Gingivitis treatment drugs. Is it possible and how to treat gingivitis at home? Types of gingivitis and differences in treatment approach

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From this article you will learn:

  • what is gingivitis and how to treat it;
  • how to treat gingivitis in dentistry and at home;
  • about the main stages of treatment of various forms of the disease;
  • features of self-treatment - what to do, how to eat properly for gingivitis;
  • about effective medications;
  • about the cost of treating gingivitis.

Gingivitis is a superficial inflammation of the gums that occurs without compromising the integrity of the dentogingival junction. If the pathology worsens without assistance medical care the disease can progress, turning into a more serious destructive form -.

Typically, the inflammatory process develops as a result of the accumulation of microbial plaque on the teeth as a consequence poor hygiene oral cavity. In combination with incorrectly carried out orthodontic treatment Failure to comply with hygiene standards contributes to the intensive proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main risk factors include:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • accumulation of dental plaque;
  • bite pathology;
  • stress and depression;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • problematic fillings;
  • weak immunity;
  • deficiency of vitamin C in the body;
  • viral diseases (sore throat, influenza, ARVI, tuberculosis);
  • nasal breathing disorder.

With gingivitis, there are no pathological periodontal pockets, which determines treatment methods and its prognosis.

How to treat gingivitis

The most harmless and widespread form (over 90%) is considered to be catarrhal, and more serious and dangerous are ulcerative-necrotic and hypertrophic. The main symptoms are swelling, bleeding, as well as redness or cyanosis of the gums.

Depending on the form of the disease, symptoms and treatment differ, which is prescribed taking into account the characteristics of the clinical situation.

The method of treating gingivitis is determined after diagnosis, which will clarify the nature of the lesion and its severity:

  • analysis of patient complaints;
  • visual inspection;
  • blood analysis;
  • dental x-ray;
  • indices – bleeding and dental plaque.

Direct treatment of gingivitis includes the following steps:

  • thorough cleaning of teeth to get rid of all types of plaque (usually ultrasonic cleaning);
  • carrying out anti-inflammatory therapy - rinsing with antimicrobial agents (Furacilin,
  • Chlorhexidine, Furamistin) followed by the use of painkillers and healing drugs (Solcoseryl, Cholisal, Asepta gel);
  • carrying out antibacterial therapy based on herbal preparations - Salvin, Novoimanin, etc.;
  • surgical intervention according to indications (if necessary to remove necrotic areas and when
  • hypertrophic gingivitis;
  • restoration course necessary for the mucous membrane of the gums;
  • according to indications – orthodontic treatment.

About the features of treatment of various forms of the disease

Taking into account the diagnosed form of the disease - catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic, hypertrophic - a treatment method and the most effective drugs are selected.

With the catarrhal inflammatory process, the gums change their natural color and become redder, against the background painful sensations swelling and bleeding appear. By avoiding unnecessary touches to inflamed areas, patients cannot perform quality hygiene procedures, and thus plaque accumulates in even larger quantities, aggravating the situation. To get rid of inflammation on the gums, it is enough to schematically outline the procedure and immediately begin to implement it: carry out hygienic cleaning teeth using ultrasound, for some time use antiseptic solutions and antimicrobial drugs as prescribed by the doctor.

Gum hypertrophy is expressed in their growth and develops as a consequence of chronic catarrhal inflammation. Often this form of the disease is associated with endocrine changes in the body, so pregnant women, teenagers, and diabetics are at risk. Treatment process begins with mandatory removal of dental plaque and anti-inflammatory therapy.

If the doctor sees that it is not possible to effectively cure gingivitis, he prescribes sclerosing therapy, i.e. against the background of the use of painkillers, injections of special solutions (glucose, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride) are performed. In a more complex case of growth fibrous tissue Surgical excision of gingival tissue is indicated, followed by a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Ulcerative necrotic disease is classified as a complication of catarrhal gingivitis, the development of which is favored by weak immunity and the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body. This form of the disease is treated urgently, since the inflammation occurs in an acute form and rapidly increases. First of all, the entire volume of dental plaque along with necrotic plaque is removed. After this procedure, treatment is performed with antibiotics that effectively act on anaerobic bacteria and spirochetes. After reduction inflammatory process they use drugs that help accelerate the epithelization of the mucous membrane (Solcoseryl Gel).

How long it will take to treat gingivitis depends entirely on the form and stage of the disease. Of course, it is in the patient’s interests not to delay a visit to the clinic and to begin treatment procedures as soon as possible.

Gingivitis: treatment at home

Very often, patients are interested in the question of how to cure gingivitis on their own and what needs to be done for this.

