Discharge of fluid from the chest. Clear discharge from the mammary glands

When fluid is released from the breast, this phenomenon often indicates the development of breast disease.

The exception is the period of gestation, when such discharge from the breast may appear throughout pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as a non-pregnant woman begins to experience white discharge from the nipples or liquid of any other color over a long period of time, she urgently needs to undergo examination and undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor as soon as possible.

This symptom should also alert representatives of the stronger sex. After all, it can manifest itself if inflammation of the mammary gland in men or other pathological processes develops. Therefore, fluid from the mammary glands in representatives of both sexes is warning sign, with which you need to immediately contact a specialist.

What causes discharge?

Women's breasts contain milk ducts, which are located between fibrous and fatty tissue. Each canal has an opening at the top of the nipple. All women have an individual number of ducts, but the maximum number can reach up to fifteen. Through the milk ducts, not only milk and colostrum are produced, but also physiological secretion.

In the absence of diseases or the influence of external negative factors, the following condition is inherent in whitish, transparent discharge from the mammary glands:

  • scanty and abundant;
  • thick and watery;
  • viscous or slimy.

Any uniform consistency of secretion from the canals is normal, but only against the background of a transparent shade of liquid and a small volume. If there is too much discharge, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the mammologist.

For a certain condition, there are indicators of the norm of physiological secretion:

  1. Scanty, thick (one or two drops). It is noted when pressing on the chest in young girls and nulliparous women a few days before menstruation and during increased sexual arousal.
  2. Not very abundant, liquid. Characteristic of older women and women who have given birth, but the appearance of thick liquid is possible.
  3. Viscous. Colostrum occurs during gestation, breastfeeding, and for several years after cessation of lactation (individual indicator).

What could it be?

First alarming symptom, which indicates a possible disease - discharge from the mammary gland that occurs when pressed and independently.

The causes of discharge are:

  1. Physiological: at birth - engorgement of the glands with the flow of colostrum, the period of pregnancy and lactation, when the gland produces milk, residual discharge after the end of feeding.
  2. Pathological hormonal disorders in the body, age-related changes, inflammatory diseases mammary glands, tumors.

Pathological causes of breast discharge

The main causes of pathological discharge are:

  1. Chest trauma (blows, bruises). If this happened without breaking the integrity skin, then within two days you can easily squeeze out bloody fluid from the nipple.
  2. Ductectasia is a disease characterized by pathological dilatation of ducts called subareolar canals. The disease is typical for women after 40, since its main cause is age-related changes. The disease does not pose a health hazard, but only if timely treatment. Otherwise, serious consequences cannot be ruled out.
  3. Mastitis and abscess. Illnesses either occur during lactation, or are a consequence of penetration of an infected object. With mastitis, the area of ​​the gland becomes inflamed. Reason – bacterial infection, In most cases - Staphylococcus aureus. With an abscess, pus accumulates in the breast tissue, the affected area is limited from the healthy area.
  4. Intraductal papilloma– papillary benign tumor. It appears in the duct near the nipple. Due to the development of the tumor, a thick fluid is released, which sometimes contains blood impurities.
  5. Fibrocystic mastopathy– the appearance of compacted areas of tissue in the mammary gland. The condition is dangerous because it can develop into cancer.
  6. Malignant neoplasm (breast cancer)– a tumor that forms unnoticed due to uncontrolled cell division. Discharge appears when pressure is applied from both mammary glands or only from one.
  7. Galactorrhea is a disease in which pressure from the nipple causes milk to leak, but this does not apply to breastfeeding. main reason galactorrhea – hormonal imbalance, excess prolactin. The disease sometimes accompanies diseases of the brain or thyroid gland.
  8. Paget's disease is a malignant tumor that involves the nipple or areola. The disease is extremely dangerous and requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Physiological causes of discharge

Physiological features explain the discharge:

  1. Some time after finishing feeding. Discharge may continue for the next two or three years. It depends on the woman’s age and the number of pregnancies she has had.
  2. During pregnancy. IN female breast Preparations are underway for the birth of the baby and its feeding. The glands train how to produce milk and remove it. Similar processes occur in the third and final trimester. Increased tone The uterus stimulates the secretion of cloudy white or yellowish fluid from both mammary glands.
  3. When using contraceptives. Oral contraceptives contain hormones that stimulate lactation. The discharge should disappear after discontinuation of contraceptives. They should be replaced with another type. But it is wise to do this only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  4. After an abortion. The presence of discharge and its duration are determined by the period at which the artificial termination of pregnancy occurred. They can bother a woman from several days to a month.

Selection is not large quantity clear liquid is possible during treatment with hormonal drugs or the use of antidepressants. The cause could be a too-tight bra or physical overload.

