Create a proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a week. Proper nutrition: how to choose a menu for every day. Video PP menu for a week for weight loss

This story is about how to create a menu proper nutrition, which is suitable not only for losing weight, but also for improving well-being, raising tone and good mood. How to provide recipes for each snack so that you only eat healthy products? Is it possible to make proper nutrition so attractive that we no longer return to fast food and “goodies”, because of which we accumulate fat under the skin and cholesterol in our blood vessels?

Hello friends! We all know that our body needs different ratios of ingredients at different stages of life. How can you avoid standing too long in the kitchen, but at the same time provide for the needs of everyone, from kids to grandparents? What can you do to make food healthy for the whole family? At first glance, the task seems difficult. But is it? It's time to figure out the proper nutrition menu.

Let's understand the concepts

Nutrition menu

Healthy and unhealthy types of food

Judging by the speed with which new fast food chains are springing up in big cities, we have not yet sufficiently realized the harm that these establishments cause to our health. And we are not just talking about the problem of excess weight. By eating incorrectly, you can upset your digestion and develop problems with your liver, heart, kidneys and other organs. Fast food factories (all those McDonald's and Burger Kings) pose the greatest danger to children. Everything is so delicious and beautiful! How can a child not be tempted?

A proper nutrition menu should not be less attractive. It simply must remain tasty and healthy at the same time! But it is better to exclude a number of products. I will give a small table of the most common healthy and harmful products, without touching on exotic and expensive ingredients.

Table of products and dishes.

Many things can be easily and safely prepared at home, from available products. For example, everyone's favorite mayonnaise. Here is the simplest recipe:

  • egg or egg yolk;
  • 70-100 g of vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • spices to taste and as desired.

Place in container a raw egg, sugar, salt and add oil. Grind with a blender. Add lemon juice and spices (for example, mustard powder, pepper) and grind some more. If the mayonnaise turns out liquid, it means there is not enough oil.

You yourself understand that a proper nutrition menu for a woman or a man, a child or a grandmother does not mean that you sit on it for 30 days or six months and then start eating whatever you like. You need to create a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life without burdening yourself with unnecessary restrictions.

As a budget option, you can choose recipes in which expensive products are replaced with cheaper ones. The most important thing is that the food remains varied and contains all the necessary and beneficial substances.

Another tip: try not to eat yesterday's reheated food. If there is anything left, it’s better to make a cold dish from yesterday. Better yet, prepare it for the day.

Observing simple recommendations, you can get rid of old sores and bring your weight back to normal. If you are still in doubt, come to our Online Healthy Body Academy . You will see for yourself how important it is to eat well. A healthy nutrition menu will no longer seem like a whim or something unattainable. And in addition to everything, you will rid yourself of any chronic ailments and again move to the “Health” zone

That's all for today.
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And let's move on!

Eating right is difficult only in the early stages. If you adhere to a proper nutrition schedule for every day and create an example menu that you will follow, then the pleasant bonuses of this approach will not take long to arrive.

“We are what we eat” - it’s hard not to agree with these words

According to most modern nutritionists, the daily norm healthy food comprises:

  • 50% carbohydrates;
  • 30% proteins;
  • 20% fat;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The daily calorie intake for women is 1800 kcal, for men - 2100 kcal. It may vary depending on a person's activity level during the day.

What is proper nutrition, a menu for every day, is well reflected in reviews of this system:

  1. this is the basis on which it is built general state body;
  2. she gives good mood and external attractiveness;
  3. maintains good spirits and energy;
  4. helps treat and reduce the likelihood of a number of diseases;
  5. has a clear routine for eating healthy foods.

Healthy Eating Basics

Unfortunately, not all of us adhere to the rules of healthy food consumption, although we have been familiar with their basics since school. Proper nutrition is clearly visible; the menu for every day can be presented in the form of a so-called plate:

  1. take a simple dinnerware and divide it into two equal parts;
  2. the first half should always be vegetables or fresh salad, unsweetened fruits;
  3. the second part must be divided in half again;
  4. one half - animal proteins in the form of meat or fish;
  5. the second - a portion of porridge, durum pasta, boiled potatoes;
  6. We also don’t forget about bread and the daily fluid intake of 1.5-2 liters.

This plate should correspond to three meals, the remaining two are snacks. They consist of fruits, yoghurts, vegetables and nuts.

Principles of healthy eating

Products that a person consumes every day must perform several functions at once.

