Poisonous plant black nightshade, its benefits and contraindications. Useful properties and harmful qualities of black nightshade

Syn.: late, funnel, bzdnik.

small annual herbaceous plant with black berries. Refers to medicinal plants with a wide range of medicinal properties.

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flower formula

Black nightshade flower formula: ♀♂ * H(5)L(5)T(5)P( 3 ).

In medicine

Black nightshade in Russian scientific medicine practically not used, but officially used in France, and also used by pharmacists in England, Turkey, Portugal, Venezuela and other countries. Black nightshade herb preparations have been found to lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels, affect the nervous system at first briefly exciting, and then soothing. There are data on possible application black nightshade with hemorrhoids, enterocolitis, intestinal spasm, nervous excitement, as well as with various inflammatory processes skin (boils, infiltrates), eczema, inflammation of the oral mucosa and tonsillitis.

Black nightshade has long been part of the combined herbal preparation"LIV.52", used as a hepatoprotective, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antioxidant agent for acute and chronic infectious, toxic and medicinal hepatitis, cirrhosis in adults, anorexia, fatty hepatosis, as well as prevention toxic lesions liver (caused by antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis and antipyretic drugs).

Contraindications and side effects

When using black nightshade, care must be taken, as the plant is poisonous. With prolonged use in large doses contained in it can cause dizziness, heaviness in the head, blurred vision, vomiting, diarrhea, involuntary urination, convulsions. It is not recommended to take black nightshade preparations during pregnancy and lactation, children, as well as hypersensitivity to its constituent components. Preparations from black nightshade should be used in compliance with the dosage and under the supervision of a physician.

In other areas

In some countries, especially India and Ethiopia, including Russia, mature black nightshade berries are eaten. The fruits are eaten raw, they are used to make fillings for pies, make jam, jam, jelly, etc.
Fruit juice is used as a food coloring in the confectionery industry.

From the fruits of black nightshade, dyes of different shades (green, blue and blue) are obtained for fabrics.


Black nightshade (lat. Solanum nigrum) is a species of the genus Nightshade of the Solanaceae family (lat. Solanaceae). The genus of nightshade is quite large, includes 1500 species, which is more than half (2300) of the species of the entire family.

Botanical description

Black nightshade is an annual, 10-50 cm tall. Stem erect, branched, slightly pubescent. The leaves are simple, alternate, without stipules, broadly or elliptical-ovate, up to 13 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, entire, rarely angular-notched. The flowers are bisexual, regular, white, small (6-8 mm in diameter), collected in drooping umbellate inflorescences. Perianth double, 5-membered. The calyx is joint-leaved, deeply divided, remaining with the fetus. The corolla is sympetalous with a short tube and a 5-lobed limb. Stamens 5, ovary superior of 2 carpels. The formula of a black nightshade flower is ♀♂ * H (5) L (5) T (5) P ( 3 ). The fruits are black berries (8-9 mm in diameter). Blooms from May to September. The fruits ripen from August to October.


Black nightshade comes from Eurasia, introduced to America and Australia. It occurs in the European part of Russia (more often in the non-chernozem zone), in the Caucasus and in the south of Siberia, as a weed it goes quite far to the north. It grows almost everywhere along the banks of reservoirs, ravines, in thickets of shrubs, in fields, upland meadows, weedy places, in gardens and orchards.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

IN medicinal purposes harvest grass with leaves in July-September, and fruits - in August-October. Air dry in a well ventilated area. Store raw materials in boxes for 6-8 years.

Chemical composition

Black nightshade contains tannins and dyes, carotene, vitamin C, sugars, bitter glycoside dulcamarine and glycoalkaloids: solanine, solacein, solanine. Poisonous glycosides and alkaloids, especially solanine, are much more in unripe fruits; in mature ones, it is practically destroyed.

Pharmacological properties

Black nightshade and drugs based on it have an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, emollient effect in a number of diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and others. In addition, preparations of black nightshade have hepatoprotective, antitoxic, choleretic and antioxidant properties. Fresh berries show a laxative and anthelmintic effect.