Determining the color

Based on the color of the discharge, the doctor can easily determine the disease that is causing the disease:

  1. Yellow. Discharge yellow color with a creamy tint (colostrum) are released after childbirth in the first days. If a yellowish tint appears before menstruation and is accompanied by pain, then mastopathy can be assumed.
  2. Purulent. They appear when an abscess develops inside the ducts, and are observed with mastitis. Bloody discharge is dangerous. They often indicate a malignant neoplasm.
  3. White. Appear after taking contraceptives and with a pituitary tumor.
  4. Greens. Coloring dark green gives pus, which is secreted during mastitis.
  5. Brown. Occurs when a cyst or tumor forms in the mammary gland. A dark-colored liquid is released when it enters the milk ducts when the capillaries are damaged.
  6. Transparent. If they appear before menstruation, this is normal.
  7. Bloody. This is a sign of the development of a malignant neoplasm or damage to blood vessels.
  8. Black. Observed during the disintegration of a malignant neoplasm.

The amount of fluid released may be small or quite large when it is necessary to use breast pads.

Breast self-examination

In order to “catch” the onset of a disease in time, it is useful to conduct periodic breast examinations yourself. It's easy and doesn't take much time.

The inspection is carried out in the first half monthly cycle after the end of menstruation

  1. Once naked to the waist, you need to stand in front of the mirror. With your hands down, carefully examine your chest to see if there is any redness, swelling, or changes in the shape of the glands. Raise your hands behind your head and examine your chest in this position.
  2. Gently squeezing the nipples at the bases, check for any discharge.
  3. Holding one hand behind your head, use gentle circular movements to examine each gland from the nipples to the armpits. Repeat the examination in the supine position.

Normally, no hardness or swelling should be felt in the chest. Any oddities should alert you - discharge, inverted nipples, bulges, changes in skin color.

You need to examine your breasts yourself once every 3-4 months, this will allow you to notice any changes in a timely manner.

If you detect discharge from the mammary glands, be sure to consult a doctor immediately. There is no need to panic or be afraid. The vast majority of glandular discharges are not cancer. The term “cancerophobia” is even common among doctors, the fear of this disease is so strong among patients. Timely diagnosis and treatment will prevent the development of complications.

When should you see a doctor?

There are a number of symptoms, if they occur, you should immediately contact a specialist:

  • discharge bothers you for more than two days;
  • they contain an admixture of blood;
  • the secretion comes out of only one mammary gland;
  • the discharge has a thick consistency;
  • peeling appears on the skin of the nipple;
  • loss of symmetry (increase in size, formation of dense knots);
  • the color of the nipple and the area around it changes;
  • pain appears in the chest.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, as well as any changes in this area should not be ignored. Timely visits to the doctor, diagnosis, and therapy will help avoid complications and serious illnesses.

Competent diagnostics

Pathological processes in the mammary gland are the sphere of influence of the mammologist. When contacting him, you will be assigned:

  • mammography;
  • microscopy and culture of breast discharge;
  • ultrasonography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • clinical blood test;
  • cytological examination;
  • tests for the level of various hormones in the body;
  • radiography;
  • ductography;
  • biopsy, etc.

These diagnostic methods allow you to examine the structure of the mammary gland, assess the degree of its functionality, identify the presence of inflammatory or infectious process, and also eliminate the risk of developing cancerous tumor.

In addition, the doctor will listen to the patient, analyze her complaints, trace her medical history, and find out about cases of malignant neoplasms in the woman’s family.

He will then conduct a thorough contact examination of the breast. The concentration and appearance of the discharged fluid will be assessed, as well as the presence of blood in it. The specialist will carefully examine the condition of the breast itself. First of all, he will check for compliance with the norm the size, shape, color, type of nipple, its color and the severity of any changes.

If there are nodules, lumps or painful tumors in the patient’s mammary gland, he will conduct a differential diagnosis.

How to treat?

Discharge is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. It is necessary to find out the reason that caused the symptoms of a particular disease in order to select a regimen therapeutic treatment.It can be conservative, but surgical opening of purulent cavities is not excluded:

  1. Treatment of galactorrhea involves eliminating the underlying cause of the disease.
  2. Therapy for breast discharge with mastopathy is conservative and symptomatic.
  3. In Paget's disease, the affected mammary gland is removed followed by a course of chemotherapy.
  4. Lacteal duct ectasia is treated with compresses, and if it becomes infected, antibiotics are prescribed. IN special cases shown surgery.
  5. Mastitis and abscess can be cured with antibiotics or opening the purulent cavities.
  6. Intraductal papilloma (benign formation) develops in the milk duct near the nipple. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the affected area.
  7. Hormonal imbalance has serious consequences for a woman’s body. A blood test is required to test sex hormones. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for treatment.
  8. In case of breast injury, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed after a mammological examination.