Building a personal food system properly is no easy task. Certain principles and rules must be followed:

  • You need to eat when you feel hungry;
  • You should chew each piece of food thoroughly;
  • you need to eat in a calm state in moderate portions;
  • while eating, you should take a sitting position and concentrate on the process itself;
  • the menu for one meal is limited to a maximum of four dishes;
  • the daily diet should be divided into 4-5 small meals, eating the main amount of food at lunch;
  • worth eating freshly prepared natural food, in particular, more fiber - fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • minimize or eliminate fast food, alcohol and harmful products- mayonnaise, ketchup, deep fat;
  • give preference to natural sweets with a low sugar content and the absence of fatty creams.

Meal frequency

One simple rule applies here - eat more often, but less. Food from your daily nutrition menu should:

  1. have specific and permanent office hours;
  2. distributed according to the number of calories and chemical elements;
  3. take into account the set of dishes and their quantity;
  4. prepared from combined products.

For healthy people The optimal frequency of meals is 4 times a day; in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, there may be 5 or 6.


You need to eat regularly; you shouldn’t skip breakfast, citing lack of time. They guarantee you productivity and vigor throughout the day.

Create for yourself optimal mode, which you can follow without violations. An approximate schedule of proper nutrition for each day looks like this:

  • breakfast at 7 am, 10:00 - for those who wake up late;
  • lunch at 10:00 (13:00);
  • lunch at 13:00 (15:00);
  • afternoon tea at 16:00 (17:00);
  • dinner - 19:00 (20:00).


This principle can be easily explained by the fact that with the help of food we replenish the energy supply necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body. It should come exactly as much as we are able to spend.

If the quantity is greater, then it appears excess weight, since unspent calories will accumulate, and if less and all reserves are spent, you cannot avoid serious problems with health.

The daily norm of the healthy nutrition menu for each day should be distributed as follows:

  1. light breakfast equal to 1/3 of the norm;
  2. a hearty lunch and dinner, corresponding to a quarter of the food consumed;
  3. with the required four meals.


A reasonable balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is easy to maintain if you eat a variety of dishes and take into account the compatibility of foods. Balanced diet proper nutrition for every day consists of 5 main food groups:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • dairy products;
  • meat and fish.

Their distribution by hours of consumption strongly depends on the composition and energy potential. High content proteins in meat, fish and legumes are good for lunch or breakfast, as they increase the activity of the central nervous system and require more time to be absorbed by the body. Dairy products, vegetables and fruits should be eaten for dinner, as they do not burden the digestive system.

List of foods for proper nutrition

With proper nutrition, a person’s diet is balanced and healthy

To prepare healthy and delicious dishes proper nutrition for every day, you will need a list of necessary products, which includes:

  1. fresh seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables, herbs;
  2. nuts and dried fruits, white and green tea, coffee beans, chicory;
  3. various cereals and porridges, olive oil, mushrooms;
  4. dairy products - in particular natural yoghurts, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  5. poultry and seafood - fillet and red fish;
  6. honey and dark chocolate;
  7. lean meats, chicken and quail eggs.

Healthy food menu for the week

The system will help you plan your diet correctly in accordance with a healthy lifestyle separate power supply, which is based on compatibility different foods between themselves. Following the chosen mode, you can build on the compiled list of products and combine them, adjusting your daily norm calories.

Start with the simplest thing - write down by the hour exactly what you will eat at this moment for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Create a detailed menu describing dishes for the week. These recipes for proper nutrition for every day will help you with this:

  1. pasta with chicken and vegetables - boil durum wheat products in salted water, cut medium-sized zucchini (zucchini) into slices and add broccoli and green beans, stew the vegetables in a frying pan in olive oil and combine them with diced chicken fillet; when it is ready, mix everything with the pasta;
  2. vegetable salad - cut fresh cucumber thin strips, and cherry tomatoes in half, marinate onion in wine vinegar, cut it into half rings, combine the ingredients, season them with arugula and lemon juice;
  3. pumpkin puree soup - prepare broth from chicken breast, remove the meat and cut it into cubes, without turning off the pan, add blanched butter onions and carrots, finely chopped a couple of potatoes and pumpkin, cook until tender, drain the liquid into a separate pan, and prepare puree from vegetables and meat, combine the ingredients, seasoning the soup with basil and rye crackers to taste.

Menu for a week for weight loss for girls

In order not to miss anything important, you can create a menu for the week for each day.

