Menstrual cycle: a general concept of its norm, regularity, failures and irregularities. The period of the menstrual cycle and its main phases. The degree of heaviness and pain during menstruation. Monthly cycle: norm and deviations

Menstruation for women has become a familiar and routine occurrence, which receives too little attention. To maintain your health and well-being, you should know how your periods go, what your discharge should be and its quantity. Both teenage girls and older women should be able to recognize deviations from the normal course of the cycle.

It can be characterized by the degree of pain, regularity and amount of discharge. This process is individual and each woman experiences it differently.

Unfortunately, during menstruation, most women experience significant discomfort associated with pain. Provoke spasms of lipid groups biologically active substances, stimulating contraction of the muscles of the uterus to remove blood from the body. Some women claim that period pain decreases significantly after giving birth.

Painkillers such as tempalgin, tamipul, solpadeine, and no-shpa help women cope with pain. Antispasmodics should be taken strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to exceed the dose, so as not to provoke side effects. You should also not take aspirin or apply a heating pad to your stomach, as this will increase bleeding.

Although most doctors advise against exercising during menstrual periods, moderate physical exercise help reduce the intensity of uterine spasms. Therefore, if she feels well, a woman can go for a walk or bike ride. This will only benefit the body.

When a woman notices that her periods (menstruation) after 35 years are accompanied by more severe cramps and pain, you should be examined by a gynecologist for the development of endometriosis or the presence of polyps.

Women should be especially sensitive to their health and undergo regular preventive examinations from a gynecologist. This will help avoid the development of many organ pathologies genitourinary system.

Normal does not pose a threat to the body. Moderate blood loss is quickly replenished and is imperceptible to the woman. The normal discharge rate during menstruation ranges from 20 to 50 grams per day. The duration and intensity of discharge varies from person to person; these numbers may vary slightly in each specific case. The total blood loss does not exceed 250 grams.

Sometimes women complain of heavy discharge that literally “floods” them in the first days. They have to change tampons or pads every two hours, and blood may come out in clots different sizes. For mature women in the premenopausal period and for younger women, such periods signal a hormonal imbalance in the body.

To correct the situation, you should contact a gynecologist, undergo an examination and, on the doctor’s recommendation, take a additional tests. A visit to a specialist if blood loss is higher than normal is mandatory, since heavy menstruation indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

Such a popular method of contraception as the IUD sometimes causes heavy bleeding during menstruation. This situation can be corrected; you just need to draw the attention of your gynecologist to this issue.

From heavy periods very effective means is sorrel, which is added to food, fresh or boiled. They are also used on the basis of yarrow, chamomile, horsetail, shepherd's purse, lungwort and horse chestnut (bark, leaves or flowers), peppermint. In effective ways To reduce bleeding, use a decoction of cherry stalks and leaves, and an infusion of oak acorns. At heavy bleeding Soak flax seeds in the evening. The next day, only flax is allowed as food.

A meager amount of menstruation for just two or three days may be due to the following reasons:

  • taking contraceptives;
  • premenopausal period;
  • hormonal disbalance due to sudden changes in body weight.

If scanty discharge appeared after an abortion or a procedure to clean the uterus after childbirth, you should check the likelihood of sticking of the walls of the uterus. To eliminate this problem sometimes used surgery. Light bleeding sometimes occurs during pregnancy.

Menstrual discharge is characterized by a bright red color and a specific smell. Often women notice traces of blood clots on the pads. Their size can range from small grains to large clots. This phenomenon considered absolutely normal. Enzymes intended for processing secretions do not have time to correctly perform their functions. Therefore, the blood that remains unprocessed accumulates in the vagina, transforming into clots.

As mentioned above, intrauterine devices contribute heavy discharge blood, which also transform into clots. If there is a spiral, clots can be explained by the fact that the fertilized eggs were unable to attach to the walls of the uterus and left the body along with menstrual blood.

We found out how normal periods should go in the middle of the cycle. At the very beginning and end of menstruation, instead of bright scarlet blood, faint bleeding may appear. Not a large number of The discharge has a brownish tint and lasts about two days. A longer release of such blood indicates gynecological problems, the nature of which must be determined by the doctor during examination.

The discharge is spontaneous and irregular. The formation of the cycle can take about a year. As a result, when asked how often menstruation occurs, we can answer that the duration normal cycle is 28 days from possible deviations in 1-2 days. Some people have a cycle length of only 25 days (short cycle). The longest cycle, which is not considered a deviation from the norm, lasts 32 days.

The most favorable are regular periods, that is, when the beginning and end of menstruation occur on approximately the same days of the month. In this case, we can talk about the coordinated functioning of the body’s genitourinary system. When the cycle is constantly changing, lengthening or, conversely, becoming shorter, we are talking about irregular periods. Normal discharge during menstruation and a regular cycle are two parameters that indicate healthy condition reproductive system.

