Nasal drops: classification, names, use for various diseases. Children's vasoconstrictor drops are an important element of a home first aid kit.

Vasoconstrictor drops are perhaps the first remedy that parents choose to combat children's runny nose. How do these drugs work and what should you know before using them?

How do they work?

When you have a runny nose, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, swollen, and the amount of mucus it produces increases significantly. As a result, the nasal passages become blocked, and the sick person develops.

Drops for the common cold stimulate special adrenal receptors located on the surface of the mucous membranes. From them, the vessels receive the command to narrow - the swelling subsides and breathing is freed. As soon as the effect of the drops ends, the blood vessels dilate again, and the runny nose returns with the same force.

The active substances that are part of nasal drops are called adrenergic agonists. They differ from each other in the duration of the effect. Older generation drugs last no more than 4 hours. New ones can make breathing easier for a period of 8 to 12 hours.

Most products are available in two forms - drops and sprays. Doctors advise children over 6 years old to use sprays: they act only on the nasal mucosa, without draining into the nasopharynx. Injections are not recommended for very young patients. Their nasal passages are very narrow and short, so there is a risk that the medicine will flow into the middle ear cavity. Traditional drops are safer in this regard.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor drugs are any conditions that are accompanied by nasal congestion:

  • runny nose due to a cold or flu (viral rhinitis),
  • sinusitis (, sinusitis,).

Be sure to prescribe adrenergic agonists for. By eliminating swelling in the nasal cavity, they restore normal ear ventilation and prevent further development inflammation.

A spoon of tar

Vasoconstrictor drops for both adults and children can be used only for 3-5-7 days. With longer treatment, the risk of developing drug-induced rhinitis increases.

Vasoconstrictor drops quickly relieve the patient of all the suffering caused by nasal congestion - headaches, insomnia, lethargy. In addition, they prevent congestion, which serves as an excellent nutrient medium for bacteria. However, there are a number of disadvantages in the use of such means.

The instructions for all adrenergic agonists say that they can only be used for a limited period of time (depending on the drug - 5-10 days). If you break this rule, you will develop a drug-like addiction. The fact is that, getting used to the constant exposure to drops, the vessels stop working normally. Without medicine they remain in a relaxed state, and the patient suffers from a runny nose. To get rid of the discomfort, more and more new doses of the drug have to be administered.

Excessively long-term use of drops leads to disruption of mucosal nutrition. It increases in volume, dries out, and becomes crusty. The patient develops constant feeling congestion, . This condition is called and requires special treatment.

Another one potential danger use of adrenergic agonists - negative reactions, which appear when the permissible doses of the drug are exceeded. If you administer the solution in large quantities or too often, it is absorbed through the nasal mucosa into the general bloodstream and begins to affect the vessels of the whole body. As a result, a person increases arterial pressure, heart rate increases, vision deteriorates.

The listed effects do not mean at all that the use of drops should be abandoned. On the contrary, you can and should use them when the need arises. The main thing is to follow the dosage and frequency of administration indicated in the instructions.

How to properly put drops in your nose for rhinitis?

Before instilling vasoconstrictor drops, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal cavity of secretions. Adult babies are asked to blow their nose properly. For children who do not yet know how to do this, their nasal passages are cleaned with an aspirator and cotton wicks. If the skin near the nasal passages is irritated, pre-lubricate it with petroleum jelly.

The drug is administered to the child while lying on his back, with his head slightly tilted to the side. 1-2 drops of solution are instilled into the upper nostril, then the wing of the nose is massaged so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane. The procedure is repeated by turning the head to the other side.

Review of pediatric vasoconstrictor drugs

Name From what age can it be used? Manufacturer country Features of the action Maximum permissible period of use Contraindications
Active substance: oxymetazoline
Nazivin 0.01% dropsFrom 0 yearsGermanyThey begin to act within 15 minutes after instillation. The duration of the effect is 10–12 hours. Do not dry out the nasal mucosa. In addition to adrenergic agonists, Nazol Advance contains: essential oils, which have additional antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.3–5 days, glaucoma. Take with caution in case of thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.
Nazivin 0.025% dropsFrom 1 year
Nazivin 0.05% drops and sprayFrom 6 years old
Nazol sprayFrom 6 years oldUSA
Nazol Advance sprayFrom 6 years old
Active substance: xylometazoline
Otrivin Baby dropsFrom 0 yearsSwitzerlandThey begin to act within 5–10 minutes after application, the duration of the effect is about 6 hours.7–10 daysTachycardia, glaucoma, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, atrophic rhinitis.
Otrivin 0.1% sprayFrom 6 years old
Tizin Xylo 0.05% drops and sprayFrom 2 yearsUSA
Tizin Xylo 0.1% drops and sprayFrom 6 years old
Xymelin 0.05% drops and sprayFrom 2 yearsDenmark
Xymelin 0.01% drops and sprayFrom 6 years old
For nose 0.05% dropsFrom 0 yearsSwitzerland/India
For Nose 0.1% sprayFrom 6 years old
Active substance: phenylephrine
Nazol Baby dropsFrom 0 yearsUSAThe effect appears within 5–10 minutes after instillation. Duration of action – 3–4 hours.No more than 3–5 daysHypertension, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, renal failure, atrophic rhinitis.
Nazol Kids sprayFrom 6 years old
Adrianol 0.05% dropsFrom 1 yearSerbia
Adrianol 0.1% dropsFrom 6 years old
Active substance: naphazoline
Naphthyzin 0.05% dropsFrom 2 yearsRussiaThey act 2–5 minutes after instillation, the duration of the effect is 3–4 hours.No more than 5–7 days

Constrictive nasal drops are decongestants that are used to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose and nasal congestion. The action of such drugs is aimed at narrowing the lumen of blood vessels localized in the nose.

