Is it possible to drip aloe into a child's nose? Detailed review. Aloe juice in the nose of children for a runny nose: how to instill it and is it possible to drip Komarovsky

Despite the fact that there are up to 500 varieties of aloe plants in the world, only two of them are widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

First - Aloe Vera. The plant is 95% water, has a number of beneficial properties for the body, and even purifies the air in the room. The second is Aloe arborescens, or agave. This plant is considered unpretentious in care, it is easy to grow independently in indoor conditions, and in terms of healing qualities it is almost as good as Aloe Vera.

Beneficial properties of aloe

The benefits of the plant for humans are explained by its chemical composition. Vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and flavonoids that protect body cells from the effects of viruses and prevent premature aging, are contained in aloe leaves in large quantities. Juice it medicinal plant used for both external and internal use.

Aloe is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and promotes a speedy recovery from the flu, colds and the common runny nose.

It is used in dentistry for the treatment of stomatitis, in gynecology for painful menstruation, conjunctivitis, hair loss. Aloe normalizes work circulatory system and increases hemoglobin.


Despite a number of beneficial properties, agave also has contraindications for use.

  • It is prohibited to use plant juice for children under 1 year of age. In rare cases and only after permission from a doctor, drops based on agave are used to treat runny nose in babies under one year of age. When side effects you must immediately stop instilling aloe.
  • Contraindications to the use of plant juice apply to people suffering from heart failure and hypertension, since the active substances of Aloe significantly enhance
  • People with allergies should avoid using medications that contain aloe juice. In them, such drops can cause burning and itching of the mucous membrane, swelling, nausea, and skin rash.
  • Aloe will be useless in the treatment of a viral runny nose. It can only cause more severe allergic reactions. Agave juice is only effective against bacteria, not viruses.
  • Instilling aloe into the nose during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The active substances of the plant cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or cause premature birth.

Taking precautions during use will help avoid negative health consequences in the future.

How to get juice from aloe?

Not all plants of this species are suitable for treatment. Active substances accumulate in aloe leaves in sufficient quantities only by the third year of growth. That's why to get healthy juice, you should use the most mature lower leaves, dense and fleshy. They are carefully cut off at the very base of the stem, washed under running water and, wrapped in cloth or paper, placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time the concentration useful substances in the leaves increases several times and the medicinal qualities of the plant increase. This procedure can be neglected if the juice for instillation is needed urgently.

After the specified time, when the aloe leaf has cooled sufficiently, it must be cleared of thorns, top thin film and cut into several pieces 2 centimeters in length. Then wrap each piece in gauze, folded in half, and by pressing firmly with your fingers, squeeze out all the juice into a sterile container.

Sometimes in some print and online publications there are recommendations that the aloe leaf should first be crushed through a meat grinder, and then strain the juice through cheesecloth. But in this case it is impossible to guarantee the sterility of the medicine.

Treatment of a runny nose

The effectiveness of aloe juice in the fight against runny nose has been proven for a long time. It is included in medications and is used in home treatment. Thanks to active substances that act on blood vessels nasal mucosa, it is possible to quickly relieve congestion and improve the outflow of mucus.

Thus, agave in the fight against a runny nose:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • accelerates the movement of blood through the vessels;
  • heals minor injuries and wounds;
  • Helps strengthen the immune system and restore the body's defenses.

Is it possible to drip aloe into a child's nose?

The juice of this plant is effective in treating runny nose not only in adults, but also in children over one year of age. However, before you start instilling aloe into your nose, you need to determine the nature of the disease. Agave juice prepared at home will help in the fight against bacterial runny nose. If the disease is viral in nature, aloe can even cause harm, causing a serious allergic reaction.

How to drip aloe into the nose depends on the age of the child. For children from 1 to 12 years old, the juice of the plant is diluted boiled water(proportion 1:3) and instill 3 drops into both nostrils 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 5 days or until complete recovery occurs. In this case, no earlier than three days later the effect of instillation will be noticeable. To achieve the destruction of dangerous bacteria, concentration is needed active substances contained in aloe. For children over 12 years of age and adults, agave juice is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1.