With constant discharge it is possible surgical removal dilated milk duct. If a malignant tumor is detected, the patient is referred to an oncologist. She is prescribed a combination treatment, which includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy in various combinations.


To prevent the development of breast diseases it is necessary:

  1. Maintain optimal body weight and daily physical activity
  2. Maintain proper diet and sleep
  3. Avoid impacts, bruises, cuts, punctures and other damage chest and décolleté areas
  4. Do not neglect natural feeding
  5. Refuse bad habits, minimize the number of stressful situations
  6. Limit from overuse hormonal drugs
  7. Be examined by a mammologist twice a year

It is equally important to regularly self-palpate the glands. If there are neoplasms, they can be most clearly felt during menstruation. In everyday life, it is better to use comfortable underwear made of natural fabric. The bra should support the breasts, not compress them.

Liquid discharge from the nipples is one of the signs of breast disease, unless the woman is, of course, carrying a child and breastfeeding it.

But there is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time, because the nature of the organ is such that it produces a natural secretion throughout life, and discharge from the mammary gland when pressed can be observed even in healthy representatives of the fair sex.

What should you remember in this situation, and in what cases should you immediately contact medical institution?

Women's mammary glands consist of glandular tissue through which many channels pass, and the nipples have about 10 holes through which milk is secreted.

Outside of pregnancy and breastfeeding, fluid may appear from one or more tubules for a variety of reasons.

The likelihood of its occurrence increases in older women and women who have given birth, but sometimes a similar phenomenon is observed in very young girls and even men.

A woman will not be able to independently determine the factors that cause discharge from the nipples, so she should pay special attention to their color, consistency and other characteristics.

Any discharge from the nipples in newborn girls is a variant of the norm - after birth, the mammary glands undergo a kind of “training”, which consists of engorgement and the production of fluid similar to colostrum, sometimes mixed with blood.

Why does fluid appear from the chest?

The main cause of breast discharge is pregnancy. Sometimes fluid appears in the first weeks after conception, when other signs of an “interesting situation” are absent. Closer to the third trimester, the amount of discharge increases, and after the birth of the baby, the breast begins to fully produce milk.

Variants of the norm include the following cases:

  • the period after the end of lactation (sometimes up to 2-3 years);
  • treatment with hormonal drugs and antidepressants;
  • wearing underwear that is too tight;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • recent mammogram;
  • serious physical activity.

In itself, isolated discharge from the chest does not pose a danger, but consultation with a doctor in this case is still necessary, especially if it is accompanied by other signs (redness of the skin, engorgement, pain, etc.).

According to statistics, the majority cancer diseases mammary glands occur without discharge from the breast, so most often this symptom indicates a local inflammatory process or benign tumors.

Highlights when pressed

When detecting discharge from the nipples, a woman needs to pay attention to factors such as the nature of the appearance of liquid (when pressed, independently, moderately or intensely), the color of the discharge and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The appearance of fluid when pressing on the nipple is characteristic of a number of diseases and pathologies of the mammary glands.

Among them:

  1. Ectasia of the milk ducts. A disease that most often develops in older women and is characterized by deformation of the milk ducts.
  2. Fibrocystic mastopathy. One of the most common causes of nipple discharge is that one or more cysts appear in the breast, that is, hollow formations with liquid secretion inside.
  3. Hormonal imbalance(excessive production of the hormone prolactin). This condition is called galactorrhea and most often develops as a result of long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  4. The appearance of papilloma in the milk duct. Papilloma is a benign formation that can appear both on the surface of the skin and in the tissues of the mammary gland.
  5. Mastitis or abscess. An inflammatory or purulent-inflammatory process that develops in the chest due to infection.
  6. Mechanical trauma of the mammary glands. With bruises or blunt mechanical trauma to the chest, discharge from the nipples may appear, and its nature and intensity depends on the severity of the injury.
  7. Cancer diseases. The most dangerous cause of nipple discharge for health, which requires surgical intervention, and if left untreated can lead to dire consequences.

It is very important to pay attention to additional symptoms that accompany discharge: changes in the shape of the breast or skin color, pain and discomfort in the chest, the presence of formations or lumps.

In inflammatory processes and hormonal disorders The most intense discharge of fluid from the nipples is observed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and after the end of menstruation they may disappear altogether. In the case of cancerous tumors, the discharge is usually not associated with the menstrual cycle.

What kind of discharge can there be?

The fluid that is released from the nipples during diseases and pathological conditions may have different colour, from transparent or light yellow to bloody and dark brown.

The shade of the discharge, as well as its consistency and smell, play an important role in determining the cause that caused this phenomenon.