The drugs begin to act quickly: patients note the restoration of breathing, a decrease in swelling and inflammatory reactions. Such nasal drops are means symptomatic treatment and can be used in combination with other groups of medications recommended by a doctor.

Available in pharmacies a large number of drugs that have a local vasoconstrictor effect.

Many of them are cheaper analogues, but contain identical active substance in various concentrations. If you use the medicine for a short time and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the risk of adverse reactions is minimal. However, we should not forget about the possible negative consequences.

Main active ingredients vasoconstrictor drops are xylometazoline, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, tramzoline.

Medicines are prescribed as part of complex treatment:

  • Acute rhinitis.
  • Hay fever.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Chronic conjunctivitis.
  • Sinusitis
  • Laryngitis.
  • Edema of the larynx of allergic origin.
  • Eustachitis.
  • With hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract against the background of surgical intervention.
  • If necessary, rhinoscopy (in combination with drugs that have a local anesthetic effect).

The principle of action of such drugs (they are called alpha-adrenergic agonists) is due to their ability to stimulate alpha-adrenergic receptors.

After local use of such a medicine, a narrowing and reduction in the lumen of the vessels of the mucous membranes is observed, due to which congestion disappears. The drugs also help reduce swelling and restore patency eustachian tubes(with otitis media), normalization of the patient’s breathing.

Features of use

Depending on the duration of the pharmacological effect, nasal drops can be used every 8-12-15 hours.

  • If a runny nose develops, it is recommended to use the drops intranasally (put them in the nose).
  • If nosebleeds develop, it is recommended to insert a tampon soaked in medication into the nasal passages.
  • If your doctor recommends rhinoscopy, a number of vasoconstrictors may help slow the absorption of drugs with local anesthetic effects. This helps to increase the duration of superficial anesthesia.
  • IN daytime days, preference is given to drugs with short and medium duration of action, and at night - to drugs that have a long-lasting effect.
  • You should not abuse such medications because of the risk of rapid addiction and negative effects on the nasal mucosa.

For achievement best result, before starting to use a vasoconstrictor, you can rinse your nasal passages with saline solution. It is recommended to instill the medicine in a lying position. After the drug has entered the nasal passage, you can turn on your side.

Groups of vasoconstrictor drugs

Vasoconstrictor medications are inexpensive and begin to act very quickly, but they should not be overused.

These nasal drops are classified as follows:

  • Funds with short action based on naphazoline, fenlephrine, tetrizoline. Their duration of action is 4-5 hours, and prolonged use can cause the development of mucous membranes and runny nose.
  • Medicines with average duration Actions based on xylometazoline and tramazoline last up to 9 hours.
  • Medications based on oxymetazoline have a long-term effect (10-14 hours).

The duration of treatment with vasoconstrictor drops should not exceed 7-10 days. The optimal course of therapy is to use medications for 3-4 days. Longer use may contribute to the development of addiction and increased systemic effects on the body.

Short acting drops

List of vasoconstrictor drops based on Naphazoline, Tetrizoline and Phenylephrine
Trade namesFeatures of use

More soft action has Sanorin with the addition of essential oils, which dries the nasal mucosa to a lesser extent.


Using drops before bed can cause insomnia due to the action of the active component on the central nervous system.

VibrocilAdults are recommended to instill up to 4 drops of medication three times a day. The drug should not be used for more than 7 days.

After reviewing the list of short-acting medications, it is recommended to refrain from using them regularly. Such drugs cannot be used for prophylactic purposes.

Medium duration drugs

Medium-acting drugs include drugs based on xylometazoline - this is one of the most extensive groups of vasoconstrictors. They are found under the following trade names:

  • Xylene is a single drug that should not be used for a long time when chronic rhinitis. If you miss a dose, use immediately for 60 minutes; if more than 60 minutes have passed since the missed dose, you should not double the dosage.
  • Eucazolin Aqua - the manufacturer uses eucalyptus as an excipient, which helps provide antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as softening the nasal mucosa. The drug is used 1-2 drops every 8-10 hours.
  • Xymelin - begins to act after 3-5 minutes. The drug should not be used more than 3 times a day.
  • Xymelin Eco is a two-component medicine that has an additional effect on the functioning of the glands of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.
  • Otrivin - the drug is well tolerated by patients with sensitive nasal mucosa due to its balanced pH value (due to excipients sorbitol and hypromellose). Drops are also available with the additional presence of menthol or eucalyptus. The drug should not be used for more than 10 days.
  • Rinonorm - the effect of the drug develops after 4-5 minutes, the product can be used no more than 3 times a day and no longer than 1 week.
  • Sanorin-xylo - duration of treatment is no longer than 6 days; longer use weakens the therapeutic effect.
  • Farmazolin - begins to act after 5-10 minutes, is effective against severe swelling and hyperemia. The course of treatment should not exceed 4-5 days.
  • Tizin-xylo - an overdose is manifested by nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, smooth muscle spasms, and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Galazolin.
  • Grippostad Reno.
  • Nazolin Doctor Theiss.