Irregular periods are not a consequence of pathologies if we are talking about young girls with an unformed cycle or a premenopausal period in a woman’s life. Sometimes a cycle is disrupted due to its absence or failure. For couples planning children, the ability to calculate the days of ovulation is extremely important, so it makes sense for a woman to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

If a woman has a long absence of menstruation, this cannot be called the norm. If the possibility of pregnancy has been excluded, you should be examined for early menopause, the presence of hormonal or psychological reasons cycle failure.

Hygiene procedures and intimate life during menstruation

Attitudes towards intimacy during menstruation among women and men often do not coincide. Men strive for unprotected sex and the opportunity to experience pleasure, and women are somewhat wary of such experiments. And for good reason. The health of the fair half of humanity on such days is especially susceptible various diseases due to a slightly open cervix. Therefore, if you cannot do without sex, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene, as well as use a condom to protect against infections entering the female body.

Don’t forget what a normal period should be and how to keep your body clean so as not to get an infection. Basic rules feminine hygiene are:

  1. Visit the bathroom twice a day.
  2. Using pads and tampons selected according to your needs female body.
  3. Regular replacement of hygiene items.
  4. Use night pads at night to protect clothing and bed sheets from getting blood.
  5. The gaskets are changed as they become dirty, but no less than every 3-4 hours.

Both pads and tampons are convenient and practical devices. They protect laundry from dirt and leaks. For a woman’s convenience, you can try combining these hygiene products.

Every girl and woman should know which periods are normal and which indicate the need to visit a doctor. The reasons for deviation from the norm may be: hormonal imbalance, weight gain or loss, stress, as well as infectious diseases genitourinary system. In order not to be at a loss about the state of your health, you should regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • tempalgin;
  • tamipul;
  • solpadeine;
  • no-shpa.

Folk remedies:

  • sorrel decoction;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • horsetail;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • lungworts;
  • horse chestnut;
  • flax seeds.

Hello! What should every woman know about her monthly phenomenon, laid down by nature? The material, “The Menstrual Cycle in Women,” contains detailed answers to many important questions.

Features of the female body

What is menstruation? Once a month, the uterus grows new endometrium, or lining, in preparation to receive a fertilized egg. When it is absent, the uterus begins to reject the lining.

The menstrual period begins in girls when they are 11-14 years old and continues until about age 50 in women. Discharge becomes irregular at the age of 39-51 years, then stops completely.

Start This natural phenomenon can make the girl feel anxious. At first, in girls, bleeding may also be irregular. In a year everything will be back to normal.

Norm– this is 21,28,30 days. Menstrual cycle confirms that the girl is healthy, developed and capable of having offspring.

Women's cycle can lead a girl to pregnancy even from accidental sexual intercourse. Mom must prepare her daughter for adult life so that there is no trouble.

What is the menstrual cycle? A cycle is the period from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next bleeding.

Duration of the menstrual cycle:

  • average – 28 days
  • short – 21 days
  • long - 35 days
  • in adolescents it is not uncommon - 45 days. This is normal, then everything will work out.

If you notice any violations menstrual cycle, that is, it lasts more than 7 days, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

Control over the cycle is provided by hormones: estrogen and progesterone. What it is? These are the most important women's ones.

  • Estrogen promotes the growth of endometrium in the uterus.
  • Progesterone is formed in the middle of the cycle, that is, after ovulation.

Both hormones prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

Mid-cycle in women, what is it?

Around the middle of the cycle, an egg matures in the female body and is capable of fertilization, that is, ovulation occurs. If you are planning a pregnancy, then at this time the female body is ready to conceive a baby. How to determine this moment by day.

With a cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs on days 14-15, if you count from the beginning bleeding.

Sexual intercourse these days most often ends in pregnancy. Buy tests to determine egg maturation. Testing should be done 24-48 hours before ovulation. If you do not plan to have children, then these days are considered the most dangerous.

But testing can be tricky because there are many different factors that can affect cycle length. You can calculate the phases of your menstrual cycle yourself if you measure daily basal temperature. Some women count these days for conception, while others - on the contrary, so as not to get pregnant.

  1. Take regular thermometer. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, without making sudden movements (this is important!), insert it into the rectum.
  2. Keep there for 7 minutes.
  3. Write down the readings.
  4. Based on daily readings, draw a graph. Indicate the days of measurements on the top line, and on the side - basal rate. Place points at the junction, which are then connected by a straight line.

When does this process begin?

On days when the temperature rises sharply, ovulation occurs.

It is important for every woman to know the phases of the cycle so as not to make mistakes in the calculation. Cycle phases, what are they? This important periods between menstruation.

