How to treat lumbar lordosis. Spinal lordosis: symptoms and treatment. What are the signs and symptoms of pathology?

Strengthening the physiological curvature of the spine in the lumbar region is called lumbar lordosis. Poor posture can be caused by injuries, obesity, pregnancy, and deformation changes in the spine and joints. In addition to the formation of lordotic posture, lordosis lumbar region spine is manifested by moderate pain in the lower back, fatigue, limited mobility. Complex treatment includes correction orthopedic products, massage sessions and exercise therapy.

Features of anatomy

The spinal column is the basis of the human skeleton. Complex structure the spine provides support, motor function, and also plays a protective role for spinal cord, which runs inside the spinal canal. The spine is not a monolithic part of the skeleton; it consists of movable segments connected to each other by a ligamentous-articular apparatus.

If you examine the spinal column from the side, you will notice that it looks like a spring, forming moderate bends in its four sections. Curved back, form a natural, chest and sacral region, and those curved forward form a physiological lordosis of the lumbar spine and neck.

It is no coincidence that the spine has such a structure. S shape Provides balance and soft cushioning while moving. Physiology and anatomy spinal column are so connected with each other that even minor disturbances lead not only to a local pathological process, but also to the development of diseases of other systems.

The foundation of spinal health is laid in infancy when posture begins to form. At birth, the spinal column looks like a straight line. Physiological curves begin to appear from the age of one and a half months, when the child begins to hold his head up.

Growing up, over the course of a year the baby begins to sit and stand up, which ensures a gradual natural “curvature” of the spinal column. Exactly on at this stage become noticeable pathological deformities, which are the result of an anomaly of intrauterine development or a congenital defect of the spine, one of which may be increased lumbar lordosis.


Pathological increased bending in the lower back with lumbar lordosis can be seen in at different ages. This is due to many reasons that can contribute to the development of deformity disease. Conventionally, factors leading to excessive arching of the spine can be divided into congenital and acquired.

If an increased curve in the lower back is noticed in a child from early childhood, there are several main reasons why the spine has formed in the wrong position:

  • Poor posture, called a flat-concave back (with increased lumbar lordosis), can be observed from generation to generation. Genetic predisposition– one of the fundamental factors for the development of deformational pathology.
  • Improper development of the fetus as a result of a deficiency of compounds necessary for the correct stage-by-stage formation of the skeleton. Violation of intrauterine nutrition can occur against the background of concomitant diseases or taking medicines negatively affecting the development of the unborn child.
  • Lordosis occurs as a result of trauma to the expectant mother during pregnancy.
  • Birth trauma of an infant incorrect technique management of childbirth.

Later development of the deformity occurs during the period of active growth of the teenage child. Changes in the posture of an adult develop according to external reasons, often as a result of neglect of one’s health.

Reasons for the development of lumbar lordosis in adults and adolescents:

  1. Insufficient motor activity of the lumbar spine due to prolonged physical inactivity occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Obesity, when subcutaneous fat is actively deposited in the abdominal area, as a result of which the center of gravity is shifted and the load on the spine increases.
  3. Intense sports activities, which result in muscle spasms in the lower back.
  4. Addiction to alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Injury to the hip joint.
  7. Pregnancy can provoke lordosis in the lumbar spine. The spine sags in the second half of the term, when the fetus is actively growing. An expanding belly increases the load on the lower back, which is the impetus for the appearance of deformity. More often the condition is temporary and in most cases goes away on its own after the birth of the child.
  8. Damage to the spine as a result of trauma.
  9. Strains or damage to the anatomical integrity of the back muscles, which are located along the spinal column and are responsible for flexion.
  10. Tumor-like growths.
  11. Dropping of the arches of the feet (flat feet) increases the load during movement, gradually increasing the deflection in the lower back.
  12. Degeneration developing in the tissues of mobile segments of the spine during osteochondrosis.
  13. For pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc herniation, lupus erythematosus, urinary disease (Kashin-Beck syndrome), spondylolisthesis, spondylosis.


Considering the causes and degree of deformation, lumbar lordosis is divided into several types. This classification exists to select the correct treatment tactics for curvature. For every age, taking into account functional state not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the whole organism, its own treatment method is developed, in one case with the possibility of correction, and in others - only to prevent further deformation.

Depending on the etiology, pathological lordosis occurs:

  • congenital – when a child is born with a predisposition to pathology;
  • acquired - the disease appears with age when exposed to one or more provoking factors simultaneously.

