indicates heart block or arrhythmias. In general, all violations of systematicity, consistency or heart rate can be called arrhythmias. Heart blocks develop when there is a disruption in the transmission of impulses from the nerve center to the heart muscle. An acceleration of the rhythm indicates the development of tachycardia, and a slowdown indicates bradycardia. A decrease in heart rate to fifty or less, or an increase in this indicator to ninety or more is a serious reason for immediately contacting a doctor. And the editors of the site www.!

What is the normal sinus rhythm in adults and children?

Normal sinus rhythm in an adult is characterized by a frequency of sixty to eighty beats per minute, as well as a regular rhythm and a constant interval between beats, which is 0.12-0.22 seconds.

Children's hearts beat completely differently depending on their age. So in the very first month of life, the sinus rhythm should be approximately one hundred and forty beats per minute, and from the age of one month of life to one year - one hundred and thirty-two beats per minute. Then the sinus rhythm gradually becomes slower. So, from the age of one to two, this figure is equal to one hundred and twenty-four beats per minute, and from two to six – one hundred and fifteen beats. In schoolchildren from six to eight years of age, sinus rhythm decreases to one hundred and six beats per minute, and from eight to ten years of age - to eighty-eight beats per minute. Over the next two years (from ten to twelve years) the indicators decrease to eighty beats per minute. For children between the ages of twelve and fifteen, a sinus rhythm of seventy-five beats per minute is considered normal.

Are all sinus rhythm disorders dangerous to health?

In fact, in some cases, sinus rhythm disturbances should not be considered a symptom. So sometimes this phenomenon is associated with breathing - immaturity respiratory system, a banal jog or fast walk before the study, excessive body weight, a period of active growth in children, ICP, prematurity, etc.

What else can cause sinus rhythm disturbances?

Sometimes such a problem indicates the presence of heart defects, cardiomyopathy and infective endocarditis. In children it can also be provoked birth defects which are associated with an insufficiently favorable course of pregnancy or childbirth, various ailments nervous and endocrine systems. In some cases, sinus rhythm disturbances are a consequence of intoxication (even the result of an overdose of medications or their individual intolerance) and deficiency of microelements, most often magnesium and selenium.

Quite often, sinus rhythm disturbances do not make themselves felt and are diagnosed only during the next examination. Therefore, it is extremely important to regularly visit a cardiologist for preventive ECGs.

Today, arrhythmia is one of the most frequent illnesses hearts. It is characterized by a violation of the frequency of contractions of this organ. Sinus arrhythmia is most common in children and adolescents. The symptoms of this disease are often confused with simple fatigue and lack of sleep, but the consequences can be unpredictable.


In children, this disease mainly appears during the period of restructuring of the body. According to statistics, sinus arrhythmia in a child most often occurs between the ages of 4 and 8 years. The disease also affects infants from 4 to 8 months. The disease is most likely to appear in adolescence when the level of hormones in the body is increased.

There are two types of sinus arrhythmia: respiratory and relative. Both of these types can equally occur in a child with a weakened immune system and with an incorrect daily routine.

The first type includes changes in the cardiac cycle associated with respiratory tract. It should be noted that this type of arrhythmia does not significantly affect your well-being, so it is difficult to determine. However, if suspicions arise, then you should pay attention to the heartbeat in a calm state. When you inhale, the frequency of contractions will increase significantly, and when you exhale, vice versa.

Relative arrhythmia occurs in patients with severe heart failure and problems thyroid gland. In rare cases, infection may be the cause.

According to the severity, sinus arrhythmia can be divided into severe and moderate. The first type is most often found in adolescents and older people, much less often in infants. Moderate heartbeat imbalance can be observed in children around 6 years of age.

Severe sinus arrhythmia in a child is often combined with diseases such as rheumatism and cardiosclerosis. In rare cases, the cause of the disease may be acute form neurosis. The most dangerous to health is arrhythmia during bradycardia. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as in the near future early symptoms can smoothly turn into serious chronic illness with all the ensuing consequences.

Moderate sinus arrhythmia in a child occurs not only in preschool, but also in adolescence. The disease manifests itself very mildly, but in case of exacerbation it is urgently necessary to resort to a course of sedatives and stimulants.


It is almost impossible to independently diagnose changes in heart rate in children. According to doctors, in most cases the disease is detected randomly when parents complain of sleep disturbances or pale color baby's skin.

Sinus arrhythmia in a child is determined by the following symptoms:

Constant nervous excitement;
- insomnia and frequent night crying;
- refusal to eat;
- attacks of shortness of breath;
- pale or blue discoloration of the skin.

