What are the dangers of childhood vaccinations, doctors' opinion. Harmful and useless vaccinations - what they don’t know in Russia. Vaccines have never been studied enough

Vaccinations: analyzing the risk-benefit ratio

Translation:Natalya Ivanova (Zhukovsky, Moscow region)

When I began my campaign around 1985 (my materials began appearing on the Internet in 2001), doctors responded with the statement that vaccine safetyno doubt and that they are as harmless as drinking water. Later, when I stepped up my attack and cited peer-reviewed material about the health risks posed by vaccines, doctors changed their position and began to argue that Taking any medicine is associated with certain health risks. Today they are returning to risk-benefit analysis, implying that the benefits of vaccinations outweigh their risks. In this article I will talk about this in general outline so that everyone can understand what I'm trying to convey.

I'll start with human rights. Human rights laws formulated after the horrors of World War II cover more than just clinical researches and medical intervention, but also the treatment itself. According to these laws, the patient has the right to know about all the dangers related to the medications and procedures prescribed to him, and decide whether it is suitable for him or not. These laws are grossly violated by doctors who believe that they should make decisions. Regarding informed consent regarding vaccinations, developing countries do not provide full information, although vaccination instructions suggest that health workers should tell parents that Vaccinations can be dangerous to children's health. This is not done. In developing countries there are only standard brochures on this topic, which do not tell the whole story.

Doctors usually avoid discussing the topic of informed consent. They will look at you as if you were an alien from another planet if you even mention this topic. But I was persistent. Indian doctors with whom I spoke or corresponded argue that even if parents are only hinted at the risk, they may not give their consent to vaccinate their children. And then, as these doctors say, vaccination coverage will sharply decrease. This is a damning statement. It turns out that vaccination coverage is more important than the life or health of children. Mothers do not deserve the right to know what danger their children, whom they conceived and carried in their wombs for nine months, on whom they place all their dreams and aspirations, face when they are vaccinated against one disease or against several at once.

Now let's talk about the risks of vaccinations. I have repeatedly pointed out that The health risks associated with vaccination are taboo. Vaccine manufacturers, top officials refuse to talk about it officials and representatives of the medical community. When I complained about this to the WHO Patient Safety Unit to find out the risks of the vaccines, I was told that they did not have enough funding for this. The situation is exactly the same with the Control Department. food products and Drug Administration (FDA), which licenses vaccines. Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) and Implementation Program necessary technologies in healthcare (PATH) did not consider it necessary to answer my questions. And recently it was revealed that the Food and Drug Administration does not have the state-of-the-art research laboratory needed to conduct reliable tests on the safety of vaccines. In an article from the family-owned New Zealand magazine Investigate Hers, Merck workers complained that the company's vaccine safety testing team was underqualified and that Merck's laboratories were not equipped with modern equipment. Workers argued that this undermined the credibility of Merck, a well-known pharmaceutical multinational company.

When it comes to testing vaccines, responsibility for their safety lies primarily with the manufacturer. . The tests the vaccines undergo are highly questionable.. In tests, vaccines are tested on carefully selected healthy children, while in real life they are administered indiscriminately to weak, sick, premature children, children with low weight and low immunity. This fact was pointed out by Indian senior pediatrician T. Jacob John. In these trials, a group of vaccinated children is compared with a group that receives either a similar vaccine, other highly reactogenic vaccines, or the same vaccine without the antigen. Thus, after the study, scientists can calmly say: “No significant changes were observed in the condition of vaccinated children when compared with children from control groups.” Vaccinated children are usually monitored for 14 days, as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny pointed out, or until any effects appear. But this is a fraud that insults the procedure itself. Cases of death or very serious complications are often ruled out on the basis that other extraneous factors may have caused them. For example, during clinical trial rotavirus vaccine, it was observed that children who received the vaccinations suffered from infections respiratory tract. However, this was ignored because “the introduction of the vaccine could not have such an effect.” So such trials hide the risks of vaccines rather than reveal them.

