Peppermint essential oil and its uses. Useful properties and uses of peppermint essential oil

Erofeevskaya Natalya

A pleasant and soothing aroma of mint, slightly reminiscent of winter frost... Used by mankind since ancient times, a wonderful plant with lush green leaves has found wide application in medicine and cooking and has been successfully used in cosmetic compositions and procedures for many centuries.

Peppermint essential oil is produced by water distillation of plant inflorescences and their young leaves. The lightest in composition among menthols, mint oil is characterized by a powerful, dominant aroma - invigorating, fresh and cool. This bright, rich aroma is used in perfumery and food production, and the unique medicinal qualities of mint are used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Multifaceted in its characteristics, the oil has wide range methods of caring for the human skin and body with a clearly expressed anti-inflammatory effect.

Peppermint essential oil: properties and uses

Being medicinal, peppermint in dried or fresh form is characterized by diametrically opposite properties: soothing and relaxing, it is at the same time distinguished by a refreshing and tonic effect. All those qualities that are inherent in the natural plant are also characteristic of the essential mint oil obtained from it.

Essential oil Peppermint can have significantly different compositions, the content of which depends on several factors:

plant variety and growing conditions;
climatic conditions at the time of collection and method of obtaining the concentrate;
storage time of the finished product.

The basic active substance of mint ester is menthol (50-70% of the total volume), the most significant amount of oil is contained in the flowers of the plant, then in descending order - in the leaves and stems

Cosmetology and perfume production successfully uses the beneficial properties of the mint plant. In medical medical purposes Peppermint oil concentrate is used:

for migraines and epileptic attacks as a vasodilator;
to improve blood circulation and brain activity;
for hypotension, VSD and fainting;
normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
at menstrual problems, to enhance lactation during the feeding period;
as a disinfectant and antitussive;
With nervousness, psycho-emotional excitability and nervous exhaustion, the smell of ether drops will help.

The use of mint ether in such cases is possible in many ways: baths, compresses, rubbing, inhaling the aroma. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of mint: a couple of drops of oil on the pillow will ensure a restful and healthy sleep.

Peppermint essential oil for face

A woman always, regardless of the situation and time of year, wants to be beautiful. What to do if nature has given you oily skin prone to irritation and inflammation? The same mint ester will help your face, reducing the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors, which perfectly neutralizes various pathogenic microbes and reduces skin inflammatory reactions for nervous exhaustion and emotional crises. The moisture balance of the skin, which is maintained at the same time, will help optimize the secretion of subcutaneous fat and will assist in tightening the pores.

Almost all types of negative skin reaction the oil product can have an effective effect: spider veins (rosacea), acne(acne), erysipelas, scabies rashes, eczema, dermatitis and herpes on the lips. For hematomas and swelling, the applied cold compress with two to three drops of mint essential oil.

The beneficial properties of the ether include whitening age-related or resulting from active solar exposure age spots, alignment and improvement of facial tone. Two drops added to cosmetic milk peppermint oil with regular use (twice a day), they will help remove unwanted pigmentation on the face, and with an additional couple of drops of Damask, smooth out and lighten scars and scars. Dull and tired skin will regain its tone, gain radiance and elasticity: fine wrinkles will smooth out, and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Restrictions on the use of mint essential oil can be very sensitive skin: irritation and a strong burning sensation may occur during use.

With the help of this natural remedy are activated protective functions the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, the oil has an effective result in the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, as well as frostbite. The bactericidal, tonic and antioxidant properties of mint ester will be noticeably useful: the face will become toned, attractive and elastic, and fading and aging will slow down.

When inflammatory processes occur as a result of solar, household, thermal burns Peppermint oil in combination with lavender will have a quick and effective effect.

Essential oils for sensitive facial skin are rarely used in pure form: They are usually added to a proven cosmetic base - creams, tonics, cosmetic milk, lotions. The recommended dosage for enriching tonics and creams is one or two drops of ether per 10 g of base. Additionally, the use of mint ether in cosmetology is regulated by dosage: a small concentration will relieve irritation, soothe and refresh the skin, a slightly higher concentration will warm the skin by activating blood circulation and cause a blush.

Restrictions on use

Due to the high concentration active substances In a small unit of volume, ethers often limit their use:

Essential peppermint oil should not be used for the area around the eyes - the skin in this area is too thin and will immediately react with irritation and redness.
It is not advisable to use mint ether if you have an allergic rhinitis: the active smell of the oil can cause breathing problems and bronchodilator spasm.
There are individual contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.
The use of essential oil on the skin of children under 7 years of age is prohibited due to the high likelihood of skin reactions.
The use of this ester is not recommended for people who cannot tolerate the menthol smell of mint.

