Food alive and dead protein breakfast. Food is alive and dead, interesting facts about junk food. Live food and its properties

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Living food means health and life; These are products from the earth and sun that breathe and work as fuel, emitting energy and strength. These are fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, seafood, nuts and dried fruits.

Only in “live” products does our body receive the energy of life - Prana, which gives clarity of mind, good sleep, ideal lightness in the body, the desire to live and create.

What do we eat?

Look at the abundance of food on store shelves. In order to save time and money, we grab everything and most often these are products with palm oil, flavorings, monosodium glutanate, dyes and other additives that kill everything useful and us because it is dead food.

According to statistics, over the past 100 years the number of sick people has increased significantly: only obesity and diabetes mellitus 40% of the population is sick globe. WITH geometric progression grow mental illness and allergies.

But most alarm signal - syndrome chronic fatigue, which ruins everything more people: they are not happy at home, nor at work, nor at hobbies - they have no strength, since all their energy is spent on digesting food - this is the reason for such aging of body and spirit.

Food traditions among people have been formed over centuries: porridge - in the morning; a cutlet with a side dish - at school, sandwiches and coffee - at a university.

And we follow these stereotypes all our lives, without noticing discomfort in the intestines, heartburn, lethargy and weight gain.

Eating unhealthy food, the body, digesting it, experiences a shortage of energy and it begins to steal it from internal reserves, depleting the resources given to man by nature.

And although we understand perfectly well that bad feeling is the result of our poor nutrition, taste preferences we don't want to change.

Why don’t we take care of the cleanliness of our body from the inside, because it is polluted with undigested food and toxins that poison our body?

All these canned foods, GMO products, trans fats, E-additives and other chemicals make food not only useless, that is, dead, but also becomes a difficult test for the entire gastrointestinal tract, rewarding us with diseases.

Scientists from Switzerland have discovered a sad fact: the corpses of buried people do not decompose for 30 years! That's how much chemistry there is in our body! It’s not without reason that they say: we are what we eat.

What is dead food

These are fast foods, smoked meats, canned goods, energy drinks and much more. And fried, boiled and heat-treated foods kill the living structure of food; it contains neither nutrients nor vitamins.

Interesting Facts

  • Chicken being forced 8 female hormones and additives - this is a marketing ploy to reduce the cost of production and has nothing to do with health;
  • The waffles contain modified margarine and chemical ingredients;
  • Scientists have established: adults do not need milk;

Russians, please protect yourself and your children from this garbage food! Respect yourself! Read on and you will understand that healthy food is the basis of our life and only it gives us the desire to live and create.

Living food is not processed with chemicals and does not cause addiction; it is self-digesting food due to enzymes (enzymes that break down food).

Everyone has them, but junk food destroys these reserves, depleting a person’s resources, causing him to age.

Living food is called medicinal, as it is the path to health.

It is not for nothing that Tibetan lamas and yogis, druids and Chinese emperors ate this way; this food gives a person amazing energy and high potential. Why?

What is chlorophyll

This merit belongs to a special component that is found in green leaves of plants and is called chlorophyll.

The unique property of chlorophyll is to absorb solar energy and feed plant cells with it, and then transfer large amounts of oxygen to our body through green leaves.

Chlorophyll is called the “blood of plants”, it really is chemical composition similar to hemoglobin.

The most chlorophyll is in green foods: broccoli, seaweed, salads, parsley, spinach.

Now dietary supplements with live cholorophyll have appeared on sale, which is recommended to be taken to increase the level of red blood cells.

Nutrition enthusiasts are fascinated by the new craze: microgreens. These are young shoots of plants that are 10-12 days old and contain a storehouse of chlorophyll.

Live food and its properties

Alive and healthy food has many advantages:

  • Retains all vitamins;
  • Does not contain cholesterol;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Improves the digestive process significantly;
  • Strengthens hair, nails, teeth, improves complexion;
  • Improves quality of life.

How to eat healthy

  1. Don't change your diet suddenly, do everything gradually. At first it should be a 50 × 50 ratio; 1 - 2 days a week - raw food diet;
  2. Food must contain fiber, that is, be plant-based;
  3. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water;
  4. Food should be light;
  5. Olive, sesame or amaranth oil;
  6. Fruits are eaten separately;
  7. Before meals, drink 1 glass of water;
  8. Black bread with bran;
  9. Only high quality tea;
  10. Vegetable and fruit juices - daily;
  11. Minimum salt;
  12. Alcohol-free;
  13. Salads are a must;
  14. Cook fish and meat in the oven;
  15. Do not cook for several days;
  16. For breakfast - porridge, after soaking the cereal.

As a result, after 3 - 12 months you will feel that your digestive system is being rebuilt, you will feel your ideal body and a happy state of mind, but it will take 2 - 3 years for a complete change in taste habits.

I offer you 2 salads to choose from for those starting a new life!

Green salad recipe

Chop 2 green and 2 red peppers, add a handful of chopped parsley, sorrel walnuts, salt and pour good oil.