Discharges may be of the following nature:

  1. Transparent discharge. In most cases, the clear liquid that comes out in small drops when you press on the nipple does not entail any serious consequences. A woman needs to undergo a routine examination and carefully monitor her body.
  2. White discharge. If the discharge white are not associated with pregnancy or lactation, they are most often a sign of a disorder called galactorrhea, or spontaneous leakage of milk due to excess prolactin production. In addition to hormonal disorders, other reasons include this phenomenon includes tumors of the ovaries and pituitary gland, renal failure, abortion.
  3. Yellow discharge. A yellow-colored liquid is released from the breast during galactorrhea and other diseases listed above, but if it is greenish in color and resembles pus, then we are most likely talking about an inflammatory process - mastitis, abscess, ectasia of the milk ducts.
  4. Bloody issues. Fluid with impurities or blood clots is an alarming sign that cannot be ignored. It usually appears after chest trauma, but may indicate the presence of intraductal papilloma or malignant tumor.

Discharge from the nipples is a common phenomenon among women, which should not be a reason for panic, but a reason for carefully monitoring your well-being and consulting with a specialist.

The color and consistency of discharge is an important criterion in making a diagnosis, so a woman should definitely tell her doctor about it.

Video on the topic

Drainage from the nipple is a cause for concern. It could be warning sign, indicating a serious illness, but do not panic ahead of time. In fact, there are many pathological factors that can provoke such a phenomenon, and oncology is in the very last place. Discharge from the nipples of the breast can be provoked by much more trivial factors - mastopathy, papilloma, or a common cold of the chest.


You may notice discharge from one gland or from both. They pass through the same ducts as milk, so the pattern of their appearance is the same. Discharge from the nipples in women can be of different colors. Representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age may experience brown as well as green discharge. The latter usually indicate the development of mastopathy. In addition, the discharge can be transparent or resemble colostrum. This phenomenon is typical for girls expecting a baby, nursing mothers and those who have completed breastfeeding. In fact, after the cessation of lactation, slight discharge of fluid from the nipples may continue for another six months. If this phenomenon bothers you longer, consult a doctor.


A specialist mammologist will conduct a special examination to find out the causes of problems in the body. This symptom may bother you with galactorrhea - this is an ailment that occurs due to various causes:

Enlargement of the thyroid gland (a common occurrence after the birth of a child);
- the appearance of tumors (as a result of failures hormonal levels);
- consumption of medications;
- nipple stimulation (with a breast pump or baby);
- various kidney lesions.

Pathological reasons:

- Oncological lesion of the breast. Sometimes nipple discharge indicates such a disease, although it is very rare. This phenomenon manifests itself as intraductal cancer, as well as Paget's cancer. The latter disease is a tumor that is located with the nipple entering the affected area. Other symptoms of this type of cancer include a changed shape of the nipple, darkening of the areola area, as well as severe itching sensations in the chest. The discharge is most often bloody. Timely diagnosis is the guarantor successful treatment.

- Mastopathy. This is a lesion of the breast, which is manifested by an imbalance of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by the formation of cystic components (hardening of certain areas of the breast). This disease can develop as a result of hormonal imbalances.

- Mastitis- this is an ailment that is accompanied by the formation of pus, and this, in turn, sometimes passes inside the milk ducts.

Injury. Even minor damage to the breast can cause uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples.

- Intraductal papilloma. This formation is benign, it is small in size and is located in the milk duct, causing discharge. Typically, this disease occurs in women between the ages of thirty-five and fifty-five. This formation appears for reasons unknown to science and is quite easily eliminated, sometimes without surgical intervention.

- Ectasia. This is an inflammatory lesion inside milk duct. This disease can affect a woman over forty years old, and it is treated using compresses and antibiotics selected by a specialist. Sometimes the doctor recommends eliminating the affected duct by surgery.

- Abscess. This is the name given to accumulated purulent masses inside the mammary gland. This situation can occur during the lactation period. Active sucking by a child often leads to the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and they can serve as a kind of entrance gate for pathogens various ailments. Such pathological process makes itself known purulent discharge, the breasts may turn red and significantly increase in size. Therapy is usually carried out surgically In addition, you need to take antibiotics.

In this case, experts strongly recommend that women regularly palpate their breasts to identify lumps. of various etiologies. In addition, you should visually examine both the mammary glands in general and the nipples in particular in order to promptly notice any deformations, redness and other possible changes.

Visit to the doctor

Regardless of your suspicions regarding the etiology of the discharge, you still need to visit a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

You should tell your doctor about:

Color of discharge;
- frequency of their occurrence;
- whether they arise from one breast or from both;
- appear from one hole or from several;
- do they appear on their own or after pressing;
- the presence of any other ailments or symptoms that bother you;
- chest injuries;
- use of any medications.