Before you start treating gingivitis, it is important to remember that it is impossible to effectively cope with the disease by relying entirely on home recipes. Folk remedies are clearly not enough, and with their help you can only reinforce the main course prescribed by the doctor. Gingivitis in adults is dangerous due to the development of complications, so the main emphasis is on traditional treatment, carried out in combination with proven folk remedies.

For catarrhal inflammation of the gums, it is quite acceptable to use well-proven recipes. But if you are dealing with ulcerative-necrotic or hypertrophic form of gingivitis, self-treatment It's better not to practice.

In addition, in any case, it is impossible to do without thorough brushing of teeth and removal of the entire volume of dental plaque in conditions dental clinic. In the case of treating gingivitis at home, the symptoms will only subside for a while, but then they will make themselves felt again, since its causes will not be eliminated.

As useful home remedies against gingivitis, you can use herbal decoctions based on eucalyptus, chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, which, by the way, are often recommended for treatment if diagnosed. Good help essential oils(cloves, fir, tea tree). As aid with catarrhal gingivitis is considered healthy juice aloe and Kalanchoe, which perfectly destroys bacteria and has beneficial properties, recognized by official medicine. Some experts recommend including salt in the treatment of gingivitis, which is used as a rinse solution. As an additional measure to strengthen the body’s immune forces, it is recommended to use vitamins A, E, C.

Diet using foods containing vitamin C ( sauerkraut, citrus fruits, currants), as well as the consumption of vegetables and fruits (zucchini, carrots, apples, pears) can balance proper diet, strengthen blood vessels and normalize metabolic processes.

Drugs for the treatment of gingivitis

If gingivitis is diagnosed, treatment is carried out using the following drugs:

  • antibiotics are prescribed in case of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis to remove dangerous bacteria; at the same time, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Lincomycin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin are recognized as the most effective in treatment;
  • Chlorhexidine is popular means to disinfect the gingival surface and is used for rinsing twice or thrice a day;
  • Cholisal Gel is recognized as an effective pain reliever for fighting bacteria; as a rule, it is prescribed for use for 10 days by rubbing into the gums in the morning and evening;
  • Tantum Verde is a solution based on benzydamine hydrochloride, aimed at eliminating inflammatory phenomena; used twice for 10 days in the form of rinses;
  • a vitamin complex that helps maintain the body’s immune strength; the presence of vitamin C in vitamin therapy helps increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and block bleeding.

  • Gingivitis: treatment of hypertrophic, catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic and atrophic (drugs, methods, surgeries) and prevention of gingivitis (toothpastes), folk remedies and rinses (dentist’s opinion) - video
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
    • What should be done after dental treatment to prevent gingivitis from developing?
    • What are the features of the course and treatment of gingivitis in children under 2 years of age?
    • What are the causes of development, symptoms and treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women?
  • Gingivitis in children - causes, symptoms, treatment. Gingivitis in pregnant women (hypertrophic, catarrhal): treatment, rinsing at home (dentist's opinion) - video

  • The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Treatment of gingivitis

    Treatment gingivitis usually aimed at eliminating the cause of its development, that is, it is sanitation of the oral cavity, relieving inflammation in the gums and preventing the spread of the process. For this, local treatment in the form of rinses, ointments, and gels is more effective.

    Also, when treating gums, it is important to maintain oral hygiene and adhere to a diet that is gentle on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

    Dental procedures

    1. Professional teeth cleaning, tartar removal It is carried out only by a dentist, for this he uses special ultrasound equipment, strengthening pastes, gels, and varnish to restore enamel. This procedure is effective against gum diseases.

    2. Dental treatment: filling, replacement of dentures, removal of damaged teeth, and so on.

    Preparations for local treatment of gingivitis: paste, ointment, gel, mouth rinse

    Group of drugs A drug How are they used?
    Antiseptics for mouth rinses Furacilin 1 tablet per 200.0 ml hot water, rinse oral cavity 3-4 times per knock.
    Chlorhexidine aqueous solution 0.2 and 0.5%To rinse your mouth 2 times a day.
    Miramistin 10-15 ml for rinsing the mouth 3 times a day.
    Rinse your mouth with an undiluted solution 2-4 times a day.
    Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments, gels, lozenges Metrogyl Denta gel,
    Asepta gel and balm (metronidazole + chlorhexidine)
    The gel is applied to the gums every 8-12 hours.
    Holisal gelApply to inflamed gums three times a day.
    Terasil lozengesDissolve 1 tablet 6-8 times a day.