It is a rule that monitoring of a vaccine is necessary after it has been licensed and placed on the market. However, this mechanism works very slowly, to say the least. There is no desire on the part of the state or on the part of doctors to ensure fair and accurate monitoring. Indian medical association The IMA has made a shocking announcement that doctors have been advised not to report cases of paralysis in children due to oral polio vaccine (OPV). To the credit of the former senior officers of the Indian Medical Association, led by Dr. S. K. Mittal, they carried out the necessary monitoring and found that every year on an average 500 to 600 children fall ill paralytic poliomyelitis due to vaccinations. The Indian Medical Association also reported that the oral polio vaccine was associated with a sharp increase in the incidence of acute flaccid paralysis (a disease indistinguishable from polio) and that the vaccine's viral strain had regained virulence and was circulating in the population. While the Indian Medical Association reported 30,000 cases of acute flaccid paralysis, the Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, JSA - approx. translation) indicated that there were 125,000 such cases before 2007, and Telegraph Science journalist J. S. Mudur put the figure at 300,000.

The Indian Medical Association demanded accurate diagnoses, treatment and rehabilitation for tens of thousands of victims, but the Ministry of Health did not pay attention to this, and the case was hushed up. I recently reported that some children experienced intestinal obstruction(a condition accompanied by exceptionally severe pain that may require immediate surgical intervention and even lead to death) and intestinal bleeding, but this was not reported because it could “scare other doctors” and suspend the inclusion of this vaccine in the government immunization schedule. Thus, doctors are reluctant to report adverse effects from vaccination. Medical textbooks do not write about the serious health threat posed by vaccinations, or they write that the number serious problems almost not worth mentioning. Doctors also do not always know who to report the consequences of vaccination, and are often afraid to do so for fear of sanctions from their associations. Only deaths that occurred immediately after vaccination were reported and attracted media attention. But in almost 100% of cases, these deaths are explained as a “coincidence” or “program error,” restoring the vaccine’s reputation, and claiming that the belief that the vaccine caused the death is a “false assumption,” thus convincing the public that the vaccine has nothing to do with the subsequent death. Health care workers will not report adverse effects from vaccinations because they are usually blamed and will be punished.

The effects of vaccination do not appear immediately, and sometimes only after weeks or months. It is often a slow and hidden process, but the outcome can be disastrous. Doctors studying vaccines say that even acute reactions effects of the body on the administered substance become apparent only after a long period of time, which can take from 5 months to 3 years. Thus, it becomes very easy to separate the incident from the vaccine and call the cause of the incident idiopathic, or unknown. The long-term effects of vaccination can last a lifetime as the onset of inflammatory process doesn't stop anymore. Many components of the vaccine permanently settle in tissues, fat cells and the brain and continue to constantly harm the body. Live, weakened viruses introduced by vaccines may remain dormant for a long time, often mutate and become virulent when the immune system weakens for any reason. Because vaccines adversely affect the immune system, viruses and bacteria that were previously present in the human body but were not disease-causing now cause disease.

Another very dangerous aspect involves the contamination of vaccines with animal and human genetic material. This contamination is inevitable, cannot be controlled and cannot always be traced because our knowledge of animal viruses is very limited. To date, despite the reluctance to identify viruses, about 100 simian viruses, bovine and avian leukemia viruses, swine viruses, cytomegaloviruses, foam viruses, etc. Their presence, development, mutations in human body and penetration into the human genome has not been studied. The simian virus SV-40 was the only one that was studied for a short time, until the researcher was scolded for it and his research was stopped. This virus was the cause of the development various forms benign and malignant tumors in the human body. This virus is also known to be passed on to the next generation as it contaminates sperm and is likely to breast milk. “Junk” DNA and RNA also represent great danger, because they can insert themselves into the human genome by a process known as reverse transcription. Scientists say this is the biggest threat posed by vaccines, but these serious concerns remain unaddressed.

Informed parents who do their own research have many concerns about the safety of vaccinations.

1. Vaccine components are highly toxic by nature.

2. Until now, it has never been studied how these toxins interact with each other in a process called synergistic toxicity.

3. The child receives not one, but many vaccinations.

4. Vaccinations are often given at the same time.

5. The safety of such simultaneous administration of vaccines has rarely been studied.

6. Parents' complaints about their children's reaction after vaccination are ignored. Parents are either laughed at or threatened for raising this topic.

7. Parents today know that the effects of vaccination can manifest themselves through long period time.

8. It remains questionable whether infants with virtually no liver activity, a weak immune system and low kidney activity can tolerate at least one vaccine.

9. If previously there were only 5 vaccines, now there are 16, which are administered in 70 injections (up to 45 injections are required in the United States).