After permission from a pediatrician, it is possible to instill freshly prepared medicine in infants. Plant juice for such children should be mixed in a ratio of 1:4 or even 1:5. Aloe in the child's nose is instilled into both nostrils, 2 drops three times a day. If any side effects treatment should be stopped as soon as possible.

during pregnancy

A common runny nose can become a real problem for a pregnant woman. Very difficult to choose medications for the treatment of this disease, especially in the first trimester, when there is a risk of harming the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women often resort to traditional medicine to combat a runny nose, including instilling aloe juice into the nose. However, performing such actions without prior consultation with a gynecologist is strictly prohibited.

Most experts are of the opinion that by instilling aloe juice into the nose or taking it orally, you can cause a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and a contraction of the uterine muscles. This, in turn, often leads to premature birth or miscarriage. At the same time, aloe does not affect lactation in women and does not change the taste of breast milk, that is, after the birth of a baby, agave juice can be used to treat a runny nose without restrictions.

Recipes for cold medicine from aloe

It is not recommended to use pure agave juice in the treatment of a runny nose. If you neglect this advice, then in adults, and especially in children, burns appear on the nasal mucosa when instilled. Many recipes for the common cold based on aloe juice consist of several ingredients that enhance the effect of the active components in the plant and thereby speed up the healing process. The most effective and available recipes based on agave, with which you can prepare are presented below.

  1. For successful treatment For a runny nose using aloe, simply mix agave juice with boiled water in a certain proportion. For children under 1 year old it is 1:5 (1 part juice to 5 parts water), from 1 to 12 years old - 1:2 or 1:3, for adults - 1:1. Aloe can be dripped into the nose 4 times a day, up to 5 drops alternately in each nostril. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery, at least 5 days.
  2. To treat a runny nose in children over two years old, combine aloe juice with honey (1:1 ratio), add the same amount boiled water and apply 4 drops in the nose twice a day until recovery occurs. For children under this age, aloe is not instilled, but only the nasal passages are wiped with the resulting medicine.
  3. In the following recipe you need to mix olive oil and agave juice in a ratio of 1:3. Place the resulting oil emulsion into the nose three times a day, 3 drops.
  4. An effective remedy for getting rid of a runny nose can be obtained by mixing honey in equal proportions, lemon juice and aloe. Place 2 drops into the nose 4 times a day.
  5. A tincture based on aloe juice is used to rinse the nose. To prepare it, you should chop 7 cloves of garlic, pour in a liter of hot boiled water and, cover with a lid, set aside until the liquid has cooled. After this, the tincture should be combined with aloe juice in a 2:1 ratio and the nasal passages should be washed twice a day. The same medicine can also be used for nasal instillation. To do this, agave juice is mixed with garlic tincture in equal volume. You need to put 3 drops in your nose twice a day.
  6. Pour one teaspoon of chamomile and the same amount of eucalyptus into 250 ml of hot boiled water and continue to steep for an hour. After the specified time, strain the liquid through a piece of gauze, let it cool, add one tablespoon of aloe juice. For a runny nose, rinsing your nose at least three times a day will be effective.
  7. Helps speed up the healing process folk medicine, prepared from aloe juice and honey (1 tablespoon each), crushed rose hips (teaspoon) and ½ teaspoon eucalyptus oil. Soak cotton swabs in the resulting tincture and place them in the nasal passages for 5 minutes, 2 times a day.
  8. During the cold season, you can prepare a folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, which must be taken orally. Cool the aloe leaves and grind them in a meat grinder or using a blender. Pour a glass of the resulting slurry with three glasses of alcohol (vodka) and let it brew in a dark, cool place for at least 10 days. To treat a runny nose, alcohol tincture is taken 20 drops twice a day, for prevention - 10 drops once a day for a month.

Proven recipes based on agave juice will help improve health during colds and strengthen the immunity of adults and children.

How to store aloe drops?

In order to avoid complications during treatment with folk remedies instead of a positive result, it is important to observe sterile conditions when preparing drops. But even after taking all precautions, care must be taken to properly store the medicine.

