Brown nasal discharge. Brown snot from the nose - what does it mean, reasons, how to treat. Why does snot change color?

A runny nose is quite common in modern world is often perceived as the norm. People stop paying attention to it and taking any measures to treat it, which can ultimately cause a number of adverse health consequences.

Such nasal discharge is not normal and indicates the presence of pathological process. When they are formed, people immediately begin to wonder why they appeared. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.


Sinusitis is a fairly common group of diseases. The most famous representative is sinusitis. The reason is development infectious process in one or both maxillary sinuses. The disease can occur in an acute form or become chronic.

The most unpleasant form of sinusitis is purulent. When pus mixes with blood components, it acquires a characteristic greenish, yellowish or brownish tint. If the infection is localized in one sinus, then snot will flow from one nostril.

Blood as a cause of mucus turning brown

In some cases, snot acquires this color due to mixing with blood. The causes of bleeding may be:

  • mechanical damage to the mucosa internal cavity nose;
  • ruptures of blood vessels due to prolonged use of drops from congestion, weakening the walls;
  • avitaminosis;
  • increased intracranial pressure, indicating the presence of a serious pathology;
  • insufficient moisture in the internal cavity of the nose and appendages;
  • any tumor formations.

Dark mucus may also indicate growths in the nasal area, both malignant and benign. This is a fairly rare case, but it still happens.

TO benign formations in the nose usually include hemangiomas and granulomas, which cover many tiny blood vessels. Their walls often burst, which leads to the appearance of blood mixed with ordinary snot or pus.

Malignant formations begin to bleed when destroyed or spread to other parts of the nasal area.


Nasal fungus is a very rare occurrence. Their main reason is a significant disruption immune system, which is observed in immunodeficiency and autoimmune pathologies.

Fungal infection is caused by candida microorganisms. Brownish snot appears on late stages diseases without proper treatment. In some cases, their shade can darken to a full black color.

REFERENCE! As a rule, the black color of snot from the nose in an adult always indicates the presence of mycosis.

Ozena and scleroma

These diseases are the rarest causes of brown nasal discharge. They are a consequence of special inflammatory process and deformations of the nasal region. The female part of the population has a special predisposition to them.

Brown discharge in itself is a symptom of pathology, and if it appears, you should immediately contact a therapist or ENT specialist. But it is impossible to diagnose the disease using them alone. There are a number parallel features, together with which, brownish snot will help to suspect a particular disease.

The main signs of ozena and scleroma are:

  • deterioration of the sense of smell, up to complete anemia;
  • putrid odor from nostrils;
  • increased dryness of the internal nasal cavity.

Nasal tumors can be identified by the following manifestations:

  • difficulty breathing for no apparent reason;
  • visible changes in the internal nasal cavity;
  • regular multi-colored discharge and bleeding;
  • frequent occurrence of otitis media.

With sinusitis, general intoxication is observed, the temperature is around 38 degrees Celsius and severe headaches.

Symptoms of mycoses of the nose and paranasal sinuses are:

  • noticeable itching inside the nasal area;
  • a significant increase in temperature, up to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • headache;
  • black snot from the nose;
  • bad feeling.

Snot Brown from the nose in the adult population may indicate not only diseases, but also be a consequence of the specific lifestyle. This phenomenon observed in a number of smokers and industrial workers.

With constant smoking, tobacco components, along with smoke, can enter the inner mucous membrane of the nose and settle there. How more people susceptible to this habit, the more difficult it is for the mucous membrane to get rid of harmful substances. Gradually they accumulate, mix with regular snot and leave the nasal area, giving the discharge a specific brown color.

A similar process occurs during long-term work in industrial conditions. Various chemical fumes, together with dust, enter the nasal cavity, settle there, color the snot and come out with them.

But even if one or both of the above factors are present, brown nasal discharge should see a doctor. Such snot with a given lifestyle does not exclude the presence of pathological processes.