Application in traditional medicine

Black nightshade has long been used in traditional medicine many countries. Already in the Salerno Code of Health, boiled nightshade is recommended as a poultice for headaches.

For medicinal purposes, almost the entire plant is used: infusions, decoctions, fresh berries and juice from ripe fruits, juice and ointment from leaves. For example, the brewed grass of young shoots and leaves of black nightshade in folk medicine is used as tea for spastic pains in the abdomen and stomach, colitis, spasms Bladder, muscle and rheumatic pains, neurosis, epilepsy, dyspepsia, pyelitis, convulsions, eczema. An infusion of dry herb black nightshade is used as a laxative for gastrointestinal diseases, urine- and cholelithiasis, hemorrhoids, dropsy and edema, as a diuretic, antihelminthic and antiseptic. In addition, an infusion of black nightshade herb as a blood purifier is taken orally for lichen, exudative diathesis and boils. Black nightshade is valuable for patients with bronchial asthma and bronchitis. Black nightshade berries have many healing properties, for example, they have a beneficial effect on diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension (you need to eat 5-6 g of fresh ripe berries per day), diseases of the bladder and genitourinary tract, skin diseases, they are eaten to improve vision; alcohol tincture berries are recommended as a sedative; aqueous solution juice from berries gargle with sore throat, oral cavity with stomatitis and pustular diseases gums, they also wash ulcers, wounds, abscesses and are used for lotions for conjunctivitis, scrofula, lichen, in the form of drops - for a cold. Black nightshade preparations are also used for eczema and psoriasis. Fresh or soaked dry leaves of black nightshade are applied to wounds, abscesses, boils. Black nightshade herb infusion baths as an analgesic and sedative are used for rheumatic and arthritic pains, radiculitis, sciatica and neuritis. In folk medicine, an infusion of black nightshade flowers is used as a diuretic and expectorant for various diseases. And finally, according to traditional healers, black nightshade helps with malignant blood diseases, including leukemia.

Historical reference

Although black nightshade is poisonous, it has been used in European medicine since ancient times. Even in ancient times, it was used as a narcotic before operations. For example, Hippocrates recommended black nightshade to prevent nocturnal emissions, and Dioscorides - for burns of the esophagus and stomach, Avicenna - as a local anesthetic, for conjunctivitis, migraine. At the same time, black nightshade was considered not only medicinal, but also a magical remedy. In Germany, it was placed in cradles to protect the child from witchcraft; as a remedy for impotence, they carried a bag with peony root, nightshade and corals.


1. Gubanov, I. A. et al. In 3 t. M .: T-in scientific. ed. KMK, In-t technologist. issl., 2004. V. 3. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: dicotyledonous). 169.

2. Wild edible plants / Ed. acad. V. A. Keller; Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Moscow nerd. garden and Institute of History mater. culture them. N. Ya. Marra. M.: b. I., 1941. S. 32.

3. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. Ed. House of SMEs, 2001. 680 p.

4. Shantser I.A. plants middle lane European Russia (Field Atlas). KMK. M. 2007. 470 p.

Nightshade is a genus of plants belonging to the Solanaceae family, including about 1000 species growing in temperate and warm climates. Includes big number agricultural crops (tomato, eggplant, potato) and medicinal plants, among which in folk medicine the most wide application found black nightshade (ordinary). This annual herbaceous plant is distributed throughout Europe, Asia, and also in North America, it can be found along the banks of reservoirs, on the side of roads, vegetable gardens, arable land, in gardens and among shrubs.

The grass has a straight branched stem 30-120 cm high. The leaves of the plant are simple, alternate, oval, without stipules, serrated along the edge. Common nightshade blooms in July-August with white, small star-shaped flowers collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences. The fruits of the grass are round black berries the size of a pea, ripening in August-October.

Chemical composition

It must be remembered that the grass and unripe fruits contain the poisonous alkaloid solanidine, which is present in the form of solanine glycoalkaloid. Unripe nightshade berries should not be eaten!

