Analysis of immune status. How to determine (assess) the state of immunity

Health problems indicate weakened immune defenses of the body. When the first signs of decreased resistance to infectious diseases appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an immunity test. This article will help you get acquainted with the nuances of the immunogram of adults and children.

Cough is a nonspecific protective reaction of the body. Its main function is to clear the airways of mucus, dust or foreign objects.

For its treatment, a natural drug “Immunity” was developed in Russia, which is successfully used today. It is positioned as a drug to improve immunity, but it eliminates cough 100%. The presented medicine is a composition of a unique synthesis of thick, liquid substances and medicinal herbs, which helps increase the activity of immune cells without disrupting the biochemical reactions of the body.

The cause of the cough is not important, whether it is a seasonal cold, swine flu, pandemic, elephant flu is not at all - it doesn’t matter. An important factor is that it is a virus that affects the respiratory system. And “Immunity” copes with this best and is absolutely harmless!

When is a blood test for immunity necessary?

If a decrease in immune defense is detected, immunity tests are required. A comprehensive medical examination allows you to determine the state of immunity of an adult. However, not everyone can be prescribed a test to determine a person’s immune status.

An immunogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • If you are sick and suspected of having HIV;
  • If you have an illness or are suspected of having cancer;
  • After the operations;
  • With frequent colds(more than 7 times during the year);
  • If your temperature rises for an extended period of time for no reason;
  • A blood test for immunity is prescribed for enlarged lymph nodes;
  • An immunogram is performed when symptoms appear: constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy;
  • In case of damage to the mucous membranes and oral cavity fungus.

How to prepare?

Before performing a blood test for immunity, it is recommended to properly prepare for the immunogram. Following all the rules will allow you to obtain correct data regarding the immune status and determine the appropriate treatment in a particular case.

Rules for preparing for a blood test for immunity:

  • An immunogram is prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination of the patient;
  • Blood is donated in the morning between 7 and 10 o'clock. Eating food 8-12 hours before the test is prohibited. You can take water;
  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol one day before the test and smoke three hours before;
  • Before taking an immunogram you should not use medicines within a few days;
  • It is not recommended to practice physical exercise before a blood test for immunity.

How is a blood test for immunity performed?

To carry out a test to determine a person’s immune status, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein. The analysis determines the number of leukocytes and their activity.

When children fall ill with ARVI or influenza, they are treated mainly with antibiotics to reduce the temperature or various cough syrups, as well as in other ways. However drug treatment often has a very detrimental effect on a child’s, not yet strong, body.

It is possible to cure children from these ailments with the help of “Immunity” drops. It kills viruses in 2 days and eliminates secondary signs influenza and SARS. And in 5 days it removes toxins from the body, shortening the rehabilitation period after illness.

The immunogram involves the following stages:

  • At the first stage of verification, general analysis blood. As a result, the presence of diseases is determined;
  • If the presence of the disease has been established, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram. During a blood test, the area where the malfunction occurred is determined immune system.

The results of a blood test for immunity are assessed by an immunologist. The specialist checks the obtained indicators with the norm, taking into account characteristics body.

To obtain the most accurate data, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram several times: during the period of illness, during the recovery of the adult’s body, and during the period healthy condition. Based on all the results, the doctor can monitor the dynamics of immune activity and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Important to pay attention that women during menstrual cycle cannot donate blood to test immunity. A study must be carried out at the end of the cycle.

Methods for performing an immunogram:

  • Study of cellular immunity - the number of cellular elements and their types as a percentage are determined;
  • Blood test for examination humoral immunity- the presence of antibodies and globulins is taken into account;
  • Study for interferon status - during the immunogram, the number of signaling cellular elements is determined;
  • Complement system testing;
  • NST - analysis - during a blood test, the functioning of phagocytes is determined;
  • Test for ESP - eosophilic protein elements. An indicator exceeding the norm indicates the penetration of microbes.

Immunogram indicators

After completing a blood test for immunity, the results are sent to a specialist to determine the state of the immune system. Antibodies and immunoglobulins are used as indicators of immune status.

Checking the child

If it is necessary to conduct a blood test for immunity in a child, it is important to note that an immunogram is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. Testing the immune system of children is rarely prescribed because immune defense The baby's brain is formed during the first five years of life. During this period, the baby’s body strives to independently counteract pathogenic viruses and bacteria and develop its own defense. To conduct an immunity test, you need to obtain 50 ml of blood, which is the weight indicator for a child.

An immunogram is prescribed to a child in rare cases. If there are suspicions about the development of congenital diseases associated with the functioning of the immune system.

One of the complications of flu and colds is inflammation of the middle ear. Often, doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat otitis media. However, it is recommended to use the drug “Immunity”. This product has been developed and passed clinical trials at the research institute medicinal plants Academy Medical Sciences. The results show that 86% of patients with acute otitis media, taking the drug, got rid of the disease in 1 course of use.