Average dosage for adult patients: 2-3 drops up to 3-4 times a day. The structure and principle of action of xylometazoline is similar to naphysin. This substance was included in the list of the most important and necessary medications.

When using tramazoline (Adrianol, Lazolvan Rino), the development of a vasoconstrictor effect is observed after 3-4 minutes and lasts up to 10 hours. Up to 3 uses of the medicine per day are allowed. The duration of treatment is no more than 10 days.

Long-acting drugs

Long-acting drugs include oxymetazoline-based drugs. Such medications begin to have an effect after 5-10 minutes and remain nasal breathing for 10-12 hours. Distinctive feature This group of drops has a longer possibility of use without side effects - up to 12 days.

The drugs of choice may be:

  • Nazol - the product can be used no more than 2 times a day.
  • Nazol Advance – additionally contains camphor, levomenthol, eucalyptol.
  • Nazivin – it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops up to 3 times a day.
  • Nazospray.
  • Otrivin Oxy.
  • Fervex spray for runny nose - the drug can be used twice a day for no longer than 3 days. The medicine is contraindicated in case of dysfunction of cardio-vascular system and high blood pressure.

In the event that a runny nose is accompanied not only by nasal congestion, but also by pronounced mucous discharge, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nose before instilling a vasoconstrictor. Even a long-acting drug will not have an effect if it comes out immediately along with nasal discharge.


Even the best vasoconstrictor drops have contraindications. Patients with chronic and atrophic rhinitis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and also when serious illnesses organs of vision.

With the onset of cold weather, every person is faced with such a phenomenon as rhinitis, or popularly, a runny nose. Constant nosebleeds significantly impair the quality of life. In such cases, it is customary to take vasoconstrictor medications, so-called nasal drops.

In pharmacies you can find a wide variety of medications for rhinitis, which are intended for a specific circle of people. It’s not easy to choose from such a wide range suitable remedy which will relieve a runny nose. To do right choice You need to thoroughly understand the range that pharmacists offer.

In what cases are they used?

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used in the following cases:

  1. Difficulty breathing in the background high temperature bodies. As the body temperature rises, it causes swelling to the mucous membrane. In such cases, the baby either stops breathing completely or does it with great difficulty. As a result of rising temperatures, mucus that has stagnated instantly dries out.
  2. Complete absence of nasal breathing. With this phenomenon, the child cannot breathe through his nose, so he opens his mouth to do so. As a result, the mucus in the bronchi dries out. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to clear the nasal passage as quickly as possible and the patient will be able to breathe again.
  3. Ear infection. It is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops even for otitis media. Their action is aimed at eliminating swelling from the passage between the nose and ear. In this way, the patient's condition can be alleviated. At in serious condition It is better to call a doctor and not self-medicate.
  4. Inflammation of the nasopharynx. The presence of sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinosinusitis affects the condition of the mucous membrane resulting in swelling. The use of drops helps relieve swelling.

Side effects

Drops for the treatment of rhinitis and others similar diseases are able to quickly normalize breathing. But, like any other medicine, they have a number of side effects. They are directly related to their action. The manufacturer warns about the occurrence of a special reaction of the body to the drug. The most common symptoms that occur during drug use are: side effects:

  • drying of the nasal mucosa;
  • burning sensation;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions - sneezing;
  • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • nosebleeds;
  • headache;
  • addiction.

What nasal drops are there?

Nasal drops are usually divided into 3 large groups. These are the following groups:

  • short acting;
  • medium action;
  • long-acting.

Short acting

The effect of these vasoconstrictor drugs is designed for only 4 hours and no more.

The medicine mainly contains naphazoline, tetrizoline or phenylephrine. The danger of drugs is that their use can cause drug-induced rhinitis.

This disease develops as a result of an overdose. When the maximum effect occurs, the person forgets about the instructions and continues to use the drops. Kids get used to medications very quickly. As a result of this phenomenon, the treatment of a common runny nose may take longer. long time.

It is considered one of the cheapest drugs with an affordable price for any person. Immediately after use, you can notice how quickly it relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion no longer bothers children. It should absolutely not be used for children whose age does not exceed 1 year. In the instructions, the manufacturer indicates a number of side effects that may develop as a result of long-term use. First of all, it's addictive.

This medicine contains naphazoline nitrate. The main purpose is the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and larynginitis. Immediately after the first use, breathing becomes much easier. Sanorin is not recommended for use for more than 5 days, as it can cause poisoning as a result of an overdose. You can use it after consultation with your doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe.

Medium action

This group contains drugs based on xylometozoline and tramazoline. Having these components in their composition, the drugs are able to keep the capillaries narrowed for a longer time.

Their effect usually does not exceed 8 hours. Such medications are prescribed not only for the treatment of colds. In some cases, to carry out high-quality diagnostics, it is necessary to narrow the blood vessels. Drugs from this group are best suited.