If you want to lose weight, then your diet, regardless of gender, should be nutritious, low-calorie and varied. The weekly menu compiled by nutritionists implies the following proper nutrition for weight loss for every day:

  1. porridge from any whole grain cereal - a serving does not exceed one and a half tablespoons;
  2. lean meat, fish or poultry - alternate these dishes by day of the week, two palm-sized portions daily;
  3. fermented milk products - a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, half a glass of yogurt without fillers, no more than 200g low-fat cottage cheese per day;
  4. still mineral water - approximately 1.5 liters, taking into account the fact that you eat first courses, drink teas, eat fruit;
  5. liquids as desired - compotes, rosehip decoctions, green tea, unsweetened juices and fruit drinks;
  6. fiber - from seasonal vegetables and fruits, 300g each, as well as fresh herbs and celery;
  7. vegetable oils - no more than two tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil;
  8. spices, salt and sugar - the first in the form of cinnamon and turmeric, ground coriander, the second - limit consumption as much as possible, replace sweets with dried fruits and honey;
  9. eggs, nuts and low-fat cheese - daily norm within 30g.

Daily menu options for athletes

The daily diet should include foods with a rich list useful substances

Physical activity and sports promote good health and weight loss. You can use different options for the sports menu, depending on your goals, but they must comply with the rules below:

  • main meal 2-3 hours before the start of training;
  • protein and other nutritional shakes equal one meal, this is a good alternative to a full breakfast;
  • if this is not possible, a snack of cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir is allowed half an hour before fitness classes;
  • an alternative option for getting energy is fruit or natural juice 40 minutes before the start of classes;
  • During training, it is advisable to consume non-carbonated drinks. mineral water in small quantities;
  • after exercise, there is a taboo on fatty foods, it should be replaced with protein, the same cocktail or a small portion of cottage cheese for 20-30 minutes;
  • if you go to bed 4-5 hours after training, you can afford a full dinner no later than 19:00, for example, fish stewed with vegetables, baked in the oven or on the grill.

Many athletes will like these healthy recipes proper nutrition for every day:

  1. vinaigrette in a slow cooker - peel the beets, potatoes, onions and carrots and cut into cubes, place the ingredients in a steamer bowl, pour 1 liter of water into the main bowl, steam for 15 minutes, then leave only the beets for another 10 minutes, thinly slice the pickled or pickled cucumbers and mix them with prepared vegetables, add spices and green peas, season with olive oil;
  2. celery cocktail - mix 50 ml celery juice or a small piece of fresh stalk, 100 ml milk and one egg white in a blender until light foam forms;
  3. banana protein cocktail- beat 0.5 liters of milk, one banana, 2 tbsp in a blender. spoons of honey, 30g of any nuts and 200g of homemade cottage cheese.

Diet menu for teenagers for every day

Strict diets and fasting days excluded for rapidly developing child's body. Teenagers should eat a balanced diet and get all the necessary amounts. nutrients, vitamins and microelements. These tips and recommendations will help you create healthy meals for your children every day:

  • limit high-calorie foods if the child tends to be overweight;
  • organize a full breakfast - milk porridge, steam omelettes, cottage cheese with fruit;
  • make sure that 50% of the diet comes from carbohydrates, and 30% and 20% from proteins and fats, respectively;
  • eliminate the possibility of overeating by introducing fractional meals in small portions 5-6 times;
  • allow your child sweets, flour and fast food no more than three times a week, in the morning;
  • replace unhealthy sweets healthy - let it be bananas, dark chocolate, marshmallows, grapes, fruit jelly or natural marmalade and marshmallows;
  • select the calorie content of the diet so that it corresponds to the activity of a teenager, for girls - no more than 2400 kcal per day, for boys - no more than 2800 kcal.

A proper nutrition menu for normalizing metabolism and losing weight, compiled for a week, helps get rid of extra pounds and improve your well-being in the shortest possible time. Healthy image life is gaining fans, but the controversy around PP (proper nutrition) and its features does not subside.

The PP menu for a week for weight loss is the main assistant in the fight against excess weight. Firstly, the loss of kilograms occurs due to the fact that fast carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweet buns, are completely removed from the diet. They are called fast because they are absorbed in short term, at the same time they do not provide useful substances, but immediately go into body fat.

Excluding such carbohydrates from the menu gives the body the opportunity to process existing fats rather than accumulate new ones.

Secondly, nutrition occurs in small portions, at short intervals. Thanks to this eating schedule, you always feel full, and, therefore, the body does not need to accumulate reserves in case of a hunger strike.

The PP menu, developed for the day and week, for high-quality weight loss includes certain foods that need to be consumed at certain times of the day. For example, citrus fruits should not be eaten for breakfast, since the acid they contain irritates the mucous membranes, but it is not recommended to eat them for dinner because of the sugar.

Best time to eat an orange - lunch or dinner. The same goes for other products. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the first half of the day, while vegetables are much healthier for dinner. Fish is well digested in the evening, and you can eat meat for lunch. Thanks to this nutritional pattern, the body can get the maximum benefit from the food it receives.