In addition, there is the concept of primary and secondary. Primary is a deformity that occurs as a result of diseases of the spine (developmental anomalies, spondylitis, tumors, etc.), spasm of the back muscles, or iliac muscle syndrome. Secondary lordosis, also called compensatory, refers to the characteristic manifestations of hip dislocation (including congenital) and immobility of the hip joint.

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When visually assessing the deflection in the lower back, you will notice that the degree of curvature may vary. In some patients the curve is significant, while in others an almost straight line forms in the lower back. In this case, doctors talk about hyperlordosis, when the angle of curvature of the spine is less than 150 degrees, or hypolordosis, when the curvature is significantly smoothed out or absent.


As the angle of curvature in the lumbar region increases, a person develops external Clinical signs, indicating the development of deformation disease. When visualizing, it is noted that with the development of lordotic posture, not only the appearance, but also the patient’s gait changes.

Main features:

  • shoulders and head are moved slightly forward;
  • the abdominal wall is relaxed and forms a rounded surface that protrudes from the front;
  • buttocks stick out backwards;
  • legs are deformed, kneecaps“look” a little to the side;
  • while walking, a person shifts from one foot to another (“duck” gait).

It is natural that increased lordosis of the lumbar region affects physiology not only during movement, but also at rest. Thus, patients cannot sleep on their stomachs due to a large deflection. This position “straightens” the back, which causes pain in the lower back. If a person sleeps on a hard surface, lying on his back is also uncomfortable, since an empty space forms between the back and the surface of the bed, which causes unpleasant discomfort.

Long stay in vertical position leads to lower back pain, which intensifies depending on the duration of walking or standing. Static loads cause no less inconvenience; a person cannot sit in one position for a long time. Increased stress causes complications in the back muscles. Increased tone of the lower back muscles limits the mobility of the torso, so in order to bend over, the patient is forced to use the hip joints.


By carefully looking at yourself in the mirror, a person may independently suspect that he has pathological lordosis. If there are external signs, there is no need to let the disease take its course or try to correct the situation on your own. Doctors have been working for years to create effective techniques for correction of vertebral curvatures varying degrees gravity. Therefore, if you suspect lordosis, you need to make an appointment with an orthopedist.

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on determining the type of posture, changes in which are visible to the naked eye, as well as instrumental methods research:

  • radiography;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

A detailed examination will not only help confirm the preliminary diagnosis, but also identify accompanying illnesses related to bone and connective tissue.


Treatment measures for the diagnosis of “lumbar lordosis” are intended for symptomatic treatment manifestations of curvature, as well as diseases that accompany deformation. The possibility of “correcting” the spine depends primarily on the patient’s age, the causes and duration of the pathology.

Children up to adulthood have a chance to significantly improve the situation by “straightening” their back. For this purpose, a set of measures is carried out, which are prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the implementation of recommendations and monitoring of the condition is carried out constantly in order to assess changes and, if possible, adjust treatment tactics.

The complex of corrective measures for lumbar lordosis includes:

  • Wearing an elongated thoracolumbar corset, due to the metal inserts of which the spine is forced to straighten. The corset is intended exclusively for being in a static position. The doctor draws up a wearing scheme with a gradual increase in the time period for the next 4 months, after which the patient is examined to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The corset is recommended not only for children, but also for adults to reduce pain.
  • Gymnastics can be carried out as in medical institution, and at home. A set of exercises is prescribed by the doctor. It is often recommended to use a gymnastic ball (fitball) or balance pad during exercise, which helps strengthen the back muscles. Among sports disciplines, you should choose swimming, which is the best way to have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Lumbar lordosis in adults and children requires a mandatory course of massage to improve the functioning of muscles and blood vessels in the back area. Physiotherapeutic treatment (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF) is necessary to relieve muscle spasms, improve hemodynamics (circulation) in the bloodstream, normalize innervation and general condition.

For elimination clinical manifestations for curvature, the following drugs are used:

  • NSAIDs - Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin to relieve pain and prevent inflammation.
  • Muscle relaxants - Mydocalm, Sirdalud, to relax the muscles and improve their function.
  • Steroid hormones - Hydrocortisone, Diprospan - are prescribed by a doctor only in advanced cases with severe pain or severe inflammation.
  • B vitamins – Neuromultivit, Milgamma to optimize innervation and restore tissue sensitivity.


It is impossible to exclude the development of pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine. Sometimes deformation changes can occur regardless of a person’s age and lifestyle, but compliance simple rules guarantees beautiful posture and spinal health from childhood:

  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • preventive corset when performing heavy work;
  • for pregnant women - prenatal bandage and orthopedic insoles;
  • maintaining normal body weight;
  • treatment of concomitant pathologies and spinal deformities.