Brown snot in a child

Brown snot from the nose in a child are also not always symptoms of the disease. Babies often swallow small objects or put them in their ears and nostrils. If adults did not notice this and did not have time to independently remove the foreign object from the child’s nose, then it can lead to damage to the internal walls, scratching them and causing blood, which, mixed with mucus, turns it brown. In addition, pathogenic bacteria can enter the baby’s body with small objects, leading to inflammatory processes.

REFERENCE! The most common cause of brown snot in a child is sinusitis. Brown snot in the adult population most often occurs for the same reason.

When diagnosing a disease, a doctor prescribes special treatment, which can be either medicinal or based on traditional medicine. Most often, therapy combines both methods.

Drug treatment

The direction of therapy depends on the cause of the brown mucus. At thin vessels they need to be strengthened. To do this, the necessary groups of vitamins are prescribed (most often vitamin C), a special diet and moderate exercise are prescribed.

If the cause of brown snot is fungal infections, then the patient is also prescribed special diet and prescribe medications:

  • antifungal medications;
  • immunostimulants;
  • necessary groups of vitamins.

In the presence of a bacterial infectious process, the first step is to resort to antibiotics, decongestants, antihistamines. Washing with special solutions and physiotherapy are prescribed.

When tumors are detected, the patient is referred to an oncologist, and he prescribes treatment, depending on the etiology of the tumors. It could be drug therapy, and surgery. Early diagnosis allows you to completely defeat this disease.

For ordinary mechanical damage, no specific treatment no need. Gently blowing your nose and removing dried crusts will help get rid of brown discharge.

Dry nose can be overcome by rinsing saline solutions and installing air humidifiers in work and home areas. It is also necessary to completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops unless the doctor says otherwise.

If brown snot is caused by smoking or working in an industrial enterprise, then it is impossible to get rid of it with medications. You will need to completely get rid of the harmful effects.

Alternative medicine has in its arsenal a wide range of ways to get rid of brown discharge. But it is worth remembering that they are additional therapy that the doctor prescribes to help with drug treatment. All ethnoscience in this case it is divided into 2 types:

  • washing;
  • burying


TO good result may result in rinsing the nasal cavity. It is most effective in the presence of inflammation. There are several recipes for the solution:

  • herbal tinctures from rose hips, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus;
  • pharmaceuticals: saline solution, nitrofural solution, potassium permanganate;
  • water with added soda and salt (a drop of iodine is allowed);
  • freshly squeezed juices diluted with water: beetroot, onion, orange, currant, cranberry, lemon.


This procedure is carried out using natural ingredients:

  • To cleanse snot, you can use ultrasound;
  • Freshly squeezed beet juice will help cope with difficulty breathing;
  • aloe juice or onion juice will perform a disinfectant function, killing pathogenic microflora.

Since colored snot is a symptom various pathologies, then it is necessary to take available measures to prevent their occurrence and development:

  • monitor your immunity, strengthen it in all possible ways;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not use drops for nasal congestion without the permission of a specialist;
  • monitor the level of humidity in the room, use humidifiers if necessary;
  • treat colds promptly.

When working in industrial enterprises or any other with large amounts of dust (for example, in construction), it is necessary to use special respiratory protection in the form of masks. For a smoker main prevention will be a lifelong cessation of smoking.

If all preventive measures have been regularly followed, and brown snot or any other symptom appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor, because even the most common runny nose can actually be a sign of a serious problem. fungal disease or even malignant tumors.

Thus, brown discharge from the nose may be caused by specific working conditions, smoking, the presence of foreign objects or a pathological process. Serious illnesses nasal area do not happen so often, but they cannot be predicted, but they can be prevented with preventive measures. In case of any deviation in the condition of the body, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for consultation and further diagnosis.

The nasal cavity, sinuses and nasopharynx consist of three membranes, one of which is the mucous membrane. Its numerous cells secrete a fluid that moisturizes the airways. The vessels passing through the mucous membrane warm the air when it enters the nose. Collectively, the mucous membrane increases the temperature of oxygen and relieves a person of pathogenic microflora.

When viruses and bacteria enter the respiratory system, the mucous membrane swells. Fluid is secreted much more abundantly. Yellow, green or brown discharge indicates respiratory disease.