  • First phase– follicular (the first phase, how many days does it last? 3-4 days);
  • Second phase- ovulation;
  • Third phase- luteal.

Follicular gives rise to the formation and maturation of the egg. Ovulation - designed to perform important female function- conception.

What happens in the second phase?

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature is approximately 36.8°C. 1-2 days before ovulation there is a decrease by literally a fraction of a degree. Then the indicator begins to increase within 3 days and remains at these levels until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5°C). The body is preparing for pregnancy.

Attention! Any stress, illness, alcohol, bad habits may change your schedule and ovulation may occur on another day, and then unwanted pregnancy. What happens to the body if elevated temperature lasts for two weeks? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Average duration second phase of the cycle, what does this mean for a woman? Within 4-6 days you can conceive a child.

The luteal phase occurs in two ways:

  • with a fertilized egg;
  • or without it, if it was not fertilized;
  • if conception has occurred, it begins to be produced corpus luteum, which actively secretes the hormone lutein. It is he who will support and “feed” the egg.

What prevents a woman from aging

These are hormones. A woman’s performance, attractiveness and mood often depend on them. In addition, the production of hormones changes almost every day during the process of bleeding, which is why women’s mood changes so often.

It is important to know the days of your cycle, the description of which will help you get to know yourself better. In 1 day The uterus throws out the spent endometrium, that is, bleeding begins. A woman may experience malaise and pain in the lower abdomen. To decrease painful sensations, you can take “No-shpu”, “Buscopan”, “Belastezin”, “Papaverine”.

On day 2 begins heavy sweating. On day 3 the uterus is very open, which can contribute to infection. On this day, a woman can also become pregnant, so sex should be protected.

From 4 days The mood begins to improve, efficiency appears, as menstruation is nearing completion.

What is the cycle by day in the second half? Days starting from 9th to 11th day considered dangerous, you may become pregnant. They say that at this time you can conceive a girl. And on the day of ovulation and immediately after it is suitable for conceiving a boy.

On day 12 women's libido increases, which entails a strong sexual attraction.

When does the second half start? From 14 days when the egg begins to move towards masculine, ovulation occurs. On day 16 a woman may gain weight as her appetite increases. Until 19 days the possibility of becoming pregnant remains.

From 20 days“safe” days begin. What's happened " safe days"? These days, the possibility of getting pregnant decreases.

Many women ask the question: is it possible for a woman to get pregnant before her menstrual cycle?

The probability is low, but no one can give a complete guarantee. The period of menstruation can change under the influence of many factors. No woman has an even cycle throughout her life. It can even change colds, fatigue or stress.

Many doctors warn that the body is capable of “giving out” repeated ovulation, so even 1 day before your period you can conceive.

Every woman should know the female cycle by day, what happens on these days, because it will show when you are ready to conceive, when you are passionate or, on the contrary, cold, why your mood changes so much.

Sexual cycles

When you hear - ovarian-menstrual cycle, it is the cyclicity of gonadotropin secretion that is established in the body. The concept of the sexual cycle includes the normal process that occurs in the ovaries under the influence of hormones, followed by menstruation.

Its duration is on average 28 +/- 7 days. What interval between periods is considered normal? If fertilization does not occur, then as soon as this cycle ends, the period of a new cycle begins. How long does it take? The interval between menstruation, the norm is from 21 to 35 days. But it also happens differently. Keep a small calendar where you will mark the first day of the appearance of discharge.

It is worth noting that 14 days should pass between ovulation and the next menstruation, but deviations of 1-2 days are possible. If you notice that your cycle is too short or too long, you should contact your gynecologist to find out the reasons.

Violation of cyclicity may indicate diseases of the genital area. When does cycle lengthening begin? The cycle can lengthen only after 45 years, as changes occur in the process of egg maturation.

Sometimes a woman may notice in herself bloody issues and after menstruation. This shouldn't happen!

A drop of blood can only be released at the moment of ovulation. If you notice sudden discharge, do not treat yourself - consult a doctor immediately!

Phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Titles:

  • Menstrual (desquamation phase)
  • Postmenstrual (estrogenic, proliferative, reparative or follicular)
  • Premenstrual (progestin, luteal, secretory phase preceding pregnancy).

Menstrual phase lasts on average 4 days. The first day of the cycle is the beginning of endometrial shedding. These days, progesterone is absent, and estrogen has not yet formed.

Postmenstrual phase– begins on the 5th day of the ovarian cycle, ends 1-2 days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. During this phase, follicles grow and develop. During the development of follicles, large amounts of estrogens are produced.

Premenstrual phase lasts 12-14 days. High level progesterone these days creates favorable conditions for implantation of the embryo.

The graph shows the period of menstruation when you can get pregnant.