When treating a runny nose, preference is given to freshly prepared drops. But since you need to bury aloe into your nose at least 2-3 times a day, squeezing the juice out of the plant every time is not very convenient. Therefore, agave drops can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. That is, after instillation, the medicine must be refrigerated until next use. You should not leave the squeezed juice at room temperature, as it may spoil.

Aloe juice: positive and negative reviews

Most doctors and some parents have a negative attitude towards traditional medicine. Others, on the contrary, use exclusively aloe juice to treat a runny nose, leaving only positive reviews.

  • Agave is a time-tested remedy for the common cold.
  • Aloe nasal drops are affordable medicine, which grows on every windowsill.
  • Agave is not addictive; it can be instilled into the nose an unlimited number of times.
  • At the first symptoms of a runny nose, you should immediately begin treatment with aloe, contraindications to which are rare, then you will be able to overcome the disease very quickly.
  • Agave actually treats, and does not remove the symptoms of the disease.

Negative reviews are as follows:

  • aloe juice does not help at all with a runny nose; it can only be instilled for prevention, not for treatment;
  • can be effective only if used in combination with salt rinses nose;
  • helps only with bacterial rhinitis, which is much less common in children than viral rhinitis;
  • after permanent use vasoconstrictor medications reduce the effectiveness of aloe;
  • better use medical supplies, and not the “grandmother’s” methods that were used a hundred years ago.

Can aloe replace other medications for the common cold?

Aloe juice is definitely effective remedy when treating a runny nose, but replace it with pharmacological preparations not always possible. If parents have doubts about whether they should use a self-prepared medicine for their child, it is better not to do so. Aloe is recommended to be instilled only if the disease is bacterial in nature. At the same time, if precautions are not taken, children often develop burns on the nasal mucosa and allergic reactions in the form of swelling and rashes.

Therefore, it is better to use aloe for a runny nose after consultation with a doctor, who will determine what nature of the disease the child has. However, for adults there are much fewer such restrictions. In the absence of contraindications, nose drops can be instilled as many times as necessary in accordance with the proposed recipes.

Thus, cure a runny nose for the benefit of the body without vasoconstrictor drugs You can use aloe juice. It is instilled into the nose of both adults and children. The exceptions are babies under 1 year of age, pregnant women, patients with hypertension and people with individual intolerance.

  • Agave leaves contain a lot of juice; when it enters the bloodstream, waste and toxins are removed from the body.
  • The plant also contains vitamin C, which can strengthen the child’s immunity.
  • Other components of aloe are astringents and tannins– able to resist inflammatory processes. In addition, they regulate blood clotting.
  • Aloe also contains flavonoids. They prevent all kinds of viruses from entering the body and fight the development of allergies.

Besides these important elements the plant contains various salts, carbohydrates and enzymes. The combination of all the listed elements in aloe makes it possible to successfully eliminate existing inflammation and colds.

Reference. Aloe is considered mild antibiotic, which eliminates inflammation and has an analgesic effect.

Can it be used in childhood?

Despite the fact that aloe is very useful plant, nevertheless, excessive passion for it can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the question arises as to whether agave can be used to treat children. If yes, then how and in what cases?

Excessive consumption of aloe pulp and juice may cause allergic reactions., up to poisoning. To prevent this from happening, first show your child to the doctor, determine correct dosage and make sure that the baby is not allergic to this plant.

If no contraindications are found, then the use of aloe lasts no more than two weeks. As this time increases, the components of the plant will accumulate in the child’s body and turn into a dangerous carcinogen, which leads to the growth of various tumors in the body.


Doctors say that It is permissible to put agave juice in the nose of children even infancy . Contraindications may include allergies or individual intolerance to the plant. But for young children, an extra consultation with a doctor won’t hurt.

In addition, the doctor will tell you in detail about the dosage in which aloe juice is allowed to be used. If the dosage is calculated incorrectly, irritation will occur in the nose and an inflammatory process will develop. He is accompanied frequent sneezing, tearfulness and other signs of allergies. Your health may worsen.