The shade of the secretion depends on the processes occurring in the nose area. When the mucous membrane is damaged, blood cells from the capillaries enter the general secretion and stain it.

Leukocytes will color the snot white. If they collide with bacteria living in the secretion environment, the blood cells die and cause the mucus to turn green.

Due to a disruption in the structure of the capillaries, red blood cells enter the secretions. They color the liquid bright red. Later, hemoglobin cells are destroyed, and a dark yellow pigment appears. The secretion takes on an orange or brown tint.

Influencing factors

Brown snot from the nose in adults can be a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle or an acute stage of an inflammatory disease. Main reasons:

  • Long-term smoking can cause bleeding in the lungs and irritation of the nasal passages. Cigarette smoke containing nicotine and tar that enters the lungs mixes with the blood, forming a brown color. Typically, the dark mass comes out through the nose.
  • Work or living conditions associated with constant inhalation of dust lead to the same symptoms. Miners, granite polishers and construction workers who work without protective equipment often complain of strange-colored mucus.
  • Acute inflammation of the paranasal, maxillary or frontal sinuses; excessive use of nasal vasoconstrictors; frequent blowing your nose; delayed therapy leads to the destruction of the vessels of the mucous membrane. This process causes a number of symptoms, including brown mucus from the nose.
  • Removing, treating, or attaching an upper molar to a metal rod may result in a piece of filling or bone fragments becoming lodged in the maxillary sinus. This leads to an inflammatory process. The vessels are destroyed, and the blood enters the purulent mucus. Such discharge is one-sided, since perforation of the sinus occurs only on one side.
  • Most often, brown discharge can be observed in children. They can push a small foreign body deep into the nose and cause unpleasant consequences. Must be discovered foreign object and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Prolonged injury to the mucous membrane by a foreign body will lead to infection of the epithelial layer.
  • The culprits for the appearance of dark snot can be ozena or scleroma. With these pathologies, nasal discharge becomes sharp bad smell felt by others. There is also no sense of smell, a feeling of dryness is felt in the throat and nasal cavity, the mucous membrane atrophies, bleeding and ulceration begin. This leads to the formation of colored crusts that get into the snot and turn it the color of rust. These diseases are rare and can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

Manifestations in children

Snot in the noses of children is much more common than in adults. Therefore, mothers and fathers often calmly experience a baby’s runny nose and help ensure that he breathes comfortably. However, the appearance of brown snot in a child will make any parent wary. Red or dark color discharge is formed when small and large vessels of the nasal region are damaged.

One of the most common symptoms of colds is nasal congestion. Blood that has entered the mucus cannot come out due to blockage of the nasal passage and, as a result of stagnation, takes on a brown color.

In addition to treatment permanent teeth and long-term smoking, the reasons for the appearance of colored snot in children are similar to the reasons for the appearance in adults.

Diagnostic methods

If the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). The doctor will conduct a survey, listen to complaints, check for pain and the nature of the discharge. Using a rhinoscope, a specialist will conduct an examination to assess the condition of the mucous membrane.

Based on the examination and conversation with the patient, the doctor makes a definite diagnosis. To confirm it, appoint additional research. X-ray and diaphanoscopy of the respiratory organs will show the condition of the paranasal, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Ultrasonography, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging will give the most accurate picture of the patient’s condition.

Often brown snot is a consequence of an advanced inflammatory process. Such symptoms require immediate medical intervention and long-term therapy.

Directions of therapy

Drug therapy for a child is almost no different from the treatment for a sick adult. Children's mucous membrane is more fragile and sensitive, so use medicines should be reduced to a minimum if possible. However, you should not make such decisions on your own. The consulting doctor can select physical treatments to improve the child’s condition and remove unnecessary medications.

Treatment for brown discharge is no different from treatment for a regular runny nose. It is necessary to dilute the secretion by rinsing the nose. For example, use a solution of soda and salt. This will help clear mucus from your sinuses and make breathing easier.

To eliminate the symptoms and achieve a final cure, the cause of the runny nose must be determined.

Often, brown snot appears with sinusitis.

For this disease, the specialist prescribes complex treatment. It includes antimicrobials, medicines local action and physiotherapy.