This vasoconstrictor medicine contains xylometazoline hydrochloride. The medicine is completely inexpensive and is used to treat inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. With their help, a person can breathe freely for 12 hours. Swelling of the mucous membrane is removed. They usually come in the form of a spray or drops. The instructions describe the application in detail. The course of treatment recommended by doctors should not exceed 10 days.

The drug contains tetrahydrozoline chloride. Thanks to its immediate action, it eliminates the symptoms of a stuffy nose for 6 hours. The effect is immediate. Doctors recommend using it as an additional therapy in treatment colds which are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea. The nose is instilled no more than 3 times a day to avoid the development of addiction. It is strictly forbidden to use by young children, pregnant women and hypertensive patients.

Another inexpensive one medicine, which can reduce hyperemia and rhinorrhea. Once in the nose, it immediately begins to liquefy mucus and restore normal breathing for 12 o'clock. In addition, it also eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane. It contains no antibiotic. Release form: drops. Use no more than 3 times a day. The most common side effect is drying of the mucous membrane. Contraindications for use: pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 6 years, glaucoma, hypertension and tachycardia.


Oxymetazoline is a substance that is responsible for the duration of action of the drug.

Using this component, you can relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and at the same time reduce the secretion of mucus in the sinuses. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis.

Medicines based on this substance are also used in the treatment of allergic manifestations. There are many drugs available in different dosages. Their advantage is that they are safe for both children and adults.

The drug differs in that it is approved for the treatment of runny nose in newborn babies. The active ingredient is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. The course of treatment does not exceed 5 days. Application – 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day.

Is one of the best modern medicines for the treatment of runny nose in children. Afrin successfully combines high efficiency and reasonable cost. Approved for use in young children from birth. The active substance does not damage the nasal mucosa, thereby constricting blood vessels for a long time. Immediately after the first use, breathing becomes easier, and all excess mucus is removed.

Weaning off medications to treat a runny nose

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children have one drawback. Sooner or later they become addictive. Unfortunately, cases of addiction development are quite common, so you need to know how to avoid it. It is very difficult to wean the body off the drug, but it is quite possible to do it. The period of adaptation can be eased only if a person finds out the reason for the development of a runny nose. Then you need to stop using the drops. The most difficult thing is to survive the first 3-4 days. But they must be endured differently positive result will not.

To facilitate general state You can periodically take hot foot baths. An interesting activity will help you get distracted and time will fly by unnoticed. Health is the most valuable thing in every person’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account even the slightest change in the body and promptly treat emerging diseases. Only in this case is a high-quality and effective treatment possible.

A runny nose is perhaps the most common ailment. All ages are submissive to him. In adults and children, the nose gets stuffy several times a year, and in some people this condition is generally chronic.

There can be any number of reasons for rhinitis. This is both a cold and allergic reaction for something (bloom, smoke, chemicals, dust, gas pollution), and viral infection, penetration of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, disruption of the microflora of the nasal mucosa.

Often adults themselves resort to vasoconstrictor nasal drops and give them to their children. The drugs really bring relief. But are they real treatments? Are they addictive? What is more of them - harm or benefit?

How to navigate the variety of medications that modern pharmacies offer, and which of this assortment can be used to treat runny nose in children different ages so that these drugs are inexpensive, effective and safe? Let's try to answer all these questions.

How they work

The principle of action of vasoconstrictor drops in general outline is clear from the very name of the group of drugs. They make the vessels narrower, which reduces swelling and relieves nasal congestion. How exactly does this happen?

Pharmacists call drugs in this group the complex word “adrenergic agonists” because they act on alpha-adrenergic receptors, causing blood vessels to constrict. The lumens of the vessels of the nasal mucosa increase, the person is able to breathe, since swelling no longer interferes.

These drugs begin to act almost immediately after entering the nasal cavity. The effect is observed within a few minutes.

The main thing to remember for those who like to frequently use such medications is that vasoconstrictor nasal drops do not cure a runny nose, do not relieve allergies and fungal or rhinitis. bacterial origin, from sinusitis and eustachitis. They just make breathing easier. Temporarily. Keyword"temporarily" here.

For general information, we invite you to watch Doctor Komarovsky’s episode about children's runny nose, causes and treatment.

Frequent and uncontrolled use of drugs is harmful to health, as drug dependence develops, addiction to the medicine, and the runny nose itself becomes difficult to cure. chronic form, atrophic rhinitis may develop. In some cases, the problem may become so advanced that it will be necessary to surgery. Without it, a person will not be able to breathe on his own.

But such drugs also have their tangible advantages. They are considered relatively safe because they almost do not penetrate into the blood, which means they do not act systemically and are limited to local action. This is correct only when the dosage is not violated. Otherwise, vasoconstrictors will enter the bloodstream.