Girls' first menstruation

My daughter must go through all the stages of her growing up, including the beginning of her period. First of all, we need to explain what menstruation is in girls. The simplest explanation is that this phenomenon is inherent in nature and there is no need to be afraid of it. It is imperative to explain what the duration of the menstrual cycle is.

It is important for a girl to know the phases of menstruation, because in the middle of them a girl can become pregnant, which is very undesirable for an immature body. Which phase is considered the most dangerous, every teenager should also know about this.

How menstruation occurs is described in the test above. This process is the same for both an adult woman and a girl. But if adult woman already knows what symptoms precede it, then the teenager needs to be clearly explained.

Before the onset of menstruation, the following are observed: phenomena:

When progesterone drops to its minimum level, the uterus rejects the inner layer, which was intended to secure the embryo.

When does the first period begin and menopause occurs?

It is impossible to say for sure whether a girl will be ready for motherhood. Each organism is individual, and puberty happens differently for everyone. Normally, it occurs at the age of 12-14 years, but every year the indicators shift towards a younger age. This situation is influenced by external as well as internal factors. If in the older generation the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics after 13-15 years was considered the norm, now at the age of 8 a girl’s mammary glands can be fully formed.

There are also no exact figures regarding the onset of menopause. According to statistics, average age is 45-55 years old. These indicators do not depend on the date of the first menstruation, but there is often a hereditary connection here. The onset of menopause is always accompanied by preliminary symptoms, and if you know them, you can prepare for this process in advance. You can ask your grandmothers or mother about how and when their menstruation stopped. The likelihood that everything will be the same for your daughter is quite high.

Menopause can occur earlier or later under different circumstances. Diseases, previous surgeries, and medications can affect this. hormonal drugs and the presence of bad habits.

It is important to remember that no matter when the first menstruation begins and menopause occurs, this is a natural process, and it is laid down by nature, so there is no need to worry about this again - it cannot be avoided anyway.

For calendar month A woman's body undergoes cyclical changes that culminate in menstruation. From the first day they begin to count the new menstrual cycle.

Menstruation (periods, critical days) is the main stage of puberty in girls. This is one of many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.

Some girls can't wait for it to start. Others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and most guys!) do not have a full understanding of the function of the female reproductive system and what actually happens during the menstrual cycle. This can make the process even more mysterious.

Everything that happens during menstruation depends on the rhythmic release of sex hormones and pituitary hormones.

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    1. First period

    Puberty begins no earlier than 9 years of age. This does not mean that your first period will come at this age.

    First, the girl’s body must prepare and go through the following stages:

    1. 1 The appearance of pubic hair, almost simultaneously hair begins to grow in the armpits.
    2. 2 Growth and development of the mammary gland.
    3. 3 Menarche is the first menstruation.

    Sometimes changes in the mammary gland occur before pubic hair begins to grow. It takes about two years from the start of breast growth to the appearance of the first menstruation. A girl's first period appears at about 13 years of age.

    About six months before, the girl may notice an increase in the amount of discharge, this normal phenomenon. No need to worry if there is no discharge unpleasant odor and do not cause itching or burning.

    Sometimes puberty occurs at a slower pace, then menstruation may begin at 14-15 years of age.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor if you do not have periods at the age of 15, and other signs of puberty are not expressed.

    2. What periods are considered normal?

    Menstruation is bleeding that occurs due to the shedding of the inner lining of the uterus. Bleeding can last from 3 to 7 days, most often 4-5.

    The duration of a full cycle from the beginning of one menstruation to the next is on average 28 days. Shortening the cycle to 21 days or increasing it to 35 days is not considered a deviation.

    During menstruation, about 30-80 ml of blood is lost. This amount of blood loss does not affect general condition and well-being. The body manages to compensate for blood loss by diluting the blood and releasing additional blood cells from the depot.

    IN menstrual flow there are parts of the endometrium and epithelial cells, they differ in appearance from any other bleeding.

    The blood itself is dark in color and does not clot. In the first few days, it contains mucous blood cords and clots - remnants of the inner lining of the uterus. IN last days During menstruation, only blood is released. It is gradually becoming smaller.

    The amount of blood loss can be determined independently by the fullness of sanitary pads. If one pad lasts more than 2 hours, then there is nothing to worry about.

    They need to be changed at least every 3-4 hours. Blood is good nutrient medium for bacteria, so rarely changing hygiene products can lead to the development inflammatory process(vulvovaginitis).

    During this period, your health may deteriorate: pain and cramps in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness and headache, and weakness. Paracetamol and ibuprofen, which your doctor may prescribe, will relieve these symptoms. A warm heating pad and a warm shower will also help get rid of cramps.