10. Treating vaccine damage is hugely expensive, and families go bankrupt trying to raise their children.

11. Doctors do not fully understand the nature of autism and other disorders. child development and have an intention to treat them as purely psychological and behavioral disorders genetic origin. As a result, parents are forced to investigate these disorders and treat their children on their own. Doctors who go against established rules and try to treat these children with biomedical methods are persecuted and called charlatans.

12. Such children suffer from the inability to communicate and therefore cannot express their pain and discomfort. They cannot take care of themselves, they fall behind in their studies, they rebel against their parents and run away from home. Children have severe outbursts of rage that are difficult to control and periodically experience aggressive behavior. Therefore, teachers and caregivers try not to deal with such children. The entire burden falls entirely on the mother, who suffers immensely.

13. The presence of such children in the family causes tension, ending in divorce. There are cases where mothers killed their children and then committed suicide, unable to cope with grief.

14. Parents can't get monetary compensation or it is extremely difficult for them to achieve it, since the established procedure is contrary to the interests of the victims, and the conditions for obtaining it practically exclude such a possibility. There have been cases when judges accepted the position, but said that their hands were tied and that vaccination was an unavoidable risk.

15. Parents cannot sue vaccine manufacturers due to a 1986 law initiated by MP Bill Frist. Under this law, vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued.

16. That said, to date, individual vaccine victims have been compensated with $2 billion, of which $83 million has gone toward vaccine-induced autism, as witnessed by the same officials who admitted under oath to vaccine damage while continuing outside the courtroom. deny it.

17. Even then, officials did not admit that vaccines cause autism, arguing that the court's decision to award compensation was for “autism-like symptoms,” which is strange since autism is still a symptomatic disorder to this day.

VACCINES: What are we doing to our children's brains?

Why the elite don't get vaccinated. Bill Gates and US elites refuse to vaccinate children

Why do children need to be vaccinated? (Educational TV, Vladimir Bazarny)

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Answered by the head of the department for the prevention of infectious diseases of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Children's Infections of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia", Dr. medical sciences, Professor Susanna Harit:

— There are reactions to the vaccine, and there are complications.

A reaction to the vaccine occurs in approximately 10-20% of children. What is this connected with? We introduce foreign substances - “killed” or weakened bacteria and viruses or “pieces of killed” microorganisms. The immune system responds by producing special proteins (they are called antibodies) and forming “killer” cells, which in the future, when encountering living pathogens, will protect the body from them. During these complex processes, substances needed by the immune system are produced, which can cause fever and slight intoxication.

But it is important: reactions to vaccination always occur at a certain time.

Non-live vaccines

If we administer a vaccine that does not contain a live virus, a reaction occurs on the very first day and by the third day the child feels normal. But if malaise or fever appears later or lasts longer than 3 days, this is not a reaction to the vaccine; the child got sick at the same time as the vaccine, and you need to find out why.

Live vaccines

When we administer live vaccines - against measles, mumps, rubella - illness occurs from the 5th to the 14th day. Not on days 1-4!

The reaction to the vaccine goes away on its own and does not require treatment and does not leave any consequences. But, if the temperature is high (above 38-38.5°), you need to give the child an antipyretic, since at high temperatures children can have convulsive conditions, and call a doctor to rule out some kind of disease. Heat after vaccinations occurs in 1-4% of children.

Swelling and redness may appear at the vaccination site; such reactions go away on their own within a few days.

And complications after vaccination are a serious situation, for example, a severe allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine. But, fortunately, they are rare. For example, anaphylactic shock occurs once per million doses, and urticaria occurs once per 30-50 thousand doses.

5 myths from anti-vaxxers

A specialist doctor tells public health and healthcare Pavel Stotsko.

Myth 1. Vaccinations cause disability

The Lancet magazine published in 1998 the work of scientist Andrew Wakefield, who proved that vaccination causes childhood autism. But then it turned out that all this was not true - it was not only a substitution of concepts, but even falsification scientific work. Naturally, a refutation was published, but the wave had already begun. And until now, this “study” is the norm for anti-vaxxers.

It is worth understanding that there may indeed be cases of disability from vaccinations, but only in one case. This is not related to the vaccine itself or the antigen administered. Problems may arise if the rules for using the drug are violated, for example, the dosage is exceeded. For example, an untrained nurse takes up vaccination and confuses the amount of the injected product. The vaccination itself, provided that the vaccine is administered correctly and the person is not allergic, has no effect on the body negative influence will not provide concomitant diseases will not cause.