As a result, all of the above actions accelerate metabolism, due to which the process of losing weight occurs. Proper nutrition is the basis of a beautiful figure

How much weight can you lose with proper nutrition?

Having developed a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you should not expect instant results. It takes time for your metabolism to accelerate. Kilograms lost in the first week - water. Swelling goes away and is restored correct exchange substances. The result also depends on physical activity; the more it is, the faster the process of losing weight goes.

Sudden weight loss is very harmful to health, and the goal of proper nutrition is to bring internal processes back to normal. Therefore, weight loss will be smooth, namely approximately 3-4 kg per month with average physical activity. This activity includes cardio training 3-4 times a week, daily walks lasting 20 minutes or more.

You can increase your weight loss through more physical activity. For example, making a full strength training 6 times a week, weight loss can increase by another 2 kg.

It is very important to remember that losing weight is an individual process. The number of kilograms lost depends on the initial overweight. The larger it is, the faster the weight loss.

And, with each kilogram lost, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to part with its reserves, therefore, the longer you stay on PP, the slower the weight loss process will be.

But that doesn't mean that healthy eating stopped working, this means that the body begins to process the last reserves “for a rainy day.” During this period, it is better to put the scales aside and start measuring body volumes, the changes in which can be monitored more clearly.

There are several principles of proper nutrition, so when creating a weekly diet plan for weight loss, you need to take them all into account:

What to avoid while eating healthy

The PP menu for a week for weight loss will be easier to follow if you avoid situations that provoke breakdowns:

What foods can and cannot be eaten when eating properly for weight loss


Possible in very small quantities:

  • vegetables containing starch;
  • cheese (fat content up to 30%);
  • fruits in small quantities;
  • cottage cheese.

It is forbidden:

  • alcohol;
  • corn;
  • bakery;
  • sugar.

How to make a menu correctly

Before you create a weight loss menu for a week or a month, you need to:

  1. Assess your level of physical activity.
  2. Calculate the kcal norm for the day.

The level of physical activity can be:

Once the level of physical activity is determined, you can calculate the kcal norm using the formula:

(9.99 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (4.92 * age in years) -161 * coefficient. physical activity

Sample menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 800 calories

When eating 800 kcal per day, 3 meals a day are provided, no snacks. Cook vegetables and meat without oil. You can stew, steam and bake. Dairy products are low-fat or low-fat.

The PP menu for weight loss for a week at 800 kcal per day is suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or cannot have a snack every 2-3 hours.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 101 g cottage cheese
Day 299 kcal 201 g vegetables + 2 eggs + drink
Evening 249 kcal 299 g vegetables + 1 egg + glass of kefir
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cereal with milk
Day 299 kcal 249 ml soup + unsweetened coffee with milk
Evening 260 kcal 305 g vegetables +99 g red meat + glass of milk
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 125 g salad
Day 299 kcal 203 g stew + 154 g chicken meat
Evening 259 kcal 148 g fish, stewed with vegetables
Thursday Morning 249 kcal Repeat menu from Monday
Day 299 kcal 230 g salad + 2 boiled eggs
Evening 239 kcal 208 g stew + 154 g boiled meat
Friday Morning 249 kcal 106 g cottage cheese with sour cream (20%)
Day 299 kcal 204 g green borscht
Evening 244 kcal 154 g cottage cheese + 1 glass kefir with ½ tbsp. l. Sahara
Saturday Morning 249 kcal Repeat Tuesday breakfast
Day 299 kcal 249 g borscht according to PP + 3 rye bread with curd cheese, tomato and herbs 70 g
Evening 248 kcal 205 g turkey and buckwheat hedgehogs + a glass of kefir
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 215 g omelet with cheese, tomato and herbs
Day 299 kcal 230 g stew without potatoes + 143 g chicken fillet+ unsweetened coffee
Evening 240 kcal 152 g meat + 201 g vegetables + glass of milk.

Approximate menu for a week containing 1000 calories per day

The PP menu for a week for weight loss with a daily calorie content of 1000 kcal is recommended for a sedentary lifestyle, as well as for those with a slow metabolism.

This meal plan includes 5 meals.

Vegetables can be steamed, baked and stewed. Adding oil should be avoided.