    Some girls feel a deterioration in their condition a few days before the onset of menstruation. In this case, signs appear that are combined into the concept:

    1. 1 Breast engorgement.
    2. 2 Headache.
    3. 3 Changes in mood.
    4. 4 Tearfulness.
    5. 5 Sometimes – aggression.
    6. 6 Digestive disorders, constipation, bloating.
    7. 7 Sleep disorders.

    The severity of these symptoms can vary - from slight discomfort and heaviness in the chest on the eve of menstruation to serious disorders that force you to change your lifestyle and social activity.

    They do not require special treatment, and in severe cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Usually all unwanted symptoms disappear with the onset of menstruation.

    3. Deviations from the norm

    Menstruation is a reflection of the health of the female body. If the duration, regularity and volume of blood loss are not within the normal range, you need to look for the reasons and eliminate them.

    Girls need to remember the date of their first menstruation and monitor their body. For most, it takes about a year for a normal cycle to develop; sometimes this process can take longer. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

    The period between bleeding may initially vary; it may lengthen or shorten. The amount of bleeding sometimes ranges from scanty spotting for a couple of days to intense bleeding.

    pay attention to following symptoms which may be signs of illness:

    1. 1 The menstrual cycle lasts more than 35 or less than 21 days.
    2. 2 In the middle of the cycle there are .
    3. 3 Irregular periods, there are no equal spaces between them.
    4. 4 Excessive discharge, one pad only lasts for 2 hours.
    5. 5 The bleeding continues more than 7 days.
    6. 6 No periods for more than 3 months, and pregnancy is excluded.
    7. 7 Arises lower abdomen.
    8. 8 Increases during menstruation temperature.

    A doctor's help is also necessary for severe premenstrual syndrome. In some girls, its symptoms appear long before menstruation, immediately after ovulation.

    The doctor will conduct an examination, find out the causes and prescribe treatment that will help reduce the severity of discomfort.

    4. What sets the rhythm?

    The menstrual cycle of any woman is controlled by the pituitary gland, a special part of the brain whose cells produce hormones.

    Over the course of three weeks, under the influence of pituitary hormones, changes occur in the ovaries and uterus. Menstruation completes the development of the endometrium. But it is from the first day of menstruation that a new cycle begins.

    This is due to the fact that at this moment the concentration of all hormones is in the “starting” state. The amount of estrogen is reduced.

    At this time, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It causes the follicles in the ovaries to grow and prepares the egg for maturation. Estrogen is also intensively produced there. They influence inner shell uterus and lead to a gradual increase in the thickness of the mucous layer.

    The pituitary gland also secretes luteinizing hormone (LH). In the middle of the cycle there is a sharp release. This provokes ovulation - the release of an egg from the follicle.

    Then the level of LH decreases, but under its influence a corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicle. This hormone is needed to maintain the function of the corpus luteum.

    Cells of the corpus luteum secrete progesterone. This is a hormone that prepares the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) for pregnancy. The number of vessels and glands in it increases, it becomes suitable for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

    So, over the course of a month, the body prepares for pregnancy. This natural process, which occurs in a girl who is not yet mentally mature to have children.

    When pregnancy does not occur, the reverse process begins:

    1. 1 The corpus luteum “fades” and gradually disappears.
    2. 2 The endometrial vessels are compressed.
    3. 3 Blood flow and nutrition of the mucous membrane deteriorate.
    4. 4 The blood flow to the uterus does not change.
    5. 5 Blood separates the functional layer of the endometrium from the wall of the uterus; it leaves the body in the form of dark red, brownish cords and lumps.
    6. 6 Various influences on the phases of the menstrual cycle can lead to irregular periods.

    5. How to behave during menstruation?

    Menstruation is a normal phenomenon in the body of any woman. This period should not significantly affect your lifestyle. But you need to follow some rules so that problems do not arise during your period.

    Hygiene is an important issue. This includes a daily shower and change of linen. Girls can use pads and sanitary tampons.

    Modern gaskets for critical days– these are thin multi-layer napkins, the bottom oilcloth layer of which reliably protects the laundry. They differ in the degree of absorption and size. They are changed, regardless of how full they are, at least every 3-4 hours. Why can't you do this less often?

    There is a gap between the pad and the vaginal opening. Menstrual blood flows freely and drips onto the pad, but can stain the skin of the perineum and linger on the vulva.

    Blood is a breeding ground for bacteria, and increased humidity and heat create favorable conditions for their reproduction. The degree of microbial contamination on the vulva is very high, so menstrual blood quickly decomposed by bacteria. A pungent odor appears. Therefore, rarely changing pads is unhygienic.

    Girls can also use tampons. They will not damage the hymen. For virgins, special tampons of minimal size are suitable.