Salmon salad recipe

200 g salted salmon, 1 tomato, chopped lettuce, grated cheese, lemon juice and olive oil. Bon appetit!


Choose for yourself: either health or food addictions. A living organism must consume living food, because living food is a whole science that will change your life, it is a program for spiritual and physical perfection! Good luck!

There is such a profession - breakfast! Culinary blogger Arthur Tarasenko For several years now he has been testing breakfasts in restaurants in the capital, and even came up with a special name for his activity - “breakfastman”.

Arthur advises everyone to have breakfast, and for these reasons. Firstly, it is much easier to get out of bed if something tasty is waiting for you in the morning. Secondly, you can eat everything in the morning, because extra calories are easily burned during the day. And thirdly, we need energy.

You can eat everything in the morning, because extra calories are easily burned during the day.

Together with Arthur and nutritionists, we have chosen 5 breakfasts that you should definitely eat yourself, without treating either friend or enemy.

1. Chicken eggs

They are considered harmful due to the large amount of cholesterol. But for healthy people Research says it's not dangerous. And the abundance of other useful substances in eggs makes this product best choice for breakfast. Moreover, there are an incredible number of cooking methods - hard-boiled, soft-boiled, omelette, fried eggs, poached... If you add tomatoes, it will be even better. Their lycopene, which fights free radicals, is absorbed precisely when fried. It is better not to overuse sausage or ham. But a slice of bacon won't hurt. According to a nutritionist Elena Baykova, bacon is an animal protein, and a small amount of We simply need animal fat.

2. Porridge

Experts traditionally consider oatmeal to be the best among cereals. It has the perfect balance of nutrients. Although, according to the latest data, every morning and for a long time It is not recommended to eat this porridge - it contains phytic acid, which disrupts calcium metabolism. So it’s better to alternate oatmeal with buckwheat, millet, and rice porridge. And, as chef Anna Semenova advises, don’t buy porridge instant cooking. Proper coarse flakes, which are cooked for at least 7-10 minutes, contain a lot of essential microelements.

It is better to cook oatmeal in water. Cow's milk will add calories to it, and not everyone digests it. You can diversify the taste by cooking the porridge with coconut, almond, soy or flaxseed milk. You can also add dried fruits, fresh or frozen berries, and flax seeds. Salt, sugar and butter - a little.

3. Muesli

Muesli, which is also included in our list of five, should also be unsweetened. good breakfasts. According to legend, this food was invented about a hundred years ago by Swiss shepherds - a mixture of grains and fruits was often the only food on the pastures. Then food companies adopted it. The main benefit of muesli is fiber, which normalizes intestinal function and has an extremely positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Another issue is that muesli is very rarely made without sugar. Usually there is too much of it, and it takes some effort to find good ones. Well, it’s better to eat muesli not with milk, but with yogurt.

4. Yogurt

By the way, yogurt itself can also be breakfast if you really don’t have time. It is better, of course, to choose those yoghurts that can be called live. They contain only milk and sourdough. All this is mixed and prepared natural yogurt. It is stored for no more than 5 days, and better – 2-3. And it is better to eat it the next day after preparation.

5. Fruit

Those who practice vegetarianism, and especially its harsh version - a raw food diet, often eat only fruit for breakfast and feel great. We recently filmed vegan ultramarathoner Denis Mikhailov in New York, who drinks freshly squeezed juice from 10-15 oranges for breakfast, and hunger does not come to him until lunch. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Because, according to the nutritionist Natalia Egorenkova, any fruit juice will cause increased work digestive glands, enhancing their secretion. And this can lead to diseases of the digestive tract.

Unfortunately, juice from packages is not suitable as a substitute for breakfast - it contains too much sugar. Well, whole fruits are always preferable, they have a lot of fiber. This means satiety will last longer. So, once again our recommendations! We think the best breakfast ideas are eggs, porridge, sugar-free muesli, yogurt and fruit. Listen to your feelings and enjoy your meal!

We sincerely thank the friends and partners of our program who helped in the preparation of this story:

For a culinary blogger Arthur "Breakfastman" Tarasenko

Health food store "Garden City"
And personally to the ideological inspirer of the project Daria Lisichenko

Home cafe chains "Varenichnaya number 1"
and personally to the PR manager Yulia Kulakova

One day, an old friend of mine, a builder by profession, came to me for an examination. He has just turned sixty. I examined him thoroughly, pointed out some alarming symptoms and warned: “If you continue in the same spirit, there will be serious problems" For clarity, I compared the state of his health with construction: “How do they build houses somewhere in third world countries where there are no state standards? We decided to build a building out of concrete. But there is not enough concrete - and clay is used. House is built. But then the rains came, the clay was washed away, and the building sank. The conclusion is obvious - you need to use only suitable materials.”

The same principle must be observed when building a strong, healthy body. My friend, although he was a builder, did not know this - and found himself in danger.