Myth 2. Vaccinations contain the entire periodic table

Many are confident that a wide variety of substances are added to vaccines as additional components, including such deadly ones as mercury, formaldehyde, etc. But at the same time, opponents of vaccinations forget that we are talking about limits acceptable standards. So, each vaccine can really contain anything. But in doses acceptable for use in a living organism. There is mercury even in ordinary water, and no one is afraid of it or even thinks about it.

Myth 3. It’s better to get over the disease and develop natural immunity.

This is not the best solution. After all, it is enough to get seriously ill once to get extremely serious complications. Many of those pathologies that are considered childhood and are prevented by vaccinations are severe and deadly. In addition, it is worth understanding that we take the vaccine not in order to be 100% protected from the disease, but in order to avoid serious complications.

Myth 4. There are no deadly diseases in Russia

In Russia today there really are no such deadly infections as diphtheria, polio, and measles. But this is due solely to the fact that previously almost everyone was vaccinated. And now we are seeing a picture where, due to refusal to vaccinate, it is fatal dangerous pathologies are starting to come back.

Myth 5. Vaccination is a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies for profit.

All the vaccines that are in the National Vaccination Calendar ended up there as a result of a large number of studies, during which vaccination and revaccination were carried out, and the titer of antibodies in the blood was studied for several years and even decades. It is by the amount of this titer that the need for repeated vaccination and the duration of the body’s protection against infection are determined.

Pharmaceutical companies themselves must prove the safety and effectiveness of their drugs - and they spend a lot of money on this.

A simple way to strengthen your immune system

Remember that vaccinations are not a panacea. Even a vaccinated child benefits from physical education and hardening. And the biggest contribution to strengthening the immune system comes from proper nutrition. If you are a supporter natural products, remember about fish fat. Today, pediatricians increasingly advise returning to this simple means children's health.

Fish oil is a true superfood. It contains record quantities of three beneficial to the immune system substances: omega-3, vitamin A and vitamin D. They increase the body’s ability to resist disease, which means they reduce the frequency and severity of diseases in children.

With the onset of autumn, fish oil should be given to the child daily. It is especially important to adhere to this rule in the first three years of life, when the process of immunity formation is most active.

They remain a topic of fierce controversy between parents and pediatricians. There are many pros and cons of vaccinations, and in order to understand whether your child needs vaccination, you should look at the situation from different angles.

First, let's try to understand what the vaccine is and how it works. In a normal situation, when a microbe enters the body, it is attacked by the immune system, which perceives it as foreign body, and therefore begins to produce antibodies corresponding to these antigens. It is through this that the body begins to fight the disease. When vaccinated, weakened or dead antigens that could cause the disease are artificially introduced into the body - this avoids the disease itself, but forces the immune system to begin producing antibodies.

Considering all the pros and cons of vaccinations, experts always note that the risk of developing symptoms of a particular disease is always present. However, during vaccination, a child is much less likely to get sick than if he is not vaccinated at all.

Vaccination supporters argue that regular vaccinations help protect not only a particular child, but also his immediate environment, including other children in school, kindergarten, etc. It is also important that mass vaccinations help prevent the occurrence of epidemics. It is thanks to vaccinations that humanity has been able to defeat many dangerous diseases that have even threatened entire nations for centuries (among them diphtheria, measles, smallpox, polio and others). Many experts argue that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any possible risks.

However, speaking about all the pros and cons of vaccinations, it would be inadmissible not to look at reverse side medals. So, what could be the reasons for your child?

First, many vaccinations can cause complications. For example, three-month-old babies often have a very difficult time. Their temperature may rise (up to 40 degrees), and swelling may occur. In this case, parents have to call a doctor.

Many vaccinations, including the most common chickenpox vaccine, can cause allergic reactions. In a gentle childhood they are especially dangerous, and therefore even those parents who are supporters of vaccination should be wary mandatory consult with the pediatrician who is monitoring the baby.

When discussing the pros and cons of vaccinations, it is worth noting one more important nuance. It lies in the fact that in our country children are given too many vaccinations. In fact, the body is often exposed to a variety of viruses (albeit weakened ones). And this is what can cause unexpected reactions in the body. In European countries, this was decided in a different way: children receive only basic vaccinations, and the rest - as needed (for example, in the event of a threat of epidemic).

So is it worth doing? The pros and cons in this regard can be very different. However, the wisest decision is to listen to the advice of two specialists: a pediatrician who constantly monitors the child, and an immunologist (he will be able to give recommendations on when it is best to vaccinate).