The plant contains: glycosides, rutin, vitamin C, sugars, alkaloids, tannins, organic acids, carotene, trace elements (calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc.).

Beneficial features

The healing properties of the herb include: antipyretic, diuretic, analgesic, antirheumatic, sedative, expectorant, anthelmintic, spasmodic, laxative, hemostatic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.

For medicinal purposes, the stems, leaves, fruits and flowers of the plant are used. Leaves and stems are harvested from July to September, dried on fresh air or in well-ventilated rooms, dried raw materials are usable for 6-8 years. Black nightshade fruits are harvested late autumn, when they are already fully ripe, and eaten fresh or dried in dryers, they can also be frozen or stored grated with honey or sugar.

Indications for use

Nightshade has long been used by herbalists and healers in folk medicine. Even in the time of Hippocrates, the plant was used to prevent wet dreams, as well as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

IN alternative medicine preparations based on flowers and leaves of grass treat colds, fever, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, tonsillitis, diphtheria, cystitis. The berries of the plant are recommended for use in eye diseases, rheumatism, hypertension, atherosclerosis, lesions respiratory tract. Nightshade fruits also have a calming effect on the nervous system and eliminate pain. various genesis, have antihelminthic action. The juice of ripe berries is useful for sore throat, inflammation of the oral mucosa, tuberculosis, chronic diseases liver, dysentery.

Externally, fresh leaves and stems of the herb traditional healers used in the treatment of abscesses, ulcers, festering wounds, hemorrhoids, skin rash, boils, lichen, scrofula. Plant-based preparations are effective for gastrointestinal colic, bladder spasms, and gout. Grass juice treats sinusitis and chronic rhinitis, and powder from dried stems - pancreatitis.


  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Childhood;
  • Plant hypersensitivity.

It should be borne in mind that all parts of the nightshade (except for ripe berries) contain a poisonous alkaloid that is not destroyed by heat treatment. If the prescribed dosages are not observed, there may be the following symptoms poisoning: weakness, nausea, vomiting, frequent stools, abdominal pain, overexcitation, speech disorder, drowsiness, respiratory failure, cough with copious sputum, cardiac dysfunction, convulsions, coma. When observing any of the listed symptoms, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and call an ambulance team.

Before using plant preparations, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, and during the treatment period, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosing regimen.

nightshade home remedies

  • Herbal decoction: Pour 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials with 250 ml of water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for 10 days with rheumatic pains, cystitis, gastritis, bronchial asthma, neuralgia, cough;
  • Infusion of herbs and flowers: Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strained drug take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day in the treatment of neuroses, rheumatic, joint and headaches, can also be used as compresses for boils and lichen;
  • Leaf infusion: 8 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials insist in 2500 ml of boiling water for 4 hours. Use for sitz baths in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds and skin rashes;
  • Means based on the juice of ripe berries: 3 tbsp. spoons of juice diluted in 100 ml of warm water, insist ½ hour. Apply for rinsing with tonsillitis and inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • Herbal ointment: mix the powdered grass with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4, with the resulting agent, lubricate boils, lichen, ulcers, festering wounds.

Useful properties and use of nightshade

Nightshade is an annual herbaceous plant, the height of which during the ripening period reaches one meter. In nature, there are a lot of cultures and types of nightshade, but in our article we will consider the beneficial properties of black nightshade.

This plant is quite common throughout Europe and Asia, grows almost everywhere and therefore, it can be found everywhere. Nightshade can be considered a weed because it can be found along roadsides, in fields and in coastal areas. But, to call a plant a weed in relation to its medicinal properties, it would be foolish, because this plant has a wide range of useful properties.

Useful composition of nightshade

Nightshade berries contain a huge amount of alkaloids, solamargin and salaradin. Also, in black nightshade there is a sufficient amount of tannins and dyes, organic acids, which bring so many benefits to the plant.