The human body is constantly renewed. Care must be taken to ensure that the new cells are strong and viable so that they can resist disease. Every day, patients come to see me and sneeze and cough directly on me. But I’m not so easily knocked down - I build my body from the right materials. No wonder they often say: “You are made of what you eat!” But this phrase is not entirely true. It would be more correct to say: “You are made up of what you have digested, absorbed and assimilated.”

Everywhere I teach people to nourish the body with living food - raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. These products are biologically preserved active substances. At least half of your diet should consist of raw (lightly fried or steamed) foods.

Spark in spark plug - enzymes

All biochemical reactions in the body of living beings, including humans, are provided by special catalyst substances - enzymes. Enzymes are responsible for almost all processes occurring in the body: providing energy and building materials; creation and destruction of signaling molecules necessary for the regulation of life processes; protection from foreign substances; reproduction and transmission of hereditary information recorded on DNA molecules. Finally, enzymes are involved in the implementation of this information - in the synthesis of themselves and other proteins. Enzymes are much more effective than chemical catalysts, and their action is more selective: they extract only one substance from a complex mixture and transform it not into several products, but into one - the one needed by the body. Our body can be likened to a car engine. For it to work at full capacity, all its parts must be in good working order. Let's say you have eight spark plugs in your car, but only four are working. The car will move, but in jerks.

Enzymes act like a spark in a spark plug. If they are in a depressed state, then the body will not be able to work at full capacity. I am convinced that every person is capable of racing on all eight cylinders, and not just dragging along.

Currently, more than three thousand enzymes are known. But most likely there are many more. Considering that approximately ninety-seven percent of the cells in the human body are renewed each year, it is clear why we need to fuel ourselves with high-quality fuel. If we run the body on low-octane gasoline, then each new generation of cells will be weaker than the previous ones.

How we update

Every one hundred and twenty days, red blood cells - erythrocytes - are completely replaced. Cells of the skin and mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are renewed more often - every five to ten days. In some parts of the body these processes are even more intense. New corneal cells grow in two days.

Living food provides the human body with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and enzymes - everything it needs. Now do you understand how important it is to include live food in your diet? Body cells constantly die and are replaced by new ones. The viability of new cells depends on what building materials are available. If the materials are reliable, then the body will be built strong. He will not be afraid of any disease.

All tissues or organs - for example, the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain - have their own enzymatic systems. Living food can provide us with all the substances necessary for the normal operation of these systems.

Killer cooking

When food takes too long to cook, it becomes dead. It has been proven that if food is cooked for half an hour at a temperature above 50 ° C, then almost all enzymes and many other biologically active molecules that make food alive are destroyed. When we eat food that has lost its natural components, degenerative processes are launched in the body, which contribute to the weakening of the immune system and the development of arthritis, hypertension, heart disorders, cancer, gastrointestinal and many other diseases.

What do we eat?

In developed countries, people mainly eat foods that are refined, processed, and cooked for long periods of time. Hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, grilled chicken, baked goods - everything is cleaned, emasculated, fried, baked, cooked, literally to death. During the cooking process, all living substances are lost.

When you eat dead food, your body does not receive the material to produce the necessary enzymes. He has to spend internal resources intended for other purposes. This imbalance undermines the immune system, on the condition of which our health depends.

Don't waste your own body's precious substances! Eat enough raw food.

You shouldn’t go to extremes and completely switch to a raw food diet: a reasonable norm is half and half. Our body is designed in such a way that to maintain its own reserves, it needs a constant supply of biologically active substances. Unprocessed foods contain substances that serve to process consumed food in the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat mostly processed and cooked foods, your body must constantly withdraw funds from its bank account of enzymes, vitamins and other vital substances to maintain normal digestion. If you don't put almost anything into this bank, then you're in trouble. The balance is disrupted and toxic waste accumulates in the intestines. And intestinal pollution leads to allergies and all sorts of unpleasant diseases.

If the loan is exceeded

At one time I was engaged in hair transplantation. If the person who approached me was almost bald, then I could not help him. He had no hair that could be taken without damage.

It’s the same with enzymes: if the body takes them away from itself because we eat dead food from which we get nothing, then the result will be disastrous. The supply of natural catalysts will decrease, and our bodies will steadily weaken.

The diet of people has changed significantly over the last century. If previously the diet included a lot of whole grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables, now we massively consume ready-made meat and dairy products, cheeses, eggs, sugar and various products that have undergone long-term heat treatment and sterilization, and even with preservatives. Modern food processors strip our food of remaining nutrients and destroy biologically active substances. As a result, we have a high morbidity rate.

The work of Weston Price, a dentist who at the beginning of the twentieth century studied the cultures of peoples untouched by Western civilization, is widely known. Price has visited the most remote corners of the world. His research showed that when purified and processed ready-made food products are introduced into the culture of a people unspoiled by civilization, people's health rapidly (usually within one generation) deteriorates. There is progressive tooth decay, fast growth cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes, arthritis, and other ailments common to the population of developed countries. If tribes and nationalities continue to eat their usual “wild” food, then there is no trace of any disease. Do you want to be healthy? Stay close to nature.