In other cases, you should be guided by the recommendations of specialists, common sense and your own feelings.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

A beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle is the dream of any woman, but only healthy, plump women can have such characteristics. vital energy hair. Peppermint essential oil will help put them in order:

used as an independent component, added in small quantities to the shampoo or conditioner used, the oil refreshes the scalp and stimulates blood circulation hair follicles, activating ;
the cleansing and refreshing properties of mint will help get rid of irritated, dry scalp, itching and dandruff;
the amazing ability of peppermint oil to cool in hot weather will make mint hair masks preferable in the sultry summer;
mint used in masks with the addition of other essential oils will restore the structure of damaged hair along the entire length, stop split ends, and make hair strong, elastic and shiny.

In masks, peppermint oil is successfully combined in smell and characteristics with ylang-ylang and lavender. To enrich shampoos and hair masks, take 1-2 drops of ether per 10 g of base product. Natural vegetable oils can also serve as the main product.

It is easy to prepare a rinse for healthy hair strengthening: add 3-4 drops of mint ether to a decoction of mint leaves (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). Rinse your hair with the prepared mixture and lightly rub it into the roots: regular use will result in well-groomed and strong hair.

When using peppermint oil for hair, there are no restrictions other than those described above, but excessive concentration can cause an undesirable effect: applied to long time on hair, a significant proportion of the ether with its aroma can cause respiratory distress.

December 28, 2013, 10:57

The name “mint” is pleasant to both children and adults almost equally. Children love mint candies and chewing gum, and adults prefer mint in mouth fresheners, deodorants, cigarettes, soft drinks, teas... Mint smells great, tastes good and has valuable healing properties.

Peppermint oil. Properties

Mint is small, unremarkable green leaves. By water or steam distillation, mint oil is obtained from them, usually light yellow or greenish in color, with a characteristic cooling, bitter taste and strong odor. Over time, the oil may darken and become thicker.

Peppermint oil can quickly heal the body as a whole, and also have a positive effect. local impact. Peppermint oil can be used to:

1. Painkiller (for headaches, toothaches, insect bites, sunburns).

2. Anti-infectious, anti-viral (for infections with viral and infectious diseases).

3. Anti-inflammatory (counteracts infections of the upper respiratory tract, helps with acne, inflammation of injured areas of the skin and joints). Used for acute respiratory infections, flu, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.

4. Antiemetic (reduces the frequency and severity of nausea and vomiting). It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and is used in the treatment of gallstone disease.

5. Antiseptic (prevents infectious infection and stops the spread of infection in the body).

6. Antispasmodic (calms nervous and muscle pain spasms and colic, relieves dizziness, fainting, shock).

7. Expectorant (helps remove accumulated internal mucus).

8. Calming (strengthens and tones nervous system, relieves pain in the heart, angina and arrhythmia).

9. Stimulating (has a positive effect on uterine contractions during childbirth, a positive effect on the regularity of the menstrual cycle).

10. Cosmetic (for the care of aging, wrinkle-prone, irritated and).

10. If the body is prone to motion sickness on long trips, rub the chest area and lower abdomen with four drops of oil before leaving.

11. To warm up faster in the cold season, just drop one drop of oil on your tongue and try to strongly inhale the aroma through your sinuses.

12. The same drop of oil on the tongue helps get rid of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

13. To cool down in the hot summer heat, just drink a glass cold water mixed with a drop of peppermint oil.

14. A drop of oil added to a glass hot water has the same invigorating effect on the body as a cup of freshly prepared coffee.

15. Inhale the aroma of mint oil before a feast - it curbs the desire to overeat and helps reduce appetite.

16. For tired feet, take a hot bath for ten minutes with the addition of mint oil (two drops). You can add additional honey (1 teaspoon) or oil. This helps relieve signs of painful inflammation and swelling from the ankles and feet.

17. For relief from arthritis and tendinitis, rub essential peppermint oil onto the sore areas. This will help alleviate discomfort and relieve pain.

Peppermint essential oil. Use in everyday life

1. If rats, mice, ants or cockroaches appear in the house, add two drops of oil peppermint on a cotton swab and spread along the baseboards, possible ways entry of these pests.