All drops that can increase the lumen of the vessels of the nasal mucosa are divided into three types, according to the main active ingredient in their composition:

  • Based on naphazoline(“Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”). These remedies last from 3 to 5 hours. By doctors' standards, this is extremely small. They are not prescribed to children so often, since their composition dries out the delicate mucous membrane of a child’s nose.
  • Based on xylometazoline(“Dlyanos”, “Rinonorm”, “Galazolin”, etc.). These drugs act much longer - up to 8-9 hours, and do not have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane, since many of them contain aid sea ​​water enters.
  • Based on oxymetazoline(“Nazivin”, “Nazol”, etc.). Such drugs can make breathing easier for 10-13 hours. They are most widely used in pediatrics because they are non-toxic and harm is minimized.

Drops for children

Instilled vasoconstrictor drugs should be used with extreme caution and prudence when treating runny nose in children. It is advisable to consult with a pediatrician who will assess the baby’s condition and make an informed decision about whether he needs vasoconstrictor drugs or can use folk remedies.

In addition to facilitating breathing with nasal congestion or allergies, these medications are often used before a child undergoes rhinoscopy. They are used for otitis media and adenoids. Also drops of this drug group prescribed to children suffering from frequent nosebleeds.

Many manufacturers offer children's forms for the main brand, with a reduced dosage of the active substance, which is indicated in the name, for example, there is “Nazivin”, and there is “Nazivin Baby”. But if you have been prescribed a medicine that does not have a special pediatric form, the doctor will individually reduce the adult recommended dosage, taking into account the age and health condition of the baby.

Indications for use

The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is appropriate for:

List of drugs

Selection by age

Babies under one year old

  • "Adrianol"- a rather viscous, thick preparation that protects the delicate mucous membrane of the baby from drying out. If your child has a runny nose, you can drip these drops twice a day, 1 drop into each nostril. It is better to carry out the procedure 15-20 minutes before feeding to avoid excessive regurgitation.

  • "Xylene". The drug based on xylomethozoline acts quite gently, but effectively. According to pediatricians, Xilen relieves nasal congestion quite quickly and for a long time; parental reviews of the drug are also mostly positive. From birth to six years, the drug is instilled 1-2 drops into each nostril 1 or 2 times a day. Xilen drops and sprays are inexpensive medicines that cost less than 100 rubles.

  • "Nazivin Sensitive"- one of the varieties trademark"Nazivin." The drug can be instilled no more than three times a day, 1 drop into the nasal passages. The course of treatment stated by the manufacturers is no more than 5 days, but doctors do not advise babies under six months to take this vasoconstrictor drug for more than three days.

From 1 year to 3 years

  • "Naphthyzin". This drug works quickly, but does not last very long. In terms of cost, it is affordable for anyone. Price for "Naftizin" in Russian pharmacies does not exceed 70 rubles.

It should be remembered that this drug belongs to the first group, which is based on the substance naphazoline, and therefore the drug must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The average dosage is 1 drop twice a day, in each nasal passage. If you purchased Naphthyzin in the form of a spray, then spray it on a child aged 1, 2, or 3 years no more than once a day.

  • "Rinorus". These xylometazoline drops and spray should not be used by children under 2 years of age. The drug gently and quickly relieves swelling of the nasopharynx and makes breathing easier. It contains eucalyptus oil, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of instillation and irrigation lasts about 10 hours.

The spray can only be used from the age of six, for the one we are considering age category For children, only drops are recommended. The standard dosage is one or two drops no more than twice a day.

  • "Sanorin". This drug is based on naphazoline, it should be dripped very carefully, because it can cause serious poisoning in an overdose. The drug is used in the treatment of various runny noses, including allergic ones, as well as bacterial conjunctivitis as part of a complex treatment.

The pharmacist at the pharmacy can offer you “Sanorin” in the form of a solution and emulsion. For children's use Only solution is suitable! The dose for the indicated age is one drop in each nostril 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the severity of nasal congestion.

From 3 years

  • "Nazivin." A drug of the third group based on oxymetazoline, most preferred for the treatment of runny nose in childhood. This is a fairly strong and effective remedy, which is available in different forms.

  • "Nazivin spray" can be given to children only from 6 years of age, spraying into the nostrils once twice a day. Drops "Nazivin" can be used for children up to one year old ("Nazivin Sensitive"), after a year ("Nazivin Baby") and older children (simply "Nazivin"). The average dosage is 1-2 drops no more than three times a day.

  • "Rinonorm". Drops and sprays of two different concentrations with pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. The drug belongs to the second group of drugs, it is based on xylometazoline. It is not used for children under 2 years of age; from 3 to 5 years of age, it is instilled with caution in dosage, no more than 1 dose (this is one press on the lid of the spray bottle) twice a day. Children under 10 years old can drip three times a day.

  • "Polydexa". Drops and spray with this name are combined, with a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Manufacturers recommend them for the treatment of runny nose in children over 3 years of age. The prescribed dose is 1 irrigation twice a day for a maximum of ten days. However, recent pharmacological data indicate that this drug is far from safe. It contains neomycin, an antibiotic, the use of which in childhood can lead to hearing loss (sensorineural hearing loss). Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing Polydex.

  • Drops "Tizin" exist in the form of solutions of different concentrations. Check with the pharmacist about your child's age. The least concentrated drops are indicated for children from 2 years old, others - from 6 years old. Ask the pharmacist to give you “Children’s Tizin” (concentration 0.05%), 2-3 drops are instilled into the nasal passage every 4 hours, but no more than 4 times a day.