Sweet tooth

From the mid-eighties to the mid-nineties (that is, in just one decade!) average sugar consumption in the United States jumped from six tablespoons per day to sixteen! The average American now consumes about seventy-five kilograms of sugar per year, a Russian - about forty. This is very high performance.

How is such a huge number collected? A can of Pepsi-Cola or other carbonated drinks contains about ten teaspoons of sugar. How many of these jars do our children drink per day? Many can boast that it is three or even five! We always drink tea or coffee, which is also sweet. How much sugar do you gain in a year from drinks alone?

Many people try not to add sugar to their food. But they have no idea how much sugar enters their body from hidden sources. Muesli and cereals, ketchup and salad sauces contain a lot of sugar. What about canned fruit? You may be surprised: the word “sugar” is often not on the labels. Yes, sugar is often hidden under other names: corn syrup, dextrose, glucose. But you still consume sugar.

Walk through the grocery section of any supermarket and the shelves are filled with temptingly packaged cookies, waffles, cereals, breakfast cereals, instant cereals and the like. And everywhere there is sugar, sugar, sugar!

Most people are convinced that a little sugar won't hurt them. However, if you regularly eat dead food from the grocery aisle, then serious health problems are just around the corner. I want to talk about what disorders sugar causes in the body.

Diabetes and hypoglycemia

Everyone knows that with diabetes, blood sugar levels are always elevated. But there is also such a pathology as hypoglycemia - low blood glucose levels. It seems absurd - how can there be little sugar in the blood if I eat a lot of it? The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which breaks down sugar and reduces its content. Sometimes, if a person is used to eating a lot of sweets - cookies, pies, sweets, soda - then the body begins to produce excess insulin. In this case, the blood sugar level drops below normal. The person experiences weakness, dizziness, dark vision, and shaking hands.


Sugar is the main culprit in the obesity epidemic that has affected countries with European-style civilization. I remember a woman came to see me. She complained: “How long have I been on a diet with low content fat, I only eat Lenten dishes, but I’m still gaining weight.” During the conversation, it turned out that at work this lady constantly sucks small mint candies so that her breath can be fresh when communicating with clients. A fair amount of sugar came out per day. Without knowing it, she was preventing herself from losing weight.

I explained to the patient that every time a peppermint candy was placed in her mouth, her pancreas began to produce insulin. And the body received a signal to store fat, since high levels of insulin stimulate fat deposition. This is why diabetics, when they start taking insulin, gain ten to fifteen kilograms so quickly. Many people fall into this trap: they eat sweets, insulin levels rise, and the body stores fat reserves. In addition, increased insulin levels lower blood sugar levels, and a person develops cravings for sweets. He pounces on sweets - and the cycle begins again.

Decreased immunity

Sugar weakens the immune system by affecting T-lymphocytes, which kill viruses and malignant cells. It also weakens B lymphocytes, which produce protective antibodies. Sugar negatively affects phagocytes - cells that protect the body from bacteria. Eating a few cookies, a piece of sweet pie or a couple of donuts (one hundred grams of carbohydrates) reduces the ability of phagocytes to fight microorganisms by half. People with a sweet tooth are very susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.

Behavioral disorders

Sugar causes various disorders behavior. For example, the development of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is largely associated with excessive consumption of sweets. Nowadays this disorder is becoming more common, as many children become “sugaraholics.” A number of researchers believe that there is a connection between excess sugar consumption and criminal behavior. Sweets cause euphoria, a feeling of high. When the high wears off, the person experiences irritation, anger, and becomes cruel. Irritability and inappropriate or even criminal behavior are frequent accompaniments of hypoglycemia.


Sugar contributes to the development of vitamin deficiencies and minerals and, as a consequence, the occurrence of osteoporosis. It creates an acidic environment in the body. To reduce acidity and restore acid-base balance, the body requires calcium. If we get little calcium from food, then internal reserves are used - from the bones. A decrease in calcium content in bones leads to osteoporosis.


We have already said that yeast fungi are pathogenic microflora intestines. Yeast loves sugar very much. Yeast lives in the intestines of most people, but in moderation. When we eat a lot of sweets, we turn our intestines into a yeast plantation. Do you remember how often your stomach would swell after eating sweets? Add alcohol to this environment and the stomach becomes a mini-brewery. The “beer belly” is the result of the “commonwealth” of sugar, yeast and alcohol. What about fungal gynecological infections that often affect women? With excessive sugar consumption, they thrive.

Sugar addiction

The increase in the production of tobacco and alcohol products has created millions of people addicted to nicotine and alcohol. The same can be said about sugar. It is easily addictive. How many people start modestly - with one liver - and, unable to stop, eat the whole box. They cannot control their addiction.

The Bible classifies drunkenness and gluttony as one category of vices. “Be not among those who are drunk with wine, nor among those who are full of meat; for the drunkard and the one who is full will become poor...” (Proverbs 23:20-21).

Sugar addiction is revealed when I put a patient on a low-carbohydrate diet (for example, when treating yeast infections) and see how he goes into real withdrawal - the person becomes unbearably irritable. One day, my patient’s husband called me and moaned: “Doctor, do something! My wife turned into a fury - I’ve never seen her like this!”