2. To eliminate aphids on affected plants, add five drops of oil to 100 ml of water and use to spray the plants.

3. To protect against mosquitoes, place three drops of oil in your palms and rub on open areas of the body.

4. Peppermint oil is very useful for car drivers. Just a few drops of oil can improve the microclimate in the cabin and help the driver be more vigilant. The aroma of mint perfectly relieves fatigue and physical stress. The oil has such a positive effect at elevated mental stress(during study, in preparation for exams).

Peppermint oil. Contraindications

1. As always, oil should not be used if you have individual intolerance or hypersensitivity.

2. You should not use oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

3. Use the oil with extreme caution if you have sleep disorders, allergies to odors, or signs of increased excitability.

We all love mint, its divine aroma and small carved leaves and always try to have it on hand. Peppermint essential oil should also always be in your home. Add it to and be healthy, strong and vitally active! Health and good luck!

Peppermint oil refers to all variations of oils from plants belonging to the mint genus. These plants are endowed with a cooling and invigorating aroma; they are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery and cooking. The most famous are two types of oils: peppermint and meadow mint.

In fact, the plants are not much different. Peppermint - cultivated plant obtained by crossing wild species. Meadow mint, also known as field mint, is a wild-growing species that can be found in fields, meadows and near the shores of reservoirs. Both types are perennial plant, sometimes reaching 1 m in height. But there is some difference in the content of essential oils in their structure: in peppermint there is a little more of it. However, in both peppermint and meadow mint, beneficial components predominate, which are highly valued in the oils of both types.

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    Composition and beneficial properties

    Peppermint essential oil contains a substance called menthol. It is this that gives the product so many beneficial properties. In percentage equivalent, the amount of menthol in the oil varies from 29 to 48%. It cools perfectly and relieves irritation. In addition to it, the following valuable components stand out:

    • menthone - this component of the oil is often used for flavoring purposes, for example, in toothpaste and medicinal creams;
    • phellandrene - a substance with a bright mint smell, copes well with wrinkles and evens out complexion;
    • limonene is a harmless component with a citrus scent, is an excellent alternative to alcohol in cosmetics, disinfects and whitens;
    • pinene - an element with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects;
    • cineole - is an antiseptic, has an expectorant effect, and is often added to creams, as it is endowed with rejuvenating properties.

    Due to such a rich chemical composition Peppermint oil has found wide application. The product was especially loved by its adherents traditional medicine. It's being used for the treatment of colds, heartburn and dizziness, for skin and hair care.

    Methods of using the product

    Peppermint oil is an amazing remedy that can be used in a variety of ways at home. Its tonic aroma helps relieve nervous tension and get rid of fatigue. Aromatherapy using it calms and energizes at the same time. Most convenient way relax - take a bath with a few drops of mint oil. In addition, inhaling the aroma of the product can reduce headaches.

    Instructions for use are not limited to the relaxing effect of the oil. For medical purposes it is used for nasal congestion, cough, and for inhalation. The methods of use are simple and accessible to everyone.

    For health problems

    There are several ways to alleviate the condition of someone suffering from a cold. Therapy using this excellent remedy allows for a faster resolution of the disease. Directions for use:

    • If the patient does not have a fever, inhalation procedures should be performed. To do this, you need to boil a liter of water and add 8 drops of the product to it. The vapors are inhaled while covering your head with a blanket.
    • Simply inhaling the aroma of the oil will help relieve nasal congestion. You can get rid of a runny nose by lubricating the wings of your nose with the product before going to bed. It is permissible to instill 1 drop into each nostril. The procedure should also be carried out before bedtime.
    • If the patient suffers from a dry cough, it is necessary to rub chest using a few drops of the product.

    The effectiveness of mint essential oil for nausea and heartburn is noticeable. Inhaling the aroma of the product will help reduce attacks of nausea, and in order to relieve heartburn, you need to take 2 drops of oil orally with a teaspoon of kefir. The property of a wonderful plant to relieve nausea sometimes becomes a real salvation for women during toxicosis during pregnancy. And in combination with olive oil, it effectively fights stretch marks, so you can gently wipe the skin of the abdomen with it.

    For facial skin

    The product is suitable for any skin type, and there are many recipe options based on it. In combination with some additional ingredients you can achieve various actions.To cleanse the epidermis and saturate it with oxygen, the following combination of components is effective:

    • 1 tablespoon of cosmetic clay;
    • 2 drops each of mint, lemon and almond oil.

    The clay is heated and mixed with oils. Ready mixture Apply to facial skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off. This simple method will improve your complexion and relieve inflammation. The skin will become cleaner when constant use the number of age wrinkles decreases.

