Harvesting dandelion roots for the winter. Dandelion root - medicinal properties, how it is brewed and what it is used for. Dandelion Root Powder

Dandelion flowers

Dandelion flowers can be collected from April to October. The period of mass flowering of dandelions does not last long - usually 2-3 weeks in May. During this period, in many places, blooming dandelions literally fill fields, vegetable gardens, and lawns in cities. Then flowering continues, but on a much smaller scale. Single flowers or small groups of flowering plants can be observed until autumn. If warm weather sets in in September-October, then a second wave of mass dandelion flowering is possible.

Dandelion flowers are collected in sunny weather closer to noon, when the plants dry out from the night dew. The collected flowers must be free of defects (no stains, wilting, debris). Only the head (basket) of the flower is torn off; a small (up to 2-3 cm) peduncle is allowed. Plucked flowers are cleaned of impurities of other herbs and debris.
Flowers are placed in a bag or, better yet, in a basket. Flowers should not be crushed or squeezed to prevent the fermentation process from starting. If dandelion flowers were collected for drying, then you need to quickly transfer them to a place for drying. If it is not possible to quickly start drying, then they can be spread out in a thin layer on a shaded surface for 10-12 hours.

Drying dandelion flowers should be done as quickly as possible. To do this, they are placed either in drying chambers at 50 degrees Celsius, or in dry, well-ventilated rooms with a temperature of 25 degrees and above. Flowers are laid out in a thin layer on lattice trays so that there is air access not only from above, but also from below. When drying in indoors It is useful to use any fan.

When to collect dandelion leaves

Dandelion leaves are most bitter, and therefore beneficial, in the spring. They must be collected away (at least 100 meters, the farther the better) from roadways. It is necessary to collect in dry weather, at noon, or in the afternoon, when the dew has dried.
If you collect them for salad, then you need to collect only young leaves, without signs of yellowness, wilting, foreign spots or inclusions. In spring, young dandelion leaves are almost not bitter, tender and well suited for salad. Young leaves collected in summer are more bitter and need to be soaked in salted water. Leaves collected for salad can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days.

Drying dandelion leaves is carried out in a shaded, well-ventilated room at a temperature of 25 to 40 degrees Celsius. Dried dandelion leaves should be stored in dry rooms with constant temperature in linen bags or in boxes. Shelf life - 1 year.

How and when to collect dandelion roots

The roots of dandelion officinalis are taprooted, few-branched, and longitudinally wrinkled. At the break of a dandelion root, milky juice immediately releases white. There is no smell, the taste is bitter, with a sweet aftertaste.

Dandelion roots can be collected in early spring, before flowering (April - early May), or in autumn, after flowering (September - October). During these periods, dandelion roots contain maximum amount useful substances. Moreover, in the fall the content of fructose, sucrose, glucose and the highly digestible carbohydrate inulin increases radically.

As soon as the sun begins to warm up, all the clearings, lawns and roadsides are covered with a carpet of yellow dandelion flowers. Girls weave wreaths, and many adults don’t even know about beneficial properties this plant.

But medicinal effect possess all parts of the dandelion: flowers, roots, leaves and even juice!

Beneficial properties of dandelion

  • Dandelion has a general strengthening effect in cases of anemia.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Helps with gastritis with low acidity.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has a mild laxative effect.
  • Improves appetite, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The root and leaves have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect.
  • The leaves and inflorescences contain carotenoids, vitamins C and B2, a nicotinic acid, saponins.

When to harvest flowers and leaves

Dandelion blooms from April to late summer. Flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering. They are picked in dry weather and tried to be immediately laid out on matting or burlap for drying. The flowers are laid out in one layer and stirred periodically to avoid rotting.

Dandelion leaves are harvested when the plant is in flower. Well-formed leaves without signs of disease and not eaten by insects are picked.

Dry in the same way as any herb: in the shade, with good air circulation, stirring occasionally. Dried dandelion leaves are odorless but bitter.