Previously, they tried to sweeten bitter medicine for children by flavoring it with a spoonful of sugar or jam. The sweet worked flawlessly. We are now beginning to understand the dangers that lie in sweet treats.

What is bread?

Another type of dead food is white flour. Take a slice of white bread, put it in a bowl and fill it with water. What happened? The bread has turned into a sticky mass - it can easily be used to glue wallpaper. And you probably didn’t even think that in the intestines bread also becomes a paste that seals colon and causes constipation?

I'll tell you how they do it White bread. Listen to my words. First, whole wheat grains are peeled, depriving them of valuable dietary fiber and vitamin IN, (thiamine). Then the germinal parts are removed, which contain essential nutrients: many vitamins IN, vitamin E and microelements. It is not without reason that the shells of wheat grains (fiber) and germs are sold separately in specialized health food stores.

What remains? Starchy substances. This residue is ground into a fine powder. In order for the flour to become dazzling white, bleaching agents are added to it. But even if there is still some life glimmering in the flour, it disappears in the oven. There is almost no biological value in baked goods, so some cheap vitamins and microelements are added to them. And “enriched” bread goes on sale.

I am a doctor, and it is very disturbing to me that advertising products everywhere promise better health, when in fact consuming them often leads to the opposite result. When you eat white bread, the new cells in your body do not receive the necessary raw materials - you are not building a strong temple or a stone house, but a shabby shack. Imagine filling holes in a tiled roof with straw. What do you think will happen to the roof during a storm?

Remember that bread pasta and refined (white) rice are starchy foods. In the body, starch is converted into sugars. Do you like bread? Buy whole grain. This the only way receive benefits that are removed in every possible way from ordinary bread. Eat unhulled (brown) rice and whole grain pasta.

Meat troubles

In civilized countries, the level of cardiovascular diseases and cancer is very high. The reason for this is high consumption meat. Those who are accustomed to living on bologna sandwiches, sausages, pork chops, factory cutlets and other hamburgers have to suffer the consequences of poor nutrition.

I know that Seventh-day Adventist Christians who follow the Old Testament dietary laws get sick less often and live longer than most Americans. Cases cardiovascular diseases and cancer is very rare among them. Most Adventists are strict vegetarians. They eat only plant foods - no meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nothing dairy. But among them there are also those who sometimes allow themselves to eat eggs and dairy products and drink milk.

Over the years of work, I have become convinced that it is vital for people with diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease to significantly reduce their meat consumption. Those who are accustomed to eating meat dishes three times a day will have to limit themselves to one meal. You can leave chicken, turkey and fish, and allow yourself beef only occasionally, and then only environmentally friendly and lean.

German physician Max Gerson, a proponent of orthomolecular medicine, which uses various diseases certain nutrients in appropriate quantities, tested its healing power on myself. When he was young, he started having severe migraines. Terrible attacks repeated three times a week and completely incapacitated him. Gerson turned to his colleagues for advice. “We can’t help,” they sighed. “When you reach forty-five or fifty-five years old, migraines will go away on their own.” Then Gerson switched to a special diet. He started with milk, thinking that if children are fed with milk, then it is certainly healthy and healing. But the headaches did not go away. Then he remembered the monkeys, who practically do not suffer from headaches. What do they eat? Fruits, vegetables and nuts. Gerson decided to start with apples.

As soon as he switched to apples, the migraines stopped. Gerson began researching which foods could trigger headaches. He added one product at a time to his diet - various fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products. If the migraines recurred when consuming a particular product, Gerson excluded it from the diet.

The result of this research was the widely known Gerson Therapy. With its help, not only migraines are cured. It significantly improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. There are known cases of remission of cancer. The basis of Gerson's therapy is the use of natural, environmentally friendly plant products and complete abstinence from animal protein.


Reverend George Malkmus, who has long been traveling around the world preaching about proper nutrition, at the age of forty-two, he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The tumor reached the size of a baseball. The disease also claimed his mother. He remembered how painfully she died, despite the operation and subsequent chemotherapy. Doctors offered him the same treatment regimen. But the priest refused: “No way!”

He sought help from a close friend who believed in the healing power of healthy eating. On his advice, Malkmus gave up sugar, meat, milk and all processed foods. He switched to fruits and raw vegetables, that is, he began to eat live food. Every day Malkmus drank one or two liters carrot juice. He added barley sprouts, rich in chlorophyll and biologically active substances, to his diet. The result was stunning. The skin cleared, the energy was in full swing. And the tumor disappeared without a trace.

Excess protein

Excessive consumption of animal protein (meat and dairy products, cheese, eggs) overloads organs and cells. Excess protein disrupts metabolic processes in cells. Protein changes acid-base balance in tissues - the environment becomes acidic. And in an acidic environment, the removal of waste products is difficult, and the cells become overloaded with waste and toxic substances. Since protein diets are now very popular, I will dwell on this issue in more detail below.