    A combination of mint and jojoba oil will help get rid of acne. Mix 2 drops of each product and apply to skin using a cotton swab. The delicate area around the eyes should be avoided.

    The following method is effective in the fight against acne and blackheads:

    1. 1. You need to take 200 ml of purified water, add 1/2 teaspoon of alcohol to it and pour in 3 drops of mint oil.
    2. 2. Use the resulting lotion to wipe problem areas of the skin twice a day.
    3. 3. The product can be used daily, and it is stored in this form for two weeks.
    4. 4. After 10 days, there is a noticeable improvement in skin condition.

    For damaged hair

    The range of actions that the product has on hair is very wide. Oily shine is removed from hair, it becomes less dull and strengthened. To do this, just add a few drops to the shampoo. In some cases, it even helps combat dandruff. When using the product in hair care, you should follow the recommended proportions. Excess oil can cause scalp irritation.

Peppermint perennial herbaceous plant reaching a height of 80-100 cm. Peppermint does not occur in the wild. It is cultivated in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and some regions of Russia. Peppermint essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant using steam distillation. Basics active substance peppermint oil - menthol. The finished mint essential oil has a subtle refreshing aroma and a light yellow or light green color.

The main effects of mint essential oil on internal organs and systems: stimulation of the nervous system, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant, diuretic, anthelmintic, inhibiting milk secretion.

The impact of mint essential oil on the psycho-emotional sphere. Peppermint essential oil relieves emotional stress, calms the nerves, and helps overcome insomnia associated with stressful situations. In addition, it stimulates mental activity, clears the mind, and helps you focus on completing your tasks.

The effect of mint essential oil on the human bioenergetic field. Yin scent. Peppermint oil can cleanse energetic breathing and stimulate the renewal and filling of energy fields. Gives confidence in the future and helps to open up more to people and the world. At the bioenergetic level, it protects against diseases and injuries. Protects a person from the evil eye, including his own.

The use of mint essential oil in cosmetology.

Nail care: Due to its antifungal properties, mint essential oil is indicated for the prevention and treatment of fungal nail diseases.

Hair care: Peppermint oil is very beneficial for hair care. The cooling effect of peppermint oil helps relieve itchy scalp. Peppermint essential oil also helps get rid of lice. Peppermint oil has an antiseptic, regenerating and stimulating effect, making it a stimulant for people suffering from baldness. The use of mint essential oil makes hair shiny and healthy.

Skin care: Peppermint essential oil contains menthol, which is good for. Peppermint oil reduces sebum production and also tightens and cleanses pores. Peppermint essential oil refreshes the skin and relieves signs of fatigue. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, mint oil eliminates and improves the skin's protective barrier. This oil is also indicated for skin prone to rosacea.

Household uses of peppermint essential oil. Peppermint oil repels and relieves inflammation after their bites. Peppermint essential oil is useful as a repellent against mice, rats, cockroaches, and ants.

Use of mint essential oil in cooking. Peppermint essential oil is widely used in cooking. It is used in the preparation of sweets, ice cream, cakes, pastries and other confectionery products. Mint oil is also added to salad dressings and marinades. Peppermint essential oil is used to flavor tea, vodka, wine and other alcoholic beverages.

Peppermint essential oil dosages:

Method of application Dosage (drops) Indications for use
4-6 drops per 15 m2 stress, nervous tension, respiratory diseases of the respiratory system
2 nausea, motion sickness in transport,
1 drop with honey, jam 2-3 times a day. Wash it down with tea, kefir, yogurt, juice. nausea, gas, stomach and intestinal cramps, heartburn, lack of appetite
2-6 nasal congestion, headache, muscle pain
6 drops per 15 g of oil muscle pain, nasal congestion
Enrichment of cosmetics for 10 g. cosmetic product 3-5 oils rosacea, acne, dandruff, itchy skin
Fortification of wine, vodka and dry tea for a volume of 200 g - 6-8 drops
2-4 respiratory diseases of the respiratory system
genitourinary system infections
8-10 drops per 200 ml of water headache, muscle pain, injury, burn

Indications for use of mint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil has the ability to treat upset stomach, breathing problems, headache, nausea, fever, stomach and intestinal cramps.

For the digestive system. Peppermint oil improves digestion, reduces gas formation, increases appetite, eliminates nausea and heartburn. Peppermint oil helps relax smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract without the use of drugs. For this purpose, you can dissolve 2-3 drops of mint essential oil in a glass of water and drink it after eating.