    Carefully! The drug is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus

    Sebidin (chlorhexidine + vitamin C)Dissolve 1 tablet 4 times a day.
    Lysozyme 0.1% solution (in addition to the antiseptic effect, it has an immunostimulating effect)Apply in the form of applications to the gums.
    Solcoseryl dental paste (relieves inflammation, promotes better fast healing damaged mucous membranes)Apply to the inflamed surfaces of the gums 3-5 times a day, do not rub.
    Painkillers (anesthetics)Novocaine and Lidocaine 2% (solution, gel)Apply up to 3 times a day if there is pain in the area of ​​inflamed gums.

    Attention! Anesthetics can cause anaphylactic shock, so they are used after an allergy test.

    Herbal preparations Apident-active (bee products, herbal extracts, chitosan)The gel is applied 2-3 times a day.
    Rotokan tincture2 teaspoons per glass of water, rinse 3 times a day.
    Stomatophyte Dilute 2 teaspoons in 50 ml of water, rinse 3 times a day.
    Maraslavin (solution)Applications are made with gauze pads soaked in the solution. Tampons are placed by the dentist in the space between the tooth and gum. An average of 5 procedures are performed.

    It is possible to carry out applications independently in the area of ​​​​the inflamed gums and rinse the mouth.

    Ambassador (propolis) spraySpray on gums 3 times a day.
    Oil tea tree, sea buckthorn, rose hips, chlorophyllipt Apply to the mucous membrane 2-3 times.

    Important! After treating the oral cavity during the treatment of gingivitis, you should not eat or drink for half an hour. Gels and pastes are applied to the mucous membranes, previously cleaned and dried with a cotton swab.

    Principles of treatment of gingivitis depending on the type

    Treatment of catarrhal gingivitis
    • Professional teeth cleaning, dental treatment by a dentist if necessary;
    • antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and herbal preparations for treating the oral cavity;
    • pain relief as needed;
    • oral hygiene and diet.
    Treatment of ulcerative-necrotizing gingivitis To the treatment regimen for catarrhal gingivitis:
    • antibiotics;
    • immunostimulants and immunomodulators (Imudon, Timolin, Cycloferon, Echinacea, Ribomunil, Polyoxdonium and others);
    • surgery– excision of areas of necrosis (dead tissue), and when an abscess forms, its opening and drainage;
    • treatment of concomitant diseases.
    Treatment of the edematous form of hypertrophic gingivitis First, therapy is carried out similar to treatment catarrhal gingivitis. If there is no effectiveness in a dental clinic, it is prescribed injections medicines inside the gums:
    • calcium gluconate;
    • calcium chloride;
    • ethanol;
    These manipulations relieve swelling of the gums and prevent the formation of scars in them, that is, the transition to a fibrous form. Intragingival injections are performed under local anesthesia.
    Treatment of the fibrous form of hypertrophic gingivitis Only surgical treatment is effective:
    • cryodestruction of overgrown gum tissue (using liquid nitrogen);
    • diathermocoagulation (“cauterization”);
    • surgical removal (excision) of overgrown tissue.
    Treatment of atrophic gingivitis
    • Treatment of concomitant pathologies that lead to gum atrophy;
    • dental treatment of dental pathologies, prosthetics, professional teeth cleaning, tartar removal;
    • when an inflammatory process occurs, therapy similar to the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis is recommended;
    • regular use of herbal preparations is effective;
    • fluoride treatment of teeth, especially exposed roots;
    • physiotherapy and gum massage;
    • if there is no effect, surgical treatment is recommended - gum surgery, transplantation of one’s own healthy tissues in place of atrophied ones.

    When treating gingivitis, it is important to receive nutrition that contains all groups of vitamins and minerals. However, some vitamins have therapeutic effect for inflammation of the gums and can be prescribed in the form of medications.

    Vitamin therapy for gingivitis:

    • vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) – increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels, reduces bleeding gums, accelerates recovery;
    • vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin E (tocopherol) – accelerate the processes of healing and recovery of gums, strengthen blood vessels;
    • calcium and vitamin D – strengthen the bone tissue of the tooth;
    • vitamin K (Vikasol) reduces bleeding gums;
    • B vitamins (B 12, B 1, B 6) – improve the condition of periodontal ligaments, muscles and bones;
    • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) – strengthens blood vessels, reduces pain.
    You can take multivitamin complexes (Vitrum, Supradin, Duovit, and so on). Some vitamins are used in the form of solutions externally to treat the oral cavity, these are vitamins A, E, B12, K.

    Calcium, vitamins PP and K can be administered using electrophoresis. And you can get vitamin D while walking in the morning sun.