Such signs are most often observed in children under 4 years of age. At an older age, the above-described symptoms are supplemented by increased fatigue and exercise intolerance, and in rare cases, fainting.


With this diagnosis, the child experiences a disturbance in the frequency and strength of heart contractions. This disease is dangerous at any age, especially at a young age, as it is difficult to diagnose. Sinus arrhythmia in a child today can be treated quite quickly, but it is better to prevent its occurrence, since the heart of children is not yet strong enough and is not able to withstand constant disruptions in functioning.

To prevent the occurrence of this disease, it is important to know its causes. Among them are the following:

- inflammatory process in the cardiac channels;
- central nervous system disorder;
- intestinal infection;
- acute form of pneumonia.

In addition, arrhythmia can be inherited from parents along with genetic material.

The cause of the disease can also be a failure in the development of the embryo in the womb. In adolescence, changes in the functioning of the heart most often occur as a result of severe emotional stress against the background of hormonal changes.


If you start a disease, then in the future it will acquire chronic form, which cannot be cured. Sinus arrhythmia of the heart can lead to organic lesion valves, complications for the rest internal organs, weakening immune system, increasing the level of hemodynamic disorders. Also, the disease often affects the child’s future offspring.

Experts note that children who have suffered sinus arrhythmia can become hypertensive already in adolescence. The chances of this increase significantly if such a disease was actively developing in the child’s mother even before birth.

If arrhythmia is not identified and treated in time, heart failure may subsequently occur. This disease develops especially quickly in people with atrial problems. It is not excluded death if the disease is aggravated by asystole.


Identify the disease without medical care does not seem possible. Sinus arrhythmia in children can be established based on general examination patient, during which the pulse is felt and the frequency of contractions is measured.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to analyze the anamnesis and complaints of the child and parents. Arrhythmia is determined by typical symptoms and on the basis of biochemical parameters. In addition, the doctor must check the hormonal status of the body and examine electrocardiography data.

In difficult cases it is allowed daily monitoring ECG, where the patient wears a portable measuring device on the heart for 24 hours. At the same time, a diary is kept where all the child’s actions are recorded over time. Subsequently, the data from the device is checked against the records, based on which heart rhythm disturbances are detected.

Some cardiologists practice echocardiography, that is, ultrasound examination. It allows you to identify the causes of arrhythmia and its type.

Treatment should only be prescribed to a patient by his attending physician.

Arrhythmia in adolescents

At this age, heart rate is very important. During the period of restructuring of the body hormonal background in adolescents is extremely unstable. Therefore, some children at this age experience sharp increases temperature. Any overheating or poisoning can cause arrhythmia. In rare cases, the disease appears due to a disorder of the thyroid gland.

Sinus arrhythmia in adolescents can lead to the following problems:

Long-term progression of the disease in a young body causes serious complications, including heart failure;

With poor blood circulation, the brain and internal organs are susceptible to oxygen starvation;

A mild form of the disease can develop into chronic tachycardia.


Changes in heart rate are one of the most common diseases in both adults and children today. Sinus arrhythmia, the treatment of which consists of prescribing stimulant drugs, requires constant medical supervision. Only good specialist together with a properly selected set of medications, they can eliminate the problem in a couple of weeks.

To treat this type of arrhythmia, medications are used that reduce or increase the conductivity of the heart. It would also be a good idea to take a full course of vitamins and minerals.

In difficult cases, children are prescribed the drug "Atropine" in the form of an intravenous injection or the drug "Novocainamide". To stimulate the work of the heart muscle, adrenaline is allowed in moderate doses.

Among the methods of alternative medicine, one can distinguish the reflex method, based on pressure on eyeballs, and massage of the lateral areas of the neck.

Severe forms of arrhythmia require surgery, as a result of which a special pacemaker is installed that can restore myocardial function.

Unconventional methods of treatment

U traditional healers Sinus arrhythmia has never caused concern in the child. It is believed that from light form The disease is well helped by a two-day tincture of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian.

It is also worth highlighting the recipe for the mixture, which includes 0.5 kg of finely chopped lemon, a spoonful of honey and 50 g of apricot kernels. It should be consumed one spoon 2 times a day.

Numerous reviews note the effectiveness of another recipe: brew 50 g of horsetail in 600 ml of water. Drink a spoon 4-6 times a day.


To prevent the onset of symptoms of the disease, it is important to strictly adhere to correct mode day.

If you stick to these simple tips, then the sinus arrhythmia of the heart will disappear forever.