For recent years There is an irreconcilable struggle between supporters and opponents of vaccination. Each camp has its own truth, supported by numerous arguments. In this article we collected facts and opinions of doctors about the benefits/harms of vaccinations. Also from the material below you will learn how vaccination is carried out in foreign countries, and why foreign countries refused to use some vaccines that are still used in Russia.

Vaccination: more harm or benefit?

Table 1. Harm and benefits of childhood vaccination

Statement Arguments for" Arguments against"
Vaccination helps reduce the number of infectious diseases With the help of the vaccine, for many years there has been a successful fight against rubella, measles, hepatitis B, as well as tuberculosis, whooping cough, and tetanus. The mortality rate from tetanus before the advent of the vaccine reached 95%, and 100% of children suffered from whooping cough. After vaccination, the incidence rate decreased by 20 times . Polio is still widespread throughout the world. Only The United States has achieved complete eradication of polio. This was achieved by vaccinating residents. 98% of the population in the United States is vaccinated against polio. Every year in our country, almost 9 thousand children are exposed to pneumococcal sepsis, and almost 85 thousand children suffer from pneumonia. The mortality rate from pneumococcal meningitis reaches 40%. Around the world, about a million children under five have died from it. It is no coincidence that vaccinations against pneumococcal infection are given in 36 countries around the world. According to scientists, more than five million people will be saved in the future with the help of a vaccine. Improvements in the quality of medicine and life of the population have led to a decrease in the number of infectious diseases without vaccination. The effect of a vaccine does not provide lifelong protection against infectious diseases, unlike lifelong immunity acquired as a result of an illness. For example, in England, “measles parties” were common, when guests came to a sick child to become infected from him and acquire strong immunity against measles.

Vaccination effectively protects weak and often sick children from infections Children who are often ill are most in need of immunoprophylaxis. They are most susceptible to infections, and their diseases often occur with complications. For weakened children, “additional” vaccinations are provided according to indications. For example, the causative agent of pneumococcus is the cause of 70% of respiratory system infections. Therefore, a special vaccine has been developed for children susceptible to respiratory diseases.

After vaccination, sore throats, otitis, and tracheitis worsen in frequently ill children. In addition, complications may arise after vaccination: the child may stop talking, sitting or walking.

Complications after vaccinations in children are very rare. After vaccination, an increase in body temperature, weakness, and allergies may occur - this is the body’s reaction to outside interference. It is usually short-term and does not require medical intervention. Severe complications after vaccination are isolated cases. Each such case is analyzed in detail by specialists. Vaccination suppresses the immune system, so the child’s body becomes vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of diseases. In addition, various complications may occur after vaccination. For example, It is not uncommon for DPT to be followed by deafness and autism. And absolutely healthy child turns into a disabled person.
Foreign vaccines are harmless Modern medicine uses completely new vaccines, in which dangerous components are either reduced to a minimum or completely eliminated. Domestic and foreign vaccines have no fundamental difference. Aluminum, formaldehyde, phenol, mercury and other components contained in them cause harm to the baby.

What vaccinations are given in Russia and other countries?

Each country has its own national calendar preventive vaccinations.

For a long time, vaccinations in Russia were mandatory for everyone, with the only exception being children who had a medical exemption due to contraindications. Since 1998, a law on voluntary vaccination was adopted, but doctors still insist on vaccinations.

Complications from the central nervous system (central nervous system) refers to the child’s continuous crying for several hours. The incidence of this reaction is 1 in 200 cases. The reason for this crying may be headache, increased body temperature and strong pain at the injection site. In addition, convulsions may occur, accompanied by loss of consciousness and vomiting. Complications after vaccination require immediate medical attention .

Complications also occur after other vaccinations. But the worst thing is that cases of child mortality after vaccinations have been recorded all over the world.

Sad statistics:

  • In 2006, cases were reported in nine regions of Russia severe complications after children are vaccinated against influenza.
  • In 2009, a six-month-old girl died in Omsk after being vaccinated against hepatitis and polio.
  • In 2009, a teenage girl died in the UK after being vaccinated against cervical cancer. Three more of her classmates sought medical help.
  • In 2013, a three-year-old girl died in the Perm region after receiving a flu shot.

Prevention of complications from vaccinations

Only healthy baby you can get vaccinated. In addition, parents and relatives who come into contact with the child should not get sick.