A specialist will conduct an examination and refer you to additional research: Ultrasound, mammography and other tests (CBC, blood test for hormones). Based on the data received, the doctor will make a diagnosis and select treatment. It may involve the use of hormonal drugs, antibiotics, folk remedies, or surgical intervention.

You should not ignore such an alarming symptom as discharge from the nipples. A timely visit to the doctor can save your health, and sometimes even your life.

The mammary gland is designed to produce and secrete fluid, but you can often find green mucus when pressing on the breast. What could this mean? What danger is hidden behind these secretions? When do you need to urgently contact a specialist?

Normally, contents are released from the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. Transparent discharge from the nipples, which often becomes a cause for concern, is also not a pathology. The nature and color of the secretion can be completely different, whether it is released under pressure or spontaneously, accompanied by other symptoms or not.

In some cases, discharge is a signal that pathological changes are occurring in a woman’s body, diseases are developing or progressing. In this case, you need to act quickly and contact a specialist so that he can help determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

There are many factors that can provoke secretion from the mammary glands. Of course, it’s difficult to determine on your own the real reason, if you are not a mammologist. But your health largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment. Liquid is released not only during pregnancy and after lactation, but also during serious pathologies such as cancer, mastopathy, mastitis, and diseases of hormone-producing organs.

The main causes of discharge from the breast:

  • cancer;
  • mastopathy, mastitis;
  • mammary gland injury;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • stress, depression, lack of sleep;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland;
  • hypothalamic diseases;
  • lack of normal sex life.

Other factors can also stimulate the appearance of discharge. For example, after lactation, a woman secretes a white secretion for a certain period, but it is no longer milk. Even if the discharge does not cause discomfort and there are no other manifestations, you still need to go to a mammologist to be sure that everything is in order. If a disease is diagnosed, it can be treated very quickly, avoiding complications.

Green discharge due to mastopathy

A serious cause for concern is the appearance of yellow-green discharge from the mammary glands. The most common cause (96% of cases) is mastopathy.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on how advanced the pathology is. If you consult a doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear, you can cope with the disease quickly and without much effort or risk.

In a woman's body reproductive function Two hormones are responsible: estrogen and progesterone. They regulate menstrual cycle, cause changes in the mammary glands during ovulation, before and after menstruation. If the balance of these hormones is disturbed, tissue proliferation occurs, and this is mastopathy.

The disease occurs in one of two forms. With nodular mastopathy, a single formation is formed, with diffuse mastopathy, multiple small nodules appear. Seals can form from connective, glandular or cystic tissue.

Why do they appear?

The main reason for the appearance of green discharge in mastopathy is that the secretion, which is formed in each woman in different quantities, not being able to be released in time due to compactions, stagnates, changes color, can become yellow-green or even brown-green if the disease launched. In rare cases, the fluid flows out spontaneously; more often it appears with light pressure on the chest.

Before starting treatment, the cause of mastopathy should be discovered.

The main provoking factors include:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases and tumor neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • pathologies of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • Problems nervous system(frequent stress, prolonged depression);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma and microtrauma of the mammary glands;
  • smoking, regular use alcoholic drinks;
  • irregular sex life;
  • abortions.

In addition to estrogen and progesterone, a woman’s body produces another hormone that affects the condition of the mammary glands. This is prolactin. Typically, it is produced in a woman in the last trimester of pregnancy and during lactation and is responsible for the body's production of milk. With an excess of this hormone, malfunctions also occur that lead to the formation of formations in the breast tissue.

Mastopathy affects women reproductive age. Patients aged 30-45 years are at risk. During this period structural changes occur most intensely in the chest, and various factors contribute to the development of the disease.

Associated symptoms

Green discharge is not the only sign of the disease. IN different cases symptoms are expressed differently. Someone else at the initial stage develops such signs that cause a lot of inconvenience, others begin to suspect that they have mastopathy when the pathology is already advanced. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The clinical picture differs between nodular and diffuse mastopathy. Often women confuse this disease with symptoms premenstrual syndrome.

The main manifestations of mastopathy include:

  • green discharge from the mammary glands;
  • bloody issues(at an advanced stage);
  • stupid, aching pain before menstruation;
  • breast swelling;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • compactions that are detected upon palpation;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

In order to start treatment on time and not to start the disease, you should carefully examine the mammary glands for the presence of tumors. It is recommended to do this every month at the same time, after the end of menstruation. It is also necessary to undergo regular comprehensive examination. Not complicated preventive measures will help prevent disease. To do this you need to put it in order sex life, adjust daily ration, go in for sports or at least do exercises in the morning.