    Folk remedies for treating gingivitis at home

    Herbal preparations in the treatment of gingivitis are used not only as folk medicine, but also as traditional medicine. Many herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Also, herbal preparations are rich in vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances, which have a positive effect on the body's defenses. Therefore, traditional medicine in the treatment of gum diseases will perfectly complement drug treatment, and in case of mild catarrhal gingivitis, it can completely replace it.

    Herbs, infusions, decoctions and alcohol tinctures which are effective for rinsing the mouth:
    • Oak bark;
    • pine needles (infusion) and others.
    Other herbal remedies, for gum treatment:
    • oil of sea buckthorn, rose hips, St. John's wort, peach;
    • propolis, royal jelly;
    • black and green tea;
    • cabbage, beet and potato juice;
    • blackberry, blueberry and currant juice.

    Complications and consequences of gingivitis

    1. Periodontitis and tooth loss– severe and long-term chronic gingivitis can damage the ligament between the tooth and gum, this is periodontitis. This breaks the fixation healthy tooth, which may lead to its loss.

    6. Fibrous form hypertrophic gingivitis- although this is a separate form of gingivitis, but, in essence, this is the outcome long-term inflammation gum disease, in which connective or scar tissue forms in place of normal tissue. This process is irreversible. This form not only violates the aesthetic appearance, but also worsens the patient’s quality of life, leading to discomfort while eating.

    7. Nutritious food with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

    5. Follow the recommendations not to drink or eat within a few hours after medical procedures, even if local anesthesia was not used, this way you can avoid additional irritation of the gums and other oral mucous membranes. You should also give up cigarettes during this time.

    6. After dental treatment it is recommended treat the oral cavity antiseptics and herbal preparations, even if the gums have been injured, this will relieve inflammation for another early stages and will not allow the development of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

    What are the features of the course and treatment of gingivitis in children under 2 years of age?

    Gingivitis is most common in children adolescence and in children over 5 years of age. But in children under 2 years of age, gingivitis is also not a rare occurrence. The main cause of gum inflammation at this age is teething and dirty hands in the mouth.

    Young children usually do not say that they have pain, so parents do not immediately understand that the child did not sleep at night because his gums hurt. It’s not so common to see bleeding, swelling, redness, especially if you don’t know where and when to look for it, yet not all mothers look into their child’s mouth every day.

    Children in most cases suffer from acute catarrhal gingivitis.

    Signs of gingivitis in children under 2 years of age:

    • the child is capricious, screams, gets nervous;
    • pain often bothers the baby during sleep, the child cries without waking up;
    • noted increased salivation, sometimes drool flows like a stream;
    • the child intensively sucks and chews nipples, scratches his gums with his hands, toys and anything else that comes to hand;
    • If you look into your mouth, you can see other signs of gingivitis: swelling, redness, bleeding , less often than ulcers, when teeth erupt, a wound appears on the gum, in the center of which a tooth turns white;
    • a small amount of blood can be seen on nipples, toys, fingers;
    • in children early age against the background of gum inflammation temperature rises frequently , appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed;
    • a good method for determining gingivitis is reaction to painkillers (lidocaine) gum gels , the child quickly calms down, continues to play or falls asleep.

    Treatment of gingivitis in children during teething. No special treatment is required for teething. During this period, it is important to maintain oral hygiene measures. Keep pacifiers, toys, and hands clean. After eating, give some water to cleanse the mouth of food debris. You can also treat the mucous membranes of your mouth at this time. soda solution(1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 glass of warm water) or bicarbonate mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki, Semigorskaya, Rychal-Su, Polyana Kvasosva and others).

    If gum inflammation is not associated with teething, then the principles of treatment of gingivitis are similar to those in adult practice. But not all drugs for treating the oral cavity are approved for the age group under 2 years. And it’s impossible to force people to rinse their mouth at this age, so when treating gums in children, they use antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and herbal remedies.

    • Hexetidine, Stomatidin,

    Gingivitis is a disease that most often affects people with weak immunity, chronic diseases, children, adolescents and pregnant women. The disease manifests itself slowly, but it cannot be ignored even when detected anxiety symptoms treatment should be started immediately to avoid complications.

    Gingivitis: description, characteristics of the disease

    Gingivitis is an inflammation of the part of the gum adjacent to the teeth (marginal). In the absence of proper and, most importantly, timely treatment, the disease develops into extremely dangerous forms. The gums become very inflamed, swollen and bleed. More often, gingivitis occurs against the background of other dental problems: periodontal disease, infectious diseases, periodontitis, etc.