On the palate, nightshade berries have a bittersweet flavor. This taste is present due to the content of dulcamarine, a rather bitter substance, in the nightshade berries. Ripe fruits of black nightshade contain up to 1630 mg saponins, as well as about 7-10% tannin.

Nightshade contains a lot of sugar, ascorbic acid, that is, vitamin C. Be careful not to eat unripe nightshade fruits. They contain a toxic substance - solanine, which adversely affects the body.

Useful properties of nightshade

Since the plant can be attributed to medicinal products, nightshade berries have a wide beneficial spectrum of action. Moreover, not only berries are used, but also the leaves of the plant. So, the leaves are harvested from July to September, and nightshade berries are harvested from August to October.

The berries of the plant have a choleretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Nightshade has expectorant and antirheumatic properties. Nightshade has a positive effect on ailments such as atherosclerosis or hypertension (for prevention, consume 5-6 g of berries per day). Useful nightshade for inflammation of the bladder, urinary tract as well as in the development of skin diseases.

The benefits of nightshade can be traced to nervous system- it effectively relieves headaches, will not be superfluous for epilepsy, pyelitis or dyspepsia.

Among the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find a recipe for nightshade ointment, which is useful for the occurrence of lichen, the formation of boils, with festering wounds or ulcers. A decoction based on nightshade is useful for relieving sore throat, effective for bleeding and inflammation of the gums, including the oral cavity.

The leaves of the plant are used as a sedative and antiseptic, compresses with nightshade leaves are used for hemorrhoids, eczema or erysipelas. note that folk recipes and the use of nightshade is found in many European folk medicines.

Healing nightshade recipes

Nightshade tincture: 5 g of chopped dry grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3-4 hours, then strain and take 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. This tool well helps with neuroses, headaches and rheumatic pains, pains in the joints. You can use it in the form of lotions for boils and lichen.

Nightshade decoction: 250 ml of boiling water is taken per teaspoon of crushed nightshade herb, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then filtered and taken for 10 days, 1 teaspoon of decoction twice a day. The medicine is recommended for coughs, neuralgia, colitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, cystitis, as well as rheumatism and itchy eczema.

A decoction of nightshade fruit. A glass of boiling water per 20 g of ripe nightshade fruits should be boiled in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain. Dosage - 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. The remedy is effective for colitis, gallstone disease, gout, rheumatism.

Rinse with nightshade. 50 ml of juice from fresh ripe fruits should be diluted in 150 ml of water and rinse your mouth and throat with sore throat, inflammation of the mucosa. With a cold - 2-3 drops of juice in the nose.

Nightshade ointment. Nightshade leaves must be ground into powder and mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting ointment can be used to lubricate festering wounds, ulcers.

Delicious nightshade recipes

Black nightshade jam. It will take 500 g of ripe nightshade berries, 600 grams of sugar, 1 glass of water. The berries need to be sorted out, put in a basin, make syrup from water and sugar, pour nightshade on them. The syrup must be hot. The composition is left overnight. In the morning it must be brought to a boil and simmered until tender.

Black nightshade jam. To prepare it, you need 500 grams of berries, 500 grams of sugar, 1 full glass of water. Washed and soaked with water, the berries should be boiled until they become soft, then grind with sugar and simmer until reduced by half. It is necessary to use only ripe berries, unripe ones are poisonous.

Nightshade harm and contraindications for use

We have noted more than once that nightshade is poisonous plant. Therefore, when starting to use it, consult your doctor first, even if you are going to use it as a prophylactic.

Preparations and medicines containing nightshade are not recommended for use by nursing mothers and pregnant girls. And, of course, individual intolerance is not excluded, which can be reflected in the form of an allergy or inflammation on the skin.

More about useful products:


Nightshade black - annual plant Solanaceae family. Unpretentious and grows in almost any area. The culture is widespread on the territory of Eurasia and North America. Widely used in folk medicine and cooking, has medicinal properties. Represents a special danger - contains a toxic substance. It must be used with caution. Renders healing action on human body. In some countries it is used in cooking.