Before vaccination, your child must:

  1. pass general analysis urine;
  2. take a general blood test;
  3. be examined by a pediatrician or allergist-immunologist.

Is it dangerous to vaccinate children: expert opinions

Evgeny Komarovskypediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of popular books and television programs dedicated to children's health, and social network"Komarovsky Club":

“As a person who has worked for quite a long time in an infectious diseases hospital, I can confidently say: for all diseases against which vaccinations are given, the likelihood of illness remains very real. Children get sick with these diseases, and the outcomes are, to put it mildly, different. Therefore, for normal, sensible and prudent parents there is and cannot be any discussion about whether vaccinations should be done or not. Definitely do it!”

Maria KRYUK, pediatric infectious disease specialist:

As a pediatrician, I really don’t like vaccinations in the first year of life, because each vaccination slows down the development of children. After each vaccination, any child within 2-3 weeks can become ill with any disease more easily than one who has not been vaccinated. Because, by interfering with the immune system in a fairly decisive manner, we, as the founder of vaccination, E. Jenner, said, “by vaccinating against one disease, we open the way for others.” It really only makes sense to vaccinate if an epidemic is approaching. And when there is no such risk, it is better to stop vaccination. According to my observations, children vaccinated with routine vaccinations in the autumn-winter period get sick a lot. But, as a rule, doctors do not connect this with vaccinations. And I keep track of children who are not vaccinated, and I see that in general these children get sick several times less, and if they do get sick, they are easier to treat and recover faster.

Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, Professor Maria Shkolnikova:

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is a serious breakthrough in domestic healthcare. The fact that it is included in the national vaccination schedule will allow us to extract additional resources to reduce child mortality and serious morbidity.”

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, professor-virologist:

You can't "liquidate" any infectious disease“Only through vaccinations.” Like, if you get vaccinated, you will be safe for yourself and everyone around you. It’s not enough to say it’s a myth, it’s a utopia about another “universal happiness” in a bright, infection-free paradise, supposedly achieved only with the help of vaccines. The illusion that all infectious agents will be defeated is only necessary to vaccinate “everyone in a row”, i.e. one problem - one solution, gives rise to a criminal approach to this preventive medical intervention in human nature. However, it is precisely this system “out of convenience from an organizational point of view” that continues to be promoted by an army of doctors and health officials who are in one form or another involved in vaccinations, but not in vaccinology with the basics of immunology. A devilish obsession arises: without vaccination, a child seems to be defective, although in fact it is quite the opposite.

In our country, child immunization is voluntary and requires parental consent to vaccination. The main thing to remember is that not only the health, but also the life of children in the future depends on the decision made today.

Absolutely everyone is concerned about human immunity and ways to maintain its health. Some people advocate proper nutrition, exercise, and hardening. Others talk about the benefits of vaccination aimed at combating a specific virus.

Any hypothesis or statement has supporters and opposition. The harm of vaccinations is discussed no less than their benefits. But whose arguments are more solid is up to the person thinking about vaccination to decide. We will analyze the benefits and harms of vaccinations, without persuading anyone to any particular opinion.

Vaccine specifics

Any vaccination is the introduction of an antigen into the body, designed to activate the immune system to fight the enemy. Protective antibodies must be developed, which settle in the body and wait for the appointed hour.

The reaction to a real virus is individual for each organism. Therefore, there is no 100% guarantee that immunity will work properly when the disease spreads. Vaccine developers say that when a threat occurs, a person may not get infected at all or get sick in mild form, without serious complications.

But there is also a second side, when the antigen does not work at all. The person is sick as if there was no vaccination.

A completely opposite picture may occur in an unvaccinated patient. He may not even get sick, because natural immunity is resistant to attacks by certain viruses. Therefore, everyone has their own truth.

It is impossible to make a sample of people who are resistant or not to viruses. Therefore, WHO recommends mass vaccination of the population to prevent the epidemic.

The dangers of vaccinations - a truth that is little voiced to people

Vaccine production is a serious industry that involves the development, testing, and mass production of sera of varying potential. This requires a lot of money, which must somehow pay off.

To turn vaccination into a mass flow, it was created Government program aimed at improving health.

But a person must be vaccinated consciously and voluntarily.

Although the truth of the project does not always correspond to the interests of the consumer. Parents are forced to vaccinate their young children, subtly hinting that kindergarten, school and other conditions for a quality life may be prohibited. Only the truth is on the side of the citizen, who cannot be forced. Vaccination is a voluntary procedure.

But not a single pediatrician or procedural nurse will spend visiting time explaining:

The lack of time, desire and permission from managers gives such a result.

Serum is the same medicine as other tablets, syrups, ointments sold in pharmacies. But they come with instructions to inform the buyer. Any vaccine must have the same instructions or brochure. Then the mother, having full awareness, will act in accordance with her principles and concepts about the safety of the baby’s health.

Hence the cases of incorrect vaccinations that made children or adults disabled (cerebral palsy, autism, complete paralysis, deafness, loss of vision, impenetrable allergies, asthma) or led to death. This benefit may not be acceptable to many.

Some experts say vaccines contribute to common childhood illnesses. The vaccine antigen resides in the body forever. Its effect on a growing organism has not been fully studied.

And children are injected with not just one virus, but a large number of. And each one can manifest itself in different ways. Plus, synthetic or organic matter that surround this antigen. Many of them are poison. Here's the truth about the dangers of vaccinations.

Let's remember the benefits of vaccination

We cannot neglect the fact that vaccinating the population has its own benefits. Many fatal diseases were prevented.

At least in modern society Viruses that caused panic and fear a hundred or two hundred years ago are rare. Some still remind themselves even with mass vaccination.

There are cases of children contracting scarlet fever, whooping cough, and diphtheria, even when all hygiene standards are observed. And if an unvaccinated child encounters a carrier of the disease, the consequences depend only on the quick reaction of the parents and the correct diagnosis by the doctor. You can help an infected baby modern medicines, if the diagnosis is correct and on time.

Is the flu shot harmful or beneficial?

Currently, influenza viruses are becoming more dangerous and can also harm humans. Again, children and people communicating with large audiences most often become vulnerable.

The flu shot is updated every year because the virus is constantly mutating. It is impossible to calculate what a person will be exposed to in the new season. What harm will the next flu bring?

Is the flu vaccine harmful or beneficial? There is no clear answer. It all depends on:

  • is it done correctly?
  • whether the vaccine strain matches the spreading influenza virus;
  • whether the patient’s body was healthy during the flu vaccination;
  • whether the flu season arrived before the vaccine gave a positive result;
  • whether the vaccinated person complied with the rules of conduct after receiving the anti-flu serum.

But there is another side to flu vaccination - weakening of immunity in the autumn, when in addition to this virus, a huge number of pathogens of respiratory viral diseases are flying in the air, the symptoms of which are very similar to viruses of one or another flu.

The body, weakened by the vaccine, cannot cope with the attack of other microbes that the flu vaccine does not work on. Here are the complications that they tried to avoid with vaccination. It turns out that the flu shot harmed the immunity hardened over the summer. A high temperature, cough, bronchitis or other problems bring a person thinking about health to a hospital bed.

Another stage of causing benefit and harm to a person, especially a child, begins. Children under two years of age are at risk of dehydration, which occurs from an increase in temperature and refusal of food and water.

The doctor prescribes injections and droppers, which also have benefits or harm to a person.

Droppers and injections after a harmful vaccination

Critical condition, especially in small child(vaccinations are allowed for children from 6 months), may occur after vaccination if an allergy to a component or individual intolerance to the serum occurs. Allergies are harmful to the body.

The baby ends up in intensive care, where they put in IVs with solutions that remove intoxication and prevent dehydration.

If the brain does not receive even a certain amount of fluid, hypoxia occurs, up to fatal outcome. Child mortality in infancy from the harm of vaccinations or other factors is very large. Only droppers save, which in this case benefit the person.

Some people claim that IVs can be harmful to humans.

Possibly if it is not done professionally. IVs can only be placed medical workers who have undergone special training.

The harm from a drip for a small patient is only psychological state when the child does not perceive anything unknown at all. And under the system you need to lie quietly.

Children may be tied or swaddled to prevent the needle from being pulled out. Skin and veins may be torn. Such harm is unacceptable; each case of prescribing an IV should be deliberate, and not standard.

Any health care carries two sides: harm and benefit. True, the doctor, according to his obligations, must not harm the patient. But the decision about whether vaccinations are harmful should be made by patients themselves, including common sense.

It is necessary to study information about the dangers and benefits of any procedures, vaccinations, injections, IVs in advance. Every person is sure that this will not happen to him. The benefit lies in human intelligence and the ability to correctly perceive any information.

Vaccination and revaccination to protect health Abscess after an injection - treatment with various drugs