In order to check the quality of the immune system as a whole, the patient needs to pass special immunity tests. One of them is a blood test for immunity.

The role of immunity

The human immune system is associated with age-related changes body. Internal and external factors determine constant changes in the norms of immune system indicators. This occurs from the moment of embryonic maturation.

Very important role plays in the formation of human immunity baby food in the first two years of life. Subsequently, the immune system malfunctions after illnesses, as well as when any other system of the body (endocrine, digestive, nervous and circulatory) is disrupted.

It follows from this that malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system are accompanied by pathological trends developing in the human body.

A blood test for immunity allows you to comprehensive assessment in order to find out what state the immune system is in.

Organs of the human immune systemIndications

Immunity is reduced in myeloma, congenital immunodeficiencies, pulmonary diseases and dysgammaglobulinemia. People who have undergone heart and other organ transplants, as well as people with AIDS, should periodically undergo testing to check their immunity.

Thanks to laboratory data and special immunological tests, diseases of the hematopoietic system of various etiologies (blood leukemia, neoplasms in the lymph nodes) are identified.

Indications for a blood test for immunity also include childhood diseases that threaten serious complications, for which immunomodulatory drugs are used.

A blood test for a child’s immunity is carried out after he has suffered viral infections, with frequent colds, with developing purulent infections(purulent ENT diseases, infectious bronchitis, etc.).

Blood test for immunity after suffering viral diseasesStep-by-step blood test

When performing complex blood biochemistry in adults and children, the procedure for conducting an immunogram must be followed.

First stage:

Initially, it is necessary to determine the amount of antibodies produced by the body in the blood, which lead to an enhanced fight against infections of viral origin (c-reactive proteins and interferons). This is called humoral immunity.

A blood test for the state of immunity shows how much of its components are present in the plasma, and how saturated it is with typical serum immunoglobulins.

A child who has frequent colds undergoes a single-level study. If the concentration of immunoglobulins is reduced, additional tests are performed to accurately determine the composition of the blood plasma. The second stage of the analysis identifies a certain immunoglobulin with a reduced concentration.

The result of the second stage is:

  • Determination of the rate of phagocytosis. How quickly immune cells destroy pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their ability to process these microorganisms.
  • definition high content lymphocytes in a blood test.

The third stage of the study allows a more accurate assessment of the state of the immune system. After this, the doctor prescribes drugs - immunomodulators.

As a result of the third stage of the study, the following is determined:

  • How much secretory immunoglobulins are contained in plasma?
  • How quickly phagocytes react to chemical stimuli.
  • How well do cytokines perform their function by forming and regulating the body’s defense reactions?
  • The process of cell adhesion.
  • Allergy to viral antibodies.

Carrying out a blood test to determine the concentration of the hormone is called in vitro analysis. With its help, some tumor types and malignant neoplasms are identified. Therefore, when taking an immunity test, in vitro analysis will be completely useful.

Laboratory blood test for hormonesPreparation

When faced with the obligation to test the immune system, a person needs to ensure that the analysis is carried out well and that he is as informed as possible about his current condition.

If the study is carried out in stages, there is a possibility reanalysis. And this is additional stressful situation, an unidentified diagnosis and loss of precious time that could be devoted to treatment.

When donating blood for immunity, you must remember that some medications can affect the result. Globulin concentrations may change after taking an antibiotic.

We should also not forget that viral infections and inflammation cause severe reaction all components that make up the immune system. Therefore, a blood test should be carried out 30 days after the inflammation has been eliminated. It is not necessary to conduct such a study for a child who has recently started attending kindergarten.

Assess the clinical picture and pathological changes in the body is possible only with the help of a full analysis of the state of immunity. Diagnosis and initiation of treatment do not occur on the basis of an immunogram alone.

Changes in immunity parameters are possible due to previous diseases. However, identifying deviations from standard indicators, it is not always necessary to adjust. The orientation is clinical picture, outlining the ongoing pathology. Correction is necessary when age-related indicators decrease by 28% and persist for a long time.

It is necessary to take into account that changes in indicator parameters occur with physical activity. If deviations from the standards are insignificant, then we can safely say proper operation immune system.

In most cases, an immunological study establishes the presence of immunoglobulin types: A, M, G and, in some cases, immunoglobulin class E.

Immunoglobulin A fights harmful microorganisms on the mucous membranes and consists of secretory and serum proteins in the blood. Their presence can be detected in salivary fluid, in the intestinal and respiratory tract. Milk and tear fluid are rich in this protein. Fighter against bacteria and viruses.

Immunoglobulin M has the ability to dissolve microbial cells. Acute infections promote the production of globulin in the blood of this particular type.

Immunoglobulin G- the main link that makes up the blood serum. In relation to other globulins, it is 81% in the blood. Produces antibodies that help destroy toxins, viruses and other antigens. This is the main protective factor of the fetus during intrauterine development, as it can penetrate the placental barrier into the blood of the embryo. Subsequently, breastfeeding promotes the penetration of antibodies through the baby's intestines into the blood.