Description of black nightshade

Black nightshade is an annual herbaceous plant. Judging by the description, it has branched stems of a purple hue and elongated dark green ovoid leaves with denticles along the edges. Flowers white, umbellate, small. The fruits are round black berries. Usually the plant reaches a height of 10-70 cm. The flowering time of the plant falls on July-August, and the fruit ripens in August-September.

Berries contain sugar and vitamin C. Green fruits contain solanine, a dangerous substance, an overdose of which can lead to severe poisoning. This poison is destroyed only when the plant is fully ripe.

The grass has ascorbic acid, carotene and tannins. In addition, the plant contains glycosides and alkaloids.

Australia is considered the birthplace of black nightshade. The plant is common in Eurasia and America. The culture is unpretentious and grows well on the banks of rivers and lakes, roadsides, wastelands and ravines. Because of this, it is considered a weed with beneficial properties.

Scope of use and methods of application

nightshade black like medicinal plant widely used in many countries. Use both the fruits of the plant and its deciduous part. Berries should be consumed with extreme caution as they are poisonous. Initially, the poison is found in unripe fruits, but is destroyed when fully ripe.

The leaves of the plant are harvested in summer, and the fruits in late autumn. The grass is dried in the open air, and the berries are dried in special dryers.

In some countries, jam and jelly are prepared from nightshade berries. In baking, they are used as a filling. In the Caucasus, the leaves of the plant are boiled and eaten. In order to get rid of bad smell berries are poured with boiling water before use.

Healing properties

Since ancient times, the benefits of this culture have been widely known in many countries. It was used for anesthesia during operations and as a sleeping pill. In folk medicine, berries and leaves are widely used due to a wide range useful properties:

  • painkiller - infusion of herbs is used for headaches, the juice of the plant is instilled into the ears (for ear pain), nose (for sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • wound healing - festering wounds are treated with nightshade infusion, skin rash, lichen, boils, hemorrhoids;
  • anti-inflammatory in inflammatory processes, a decoction of black nightshade herb is used;
  • expectorant - herbal decoction used for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, tonsillitis;
  • diuretic an infusion of nightshade flowers is used;
  • soothing - used for neurosis, hysteria, epilepsy to calm the nervous system;
  • antihelminthic - in case of indigestion and against worms, the berries of the plant are used.

Precautionary measures

When using black nightshade, it should be borne in mind that immature plants contain a toxic substance - solanine. It is not destroyed by heat treatment and can cause severe poisoning. If there are signs of poisoning, the victim must be urgently hospitalized.

Nightshade poisoning can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • rapid pulse;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness.

The plant is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactating women and children, as well as in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

An annual plant of the Solanaceae family. The plant is found on most of the European continent, in Asia, America, but Australia is considered its homeland. Black nightshade is considered a poisonous plant, which in wild nature practically no one eats, except for some birds.

Black nightshade can be found in most of Russia, in most of Ukraine, less often in the Caucasus, Asia.

The habitats of this plant are the most diverse, these are the banks of rivers and reservoirs, it grows along the garden near shrubs and on arable land.

Description: Nightshade is a branchy plant, up to 70 cm high with alternate lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long and up to 9 cm wide. The color is monochromatic, green. At the end of the leaf plate is pointed, along the edges with small teeth. The stem is erect, slightly lowered, cylindrical at the base, flattened above.

Perianth 5-membered, double. Corolla spike-shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter, around 5 stamens, upper ovary and bilobed stigma.

nightshade flowers white color, small, collected in umbellate inflorescences of 3-8 pcs. The fruits, based on the name, are black, round, 8-10 mm in diameter. Blooms throughout the summer. The fruit ripening period is mid-summer.