    Redness of the gums due to gingivitis

    The severity of the disease is characterized by a complex of changes occurring in the body, as well as the degree of prevalence of the inflammatory process in the oral mucosa. There are several stages of disease development:

    1. I degree (mild). The interdental papillae are predominantly affected.
    2. II degree (medium). When the condition of the gums worsens, the source of inflammation spreads not only to the interdental papillae, but also to the free (marginal) gum.
    3. III degree (severe). Inflammation spreads to all gums, including the alveolar (attached) part.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Depending on the nature of the changes, several forms of gingivitis are distinguished::

    • Catarrhal. It is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the gum area, bad breath appears, the taste of food changes, and the gums bleed while eating it. With chronic or acute catarrhal gingivitis, pain in the gums during meals increases significantly, which is associated primarily with mechanical/chemical irritants. The acute form of catarrhal gingivitis is concomitant disease for acute infectious processes in organism. When examining the gums, severe swelling, cyanosis, and isolated erosions are observed (mainly at the tips of the interdental papillae).
    • Hypertrophic. Chronic form of gingivitis. Hypertrophic processes occur most often in the frontal areas of the upper and lower jaw, in areas of close proximity of teeth, as well as on abnormal parts of the jaws, which place increased stress on certain parts of the gums. The hypertrophied variety of gingivitis is presented in two forms: generalized and localized. In the first case, the disease develops with abnormal positioning of teeth, injuries to the mucous membrane, overhanging fillings, etc. In the second, with endocrine disruption, in adolescents in puberty, with hypovitaminosis C, etc.
    • Ulcerative. Often develops in children against the background of acute catarrhal disease. His character traits– necrosis, ulceration with decreased reactivity of the body, etc. The development of the disease often occurs after severe hypothermia, an infectious disease, teething, etc. The first symptoms of the ulcerative form of the disease will be swelling and bleeding of the gums. Over time, the gingival papillae become covered with a gray-green coating. A soft plaque that is difficult to remove also forms on the teeth. The tongue is coated. Saliva is very viscous.

    Treatment of gingivitis at home

    Gingivitis cannot be cured quickly. At home, treatment of the disease is carried out for 10 days. Regardless of which remedy will be used to eliminate the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, it is important to treat the gums regularly at the same time (morning and evening).

    Use of gels and ointments

    Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels perfectly reduce bleeding gums and reduce their swelling. In addition, they have a strong analgesic effect and accelerate the healing of diseased areas of the oral cavity.

    Metrogil Denta

    Among large quantity There are several different anti-inflammatory dental drugs:

    • Metrogil-denta. Antimicrobial drug with a gel-like texture. Possesses double action, since it contains both an antibiotic and an antiseptic. Suitable for use by adults and children over 6 years of age. The drug is indicated for use in gingivitis, periodontitis, aphthous stomatitis etc. Metrogil-denta has practically no contraindications. The exceptions are children under 6 years of age and pregnant women in the first trimester.
    • Asepta gel. The drug is used to eliminate bleeding gums and reduce inflammation in the oral cavity. Used as one of the elements medical complex for periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. It has no contraindications; the manufacturer notes only possible individual sensitivity to some components of the drug.
    • Cholisal Gel. A gel-like drug that has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is used without age restrictions as one of the means of complex therapy for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, inflammatory processes that occur under dentures, etc. The drug has no contraindications, but it is best to use it in doses.

    Regardless of the drug chosen, the treatment regimen for diseased areas of the oral cavity will be the same. So, the first thing you need to do is brush your teeth, then rinse your mouth with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine is perfect).

    Chlorhexidine solution.

    The next step is to apply the gel to the gums. To do this, you need to squeeze a small amount of the drug onto your finger and transfer it from the finger to the marginal part of the gum. After treatment of the oral cavity, you should not eat food for about 2-3 hours; it is not advisable to drink water in the first 30 minutes after treatment of the gums.

    Important. Before applying any medicinal products You need to lightly blot the affected area of ​​the gum with a gauze swab. This will ensure better adhesion of the drug to the mucosa.

    Using Herbs

    Natural medicines are used almost on par with pharmaceutical products. Using well-chosen herbal infusion or a compress helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and will have a hemostatic effect:

    1. Infusions for rinsing are made from calendula, St. John's wort, and sage. 10 g of crushed dry plant is poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water and infuse for half an hour. After this, the infusion should be filtered and cooled. Use in the same way as a regular mouth rinse.
    2. Compresses. For compresses you can use Kalanchoe or aloe. In the first case, only plants that have reached 3 years of age should be used. Kalanchoe leaves are thoroughly kneaded until the juice appears and rubbed into the gums. The procedure for treating the affected area is similar to the procedure for using medications. Kalanchoe perfectly eliminates pain, bleeding gums, and relieves swelling of the gums. Aloe has antimicrobial effect, perfectly removes plaque, accelerates the healing process of diseased gums. An infusion made from St. John's wort is used as a lotion for sore gums.
    3. Decoctions for oral administration. The following has proven itself to be excellent in the fight against gingivitis: folk recipe. Manchurian aralia root, rose hips, sage leaves and calendula flowers are dried and mixed. 2 tbsp. spoons of the prepared collection are poured with 1 tbsp. boiling water and infuse for half an hour. The finished infusion must be taken throughout the day.