Immunoglobulin E or reagin provides antihelminthic immunity. But its main function is to recognize allergens.

The table shows the normal immunity test for each age group.

Age Immunoglobulin A ImmunoglobulinM ImmunoglobulinG Immunoglobulin E

From 1 to 3 months.

From 4 to 6 months.

From 2 to 3 years

From 4 to 5 years

From 6 to 7 years

10 to 11 years old

12 – 13 years old

When deciphering a blood test for immunity, you should pay attention to what indicators have changed and by how much.

Increased and decreased indicators

If the concentration of immunoglobulin A is reduced, it means that the body is in the process of developing a viral or chronic bacterial infection. Reduced rates are observed in people during the postoperative period.

A reduced concentration of immunoglobulin M indicates the presence of an infection caused by a virus that has entered the body or a disease with large protein loss.

Reduced immunoglobulin G levels indicate chronic infections and the dose of radiation received.

The immune system helps our body resist negative effects, serious illnesses, and block different processes associated with the development of tumors. When it fails, there may be serious problems with health, and here to identify and eliminate " weak points» immunity there is a special blood test that allows you to study immune status and shows the patient’s body’s ability to resist various infections.

When an immunogram is done in the laboratory, several tests of the main indicators are carried out at once, clarifying the status of individual parameters.

  • Determination of antibodies of various classes demonstrates the presence of infections in the body and the level of their development. Looking at the immunoglobulin ratio status different groups, it is possible to determine the duration of infection and draw conclusions about the course of the disease.
  • Determination of lymphocyte subpopulations makes it possible to determine the composition of each of the two existing groups of lymphocytes, and to notice their possible shortage.
  • An analysis of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes shows the activity of phagocytosis - the process of absorption of bacteria and harmful viruses to prevent their influence on the body.
  • C3 and C4 complement components are proteins from the complement system that play an important role in the process of inflammation, facilitating phagocytosis.
  • Analysis for CIC (circulating immune complexes) examines the antigen-antibody chain, which is formed as an immune response to the ingress of foreign microorganisms.

Blood analysis

When an immunogram is done, they mainly use blood taken from a finger or from a vein. The collected amount of blood is distributed into two test tubes, in one of which the blood immediately coagulates and contains the molecules needed for analysis and a clot containing formed cells; another tube contains a substance that prevents blood from clotting, so that the necessary cells are preserved in the form of a suspension.

If the doctor is interested in the immune status of the mucous membranes, saliva, mucus or tear fluid is taken for analysis. If you need to know your immune status nervous system, they take cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but this happens in rare cases.

Indications for a blood test for immunity

If there is a disease of viral origin, allergic reactions, frequent inflammations light, long-term fungal infections, inflammatory chronic pathologies(bronchitis, sinusitis), autoimmune diseases (diabetes etc.), HIV, oncology, pustular skin pathologies, secondary and primary immunodeficiencies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of infectious origin, in which weight loss occurs, if you are after chemotherapy or after an organ transplant, you need to check your immune status.

There are also separate indications for a blood test for pregnant women, if they have HIV, frequent relapses herpes simplex, autoimmune pathologies, pregnancy with Rhesus conflict, continuous relapses cytomegalovirus infection, pathologies of tissue interaction during pregnancy.

Immune status – normal/not normal

The blood test is deciphered only by an immunologist, and not just by a layman or a familiar nurse, since it looks like a long list of abbreviations with corresponding numbers that are understandable only to a specialist.

If the immune status, visible from a blood test, shows that most of the indicators are normal, with the exception of a few things, you will be asked to donate another portion of blood in 1.5-3 weeks to compare the results and obtain a more accurate diagnosis. If a blood test demonstrates a decrease in the level of phagocytes and their functional activity, a suppurative process may be present. When a T-lymphocyte defect can be observed, AIDS is most likely diagnosed. If the norm of IgE immunoglobulins is exceeded, one can judge helminthic infestations or allergies, and if the deciphered immune blood test shows increased level leukocytes - there may be inflammation or acute infection(in most cases, the number of lymphocytes increases during viral infections). In each situation, the doctor will select individual treatment.

To be confident in the health of your body and get rid of excessive suspiciousness, just do not forget to check your immune status and follow the doctor’s instructions.

What factors affect immunity (video)

It was my last year at school, and I still couldn’t decide on my future specialization. I absolutely loved the profession of a doctor. My grandmother, also a doctor, thought that I would make good doctor Ambulance. Rate this article:

  • Symptoms of decreased immunity
  • How to determine the level of immunity?
  • How to increase the body's defenses?

First of all, it is worth noting that there are two types of immunity - humoral and cellular. Humoral immunity fights foreign microorganisms using immunoglobulin proteins for this purpose. Cellular immunity performs the task of detecting and neutralizing microbes with the help of leukocytes.

The main task of the body's immune system is to protect against microbes that can harm human health. In order to diagnose this body defense, a special analysis is performed - an immunogram. An immunogram will help determine the state of humoral and cellular immunity using the analysis of leukocytes and immunoglobulins.