Useful properties and use of black nightshade

The plant is used as:

  • Diuretic
  • expectorant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • soothing
  • Choleretic
  • Wound healing
  • Anthelmintic
  • astringent
  • As a blood purifier
  • Painkiller

In medicine, paslet is used to treat:

  • Skin diseases (rashes, eczema, ringworm)
  • Rheumatism
  • Psoriasis
  • In case of violation menstrual cycle
  • Diarrhea
  • Pyelonephritis
  • convulsions
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Inflammation of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer
  • Bladder disease
  • Metabolic disease
  • Flu
  • Hives
  • Prostatitis

Nightshade is a black plant that is recognized by traditional and folk medicine.

In ancient times, nightshade was used to treat cystitis, colds, and pain in the ears. For the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension, use 6 berries a day.

Ripe berries are used to make tinctures. The fruits are poured with medical alcohol and infused for 1-2 weeks. Take 20 drops of tincture in a glass of water 1 time per day.

Flowers: Nightshade flowers are used to prepare decoctions for the treatment of the respiratory tract, expectorants and diuretics. Infusions are used as a sedative and analgesic.

Leaves: Based on the leaves, ointments, infusions are prepared to relieve inflammation, tumors, abscesses. The leaves are used to treat bronchial asthma. Fresh leaves are pre-kneaded in the hand and applied to wounds.

Stems: Dried, crushed and powdered stems are used for pancreatitis.
Black nightshade fruits: It should be noted that only black, ripened fruits are used for the treatment and preparation of infusions and decoctions. Berries are used to treat rheumatism, as an expectorant, as a cholagogue, taken for colds, and respiratory diseases, for hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Chemical composition

The plant contains tannins, sugars, Vitamin C, carotene, acids, steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, bitterness, glycosides.

The plant and unripe fruits contain the poisonous substance glycoside dulcamarine, glycoalkaloids (solanine, solacein, solanine). It tastes bitter. In ripe fruits, some of the toxic substances, such as solanine, disappear.

But, like most poisons, black nightshade has medicinal properties.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, use the entire ground part of the plant. Stems and leaves are harvested from June to September, harvesting of fruits is carried out from August to October.

Raw materials are laid out on a flat surface in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight and precipitation. Dry collection is stored in loosely closed containers or paper bags for 6 years. Only ripened black fruits are dried. Green fruits contain a large amount of toxic substances (solanine).

Black nightshade in folk medicine

Black nightshade is often used in folk medicine from various diseases. On the basis of the plant, tincture, tea, decoctions are made.

Tea intake increases urination. Decoctions and infusions are taken to treat skin diseases, heal wounds, ulcers, abscesses, and improve digestion.

A decoction based on ripe berries will help to cope with colic, intestinal diseases, and lower blood pressure.

From the berries you can make a delicious and nutritious jam. To do this, boil the chopped berries for 10 minutes over low heat, add a little sugar and leave to infuse for 4-6 hours, then put on fire and bring to a boil, adding sugar, if necessary, until thickened.

The use of black nightshade - recipes

Consider some of the most popular recipes for the preparation of decoctions, infusions and ointments, which are widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

Broth: 1 teaspoon of dried raw materials (herbs) pour 250 ml of water, simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Take 2 times a day for 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. Used for housing and communal services, gastritis, colitis, rheumatism, cystitis, asthma, whooping cough, hypertension and headaches. With rhinitis, they need to bury their nose. Rinsing with a decoction is used to treat stomatitis and tonsillitis. Store the decoction in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks.

A decoction of the fruits of black nightshade: 2 tablespoons of ripe fruits pour 250 ml of water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain, cool to room temperature and drink 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Taken for the treatment of colitis, gallstone disease, gout, rheumatism.

Root decoction: 1 tsp. crushed dry roots, pour a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then let cool, strain and drink 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.

Infusion: Pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water (it is better to use a thermos). Close tightly and leave for 4 hours. Apply 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Helps to cure rheumatism, neurosis, relieves headaches. Tincture is used as a lotion for furunculosis.

Also for superficial treatment used for otitis media, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, allergies, rhinitis.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, warm sitz baths of tincture are taken. Brew 10 tablespoons of raw materials for 2 liters of water, let it brew for 2-3 hours and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of warm water.