    Use of essential oils

    Fir oil is considered an excellent remedy for massaging sore gums. It is enough just to moisten a small piece of bandage in oil and massage the inflamed gums with it a little. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day.

    Important. If the disease occurs with a pronounced pain syndrome, before starting the massage, a moistened piece of bandage should be briefly applied to the sore spot: this simple action will help reduce pain, since fir oil has an analgesic effect.

    Prevention of gingivitis

    To minimize the possibility of disease occurring, you must adhere to a number of simple but effective rules:

    1. IN mandatory Brush your teeth 2 times a day (morning and evening). This process should be carried out carefully, but carefully it is advisable to additionally use various means for rinsing your mouth.
    2. Eliminate any signs of dental caries in a timely manner.
    3. Clean the interdental space thoroughly. For these purposes, special dental floss is usually used.
    4. Visit your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.
    5. Try not to get too cold, regularly take vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body.
    6. Use quality healthy food, full of useful human body microelements.
    7. Give up bad habits.

    As you can see, gingivitis can be dealt with at home, but this does not eliminate the need to visit a specialist for consultation and prescribe the main course of treatment. Be healthy!

    – inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the gums. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the gums, bleeding when eating and minimal contact, bad breath, and sometimes the occurrence of erosions. By maintaining oral hygiene and timely treatment complete recovery occurs. A chronic, recurrent course may occur, leading to the development of periodontitis with subsequent exposure of the necks of the teeth, their loosening and loss.

    General information

    (Gingivit) is an acute or chronic inflammation gums, which is quite common. Gingivitis is caused by poor oral hygiene, people young and children during the teething period are more susceptible to gingivitis.

    Causes of gingivitis

    The main cause of gingivitis is sticky plaque. It accumulates along the edges of the gums and in places that are difficult to reach for brushing; after 72 hours, the plaque thickens and forms tartar, which cannot be removed with regular teeth brushing.

    IN puberty and during menstruation, the likelihood of gingivitis increases. Women taking long-term oral contraceptives, are also at risk. Taking immunosuppressants, in particular cyclosporine, and antihypertensive drugs containing nifedipine, as side effect provoke the development of hypertrophic gingivitis. These drugs cause hyperplasia of the gum tissue, making it difficult to care for your teeth and remove plaque on a daily basis. The accumulation of plaque and the proliferation of microorganisms contribute to the development of gingivitis.

    The endogenous causes of gingivitis are tooth growth. Since a growing tooth injures the gums, catarrhal gingivitis is often diagnosed in children during teething. Vitamin C deficiency, diseases gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in general and local immunity plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of gingivitis. Thus, in people without pathologies, a short-term inability to maintain oral hygiene does not lead to the development of gingivitis.

    Exposure to external physical factors such as trauma, burns, radiation exposure and the influence of aggressive chemical substances on the gums are the most common causes of gingivitis. Bacterial agents cause gingivitis mostly in children and adults with immune system.

    IN Lately Iatrogenic factors play a significant role in the occurrence of gingivitis when patients with weak psyche, under the pressure of information flow about the importance of oral care, they discover symptoms of gingivitis. Incorrect behavior by a doctor can also provoke the appearance of gingivitis of a psychogenic nature. Smokers, patients with tartar, and people who eat excessively hot or cold foods are more susceptible to gingivitis.

    In children before puberty immune defense is just being formed, so the presence of foci chronic infection, dental caries leads to the development of gingivitis. The incidence of gingivitis in children with tuberculosis infection, rheumatism, liver and gallbladder diseases is higher. Changes in diabetes mellitus chemical composition saliva, its antibacterial properties are reduced. Among persons suffering from any form diabetes mellitus, gingivitis occurs in 70% of cases.

    Gingivitis rarely develops as an independent disease. Much more often it is a symptom of other diseases of the oral cavity or a consequence of diseases internal organs.

    Clinical manifestations of gingivitis

    In most cases, gingivitis occurs without disruption of the periodontal junction. If the entire gum of the jaw or both jaws is inflamed, then gingivitis has become widespread. But more often localized gingivitis is diagnosed when a small section of the gum is affected. With limited gingivitis, nearby teeth are also affected. If only the gingival papillae are affected by gingivitis, then papillitis is diagnosed; if the entire gingival margin is affected, they speak of a marginal course of gingivitis.