Dentistry. Peppermint oil, thanks to its antiseptic properties, very useful in dentistry. Peppermint essential oil eliminates bad breath and helps protect teeth and gums from dangerous microbes. Mint removes little toothache and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Nausea and headache. Peppermint essential oil is good remedy for eliminating nausea and headaches at home. To quickly relieve headaches, simply apply a compress with peppermint essential oil to your forehead.

To prepare a compress, take a clean cotton cloth or a piece of gauze and dip it in a solution of cool water and essential oil (8-10 drops of essential oil per 200 ml of water), squeeze and apply to the forehead. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

By inhaling peppermint oil you can fight nausea and motion sickness in transport.

Stress. Peppermint oil can relieve stress, depression and mental exhaustion. This oil also eliminates feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

Infections urinary tract. Peppermint essential oil has rich antibacterial properties, making it useful for treating urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Respiratory diseases. Menthol, which is large quantities Contained in peppermint oil, helps cleanse Airways. Peppermint essential oil is also an effective expectorant and hence provides instant, albeit temporary, relief from numerous respiratory diseases, including nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs.

Anesthesia. Peppermint essential oil is used externally in the form of compresses and massage to relieve muscle pain and headaches. The pain-relieving properties of peppermint oil are due to its cooling and anti-inflammatory abilities.

The immune system . Peppermint essential oil can boost immunity. Peppermint oil is also known as a powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal agent. Peppermint oil contains camphor, menthol and carvacrol, which are resistant to certain dangerous bacterial strains, such as coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

Circulation . The stimulating effect of peppermint oil increases blood circulation. Studies have shown that once peppermint essential oil vapor reaches the olfactory nerve endings, heart rate and blood circulation instantly increase. The stimulating effect of increased blood circulation helps increase metabolism and increase the supply of oxygen to the body's organs and brain.

Contraindications to the use of mint essential oil.

Peppermint essential oil is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Excessive use of mint essential oil may cause headaches, heartburn, and allergic reactions.

If you have any chronic diseases, before using peppermint oil, consult your doctor.

Peppermint oil should not be used simultaneously with homeopathic remedies.

Long-term use of mint oil before bed can have a stimulating effect and lead to insomnia.

Combination with other essential oils.

Peppermint essential oil goes well with essential oils of marjoram, clary sage, cedar, pine and all citrus oils.

All essential oils are extremely popular, which is why they are so often used in aromatherapy, cosmetology, folk healing, traditional medicine, everyday life Among the esters, peppermint oil is especially valued, which is famous for its coolness and ability to calm the nervous system. How else is a composition that can be obtained everywhere used today? Let's study the main aspects one by one.

Effect of mint ether

Not many people know that the oil mixture is obtained by steam distillation of the top part of peppermint. According to their own external characteristics the ether is transparent, greenish or slightly yellowish. By smell, you can only confuse mint with lemon balm. The oil smells rich and fresh, just like the plant itself.

We got acquainted with the features, highlight the properties and effects on the human body.

  1. Calms the nervous system when used as aromatherapy. Normalizes the psycho-emotional environment, helps to cope with depressive disorders and stress.
  2. Used to relieve pain, particularly muscle spasms. Relieves pain in joints and ligaments.
  3. It is used with great success for toothaches, headaches, and frequent migraines. Removes dependence on the weather, making a person feel much better.
  4. Effective for abdominal pain. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Disinfects oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odor.
  5. Useful for asthenic disorders, easily eliminates nausea, motion sickness, dizziness and heartburn. Affects brain neurons, stimulating them and improving memory.
  6. Valued by people who have difficulties with the respiratory system. Clears the airways of phlegm and mucus, alleviates asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
  7. It has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, therefore it is used to treat colds. Accelerates the outflow of bile, removes excess fluid and fights swelling.
  8. Relieves pain when menstrual cycle, increases hemoglobin levels. Used by athletes to combat muscle spasms, pain in the lower back and joints.
  9. Treats rosacea, restores the psyche during emotional stress, increases the reserve of strength and energy. Removes chronic fatigue, soothes and helps you sleep.
  10. Responsible for blood circulation throughout the body, reduces the likelihood of spasms and fragility of blood vessels. Enriches cells with oxygen, improves heart function and cognitive abilities.