Dairy products are either low-fat or low-fat.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 150 g cottage cheese with raisins
Lunch 99 kcal 99 g fruits or berries
Day 299 kcal 99 g chicken + 99 g buckwheat without salt
Afternoon snack 99 kcal 1 boiled corn
Evening 247 kcal 204 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 1 egg + 1 slice of bread
Lunch 99 kcal 1 cup skim or coconut milk and kiwi smoothie
Day 289 kcal 201 g diet ratatouille
Snack 79 kcal 30 g cheese (up to 30% fat)
Evening 301 kcal 80 g chicken breast
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 1 piece of black bread with cheese (curd)
Lunch 99 kcal 143 g Grapes
Day 269 kcal 201 g chopped vegetables
Afternoon snack 90 kcal Walnut 2 pcs.
Evening 305 kcal 1 boiled egg
Thursday Morning 249 kcal 145 g cottage cheese
Lunch 99 kcal 70 g of any berries
Day 309 kcal 201 g vegetable soup
1 glass skim milk
Evening 279 kcal 146 g salad of stewed zucchini, carrots and sweet peppers
Friday Morning 249 kcal 154 g oatmeal with skim milk
Lunch 99 kcal 1 PC. granola bar
Day 319 kcal 99 g chicken breast + 99 g any permitted side dish
Afternoon snack 97 kcal 1 piece rye bread with a thin layer of cream cheese
Evening 249 kcal 130 g seafood salad
Saturday Morning 249 kcal 149 g eggs and tomato
Lunch 99 kcal 1 orange
Day 279 kcal 201 g green borscht PP
Afternoon snack 100 kcal 99 g low-fat yoghurt
Evening 249 kcal 99 g boiled beef
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cheesecakes PP
Lunch 99 kcal 1 apple
Day 305 kcal 99 g fish + 99 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 102 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Evening 249 kcal 99 g chopped fruit

Approximate menu for a week containing 1200 calories per day

The PP menu with a daily calorie content of 1200 kcal is suitable for people with average physical activity. With this diet, it is recommended to increase daily exercise, as well as conduct full training 3 times a week.

There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks. There are no special recommendations, the main thing is to save general principles proper nutrition.

Monday Morning 270 kcal 249 g omelette with tomato
Lunch 139 kcal ½ grapefruit
Day 280 kcal 143 g fish + 150 g carrot and cabbage salad
Afternoon snack 150 kcal several dried fruits
Evening 287 kcal 249 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 284 kcal 249 g oatmeal with berries
Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of low-fat cottage cheese smoothie with coconut milk and currants
Day 286 kcal 99 g boiled chicken + 157 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 140 kcal 1 cup yogurt
Evening 305 kcal 201 g baked fish + 141 g any salad
Wednesday Morning 298 kcal 1 hot Greek sandwich
Lunch 156 kcal 1 apple
Day 288 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 153 g cucumber and tomato salad
Snack 309 kcal 99 g cottage cheese casserole
Evening 283 kcal 150 g breast (turkey or chicken)
Thursday Morning 279 kcal 1 oat pancake
Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Day 300 kcal 201 g pilaf PP
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g beetroot and carrot salad
Evening 306 kcal 99 g beef liver+ 99 g any side dish of cereals
Friday Morning 301 kcal 249 g oatmeal with coconut milk
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g Rafaello PP
Day 310 kcal 201 g seafood salad + 1 slice of rye bread
Second snack 144 kcal 99 g Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad
Evening 305 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables
Saturday Morning 290 kcal 99 g wheat porridge on water + boiled egg
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g fresh berries
Day 298 kcal 201 g borscht PP + 1 toast of black bread
Afternoon snack 160 kcal 99 g low-fat cottage cheese
Evening 295 kcal 2 eggs + 149 g fresh vegetable salad
Sunday Morning 294 kcal 1 Oatmeal pancake stuffed with 1 tomato
Lunch 149 kcal 1 granola bar
Day 289 kcal 201 g chicken liver with vegetables
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g fresh vegetables
Evening 279 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables

Sample menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 1500 calories

For the most active, a menu of 1500 kcal is suitable. To lose weight with this diet, you need daily exercise. Also menu will do, for those whose work involves heavy physical activity.

Sample PP menu for 1500 kcal per week for weight loss

The diet remains the same as with the 1200 kcal menu.