In combination with the main therapy, you can use alternative medicine. To ensure that there is no blood in the secretions, the walls of the blood vessels should be strengthened. Painful sensations may occur in places where damaged capillaries accumulate.

To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to rinse your nose with a decoction of nettle, burdock or grapes. Chamomile decoction, propolis tincture, beet drops and Kalanchoe juice have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties. These folk remedies can also be used in combination with the main treatment.

If the maxillary, paranasal or frontal sinuses are inflamed, it is strictly prohibited to treat a runny nose with heating. An increase in temperature in these places contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.

You should not start treatment on your own. Without determining an accurate diagnosis and selecting individual therapy self-treatment may eliminate symptoms, but will not lead to complete recovery. The consequence of this will be serious complications that will affect the health of the entire body.

The color of nasal discharge allows you to determine at what stage the disease is occurring and whether this symptom refers to manifestations of sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. This disease has several stages, each of which is characterized by specific symptoms, and brown snot discharged from the nose in adults or children is one of these. It is worth noting that this color may be due to blood impurities, and their appearance indicates a severe course of the disease.

If the patient begins to discharge brown snot, especially in a child, you should immediately contact medical care, since this will avoid very unpleasant consequences.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the development of inflammation, because the further course of treatment will depend on it. Most often, the provocateurs are viruses and bacteria that have entered the maxillary sinuses through the nose, but only an experienced specialist can determine exactly why the inflammation occurred.

The main stages of development of sinusitis

The first symptoms of the disease are discomfort in the nose and forehead. When discomfort you need to see a doctor, as sinusitis can cause quite dangerous complications. First of all, the mucous membrane suffers; it becomes vulnerable to pathogens.

Infection can be recognized already at the earliest early stages development.

It should be noted that sinus inflammation can occur in different forms:

  • Subacute. In this case, the disease occurs in mild form and responds well to treatment, but the difficulty is that diagnosing it at this stage is quite difficult: the symptoms that arise, including yellow-brown or simply yellow snot, similar to the symptoms of a common cold. There is a profuse runny nose, difficulty breathing;
  • Spicy. Signs of inflammation at this stage become more pronounced: thick mucus is secreted, usually yellow color, there is pain when blowing your nose;
  • Chronic. This form is characterized by regular exacerbations of symptoms and occurs in the absence of treatment at earlier stages. It is worth noting that it is difficult to treat.

If the disease is identified in time and treatment is started, the prognosis will be most favorable, but diagnosing sinusitis in the early stages of development is quite difficult, because it is similar to a common cold. Therefore, colds should be treated with extreme caution, because their minor symptoms may hide a very serious pathology.

As a rule, adults, perceiving sinusitis as a cold, are treated at home and consult a doctor only after the disease has progressed and characteristic features. The latter includes severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, while brown snot can come from only one nostril, since they are blocked alternately.

When the disease progresses to acute form discomfort intensifies: inflammation in the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses intensifies, which entails an increase in body temperature and pain in the head area (cheekbones, forehead, temples, back of the head, eyes, upper jaw).

In the absence of adequate therapeutic measures the disease acquires chronic form. You should not run it, because in the future you may need surgical intervention, since conservative methods will not bring effective results.

Moreover, each operation is accompanied by an increased risk of complications: as for the nasal cavity, it is significantly reduced local immunity, the risk of regular colds increases.

Course of sinusitis in children and adults

It is impossible to carry out a full diagnosis at home. But the presence of the disease can be determined by specific signs. For example, the most common of them are the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Pressure in the face when tilting the head forward;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Brown snot, indicating progression of inflammation.

In addition to the listed symptoms, partial or total loss sense of smell, which indicates the transition of the disease to an acute form.

Provokes disruption of this function severe runny nose preventing normal breathing through one or both nostrils. Treatment allows you to restore your sense of smell in full.

Identifying the disease at home is quite simple: press your fingers on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and the area between the eyebrows. If upon palpation you feel strong pain, then it is quite possible that the person has sinusitis.