Remember in the chapter on cleansing the body I talked about how I fought psoriasis? To this day, if I start to indulge in squirrels, the symptoms return. Thanks to psoriasis, I learned to strictly monitor my diet.

I am not a militant vegetarian who has taken up the fight for the complete abolition of meat throughout the world. But I want people suffering from heart disease, arthritis, cancer, psoriasis and other serious chronic diseases to know what I know. Then, by reducing their meat consumption, they will be able to improve their health.

If you are unable to give up meat, always carefully choose the leanest varieties. The best are chicken and turkey breasts, and from beef and veal - sirloin and rump. These parts are considered environmentally friendly. Remember that most of the most toxic substances accumulate in fat. Many people like to treat themselves to ribs, without thinking about the fact that they are almost half fat.

But if you give up meat and other sources of animal protein, then where can you get the proteins your body needs? Balanced diet, which contains some lean meat and quite a lot of legumes, will completely satisfy your body's protein needs.

People who are engaged in bodybuilding or sit on protein diets simply stuff themselves with proteins. They cause great harm to the kidneys and other organs. I know this from myself - there was a time when I was passionate about squirrels. Not only my kidneys, but my skin and joints were damaged. As soon as I reduced my protein intake, the condition of these organs improved dramatically.

And more about the dangers of meat

Typically, the meat we eat contains industrial chemicals that can wreak havoc on the body. When putting a piece of meat into their mouth, few people think about the antibiotics they eat with it. Most poultry producers give chickens and turkeys antibiotics, particularly tetracycline, to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

Cattle are fed antibiotics so that they do not get sick, that is, they gain more meat. Animals are given hormones for the same purpose. In addition, cows graze on pastures treated with pesticides. All these are dangerous for human body substances accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals.

You might say that you eat meat without fat. But I beg to differ: even the leanest parts - chicken breast or veal tenderloin - still contain small layers of fat. When you consume any animal fat, antibiotics, hormones and pesticides enter your body and are deposited in your tissues. Over time, enough of them accumulate to cause serious problems.

Buy only organic meat - ask for a certificate. Then you will protect yourself as much as possible from pesticides.

Children, drink milk - you will be healthy

"Don't forget to drink milk!" How many times in childhood have we heard these words! Yes, milk is indispensable for babies, otherwise God would not have given a woman the ability to breastfeed children. But let's look at the question from the other side. In my practice, I often treated children with chronic diseases of the ears, nose and throat and other infections. Most of these children were allergic to milk. I recommended soy or rice milk instead of cow's milk, and in many cases the illnesses went away.

I'm sure that when you eat cheese, butter or drink milk, then you are setting yourself up for problems - many people’s bodies, to one degree or another, cannot tolerate this food.

Milk is usually pasteurized, that is, subjected to high temperature. Processing occurs much more intensively than with boiling. At the same time, milk protein changes its structure, and in such a way that the human body cannot always absorb it. As a result, a milk allergy develops.

Many are convinced that milk should be drunk, since it is the main source of calcium.

However, during pasteurization, calcium turns into inorganic form and is difficult to absorb. That's why many nutritionists recommend getting calcium from other sources - soybeans, nuts, and seeds are rich in this element.

Many diseases are often associated with milk intolerance, for example, skin rash, eczema, ear infections, allergic runny nose, chronic sinusitis, increased fatigue and intestinal inflammation. If you or your children have any of these ailments, avoid dairy products. Sit for a week or ten days without milk, butter, yogurt and other dairy products and look at the result. I am confident that your condition will improve.

Salt? Put away!

Salt is another dead food that should be avoided. No wonder it is called the white death. Every day we consume from ten to twenty grams of salt. You will say that you don’t even touch the salt shaker. It doesn't matter - there is plenty of salt in the food you eat. Almost all prepared and semi-finished products contain a lot of salt. Why do they put it there? Salt is an excellent preservative; salty foods last longer without refrigeration.

Salt can cause high blood pressure. Approximately every fourth American and every third resident of Russia suffers from hypertension - and this is tens of millions of people. Almost every day I encounter blood pressure problems at my appointment. As a rule, I ask patients to avoid processed and prepared foods (they contain a lot of salt) and be sure to drink eight glasses of clean water a day. Usually this is enough to bring the pressure back to normal.

Eggs and allergies

Along with dairy products, eggs are a source of strong allergens. Eggs contain a lot of protein. During cooking, the protein heats up and changes structure. In its new form, it is poorly absorbed by the body and often causes allergic reactions. Eggs are healthy, but many people don't tolerate them well.

So, we meet several times a day with three strong food allergens- these are eggs, milk and wheat (usually in that order). Wheat contains gluten (gluten). This name combines some proteins found in cereal grains. Some people (about one in six) have hypersensitivity to gluten, which manifests itself in ligament pain, gastrointestinal problems, eczema and anemia. These disorders completely disappear within two to three weeks if removed from the diet. flour products, semolina porridge etc. Gluten can cause acute allergic reaction in children (“wheat allergy”), and in rare cases even provoke celiac disease - a genetic disease that leads to damage to the villi small intestine and serious digestive disorders. An allergy to wheat, as a rule, goes away with age, but celiac disease requires compliance special diet throughout life.