How to get rid of green discharge?

There is only one way to get rid of green discharge - to cure the underlying disease. Treatment of mastopathy is prescribed only by a doctor; under no circumstances should you buy pills and use them without first consulting a specialist. On initial stages the pathology is treated with medication. Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of mastopathy.

If it is hypovitaminosis, it is advisable to take vitamin-mineral complexes, for problems with the thyroid gland - iodine preparations, as well as homeopathic remedies, herbal medicine, enzyme medicines.

Treatment of mastopathy with the use of hormonal drugs is necessary if hormonal imbalances are observed. In some cases, the doctor may decide to perform surgery to remove tumors. This happens if there is a risk of their transformation into malignant tumors or if there is a tendency to increase.

Traditional medicine has its own secrets that promote faster healing. Home remedies include, first of all, diet therapy. It is necessary to completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking, limit coffee, fatty foods, and chocolate. An effective and quick cure is only possible if the patient consults a doctor on time and adheres to all his recommendations.

The phenomenon occurs in women not only due to pathological changes body. Rare secretions from the glands - natural process. It is conditioned characteristic structure paired organ. The fluid has a bloody or purulent consistency, accompanied by pain and compactions. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should make an appointment with a mammologist. The specialist will identify the causes of discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, during pregnancy or before menstruation.

Noticeable discharge from the mammary glands is a sign of their damage to an infectious-inflammatory or tumor process. An exception is pregnancy and lactation. All other cases require medical intervention. Factors contributing to the pathological condition: improper wearing of a bra, hormonal disbalance, history of trauma, mastopathy, cancer.

Types of discharge

In addition to the lactation period, the discharge is a liquid of varying thickness, smell, color, and intensity of seepage. It flows through the milk ducts in the same way as breast milk. The characteristics of secretion are also taken into account - it is released spontaneously or due to palpation. The risk of developing the disorder increases with age and number of births.


The norm is considered to be a few drops of liquid appearing when there is significant compression of the mammary gland during breastfeeding. This consistency prevents the walls of the milk ducts from sticking together and is therefore acceptable. After the end of the lactation period, milk production gradually decreases over several months. If the process takes longer, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The cause of unnatural milky white discharge is increased level prolactin, indicating potential pathologies, which include:

  • Imbalance of hormones in the body
  • Galactorrhea observed even after the 20th week of completion of the lactation period
  • Ectopic or frozen pregnancy, its artificial termination
  • Destabilization of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland due to damage or the presence of a cancerous tumor
  • The consequence of surgery is pinching of the nerve endings of the mammary gland
  • Ovarian or adrenal disease
  • Excessive use of contraceptives for a long time

Symptoms are complemented by discomfort when using a bra, tingling and burning in the chest area. The intensity of fluid secretion increases with physical activity, run.


Purulent fluid from the nipples is the first sign of mastitis, intraductal papilloma. It is an abnormal benign neoplasm in the cavity of the milk duct, obliterating its lumen. Pus indicates an abscess, an abscess in the area of ​​the mammary gland or nipple.

Stopping the inflammatory process involves taking antibiotics, using special compresses, and in exceptional cases, opening the abscess. Women over 40 years of age are susceptible to papilloma. The disease is confirmed using ultrasound, ductography, laboratory research samples of secreted secretions.


Not related to bearing or feeding a child. In 80% of cases, they confirm the diagnosis of a benign or malignant tumor. Blood is present when the tumor damages the capillaries of the excretory ducts, which run from each nipple deep into the gland.

The amount of discharge and the intensity of their coloring increases as the tumor grows. It is especially dangerous if there is no history of chest injury or bruise of its soft tissues. Less often similar condition occurs due to the use of a tight bra made of synthetic fabric. The material rubs the body and forms bleeding cracks on the sensitive epithelium of the nipple.

The condition is dangerous due to infection of the glandular tissue by pathogens. IN medical practice This pathological condition defined as thelit. The disease is accompanied sharp pains, purulent and bloody consistency from the nipples. Therapy involves observing hygiene rules and using special healing creams.

Dark green

Manifestation of cystic, nodular or fibrous mastopathy, breast abscess, intraductal papilloma. Simultaneously observed periodic pain in the chest (especially before menstruation), small nodules are felt. The etiology of the disease includes obesity, hepatic, renal failure, problems with the activity of the thyroid gland, ovaries. These factors destabilize hormonal balance, provoke the development of pain in the lower abdomen (including during sexual intercourse). Additionally, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Colostrum release before menstruation

A natural process during pregnancy, in other cases it indicates hormonal disorders that contribute to the development of mammary gland diseases. The diagnosis is confirmed by the results of a blood test for prolactin. The use of contraceptives is the main reason for the appearance of sticky yellowish liquid from the nipples on the eve of menstruation. Associated symptoms: nipple enlargement, chest discomfort, increased sensitivity.