It is worth noting that nasal breathing in the early stages of development, inflammation may partially persist. Brown discharge, almost like snot, is often observed, but only from one nostril. If you use vasoconstrictor drops, That normal breathing may persist. But in advanced cases, even such drugs do not help; it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to treating the disease.

Why is snot brown when you have sinusitis?

Nasal discharge can help determine what stage of development in this moment there is a disease.

It is worth noting that such a simple method allows you to fairly accurately determine the stage and nature of the disease. This method allows you to make a forecast for the future and help avoid complications. The color of the discharge depends on the nature of the sinusitis. Most often they are white, green, yellow and yellow-brown. White ones are observed in the early stages of development, when there is still no pus.

And thick white ones after treatment indicate recovery. The yellow tint is due to a purulent inflammatory process. Green and brown discharge indicates severe course diseases. For example, in the latter case, the dark color of the mucus may be due to inclusions of blood.

Why does thick brown or reddish mucus come out?

Bleeding can occur for several reasons, such as overuse of runny nose drops, nose picking, or frequent nose blowing.

If a person has a broken nose bridge, then bloody discharge in the early stages of the disease is a classic symptom.

This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane begins to bleed at the slightest irritation.

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Our nasal cavity lined with a special mucous membrane. It produces a secretion that helps moisturize the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane has a lot of vessels that are involved in warming the air. All this does not give pathogenic microorganisms live and reproduce in the nasal cavity.

But if microbes enter the nasal cavity, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, it is damaged, as a result of which mucus is produced in large volumes. The color of the mucus can determine the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of brown snot, since the treatment method will depend on this. The appearance of brown mucus in adults is a reason to consult a doctor.

Brown snot from the nose in adults - symptom definition

A runny nose of infectious origin is the most common pathology upper respiratory tract. Moreover, the volume, consistency and color of mucus depend on the stage of the disease. At first it is abundant, serous (serous-mucous) and transparent. In a couple of days, when viral infection bacterial is added, the mucus includes admixtures of pus.

The volume of pus increases, causing the snot to become yellow (yellow-green) and thick. Once the runny nose is over, they are no longer so abundant. The mucus turns into dry yellow-green crusts and then gradually disappears.

The brown tint of mucus comes from blood. When hemoglobin in stale blood begins to change and transform, the color changes from red to brown.

This does not happen with a runny nose, which is a symptom colds. The appearance of blood streaks or clots indicates fragility of the vessels in the nasal mucosa due to a number of reasons.

This happens if a person blows his nose too much or has a deviated nasal septum. These factors injure the mucosal epithelium. Also, the occurrence of brown snot may be associated with increased blood pressure, lack of vitamin C, dry mucous membranes.


If an adult has brown snot, you should definitely consult a doctor. This is the only way to protect yourself from serious consequences.

First of all, you need to identify the cause. Most often, these can be viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

At long-term inflammation Pus forms in the sinuses and the person produces brown mucus. This color is a sign that the pus is drying. When crusts of pus enter the mucus, they dissolve and the discharge becomes brown.

Brown discharge can also be a symptom of a fungal disease. It happens that candidiasis and mold fungi actively multiply in the sinuses. Because of this, mucus is released first white, which turns brown over time. A change in color indicates an advanced inflammatory process.

The appearance of brown mucus during a runny nose is serious symptom, which indicates improper or delayed treatment of the disease or the development of complications, as well as the spread of the inflammatory process to the sinuses and damage to the mucosa.

Frequently encountered sinusitis is and. The symptoms of these diseases are similar: intoxication, specific pain syndrome, thick, mucopurulent discharge.

Brown snot can occur due to late treatment, chronic inflammation, injuries during sinus puncture or nasal rinsing, foreign body entry into the nasal cavity.

It happens that brown or almost black discharge in a small volume can occur against the background of complete health. The reason for this may be dusty and polluted air. Such brown snot appears in people of certain professions.

