Boric acid: instructions for use, cost, patient reviews. Boric acid: instructions for use, main properties and contraindications

Boric acid is active substance, it can be in the form of colorless, slightly greasy flakes or in the form of fine crystalline powder. It dissolves well in both water and alcohol.

Effect of the drug "Boric acid"

Boric acid easily penetrates many tissues, as well as organs, and can also accumulate in them. It is excreted from the body quite slowly, 50% is excreted through the kidneys in about twelve hours, and the rest leaves the body within five days or one week.

When using a 5% solution of boric acid, the processes of phagocytosis are suppressed; when using a 2–4% solution, growth and development are delayed pathogenic microorganisms.

Boric acid has an irritating effect directly on the mucous membranes of the body. Getting sucked in active substance causes some systemic toxic effects. In babies early age penetrates quite well skin and mucous membranes, there are confirmed deaths from ingestion of this substance, as well as from excessive application to damaged skin.

When boric acid was reintroduced into the baby’s body (after treatment of the mammary gland before breastfeeding), following symptoms: hypotension, metabolic acidosis developed, and renal function was impaired.

What does boric acid treat? What does it help with?

For the drug “Boric acid” the abstract lists the following conditions, I will list them:

With conjunctivitis;
For colpitis;
If you have weeping eczema;
Boric acid is effective for dermatitis;
With pyoderma;
At ;
In addition, the drug is used in the presence of diaper rash.

In addition, the drug is used in the presence of otitis, which occurs both acutely and chronically. Before using the drug, you must consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Boric acid"

Boric acid, the administration of which helps patients according to the above list of indications, nevertheless has a number of contraindications. This:

Hypersensitivity directly to the active substance;
During pregnancy;
The drug is contraindicated under the age of one year;
Do not use it if kidney function is impaired;
For extensive damage to the skin.

In addition to the listed conditions, nursing mothers should temporarily stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Externally Boric acid, the treatment of which is carried out in ophthalmic practice, is used with a 2% solution. This medicine is used to wash the eyes. In addition, the drug is used in a 3% concentration in the presence of weeping eczema and dermatitis; in this case, medicinal lotions can be applied.

Alcohol solutions in the following concentrations: 0.5, 1, 2 and 3% are used in the form of drops, and turundas are also moistened with this medicine and introduced into the external auditory canal in the presence of otitis, both acute and chronic. In addition, the drug is used to treat skin in the presence of pyoderma and diaper rash.

A 10% solution of Boric acid together with glycerin is used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin during diaper rash, and this medicine can also be applied to the mucous membrane in the presence of colpitis.

Boric ointment 5% is used if the patient has head lice, and the medicine is applied to large quantities directly to scalp scalp depending on the thickness of the hair and the degree of infection. Then, after thirty minutes, it is recommended to rinse off the medication with running water.

Is boric acid harmful?

Side effects of the drug "Boric acid"

Among side effects The following conditions should be noted: acute and chronic intoxication, when the patient has nausea and vomiting. In addition, it appears headache, there may be skin rashes, oliguria, desquamation of the epithelium, confusion, and sometimes a state of shock develops.

Overdose from Boric acid

In case of an overdose of the drug Boric acid, nausea, vomiting, possibly diarrhea, depression of the central nervous system, body temperature decreases, shock and coma are possible, and an erythematous rash occurs, and death is possible within a week.

With prolonged use of drugs, chronic intoxication may develop, which will manifest itself as exhaustion, stomatitis, eczema, and there may be tissue swelling, in addition to this disorder menstrual cycle, anemia, convulsions, and baldness cannot be ruled out. Should be carried out symptomatic treatment.

How to replace boric acid? Analogs

Medical boric acid is contained in the drug of the same name, in addition it is included in the following medicines, I will list them: Boric ointment, Boric acid alcohol solution, Boromenthol, Novocindol. So, analogues of boric acid can include Hemostatic collagen sponge, Teimur’s paste and some other medications.


Before using Boric acid, you should consult your doctor.

Today the market pharmacological drugs is extremely wide, for this reason it can be quite difficult to select a drug that has the necessary therapeutic effect. In this regard, from a huge list medicinal products, it is necessary to highlight a special product that allows you to sell complex treatment most diseases. In this article we will talk about a very simple and well-known substance that is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as well as household is boric acid.

What does boric acid consist of: composition

Boric acid is pharmacological agent, which can be represented as in pure form, and as a solution. In its original form, boric acid has the form of a transparent crystalline powder without any pronounced qualities, having chemical formula B(OH)3.

However, in medicinal purposes Most often, an aqueous or alcohol solution is used, which can be sold in various proportions. Boric acid powder is sold in small paper bags, and the solution is sold in containers of different volumes, depending on the type of solvent used to create the pharmacological product.

Methods of using the product in medicine

Boric acid is used for medicinal purposes both in the form of a solution and powder. A particular product is used effectively not only as a means for topical use, wound treatment, douching, but also as a preparation for oral use. It should be noted here that the component is well absorbed through the skin and quickly penetrates the bloodstream, providing a comprehensive antiseptic effect. At the same time, when using the drug for different purposes, you need to carefully read the instructions, since the method of using the drug in each individual case may be different. For this reason, we present a list of situations in which the use of boric acid will be most effective.

How to drip boric acid into the ear for severe pain

Despite the fact that some people doubt whether it is possible to drop boric acid into the ear, it is quite safe and very effective procedure. This remedy treats ear canal infections, otitis media, and is also used for severe pain in the ear. In order for the treatment process to be as effective as possible, it is necessary in the right way use boric acid, therefore the entire therapeutic process is presented below in stages:

  • it is necessary to cleanse the ear canal of wax, for which hydrogen peroxide is used, which must be injected into each ear five drops;
  • Now, using a cotton swab, remove from ear canal excess moisture, after which you can begin treatment with boric acid;
  • The boric solution must be held in your hand for several minutes so that the liquid reaches body temperature, and then tilt your head back and inject 3 drops of acid into the sore ear;
  • after instillation, you need to spend at least 10 minutes in a lying position with your head thrown back, and then put it in auricle a piece of cotton wool to remove excess product;
  • During the day, it is necessary to make at least three instillations as part of a weekly treatment course.

How to make a compress on the ear for otitis media

Compresses for otitis are an integral part of treatment, which allows you to increase blood flow to the sore ear, as a result of which the therapeutic effect is realized much faster. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to prepare gauze, which must be rolled in 4-6 layers to form a flap measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. This gauze cloth must be soaked in boric acid diluted in alcohol, after which an incision is made in the center of the fabric pad so that the ear passes through it.

It should be remembered that a film is placed on top of the boron compress, which does not allow moisture to evaporate. The top of the two-layer structure is insulated with a towel or woolen scarf. The warming compress must be kept for half an hour as part of a four-day healing process.

Using the solution to treat the eyes

Boric acid is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent that allows you to prevent and get rid of most ophthalmological diseases infectious viral etymology. This particular instrument is especially often used to treat conjunctivitis and inflammation of the retina. To carry out the procedure, you need to lower your face into a container with a solution, so that the eye is immersed in the liquid, after which you need to blink in boric acid.

In this regard, below we provide information on how to dilute boric acid for eye washing:

  • you need to purchase boric acid in powder;
  • it is necessary to prepare boiled or distilled water;
  • For 300 milliliters of liquid you need to add a teaspoon of dry raw materials, then mix the ingredients thoroughly and begin treatment.

How to use for foot odor and sweating

As is known, the main cause of unpleasant odor coming from the feet are microbes. These microorganisms settle and actively multiply in a damp environment, for example in sneakers, if they are left wet from precipitation or sweat for some time. For this reason, in order to say goodbye to the aroma emanating from feet and shoes forever, you need to thoroughly dry your sneakers and boots, and then pour one or two bags of boric acid into them, leaving them overnight. In the morning, the powder must be poured out of the shoes, after which they can be worn again, since boric acid will kill all microorganisms and eliminate the smell.

Powder for nail and foot fungus

If fungus affects the skin of the feet, as well as the nail plates, you can use a simple remedy that is not inherently antifungal drug, however, provides an excellent therapeutic result, namely boric acid in powder form. To carry out the healing process, boric acid is used as an active substance for preparing baths.

To carry out the procedure, you need to take a small amount of water so that it covers all the affected areas into a basin, and then pour 2-3 teaspoons of the described drug into it. The contents of the container should be mixed until it is completely dissolved, after which you need to lower your feet into the bath and hold for 20 minutes. This procedure must be carried out every three days until complete recovery.

Boric acid in cosmetology

Since boric acid has a number of beneficial properties for the body, it is used not only in the form medicinal product, but also as a tool for cosmetic care. This product can be used in cosmetology for various purposes, depending on the problem at hand. Basically, boric acid is used for facial cleansing, disinfection, and correction. age-related changes, as well as therapy for dermatitis and other skin rashes.

Recipes for face products for acne

It is best to use it in its pure form to care for problem skin, which can not only reduce the number of inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, but also cure the causes of rashes.

  1. To get started cosmetic treatment It is necessary before going to bed (at night) to treat problem areas of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of boric acid.
  2. The procedure should not be carried out more than once a day, so as not to dry out the skin.
  3. It should be noted that in the first days after using boric alcohol, the number of rashes may increase - you should not be afraid of this, since after a week the result will be noticeable.

Boric acid for hair removal

Boric acid is used for cosmetic purposes not only to combat acne on the face, but also for depilation chemical agent. It was determined that boric acid has a special effect on hair follicles, depriving them of nutrition, after which over time the follicles begin to die. In this case, fragmentary or complete disappearance of vegetation from the treated area can be observed. Depilation is carried out in the form of a two-week course, during which the drug is applied topically every day, which allows you to get rid of hair, but only if there is no irritation in the treated area.

Why is boric acid harmful to humans?

It is necessary to understand that boric acid is not the most useful product for the human body, but by and large nothing particularly terrible can happen during its use. The most dangerous thing that happens from time to time as a result of using boric acid is poisoning. Children most often suffer from this, and therefore use the product in question in childhood forbidden. The symptoms of poisoning have a similar picture as with classical food poisoning, but with more vivid manifestations.

Contraindications to the use of the product

The product in question does not have many contraindications, but it is better to avoid its use in the following situations:

  • ulcerative skin lesions, as well as open wounds;
  • period breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • kidney diseases;
  • increased sensitivity of the integument;
  • allergic reaction;
  • children up to five years old, etc.

How to use the product on the farm

Boric acid is also in great demand on the farm, as it is an effective poison against cockroaches, ants and other unwanted guests. Plus it's excellent antiseptic and microfertilizer, which is described in more detail below.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

To prepare them, you will need to mix potatoes and eggs in equal proportions, crush them, pour a tablespoon of mayonnaise into a container or vegetable oil, as well as one teaspoon of boric acid powder. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then molded from the finished mass small balls and laid out in areas where cockroaches may potentially live.

Application for plant

A solution of boric acid is an excellent remedy foliar feeding of plants.

The described composition must be sprayed on the leaves and flowers, as a result of which flowering, fruit formation and the lifespan of the plant are enhanced. In order to cook necessary remedy, you need to dissolve one gram of dry boric acid in ten liters of warm water, and then start fertilizing the plants weekly.

For good growth and plant development requires fertilizers and fertilizing. The modern range of mineral fertilizers allows you to select a product for each crop at any stage of development. Among them there is a simple remedy proven by more than one generation of gardeners - boric acid. Why do plants need boric acid and how much of it is needed to help and not harm plants, we will learn from the article.

Boric acid: description

IN natural conditions unbound boric acid is mined in some volcanic areas of Tuscany, the Lopar Islands and Nevada.

In addition, it is sometimes found as a constituent of most of the following minerals: borax, colemanite, boracite. And also this element of the periodic table is present in sea ​​water and is a component of all plant cells without exception.

Boric (orthoboric) acid belongs to inorganic acids. Usually it appears as milky crystals, slightly soluble in cold water. They lose moisture when heated, turning into metaboric acid, then into tetraboric acid, finally producing boron oxide.

All described combinations are transformed into boric acid upon contact with water.

The boric acid compound is often used:

  • in medicine as an antiseptic;
  • in gardening and horticulture;
  • industry.

Boric acid is a convenient microfertilizer, is often used in agronomy when there is a lack of boron in the soil. The substance in the powder contains the microelement boron, required by the flora during the formation of ovaries.

Why do you need boric acid in your dacha?

Boric acid is very required element for all fruit, berry and vegetable crops and flowers.

It has a number of useful properties:

  • getting rid of pathogens;
  • increase in yield;
  • influence on the taste of vegetables and fruits.

In addition, plants treated with boric acid become much more tolerant of unfavorable conditions. Acid is used in the form of solutions for irrigation or as additional soil enrichment.

In addition, boric acid is used as a wasp repellent:

  1. Place boric acid powder in places where insects are found.
  2. Half a glass boiled water add 5 grams of boric acid, place, add a spoonful of honey and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, mix and pour onto a wide plate, place near the ant paths.
  3. Mix two boiled eggs with half a teaspoon of boron. Make small balls and place them in insect areas.

Plant need for boron

Boron for vegetation - a “present” substance - is required throughout the growing season.

However, the excessive presence of boron in the soil poses a threat to flora.

Negative consequences of exceeding the compound in the soil:

  • burn of lower shoots;
  • drying of leaf borders.

It is necessary to take into account the differentiation of the substance needs of each plant.

According to their boron needs, plants are divided into groups:

  1. High need: fruit trees (pear,), beets, rutabaga.
  2. Average need: , lettuce leaves, berry bushes.
  3. Low need: herbs, legumes, and strawberries. Although potatoes belong to the low-boron group, the deficiency of the element is much more pronounced.

Signs of excessive boron content:

  • convex shape of leaves;
  • turning inside their borders;
  • yellowing of the leaf as a whole.

The mature leaves begin to yellow. Exceeding the concentration of boron in forage plants provokes chronic diseases in animals.

General signs of boron deficiency in plants

There are simply no alternatives to boric acid for use in the garden.

The deficiency of this substance in plants is manifested:

  • the leaves at the top of the trunk are noticeably yellower;
  • young leaf shoots irregular shape, weak, wither very soon;
  • Only the buds on the sides ripen fully; they are simply not present on the tops;
  • areas of dying appear on trunks and fruits;
  • the upper sections of the shoots die; flowers fall off;
  • Scab appears on root crops;
  • Cabbage leaves become rotten.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Types of soils based on boric acid content

Boron is one of the main microelements for the existence of the flora of our planet, providing:

  • the required volume of synthesis of nitrogenous compounds;
  • optimizes plant metabolic processes;
  • has a positive effect on the growth of the presence of chlorophyll in plant cells.

The soil in which the boron content is equal to the norm is considered positive. This is reflected in plants in the form of increased productivity, fruit quality, and tolerance of negative conditions and diseases.

Boric acid (H3BO3) - the most acceptable and democratic
method of obtaining good harvest and therefore common among gardeners.

Boron is colorless and odorless, a crystalline compound that is easily dissolved in water, and has insignificant acidic characteristics.

It is used on podzolic-turf, gray and brown forest soils, but can also be useful in chernozem areas on light soils.

Vegetable gardens need such fertilizer:

  • with soil with a high presence of carbonates;
  • in dark-colored or peaty soils;
  • in acidic soils.

Using the connection contributes to:

  • quantitative growth of inflorescences on fruit trees and shrubs;
  • emergence more growth points of branches and roots;
  • regulates the concentration of sugars and the taste characteristics of fruits.

Boric acid - instructions for use

This compound is used for agronomic purposes in the following forms:

  1. powdery;
  2. liquid concentrated solutions.

For irrigation, fertilizer, and fertilizing, different proportions of the substance are used in relation to the solvent - water. The ratio depends on the condition of the plant and the goals of the procedure. Can be used in combination with other elements: zinc, manganese.

Foliar feeding

Spraying the above-ground part of the plant with a solution of boric acid is an effective measure. The ratio of the product is 1 liter: 0.1 mg of powdered substance.

Feeding is carried out in three phases:

  • initial processing performed at the stage of peduncle development;
  • second– at the stage of flower opening;
  • third- at the stage of fetal emergence.

In some circumstances, boron solution is mixed with other agents. For such spraying, a small dosage of the element is required (5-6 g per 10 liters of water).

Foliar treatment with boric acid is carried out completely excluding contact with direct sun rays(burns), optimally on a cloudy day or in the evening. If the procedure is carried out on a hot day, then the tree or shrub must first be doused with water.

Root feeding

Fertilizing with boric acid at the root is done as infrequently as possible. It is important to make sure there is a deficiency of this substance.

Root enrichment with boron is used for:

  • planting decorative flower flora;
  • under conditions of germination on admixtures of peat and sand;
  • on podzolic, turfy soils.

Preparation of the mixture in the following ratio: 0.1-0.2 g of powdered product is diluted in 1 liter of water. However, before using the mixture for spraying, each plant is doused with water in large quantities to prevent chemical exposure to the leaves.

Boric acid for different crops

For fruit trees

Manifestation of boron deficiency in apple and pear trees:

  • leaf plates become thicker;
  • suberization occurs, a change in the color of the veins;
  • when the deficiency is critical, the leaves fall off.

Rosette leaves are detected - small leaves upper parts the processes do not open. The upper parts of unkempt apple, pear or other trees dry out.

A lack of boron in apple trees provokes a disease called “internal suberization of apples”:

  1. Lighter fragments with a circumference of up to 1 cm appear inside the apple.
  2. Over time, they darken and the contents become a porous, tasteless mass.
  3. On outer surface apples, swollen, irregularly shaped, crust-like and pockmarked growths are formed.

Foliar spraying of the solution (10-20 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water) significantly increases fruit formation. The procedure is performed after the sun's activity subsides in the evenings or during cloudy skies to avoid burns.

Treat the crown equally on each side twice:

  • at the beginning of flower opening;
  • after 5-7 days after the first time.

This measure has a positive effect on reducing the fall of ovaries, the yield increases significantly. It also improves immunity to diseases, endurance and keeping quality of fruits.

On hot days, the trees are doused with plenty of water before spraying the solution.

After flowering, spray the crowns of apricots, peaches and cherries with a mixture of microelements per 10 liters of water:

  • 60 g soda ash;
  • 20 g of copper sulfate;
  • 10 g boron powder;
  • 1 g potassium permanganate;
  • 10 drops of medical iodine.

For vegetables

The positive effects of boric acid on plants are varied; the substance promotes:

  • increase in the number of inflorescences;
  • general development;
  • affects the taste and size of fruits and vegetables.

However, excessive presence of boron is harmful to plants.

Each crop requires the presence of boron in different proportions:

  1. Great need of this substance in fruits, all types of cabbage and beets.
  2. Less need for boron: carrots, tomatoes, lettuce and all stone fruits.
  3. I have little need for substances t: potatoes, legumes and strawberries.

The use of the solution strengthens the seedlings and prevents the death and shedding of inflorescences at the time of flowering.

For tomatoes

Low boron content in the soil of tomatoes has the following symptoms:

  • overwhelming black spots;
  • fragile young trunks;
  • dark spots on tomatoes.

Foliar enrichment with boric acid 10 g: 10 l is carried out during the formation of inflorescences and during the growth phase of green tomatoes in order to optimize taste properties and stimulate a rapid increase in volume.

Boron is applied at the stage of full germination of the fourth leaf.

Add the following substances to 10 liters of water:

  • 0.5 g boron;
  • 10 g superphosphate;
  • 8 g potassium chloride.

This volume of solution is sufficient for approximately 200 plants.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, treat tomatoes with a composition of powdered boron and iodine from the second half of June:

  1. dried leaves are treated with unsaturated potassium permanganate;
  2. after a week, spray a boron solution (1 g per 10 liters of water);
  3. then, after a seven-day period - with an unsaturated 1% iodine composition.

Spraying boron solution on tomatoes in greenhouse conditions for prevention is carried out once every 30 days: 2 g of boron powder is required for a 10-liter bucket. When there is a lack of boron, fertilize with a saturated composition: 10 g of boron per 10 liters of water.

Learn more about the use of boric acid for tomatoes in the video:

For cucumbers

  • leaf borders;
  • vertical yellowing on ripe cucumbers;
  • growth arrest;
  • death of inflorescences.

The supply of boric acid to the above-ground parts of the plant is carried out three times during the growing season using means in accordance with the instructions:

  • Kelkat Bora;
  • Bor-Mag;
  • Green Belt.

Spraying a mixture of 5 g of boron and 2 g of manganese sulfate in the garden at two-week intervals will help prevent the death of inflorescences and obtain a significant harvest. In greenhouse conditions, manipulation is carried out 2 times a month.

In order to obtain a larger yield and prolonged fruiting at the stage of flowering, it is good to irrigate with the following composition:

  • 0.5% potassium chloride;
  • 5% superphosphate;
  • 0.1% magnesium sulfate;
  • 0.03% boron in equal quantities.

For peppers and cabbage

The low amount of boron content in the soil of pepper is determined by:

  • has small, irregularly shaped leaves;
  • stopping the growth of branches and shoots;
  • death of inflorescences and ovaries.

An insufficient amount of the element for cabbage is found in the form of a hollow head.

Tsvetnaya reacts to boron deficiency:

  • glassy transparency of the ovaries;
  • irregular shapes;
  • peduncles with rusty tints;
  • bitterness.

Cabbage is treated with boric acid and manganese sulfate mixed with water three times in a ratio of 10:1:1:

  • during the period of bud formation;
  • during inflorescences (when 5 full leaves have grown);
  • during the fruiting period.

Boron gives cabbage density and productivity. Providing cauliflower with this element and molybdenum in the ratio of 2.5 g: 2.5 g: 1 l of water is carried out at the 4-leaf stage in order to increase growth rates by 7 days.

For beets

The deficiency of the element in sugar beets manifests itself as sores on the tops or rotting of the core. The stern one has a damaged internal part with a smoldering smell.

Treatment of beets with a boron solution of 1:10 is carried out after 14 days, immediately after the initial enrichment of the soil at the stage of formation of full 5 leaves.

To protect leaves from diseases, the following solution is sprayed:

  • 15 g potassium chloride;
  • 5 g boron;
  • 1 tbsp. l urea.

For potatoes

Boron deficiency in potatoes results in the appearance of scab. The first sprouts form at a slow pace, yellowness appears on the leaves, the main trunks and stems are brittle. Experts discover a certain consistency: a good potato tuber = boron + optimal soil composition.

The need for boron is observed in the following types of soil:

  • in podzolic-turf;
  • near-forest;
  • peat

Areas with an increased presence of limestone, potassium, carbonates, and nitrogen have the same need for boron. Equipping the soil with phosphorus compounds can minimize the soil's need for this element.

At initial signs scab, it is important to spray the potato plot in time with a mixture of acid in 6 grams and 10 liters of water, this volume is enough for 10 square meters. m. To prevent the disease, the seeds are treated at the stage of preparation for planting or sprayed on the initial seedlings.

For the bow

Soaking onion seeds in 0.2:1 liter boron liquid before planting will ensure health and disease resistance. Watering with the addition of boron 5g:10 l enriches the roots of plants with oxygen.

Spraying water containing boric acid (5 g) increases the amount of onions harvested in the fall by 23%.

The effect of boron fertilizers in dry and hot summers is higher than in cool and cloudy summers with frequent precipitation.

For eggplant

It is useful to soak eggplant seeds in boron liquid: 0.2 g per liter of water, for 10-12 hours. Treatment of plants by dissolving 2 grams of boron in 10 liters of water is used for rotting of eggplants that are gaining weight.

Watering with boron-containing water during flowering will increase the number of vegetables per plant.

For strawberries

To obtain the richly sugary and fleshy fruits of strawberries and wild strawberries, the berry bushes are periodically sprayed. If such events are not carried out, boron deficiency will manifest itself as drying and curling of leaves.

Processing is first carried out before opening and when the fruit reaches certain dimensions.

In other cases, experts recommend immediately after the snow melts, water the area with strawberry plants with boric acid according to the instructions for using the substance on summer cottages. In addition, up to 5 drops of manganese are added to the solution. Ten liters of solution is enough for 50 bushes. And also at the moment of formation of the ovaries, it is useful to spray a solution of 5 grams of powdered boron and 10 liters of water.

During the period of fruit ripening, add an auxiliary mixture in the form of:

  • 200 ml water;
  • boric acid;
  • manganese ash, in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Find out more about fertilizing strawberries with boric acid from the video:

For grapes

When boron is deficient, including the best varieties, bears fruit in small clusters. The first warning sign of boron deficiency is white fragments on the leaves. To get rid of chloride areas and small berries, as well as measures to prevent this, include the use of boric acid.

For this purpose, the vines are sprayed at the first sign of plant malaise. Often a one-time measure is enough. Treated during the beginning of flowering, with this care the flowers will stop falling off, which will affect the yield.

Productivity will increase if, at the stage of preparing the solution (5 g of powdered boron per 10 liters of water), add 5 g of zinc. It doesn’t hurt to duplicate during fruit ripening.

For indoor plants

For spraying indoor flowers and in general ornamental plants the drug "Pokon" is effective(boron-inclusive liquid in a green vial).

Boric acid is suitable for the growth and flowering of orchids - the flower is treated during the growth period of the arrow and then during flowering to form a new one.

Before planting, rose cuttings are placed in an unsaturated boron solution. and after 5 minutes they are planted in the ground. For indoor citrus fruits, boron is no less important, since during the flowering period it strengthens the plant, preventing diseases and negative factors from affecting fruiting.

Preparations with boric acid

In special retail outlets You can find a large selection of all kinds of fertilizers, including boron-containing ones. “Mag-Bor” is suitable for processing tomatoes, cucumbers, and other crops of the third group.(Dilute a 20-gram sachet with water in 10 liters, the solution is applied to 3 sq. m).

You can also prepare a solution for frequent use from saturated boric acid distributed in a 10-gram package or boron-magnesium fertilizer with a 13% concentration of boric acid and 14% magnesium oxide. Agrotechnical chemistry experts advise using boron superphosphate and borax as the main fertilizer ( sodium salt boric acid).

Effects of boric acid on humans and domestic animals

Boric acid is used in the treatment of lichen. In this case, use a three percent alcohol solution.

Recipe against fungal infection:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of boric acid into the prepared (enamel) bowl, then pour in 100 ml of water.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat until the crystals dissolve completely.
  • Remove from heat, cover thick fabric, let cool.

Every day you need to wipe the stains and areas of the surface of the skin around the lichen with the solution. After wiping the rash, do not dry it, but wait until it dries on its own. In this case, small particles of matter appear. Areas should not be washed.

This substance helps in getting rid of fleas in pets.. It affects cockroaches and fleas in the same way as any acid - it destroys the chitinous membrane, without which the fleas die. Poison from mini-crystals of boric acid powder easily sticks to flea protection, but then there is no hope of survival.

The advantage of this cheap drug is that it not dangerous for cats or dogs. Bait that is harmful to cockroaches can be placed throughout the rooms or a bathing solution can be prepared.

Video: Using boric acid in the garden


Boron is not a substitute for fertilizers, but a vital component for all plants, from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest tree. The condition and strength of roots, trunks and stems, leaves, flowers and, finally, the taste of fruits depend on its content. However, such nutrition should be used at a certain time and in optimal doses.

A drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect called boric acid is available in the form alcohol solution or powder for external use. The ability of the acid to coagulate the protein of the pathogenic microbial cell and penetrate the cell membrane allows the product to be widely used for medicinal purposes. At different skin diseases Boric acid is also often used, the instructions for use of which explain the rules of use and properties of the substance.

Indications for use

The acid solution is colorless and has the smell of ethyl alcohol.

The solution is used for the following skin problems:

  • acne and various pimples on the face;
  • oily skin type and high sebum production.

Benefits of acid for external use

Boric acid for the face against acne is used in cosmetology and medicine. One of the most frequent use acids in the form of an aqueous or alcohol solution are used to combat acne on the face. The drug is used not only in dermatology, but also in ENT practice for acute and chronic otitis media. In dermatology, the ointment has a positive result for dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, and lice.

Facial effect

The product is suitable for deep cleansing skin, and the effect after the procedure remains for a long time. If there are dirt and excess oil in the pores, the product will help quickly cleanse the face and remove oily shine. Acid is used on the skin mainly due to its antiseptic and disinfectant effect. There is no addictive effect, which allows you to achieve positive result on for a long time. The product is also used for preventive purposes, but you need to apply it with caution to dry and sensitive skin types, as the instructions for boric acid indicate.


Boric acid has its own contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity to acid;
  • chronic form of renal failure;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • kidney diseases and dysfunction;
  • skin diseases in the inflammation stage;
  • Cannot be used on infants under one year of age.

During the period of treatment, nursing mothers need to stop breastfeeding.

How boric acid can harm your skin

If boric acid is used carelessly, allergic reactions of the body and poisoning are possible if the product is applied to large areas of the body. Acid intolerance manifests itself on the skin in the form of irritation, severe peeling and excessive dryness. In this case, you should immediately stop using the drug.

Avoid applying the substance to mucous membranes, as irritation, itching, swelling and other manifestations often occur. allergic reaction. Simultaneous use boric acid with other products for external use may cause negative reaction body.

Using boric acid against acne

The benefits of acid are observed in the treatment of skin rashes various types. To get rid of acne, apply a small amount of the product to a cotton pad and wipe the affected area of ​​the skin. The procedure is performed before bedtime. Pimples are also wiped in the morning, but dryness and flaking may occur with frequent use of the drug. The first noticeable result will appear within a week, but at this stage it is important not to stop treatment. The course continues until all rashes disappear.

Before removing any pimples, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of impurities. If your skin is extremely dry, you cannot do without a moisturizer. Teenage pimples and acne disappear with regular use of acid. For prevention, the skin continues to be treated with the drug once or twice a week to prevent rashes from appearing again. Rubbing with boric acid also helps with facial pigmentation.

Instructions for use

The product belongs to the group of antiseptic and disinfectant substances.

The drug contains boric acid.

The substance is slowly eliminated from the body and can gradually accumulate in internal organs.

The solution, which is available in bottles with a capacity of 10 to 40 ml, has a concentration of 3%, that is, 100 ml of solution contains 3 g of the substance.

The powder is available in packages of 2, 10 and 20 grams; small colorless crystals dissolve in alcohol and water.

Shelf life is no more than three years in a dark and dry place.

Against acne it is used mainly in the form of a solution.

Facial treatments

If you have acne on your face, you need to first cleanse the skin and then apply the solution directly to the rash using a piece of cotton wool or a disk. The product in powder form is diluted with warm water. For this you will need 1 teaspoon. powder and one glass of liquid. Often, at first, the condition of the skin changes for the worse and even more rashes appear on the face. This condition is due to the fact that the substance penetrates deeply and acts on the foci of inflammation, thereby drawing out all existing contaminants.

Face masks

For long-lasting results, masks with boric acid are prepared, which are very popular. The result is especially noticeable when fighting teenage acne. If inflammatory process is located in deep layers skin, it will take longer to eliminate it. For a quick effect and removal of large inflamed formations, as well as pustular processes, it is better to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

With cucumber against oily shine

For good hydration and whitening, add a tablespoon of chopped fresh cucumber to a quarter of a teaspoon of acid. The mixture is heated slightly and applied warm to clean face for 10-15 minutes. Such a simple and affordable mask will relieve not only rashes, but also excess oil on the face.

With aloe against rashes

Aloe pulp and a few drops of boric acid are added to cucumber juice. In addition to intense hydration, the procedure, when used regularly, eliminates all rashes on the face.

Mask with kefir for blackheads

You will need 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, up to 4 drops of boric acid, and also a little kefir to make the mixture thick.

Combining the drug

For best result acid is combined with others useful elements. For example, as part of masks, the substance will not dry out the skin and does not cause irritation, but it also effectively fights any rash.

What products contain acid?

Boric acid is an excellent antiseptic, but the concentrated solution is only suitable for external use. Since the substance rarely causes irritation, it is added to various ointments, water- or alcohol-based solutions. Boric ointment is used as an antiseptic and drying agent, but you need to be careful with its use and avoid contact with mucous membranes.

Acid is also contained in teymur paste, which is suitable for combating diaper rash. The alcohol solution of the chemical includes acid and ethyl alcohol and is widely used to treat ear infections. Boric acid exhibits good antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The ease of use and availability of the product allow it to be popular today among many modern cosmetic preparations for combating rashes.

Overdose and its consequences

If you do not follow the instructions and increase the dose of the drug, side effects often occur. Deterioration of skin condition is especially common in people with dry and sensitive skin. The substance is absorbed very quickly, especially through the delicate skin of children. If a child applies ointment or solution to a large area of ​​his body, the consequences can be very serious. In case of overdose, the following conditions are possible:

  • toxic effect (nausea, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness);
  • severe dry skin, irritation.

Boric acid successfully fights the cause of rashes, penetrating deeply into the skin, and disinfects it, removing harmful microorganisms. A course of treatment will help get rid of acne, any pimples. Although the substance does not provide an immediate effect, daily treatments based on boric acid will gently and thoroughly cleanse the skin. Instructions for use of the drug explain it positive action on the skin. If you perform the procedure daily, taking into account the indications and contraindications of acid, you can get healthy, beautiful skin and forget about rashes for a long time.

Boric acid is an antiseptic (disinfecting) medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Boric acid has an antiseptic effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

Local application Boric acid in the form of an ointment is good for lice (lice). It is also possible to use a solution of Boric acid in the ear for otitis media. It has high degree penetration through the skin and mucous membranes, especially in young children.

Boric acid has the ability to accumulate in organs and tissues and is excreted from the body slowly.

Quite widespread use of Boric acid has been observed in the past, both in adults and children.. Now, in connection with the identified side effects, Boric acid has limited uses.

Release form

Boric acid powder is produced in bags. Aqueous solutions of Boric acid are prepared from powder before direct use. Alcohol solutions of Boric acid are produced in 10 ml bottles (0.5%; 1.0%; 2.0%; 3.0%;).

Indications for use of Boric acid

Indications for the use of Boric acid are:

Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);

Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin);

Otitis (inflammatory process in the ear).

Instructions for use of Boric acid and dosage

Boric acid is prescribed to adults.

For conjunctivitis, 2% is prescribed for washing the conjunctival sac water solution Boric acid.

For dermatitis and weeping eczema, use a 3% aqueous solution of Boric acid in the form of lotions on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Boric acid in the ear is used for otitis media. Boric acid is used in the ear in the form of an alcohol solution (0.5%; 1.0%; 2.0%; 3.0%;), which is moistened with narrow gauze swabs. Turunda (tampon) is inserted into the cavity of the inflamed ear.

Alcohol solutions of Boric acid are also used to treat skin for eczema, diaper rash, and pyoderma.

Boric acid powder is used after middle ear surgery. Boric acid powder is blown into the ear with a special device - this procedure is called insufflation.

A solution of Boric acid (10%) in glycerin is prescribed for diaper rash, as well as for inflammation of the vagina - colpitis.

Treatment of lice is carried out using 5% Boric ointment.

Side effect

Long-term use of Boric acid, especially in cases of impaired renal function, can lead to the development of the following side effects:


Skin rash;


Desquamation of the epithelium;

Oliguria (decreased amount of urine);

Shock conditions (in the presence of individual intolerance).

Contraindications to the use of Boric acid

Boric acid is contraindicated in the following cases:

Renal dysfunction;

Lactation period for treating mammary glands;



Individual intolerance.