How and when to harvest dandelion roots

The best time to harvest dandelion roots is autumn, when the plant's leaves are already beginning to fade.

In early spring, when the dandelion is just beginning to grow, you can also harvest the roots, but if you choose the wrong time and are late with harvesting, you can get low-quality raw materials. After all, in the summer the roots are flabby, because all the juice and nutrients are located in the above-ground part of the plant.

  • The roots are dug up with shovels.
  • Then they are immediately washed in water (in a stream, any body of water). To do this, you can use large wicker baskets, where you put all the roots and, dipping the basket in water several times, rinse them well.
  • Then the aerial part and thin roots are cut off at the roots, and the main roots are laid out on the grass for drying.
  • When milky sap ceases to be released from the roots, the roots are transferred to a permanent drying place.

Dandelion roots are dried in the shade - under a canopy or in the attic, but always with good ventilation. It is not recommended to dry dandelion roots in the sun, since the glycoside present in the roots is quickly destroyed in sunlight.

Some harvesters wash large roots, then pass them through a meat grinder, and then lay them out on burlap and dry them in this form, stirring frequently.

Properly dried roots are dense, slightly wrinkled, and break easily - with a bang. The color of dry roots is brown, light at the break, with a brown center inside. Dry roots are odorless and bitter. In high-quality raw materials, the presence of flabby roots is allowed - 2%, not cleared of the root collar - 4%.

The plant has a taproot, up to 50–60 cm long, up to 2 cm wide. When is it right to collect it to treat ailments? Harvesting dandelion roots, like late autumn(late September, October) when the leaves are already beginning to fade. During this period, they accumulate the maximum content of useful compounds.

It can also be collected in early spring (April-May). When harvesting in spring, it is important not to miss the time when they begin to grow - otherwise the harvested raw materials will be of little use, because valuable substances will move to the above-ground part of the plant.

Collect like this:

How to dry dandelion roots at home

To preserve nutrients, you need to dry the roots as quickly as possible. At home, they can be dried using an electric dryer at temperatures up to 50 degrees. Or spread it in a thin layer in the attic, under a canopy in the shade with good ventilation. You cannot dry it in the sun, because sunlight destroys many compounds necessary for the treatment of diseases.

You need to dry it very carefully, because the remaining moisture can ruin everything. Well-dried roots are dense, wrinkled, fragile (easily broken with a bang). They are brown on top, light inside with a brown center. They have no smell and taste bitter.

Store raw materials in a dark, cool, and, most importantly, dry (moisture can lead to rotting) place in wooden, cardboard boxes, fabric bags or sealed containers that prevent moisture from entering. When properly stored, they do not lose their healing properties for up to 5 years.

As you can see, preparing this healing raw material for treatment is not at all difficult if you know how and when to collect dandelion root in the fall and spring, as well as how to properly dry and store it at home.

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May is just around the corner - the month of dandelions. Much is known about the beneficial properties of these flowers, but what do we know about the roots of the plant? How to prepare them and use them correctly?

Dandelions have interested herbalists at all times. They were used to treat the liver and get rid of problems digestive system. All parts of the plant were used - flowers, leaves and roots. All this can be eaten. But more valuable in medicinal purposes roots are considered. They contain large quantities of vitamins A, B and D. The roots are rich in minerals - iron, potassium and zinc, which help remove toxins from the body and support liver function.

How to properly collect dandelion roots

Dandelion is powerful tool for detoxification. Dandelion roots collected in the fall are used for medicinal purposes. It is better to collect them after heavy rain has passed. It will loosen the soil near the roots that grow deep. It is in tough and long roots plants contain nutrients. During autumn harvesting of roots, they contain more insoluble fiber inulin than fructose.

When using the roots in cooking, it is better to collect the roots in the spring and preferably before the dandelions bloom. At this time, they contain little fiber and taste less bitter. Spring dandelion roots contain a substance that stimulates bile production and liver function.

How to properly collect dandelion roots?

* It must be collected away from roads and contaminated areas treated with chemicals.