Try to last appointment The drug took place 3-4 hours before bedtime. Although it is believed that it is better to instill at night, keep in mind that this drug quite often causes insomnia. To prevent this from happening to your child, provide for this possibility.

  • "Nazol Baby". This is a vasoconstrictor drug that is quite strong, but it will be safe if used and dosed correctly. The requirements are described in detail in the instructions for use. A child aged 3-4 years can instill 1 drop into each nostril no more than every 6 hours and no more than 3-4 times a day. For a child 7-8 years old and older, the dose can be increased to 3-4 drops, but the frequency must be the same.

  • "For the nose." The drug is available in the form of drops and spray. Has a slight effect on the condition and integrity of the mucous membranes baby nose. Can be used for any type of runny nose and even for congestion in the ears due to rhinitis. The child will feel the first effect within 2-3 minutes after instillation or irrigation.

Children over 6 years old can be administered 2 drops every 6-7 hours. For children from three to six, a weaker solution is prescribed; it is sold at any pharmacy. It is necessary to instill according to the same scheme and in the same dosage. Doctors recommend using the spray for children over 5 years of age, two doses (two presses on the plunger) no more than three times a day.

  • "Galazolin". This xylometazoline-based product in the form of children's drops is prescribed from 2 years of age, starting from the age of three, you can use Galazolin nasal gel. It is administered 1 dose into each nasal passage no more than twice a day. An adequate dosage of drops is no more than 2 drops in each nostril 1-2 times a day. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe three doses of the drug, but this is done quite rarely.

Duration of admission

When using nasal vasoconstrictor drugs, the recommended duration of therapy should be strictly followed. Violation of this rule may result in Negative consequences– the child will develop an addiction and without medications he will no longer be able to fully breathe through his nose, and over time, the drugs will stop working.

Then parents will be faced with a situation where some drops do not help, while others help, but not for long. You will have to change medications often, and their list is not endless. Probably, each of us personally knows at least one person who constantly has a stuffy nose; he never leaves the house without taking a bottle of drops with him. If we don’t want such a future for our children, let’s respect the deadlines for admission.

Side effects and overdose

Before deciding to treat a child’s runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops, you should clearly understand possible consequences such therapy. Unfortunately, the list side effects for such medications is quite large. The child may experience swelling of the nasal passages and sinuses, develop rapid and severe irritation mucous membrane, unbearable itching and burning, pronounced pain syndrome, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting. Often the use of such drops is accompanied by headaches, sleep disturbances, and increased anxiety. In rare cases, vision may be impaired.

These and others unpleasant consequences may occur not only in case of individual intolerance, but also as a result of violation of the dosage recommended by the doctor and the instructions for use. This is another compelling argument in favor of consulting a doctor. An ENT specialist or pediatrician knows best which drug to choose so as not to harm the child.

Mode of application

Many parents think that there is nothing difficult about this. He took it and dripped it into the child’s nose. In fact, the procedure must be carried out correctly so that the effect of therapy is faster. What should I do to put drops into my nose? First, you need to free your nasal passages from mucus, dry crusts, and liquid secretions.

To do this, you can use a weak rinse. saline solution, furatsilin solution. If your child is already big, just ask him to blow his nose several times. If the child is still small and has not learned how to do this, you can clean the inside of the nose with a special aspirator, available at any pharmacy, or with a cotton swab, tightly twisted and soaked in a furatsilin solution.

If during cleaning you notice that your child’s mucous membranes are irritated, red, or excessively dry, gently lubricate the nasal passages with Vaseline or sea ​​buckthorn oil. Ordinary will do vegetable oil, if there is no other.

While instilling the drug, the child should neither stand nor sit. Place the big one on the couch or sofa, the small one on your lap, slightly raising the head. Turn the child's head half-turn to the side and drop it into the nostril that is higher in level. Gently massage the wing of the nose with your fingertips, make light tapping movements in the sinus area. Then turn your head to the other side and repeat the procedure with the second nostril.

After instillation, the child should lie down for about 15 minutes in a calm state, after which he can be allowed to return to play or activities.

  • You should not instill vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In an “interesting” position, this is fraught with narrowing of the blood vessels of the placenta, as a result of which the child will not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. When a young mother breastfeeds the baby, the active ingredient of the drug penetrates into breast milk and is easily passed on to the baby. Preferred for expectant mothers and infants folk remedies Treatments for nasal congestion, there are quite a few of them.
  • If after 3-5 days of taking the drops there is no desired effect, you should not continue the course, do not change medications. Contact your doctor who will create a special individual prescription for your child, so-called complex drops.
  • They will contain two, three or more drugs, they will be balanced in certain proportions. You will need to submit your prescription to any pharmacy in your city that has a prescription department. The pharmacist will prepare it in 10-15 minutes the right remedy. According to reviews from parents whose children often suffer from rhinitis, it is often “complex” drops that work most effectively.
  • Do not leave a bottle of vasoconstrictor medication unattended. If a child uses the drops for other purposes, for example, drinks the contents, the consequences can be more than serious.
  • When used internally, the medicine can quickly narrow arteries and veins. Blood pressure rises sharply, pupils narrow, and consciousness becomes confused. The baby may experience cardiac arrest. Even if in children's body Only 5-7 ml of vasoconstrictor was injected, he already needs emergency resuscitation care. Call an ambulance immediately.
  • Most vasoconstrictor drops and sprays cannot be taken simultaneously with tetracyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors. The main property of the drops is to constrict blood vessels, which will increase significantly, which can lead to symptoms characteristic of overdose and poisoning.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be used to treat children with heart disease, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, or increased thyroid function.