Monday Morning 351 kcal 2 boiled eggs + 1 cucumber + 1 rye bread toast with cream cheese
Lunch 249 kcal 1 glass banana smoothie with cottage cheese
Day 351 kcal 2 chicken cutlets PP + 149 g brown rice + 149 g fresh vegetables
10 pieces. walnuts
Evening 351 kcal 249 g vegetable salad + 149 g baked fish
Tuesday Morning 351 kcal 249 g omelet with herbs and tomatoes
Lunch 249 kcal 1 piece of black bread with cheese (fat content up to 30%)
Day 351 kcal 149 g durum pasta + 149 g vegetable salad + 99 g beef goulash
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 1 cup kefir with cinnamon
Evening 351 kcal 249 g fish and vegetable casserole
Wednesday Morning 351 kcal Repeat Monday breakfast
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese + ½ banana
Day 351 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 1 toast of whole grain bread
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 10 cashews
Evening 351 kcal 149 g turkey + 249 g vegetable salad
Thursday Morning 351 kcal 249 g porridge on water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese casserole with fruit
Day 351 kcal 249 g ratatouille in the oven with lean meat + 50 g feta cheese
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 8 dried fruits
Evening 351 kcal 149 g steamed fish + 249 g cucumber and tomato salad
Friday Morning 351 kcal 201 g buckwheat, boiled in water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g Chinese cabbage roll with cottage cheese
Day 351 kcal 99 g chicken goulash + 149 g Chinese cabbage salad + 149 g buckwheat porridge
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 99 g cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. jam
Evening 351 kcal 249 g chicken broth + 2 pieces of brown bread
Saturday Morning 351 kcal 99 g brown rice, boiled in water + 149 g fresh vegetables
Lunch 249 kcal 99 g low-fat yoghurt + 1 pear
Day 351 kcal 277 g okroshka PP + 1 toast of rye bread
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 149 g cheesecakes, baked in the oven
Evening 351 kcal 249 g Greek salad + oven-baked meat
Sunday Morning 351 kcal 249 g oatmeal with water and dried fruits
Lunch 248 kcal 1 boiled egg + 99 g beet salad
Day 351 kcal 99 g of porridge from permitted cereals + 99 g of boiled chicken meat + 1 cucumber
Afternoon snack 259 kcal 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice + 2 PP oatmeal cookies
Evening 351 kcal 149 g beef + 149 g tomato salad

Recipes for first courses with proper nutrition for weight loss

Green borscht

  1. Chop the meat into cubes and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Add seasonings to the broth.
  3. Add potatoes to broth and cook until tender.
  4. Sauté the onion until golden brown.
  5. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and finely chop.
  6. Wash the sorrel and chop it.
  7. Add sorrel, onion, and eggs to the broth.
  8. Boil for another 5 minutes. with the lid closed.
  9. Let the borscht brew for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken noodle soup

  1. Boil the meat in one piece until done.
  2. Remove meat from broth.
  3. Add seasonings to the broth.
  4. Add vegetables to the broth and bring it to a boil. Then put the noodles in there and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cut the chicken meat into cubes and add to the finished dish.

Second courses

Baked salmon with vegetables

  1. Remove bones from fish, rinse and dry with paper towel. Place in a convenient container and sprinkle with lemon juice and soy sauce. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Separate the broccoli florets and open them.
  3. Place marinated fish and broccoli on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in the oven at 201° for 25 minutes.

Meatballs with sour cream sauce

  • Minced meat (chicken or turkey) – 399 g;
  • ground ginger – 21 g;
  • onion (chopped) – 201 g;
  • carrots (chopped) – 99 g;
  • garlic puree – 10 g;
  • sour cream – 99 g.
  1. Add salt, spices, ginger and garlic to the minced meat. To stir thoroughly. Make from a mixture small balls.
  2. Lightly fry the meat balls in a dry frying pan.
  3. Fry the vegetables until golden brown. Add sour cream and a little water. Simmer a little more.
  4. Place the meatballs in a baking dish and pour sour cream sauce over them. Bake at 180° for 25 minutes.


Bean and Pepper Salad

  1. Pour boiling water over the frozen beans and bring to a boil again.
  2. Chop the pepper.
  3. Mash the garlic in a press.
  4. Mix all ingredients and season.

Seafood salad

  • Sea cocktail (frozen mixture) – 499 g;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves – 51 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato (vegetable) – 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Boil the seafood cocktail and let it cool.
  2. Mix butter and sauce.
  3. Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  4. Cut the tomato and cucumber into strips and place on top of the lettuce leaves. Drizzle a little dressing.
  5. Place seafood cocktail on top of the vegetables, add salt and season with the remaining mixture of butter and sauce.


Curd casserole in the microwave

  1. Beat eggs and cottage cheese.
  2. Add sweetener to the resulting mass.
  3. Cut the fruit into cubes and add to the curd mixture.
  4. Place the dish in the microwave for 3 minutes. With a power of 750 watts.

Banana and pear can be replaced with other fruits and vegetables. If the microwave power is less than 750 watts, the cooking time can be extended.

Raffaello PP

  • grapes - 15 berries;
  • soft cottage cheese – 99 g;
  • protein – 51 g;
  • ground cashew nut – 70 g.
  1. Mix cottage cheese and protein. But not in a blender. The mixture should be slightly liquid.
  2. Dip each grape into the curd mixture.
  3. Roll the resulting balls in ground cashews.
  4. Let the candies sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

The PP menu compiled for a week for weight loss can be varied and useful. Any recipe can be suitable if you replace prohibited products with permitted ones.