Possible complications

Without timely treatment, any disease is fraught with consequences. They can not only be unpleasant, but much more difficult to treat. If brown snot is a symptom of sinusitis, the following complications may occur:

  1. Extracranial. They appear in the form of purulent foci in the surrounding tissues, which do not penetrate into the cranial cavity. The most common extracranial complications include:
    • Non-purulent lesions of the eye area(swelling of the eyelids, inflammation of the periosteum).
    • Purulent lesions(abscess of the eyelids, paraorbital and retroorbital tissue, orbital phlegmon, blockage of orbital vessels).
  2. Intracranial. They are less common, but can end fatal. Intracranial complications include: meningitis, brain abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, blood poisoning.

It is necessary to treat sinusitis. Therapy takes a long time. Very often you have to resort to surgical intervention(sinus puncture), so it is necessary timely treatment to avoid the development of complications.

Treatment methods

If brown snot appears, you should definitely consult an ENT doctor. First, the specialist must listen to the patient’s complaints, determine the presence pain syndrome and symptoms of intoxication of the body, clarify the nature of the discharge, the duration of the disease.

The presence of anatomical defects or foreign bodies which may cause bleeding. Depending on the color of the mucus back wall pharynx, the doctor determines the source of blood loss.

Only after consultation and examination is a treatment regimen selected.


If there are no complaints other than brown snot, then therapy is aimed at strengthening the vessels of the mucous membrane and restoring its functions. In this case, vitamin C and preparations containing iron are used, as well as moisturizing sprays. Cardio training is recommended.

Add drug treatment possible using folk remedies. It is proposed to use decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Folk remedies:

It should be remembered that if brown snot is released due to sinusitis or sinusitis, then warming procedures cannot be performed, since heat negatively affects the course of the inflammatory process. As a result, the condition can only get worse.



Brown snot is most often a sign of sinusitis. But sometimes they can indicate other diseases. Therefore, treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist who will make a diagnosis and select appropriate medications.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, you can avoid serious complications such as or.

The mucus in the nose cleans and moisturizes the nasal passages and protects against cold air entering the nasopharynx. U healthy person it is produced in small quantity. But if the mucus has become abundant, this indicates a disease.

The color of the mucous secretion is important for diagnosis. It can be colorless, white, dark to black, liquid or thick. But cases when brown snot appears are dangerous.

Reasons for changing the color of the secreted secretion

Mucus secretions turn brown when they mix with red blood cells. There are several reasons.

Long-term focus of infection in paranasal sinuses. It happens with purulent sinusitis. The mucus is mixed with crusts and blood, which is why the snot is brown.

Benign tumors. They have thin walls and are completely penetrated by vessels. Therefore, they are easily damaged, even when blowing your nose, and the blood mixes with mucus.

Malignant oncology. The tumor destroys nearby vessels and tissues, forming erosions and ulcers.

Fungal infection in the nose or nasopharynx. The causative agents are Candida fungi. Initially, they form a milky discharge, which turns into brown and even black snot.

Runny nose due to smoking. It is caused by tar, nicotine, which has accumulated in respiratory tract and go outside.

Hemorrhage in the nasopharynx. The reason is, increased intracranial pressure, fragile blood vessels, which happens due to a lack of minerals and vitamins.

As a consequence of nosebleeds. It comes out with mucus. If the mucous secretion turns red, this indicates fresh bleeding. Earlier discharges, when hemoglobin has already been destroyed, give the discharge a brown color.

Scleroma and ozena of the nose. These rare diseases, but have not yet been fully studied. Pathology of the mucous membranes develops, the sense of smell is lost, frequent bleeding, scars and ulcers form. Characteristic symptom diseases - fetid odor of discharge. Scleroma and ozena are subject to compulsory treatment, otherwise irreversible changes occur in the nose.

Additional factors

Work in highly polluted conditions. Fine dust settles on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and then comes out with mucous secretion, coloring it in the corresponding color.

Often the appearance of brown mucus is accompanied by a headache, elevated temperature, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing. Appears as a chronic disease.

So, brown snot can mean neglect infection which resolves after adequate therapy. Sometimes this is evidence of pathology, which can lead to serious consequences(cancer, meningitis, meningoencephalitis). And sometimes the cause of dark mucus can even be ordinary bacterial rhinitis: due to swelling of the mucous membrane, small capillaries bleed, and the green discharge has brown streaks. In any case, you need to contact an ENT doctor who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Drug treatment

Brown snot is not cured independent disease– the cause needs to be treated.