* Opt for the largest and most active plants. Leave small flowers for bees, beetles and birds.

* Using a fork or a special root remover, carefully pry up the wet soil. It is important not to damage the roots and preserve their original appearance as much as possible, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate.

* After the root is removed from the soil, it must be gently shaken to remove excess soil.

Proper storage of dandelion roots

Fresh dandelion roots are used in cooking and medicine, but they can also be preserved for future use.
To do this, they are first washed well, cut and dried. Then they wrap each root with twine, thread or wire to then hang it in a dry, cool room with good ventilation. After a few days, when the roots are completely dry, they are cut into pieces, packaged in glass jars and stored for no more than a year. When properly dried, the root becomes dark and creamy white inside.

Using Dandelion Roots

There are several ways to use dandelion roots:

* Tincture

Dandelion root infused with alcohol has anti-inflammatory properties, is used as a diuretic and blood cleanser, and helps rid the liver, spleen and gallbladder of toxins.

The tincture helps normalize blood sugar levels, reduces stress, eliminates age spots, cleanses skin with eczema, and removes acne.

* Infusion, tea

Tea or infusion made from dandelion roots contains antioxidants that help normalize blood sugar levels and improve digestion. Infusion and tea have diuretic and mild laxative properties and help cleanse the liver.

* Compresses

Poultices and compresses from dandelion roots can treat many skin diseases - acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, abscesses, boils.

By roasting dandelion root and steeping it in water, you can create a delicious coffee-like drink. And if you mix it with roasted chicory root and add cinnamon, the medicinal coffee will acquire an even more piquant taste.

This product made from dandelion roots is valuable for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Dried and crushed roots of the plant are added to regular vinegar, improving its taste. This product is added to salads and soups. If you add this vinegar to water, you can get an alternative to apple cider vinegar, which is very beneficial for the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

For example, to get useful remedy for the stomach, the properties of apple cider vinegar can be enhanced by adding dandelion roots to it: place 2/3 of the dried dandelion roots on the bottom of a liter jar and pour in to the top Apple vinegar(preferably homemade). Leave the product in a dark, cool place for six to seven weeks. Used in the same way as apple cider vinegar. The product must be filtered before use.


Any medicinal herb relatively safe, but may not be useful to everyone. It is important to choose the right dosage and concentration. Before taking dandelion root products, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor.
For example, it is not advisable to take dandelion roots for people:

* For those suffering allergic reactions during the flowering of ragweed, chrysanthemums, calendula, yarrow, chamomile, and aster.

* Pregnant women and nursing mothers.

* With stones in gallbladder, obstruction of the biliary tract.

* With stomach ulcers, gastritis.

* With bowel irritation.

Excessive intake of dandelion may cause heartburn or skin irritation.

How many times on a spring day have you walked past bright yellow flowers without even knowing about them healing properties? Yes, we are talking about the familiar dandelions - these sunny inhabitants of almost every meadow in our country. But dandelion root has long been used in folk and traditional medicine for treatment various diseases. Let's talk about its medicinal properties and contraindications.

This small flower has a rather impressive root that sits tightly in the ground. That is why you are unlikely to see him picking a dandelion for the next wreath or bouquet. However, the aesthetic properties of the plant are far from the only ones. It is traditionally included in the set of domestic healing herbs. And we'll tell you why.

The use of dandelion is allowed for a wide range of diseases. It's all about the unique microelement composition of the plant, which will give a head start to many citrus and green vegetables. The root contains necessary for the body vitamins. This is also a source of health - vitamin C. Women will also like the plant, since it contains a large amount of B vitamins that are essential for them, which are responsible for the excellent condition of the skin, hair and circulatory system.

Nature has not deprived dandelion root either. minerals. IN large quantities it contains selenium and phosphorus. The zinc content has a positive effect on brain function. Unique organic compounds in the form of inulin and polysaccharides will help improve metabolism and general state body.