    In acute gingivitis, there are classic manifestations of the inflammatory process - swelling, hyperemia, local increase in tissue temperature, pain and hypersalivation. There is bleeding of the gums, pinpoint hemorrhages, and sometimes with gingivitis there may be ulceration of the gums.

    In addition to the phenomena of gingivitis and caries, there is bad smell from the mouth, accumulation of plaque and tartar. Eating becomes sharply painful. Especially acute reaction observed when taking sour, hot and spicy food. With atrophic gingivitis, gum atrophy occurs. The gum level gradually decreases, the neck of the tooth is exposed, and then its root. Subjectively, it manifests itself only as pain when eating cold or hot food.

    The use of drugs that improve local immunity. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions. Rinsing with non-aggressive compounds, for example chamomile decoction, can be carried out without restrictions, but it should be borne in mind that with gingivitis, soda solutions and solutions should be used with caution. alcohol solutions medicinal herbs. If gingivitis is pronounced pain syndrome, then taking analgesics is justified.

    Hypertrophic gingivitis often occurs due to improper filling and installation of crowns. Replacing the restorations leads to a complete cure. Gingivitis that occurs during pregnancy, taking medications, resolves itself after childbirth or withdrawal medicines. If tissue hyperplasia is persistent, then gingivectomy with removal of growths is indicated.

    The prognosis for gingivitis is favorable, but if left untreated, the process can develop into a deep form - periodontal disease can develop, which can lead to tooth loss.

    Gingivitis (from Latin gingiva – gum) – inflammatory disease gum tissue, accompanied, as a rule, by constant bad breath, as well as soreness and bleeding of the gums. This is a very common disease that worries about 50% of patients visiting the clinic.

    According to the degree of spread, gingivitis is divided into local - affecting one papilla of the gum or its part, which is located between two teeth (a separate term papillitis is sometimes used to refer to this pathology), and widespread - affecting most of the gum, up to covering the entire jaw or half of it.

    In this article we will look at what gingivitis is, its symptoms and detailed photos, and modern methods treatment and prevention.


    Why does gingivitis occur and what is it? It is worth noting that the causes of gingivitis can be very different, including internal and external factors that influence the development of the disease.

    TO internal factors relate:

    • eruption of wisdom teeth;
    • lack of vitamins and microelements;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • weakened immune system;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stress and mental disorders, etc.

    TO external factors relate:

    • injuries and burns of the mucous membrane;
    • fillings, braces, veneers that were incorrectly installed and injure the tissues of the oral cavity;
    • smoking;
    • mouth breathing, which is a consequence of sinusitis, nasal polyps, or simply a bad habit;
    • insufficient oral hygiene (the most common cause of gingivitis in adults, leading to the accumulation of plaque, and therefore microorganisms that release toxins and contribute to the onset of inflammation);
    • infectious process in the oral cavity.

    The main cause of gingivitis lies in poor dental care, which can lead to the formation of dental plaques (as eloquently evidenced by gingivitis in the photo in its classic manifestation).

    When diagnosing gingivitis, the doctor needs to be very careful - perhaps it is a symptom of some other disease - for example, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious and viral diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, hematopoietic organs, changes in hormonal levels.


    Symptoms of this disease in children and adults is determined by the form in which it is found. There are several forms of gingivitis that require slightly different treatment approaches:

    1. Ulcerative (necrotizing) gingivitis– inflammation of the gums with a predominance of the process pathological changes in periodontal tissues. In addition to the classic symptoms, ulcerative gingivitis is characterized by fever, headaches, increased lymph nodes. Delay in treatment of ulcerative gingivitis is fraught with the spread of the process of necrosis to the mucous membrane of the cheeks and tonsils. In some cases, ulcerative gingivitis can be the cause and one of the early signs blood diseases.
    2. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis. The disease often occurs without pronounced subjective sensations, but sometimes patients complain of bleeding gums when brushing their teeth or eating solid food. During the examination, hyperemia and swelling of the interdental papillae and gingival margin are detected, which loses its natural pattern (scalloping disappears). Instrumental research reveals bleeding gums, abundant soft plaque and pockets of subgingival tartar, and the absence of pathological periodontal pockets.
    3. Hypertrophic gingivitis. This type of gingivitis is accompanied by very severe pain gums, itching of the gum papillae, significant bleeding, significant swelling and an increase in the volume of the gums, which from the outside can partially cover the dental crowns. With this type of gingivitis, the gums do not become loose - they are hard, and tartar most often appears under it, which provokes further inflammation and the development of gingivitis. Hypertrophic gingivitis can cause instability of the dentition and tooth movement.
    4. Atrophic gingivitis may be a consequence improper treatment acute gingivitis. It is characterized by minimal presence of inflammatory phenomena and a rapidly occurring atrophic process with gradual exposure of the neck of the tooth. More common in children.