It is acceptable to secrete colorless and odorless secretion during menstruation up to 2 drops upon palpation. High level Estrogen at the beginning of the cycle promotes breast swelling. Its value returns to normal after menstruation.

During sexual arousal

Female nipples are capable of secreting up to 4 drops of white or clear liquid during orgasm. The phenomenon depends on individual characteristics body. As sexual arousal increases, hormones are released into the blood. Their number reaches maximum concentration during the onset of the highest pleasure during intimacy. Positive hormonal changes stimulate the natural lubrication of the breasts, being a sign of full female satisfaction.

Discharge during pregnancy

Changes female body natural during pregnancy. They also relate to the condition of the mammary glands, which:

  • They increase in volume, which contributes to the appearance discomfort, itchy skin
  • They increase their sensitivity, after which the woman reacts to minor touches
  • Change the color of the areolas (during this period the venous network of the breast is more noticeable)
  • Exudes colostrum - the first breast milk

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy is acceptable, is a natural phenomenon, and has a yellowish tint. At first, colostrum is quite thick, but over time its consistency becomes thinner. The timing of the appearance of secretion varies from the first trimester of pregnancy to the period after childbirth.

You should be wary when colostrum becomes bloody or bright yellow. The condition is accompanied painful sensations aching in the chest area. Deformation of the glands occurs. Symptoms indicate the occurrence of a pathology that requires examination by a specialist. Recommendations for breast care during pregnancy include maintaining good hygiene, refraining from expressing secretions, and using a comfortable bra.


Breast milk is a natural secretion consisting primarily of lactose. If it contains bloody or purulent impurities, it is difficult to identify the etiology of the pathological condition one by one appearance consistency. Similar phenomena are observed in men with a pituitary tumor, acromegaly, and accompany the use of certain medications. Against the background of severe endocrine disorders, high content prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia), craniopharyngomas, a pathological condition diagnosed in children.

The secretion of milk during lactation is a natural reaction of the female body, which makes it possible to provide the child with adequate nutrition. Under other circumstances, symptoms give rise to suspicion of a number of diseases.


It is an accurate definition of the diagnosis when milk leaks from the breast due to unnatural factors - absence of pregnancy or after menopause. The cause of the disease is:

  1. Hormonal disorders, excessive use of contraceptives
  2. Endocrine diseases, lesions internal organs(renal failure)
  3. Mechanical damage armpit, traumatic encephalopathy
  4. Diseases of the epidermis in the décolleté area, consequences of laparotomy
  5. Pathologies of the hypothalamus, tuberous sclerosis

Depending on the etiology and the degree of progression of provoking factors, milk takes on a different shade - from pale yellowish to dark brown. With a reduced concentration of sex hormones and ovarian atrophy, the development of persistent lactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome cannot be ruled out.

It is one of the most common complications of the postpartum period. The development of the disease is explained by the structure epithelial tissue pacifier. The risk of mastitis increases due to the need for frequent lactation and poor personal hygiene.

In 9 out of 10 cases, pathology develops due to the penetration of staphylococci or streptococci into the mammary gland tissue. Tissue suppuration develops, which contradicts the possibility of further feeding the child. It is accompanied by the discharge of a cloudy, thick liquid mixed with blood from the nipples.

Symptoms are complemented by:

  1. Redness of the skin, increased body temperature
  2. Swelling of the nipples, penetration of purulent masses into the milk
  3. Nagging pain, body weakness

The phenomenon complicates lactation if the delicate skin of the nipple is damaged in the form of numerous cracks. You can prevent blood from getting into your milk by lubricating your breasts with lanolin ointment when feeding. But first you should get your doctor's approval.

Consequences of chest injury

Domestic troubles, accidents, force majeure, aggression from others, accidental falls are potential reasons chest injuries. Injured adipose tissue, the cellular substance deep in the mammary gland, leads to necrosis and septic mastitis.

The likelihood of disease increases when detected:

  • significant swelling, lumps in the chest
  • darkening of bruised areas
  • damage to the milk ducts, subsequent spontaneous release of bloody fluid from them
  • high temperature of damaged areas

Minor hematomas resolve on their own within 2-3 weeks. In case of extensive damage, only external treatment with ointments or antibacterial agents as a therapy - not enough. In 35% of cases, the consequences of injuries of any kind appear after 12-18 months.

Timely consultation with a doctor reduces the risk of developing cancer.

It is characterized by the formation of single or multiple nodules of varying density and size in the breast area. They have clear contours. Long-term absence of treatment is dangerous due to the degeneration of the neoplasm into a malignant tumor. The condition is accompanied by aching pain with a periodic increase in its intensity before menstruation.