    Under the influence of estrogen, the hymen tissue softens and becomes slightly folded, so it does not interfere with the insertion of a tampon. Its use may be difficult only if there is an abnormal development of the hymen or vagina.

    The tampon should be changed every 3-4 hours, maximum valid time its presence is 7-8 hours. If you change a dry tampon too often, mechanical irritation of the vagina will occur. Changing swollen tampons less frequently can cause infection and toxic shock.

    In addition to hygiene, many girls are interested in the question of playing sports on menstruation days. Absolute contraindications no to this. On the contrary, moderate physical exercise allow you to reduce the severity pain, keep the body in good shape.

    In the first two days, when bleeding is most pronounced. You should not lift heavy objects or visit the bathhouse or sauna these days. Properly selected tampons will not interfere with swimming, dancing and training.

    6. Sexual life and pregnancy

    For some girls, the onset of sexual activity is between 14 and 16 years of age. Most likely, none of them wants to become a mother at this age, so you need to remember about contraception.

    Don't forget about the possibility of pregnancy. Sometimes ovulation occurs not on days 12-14 of the cycle, but earlier. Sperm can remain viable for up to 3 days, so sex during menstruation can result in pregnancy.

    Sex without a condom is dangerous. The cervix during menstruation does not protect against the penetration of bacteria into the body of the uterus and appendages. Inflammation that develops in these areas can cause infertility.

    After the first menstruation, girls begin to truly grow up and become more responsible for their health. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, you should contact your gynecologist.

It just so happened that reproductive function is activated in the girl’s body at the moment when she does not care about this function at all. Having just put the dolls aside, the girl is faced with a whole series of little-understood processes occurring in her body, which immediately begin to be heatedly discussed among her peers, with consultations from those who are older. And mothers in this situation do not always rise to the occasion, since they themselves are poorly versed in this topic.

So, let’s figure out once and for all what happens to you every month, dear women, what is considered normal, what should alert you.

Most women answer a question about the length of their menstrual cycle with a similar phrase “about once a month, a couple of days earlier than the previous month”- this intricate phrase denotes the duration of the cycle of 28 days. This cycle length occurs in most healthy women, but does this mean that a shorter or longer cycle is a manifestation of pathology? No!

Recognized that a normal menstrual cycle can last from 21 to 35 days, that is, plus or minus a week from the average of 28 days. The duration of menstruation itself can normally range from 2 to 6 days, and the volume of blood lost should be no more than 80 ml. A longer cycle occurs among residents of the northern regions, a shorter cycle among those living in the southern regions, but this is not an absolute pattern.

Regularity is important in the menstrual cycle. That is, if a woman’s cycle is always 35-36 days, then this can be absolutely normal for her, but if it is either 26, then 35, then 21, this is not the norm. Thus, Irregularity can be considered a pathology(when menstruation comes at an uneven period of time), long cycle(more than 36 days) or short cycle(less than 21 days). In general, the menstrual cycle can vary greatly depending on the condition of the woman and the situation in which she finds herself.

However, different women lability of the menstrual cycle depending on external and internal factors can be different. For some, a little stress can already lead to a delay in menstruation, while for others, severe depression is not a reason for menstrual irregularities. One woman's menstrual cycle can match another's if they long time exist together. This is often seen on women's sports teams or when living together in a dorm. It is not entirely clear what explains this fact. All we can say is that menstrual cycle although there is a clear mechanism, but may vary significantly in a normal healthy woman and these changes are a reflection of the body’s reaction to external and internal factors.

The menstrual cycle is not always stable

The most irregular period is the first two years after the start of menstruation and three years before its end (menopause). Violations during these periods are due entirely physiological reasons, which we will talk about below.

Where do these numbers come from and why might they change?

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: menstruation, the first phase (follicular) and the second phase (luteal). Menstruation lasts on average 4 days. During this phase, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed due to failure to become pregnant.

First phase lasts from the end of menstruation until ovulation, that is, on average until the 14th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle (the days of the cycle are counted from the moment the menstruation begins).

This phase is characterized by the following events: several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries (from birth, the ovaries contain a lot of small vesicles (follicles) containing eggs). During their growth, these follicles secrete estrogens (female sexual hormones) into the blood, under the influence of which the mucous membrane (endometrium) grows in the uterus.

Shortly before the 14th day of the cycle, all follicles except one stop growing and regress, and one grows to an average of 20 mm and bursts under the influence of special stimuli. This process is called ovulation. An egg emerges from a ruptured follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where she waits for the sperm. The edges of the ruptured follicle gather (like a flower closing for the night) and this formation is now called the “corpus luteum.”