Dr. Komarovsky about vasoconstrictor nasal drops

Immensely respected by mothers all over Rus' pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky does not recommend instilling vasoconstrictor drugs in children under 2 years of age at all. He warns that these medications are quite dangerous, and therefore advises, if possible, to replace them for children with something milder in action. For example, some mucolytic agents, such as ACC, liquefy secretions not only in the bronchi, but also act on the nasal mucosa, and therefore facilitate the passage of the contents of the nasal passages during a runny nose.

May also be useful antihistamines, which simultaneously constrict blood vessels. In any case, Evgeniy Komarovsky does not recommend choosing a treatment method on your own. No one can do this better than a doctor. During each of his conversations with parents about the problem of treating the runny nose, the famous pediatrician and TV presenter emphasizes that rhinitis is not a trivial disease, it cannot be ignored and treated “out of habit,” a detailed search for the cause of the runny nose is required and the right approach to therapy.

And now Doctor Komarovsky will tell us about vasoconstrictor drops for children.


ethnoscience knows many ways to treat runny noses in children without the use of serious medications that can negatively affect the child’s body. The most famous remedy is juice onions, which is diluted with boiled cold water or saline solution and instilled into the nose up to 4 times a day.

A weak solution of propolis tincture helps a lot for a runny nose. Often mothers warm up the baby’s nose with boiled chicken egg However, this method is contraindicated if the baby has pus in the nasal discharge. Warming the sinuses during bacterial inflammation is strictly prohibited.

A runny nose (rhinitis) is a common symptom familiar to every person. The cause of its appearance can be various viruses, bacteria, and allergens. The appearance of a runny nose always reduces a person’s quality of life, causing discomfort, disrupts sleep, sense of smell, reduces taste sensations. To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, you can use folk remedies or seek help from medications of natural or synthetic origin. Treatment should always begin with identifying and eliminating the cause, but in order to cope with the runny nose itself, you need to use symptomatic medications, the use of which will help relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, eliminate congestion, the amount of mucous discharge, and improve nasal breathing. First aid medications include vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which can be used in the treatment of runny nose of various etiologies for adults and children.

Range of drugs local action for intranasal administration - quite large, but the choice of drops with a vasodilating effect should always be entrusted to the attending physician. The fact is that vasoconstrictors for the nose have many contraindications, so their uncontrolled use can be harmful to health. Perhaps, and this is why some are trying to use folk remedies and give up synthetic drugs. Despite such precautions, many, when a runny nose appears, rush to the pharmacy and buy remedies for the runny nose, without consulting a doctor. However, experts strongly recommend not to self-medicate without first reading the instructions for use.

Treatment of a runny nose very often consists of the use of topical vasoconstrictors, which can be used for viral, bacterial or allergic rhinitis against the background of which edema, hyperemia and inflammation of the mucous membrane appear, which leads to congestion, copious mucous discharge, and impaired nasal breathing.

Nasal vasoconstrictors are not intended to treat rhinitis, but only to relieve general symptoms due to a cold or allergy. The principle of action of such drugs is to constrict blood vessels, which reduces mucus production, reduces swelling, relieves inflammation, and improves nasal breathing. Vasoconstrictor drugs contain components from the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists, which make it possible to provide next action on the nasal mucosa:

  1. quickly and effectively narrow the lumen of blood vessels;
  2. reduce swelling of the mucous membrane;
  3. restore breathing;
  4. improve the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity;
  5. improve drainage from the maxillary sinuses;
  6. eliminate stagnant processes;
  7. relieve nasal congestion.

This effect of the drugs allows you to feel visible improvements in sinusitis, colds, flu, allergies, sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs after the first use. Despite the rapid effect of such drugs, they must be used with extreme caution and strictly adhere to the recommended dose and treatment course.

Indications for use

Vasoconstrictor medications are widely used in complex therapy diseases such as:

  1. Acute or chronic sinusitis.
  2. Sinusitis.
  3. Exacerbation of allergic rhinitis.
  4. Otitis.
  5. Acute period of viral or bacterial infection.

Adults and children can use drugs from this group, but before purchasing and using any drops, you need to pay attention to the dosage, study the instructions, or consult a doctor.

Types of vasoconstrictor drops

In pharmacology, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are divided into several types, each of which has its own composition, period for maintaining the effect, but the same mechanism of action.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of the common cold are produced by different pharmaceutical companies in different forms: drops, sprays, have different prices, and analogues. Before purchasing any medicine, it is very important not only to exclude the presence of contraindications to their use, but also to familiarize yourself with permissible doses, composition, duration of administration. Nasal drops are provided in a wide range, so if a person is looking for inexpensive medicines, he should pay attention to drugs - analogues of domestic production. The names of such drops may not be so popular, but the effect of use will be identical. Analogues of vasoconstrictor drugs are divided into structural, that is, those that have the same composition or analogues in therapeutic effect. Such products have a different composition, but have the same principle of action.