The main thing to remember is that losing weight is an individual process, and PP is not just a diet, but new image life.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about Proper Nutrition (PP)

Principles of proper nutrition:

Getting your figure in order without starving is quite possible. A well-thought-out, balanced, healthy diet and weekly menu for weight loss will help, which implies a diet of 1500 kcal per day. And to be more precise, then calorie corridor - from 1400 to 1500 kcal.

Judging by the test, the majority of our readers share the same opinion.

Why exactly 1400-1500?

In general, such calorie content is not a panacea, as we know, everything is individual and depends on height, weight, age, lifestyle and gender. The older, shorter and thinner man, the fewer calories you need, and vice versa.

Typically, this norm is suitable for a girl of average height, middle age, with a body weight of 60 to 80 kg, subject to a couple of gentle workouts in the gym.

How much weight can you lose and how quickly?

The most pressing question is the numbers.

If you don’t mess around, follow the drinking regime and go strictly according to plan, then I guarantee that you will lose 10 kg in 3 months! Moreover, exactly 10 kg of fat will be lost!

Weight loss will look something like this: 2-3 kg in the first or second week, and then 300-400 g each next.

Yes, there will be jumps, there will be plateaus, but focus not only on the scales - the volumes will steadily decrease!

A balanced menu of 1400-1500 kcal per day can also be used to lose 2-3 kg before some event. Of course, I don’t welcome this, but it’s still better than strict diets, after which there is a steady return to the previous numbers.

For example, now there are 3 weeks left until the New Year! And if you buy groceries now and eat only what’s on the menu, then you’ll definitely see minus 4-5 kg ​​on the scales on December 31st.

But that’s not even the most important thing! Already within 3 weeks of eating this way you will get used to it, It’s not for nothing that they say that a habit is formed in 21 days!

Briefly about the principles of the pp menu for weight loss

As soon as you understand the principle, get used to the multiplicity and volume of portions, you will be able to compose a continuation yourself.

The first day

Well, with the beginning of a new life!


Oatmeal with berries, cottage cheese, coffee or tea, of course, without sugar. Add stevia in powder or liquid form to your oatmeal.

In general, stevia powder is an excellent saxam that you can add to any dish. There are no calories in it, it’s natural and it’s a real lifesaver when you want something sweet.


It’s easy to cook porridge: 3 tbsp. Bring the flakes to a boil in a glass of a mixture of water and milk (50/50), add a little salt, stir, turn off.

Coffee\tea, a piece of low-fat cheese, for example, suluguni (25% fat) - 30 g

KBZHU: 357/15/9/56


Take 2 times less ingredients for 1 person!

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


Fruits (1 small each, grapes - 100 g): banana, apple, pear, grapes. Their fruits can be made into a salad, or you can simply eat them. Coffee Tea

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


Buckwheat with (about 300 g of side dish and 100 g of gravy), cucumber or tomato.

KBZHU: 305/21.5/5.2/44

Afternoon snack

Sandwiches with pate (three loaves or slices of bread, each with 1 tablespoon of pate), tea.

KBZHU: 244/24/5.2/25.5


(serving - about 300-350 g), a glass or fresh vegetables.

KBZHU: 330/55/5.3/15.2

Total for the day: Proteins 120 g Fats 34.3 g Carbohydrates 147.7 g 1388 kcal
35% – 22% – 43%


Let's start the day with a chocolate treat.


Banana-chocolate oatmeal (already prepared on the second day), coffee or tea, a piece of suluguni 30 g.

KBZHU: 357/15/9/5


Salad of carrots (1 large), raisins (1 tbsp, pre-steam with boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse well), apple (1 large). Season with 2 tsp. sour cream (fat content 10-15%). Coffee.

KBZHU: 231/4.5/2.7/47.4


Buckwheat soup (you can take pearl barley, bulgur, brown rice, lentils - whatever you like) with meat. Cook it the same way as chicken with noodles, but without the egg. I advise you to cook it again for a couple of days. A slice of bread with the same slice of low-fat cheese. Don't forget - a serving of soup is about 300-350 g!

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


Cottage cheese (150 g), grated small apple, mix, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can add any calorie-free sakhzam. Green tea.

KBZHU: 267/25.4/13.5/11


Which is ideal for dinner - light, filling and tasty. A serving is 350 g, so you won’t be able to go hungry.

KBZHU: 256/28/10.5/10.5

Total for the day: Proteins 111 g Fats 44.5 g Carbohydrates 169.6 g 1516 kcal
29% – 26% – 45%

Day #7

Weigh yourself before breakfast today! What's the minus on the scale?