Starts immediately after ovulation second phase of the cycle. It lasts from the moment of ovulation until the start of menstruation, that is, about 12-14 days. During this phase, the woman's body waits for the pregnancy to begin. In the ovary, the “corpus luteum” begins to flourish - the corpus luteum formed from the burst follicle sprouts vessels and begins to secrete another female sexual hormone (progesterone) into the blood, which prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the beginning of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then a signal is sent to the corpus luteum and it curtails its work.

When the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone, a signal is sent to the uterus, and it begins to reject the no longer needed endometrium. Menstruation begins.

With different cycle lengths, the duration of the phases is reduced - this means that one woman needs 10 days for the follicle to mature, while another needs 15-16.

Having understood what the menstrual cycle consists of, it is easy to understand what determines its duration normally and in the presence of pathology.

Why is everything often unstable at the very beginning and then, after childbirth, it gets better?

The female reproductive system matures gradually, and being a complex mechanism, requires a setup period. The fact that a girl's first menstruation occurs does not mean that its system is mature and ready to work fully(although for some, the menstrual cycle starts working correctly from the very beginning).

The functioning of the female reproductive system can best be compared to an orchestra, the coordinated play of all the instruments of which creates the unique sound of a piece of music - in our case regular menstrual cycle. Just as instruments in an orchestra require a period of tuning, all components of the reproductive system need to agree with each other to understand and work together harmoniously. Such a rehearsal usually takes about 6 months - for some it is longer, for others it is shorter, and for others it may take longer.

Why do there be delays or do my periods start earlier?

Everything is very simple - if during the first phase of the cycle it is not possible to grow a full-fledged follicle, which could burst in the middle of the cycle (ovulation), then the second phase of the cycle, accordingly, does not begin (no ovulation - there is nothing to form the corpus luteum from). The first phase lasts a long time, until the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which has grown under the influence of estrogen, begins to be rejected on its own (like a pyramid of cubes collapses when it is stood too high). The cycle in this situation can last up to several months.

In this case, in the next cycle, ovulation may occur and the cycle will have a normal length. When such alternation occurs, they speak of an irregular menstrual cycle.

Another reason for delayed menstruation may be too long existence of the corpus luteum. As I noted above, it lives for about 10 days and then begins to curtail its work, since pregnancy has not occurred. But sometimes it happens that despite the fact that pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum continues its work and menstruation does not occur, and occurs only when the corpus luteum finally decides to leave.

More earlier onset of menstruation This is usually due to the fact that the notorious corpus luteum, on the contrary, stops its work too early. This leads to an earlier onset of menstruation.

Remember how the orchestra sounds when it tunes its instruments - the same cacophony from the menstrual cycle is often observed at the beginning. The components of the reproductive system negotiate so that they can grow a follicle in 14 days, start the ovulation process, and maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum for at least 10 days. At the beginning, she does not succeed in all stages of this work and this is manifested by an irregular menstrual cycle.

But this adjustment can be seriously interfered with by the person himself. Nothing has such a negative impact on the development of the reproductive system as stress(intensive study, exams, unhappy love), reinforced sports training, extreme weight loss, frequent illnesses, smoking, alcohol and drugs. Against the backdrop of all of the above, quite often periods disappear and then you have to wait a long time for them. And the reason is very simple, I would say there is simple biological expediency in this - in extreme living conditions and when, for health reasons, a woman cannot bear healthy offspring - the reproductive function is switched off until better times. It’s not for nothing that during the war, most women stopped menstruating; this phenomenon was even given a special term “wartime amenorrhea.”

What to do about it?

Let me make it clear right away that I don’t take into account various diseases, I'm talking about some common menstrual cycle adjustment problems. Such cycle disorders are solved by taking hormonal contraception. Here we need to return again to the comparison with the orchestra. If the orchestra starts to go out of tune, you must stop playing completely, give the musicians a rest and start again. Hormonal contraception does just that. She turns off the reproductive system and “rests” the entire time she takes contraception. Then, after its cancellation, the system begins to work again and, as a rule, the cycle failures disappear.

Why does the cycle quite often become stable after childbirth, and sexuality flourishes?

The orchestra can rehearse as much as it wants, but it is finally played only when it performs its first concert from beginning to end. Pregnancy is the only purpose for which the reproductive system is designed in the body. Only after the first full pregnancy After childbirth and the period of breastfeeding, the reproductive system matures completely, since during this period all the functions provided by nature are realized. After pregnancy, a woman finally matures and all the not fully “unpacked” properties of the body finally begin to work in full force.

The reproductive system must be used for its intended purpose - this is important; menstruation is not a function of the reproductive system, but a monthly reminder that it exists at all and is still working.

Let's step beyond 30...

Time passes, the reproductive system, which on average is allotted to exist in working order for 38 years (from 13 to 51), instead of performing its function is limited only to regular menstruation.