Often many people are concerned about the question of how to test their immunity, because this is directly related to the condition protective function body against various diseases.

Symptoms of decreased immunity

The human body often gives signals about what needs to be paid attention to. Before checking your immunity, you need to take a closer look at yourself and your well-being.

The general well-being of the body is the first sign to determine its protective functions.

If there is a constant feeling of weakness, chills, or malaise, then these symptoms should alert you. A weak state of immunity is indicated by constant headaches, a craving for sleep during the day and lack of sleep at night, and periodic body aches. Loss of appetite can also be a sign of a weak protective function of the body. A person’s immunity cannot cope with its task if more than 10 infectious diseases have been suffered in a year.

The condition of the skin is one of several factors in determining the body's level of defense. In a weakened person pale skin with rashes, peeling and skin inflammation. Decreased immunity is accompanied by dark circles under the eyes.

With a weak protective function of the body, the secretion of sweat with a characteristic heavy odor is increased. Often at the same time increased sweating occurs for no particular reason.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of nails and hair. When immunity is impaired, nails become brittle and weak. It happens that white spots appear on the nails or they become uneven. A weakened person's hair looks dull, often falls out, splits and breaks.

The state of the immune system is directly related to gut health. The fact is that more than 70% of immune tissues are concentrated in the intestines. Therefore, it is very important to keep it healthy.

Depression can also affect the reduction of the body's protective barrier. This is due to the fact that interleukins substances simultaneously take part in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Therefore, immunodeficiency and depression are interconnected, and you need to contact two specialists at once - a psychotherapist and an immunologist.

But if there is any deviation in the various diseases. For example, with a hyperreaction to external allergens, allergic reaction . With hyperactivity and indiscriminateness, the body's own cells are attacked - autoimmune diseases. With a weakened immune system, it is possible that immunodeficiency state, the body becomes vulnerable to various infections.

What should you be wary of?

You can suspect disorders in the immune system if there are frequent... It could even be respiratory infection without increasing the temperature. Also, causeless low-grade fever (37.1-38°) for a long time should cause concern. In addition, signs of trouble are skin infections or rashes of allergic origin, sudden weight gain or weight loss without dieting, enlarged lymph nodes, increased fatigue, etc.

Often we do not pay attention to frequent colds, but decreased performance and fatigue blame it on weather conditions or lack of good rest. However, what we consider a trifle may turn out to be a sign of a disease, the cause of which is a violation of the immune system. Not a single person is immune from this, since there are many unfavorable factors that can provoke the disease.

Who needs to have their immune system checked? At-risk groups

1) People who have suffered a serious illness, surgery, poisoning, hypothermia

Also weakens the immune system chronic diseases. Please note that harm to the body can be caused by uncontrolled reception medicines. In first place are antibiotics and hormonal drugs, long-term use of which can cause a decrease in the body's defenses. A similar reaction is possible with long-term use drugs containing bifidobacteria, therefore any drug treatment, especially long-term, should be under the supervision of specialists.

2) Certain age groups

There are periods in every person's life when the immune system is weakened. At birth, the baby is protected only by antibodies received from the mother, but by six months the innate immunity is gradually “used up.” A child’s immune system begins to fully function by the age of five. Signs of immunodeficiency also develop in older people, which is associated with age-related changes in the body. In addition, people at risk are during periods of hormonal changes, for example, during puberty, entering menopause, and pregnancy.

3) Lifestyle is one of the factors influencing immunity

Inactivity, poor nutrition with a lack of sufficient vitamins and minerals in food, and bad habits will certainly affect your health. Frequent stress, lack of sleep, overwork worsen the situation, and environmental pollution only enhances the effect of negative factors. Thus, the majority of the population, voluntarily or unwittingly, belongs to the risk group.

4) Residents of large cities, work indoors

If you are a resident of a metropolis, spending most of your time in a stuffy room, if illness is your constant companion, you should diagnose the state of your immune system. To do this, you should visit an immunologist and undergo a painless examination. An immunological study will determine how well the immune system works, whether there are any disorders, and if so, what kind. Based on the results of the examination, it will be possible to prescribe appropriate medications to eliminate malfunctions in the immune system.

When visiting an immunologist – what you need to know

First of all, the doctor examines the skin, assesses the condition of hair and nails, the oral mucosa, and determines the size of the lymph nodes. It’s a good idea if you talk about what’s bothering you: frequent colds, irritability or increased fatigue, etc. Based on the history and examination, an examination with the help of instrumental methods diagnostics: ultrasound, x-ray examination, tomography, etc. The purpose of diagnosis is visualization internal organs, including those included in the immune system (thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, bone marrow).

Very informative laboratory diagnostic methods. First of all, a differentiated calculation of the ratio of types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes) is carried out, the indicators of which are determined during a general clinical blood test. In case of deviations in leukocyte formula appointed "immunity test"– first stage tests.