It will happen again today protein breakfast- omelette with vegetables and cheese.

Let me remind you - take 2 times less food! Tea or coffee.

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


A variety of fruits that you can eat just like that, or you can make a salad. 1 small apple, banana, pear.

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


If you cooked enough soup yesterday, then today we don’t cook lunch, but finish what we have.

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


50 grams of any nuts - walnuts, cashews. Maybe peanuts.

KBZHU: 275/13.2/22.6/4.9


For the evening, I suggest stewing cabbage with chicken breast.

KBZHU: 351/39/18/12

Well, aren't you hungry?

How delicious!

As you can see, this is not at all sample menu, and very detailed!

If you have any questions, please clarify, ask in the comments, I will answer within 2-3 hours.

Let's buy for a week

All of the dishes listed above are usually made from affordable products that are not difficult to find on store shelves. To make it even easier for you to decide, here weekly grocery list:

  • chicken fillet – 1 kg
  • low-fat sea fish (hake, pollock, etc.) - 1 kg
  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg
  • tuna in own juice— 1 jar
  • low-fat cheese, preferably 2-3 varieties, to make it tasty. A couple of pieces of 100-150 g will be enough not only for you, but also for your family.
  • any nuts - 200-300 g;
  • vegetables - cabbage, onions, carrots, pekin, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes) - see for yourself, if you take only for yourself, then 0.5 kg each. There won’t be enough, it’s better to buy more at the end of the week so that you have something fresh;
  • a small piece of red fish.

You will also need cereals and pasta made from durum wheat, cereals, milk, vegetable oil, spices and seasonings, cinnamon, vanillin, cocoa powder.

You will then see for yourself that this entire list of products will cost less than regular food for a week with sausage cookies. That is, you Not only will you lose weight, become healthier and more energetic, but you will also save money.

Proper nutrition menu (PN) for weight loss for a week - different options, recipes.

Proper nutrition (PN) has become fashionable in modern society, which is not surprising - after all, every person wants not to have problems with excess weight. To lose weight, a variety of menus are invented, and even recipes for specific dishes that help not gain extra calories. These diets can be the most of different durations, but the most popular among those losing weight are weekly diets. In this article you can get acquainted with different options PP diets and their menus for every day of the week.

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Low-calorie PP diet menu for weight loss for a week

Most the right way lose weight quickly - go on a low-calorie diet. The PP diet menu, which is given below, consists of dishes whose total daily calorie content does not exceed 800 calories. You should know that this diet cannot be called balanced, so following it for more than seven days is harmful. Let's find out the menu of this PP diet for a week:

The first day:

Breakfast: a glass of warmed milk with a spoon of honey, toast from stale black bread;

First snack: medium-sized sour apple;

Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of steamed fish, green salad;

Second snack: large tomato;

Dinner: steamed vegetables, a glass of kefir.

Second day:

Breakfast: steamed oatmeal, flavored with honey and grated apple;

First snack: orange;

Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, green salad;

Second snack: a glass of kefir;

Dinner: boiled pasta with vegetables.

Day three:

Breakfast: egg white omelet with herbs;

First snack: a glass of juice from fresh vegetables or fruits. Store-bought juice is not allowed!

Lunch: vegetable borscht with boiled potatoes;

Dinner: Steamed fish with vegetables.

Day four:

Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt, to which you can add fresh berries;

First snack: a glass of natural carrot juice with a spoonful of cream;

Lunch: veal fillet with a side dish of vegetables;

Second snack: two fresh cucumbers;

Dinner: boiled potatoes with vegetable oil and greens.

Day five:

Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with fried onions and carrots;

First snack: a large handful of fresh berries;

Lunch: vegetable or mushroom cream soup, with black bread croutons;

Second snack: vegetable salad;

Day six:

Breakfast: oatmeal with water, flavored with fruit;

First snack: a glass of fresh tomato juice;

Lunch: a portion of stewed beans with sauce;

Second snack: sweet bell pepper;

Dinner: cottage cheese with herbs.

Day seven:

Breakfast: boiled cauliflower, one egg;

First snack: natural yogurt;

Lunch: boiled beef with carrot salad or stewed carrots;

Second snack: sour apple;

Dinner: vegetable pilaf.

By following this PP diet menu, you can lose up to five kilograms in a week.

Simple vegetable menu PP for a week

Compliance with this PP diet and strict adherence to its menu will help you lose about 4-5 kilograms in a week. At the same time, this diet will be useful for the gastrointestinal tract: the fiber present in abundance in vegetables will help cleanse the body of useless and harmful substances.

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  • Activation of fat extraction from adipose tissue and their burning;
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