In order not to harm the health of the baby, it is necessary to use agave with caution. If in any doubt, consult your pediatrician.

How to use juice correctly?

If you pick a leaf of the plant, squeeze the liquid out of it and drop it into the child’s nose, then due to the presence of active substances contained in aloe, the nasal mucosa will become inflamed, become red and pain will appear. To prevent such an incident, you need to know how to properly instill agave juice:

Antibacterial drugs have contraindications and a lot of side effects. Traditional methods of treatment, including aloe juice, have a gentle and safe effect on the body. But it’s up to you to decide what is more important for the child’s body – medications or folk remedies- should only be done by the attending physician after examining the child and passing the necessary tests.

Effective recipes

For immunity

Sometimes a child gets sick quite often. However, many parents do not know that aloe is used to improve immunity.

With honey

Aloe with honey not only improves immunity, but also fights colds, bronchitis, lingering cough etc. If you decide to give aloe with honey to your child for preventive purposes, then remember that this recipe is applicable for children over 3 years of age.

Sequence of preparation of the product:

  1. Honey and agave juice are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. If you like, add some lemon juice to the mixture.
  3. It is advisable to take the product before bedtime. It is added to tea.
  4. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

Another recipe with honey

To prepare this remedy you need:

Healthy tea

Required for cooking:

For sinusitis

Sinusitis is eliminated with aloe juice, both acute and chronic stage . There are different recipes. Here are some of them:

For the nose

To prevent your baby from developing allergic reactions with rhinitis, aloe juice is instilled as follows:

  1. You can use products with aloe juice. But you need to dilute the juice with water, in a ratio of 1:3, sometimes 1:5.
  2. Children over 3 years old can mix agave juice with honey. But even in this case, it is advisable to add a little water.

Heat olive oil over heat until it boils. After this, it is mixed with aloe juice in a ratio of 3 to 1. Each time when instilling, heat the product in a water bath so that it is used warm.

Further informative video with another recipe with juice:

Against cough

If a child coughs, again aloe and honey come to the rescue. Of course, if he is not allergic to these products. It’s easy to prepare the product:

  1. You will need 1 part honey and 5 parts aloe juice. If the child is over 3 years old, then you can mix these products in equal parts.
  2. 1 tsp The products are used 3-6 times during the day.
  3. After using the product, you should not eat or even drink for 30 minutes.

Another recipe using agave juice:

  1. You will need - 100 g butter, 100 g natural honey, 15 g aloe juice, 20 g goose fat.
  2. Mix all the products and heat in a steam bath without bringing to a boil.
  3. The product is added to warm tea, you can take it up to 6 times a day and always before bed.


If you use these recipes regularly, recovery will come quickly. In the initial stages of the disease, this process can be further accelerated. Do not make the disease worse, start treatment as early as possible. But when using aloe, remember the contraindications and timing of use.

In one of the previous articles we looked at it in general.

Now we will dwell in detail on the features of using aloe juice for a runny nose in children. Moreover, there are quite a lot of such features.

Before using any folk recipe with aloe juice for their child, every parent should remember that:

  1. Aloe for the common cold in children can be used much less frequently than in adults. If you doubt whether it is possible and worthwhile to use agave juice specifically in your case, then it is worth using it.
  2. Situations where, purely theoretically, agave can help occur no more often than in 6-7% of cases of rhinitis in general. Situations when children actually get help are rare.
  3. There are significantly fewer recipes specifically for children than for adults.
  4. Treatment of a runny nose in children with aloe leads to burns, ulcerations of the mucous membrane and allergies more often than in adults. If you decide to use the product, it must be done in compliance with strict safety measures.
  5. It is forbidden to use aloe for a runny nose in a baby.

And now about each statement in detail.

When can a child’s runny nose be treated with aloe juice?

It makes sense to use aloe juice for a runny nose in a child only when thick yellow or green snot appears and there is pus in it. These are signs of a bacterial infection, against which phytoncides from agave juice theoretically help.