The treatment protocol depends on the cause of the brown mucus.

In case of fragile vessels, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen them. This is achieved by taking vitamins (especially vitamin C), balanced diet, execution physical exercise. Hiking, cycling, swimming and running are useful.

For a fungal infection, be sure to prescribe:

  • antifungal drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin complex;
  • diet – restriction in flour and sweet products, exclusion of alcohol.

At bacterial infection antibiotics and drugs to reduce nasal swelling are prescribed, antihistamines, washing, physiotherapy. no treatment traditional methods. Only some prescriptions are used as an adjunct to drug therapy.

If mucus is released from the nose for no reason, in the absence of a runny nose or allergies, if breathing is difficult, ulcers form in the nose, frequent otitis occurs, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, because this may be a sign of neoplasms. They are diagnosed quickly and can be treated in the early stages.

In cases where brown slime caused mechanical damage mucous membrane, drug treatment is not required. It is enough to gently blow your nose and free it from. If the nasal cavity is dry, you need to moisturize it and use household humidifiers indoors. They cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, because they dry out the mucous membrane, which can lead to its atrophy and additional injury.

A runny nose in smokers cannot be treated.

Treatment with traditional methods

Green Pharmacy has a variety of remedies for treating brown snot. They are harmless and make you feel better. Used in conjunction with a doctor's prescription. The nose is washed and instilled.

A very effective procedure is rinsing. It is recommended to carry it out when inflammatory diseases, and it doesn’t matter what color the mucous secretion is. It is useful to rinse your nose as hygiene procedure to ensure free and clean breathing. This effective method for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system.

Used for washing various means:

    , calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus.
  • Pharmaceutical preparations: solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate.
  • Soda-salt solution, possibly with the addition of 1-2 drops of iodine. Use water and laundry soap.
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices: beets, onions, oranges, currants (black), cranberries, lemon (they are diluted in water).

You can rinse your nose yourself different ways. This is done simply and quickly while washing. You need to take water (body temperature) into your palm, close 1 nostril with your finger, and draw in the water with the other. After this, blow your nose.

The most successful and safe way washing - using an Esmarch mug or a small porcelain teapot with a long spout. To carry out the procedure, you need to bend over the sink, turn your head 90° and pour water into the upper nostril. Through nasal septum the solution comes out from the bottom. During the procedure you need to breathe through your mouth. At the end of the rinsing, the nose is blown out.

It is not advisable to rinse your nose with a syringe, because the water comes under pressure and can enter the paranasal sinuses, spreading the infection.

If you can't bend over the sink, you can use a pipette. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • inject the solution;
  • hold their breath;
  • then the nose is blown out.


Use natural products in your nose:

  • Propolis – cleanses the nose.
  • Beetroot juice makes breathing easier and relieves congestion.
  • Undiluted juice or (for small children it is better to dilute it with water 1:1) – disinfects and kills pathogenic flora.
  • Onion juice (diluted with water 1:2; 1:3) – kills any bacteria, viruses, fungi.

The procedure is carried out in a sitting or lying position. First, the nose is cleared of mucus. The head is tilted back, 2-4 drops of medicine are injected into the nostril. In this case, you need to hold your breath so that the product does not enter the stomach. After the manipulation, the head is turned towards the instilled nostril for 2 minutes.


To prevent such unpleasant symptom, like brown snot, you need to take care of yourself and not break the following rules:

  • Protect and strengthen your immune system. Don't get too cold.
  • Do not ignore discomfort in the nose or unusual discharge.
  • Do not self-medicate. Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops is harmful.
  • Humidify dry indoor air.
  • Always treat colds on time.

An advanced runny nose threatens stagnation of mucus, swelling of the mucous membranes, and the formation of pus, and an infection in the throat can cause complications in other respiratory organs.

If work involves dust or dirt, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system. The harm from smoking is difficult to overestimate. For the sake of your health, you need to give up this bad habit.

If your health worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow all his instructions.

Video: Solution for rinsing the nose at home