By immunogram You can check the cellular and humoral components of immunity. This stage allows you to identify gross disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. In some situations, the patient may be offered a re-examination in a couple of weeks to exclude a temporary reaction of the body to any external influence.

If, as a result of repeated examination, changes are still present, second-stage tests are carried out to assess the level and severity of specific immune defects and prescribe appropriate therapy. This includes determining the components of the complement system, the level of circulating immune complexes, studying interferon status, etc. The set of tests at the second stage may vary depending on the tasks.

Specific standards are not indicated here, since each laboratory has its own indicators, which depend on the diagnostic technique and the reagents used. By the way, for diagnosing the immune system there is a large number of tests. Some of them are complex to perform and require modern equipment and expensive reagents, so such tests are not performed in all laboratories. Today it is possible to conduct research on the body's response to pathogenic microorganisms, for example, for staphylococcus, enterobacteria, assess the body’s response to tetanus, diphtheria, verify the effectiveness antiviral drugs and vaccines.

For each, depending on the suspected disease, a individual program immunity examinations. However, it is better to leave the decoding of the analysis to a specialist who must take into account the presence clinical manifestations and patient history. For example, the absence of characteristic changes as a result of the analysis in the presence of clinical manifestations will not be considered a normal reaction of the immune system. In addition, the patient's age is taken into account. As for children, the immune status of a child differs from that of an adult, and only a specialist can correctly interpret the results obtained.

How to prepare for an immune system test

No specific preparation is needed for the immunogram. However, two weeks before the test, you should avoid taking medications that affect the immune system. If this is not possible, then you should inform your doctor in advance about the medications you are taking. The day before the examination, you must give up physical activity, smoking and drinks containing alcohol. As a rule, the analysis is taken on an empty stomach, but this information You can check with your specific laboratory.

Immunity test at home

Despite the fact that it is impossible to determine specific indicators in absentia, there are numerous survey tests compiled by doctors. By answering simple questions, you can get an assessment of your immunity without leaving home. Here we offer a test compiled by German immunologists. However, it is not suitable for children or people who currently have diseases of the immune system. The test is also not intended for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In these cases, the test result will be incorrect.

Instructions for taking an immunity test

For each positive answer, award 1 point. If you disagree with the statement, no point is added. At the end of the survey, add 2 points to your result if your age is over 40. If you are age category 41-60 years old, then add 4 points. If you have crossed the 60-year mark, add 6 points to the result obtained.

  1. You get colds more than 4 times a year
  2. Viral infections bother you more than twice a year
  3. You have been diagnosed with herpes
  4. You have been treated for herpes zoster within the last 12 months
  5. Are you being bothered? frequent disorders digestion
  6. You have been diagnosed with fungal infections within the last five years
  7. You suffer from other metabolic disorders
  8. You take medications at least three times a day.
  9. Any skin damage does not heal well
  10. You have been found chronic inflammation gums
  11. You have had surgery using general anesthesia within the last 12 months
  12. Among your loved ones there are people with frequent infections, chronic diseases or cancer
  13. There's a deficiency in your diet
  14. Your body weight is below normal levels
  15. You are forced to regularly follow a low-calorie diet
  16. Sports are not for you
  17. Your sports activities end in extreme fatigue
  18. You are an active smoker
  19. Drinking large quantities of alcohol every day has become your habit.
  20. Are you a fan of solariums or enjoy sunbathing in summer?
  21. Your usual routine: work at night, rest during the day
  22. - your constant problem
  23. You often have to communicate with unpleasant people
  24. You have unreasonable concerns and fears
  25. It seems to you that people you are interested in avoid communicating with you
  26. Creative and spiritual uplift is a rarity for you.
  27. Relationships with your loved ones Lately spoiled
  28. You have difficulty relaxing

Now evaluate the result:

2-15 points There are minor adverse factors, but they did not affect the state of your immune system. Balanced diet and healthy image life will help to avoid deterioration of immunity in the future.
16-25 points Your lifestyle and past illnesses slightly affected the state of the immune system. To avoid further harm to your immune system, consider strengthening it.
More than 25 points Weakened immunity is the result of previous diseases and existing bad habits. There is a risk of developing infectious diseases, now is the time to take action to strengthen your immune system.

Still, nothing can replace consultation with an experienced specialist and a full examination. Remember: trying to treat something that doesn't need treatment can backfire. And with self-medication, the immune system, designed to protect, will begin to fight the cells of its own body. The result is aggravation of existing problems or development autoimmune pathologies. Therefore, undergo diagnostics of your immune system, and based on the results, you will be prescribed medications that are relevant specifically to your case.

Oksana Matiash, general practitioner

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

A person’s appearance and character have their own data, which can be used to draw a physiological and moral portrait. The human internal immune system also has its own indicators, non-standard fluctuations of which lead to physical ailments, and the person begins to think about how to test immunity.

Immunity and its deficiency

But “nothing lasts forever,” and a person’s immunity can fail, which in medicine has a corresponding name - immunodeficiency, which can be different.