Infusion from the flowers of the plant: 1 st. pour a spoonful of crushed black nightshade flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, place in a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. lies. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. An excellent expectorant and diuretic.

Infusion of berries: pour 2 tablespoons of ripe fruits with a glass of boiling water (it is better to use a thermos), wrap tightly and let it brew for 2 hours. Before use, strain and drink this container throughout the day in 3-4 sets 20-30 minutes before meals.

Juice is also used for tincture: 2 tbsp. dilute tablespoons of juice from fresh ripe berries in 100 ml of water (boiled, room temperature) and gargle with sore throat.

It is forbidden to use juice for hypotension or juice from unripe berries. Children under 12 are also prohibited.

Berries in a crushed state are mixed with sour milk until a homogeneous mass is formed, apply to wounds and ulcers.

Ointment: Grind dry leaves and grind into powder, mix with olive (sunflower, sea buckthorn) oil in a ratio of 1:3, mix intensively until smooth. The finished ointment is applied to the surface of the skin with bruises, wounds, ulcers and boils.

Root ointment: mix the root ash with olive or sunflower oil in equal proportions, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Lubricate hemorrhoids at bedtime for 14 days. Also, the ointment can be used to treat bruises and cuts.

Black nightshade tincture: dilute 100% medical alcohol in half with water or use vodka. Pour alcohol solution ripe fruit in a ratio of 5:1, close tightly and place in a dark and dry place for 1 week, shaking the container occasionally. Take 10 drops in a glass of water by mouth once a day. Helps to cope with inflammation of the middle ear, stomach pain, flu, skin diseases(rash), neuralgia.

Treatment for hemorrhoids: dry nightshade root is ground into powder and mixed with sesame oil. The finished ointment lubricates the hemorrhoids.

For the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, use 10 g of ripe berries, after crushing. You can add honey for taste.

Fresh nightshade leaf juice: with a runny nose, 2-3 drops are instilled in the nose with fresh juice.

Nightshade leaves: fresh leaves are applied to wounds, abscesses, ulcers that are difficult to heal, hemorrhoids, to the temples for headaches. Preliminary knead the leaves, apply to the sore spot and apply a bandage on top.

At abdominal dropsy, take 30 drops morning and evening fresh juice drinking a glass of milk.

At skin diseases, grind and powder dry leaves and take 0.1 grams 3 times a day.


There are several types of nightshade and not all of them are equally useful. The ripe berries of black nightshade are eaten. Fresh berries are quite unpleasant in taste, but sugar or honey can be added to them to taste. Jam, jam and preserves are made from berries.

Unripe berries contain a poisonous substance that disappears when ripe. Ripe (black) fruits contain a large amount of sugar and ascorbic acid.

But the use a large number nightshade can cause serious poisoning.

The main symptoms of poisoning:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Stomach ache
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Loss of space, disorientation
  • Rise in temperature
  • pupils dilate
  • Severe forms of poisoning are accompanied by convulsions and coma.

For treatment, laxatives are immediately taken, any sorbents to absorb the infection (poison), gastric lavage and mandatory hospitalization.

Growing black nightshade: planting and care

On a personal plot, you can easily grow nightshade in a temperate climate. As a rule, pepper-shaped nightshade (Cuban cherry) is grown as a decoration. Berries of this variety are not consumed. Externally, the plant resembles a cherry. This species is native to Brazil.

For the simplest cultivation, seeds are used. In early spring, seeds are sown in the soil. From above, the soil is moistened and covered with plastic wrap. After 2 weeks, the first shoots should appear.
The soil must be constantly kept moist. The plant requires constant pruning of shoots. On hot days, the plant should be sprayed regularly. During the spraying period, spray carefully so that water does not fall on the flowers.

Choose a bright, well-lit place for landing, but if possible hide from drafts and strong winds. At lunchtime, it is necessary to shade from the direct rays of the sun, otherwise burns will appear on the surface of the leaves. In the spring for abundant fruiting, the plant needs additional fertilizer for ornamental plants or tomatoes.