Restrictions on use

Each composition has its own list of prohibitions that should not be violated. Peppermint essential oil is not one of the exceptions, so you need to know what restrictions on its use it has.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the product on the sensitive area of ​​the skin near the eyes. The epidermis in this area is dehydrated and does not have enough muscle. The oil will cause irritation.
  2. If you have been identified allergic runny nose, you should stop using peppermint oil. Otherwise, the ether may cause bronchospasms or difficulty breathing.
  3. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a doctor before using the product in question. Contraindications cannot be excluded.
  4. If you cannot stand the aroma of menthol, you should not use this composition for any purpose. Also prohibited for use by children under seven years of age.

Essential oils are useful for rejuvenation; most often, mint extract is added to masks for the face and scalp. The composition heals various problems, including inflammatory processes and fungus.

For face

  1. Peppermint ether is widely used to relieve irritation, heal microcracks, and dry out acne. For this purpose, it must be mixed with lavender ether, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting product lubricates the skin locally.
  2. The composition also helps relieve itching after insect bites, cure burns from contact with poisonous plants. To help fight psoriasis and eczema, dermatitis, and comedones, mint ether is combined with citrus oil in the same amount. The skin is treated with the product locally.
  3. The main value of this type of oil lies in its ability to increase the protective barrier of the epidermis. After use, an invisible film remains on the skin, which prevents the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the lower layers of the dermis and protects the face from wind, frost, and poor ecology.
  4. Apply ether with great benefit in the presence of vascular networks and early stages acne. The difference between this ester and the others is that it does not clog pores and sebaceous ducts. Therefore, sebum production is normalized and shine disappears.
  5. To saturate your usual facial cosmetics with antiseptic and rejuvenating properties, 50 g. cream or lotion, just add 1 drop of ether.
  6. If for unknown reasons you cannot use Ether tea tree, it is replaced with mint oil. The ether is combined with a couple of drops of tocopherol in ampoules, then rubbed over problem areas of the face.

For hair

  1. Peppermint essential oil is widely used in medical applications. The oil has good antispasmodic and analgesic properties. The product removes muscle spasms And painful sensations. Ether oil is often prescribed to patients for treatment pain syndromes of various nature.
  2. In addition to the described properties, ether copes well with severe headaches. To cope with the problem, you should combine 25 ml. base oil with 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and begin to rub the composition into the temple area with massaging movements.
  3. To cope with cold symptoms and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, you should use simple recipe. Body temperature will also decrease. To combat fever, mix warm peppermint oil (3 drops) and 30 ml in a suitable cup. coconut Rub ready-made remedy feet, neck and legs.
  4. It is also worth noting that the product, prepared from equal parts of oils, perfectly fights inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and effectively eliminate toothache. Swelling on the gums disappears. Rub the composition into the oral mucosa.
  5. Regular use of ether will help eliminate spasms in the large intestine. As a result, indigestion goes away and the symptoms of bloating go away. To cope with the problem, dilute it in 230 ml. water at room temperature 1 drop of mint oil. Take the drink 20 minutes before your meal.
  6. To get rid of bad breath, you should prepare a similar solution. Only the amount of ether needs to be increased to 3 drops. Rinse your mouth with the solution after waking up and before going to bed.
  7. The product performed well in the fight against fears, increased anxiety and nervousness. To improve a person’s psycho-emotional background, it is enough to fill the aroma pendant with peppermint ether and wear the jewelry daily. An oil-soaked handkerchief is an alternative. Inhale the aroma regularly.
  8. As mentioned earlier, the product is great at helping to quickly overcome colds, as well as cough. It is recommended to add the oil to baths, make inhalations and all kinds of compresses based on it.
  9. The oil is most beneficial for nausea. The composition helps to recover faster after an injury surgery and chemotherapy. To do this, just add 2 drops of ether into a glass of water. Take the drink twice a day. The oil can also be rubbed into the area behind the ear. This move helps fight nausea.

Peppermint essential oil in aromatherapy

  1. Systematic use of mint product in aroma pendants and aroma lamps helps fight appetite. This way you won’t have another desire to have something to eat. As an alternative, it is recommended to rub the oil on your wrists.
  2. Aromatherapy is considered an excellent remedy in the prevention and treatment of various viral diseases. Pleasant aroma effectively cleanses the airways and reduces sore throat. The oil has proven itself well against bronchial asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis.
  3. Regular inhalation of mint essential oil will help relieve nervous tension after a hard day at work. The psycho-emotional background of a person noticeably strengthens. You become more stress-resistant and calm, regardless of the situation. Wear an aroma pendant.

Peppermint essential oil has unique qualities and a pleasant aroma. The oil performed well in various areas. At correct use composition can be achieved desired results. Pleasant aroma and unique composition allow a person to normalize mental and physical health.

Video: mint essential oil