Often people get caught in a vicious cycle. The stomach and the initial portion of the small intestine are often inflamed due to medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, etc.) or increased acidity. Due to inflammation, absorption is impaired, and when such a person drinks milk (casein), eats eggs (albumin) or wheat (plen), incompletely digested proteins enter the bloodstream. In this form, the body perceives them as enemies and begins to produce antibodies. It turns out that the forces immune system are wasted - it fights with those substances that the body needs. It's like driving a car with a leaking gas tank. The battlefield becomes the intestines, where antigens (that is, incompletely digested protein foods) fight with antibodies. As a result, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract suffers - it is destroyed even more, which contributes to the further development of inflammation, allergies and the appearance of intolerance to other products. The circle closes.

I have treated patients who were completely devastated by allergies to many types of food, as well as dust, mold, pollen, animal dander, and God knows what else. They came to me exhausted, with dark circles under their eyes. But as soon as milk, eggs and wheat were removed from their diet for a week, the condition of the sufferers improved significantly.

We eat live food

Are you ready to change your diet to something that will bring you energy and health? Here are four tips to help you in this good endeavor.

Use linseed oil And fish fat

We all need to receive daily healthy fats. They are needed by the heart, skin, hair - in a word, every organ. You can’t do without fats - they nourish and strengthen cell membranes. I recommend flaxseed oil one tablespoon once or twice a day. Keep the bottle of oil in the refrigerator as it will only last for a month if opened.

Natural olive oil labeled “Virgin” or “ExtraVirgin” is also an excellent source of healthy fats. Store it in a dark, dry, cool (but not cold) place for up to a year. Do not use flaxseed or olive oil for frying or sautéing, and never heat it.

With frequent colds, poor condition of bones and teeth, decreased vision, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and cancer diseases, fish oil is very useful. Please note that there are contraindications to taking it, so before drinking fish oil, be sure to consult your doctor. Fish oil should not be taken long time, only in courses - two or three times a year for a month.

Eat nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are raw foods, the benefits of which for the body can hardly be overestimated. I regularly eat sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts. The best nuts are almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. Almonds contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids and about twenty percent protein. If you are unfamiliar with nuts, start with small portions, otherwise you may experience digestive problems. Gradually increase the rate.

You should not store nuts open for more than a month - they may go rancid. Then they will do you more harm than good. Keep nuts in plastic containers or sealed bags in the refrigerator. You can store the nuts in the freezer until you need them. Don't buy roasted or salted nuts.

Buy a juicer

I drink one or two glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice almost every day. The juice perfectly saturates the body with natural, unchanged useful substances. I highly recommend that you purchase a juicer. You can make yourself an amazing cocktail, for example, from carrot and celery juices. By the way, the mixture of these juices makes an excellent soup. Remember a simple rule: You need to eat fruits and squeeze juice out of vegetables! Fruit juice can greatly raise your blood sugar levels. If you have a juicer - blender, then you can make thick drinks with pulp from fruits and vegetables. In addition to the juice, you also get fiber, which prevents your blood sugar from rising too much.

Juices are substances that are beneficial to the body in an easily digestible form. Freshly squeezed juices are much more more effective than vitamins and minerals in tablets. Artificial additives are also needed if the necessary elements cannot be obtained from natural products. But first of all, you need to make sure that you have a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits on the table. I always tell my patients: "Don't buy supplements and vitamin complexes indiscriminately - choose only what is absolutely necessary for your body and is not found in vegetables and fruits. Not more!"

Don't deprive yourself of chlorophyll

Green color Many vegetables are given chlorophyll, a substance without which life on earth would be impossible. And therefore green vegetables are essential foods. Sorrel, beet tops, spinach, celery, parsley, lettuce and other greens have protective, antiseptic, preventive, analgesic and therapeutic potential. Chlorophyll supports and strengthens the hematopoietic system, promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation, stimulates the immune system, blocks the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells and effectively removes toxins from the body.

It is not without reason that a drink containing equal amounts of carrot juice, celery juice and juice from leafy green vegetables with high content chlorophyll (eg parsley, lettuce, dark green cabbage) or from early barley and sorrel.

The drink I drink myself also contains wheatgrass leaf juice (which contains many important antioxidants) and chlorella and blue-green algae supplements. This drink contains a lot of chlorophyll, which perfectly cleanses the blood and intestines.

Combine products correctly

When you change your food type and switch to healthy food, the body does not have time to rebuild itself immediately. All sorts of troubles can start: increased gas formation, bloating, indigestion. It happens that people complain: “I feel worse than before.” This deterioration is due to the fact that a lot of toxic substances have accumulated in the body, and, having received full “fuel,” it cannot work properly. Besides, digestive system It takes time to switch to a new diet. You can help your body by using the following recommendations:

1. Eat fruits separately. When you eat fruits along with proteins (legumes, flour, dairy and meat dishes) and some vegetables, fermentation begins in the stomach. Remember, fruits are better than fruit juices, as the latter can cause a spike in blood sugar. The time to take fruit is in between main meals. It is very good to give children a banana or an apple as a snack instead of sweets.

