The benefits of oatmeal porridge for weight loss. Composition, calorie content. Calorie content of water-based porridges, beneficial properties

It’s not for nothing that oatmeal is included in the list of the healthiest dietary products for both adults and children. What is so valuable about it? Firstly, this slow carbohydrates, which accumulate energy reserves in the body for the whole day. Secondly, the presence in the cereal of the required amount of vitamins C, B, E and very rare vitamins B6 and B12. Thirdly, oatmeal porridge contains a number of useful minerals. And finally, fourthly, oatmeal has a relatively low glycemic index, which is important for diabetics.

Breakfast made from rolled oats is a nutritious, tasty and quick solution. Alimentary fiber This porridge cleanses the body of toxins, like a broom. But if everything is more or less clear about the benefits of this dish, then what about those who adhere to a diet in order to lose a few extra pounds? After all, they are interested in a slightly different question: how many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk and water?

Water and milk - which is better for porridge

The least caloric porridge is prepared with water and without sugar: it contains only 89 kcal. But what if you like porridge with milk? Yes, no problem! Milk with oatmeal provides positive influence on the functioning of the digestive organs, vision and hearing. In addition, milk rolled oats will be especially useful for those who are intensely involved in sports, as well as for children and teenagers.

The answer to the question of how many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk depends on the fat content of the milk itself. It can be store-bought, low-fat, or homemade with a fat content of 3 or more.

So, how many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk without sugar:

  • With store-bought milk – 110-113 kcal.
  • On homemade milk– up to 139 kcal.

It is possible to reduce the calorie content of the product while leaving a pleasant taste. To do this, you just need to dilute the milk with water, taking into account the fact that the higher the fat content, the larger the portion of water should be.

But under no circumstances should you completely discard milk as an addition to porridge. After all, the benefits from it are much greater than the harm. Thus, nutritionists are well aware of the fact that, although the fat content of porridge with milk increases, the amount of carbohydrates decreases. Therefore, overall the product remains positive for breakfast.

There is another option delicious porridge no harm - use instead cow's milk goat Its calorie content is significantly lower, and its benefits are much higher. Not everyone, however, can tolerate this product, but this is a matter of taste.

Sugar in oatmeal porridge

Sweet milk porridge from oatmeal very useful for children, both the youngest and schoolchildren. The energy costs for growth, development and assimilation of new knowledge in this category of the population are truly colossal.

To those who try to stick healthy image nutrition, you need to know how many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk and sugar. Let's answer this question this way. Each spoon of sugar adds 20-25 kcal. Consider for yourself: if such a value does not affect your figure, let the porridge be sweet. But keep in mind: sweets are useful only for children, athletes and people engaged in hard mental work, and even then in strictly defined quantities.

The harm of sugar does not depend on its type. And it comes in cane or beetroot, white and brown. No, no one is calling for you to give up this product completely. But, as magazine advises, it is worth using the natural sweetness of dried fruits or honey more often.

Honey porridge

Do you want to eat sweetly and without harm? Use honey as a supplement. How many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk and honey? Approximately 117 kcal. This is not much, but if you consider medicinal properties honey and its irreplaceable effect on increasing immunity, strengthening the heart muscle, improving the functioning of the digestive organs, then the benefits of porridge with honey are visible to the naked eye.

It's easy to prepare rolled oats with honey and milk. Porridge is prepared with milk according to the usual recipe, and honey is added after ready dish cools down to a temperature no higher than 50 o. This point is very important, because when high temperatures honey loses its medicinal properties- its taste and smell will remain, but its usefulness will disappear.

Should I add oil?

The most delicious cooking option oatmeal porridge with milk - add butter and sugar. Butter itself is a high-calorie product - it is fat, contraindicated for people with weight problems. But is it worth giving up butter completely? It can also be useful.

That’s right: oil is warm for the body, especially in the cold season. In addition, it is a source of vitamins A, D, E and K, which make our skin elastic and hair and nails strong.

How many calories are in oatmeal porridge with milk and butter? Without sugar, the product, seasoned with butter, contains 146 kcal, and if you add sugar to the dish, its energy value will increase to 190 kcal.

Hercules cooked in milk, with butter and sugar is twice as caloric as unsweetened porridge with water. However, this breakfast option still remains the healthiest and is suitable even for those who are struggling with excess weight.

If there are no individual contraindications to the consumption of sugar, honey and butter, do not rush to give up these products. After all, a few calories do not always equalize the loss. valuable substances. Add dried fruits, raisins and berries to rolled oats and stay full and healthy!

Hercules porridge has one of the highest calorie content, but is still very popular. It is easy to prepare, and the benefits of eating cereal are noticeable within a few days of starting regular meals. It is not for nothing that it is named after the famous hero of ancient Greek mythology - the porridge is as strong in its beneficial properties as Hercules. In addition, since ancient times, oats have been considered a cereal that gives energy, strength and ability to work. Oat flakes are an indispensable product in almost all post-Soviet countries.

Analysis of the composition: Hercules porridge

It was in the Soviet Union that they first appeared cereals called "Hercules". Since then, this brand has been widely known and familiar to all of us. The growing popularity was facilitated by the following advantages: Hercules porridge has a low calorie content, is prepared simply and quickly, but is satiating for a long time. for a long time. In addition, fiber helps improve intestinal function, speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. In addition, the dish contains:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • di- and monosaccharides;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins from group B and PP;
  • tocopherol;
  • biotin;
  • iron, zinc, iodine and other trace elements;
  • magnesium, calcium, potassium and other macroelements.

The average calorie content of Hercules on water is 320-360 kcal per hundred grams of flakes. The ratio of proteins to carbohydrates and fats is 14%, 70% and 16%, respectively. The main charge of energy and saturation of the body comes from saccharides, the calorie content of which is about 250 kcal. The remaining calories are distributed almost equally between fats and proteins. Carbohydrates make up 60% of the composition of oatmeal, and in terms of the daily norm in the human diet - 21%.

The carbohydrates in oatmeal are complex, which is why Hercules calorie content per 100 g is so low. By breaking down gradually in the body, they can saturate a person with the energy necessary for normal functioning for a long time. At this time, fiber, which accounts for as much as 6 g per 100 g of flakes pure form, cleanses the body by helping the intestines absorb harmful waste from other foods. One serving of oatmeal can contain from 30 to 50% of the daily value of dietary fiber.

The same amount in one hundred grams of oatmeal and fat is 6 g. However, in terms of daily norm for a healthy adult, this amount is only 9%. The calorie content of dry Hercules due to fat is approximately 60-70 kcal. The porridge contains such important fats, such as oleic and linoleic acids, omega-3 and omega-6. An important feature is the absence of cholesterol in it. Moreover, cereals can not only regulate blood sugar levels, but also significantly reduce them.

Hidden disadvantages of a dietary product

In all diets based on the calorie content of Hercules oatmeal, it is indicated that oatmeal gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, contains the majority essential minerals and vitamins, as well as a sufficient amount of protein. It's true: 100 g of cereal will fill almost a quarter of the daily protein requirement. But not only healthy fats will enter the body: along with poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fats will also manifest themselves. Modern cereals also contain a small amount of trans fats. Other unknown disadvantages of oatmeal are hidden in the very method of its preparation.

The famous cereal is nothing more than steamed premium oatmeal, smoothed into petals. As a result of numerous treatments, some useful substances gets lost and complex carbohydrates, for which oatmeal is valued, turn into lungs. As a result, the high nutritional value of the dish is lost, and Hercules porridge with milk acquires a calorie content many times greater than the nutritional value of boiled cereal. Oat dishes are becoming especially popular now. instant cooking. They are also called oatmeal.

However, such food usually contains various additives from fruits and other sweets. Naturally, there can be no talk about the dietary features of such a dish - it almost entirely consists of light carbohydrates and harmful food additives. Even Hercules 13es grain bread often has too high a calorie content due to the fact that the manufacturer strives by any means to improve the taste of the product.

If you want to not only enjoy the taste of oatmeal, but at the same time eat right and lose weight, then Hercules is one of the best products to fulfill the intended purpose, if natural oat cereals are not at hand. Just pay attention to the composition and ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins - this will ensure not only the taste, but also the healthfulness of your breakfast!

There are few dishes as healthy as oatmeal porridge. The carbohydrates included in its composition are slow, so the dish gives a long feeling of fullness. Hercules contains many vitamins and microelements, and its calorie content is no higher than that of other cereals. Therefore, oatmeal porridge is often included in weight loss diets. Those who wish to have slim figure you need to learn how to cook Hercules so that it shows the full range of its beneficial qualities.

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Calorie content

The main interest for a dieter is the calorie content of foods. In 100 gdry Hercules contains 352 kcal. This is about the same as in buckwheat, rice, semolina and millet. The calorie content of flakes in finished form is lower than in dry form.

100 grams of oatmeal porridge with water without sugar contains 88 kilocalories.

Despite its low calorie content, oatmeal fills you up for a long time. A portion of porridge eaten for breakfast relieves the sucking hunger, dizziness and bad mood that haunt a person who is on a diet and does not have time to eat on time.

The calorie content of the dish will increase if other products are added to the porridge: milk, sugar, fruits, nuts. Porridge with milk with fruits (dried fruits), nuts, raisins is an excellent breakfast for children over one year old, the elderly, and gastroenterology patients.

For those who want to lose weight, porridge with water is suitable. You can get triple benefits from the dish. Flakes steamed in boiling water without salt relieve hunger, remove toxins from the intestines and promote outflow excess liquid. All together leads to positive result– after just three days of the Herculean diet, the scales will show that your body weight has decreased by 2-3 kg.


The calorie content of a dish is not the only important indicator for those who want to lose weight. No less important is KBJU - the ratio of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

KBZHU 100 g oatmeal:


The exact calorie content and nutritional value of boiled Hercules depend on the cooking recipe. To calculate KBZHU you will need a reference book indicating calorie content and nutritional value products, calculator and kitchen scales.

Unsweetened on water

KBJU per 100 g – 112/4/2.5/19.

Required (g):

  • water - 120;
  • Hercules - 60.

Cooking method:

  • bring water to a boil;
  • add cereal;
  • reduce heat;
  • boil, stirring, 2 minutes;
  • remove from heat;
  • wrap up, leave for 5:00.

With milk and sugar

KBJU per 100 g – 347/12/6/61.

To prepare you will need:

  • butter(82%) - 10 g;
  • milk (0.5%) - 440 g;
  • salt - 1 g;
  • granulated sugar - 5 g;
  • Hercules - 75

Cooking method:

  • pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl;
  • add salt and granulated sugar;
  • put butter;
  • pour milk;
  • interfere;
  • Set it to “Porridge” mode for 20 minutes.

On water with sugar

KBJU per 100 g – 122/4/2/22.

Required (g):

  • sugar - 30;
  • salt - 1;
  • Hercules - 70;
  • water - 200.

Cooking method:

  • add salt and sugar to boiling water;
  • add flakes, mix;
  • boil;
  • turn off and leave for 5 minutes.

With honey and dried fruits

KBJU per 100 g – 110/2.6/1.1/22.6.

Required (g):

  • Hercules - 20;
  • honey - 10;
  • seedless raisins - 5;
  • water - 70.

Cooking method:

  • pour the flakes into boiling water;
  • add raisins;
  • bring to a boil, turn off;
  • add honey;
  • leave for 10 minutes.

Preparing these recipes will not take much time.

A product such as oatmeal porridge does not lose its position today. After all, everyone knows that porridge in water is very low in nutrition; it is used in most diets and sports nutrition.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of this product is due to the rich composition of various microelements and vitamins. Hercules porridge is one of the most nutritious foods. It contains a huge amount of B vitamins, as well as various microelements that perform important role in organism. What are the benefits of rolled oats porridge in water? It contains the following substances:

  • Niacin. Responsible for normalizing metabolic processes. Thanks to the intake of this microelement, tissue respiration is normalized and cholesterol levels are reduced. It is this acid that provides the detoxifying properties of oatmeal porridge. It’s not for nothing that many experts advise residents of large cities with poor ecology to include oatmeal in their diet.
  • Riboflavin. Plays a huge role in normalizing the redox processes of the human body.
  • Folic acid. Responsible for the creation of blood cells, and also participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids and beneficial amino acids.
  • Pyridoxine. Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells. With sufficient intake it normalizes general state person, the mood rises, the nervous system is restored.
  • Thiamine. Required for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to the presence of such a component, the functioning of the nervous and even of cardio-vascular system, the functioning of the stomach and organs involved in digestion improves.

Hercules porridge is a balanced product and proper nutrition. It restores intestinal function and normalizes metabolism. In many diets, experts recommend placing great emphasis on this kind of porridge, often cooked in water. This is the perfect breakfast for both kids and adults.

Calorie content of oatmeal porridge on water

Porridge made from oatmeal may vary. This largely depends on the additional components that are added during preparation.

The calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water per 100 grams of cereal or flakes is approximately 250 kcal.

Despite the fact that such calorie content is considered quite high, nutritionists still recommend fasting days on oatmeal, of course, cooked in water.

It is worth noting that oatmeal contains:

  • proteins - 11%;
  • carbohydrates - 68%;
  • fat - 6%.

on the water?

This breakfast is cooked very quickly, and its benefits are difficult to overestimate.

Proportions of oatmeal porridge on water and necessary ingredients:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

If desired, you can add a little butter to the porridge; 20 grams is enough for the proposed volume of products.

Cooking process

Water is poured into the pan and placed over fairly high heat. It is worth noting that it is better to add salt and sugar at this stage, before the flakes fall asleep. After the water boils, the flakes are poured into it with constant stirring. The duration of cooking of such porridge depends directly on the size of the flakes. In total, the cooking process will take from three to ten minutes. When the water has almost completely evaporated, reduce the heat to low for a minute and close the pan with a lid. After turning off the heat, the porridge should be allowed to brew for about 5-10 minutes and can be placed on plates.

Features of preparing a dietary option

It is worth noting that if you need to cook dietary option In order to reduce the calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water, then, of course, you should not add sugar and butter to it. Although this porridge is very healthy, it turns out almost tasteless. But you can improve the taste without increasing calories. To do this, you can add some berries or various fruits to the finished version. Will not affect calorie content:

  • fresh apricots, peaches;
  • prunes, as well as dried apricots or raisins;
  • baked apples, maybe pears;
  • baked onion or honey pumpkin;
  • fresh herbs will give the porridge an interesting taste.

If you are going on a long-term diet based on oatmeal porridge with water, then this option of supplements will diversify the daily menu.

Rules for choosing cereals

To really have that effect on the water, you need to choose the right flakes in the store. It is worth focusing your attention on the quality and tightness of the packaging, packaging and storage duration. When purchasing oatmeal you should consider:

  • Only cereal. To prepare healthy and tasty breakfast, preference should be given to flakes without additives. And the presence of additional components, fruits and vegetables, in most cases reduces the benefits, while increasing the calorie content and cost of the product. It is worth noting that more often porridges with additives consist of finely ground flakes, which practically do not require cooking; such options are not considered healthy at all.
  • Transparent packaging. Thanks to this packaging, you can visually assess the condition of the flakes. The cereal must be clean, without additional impurities, only the presence of small quantity shavings white.
  • The flakes should be white, of course, not pure. They can range in color from yellow to cream. Brown color indicates a low degree of purification, so you should not buy such rolled oats.

  • You should not buy cardboard packs without a package inside. Hercules absorbs moisture very strongly, which kills beneficial features porridge. But you can never be sure of correct storage, so it’s better not to buy rolled oats flakes in cardboard.
  • Different expiration dates. Storing oatmeal in sealed plastic bags is possible for up to a year, and in cardboard boxes Shelf life - no more than 4 months.


Knowing such simple rules choice of cereals and how to cook oatmeal porridge in water, you can cook it at home almost every day, delicious and healthy breakfast who will provide for all family members in a great mood and excellent health. And there will be enough energy for all planned activities.

Hercules porridge, known as oatmeal, is produced by processing oat grains. Oats are a cereal crop; in order to obtain oat flakes, they are processed using a special technology: the hard shell is removed and the grains are flattened.

Oatmeal got its name “Hercules” from the same name trademark, which over time became a household name.

You should know what benefits or harms can come from eating oatmeal. Hercules porridge belongs to the group of “slow” carbohydrates. The concentration of vitamins and microelements in rolled oats is very high; it is very rare to find such a versatile useful product.

Name Content Daily requirement %
E (tocopherol) 3.4 mg 23
H (biotin) 20 mcg 40
I (iodine) 6 mcg 4
PP Groups 4.6 mg 23
K (potassium) 330 mg 13
Ca (calcium) 52 mg 6
Mg (magnesium) 130 mg 32
B1 0.45 mg 30
B2 0.1 mg 6
B5 0.90 mg 19
B6 0.24 mg 12
B9 23 mcg 6
Fe (iron) 3.7 mg 20
Mn (manganese) 3.83 mg 191
F (fluorine) 45 mcg 1
Oatmeal also contains essential microelements: chlorine, sulfur, choline, sodium, ash, silicon and many others. The benefits of rolled oats are simply off the charts, daily use will help: restore normal heart rhythm, improve condition after heart attacks, diabetes, rheumatism, colds, kidney or liver stones, cystitis, hypertension, nervous overstrain.

Hercules improves lipid metabolism due to the polyphenol content, which increases fermentation (digestion) nutrients. The great benefit for those who care about their beauty is that excess weight is reduced, and the skin becomes softer and cleaner. Oatmeal also has a diuretic effect.

Is there any harm from eating oatmeal? Indeed, teeth and bones can suffer from excessive consumption of oatmeal. It washes calcium out of the body, and the phytic acid contained in the cereal interferes with its absorption. But how much porridge do you need to eat?!

Rolled oats porridge will harm the body if you are intolerant to gluten, which is found in all cereals, especially oatmeal. Bloating and indigestion will be guaranteed. Also, the harm of frequent consumption of oatmeal is that thanks to a large number calories, especially fats and carbohydrates, it can cause.

Calorie content per 100 grams

The energy value of porridge per 100 grams of dry product and daily requirement V %

With milk

Those who always want to be slim are afraid of the high calorie content of porridge. Hercules and contains about 112 kcal/100 grams, depending on the fat content of the milk, the presence of sugar or butter and the thickness of the porridge. It is not advisable to add full-fat milk to baby porridge - skim milk is better, because... does not overload the child’s liver with excessive fat content.

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Calorie content of porridge with milk table:

On the water

Hercules porridge with water without milk and without sugar contains about 89 kcal/100 g. The more liquid you add to the porridge, the more it will decrease. For those who want to lose weight, you can achieve a very liquid consistency of rolled oats - “slush”.

With sugar and butter

Don't want to eat bland and tasteless food? Cook oatmeal with milk or water. Add sugar, salt and butter to the porridge and you will get a very tasty and healthy breakfast. The calorie content of oatmeal with milk or water with the addition of butter and sugar increases by approximately 50 kcal/100 grams.

In cereal crops high content calories. However, almost every porridge is a dietary product.

Therefore, when calculating the calorie content of oatmeal, do not think of giving up its regular use, because what is in it? great benefit. In addition, oatmeal with water or milk is a very filling product and you are unlikely to be able to eat so much of it that it harms your figure!

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