Purely theoretically, aloe juice can only help in a situation where a child’s snot has turned green

Bacterial rhinitis itself is quite rare. Especially in children. Just look at your child: most likely, he does not have any signs of pus in his nasal discharge, and the snot itself is clean and abundant. There is no need to drip aloe into his nose - pathogenic bacteria do not multiply there yet, and no one should be poisoned.

According to statistics, only in 12-13% of cases, rhinitis in children goes into the bacterial phase. This means that for every six cases where children do not need aloe for a runny nose, there is one where it can purely hypothetically help. And it’s not at all a fact that it will help - no one has yet proven that aloe juice really has therapeutic capabilities.

“I’m somehow skeptical about the idea of ​​giving aloe to a child, especially such a small one. ethnoscience He can come up with anything, but then you will have to treat the child. I don’t know that aloe has something like this magical properties were that it would be worth using in an infant. My neighbor boasts that she treats her children’s runny noses only with aloe. And I didn’t notice that they got sick less often or that their runny nose went away faster. Everything is the same as mine. Only I don’t put anything on mine at all. And I probably won’t..."

Olga, from correspondence on the forum

When instilled into a child's nose, aloe juice can cause burns and severe irritation of the nasal mucosa.

What recipes with aloe juice can be used in children?

As a rule, the simplest and most well-known recipes with aloe are used to treat runny nose in children:

  1. A teaspoon of water in which 2-3 drops of aloe juice are dissolved. The mixed solution is instilled 2-3 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.
  2. Any recipe for drops from this list, in which the juice of one agave leaf is added to a glass of liquid and used like the previous remedy.
  3. A few drops of aloe juice are mixed with Vishnevsky ointment, and the resulting product is applied to the child once a day. internal walls nose

You cannot put any products containing honey into your nose!

Likewise, there is no point in prescribing to children for a runny nose. oil drops with aloe.

The only case when oil drops for rhinitis will be useful is when the nasal mucosa completely dries out and crusts of dried snot form on its surface. In this situation, oils help soften such crusts and prevent them from cracking and forming wounds. Agave juice itself cannot penetrate through dried mucus into the epithelium, where bacteria are concentrated. As a result, it has no effect.

For a runny nose, children receive either aloe juice or oil drops. There are no situations when they can be used together.

The oil is dripped into the nose only when the mucous membrane is completely dry, when aloe juice, in principle, cannot have any effect.

Inhalation with aloe juice for a runny nose is harmful and dangerous for children. Inhalations with compressor or ultrasonic inhalers and nebulizers can lead to swelling of the larynx and bronchi, and spasms. Inhalations steam inhaler or pans for bacterial rhinitis are prohibited. For other types of disease, agave juice is no longer needed.

It is even more stupid to try to treat a child with aloe injections. Aloe juice does not have any therapeutic effect when administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, but similar treatment- just a mockery of a child.

“I have three reliable remedies for runny noses in children - aloe juice, inhalations with chamomile, warm tea. I always use only them; I only dilute the aloe juice a little with water so that it doesn’t cause irritation. Both Sasha and Alena were treated only with these remedies all their lives, and they never had any sinusitis. A runny nose appeared, stayed for a while and went away. So I advise you too.”

Galina, Orenburg

The best way to use folk remedies for runny nose in children is to drink teas, compotes and decoctions. How bigger baby will drink, the less likely he will need additional medications.

Danger of aloe juice for children and precautions

The nasal mucosa in children is more delicate and sensitive than in adults. They produce less mucus, and the layer itself is thinner. Consequently, the burning components of the juice more easily reach the epithelium and more often cause severe irritation. In some cases, with a high concentration of the drug, the consequences can be real burns and wounds on the nasal mucosa.

In addition, children are more likely to have allergic reactions to agave juice. For these reasons, treating a runny nose in a child with aloe should be done according to the following rules:

  1. Do not use the full dose of any product the first time. First, any product is applied to the baby’s elbow or to the skin under the nose. If irritation does not appear within two hours, you can try dropping half a single dose into the nose. If no side effects occur, you can drip the full dose.
  2. Do not drip aloe in any form if there is blood in the snot.
  3. Do not use aloe juice for prevention when a child has a runny nose.
  4. Do not violate the rules for using each product - do not apply drops more often or in large quantities, do not make more concentrated solutions.
  5. If any, even fairly mild, side effects occur, stop treatment immediately.