For reference: on average, a woman experiences about 400 menstruation during her life (with 2 births) and loses about 32 liters of blood, while during reproductive behavior (pregnancy, childbirth, 3 years of breastfeeding, and only then 1-2 menstruation and pregnancy again ) there are about 40 menstruation periods.

In addition, as a woman ages, her history of various gynecological and common diseases , and all this begins to affect the state of the reproductive system and, therefore, is reflected in menstrual irregularities. Inflammation, abortion, gynecological operations, overweight or underweight, general chronic diseases may cause problems.

Menstrual irregularities in the form of delays or earlier onset of menstruation a couple of times a year can occur even in the absence of any pathology.

As a rule, this is due to climate change or other stresses on the body (illness, hard work, personal problems, etc.). All nervous professions can lead to either delays in menstruation, their earlier onset or complete cessation.

Every woman is different, so everyone's cycle will change differently depending on the type of stress response and the phase of the cycle in which it occurs. For most women nervous work have no effect on their menstrual cycle at all. Cycle disorders, especially if it was stable before, often make a woman think that something is wrong with her. Not in all cases you need to panic.

If you can clearly remember any negative events in the recent past that greatly shocked you, then most likely this is a one-time cycle disruption and there is nothing wrong with it. If there is no menstruation for a very long time (and the pregnancy test is negative), then you need to consult a doctor. If menstruation came earlier and does not end, this is also a reason to rush to see a gynecologist.

Sometimes Cyclic disorders can manifest as very frequent menstruation(several times a month). And there is no need to delay it - see a doctor immediately.
But if the regularity of the cycle disappears completely– this is also a reason to see a doctor.

Regularity– the main indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Sometimes it happens that a cycle had one duration and suddenly becomes shorter while maintaining its regularity. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the second phase of the cycle becomes shorter, as the corpus luteum begins to work less. Such changes are more often observed closer to 40 years. This is not a reason to panic, but simply a reflection that your reproductive system will change as you age, just like you.

Early menopause

This is one of the very common fears of women. In fact, this fear is exaggerated, since early menopause is quite rare. It is mainly due to rare congenital diseases, rare systemic diseases, a consequence of treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy at oncological diseases) and other rare conditions. There are situations when, due to surgical intervention A woman's ovary or part of it is removed. Then menopause may occur earlier due to the fact that there is little tissue left in the ovaries that could support normal operation reproductive system.

Early menopause As a rule, it is manifested by the cessation of menstruation and the appearance of symptoms of insufficiency of female sex hormones (hot flashes, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, etc.). There is no prevention of this disease.

Painful periods and PMS

For some reason it is generally accepted that bad feeling This is normal during menstruation. Presence of pain, nausea, migraines during menstruation is not normal. This condition painful menstruation called dysmenorrhea and requires treatment. Even if these phenomena are expressed insignificantly, they can and should be corrected.

Dysmenorrhea it happens like primary(most often in at a young age), when it is most likely due to simply the immaturity of the reproductive system and secondary– when it is a reflection of a number of serious gynecological diseases.

The same applies to premenstrual syndrome. In general, the widespread popularization of this syndrome allows women to attribute their sometimes not entirely adequate actions and behavior to manifestations of this syndrome. However, PMS is not a woman’s personality trait., which everyone has to put up with. PMS is a disease, which has incompletely studied causes, a whole list of symptoms and specific therapeutic measures. Manifestations of PMS can and should be corrected. Take monthly illness for granted in modern conditions wrong. If you have such problems, consult a doctor.

How it all ends

Decline of the reproductive system usually occurs in the same way as its formation. Menstruation becomes irregular and there is a tendency to be delayed. This is due to the same reasons as in the beginning.

The ovaries respond less well to stimuli from the brain. It is not possible to grow follicles that could reach ovulation - accordingly, the cycle is delayed. If ovulation occurs periodically, the resulting corpus luteum does not work well. Because of this, periods either start earlier or, on the contrary, are delayed for a long time. Eventually your periods will stop, and if you haven't had them for more than 6 months, you should see a doctor. Based on hormonal tests and ultrasound, the onset of menopause can be assumed.

Sometimes there are cases when menstruation stops for a long time, and according to tests and ultrasound, the onset of menopause is expected. This can be especially frightening for young women. However, this may only be a temporary period, and menstruation may resume on its own, for example after proper rest.

Thus, the myth that 28 days is the norm and everything that differs from this figure is pathology has been debunked. The main thing in the menstrual cycle is its regularity, and the duration of the cycle can fluctuate over a wide range.

And yet, there is a simple rule, if you regularly go through preventive examination see a gynecologist (at least once a year), if any disorders appear, do not put off an “unpleasant” trip to the gynecologist - then you will almost never have serious gynecological problems.