Review of effective drugs

The list of drugs for the treatment of runny nose with a vasoconstrictor effect is quite large, but in practice doctors most often use the following drugs:

Naphthyzin. A drug based on naphazoline, which is widely used to treat rhinitis in adults and children. Available in bottles at a dose of 0.1% for adults and 0.5% for children. , taking them allows you to relieve tissue swelling and inflammation. IN currently they are not used as often as before. Naphthyzin is recommended to be used for no more than 5 days. Naphthyzin nasal drops should not be used by children under 1 year of age. Long-term use of the drug can cause tachyphylaxis - drug dependence. The drug is not used during lactation and pregnancy.

Read also this useful article and find out which are the most effective.

Sanorin. Vasoconstrictor drug to eliminate swelling and improve nasal breathing during rhinitis of different origins. The use of the drug in the treatment of a runny nose allows you to stop not only the manifestations of viral rhinitis, but also allergic runny nose. Sanorin drops are intended for adults and children over 2 years of age. The therapeutic course should not exceed 5 days.

Vibrocil. A phenylephrine-based drug that is widely used in children and adults. can be used by children from birth. Its use will cure viral, bacterial and allergic rhinitis. The drug is available in the form of drops, ointments, and sprays. The most convenient is a nasal spray. Can be used during lactation and pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Otrivin. A local drug for the treatment of rhinitis of various origins. Available in the form of spray and drops. Otrivin copes well with nasal congestion and can be used for sinusitis, sinusitis, and rhinitis. Effective 5 minutes after instillation. The effect lasts up to 4 hours. In addition to the main component of the drug, Otrivin contains glycerin, which moisturizes the mucous membrane and prevents it from drying out. Otrivin, unlike other similar drugs, is well tolerated.

Rhinonorm. Vasoconstrictor drug for the treatment of runny nose. Rinonorm is intended for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, and can be used for sinusitis. The medicine is available in the form of a nasal spray for adults, 10 mg and children, 5 mg. The use of Rinonorm allows you to reduce hyperemia, relieve swelling, and restore breathing. During lactation and pregnancy, it is better to refrain from using drops. The effect of Rinonorm will be noticeable within 10 minutes and will last for 4 hours.

Nazol baby. Children's vasoconstrictor drops based on phenylephrine hydrochloride. Used for colds, allergies and other diseases of the nasal mucosa, which are accompanied by swelling, inflammation, increased secretion mucus. The drug can be used by children from birth, but its use should not exceed 5 days.

Polydexa. An effective remedy with a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug belongs to combination medications. It contains phenylephrine, neomecin, dexamethasone. Prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, also used for sinusitis and other diseases of the nasal passages. Children can only use the medicine from 2 years of age.

Nazivin. One of effective drugs, used in pediatrics to treat runny nose in children. Nazivin is a synthetic drug fast acting from the group of vasoconstrictors, which effectively constrict blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, thereby quickly relieving the symptoms of a runny nose, improving nasal breathing, and relieving congestion. The basis of Nazivin drops is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. When purchasing Nazivin drops, you need to pay attention to the dose.

That's not all medications from the group of vasoconstrictors for the treatment runny nose Considering that such medications have a fairly large list of contraindications and can be addictive, many are looking for products that can replace such drops. One of the popular and safe drugs counts Pinosol, which has vegetable origin, good tolerance. Pinosol contains essential oils medicinal herbs, which make it possible to provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Pinosol is used for sinusitis, rhinitis and other types of runny nose. Pinosol can be used by adults and children over 2 years old, as well as pregnant women. A contraindication to the drug is considered to be individual intolerance to the composition. Pinosol nasal drops are quite cheap, but they should be used after consultation with a doctor.

Disadvantages of vasoconstrictor drugs

Despite the widespread use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, they must be used with extreme caution. Such medications can be addictive, so they should be used for no more than 5 to 7 days. During use, you must strictly adhere to the recommended doses. In addition, the disadvantages of such drugs include:

  • Temporary effect.
  • Addiction or ineffectiveness with long-term use.
  • Dry the nasal mucosa.
  • Causes thinning of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Does not relieve sneezing, itching and burning in the nose.
  • They do not treat the disease, but only temporarily eliminate its symptoms.
  • In case of overdose they call adverse reactions body.

Despite the shortcomings of such drugs, they are still the most effective in treating the runny nose, since they quickly relieve its symptoms. The market offers both cheap and expensive drops and sprays for the common cold, but when choosing a medicine, it is better to rely on doctor’s recommendations or consumer reviews.

Naturally, in adults, side effects from the use of such drugs are quite rare, which cannot be said about children. Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on use in pediatrics deserves special attention:

It is important to understand that drops with a vasoconstrictor effect have many contraindications, so they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and only after reading the instructions. It is important to understand that a runny nose needs to be treated comprehensively and, in addition to drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, you need to use other drugs for local or internal use. Folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary therapy to the main treatment. Only A complex approach to treatment will help in short time relieve a person from a runny nose and other manifestations of illness.