If a child’s runny nose persists for more than a week, do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist

In general, the younger the child is, the more you need to dilute aloe in a cold remedy. To the point that children aged 3-4 years need to add no more than 1 drop of juice to a teaspoon of water to prepare drops.

Aloe juice is more dangerous for a baby than a runny nose!

I have a runny nose infant- this is the same situation when the nasal mucosa itself turns out to be more sensitive to aloe juice than any pathogenic bacteria.

In other words: in those concentrations in which aloe for treating a runny nose in children can have at least some effect, it will almost certainly burn the baby’s nose. In those quantities in which aloe is harmless to the nose, it will not affect a runny nose.

In addition, bacterial runny nose occurs extremely rarely in children under one year of age: at this age, babies rarely freeze and have virtually no chance of catching bacterial infection, because they communicate little with their peers.

In the vast majority of cases, worried mothers try to treat with aloe either a physiological runny nose, which is not a disease at all and does not require treatment, or viral rhinitis, against which aloe is absolutely useless. Don’t repeat these mistakes and never use aloe for a runny nose in a baby!

Infants do not yet have time to fully open their nasal passages, and therefore they often sniffle and sleep with open mouth. In this case, dripping aloe is stupid and dangerous.

“...The most fun began three days after discharge, when my mother-in-law came to help us for the day. When she saw that Nikita was sleeping with her mouth open, she immediately diagnosed it - a runny nose with a virus, and let’s put pressure on me - and aloe needs to be dripped urgently, and breast milk in the nose, and his legs need to be warmed up. And I, young and stupid, almost believed it. I also heard somewhere before that when children have a runny nose, they use aloe juice. Well, I didn’t agree to do anything without the verdict of the district nurse, and my mother-in-law’s husband said so firmly - as the doctor says, we’ll do it. A nurse came and immediately said that this was not a disease, but that the child’s nasal passages were simply narrow. Otherwise we would have poured some water for him there.”

Inna, Bila Tserkva

Also useful to know:

Video: What does the pediatrician think about aloe injections?

ABOUT healing properties A plant like Aloe is legendary. The plant has been known since ancient times. With its help they were treated for colds, restored the intestinal microflora, removed harmful substances from the body. Accordingly, Aloe juice is considered the most healing for children. A few drops are enough to heal a wound on the body. To do this, take a large, fleshy leaf of Aloe and apply it to the sore, damaged area. For oral use, Aloe juice must be diluted with water; the mass can be stored for a long time in a refrigerator.

Aloe will come in handy for children more than once. But, for example, in order to force a child to drink aloe juice, you need to dilute it with honey and water, since the juice itself is quite bitter bad taste. As a medicine, Aloe juice can be given to a child in the form of nasal drops for colds and infections. You should drip no more than three times a day, and the juice should be well diluted so as not to cause irritation to the nasal mucosa. Aloe also serves as an excellent means for preventing diseases. For example, you can give your child one tablespoon of juice with honey daily to take orally to prevent the child from catching the virus. Aloe juice (Aloe Vera, as this plant is also called) can be safely used to treat a child starting from the age of three. Half adult dose medicine can be given to a child from six years of age.

Aloe juice for children

For stomach diseases, Aloe juice can be given to a child with the permission of a doctor. In this case, the juice also needs to be diluted. The most common reasons for using Aloe in childhood are all kinds of colds and acute respiratory viral infections, digestive problems, and for cuts and abrasions. The juice of the plant, thanks to its unique antibacterial and antiviral properties, will become a real panacea under many circumstances. Therefore, mothers simply need to have reliable medicinal products a couple of pots with an Aloe plant on the windowsill. If a child is periodically taught to take a tablespoon of juice, then over time you can notice how he becomes less and less susceptible to viruses and infections.