    According to the course, gingivitis is distinguished between acute, chronic and aggravated.

    1. The acute form is characterized by severe clinical symptoms, sharp deterioration the patient’s well-being and promptly seeking medical help.
    2. For chronic form characterized by a sluggish long-term course, when there is no sharp disruption of the digestive, verbal and other functions of the mouth.
    3. An aggravated form of a chronic course is called I, when the sluggish course of the disease worsens with the appearance of all the classic signs of acute gingivitis.

    Depending on the course of the disease, appropriate treatment is carried out, which may include: professional cleaning oral cavity and surgical method treatment.

    Symptoms of gingivitis

    When gingivitis occurs in adults, the main symptoms are redness of the gums, swelling, pain of varying intensity, increased sensitivity and irritability of the mucous membrane, changes in the contours of the gums.

    As inflammation develops, the gum groove moves inward, forming a gum pocket. At the same time, the sensitivity of the gums increases and pain appears. The gum looks irritated, its edge is red. After bleeding appears, it becomes difficult for the patient to chew food and swallow it.

    – another frequent companion of gingivitis, which sometimes acts as the reason for the initial visit to the doctor. Also a very common complaint is a perversion of taste, the appearance of a metallic, salty taste.

    For ulcerative-necrotic form Gingivitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • the mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers;
    • later areas of necrosis appear;
    • the mucous membrane is significantly sore;
    • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
    • there is a deterioration in the general condition;
    • patients feel weakness, loss of strength;
    • in some cases, an increase in body temperature is recorded (it can reach 39 degrees);
    • lymph nodes are enlarged.

    A few words should be said about the symptoms of rarer forms of gingivitis. Thus, the formation of small blisters on the gums that interfere with eating is characteristic of bullous gingivitis. Opening of interdental spaces, exposure of the neck of the tooth occurs with atrophic gingivitis. In this case, pain and bleeding may not be observed.

    It should be noted that gingivitis can be not only independent disease, but a symptom of deeper tissue damage, for example, periodontitis or periodontal disease. In this case, gingivitis will go away only with complete healing of all periodontal tissues.

    Gingivitis: photo

    What giggivitis looks like in adults and children, we offer detailed photos for viewing, which show characteristic symptoms diseases.


    Making a correct diagnosis is very important. Symptoms of gingivitis may hide serious illnesses oral cavity (for example, periodontitis,). The diagnosis is made by a periodontist, taking into account the patient’s complaints, the results of the examination, laboratory research and functional tests.

    Gingivitis in children and adults differs from other diseases in that the inflammation affects only the gums. Bone, muscle ligaments do not change.

    How to treat gingivitis

    When gingivitis occurs, treatment includes several stages and is carried out by a dentist. To cure gingivitis, you need to remember three main rules for its treatment:

    1. A complex approach. When treating any form of the disease, it is necessary to use both local and general therapy. It is necessary to treat not only the symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes of the disease.
    2. Individual approach. Correctly chosen treatment must take into account all the associated factors of the disease, the state of health and the patient’s immune system.
    3. Systematicity. If the disease progresses to chronic form, then systematization of treatment is necessary to bring it into stable remission.

    Therapy differs somewhat depending on the form of the disease, but treatment of any gingivitis must begin with eliminating foci of infection in the oral cavity () and removing hard dental plaque. These procedures can only be performed by a dentist; you should not try to remove tartar at home with any traditional methods. This can only injure inflamed gums and aggravate the pathological process.

    Often, gingivitis indicates a decrease in the body's defenses. Therefore, in addition to eliminating the inflammatory process, treatment should also be aimed at increasing general protective functions body. In this case, the appointment of immunocorrectors is quite justified. Drugs in this group activate the protective forces of the oral mucosa.

    The prognosis for gingivitis is favorable, but if left untreated, the process can develop into a deep form - periodontal disease can develop, which can lead to tooth loss.


    For effective prevention Gingivitis requires regular brushing of your teeth in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (before bed). Toothbrushes of medium hardness are most effective, since soft ones do not clean plaque from teeth well, while hard ones can injure the gums. It is advisable to use dental floss after each meal to remove food debris from the interdental spaces or thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

    Timely (at least once every 6 months) visits to the dentist will minimize the risk of gingivitis. If there is a tendency to form tartar, the doctor regularly thoroughly cleans the teeth of plaque.