Types of immunodeficiency:

  • Congenital - a person is born with a genetic pathology, the symptoms of which are easily detected in the first half of human life;
  • Acquired immunodeficiency means that dramatic changes in immune function occurred immediately during life path after the postponed serious illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, AIDS, measles, cancerous tumors, rubella, tuberculosis and others.

Varieties of immune system deficiency, like all living things, require timely diagnosis and treatment. How can you determine that your internal defense also needs help? There are two options for testing your immunity: contact an immunologist to find out what tests you need to take, or conduct an immunity test yourself at home.

Immunogram analysis

Comprehensive medical research venous blood, which includes many examinations, is called an immunogram, the picture of which, in deciphering the results, will allow us to determine the state of the immune system. But not every person who doubts the stability of internal organs needs to rush to take a blood test for immunity.

When and to whom is an immunogram prescribed:

  • presence or suspicion of HIV infection;
  • cancer or the risk of it (bad heredity), chemotherapy;
  • after organ transplantation or removal;
  • if immunodeficiency is suspected.

The last point includes:

  • severe fungal infection of the oral cavity and other mucous membranes;
  • frequent infectious diseases more than 6-7 times a year;
  • an unreasonable increase in temperature throughout the crescent;
  • swollen lymph nodes without visible infection;
  • purulent recurrent diseases of the mucous membranes and internal organs;
  • constant pain in the joints, accompanied by causeless fatigue and complete loss of performance.

There is no single analysis in medicine to determine the state of the immune system. The immunogram is divided into a series of analyses, the combined picture of which will subsequently make it possible to determine in which specific immune process the “breakdown” occurred.

Advantages of an immunogram:

  • high diagnostic accuracy – up to 98%;
  • painlessness and complete security for a person;
  • simplicity of research and high speed of obtaining results;
  • automation and dynamics in the control of all stages of blood examination.

An expanded set of various tests allows you to accurately determine the degree of damage to immune cells and make early diagnosis diseases.

Classification (decoding) of antibodies in an immunogram

The immunogram indicators in the results vary in three variations: normal, depressed (below normal) and excessive activity (above normal).

Immunoglobulin A– this antibody protects all mucous membranes of the body. The desired rate is 0.9 – 4.5 g/l.

Immunoglobulin M includes antibodies directed against infections. IgM norm ranges from 0.5 g/l to 3.5.

An upward deviation from normal means the presence of some kind of infection or candidiasis, and may also be a sign of hepatitis, SLE or arthritis. A decrease in IgM indicates radiation sickness or splenectomy.

Immunoglobulin G responsible for passive immunity. The IgG norm is 7 – 17 g/l.

An increase in the amount of IgG indicates possible progressive rheumatism or arthritis, and may also indicate the presence of HIV, multiple myeloma, systemic lupus erythematosus or infectious mononucleosis. A reduced amount of IgG indicates possible toluene or xylene poisoning, liver cirrhosis, or radiation sickness.

The listed norms are considered basic in the immunogram; other indicators are too unpredictable and depend on the individual immune system, so they will not be specified here to avoid misconceptions. Only a specialist can recognize pathology in fluctuations from the norm. Alas, not all people understand this, giving rise to surreal myths and interpretations.

Determining immunity status at home

This variation of the immunity test does not require financial costs or any preparation. It is enough to sit comfortably in a chair and sincerely answer questions with short “yes” or “no” answers. Positive answers must be counted as 1 point and summed up at the end of the test.

Home immunogram:

We suggest you take the test at home.

  1. Do you have at least one chronic disease?
  2. Do you have at least one of the bad habits: frequent drinking and smoking?
  3. Do you suffer from fungal infections, skin rashes or frequent outbreaks of herpes?
  4. Are you allergic to anything?
  5. Are you familiar with insomnia and recurring nightmares?
  6. Do your loved ones complain about the snoring you make in your sleep?
  7. Do you have a mostly sedentary job?
  8. you don't love in free time exercise?
  9. Are you often irritable and apathetic for no reason?
  10. Are you easily driven into a state of anger, but it takes you an hour to calm down?
  11. Do you include fruits and vegetables in your menu not every day, but from time to time?
  12. Can't imagine a day without sweets?
  13. Do you have weight problems (overweight or excessive weight loss)?
  14. After a cold, do you need a long period to recuperate?
  15. Do you often get a sore throat or flu (more than 4-5 times a year)?

If the test results do not exceed 1 point, then there is nothing to worry about; the immune troops of cells in orderly rows in full combat readiness reflect attacks from the outside.

With a result of 2 to 5 points, a person’s immunity rings alarm bells with requests to reconsider rest and nutrition regimens.

With a score above 5 points, the immune system is already emitting SOS signals with all its might, demanding that, if you don’t visit a doctor, then definitely take care of your health.