Many preparations with a healing effect have been created based on Aloe Vera juice. For example, it would be nice to have home medicine cabinet if necessary, “Aloe Fest” or “Aloe Vera” gel. Also available for child toothpaste containing phytoelements, including Aloe Vera. Gain therapeutic effect occurs due to the presence of honey or bee in the preparation royal jelly, propolis. Using the technology of diluting Aloe juice with honey, you can get a unique natural medicinal product. But it wouldn’t hurt to consult with your doctor first about the ratio of ingredients and the thickness of the consistency.

Of course, it can be difficult for children to get used to the bitter taste of a healthy natural product. However, you should not “stuff” your child day after day. It is good to use a few drops of juice at regular intervals to get the proper effect. It is possible to treat a child for gastritis and eczema with Aloe juice, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur, but this is most likely a reaction to honey and other additives. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not hurt.

Every mother dreams that her baby grows strong and healthy, so that children's body learned to resist all kinds of attacks from pathogenic bacteria from the outside. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the baby’s immunity from childhood. And Aloe in this case will become a reliable assistant for many years. It is also important to follow a routine and eat a healthy, nutritious diet. The health of a child largely depends on the complex preventive measures. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, milk cereals, protein foods - all this together builds a reliable foundation healthy image life. But even as an adult, we should not forget about the beneficial properties of plants given to us by Nature. These include Aloe Vera, from which Aloe juice is obtained for children.

Since ancient times, aloe has been healing with its unique properties. Its juice penetrates very quickly into the blood vessels and skin covering. This makes it possible to use it to treat many diseases, for example, poisoning, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, allergies. Aloe can be used as a medicine for both children and adults.

The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of juice, which, when released into the blood, cleanses and removes waste and toxins from it. Because of large quantity Vitamin C is strengthened the immune system person.

Astringent tannins counteract inflammation. they are used to regulate blood clotting. Flavonoids block the path of various viruses to the body and eliminate allergies.

In addition to these vital elements, the plant contains a significant part healthy salts, carbohydrates, enzymes. Which together provides an ideal opportunity for the treatment of inflammatory and cold diseases.

Help with a runny nose

A runny nose occurs in children of any age, thereby causing them a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, parents have the task of choosing effective medicine, Not addictive and allergies. These properties can be found in aloe.

Treatment of a runny nose with aloe brings relief to the child, improves breathing, relieves inflammation, and does not cause allergic reactions.

Aloe juice is not addictive in a child, so it can be instilled as a prophylaxis to prevent viral and colds. Contains in mild form antibiotics that have anti-inflammatory properties.

The only danger is the possibility of burning the baby’s mucous membrane. For this reason, most doctors recommend the use of this remedy for children starting at about one year of age.

How to be treated correctly?

In order to instill aloe juice for a runny nose in children, it must first be prepared. To do this you need:

  1. Buy a plant that is older than three years.
  2. Tear off a couple of leaves from the bottom, wash them well and dry.
  3. Wrap the leaves in paper and refrigerate for 12 hours.
  4. Squeeze out the leaves. Use the resulting juice throughout the day.
  5. Instill several times a day.

This option for obtaining aloe juice does not affect children discomfort, but the benefit will be great, since beneficial features do not disappear and help eliminate the disease.

There are a sufficient number of recipes for making medicine to get rid of a runny nose. Here are some of them:

  1. Aloe juice is diluted with warm water one to three.
  2. You can prepare a mixture with warm liquid honey, using them in equal proportions.
  3. Mix three parts olive oil with one part juice and heat in a steam bath.

All prepared products should be instilled into the child’s nose with great care, in small doses, constantly increasing them. Otherwise, the runny nose may only get worse.

Contraindications for use

Aloe juice is quite an effective and potent remedy. Therefore, it must be handled with extreme caution. This is especially true for children.

Improper use can cause a burning sensation in the nose, lacrimation, swelling of the mucous membrane, and deterioration of the condition. For young children this danger increases several times. Therefore, before using aloe juice, it is better to consult a doctor.

If everything is done correctly and carefully, then using a miraculous remedy will bring the baby positive results and the runny nose will be defeated.

We use saline solution and aloe juice in the treatment of a runny nose in a child: