What to do when your eyelid twitches. If your eye twitches: what does it mean, causes, treatment and prevention. Eye twitching: solutions

There is probably no person in the world who has not been bothered by this at least once. unpleasant condition like a twitch of the eyelid. More often this is a twitching of the lower eyelid, less often - the upper. Both the first and second cases have the same name - myokymia. The twitching begins suddenly and does not stop immediately, but rather quickly. It occurs as a result of spasm of the orbicularis muscle, which is located in the eyelid. This fairly common occurrence can cause discomfort, but in itself this condition is not dangerous to human health. Myokymia should not be confused with another disease - essential blepharospasm, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Eyelid twitching is not nervous tic, as they say in everyday life. Nervous tic - serious illness, a severe neurological illness that is visible to everyone. Myokymia is not visible to others. Only you know about her.

This is not dangerous, but you should not completely turn a blind eye to this condition. Our body is created incredibly harmonious. Everything in it has been thought out! Something can hurt on its own, and something echoes. Twitching of the eyelid is the second thing that tells you that there is a problem somewhere. Pay attention to this. Something went wrong. Of course, there are many reasons. Let's talk about them.


It is not always possible to identify the real reason twitching of the upper eyelid. Sometimes this reason may be carefully hidden, so we cannot find it. And there are some things we just don’t know yet. But still, what could be the reason?


It often arises due to the nature of a person’s activity, in connection with his profession. Nowadays, the eyes suffer greatly from monitors, television screens, and gadgets. And this is not always justified. The cause of tension can also be contact lenses for vision correction.

Tired eyes, tiredness.

Eye fatigue is somewhat different from eye strain. It can be caused by lack of sleep, erratic or poor sleep.


When the body is depleted at all levels: physical, molecular, nervous, mental.

Eating disorder.

Serious errors in nutrition when a person does not comply with even basic standards. You should monitor not so much the quantity as the quality of food. Eating disorders, extremes (hunger, gluttony) can lead to exhaustion.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium in a certain amount is necessary for the body; it is involved in nervous processes. Its deficiency occurs due to improper nutrition.

Deficiency of B vitamins.

There are many reasons for this deficiency: stress, nutrition, etc.

Abuse of coffee and energy drinks.

It should be remembered that caffeine, having many useful properties, destroys vitamin C.

Alcohol abuse.


Itching and friction during allergies contribute to the release of histamine, which, in turn, can cause eyelid twitching.

Dry eyes

Very often the cause of twitching of the upper eyelid. Dry eyes are very often a symptom of age, but can also occur in at a young age for eye strain and fatigue.


Being the cause of many diseases, it may be the cause in this case. “Nerves are to blame for everything!” How true this is! Most often, myokymia occurs from “nerves”. In our world there is always a reason. But not only you experience stress when life is to blame, your body also experiences stress when there is no one to blame.

Alarm signal

Myokymia is a signal. If it happened only once, everything is fine. It happens to everyone? Myokymia becomes alarm signal when it goes on and on. So much so that it’s starting to get boring. She starts to annoy you. Don't be annoyed, don't be nervous - this is a reason to think. You are given the opportunity to take a little look at yourself, what you are doing wrong: you abuse the harmful, neglect the right, do not know how to rest (this is sometimes difficult to learn, but necessary) or... maybe you do not know how to forgive?

If the twitching becomes obvious, visible, if the spasm intensifies and spreads to the upper part of the face, you should consult a doctor. This may be a manifestation of essential blepharospasm, a progressive disease. It begins with a slight twitching, but almost always bilateral. This twitching may progress to spasms of the upper facial muscles. People over 50 years of age are susceptible to the disease.

If the reason for the feeling of twitching in the upper eyelid is obvious to you, then there is no need to worry.

Treatment: wedge by wedge

When eyelid twitching really bothers you, you can see a doctor and get a Botox injection. This is very effective method, which eliminates twitching by blocking the passage of nerve signals. This injection will remove muscle spasm. But it will not eliminate the root cause. Good specialist will give you, among other things, recommendations that you cannot do without.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause for the treatment of eyelid twitching. Having identified the cause, eliminate it:

  • If the reason is overexertion, use computer glasses while working, reduce “rest” on the Internet, on TV. This is especially harmful for children
  • Adequate sleep is necessary. If you can't sleep, drink Herb tea before bed with honey,
  • Don't overuse coffee
  • Do not abuse alcohol
  • Include in your daily diet healthy foods, which are rich in vitamins, microelements, and fiber.
  • Take vitamin supplements, especially B vitamins,
  • Take a course of magnesium,
  • Drink healing teas that relieve nervous tension: valerian, peony, motherwort, hops, mint (wild, peppermint), azure blue. Honey and bran strengthen the nervous system well. Chamomile is healing in all respects, especially when combined with dill seeds.

Cheer up

Under no circumstances! And don't be afraid of anything. Take good care of yourself and those you love. Be glad that you have something to work on. After all, work is always a consolation.

In contact with

If a person’s eye twitches, what to do is not always clear. From the outside it looks very funny, but twitching of the eye muscles may indicate a developing nervous tic. It is not difficult to guess that in this case we are talking about problems with the nervous system. However, it should not be ruled out that this phenomenon may have nothing to do with lesions of this type.

It is worth taking a closer look at the situation when the eye twitches, what to do, is it worth attaching importance to this phenomenon? Is it necessary to be examined or undergo treatment? Is it possible to get rid of the disease? folk remedies or will only fit drug treatment?

We should start with the most common causes of this ailment.

CNS damage

If this is what caused the eye to twitch, what to do is obvious. You need to understand that this is a fairly serious reason, so you should visit a doctor. As a rule, decreased muscle tone leads to twitching of the right or left eye. There is also a possibility that the person suffers from reflex excitability.

When there is a disorder of the central nervous system, a person’s reflexes begin to become distorted. The muscles stop responding to the impulses they receive. This can lead to muscle hypertonicity and cramps.


The eye twitches, what to do in this situation? First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons. In this case, we are not talking about a diagnosis, but about a predisposition along the hereditary line. In this case, eyelid twitching may occur as suddenly as it disappears. At the same time, he will experience stress or strong feelings. The tick starts on its own.

The eyelid twitches, what should you do if it is due to heredity? Nothing, just wait. As a rule, this symptomatology appears in childhood and goes away quite quickly as the child grows up. In this case, the disease rarely causes discomfort and such tics do not last long.

If we talk about less common causes, then in some cases this occurs against the background of the development of Bell's palsy, Parkinson's disease or Tourette's syndrome.

Less serious reasons

Such factors include a wide variety of diseases, including seasonal viral illnesses (ARI or ARVI). In this case, a similar phenomenon occurs due to a sharply decreased immunity and other reasons. The nervous system begins to respond to infection and the person suffers from a tic. Left or right eyelid my eyes twitch, what should I do in this case? Complete the course of treatment for viral infection and undergo a course of treatment with drugs that help restore performance immune system.

You can also get rid of this disease if you treat the resulting eye infection. Tics most often result from conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other ailments.

In addition, provoke similar condition maybe the habit of spending everything on the computer free time. If you watch TV all night long and do not sleep, then all this can provoke nervous twitching of the eyelids.

There are several other reasons for the appearance of teak. If it gets in your eye foreign body or the person is using the lenses incorrectly, it is easy to start winking unplannedly strangers without even noticing it.

Simple irritation can lead to this. For example, if a person frequently rubs his eyes or suffers from allergic reactions.

Lack of vitamins

This phenomenon is now quite common. In an age when natural products are increasingly being replaced with artificial additives, one can easily develop pathologies of this type.

In this case, the eye may react to the absence of specific components. If the body lacks magnesium, it will manifest itself as motor disorders in the work of the eye muscle. With a lack of calcium, disturbances occur in the processes of neuromuscular conduction. Lack of glycine negatively affects the activity of the entire human nervous system.

What to do if your eye twitches (upper or lower eyelid)

If a person does not suffer from serious illnesses, then in this case the unpleasant tic should quickly stop, if he begins to get enough sleep and follows the regime proper nutrition, will reduce the time spent in front of the computer or TV.

It is also worth including foods that contain calcium and magnesium in your daily diet.

Frequent presence on fresh air also has a positive effect on human health. Thanks to this, it will be much easier for the body to cope with nervous overstrain. Then you can quickly forget about the fact that your eye is twitching, what to do in such a situation, and other questions.

If similar preventive actions did not bring effective results, you should consult a doctor. If there are extremely rare twitches, there is no need to worry.

Eye twitching - what to do, treatment

Most often, the causes of such occurrences lie in minor disorders of the nervous system, so serious drug therapy not required.

First of all, you can cope with the disease using simple eye exercises. To do this, you need to close your eyes tightly and wait half a minute. After this, you need to open your eyes sharply and wide. The next step is to blink quickly.

It may also help if you close your eyelids and make circles with your eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise.

Diet and vitamins

As mentioned earlier, a lack of vitamins can lead to similar phenomena. If the body desperately needs magnesium, then in your diet you should give preference to:

If the body needs calcium, then its deficiency can be filled with milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, dried apricots, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the used drinking water. If it contains a large number of aluminum, this will negatively affect not only the nervous system, but also the condition of the teeth, especially if crowns or bridges are installed. It is worth considering that aluminum is also present in most deodorants. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural antiperspirants made from rock salt or wipe armpits a solution of ordinary soda.

What to do if the lower eyelid twitches or top part? In this case, you should give up energy drinks, coffee drinks, and alcohol. These liquids have Negative influence on the nervous system of the body, especially if a person abuses this or that drink.

If eye twitching began after an injury, then in this case the causes may be more serious, so you should consult a specialist.

If the eye twitches for several days, what should I do? If neuroses occur, you should consult a neurologist. Most likely, he will prescribe the patient mild sedatives with anticonvulsant action.


If we talk about recipes made from natural ingredients, then you can get rid of eye twitching if you start taking sedatives. For example, you can start drinking tincture of peony, motherwort, or a decoction of valerian roots (it is better not to buy drops, as they do not give results). You should also start drinking mint tea. This herb has a calming effect and helps relieve spasms of the eye muscles.

It is also worth paying attention to geranium leaves. This is a proven remedy that helps get rid of unpleasant symptom. If the eye begins to twitch, just cut off a leaf of the plant and apply it to your face. In addition, decoctions can be prepared from the foliage of this plant, which also have a positive effect.

To get rid of unpleasant ticks, you should also buy chamomile flowers and motherwort herb. These components are mixed in equal proportions with chrysanthemum leaves and brewed like regular tea.

For severe tics, you can make compresses from lemon balm and chamomile.


If none of the described methods brought the expected result, then the problem may be more serious. In this case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist, therapist and neurologist. In some situations, it turns out that tic occurs due to circulatory disorders in the brain. In rare cases, such symptoms are provoked inflammatory processes, occurring in the optic nerve.

So, why does the eyelid twitch? Physiological manifestations in the form of a twitching eyelid are a reaction of the nervous system to stressful situations, fatigue and other factors.

Impulsive contraction orbicularis muscles the eye is called hyperkinesis, in generally accepted terminology this term sounds like “twitching of the eyelids” or “nervous tic”. Symptomatically, this muscle contraction refers to neurotic processes and is a pathological manifestation of nervous excitation.

Subtypes of nervous tics:

  1. Primary - disappear after sleep or relaxing procedures.
  2. Spontaneous - occurs for a short period of time, stopping on its own.
  3. Secondary - arising as a continuation of spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the left eye or right eye.
  4. Chronic – bothering the patient for years, without going into remission.

Alleged reasons

Why does it twitch upper eyelid? Factors causing diseases can be single or combined. Contacting a specialist will make it possible to accurately determine the root cause of hyperkinesis and receive symptomatic treatment.

It does not matter fundamentally whether the eyelid twitches in the right eye or the left; twitching of the eyelid in a child can occur under the influence of the same factors as in an adult, with minor exceptions.

More details about the reasons:

Nervous tic - the danger of its occurrence lies in the failure of the nervous system. Frequently appearing, without visible reasons that does not go away after rest and sleep is a reason to consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye diseases – conjunctivitis, chalazion, blepharitis.

Overwork - moral or physical - does not matter for illness.

Cervical osteochondrosis – prolonged compression vessels causes a deficiency of necessary substances.

Hypovitaminosis (avitaminosis) – insufficient intake of calcium and magnesium into the body.

Facial hemispasm is a disruption of the normal functionality of the muscles of the facial nerve. Leads to deterioration of visual acuity due to excessive pressure on eyeball and associated malnutrition.

Wearing contact lenses– occurs due to microtrauma of the cornea of ​​the eyes and eyelids, especially when using rigid (hard) lenses.

Dryness of the eyeball - predominates in the elderly, can occur due to violations of the rules for wearing lenses.

A sharp decrease in the functionality of the autoimmune system.

Allergic reactions - cause swelling, thereby impairing blood supply and nutrients.

Alcohol, strong coffee, tea, smoking.

Overfatigue (in childhood) - the child cannot withstand the school load and spending a long time with textbooks.

Long-term (continuous) wearing of glasses.

Conflicts with parents (brothers, sisters, older generation) - excessive demands (for studies, household duties) can cause twitching of the upper eyelid.

Infectious diseases, colds, surgical interventions.

Eye fatigue - sitting for many hours at the computer, in front of the TV, reading textbooks, fiction.

Helminthiasis – the presence of helminths in children and adults causes vitamin deficiency in the body.

Cardiovascular dystonia is the most rare cause of upper eyelid twitching.

Is not full list root causes that answer the question “why does the upper eyelid twitch”? Comprehensive data can be obtained from medical examination. A number of diseases provoke the appearance of eyelid twitching:

  • atherosclerotic changes in vascular walls;
  • ICP syndrome;
  • Gilles de la Typette syndrome;
  • tumors located in the brain;
  • inflammatory process affecting the facial nerve;
  • neuroses;
  • parkinsonism;
  • mental illness (depression, schizophrenia);
  • postnatal trauma;
  • damage to the contents of the brain by viruses and bacteria (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • traumatic brain injuries sustained at any age;
  • epilepsy.

These diseases are not limited to the upper eyelids; in some cases, the face is affected.

Symptomatic manifestations (from the patient)

All subtypes of the disease, except chronic, manifest themselves symptomatically in the form of temporary discomfort. The patient may not notice this feature for a long period until others tell him.

The chronic form is expressed:

  • in violation of attention;
  • reduced concentration;
  • pain syndrome;
  • high level of fatigue;
  • constant irritability;
  • low level of performance;
  • various sleep problems.

Involuntary attraction of attention increases the psychological discomfort of the sick person, reducing his level of normal life, and interferes with communication and work in a team environment.

Therapeutic measures

Sent for treatment of emerging nervous exhaustion and accompanying symptoms.


With a combination of a twitching eyelid and tearing, pronounced swelling, the patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist. Myokymia usually indicates the infectious nature of diseases (conjunctivitis, etc.). In the absence of secondary symptoms, treatment is carried out by a neurologist, prescribing medications:

  1. “Glycine” (“Glycised”) – has a sedative effect and improves brain function. The drug causes drowsiness and is prohibited when administered vehicles and high-risk industries.
  2. "Persen" - medicine plant origin, based on herbs, contains mint and lemon balm. Gently relax and help calm the nervous system.
  3. Tincture of motherwort (valerian) – soothes, relaxes, use is acceptable in childhood.
  4. Vitamin complexes - to reduce hypovitaminosis (avitaminosis).
  5. Baths with the addition of essential oils(geranium, lavender).

If there is no improvement with the above treatment and continues twitch upper eyelid, then they will look for the cause more seriously, with surrender clinical tests and collecting a complete patient history.

Folk recipe

Offers soothing infusions:

  1. Maral root - brewed and used as a substitute for tea and coffee (purchased in pharmacies in the form of tinctures and extracts).
  2. Rosehip, sea buckthorn and hawthorn - boil the decoction for 10 minutes, pour into a thermos for 5 hours, after which you can use.
  3. Plantain, anise seeds, fragrant rue, lemon with zest - 3 tbsp. l. plantain mixed with tbsp. spoon of fragrant rue and anise, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, add one finely chopped lemon, boil for about 10 minutes. The drink is consumed 3 times a day, twenty minutes before meals, three tablespoons. The duration of the procedures is 1 month.
  4. Mint, motherwort - 30 g each, valerian root, hop cones - 20 g each, 10 g of plants are taken from the resulting mixture, poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. The finished product is cooled, filtered and taken half a glass 15 minutes before eating (no more than 3 times a day).
  5. Centaury – 2 tbsp. plants are poured with 400 g of boiling water, left overnight, the composition is divided into four servings, taken before meals.

Compresses on the upper eyelid:

  1. Plantain – pour boiling water over the crushed leaves, place the resulting mass on gauze and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes.
  2. Honey-based solution - a spoonful of honey is diluted in a cup of water (room temperature). Cotton pads are soaked in the resulting mixture and a compress is applied for 15 minutes.
  3. Chamomile - ready-made filter bags or herbal tea brewed and applied to the eyes.
  4. Ice compress - dill, mint, aloe are crushed, a couple of drops of lemon are added to the mixture and a decoction is prepared on this basis. After production, it must be strained, cooled and poured into molds. Ready ice wipe the eyelids every morning.


To correct the amount of magnesium and calcium:

  • legumes;
  • walnuts;
  • sesame;
  • dried apricots;
  • flax (seeds);
  • almond;
  • dairy products;
  • pine nuts;
  • wheat bran;
  • sunflower and pumpkin (seeds);
  • wheat;
  • black chocolate.

Nutrition and its adjustment play a big role in eliminating the causes of the disease.

Exercises to relieve eye fatigue

  1. Close your eyes tightly and open your eyes for five seconds.
  2. Blink as often as possible for half a minute.
  3. Rub your palms until warm and cover them closed eyes. It is necessary to sit at this moment with maximum comfort.
  4. Massage your eyelids with the tip index finger, clockwise – a few minutes.

After finishing the auxiliary gymnastics, it is advisable to apply a compress to finally relax the tense orbicularis oculi muscles.

Preventive actions

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you should:

  • exclude from the standard diet alcoholic drinks and coffee;
  • take a short vacation or sign up for a relaxing massage (you can use SPA treatments);
  • in stressful situations, take a sedative - tinctures of motherwort, valerian, peony;
  • drink mints and chamomile teas, infusions of plantain, geranium;
  • compresses for eyelids with medicinal herbs;
  • bring the daily routine to constant values;
  • when working with a computer or small objects, take breaks for rest - 10 minutes per hour;
  • consultation with specialists - ophthalmologist, psychologist;
  • perform therapeutic exercises for the eyes and relaxation;
  • walks in nature and sports.

These measures will help prevent relapse of the disease and will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

Risk group:

  • drug addicts;
  • smokers;
  • alcoholics;
  • genetically predisposed persons.

Everyone, at least once in their life, has encountered a situation where the muscle of the eyelid began to contract for no reason. In folklore, there are even signs that are ready to predict if the left eye twitches, what this means for a person. For women - successful purchases and pleasant meetings, and men should be careful with financial transactions. In this article you will find a description modern reasons and reasons why the left eye twitches. Pay attention to cases when it is advisable to see a doctor if you have a symptom of involuntary twitching of the eyelid.

Why does the left eyelid twitch?

There are many reasons why a nervous tic of the left or right eyelid occurs. It may seem to you that such a sharp twitching of the eyelid is noticeable to everyone around you. But these are only your feelings due to the non-standard nature of the case. Constant overwork, personal problems, and sleep disturbances can provoke a nervous tic in the eyelid.

If you yourself do not see the reasons for periodic twitching of the eyelid, you should consult a neurologist. Doctor's consultation and treatment are important when the tic does not go away for a long time. You should be wary:

  • if the muscle under the eye twitches, and this extends to the cheek, upper eyelid;
  • if the eye closes during contraction;
  • when the facial nerve hurts,
  • in the case when signs of conjunctivitis appear - redness, suppuration.


When the lower eyelid twitches continuously for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist, since inaction leads to decreased vision or hemispasm of the face. If this phenomenon is not constant, you can do a little gymnastics for the eyes, blinking frequently for 1-2 minutes to eliminate the unpleasant sensation for the whole day. If this does not help, then try to give yourself a little rest - give up coffee and other stimulants, close your eyes if possible and relax for a while.


When it comes to the upper eyelid, try not to rub it with your hands, because you can cause an infection and cause conjunctivitis. Avoid conflict situations that provoke stress and strain on the nervous system. Stick to it optimal mode day and be sure to rest your eyes when working at the computer. By following these simple rules, you will avoid the causes of discomfort when the upper eyelid begins to twitch.

Causes of tics in the left eye

Why does my left eye twitch periodically? Involuntary contraction of the eyelid muscles often occurs for reasons such as:

  • nervous tension and fatigue;
  • frequent stress;
  • irregular and insufficient sleep;
  • alcohol abuse, tobacco products affecting the activity of the nervous system;
  • consequences of brain injuries (concussion, stroke).

When an expectant mother's eye twitches during pregnancy, this indicates a lack of magnesium and calcium in the body. A balanced daily routine with the right amount sleep and rest. A way to prevent nervous tics is to consume foods rich in magnesium - these are:

  • wheat bran;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • buckwheat.

These options are not the only reasons why the muscle itself twitches under the eye. Unfortunately, this may be symptoms of neurosis, osteochondrosis cervical region. In such situations, doctors are able to cure tics using medication in the form of various sedatives. Acupuncture and hypnosis are used as a supplement.

Video: what to do if your eye twitches

What to do if eyelid twitching begins? Don't panic, calm down, regardless of whether the eyelid is left or right. Find out what the doctor recommends in the provided video. A nervous tic in itself is not separate disease, but signals failures, overstrain or diseases of the nervous system. The calm lifestyle discussed in the video will help avoid eyelid twitching.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Unpleasant feeling occurs in many people in the form of twitching of the eye muscles. This is not noticeable to outside observers, although it seems that everyone can see the twitching eye. This phenomenon is very annoying and disturbing. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

Experts say that most often this occurs due to a nervous tic. Factors such as fatigue, insufficient sleep, and emotional stress can also provoke the problem.

You cannot tolerate twitching for a long time, as your vision may deteriorate.

Therefore, if you started twitch left eye, you should contact a specialist who will determine the cause of this phenomenon.

Muscle twitching can occur due to:

Only by identifying the cause can the problem be eliminated.

Why does the lower or upper eyelid of the left eye twitch?

Twitching of the eyelids of the left eye may occur in the presence of:

  1. Nervous overstrain. People who perform complex jobs and have increased responsibility are most likely to suffer from this problem. As a result of constantly being in a state nervous tension, the functions of the nervous system are impaired;
  2. Facial nystagmus. This disease affects the facial nerve, causing seizures on one side. When the disease just begins to develop, the eye does not twitch much. But gradually the tic may intensify, as other muscle groups are involved in the process;
  3. Nystagmus. At the same time, the eyeball involuntarily vibrates. These movements can occur at different speeds and a certain rhythm. You can notice this with the naked eye. This problem occurs when low vision, damage to certain areas of the brain, as well as due to the abuse of certain medications.

Therefore, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the problem. Need to go full examination from a specialist.

Psychological problem of eye muscle twitching and vitamin deficiency

Not only as a result of stress, overwork, and nervous tension can the eyelids twitch. This may occur due to vitamin deficiency.

The lack of vitamins is especially noticeable in early spring. The body does not receive enough nutrients, which causes the activity of the eye muscles to decrease.

Improve general state the body can be done with the help vitamin complexes and vegetables and fruits.

Psychological problems can also cause left eye twitching. A qualified psychologist will help determine the cause of psychological discomfort. Only after this can this unpleasant symptom be eliminated.

To make your eye twitch less, you should reduce the time you spend at the computer and seek advice from a neurologist.

What to do if your left eye twitches

If a nervous tic suddenly occurs, you must:

  • blink rapidly for several minutes;
  • bring the eye muscles into a relaxed state;
  • Cover your eyes with your palms and rest for 15 minutes.

You can also start using herbs to calm the nervous system. For such purposes, you can use chamomile, valerian, and St. John's wort. It is advisable to stop drinking drinks containing caffeine, as this negatively affects the state of the nervous system.

It is necessary to adjust your diet and include more foods containing vitamins and minerals.

Is it possible to get rid of tic yourself?

You should not use medications on your own to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. This may cause serious side effects.

The only thing that can be done is to normalize the nerves.

To do this you need:

  1. Avoid stressful situations, increased emotional stress;
  2. Rest enough time;
  3. Indulge in certain sports that can bring relaxation. These include yoga, swimming, cycling. Even with the help of small physical activity You can improve the condition of the body and nerves.

It doesn't hurt to take a vacation, relax in nature in good company. This will improve your well-being, restore strength and get rid of tics.

Folk signs

  • twitching of the left eye has always been considered a positive sign that brings good luck, good news, improvement financial situation. But this opinion was held by the Russians;
  • Easterners have a different opinion on this matter. For them, this promised failure and misfortune;
  • Slavic girls believed that they were lucky to meet their betrothed;
  • the Greeks compared a nervous tic with quick tears or possible separation.

Most peoples believed that twitching of the left eye promises a person tears and bad news, and if this happens to the right eye, then good luck and happiness await the person.


  1. Nervous tics most often occur due to overwork and lack of sleep;
  2. The eyelids may twitch due to nervous tension or nystagmus;
  3. Psychological problems and lack of vitamins - common reasons teak;
  4. The problem can be eliminated only with the help of a neurologist;
  5. Restoring your mental balance will help you get rid of twitching on your own;
  6. Many peoples compared eye twitching with success or failure, depending on which eye was twitching.

A little additional information on the topic of the article - in the next video.