IN folk medicine accustomed to using the root of a solar plant. Tinctures and various kinds of decoctions were prepared from it, which were drunk for colds and general ailments. Such treatment was not uncommon. We used single decoctions of dandelion, and also prepared complex infusions from medicinal herbs. There was no need to go to the pharmacy for treatment - everything necessary medications grew up in a neighboring meadow.

Today organic methods treatments are gaining popularity again. Considering low level biological activity food products, grown on an industrial scale, are gaining great popularity medicinal plants. They are able to maintain the general condition of the body, supplement the diet with useful substances, and help cope with ailments.

For weight loss

Being overweight can cause problems with blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cardiovascular system. A gentle method of combating unwanted fat deposits is a decoction of dandelion roots. Due to the content of inulin and polysaccharides in it, this collection improves the body's metabolic processes and triggers weight loss.

Dandelion root is believed to have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, stimulate cell renewal and even regulate hormonal imbalance. Therefore, if your problems with losing weight are related to hormones, then an excellent addition to the traditional drug treatment will be the use of dandelion. If you are involved in sports at the same time, then using tinctures and decoctions from the root will help better process losing weight.

Additionally, the root will help cope with swelling in the body. Very often, obese people suffer not so much from fat deposits as from swelling of internal tissues. If there are problems with the excretory system, a natural tincture will help get rid of them. By taking dandelion decoction, you will notice a diuretic and stabilizing effect. The latter means that your urinary system will work better.

Losing weight is also impossible without normal bowel function. Dandelion root powder will help you cope with this! Its use is quite simple: the collected roots need to be dried in a dryer or naturally, then grind in a coffee grinder to a powder. To lose weight, it will be enough to consume half a teaspoon twice a day. This way you will get rid of constipation, which often slows down the process of losing weight and cleansing the body.

Treatment of various ailments

This folk miracle remedy is used not only for weight loss. There is a whole list of ailments that dandelion will help fight. However, it can be used in convenient form: decoction, tincture or even coffee (we'll talk about it a little later).

When can you use decoctions from the plant:

  1. Colds. A pure infusion is prepared. One spoon of root powder is poured into 200 milliliters of boiling water. It's night time. When the infusion is ready, take one glass per day, dividing the total amount into four parts.
  2. High cholesterol levels. The prescription is the same as for intestinal disorders (described above).
  3. Treatment skin diseases. The plant promotes fast healing external wounds. To do this, mix the powder with vegetable fat. Regular sunflower oil is perfect.
  4. Liver treatment. To do this, use either a pure decoction or mix it with chicory powder. Proportion 1:1, keep in a water bath for half an hour. When the mixture is ready, leave to cool and take 100 milliliters of strained liquid before bed.

Dandelion coffee: how to drink and why

Dandelion coffee is widely used in folk medicine. It has a pleasant taste and is suitable for the treatment of all the diseases described above.

It's quite easy to prepare:

  1. Fry the collected roots over medium heat until golden brown. Avoid burning.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Boil in water until the liquid turns brown. After five minutes the drink is ready.

This coffee is a little sweet, you can replace it with a natural drink made from beans or chicory. Used to increase appetite, improve metabolic processes in the body, for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system.

Root decoction

The decoction is not as strong as coffee, but its taste is more medicinal. It's easy to prepare: boil the roots for ten minutes. Proportion: six teaspoons of roots per liter of water. Drink no more than 150-180 milliliters of broth per day! Used to treat colds, liver, and high blood sugar.

How to collect roots correctly?

It is worth collecting dandelion roots in the spring, before flowering begins. When the flowers are already yellow, the plant gives them its useful material for supporting. Then the root becomes not so biologically saturated, so there is no point in collecting it.

In order to reach the base of the plant, you need to dig it. A small garden trowel or large knife is suitable for collecting. Pull out the dandelion, then dig a small hole down to the end of the root. It is quite easy to remove - it is completely suitable for consumption. For treatment and preparation of preparations they use dried roots. You can dry them in a dryer or under the sun, constantly turning them over.

Video “Coffee from dandelion roots. Recipe"

In the video you can see in more detail the process of preparing a magical and tasty drink.