Butanediol use consequences. Butyrate - physical and chemical properties, effect on the body, overdose and consequences

Addiction to drugs poisons human life, making it unbearable for relatives. In another way, butyrate is called “sodium oxyburate”, and among drug addicts it is called “ox”, “but”, “ksyushka”, “oksana”. This Chemical substance, By appearance reminiscent plain salt and has a nootropic, sedative effect. The drug became available to young people at the end of the 20th century, when it was sold without a prescription in stores.

Butyrate does not have a psychostimulant, sedative or analgesic effect. It enhances the body's response to other drugs and painkillers. It is widely used for medical purposes (in anesthesiology for anesthesia, in psychiatry and neurology for sleep disorders). The substance is popular among young people due to increased sexual desire.

In our country, the circulation of butyrate is limited due to harmful influence on a growing organism.

With the initial consumption of small dosages of butyrate, a person feels a slight relaxation, sometimes a feeling of euphoria or an improvement in mental state appears. The human condition is similar to mild alcohol intoxication. Only when complex treatment it is possible to relieve the patient from active addiction. Currently effective means is rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

The effect of butyrate on the body and consequences

As stated, when first taken, butyrate causes a feeling of relaxation and euphoria. Subsequently, the person’s craving for the drug increases. After the 3rd dose, the concentration of the substance increases, the body cannot cope with the excess content of toxic substances. As a result of taking butyrate, the addict associates its effects with a drowsy state, lack of interest and goals in life. When mixing a drug with alcoholic drinks death is caused, the patient suffers as his body strives unsuccessfully to remove toxic substances.

At higher doses, unstable mental condition, speech is impaired, inappropriate behavior and outbursts of aggression appear. As a result of intoxication, the Norman vomits. At high concentrations, a person remains conscious, he feels dizziness, weakness, and vomiting. After taking butyrate, memory loss or loss of coordination of movements begins, the person becomes relaxed.

An overdose from taking a narcotic substance is often fatal. Initially, a person’s coordination of movements is impaired, the person begins to stagger and a pre-fainting state occurs. The drug addict vomits and loses consciousness. Losing control, a person chokes on the released masses. In case of overdose, people around should call ambulance so that experienced doctors cleanse the body of harmful substances and brought the patient to his senses.

If a person regularly takes butyrate, the effect of the substance on the body is characterized by butyran binges. He can take this poison for several weeks, after which the patient experiences withdrawal symptoms.

In the absence of the drug, drug addicts complain of tremors of the limbs, insomnia, and excessive sweating. They experience strong hallucinations and a fear of light when they experience suicidal tendencies (they move along the street in an indecent manner, jump out of windows). In the process of withdrawal, a butyran addict has to take strong sedatives, which causes the liver and other organs to suffer greatly.

Danger of butyran to society:

Not everyone knows what butyrate is, why it is dangerous, and what its consequences are. But the substance is dangerous both for individuals and for the entire society. In addition to the adverse effects on the liver, a person’s sleep is disturbed, mental system, memory lapses, neuroses and psychoses appear.

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Is it possible to cure butyrate addiction?

Taking butyrate to constantly stimulate the body, an addict can live no more than 5 years, and with overdoses, his life expectancy will be further reduced. Such addiction can be cured only in. Otherwise, breakdowns and relapses will occur.

The main stages of treatment are as follows:

  1. The first stage involves detoxification of the body. Taking into account the toxicity of the drug, special blood purification (hemosorption) or plasmaphoresis is prescribed. The patient’s body is saturated with essential microelements and vitamins.
  2. In the second phase of therapy, strong mental dependence is eliminated. The work of a psychologist, psychotherapist and medical and social rehabilitation is carried out. Drug treatment continues;
  3. Social. As a result drug addiction a person loses connections with loved ones and friends, his social circle changes, he loses his job. After a short period of drug use, the addict loses social skills and communication skills. Therefore, the task of the psychologist at the drug treatment center is to return the patient to normal life. Psychotherapy is provided, as well as communication with relatives.

IN drug treatment center Experienced specialists work who know all the features of butyrate addiction. Therefore, assistance is provided at any stage of the disease. Treatment is carried out according to individual methods after a preliminary examination, that is, doctors take a detailed look at the patients’ well-being.

Drug addiction ruins the life of both the addict himself and his relatives. A person stops enjoying simple things. He is ready to give everything just to get the next dose. It doesn't matter how strong the drug people take. Even soft drugs like butyrate are dangerous. They can lead to irreversible mental illness and fatal outcome. Therefore, before you try a dangerous substance, it is worth knowing what butyrate is and its consequences.

Description of butyrate

Butyrate is narcotic substance. IN medical field it is called sodium hydroxybutyrate. The drug is widely used in neurology and anesthesiology. It starts metabolism and improves the functioning of many internal organs.

When ingested, butyrate affects the central nervous system and has a calming effect. Large doses of the drug can put a person into a state of anesthesia. The substance is addictive, and if taken regularly, it is difficult to quit.

After taking butyrate, people feel drugged. Their consciousness becomes confused and hallucinations begin. The drug begins to act on the body 10 minutes after taking it, and the state of intoxication quickly passes.

The effect of butyrate on the human body

When young people try butyrate for the first time, they experience a state of euphoria. It lasts for an hour. When taking the substance together with alcohol, the drug intoxication lasts longer. Because of this, few people refuse to take the next dose.

An overdose of butyrate is dangerous, but limiting the dose is difficult. Young people usually measure the substance with bottle caps. After one dose, their mood lifts and they feel a surge of strength. When the intoxication subsides, they take the following plugs. But the toxins do not have time to leave the liver, and their quantity becomes critical.

Instead of excitement you feel:

  • drowsiness;
  • braking;
  • apathy.

One stopper contains about 2 ml of solution. Doctors use only 3 ml of sodium hydroxybutyrate to make the patient fall asleep, so after the second stopper the addict’s body is severely poisoned. To immerse yourself in a state of anesthesia in medical institutions 6 ml of medicine is used.

After a single dose for medical purposes, the substance leaves the body without causing harm. But when people take the drug regularly, the effects of butyrate on the body become dangerous. It acts on the nervous system and can provoke serious disorders psyche.

4 hours after taking the last dose, people begin to feel anxious. They want to take more drugs. After another 2 hours, coordination of movements is impaired, speech ceases to be clear. At this moment, the patient may go on a binge, and will feel comfort only after taking the next dose. In between, cold, pouring sweat, fear of light, and insomnia appear. It is impossible to get out of this condition without the help of doctors.

Symptoms of taking sodium hydroxybutyrate

When using drugs in non- large doses signs of a drunk person appear. He feels a little dizzy, all his actions are relaxed. If, in the presence of such signs, there is no smell of alcohol, drug use may be suspected.

The consequences of consuming butyrate in medium doses are:

  • inappropriate behavior;
  • unclear speech;
  • euphoria.

With large doses of the drug, activity may increase, and the person loses control over himself. If aggression appears at this moment, then he can become dangerous to others. Addicts lose their memory, and after sodium hydroxybutyrate leaves the body, they cannot remember past events.

A person who has taken a drug large quantities, the pupils become motionless, skin covering turns pale, pulse becomes weak. People may go into a coma. During narcotic sleep, breathing may stop. This body reaction to butyrate can become even more serious if it is taken with alcohol.

If a person is in this condition, you must immediately call an ambulance. Before their arrival, you should not give anything to the patient, including water. Care must be taken that he does not lose consciousness. If this happens, then the drug addict must be brought to his senses with painful stimuli.

Removing butyrate from the body

There are no problems with how to remove butyrate from the body. Within five hours after taking it, it completely disintegrates and leaves the blood. The substance can be detected in urine for several more hours. Because it is so fast, the drug is difficult to detect using tests. Therefore, it is necessary to take a relative for tests immediately, as soon as confusion or other signs of intoxication are noticed, without the presence of the smell of alcohol.

After the drug leaves the body, the addict wants to take new dose. But such cravings are more mental than physiological, since Negative influence There is practically no butyrate on the body after the first doses. Therefore, a “beginner” drug addict can give up the poison himself. To do this, you need to engage in self-hypnosis and distract yourself from the thought of drinking the substance.

Ways to combat butyrate addiction

If you use a drug for a long time, it is impossible to quit it on your own. Treatment is carried out in. First, doctors cleanse the body of toxins using plasmapheresis or hemosorption. Since butyrate removes potassium, the patient is given vitamins.

At the second stage, mental dependence is treated. For this purpose, courses of psychotherapy and social rehabilitation. On at this stage a person must learn to live without drugs.

Butyrate is nothing more than sodium hydroxybutyrate, a well-known and useful drug used in anesthesiology and neurology for a variety of diseases. Alas, the inhibitory effect of this substance on the cerebral cortex did not escape the attention of drug addicts. The effect of butyrate is similar to mild alcohol intoxication– euphoria, foolishness, desire to dance. Because of the last point, sodium hydroxybutyrate is sometimes also called “liquid ecstasy.”

Butyrate binges last for weeks. During this time, the body gets used to it and begins to look for an antidote, trying to bring itself back to normal. Under conditions of constant artificial braking, they begin to intensify natural processes activation.

Have you ever pulled a load on a rope that wasn't strong enough? At first he slows you down. Then you increase your efforts and can pull it along with you for some time. And suddenly the rope suddenly breaks. You don’t have time to instantly relax and lose your balance - the muscles continue to do the work.

The situation is approximately the same with the “butyrate binge.” The moment the rope breaks is when you stop using it. "Cargo", i.e. the inhibitory effect of butyrate falls off, and the body pulls with redoubled force - the concentrations of the corresponding hormones and neurotransmitters go off scale. Overexcitement begins.

Butyrate poisoning

Butyrate withdrawal is a serious condition and requires immediate intervention. Severe insomnia, anxiety and paranoia are increasing every minute. The body has no easier time with the brain - tremors, cold sweat, palpitations, increased blood pressure, intolerance to bright light. Soon vivid hallucinations appear, gradually turning into delirium against a background of powerful paranoia.

It is almost impossible to “come off” from butyrate alone - there is a cunning scheme for reducing the dose that helps overcome withdrawal without delirium, but only a few people have the will to withstand it, and if a relapse occurs, the next wave of withdrawal is much more difficult. Sodium hydroxybutyrate withdrawal syndrome is an indication for urgent hospitalization in a specialized institution where emergency intensive care is provided.

After withdrawal symptoms are relieved, it is too early to think about recovery. As practice shows, the attraction to butyrate persists long time and becomes the reason for the resumption of active drug addiction. Soon everything starts again, and on a much more terrifying scale. Desperate butyrate lovers very quickly increase the dose, risking death from respiratory arrest or poisoning if they use more affordable, but also much more toxic analogues. In order to prevent a sad outcome, it is necessary to begin the next stages of therapy immediately after abstinence is relieved.

Treatment for butyrate

No one becomes addicted out of the blue. The attraction to drugs is a problem that sits deep in the soul of patients and takes roots in the subconscious. This complex knot must be unraveled slowly and unobtrusively, so as not to cause aggression and the opposite effect. After identifying the cause of drug addiction, it is necessary to put the person in order and teach him to live naturally, without the butyrate path to illusory happiness. This is only possible if you work hard on yourself and gradually restore a normal lifestyle.

Currently all over the world optimal scheme rehabilitation is considered a 12-step program used in specialized addiction treatment centers. During therapy harmonious work Several specialists will help the patient understand himself and find a way out. This path requires effort, but pure reason and happy life are an excellent reward for overcoming it.

It is popularly called butyrate. It is a mass-produced product, but now this substance is classified as a narcotic. Since 1997, it has been officially prohibited for use in Russia.

Dangerous medicine

In its usual dry form, butyrate is similar to the common salt - sodium chloride. In general, the synthesis of this drug was initially carried out for exclusively good purposes; hydroxybutyrate was used for non-inhalation anesthesia, and besides, it sedative effect saved allergy sufferers during periods of exacerbation of reactions. However by-effect quickly made itself known. Manifesting itself in the form of euphoria, uncontrolled behavior, sharp mental reactions, etc.

Allergy sufferers who resorted to using the drug regularly experienced severe dependence, because butyrate was addictive almost instantly.
Due to its narcotic effect, butyrate was strictly prohibited.


Today, preparations with butyrate are found in medical lists with the letter A, i.e. they are prescribed strictly according to indications and are released only by prescription, they are stored as narcotic substances and strict reporting is maintained. However, this, unfortunately, does not mean that butyrate compounds do not reach the black wound. Dealers, aware of its ban in the country, distribute the poison under the guise of another product.

For example, a substance called butandinol, which is used in many glue factories, is very similar in appearance to butyrate. Butandinol is not classified as a prohibited substance, so many drug dealers have no problem passing off narcotic powder as butandinol.

Drug dealers explain to their clients that butandinol is legal and there is no risk for using it.

The dangers of butyrate

Butyrate is classified as a strong poison. Taking it even in negligible quantities, drug addicts first experience light feeling relaxation, mood improves, and a feeling of intoxication appears. Many people like this state. Therefore, having tried butyrate once, they can no longer refuse it.

Children are especially quick to get involved adolescence, which is the largest risk group. With frequent use, butyrate tends to accumulate poisons in the liver, as a result, the vital organ cannot cope with processing, toxins accumulate that affect other organs, destroying them within 5-7 months.

Scientific experiments and practical observations are being carried out on the use of GHB in cases of illness, problems, some types, cluster, psychogenic cases overuse food. In a number of countries, Oxybutyrate is used as a treatment.

In our country, GHB is used as a drug for preserving breathing reflex in minor surgery, as a measure to prepare the patient for deeper anesthesia (induction anesthesia). Gynecologists often resort to it. The drug is useful in cases of need for anesthesia with hypoxia problems in patients. Ophthalmologists for the purpose of stimulation metabolic processes the retina of the eye gives Oxybutyrate for open-angle.

Mechanism of narcotic action

The narcotic effect of GHB develops as a result of a competitive effect on GABAergic neurons nervous system by replacing gamma-aminobutyric acid with Butyrate. In addition, an effect on opioid receptors was noted. It is these influences that lead to the development of euphoria, increased mood, and all the main symptomatic manifestations of drug intoxication, or. The final stage of GHB catabolism results in its breakdown into water and carbon monoxide.

Regular use reduces the body's sensitivity to this substance, which forces the addict to increase the dose.

How does GHB exhibit its narcotic effect in humans?

Despite restrictive measures and the lack of sale of Oxybutyrate in pharmacies, it can be purchased from illegal distributors.

GHB is taken either orally or by injection.

After entering the body, this narcotic substance manifests itself within 15 minutes. Average duration action is 1-2 hours. An intravenously administered drug has its effects within 4-5 hours. When taken in alimentary form, Butyrate stays in the body for up to a day.

The duration of its presence depends on the food taken, physical and mental form patient.

Addiction forms very quickly, it happens often. Therapeutic doses are on average 0.5 g per day. The narcotic effect develops when 1-3 g of Butyrate enters the body.

Drug addicts often measure doses using beer bottle caps, etc.

Easy degree actions develop from small quantities GHB (0.5 – 1.5 g). The condition resembles minor alcohol intoxication, which occurs from 50-100 g of vodka.

In this case, patients experience:

  • a pleasant state of complete relaxation;
  • excellent mood with self-satisfaction;
  • desire to communicate with people;
  • physical activity.

Average degree (1.5-2.5 g)


Severe degree (from 2.5 g and above). The body can no longer cope with this dose and toxic inhibition occurs.


  • change from hyperactivity to sudden inhibition of the nervous system;
  • expressed;
  • memory impairment;
  • inappropriate behavior and speech;
  • sphincter disorders (involuntary release of urine and feces).

In this phase, drug addicts do crazy things - jumping from high altitude, drowning, etc. In the end, heavy sleep develops, during which the patient often begins. At this moment there is a danger of suffocation from getting into Airways vomit.

Important: in case of an overdose, the patient develops a stupor-like state, which later becomes complete. The patient falls into a coma and dies without assistance.

When waking up, Butyrate consumers experience mental retardation, cannot concentrate, and their attention is scattered. Among drug addicts it is believed that physical dependence does not develop with butyrate mania. It is this point, according to many drug addicts, that classifies GHB as a safe substance. But, as practice shows, this is not entirely true.

Formation of butyrate mania and destruction of the body

If a person has used GHB regularly for several months, then he develops mental dependence .

expressed in weak degree and lasts from three days, up to one and a half to two weeks. It manifests itself as the development of delusional ideas and statements, a disorder of the thinking process, sleep problems, anxiety, headache and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the heart.

The initial effects quickly reduce the patient's quantitative control, and he again takes increasing doses of Butyrate. Regular use of the drug quickly causes degradation. In behavior, aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior and stupid actions (for example, being naked on the street) come first. Patients experience an increasing number of memory failures. The patient often makes mistakes with the dosage, which leads to severe consequences and death.

The disease process is aggravated simultaneous administration Hydroxybutyrate with alcohol, which has a potentiating effect. Other people often suffer from this type of drug addiction. For example, pedestrians hit by a car driver in a state of butyrate intoxication.

Combinations of GHB with stimulants are especially dangerous.

The use of narcotic doses of GHB very quickly and greatly destroys a person’s personality and psyche. Among drug addicts themselves, the term “vegetable” is used to denote the essence of the condition. Severe and irreversible processes of destruction occur in the brain. This substance can be called the most “crazy” of all drugs.

Destroyed and important organs sick. The brain, heart, liver, and reproductive system suffer.

Treatment of butyramania

If there is a dependence on Butyrate, active and long-term assistance in specialized drug treatment hospitals is required, with the complete abolition of Butyrate.

In case of overdose, patients may remain in toxicological and intensive care units regular hospitals.

Before the patient is hospitalized, people around the drug addict themselves can provide first aid.

To do this you need:

  • perform gastric lavage with water containing weak soda and potassium permanganate;
  • Give the patient a few tablets orally;
  • if necessary, give a cleansing enema.

In a hospital setting, people suffering from butyratomia undergo:

  • active detoxification therapy using intravenous purification from sterile bottles with Glucose solution, Isotonic solution, Rheosorbilact. Reamberin has a powerful effect that neutralizes poisons and restores the liver. In case of severe and long-term poisoning, solutions of plasma substitutes help;
  • pharmacotherapy mental disorders . Individual selection of drugs and doses allows you to relieve severe forms of mental disorders ( and ). When developing with delusions and hallucinations, doctors prescribe antipsychotics;
  • restoration of vitality of all organs . Therapy with vitamins, hepatoprotectors and metabolic agents quickly restores the impaired functions of the affected organs.
  • active psychotherapy . As soon as a conscious and critical attitude returns to the patient, active psychotherapeutic methods are added to the treatment process. Restoration Specialist mental functions carries out two-stage motivation of the patient. At the first stage, the psychotherapist convinces the drug addict that he has an addiction (not everyone considers themselves sick). On the second, the doctor gives an active intention for healing. Without striving for the goals of a future sober life, treatment will not be successful. At the same time, in individual lessons, positive attitudes are reinforced using the methods of suggestion. Group types of psychotherapy have the goal of convincing recovering patients of the need to lead a normal lifestyle.
  • the final stage of treatment – ​​coding . For butyramania, the most effective method is stress therapy according to Dovzhenko . The doctor chooses the most appropriate modification of this method. If the patient agrees, on the appointed day the patient is coded for a certain period, during which he will be able to undergo the full process of follow-up treatment.

The most optimal place for rehabilitation is a recovery center. In its conditions, social readaptation of a recovering person is carried out over several months.