2. Starchy and floury foods (potatoes, bread, pasta, corn) go best with vegetables (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans). In this combination, food is well absorbed even by very sensitive intestines.

3. The worst thing for a sensitive stomach is a combination of carbohydrates and proteins. Protein digestion requires high acidity. And for complete absorption of carbohydrates, the environment must be alkaline. When you eat potatoes with pork or dumplings, your intestines receive conflicting signals. As a result, indigestion may occur. Meat is good only with vegetables, but not with flour, potato and cereal dishes.

4. Take aloe juice - two to four tablespoons two to three times a day in between meals. Aloe relieves inflammation and promotes mucosal healing.

Eating the Strong

Recently, one of my patients doubted: “Is it really possible to live fully on fruits, vegetables and water alone?” I remembered watching a huge gorilla at the zoo. She was a real giantess - a powerful chest, mounds of muscles rolling under the skin. What does this giant eat? Donuts, cookies, hamburgers, sausage or meat? Nothing happened. Only bananas, fruits, vegetables and nuts. And hardly any of the most strong men wants to measure his strength with her.

What the Bible Says About Living Food

Adam and Eve received clear instructions from God about what to eat: “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has fruit yielding seed; “It will be food for you” (Genesis 1:29). And after the Fall and expulsion from paradise, people’s food for a long time was fruits and vegetables. And people then lived up to nine hundred years. After the flood, when the type of food changed significantly - people began to eat meat and cook food on fire - life expectancy decreased to one hundred years.

Moses lived to be one hundred and twenty years old, but, as Scripture testifies, “his sight was not dull, nor his strength wasted” (Deuteronomy 34:7). The Old Testament tells us amazing story, indicating the benefit of a healthy diet. The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem and the king of Judah. The conqueror ordered the chief of the eunuchs to select for him Israeli youths - from the royal and princely family - to serve at court. The requirements were high: to have “no physical defect, to be beautiful in appearance, and to understand all science, and to understand science, and to be intelligent and fit to serve in the king’s palace, and to teach them the books and the language of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4). Among the youths was Daniel, a gifted young man “from the sons of Judah.” “And the king appointed them daily food from the king’s table, and wine, which he himself drank” (Dan 1:5). According to many biblical scholars, the Babylonian king preferred meat and fatty foods. He probably believed that a hearty meal would allow the youths to develop their abilities and gain wisdom.

Daniel refused the food offered, fearing to become defiled. “He asked the chief of the eunuchs not to be defiled. God granted Daniel the favor and favor of the chief of the eunuchs; and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my lord the king, who himself has appointed food and drink for you; If he sees your faces thinner than those of the youths your peers, then you will make my head guilty before the king” (Dan 1: 9-10).

Then young Daniel suggested a way out: “Make an experiment on your servants for ten days; let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink; and then let our faces and the faces of those youths who eat the king’s food appear before you, and then do to your servants as you see” (Dan 1:12-13).

What was the result? “And at the end of ten days their faces were more beautiful, and their bodies were fuller than all those youths who ate the king’s food” (Dan 1:15). Then the boss calmly began to feed them only vegetables.

And then Daniel and his comrades - Ananias, Mishael and Azariah - not only served the king faithfully, but “in every matter of wise understanding, whatever the king asked them, he found them ten times higher than all the mystical scholars and magicians who were in all his kingdom" (Dan 1:20).

The Bible, like life itself, gives us rules and laws to follow. What happens if a person decides to ignore the law of gravity and jumps from the roof of a house? If he doesn't fall to his death, he will suffer greatly. When we bypass the laws of nutrition, the same result awaits us. And the many chronic, often very serious diseases to which we are all susceptible are evidence of this.

I really hope you make healthy eating choices, eat more live foods, and enjoy health and strength.

Memo from Dr. Colbert

1. Every year, approximately 97% of your body is replaced by the food you eat.

2. Eat slowly to help your food digest better.

3. Do not drink cold drinks while eating.

4. Excess protein in the diet overloads the body and creates an acidic environment.

5. Eat live food - with it you will get the biologically active substances you need.

6. Try to avoid ready-to-eat industrial products, semi-finished products, and food that has been cooked for a long time.

7. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.

8. The less sugar, the better.

9. Eliminate baked goods and bread made from refined flour from your diet.

10. Choose whole grain bread.

11. Remember: you need to eat fruits and squeeze juice out of vegetables.

12. The source of protein for the body is a minimum of lean meat and a lot of legumes.

13. Eat healthy fats daily. Preferred over others are flaxseed oil, olive oil labeled “Virgin” and “ExtraVirgin” and fish oil.

14. Drink drinks containing chlorophyll every day.

15. Meat should be eaten with vegetables, and not with potato, cereal or flour products.