Even if a home test showed a far from ideal level, this is not a reason for despair and hectic running around to doctors. An adult should understand that, first of all, this is a reason to find a couple of hours in his busy schedule for a walk in the fresh air; this is a signal of an urgent change in diet in favor of tasty and healthy food, and finally, this is a direct requirement of the body’s immunity for positivity, optimism and a smile!

3 common questions and real answers

With results in hand various analyzes immunograms, how to find out the diagnosis, is it possible to follow the standards outlined on the Internet?

Searching for similar results on the World Wide Web, based on supposedly “accurate” norms, is a waste of time and, possibly, health. This is the same as studying reviews of an immunogram on the Internet and drawing conclusions based on them. Only a professional immunologist is able to correctly link the test results to already identified symptoms.

I have a persistent skin rash, the dermatologist is powerless, and an appointment with an immunologist in our region may take a while. long months. Is it possible to take all the tests for immunodeficiency yourself?

It's possible, but not necessary. Firstly, you will still need to see a doctor to decipher the tests. Secondly, you do not know exactly what tests you need, and this step will probably be a waste of money, because the presence of a chronic rash on the skin requires, first of all, skin allergy tests, and not an immunogram test. You should not make a global decision until an immunity test is prescribed by the appropriate doctor.

Immunogram tests are quite expensive, and prices vary widely depending on the status of the institution. Is it possible to donate blood in different laboratories?

Categorically excluded! The immunogram should be examined in one and the same volume medical institution. The results of different laboratories can be far from unique; everything is interconnected: from the methods of various tests to the laboratory equipment.

If prices medical tests significantly exceed the family budget, you can use the second option for testing immunity: conducting an immunity test yourself.

Before offering you a test to determine your immunity level, let us briefly remind you of what it is.

If our immune system cannot cope with these attacks, we get sick. For example, if a common cold occurs several times a year, this signals a breakdown of the immune system.

The immune system consists of many organs, systems, tissues and special cells.

Tonsils.“Outpost” of the immune system. Immune cells located in the tonsils trap “infiltrators” that can enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Thymus. Located behind the sternum, it “trains” immune cells, T-lymphocytes, to recognize hostile microorganisms.

Spleen. This organ cleanses the blood, removing damaged red blood cells and other foreign elements, including bacteria. The spleen is also a reserve for immune cells.

Intestines. In the small intestine there are lymphoid (Peyer's) patches that protect gastrointestinal tract from pathogens.

Bone marrow. Produces white blood cells (leukocytes) and other blood cells.

The lymph nodes. They are located on the paths of lymph flow. Immune cells Here they are on guard for the invasion of bacteria into the body.

A malfunction of the immune system is called immunodeficiency.

There is a congenital, genetically determined deficiency of immunity, when there are not enough protective agents in the body from birth. Such people can only survive with constant special expensive treatment.

Much more common secondary immunodeficiency- the result of a violation of the body’s normal resistance.

Causes: , negative emotions, lack of sleep, injuries, poor environmental conditions, excess ultraviolet radiation (too long exposure to the sun), excess exercise stress, overheating or hypothermia, poor (insufficient) nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse. Some medicines, such as antibiotics and antitumor drugs, also suppress the immune system. In cancer patients, immunodeficiency can be both a consequence and a cause of malignant tissue degeneration.

Experts came to the conclusion that allergy is also associated with dysfunction of the immune system.

Test "Check your immunity"

How to understand whether your immunity is normal or not? Exists immunogram– a comprehensive study of blood, tear fluid, saliva and cerebrospinal fluid. Other diagnostic methods using body tissue samples have also been developed. These studies are expensive and not accessible to everyone; they are done in difficult cases. However, you can get your immunity assessed without leaving your home. A test has been developed in Germany to assess the state of the immune system.

This test is intended for adults who are not currently undergoing special treatment such as radiation therapy and do not have severe immune system disease.

  1. If you agree with the statement, give 1 point; if you disagree, give 0.
  2. I get severe colds more than 3 times a year.
  3. I'm sick of others viral infections more often than 2 times a year.
  4. I often suffer from herpes (herpes blisters).
  5. I have had shingles for the past 12 months.
  6. I often suffer from gastrointestinal infections.
  7. Over the past 5 years I have had fungal diseases skin or mucous membranes (mouth, intestines, genitals).
  8. I have diabetes or other serious metabolic disorders.
  9. I take medications 3 times a day or more often.
  10. My scratches don't heal well.
  11. I have chronic inflammation of the gums or other organs.
  12. Over the past year I have had a serious injury or surgery using anesthesia.
  13. Members of my family are more likely than other people to suffer from infections, chronic diseases or cancer.
  14. My diet contains few fresh vegetables, fruits, vitamins and microelements.
  15. I regularly go on low-calorie diets.
  16. My body weight is below normal.
  17. I don't play sports.
  18. I often train until I'm very tired.
  19. I smoke.
  20. I drink alcohol in large quantities every day.
  21. I often go to the solarium or sunbathe a lot during my summer holidays.
  22. I have to work at night and sleep during the day.
  23. I always don't have enough time for anything.
  24. Almost every day I have to communicate with people I don’t like.
  25. I am often afraid of something.
  26. People I'm interested in don't want to communicate with me.
  27. I very rarely feel creative and emotional.
  28. I am not satisfied with my relationships with loved ones (husband, wife, parents, children, etc.).
  29. I have a hard time relaxing.