Irradiation of pain to the back, armpits or forearms is caused by pinched nerves by pathological nodes. Premenstrual symptoms (swelling and enlargement of the breasts, discomfort in the lower abdomen, irritability) accompany nipple discharge. The secretion is green or purple in color, the volume varies from a few drops protruding upon palpation of the chest to copious masses.

Malignant formation

Possibly in any area of ​​the chest, inside and outside the milk ducts. Bloody discharge is one of the signs of a cancerous tumor, which is confirmed by specialized diagnostics. Therapy includes exclusively surgical methods: mastectomy and lumpectomy.

It is one of the types of malignant tumors on the nipples that spread to the areola. The origin of the pathology is not fully understood; there are only theories. Men and women, mainly from 45-50 years old, are susceptible to the development of the disease. Symptoms include:

  • Inflammation of the nipple tissue, redness and scaly rash on the chest
  • Pain, itching, areola hypersensitivity
  • Regular bleeding from the nipples
  • Palpable hard nodules in the chest, observed in every second case

Pathology can spread to one or both glands at the same time. The disease is oncological and involves surgery, use of anticancer and hormonal drugs.

Which doctor should I contact?

For chest pain, nipple discharge unknown etiology you need to contact a gynecologist or therapist. Treatment of primary diseases, moderate severity The mammologist carries out the procedure independently, without the assistance of an oncologist. In severe clinical cases, the intervention of an oncological surgeon is inevitable. Therefore, aggravating the body’s condition and self-medicating is dangerous to life and health. Therapy on early stages pathology minimizes the likelihood of further implementation of radical therapeutic techniques.


Initially, breast diseases are detected by palpation. Detected nodules are accompanied by pain and give reason to suspect a specific pathology. The optimal time for the procedure is 9-11 days from the beginning of menstruation, when the breasts return to their normal state. Palpation makes it easy to determine the degree of swelling, dilation of veins and arteries, and asymmetry of the contours of the glands. In addition to thermography, comprehensive diagnostics includes:

  1. Laboratory blood tests. Allows you to identify inflammatory processes by increasing the level of leukocytes, increasing indicators of ESR.
  2. Mammography. Helps detect tumors in the early stages of development more accurately than MRI, which is prescribed less frequently due to the large number of false results.
  3. Ductography. Allows you to exclude or confirm the presence of ectasia, intraductal papilloma, neoplasm. The injected contrast agent helps determine the specific location of the malignant neoplasm.
  4. Ultrasound. The result of the study provides a clearer clinical picture if inflammation or tumor processes are suspected. The method is informative in terms of determining the spectrum of damage. An ultrasound must be performed before surgery.
  5. Cytological examination of a sample of the secretion of each nipple to analyze the bacterial microflora.

Blood tests for the presence of high concentrations of prolactin are carried out to confirm the pathology of the pituitary gland. Determining the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone gives an idea of ​​the state of the thyroid gland. Presence in blood human chorionic gonadotropin detected by a standard pregnancy test. Special attention The doctor pays attention to the color and temperature of the breast skin and the size of the lymph nodes. Studying the anamnesis and assessing the nature of secretion from the nipples helps to establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Cytology of discharge

During a cytological examination, the exact amount of fluid secreted by the mammary glands is determined. cancer cells. The diagnosis is confirmed by accompanying techniques. A puncture of the skin of the areola is performed if Paget's cancer is suspected. Biopsy of the nipple epidermis - accurate diagnostic procedure, allowing you to determine the number of tumor cells. It involves taking a piece of tissue to study under a microscope and differentiate the nature and type of neoplasm.


Therapy involves A complex approach. The desire to replace full-fledged drug or surgical treatment with prescriptions traditional medicine may lead to irreversible consequences. The scope of therapeutic intervention depends on the cause, nature and severity of the detected diseases. Treatment includes taking hormonal drugs, antibiotic therapy, local application of antiseptic ointments. Additionally, vitamins and painkillers are administered.


To prevent the development of breast diseases it is necessary:

  • Maintain optimal body weight and daily physical activity
  • Maintain proper diet and sleep
  • Avoid blows, bruises, cuts, punctures and other damage to the chest and décolleté area.
  • Do not neglect natural feeding
  • Give up bad habits, minimize the number of stressful situations
  • Limit from excessive use of hormonal drugs
  • Be examined by a mammologist twice a year

It is equally important to regularly self-palpate the glands. If there are neoplasms, they can be most clearly felt during menstruation. In everyday life, it is better to use comfortable underwear made of natural fabric. The bra should support the breasts, not compress them.

Video: Nipple discharge