If you are under 40 years old, add 2 points to the amount, from 41 to 60 years old - 4 points, over 60 years old - 6 points.

Evaluation of test results

From 2 to 15 points. The adverse effect on your immune system is minor and is normal. To stay in good shape, do not forget about a balanced diet.

From 16 to 25 points. Your immune system is negatively affected by your lifestyle and illnesses you have had. Think about what you need to change in your behavior and habits to avoid weakening your immune system further. To maintain the body, it is worth using biologically active food supplements that normalize the immune system.

More than 25 points. Your lifestyle and past illnesses have led to a significant weakening of the immune system. You are at increased risk of infectious diseases. You need to change a lot: give up bad habits, improve your healthy eating, learn to relax, etc. You need to add the missing substances, vitamins and microelements to your diet.

For maximum protection of the body from internal and external damaging influences, we can recommend IMMUNOSTIMUL– an original balanced complex of natural biologically active substances, which has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. This is a domestic innovative product based on marine components (salmon fish milt, squid ganglia and seaweed) from the ecologically clean Pacific region.

the body, increases the body’s resistance against infectious diseases, protects the body from the effects of adverse internal factors environment, increases stress resistance, reduces anxiety levels, and slows down the aging of the body.

Health problems indicate weakened immune defenses of the body. When the first signs of decreased resistance to infectious diseases appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an immunity test. This article will help you get acquainted with the nuances of the immunogram of adults and children.

When is a blood test for immunity necessary?

If a decrease in immune defense is detected, immunity tests are required. A comprehensive medical examination allows you to determine the state of immunity of an adult. However, not everyone can be prescribed a test to determine a person’s immune status.

An immunogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • If you are sick and suspected of having HIV;
  • If you have an illness or are suspected of having cancer;
  • After the operations;
  • For frequent colds (more than 7 times during the year);
  • If your temperature rises for an extended period of time for no reason;
  • A blood test for immunity is prescribed for enlarged lymph nodes;
  • An immunogram is performed when symptoms appear: constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy;
  • When the mucous membranes and oral cavity are affected by a fungus.

How to prepare?

Before performing a blood test for immunity, it is recommended to properly prepare for the immunogram. Following all the rules will allow you to obtain correct data regarding the immune status and determine the appropriate treatment in a particular case.

Rules for preparing for a blood test for immunity:

  • An immunogram is prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination of the patient;
  • Blood is donated in the morning between 7 and 10 o'clock. Eating food 8-12 hours before the test is prohibited. You can take water;
  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol one day before the test and smoke three hours before;
  • Before taking an immunogram, you should not use medications for several days;
  • It is not recommended to exercise before an immunity blood test.

How is a blood test for immunity performed?

To carry out a test to determine a person’s immune status, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein. The analysis determines the number of leukocytes and their activity.

The immunogram involves the following stages:

  • At the first stage of the test, a general blood test is performed. As a result, the presence of diseases is determined;
  • If the presence of the disease has been established, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram. During a blood test, the area where the immune system is malfunctioning is determined.

The results of a blood test for immunity are assessed by an immunologist. The specialist checks the obtained indicators with the norm, taking into account the characteristic features of the body.

To obtain the most accurate data, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram several times: during the period of illness, during the recovery of the adult’s body and during the period of health. Based on all the results, the doctor can monitor the dynamics of immune activity and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Important to pay attention that women during their menstrual cycle cannot donate blood to test their immunity. A study must be carried out at the end of the cycle.

Methods for performing an immunogram:

  • Study of cellular immunity - the number of cellular elements and their types as a percentage are determined;
  • A blood test to examine humoral immunity - the presence of antibodies and globulins is taken into account;
  • Study for interferon status - during the immunogram, the number of signaling cellular elements is determined;
  • Complement system testing;
  • NST - analysis - during a blood test, the functioning of phagocytes is determined;
  • Test for ESP - eosophilic protein elements. An indicator exceeding the norm indicates the penetration of microbes.

Immunogram indicators

After completing a blood test for immunity, the results are sent to a specialist to determine the state of the immune system. Antibodies and immunoglobulins are used as indicators of immune status.

Checking the child

If it is necessary to conduct a blood test for immunity in a child, it is important to note that an immunogram is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. Checking the state of the immune system of children is rarely prescribed, since the baby’s immune defense is formed during the first five years of life. During this period, the baby’s body strives to independently counteract pathogenic viruses and bacteria and develop its own defense. To conduct an immunity test, you need to obtain 50 ml of blood, which is the weight indicator for a child.

An immunogram is prescribed to a child in rare cases. If there are suspicions about the development of congenital diseases associated with the functioning of the immune system.