Having noticed a change in posture, if you suspect a disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since the spine will not “correct” spontaneously, and self-medication can lead not only to problems with the back, but also with the abdominal organs.

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The natural curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is a natural feature of the body of every person. True, such a bend should normally be located at a certain angle. In other cases, the disorder becomes a painful pathology requiring treatment.

Lordosis as a curvature of the spine

Lordosis as a natural curvature of the spine is formed during the intrauterine development of the human fetus. Normally, there are two such bends, located in the cervical and lumbar regions. IN thoracic region There is a curve called kyphosis. Violation of the bending angle leads to pathologies.

They can be formed:

  • During the intrauterine development of the child.
  • As a result of injuries.
  • As a result of lifestyle disorders, the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Due to illnesses.

Signs of spinal lordosis

According to the current option international classification diseases ICD-10 pathology has code M40.0

Features of lumbar lordosis

The natural and normal curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region is important for the successful functioning of the entire human body. The curved shape plays important function depreciation necessary for any physical activity.

A pathology that interferes with the performance of its tasks by this part of the human body is a violation of the bending angle. It can be either overly expressed or smoothed out.

There are two pathological forms of lumbar lordosis: hyperlordosis and lumbar lordosis.

Features of lordosis in the lumbosacral region

Lordosis in the lumbosacral region belongs to the category of diagnoses that is most often diagnosed in elderly patients. Pathology is a change in the angle of inclination over 170 degrees. In this group of patients, pathological processes associated with a violation of the natural angle of inclination in most cases arise as a result of osteochondrosis.

Definitions of the angle for lordosis

At different ages, lordosis can become a complication of herniated intervertebral discs and other diseases of the skeletal system.

Regardless of the reasons for the changes, the appearance is a violation of the patient’s mobility. His gait changes, he feels unpleasant pain in a standing and sitting position.

Classification of lordosis

IN medical practice the following classification applies pathological process depending on the area of ​​the spine:

  • lumbar region;
  • cervical region.

The diagnosis in which lordosis is impaired is classified depending on the reasons for the onset of the disorder:

  • Primary lordosis with pathologies that develop as a result of pathological processes occurring directly in the spine.
  • Secondary option pathology of lordosis, which occurs when the body needs to adapt to maintaining balance that occurs in non-physiological conditions. It is of a compensatory nature.

There are also several forms:

  • Physiological, when the bending angle is not violated.
  • Hyperlordosis(pathological) when the deflection is increased inward.
  • Hypolordosis(smoothed or flattened), with this type, a smoothed curve is observed in the lower back.

Forms of lordosis

Existing degrees of pathology

In medical practice, there are three degrees of this spinal lesion, in which physiological lordosis is impaired.

They are divided according to the degree of curvature of the spine:

Reasons for the development of lumbar lordosis

Changes in the natural state of the spinal column have many causes. In some cases, changes are formed at the stage of intrauterine development or in the first year of life. Changes that show pathological lordosis can occur at any other age, in both women and men.

The reason for their appearance may be:

  • Weakening of the muscular frame of the back.
  • Damage to skeletal structures.
  • Joint injuries affecting the lower extremities.
  • Excess body weight and many other factors.

It is not possible to determine the lordosis of the spine on your own. The parameters are individual for everyone. Only a specialist can determine the presence or absence of pathology.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis indicate a violation of the uniform load on the spine. This provokes the appearance of pain localized in the lumbar region.

Unpleasant sensations are reflected in a person’s figure, movements and gait:

  • A bulge appears forward in the abdomen, with increased curvature in the lumbar region.
  • The knee joints remain extended.
  • The pelvis and body tilt backward when moving.
  • Dysfunction occurs due to prolapse of the abdominal organs.

Symptoms of lordosis


A patient who suspects the development of symptoms and the first signs of lumbar lordosis should consult a physician. To confirm the diagnosis of lumbar lordosis, the attending physician will refer you to a neurologist, orthopedist, or vertebrologist.

During the examination the following is performed:

  • Examination of the back from several angles.
  • Functional samples are collected.
  • Palpation is carried out along the spinal column.

CT scan of the lower back

Next, visualization of the pathology of lordosis can be performed. The simplest way to obtain data is to conduct a simple x-ray without introducing a contrast agent. This type of research is performed to confirm or exclude the problem.

Pictures are taken in lateral projection. Examinations continue while obtaining detailed data based on the results of MRI and CT.

Carrying out diagnostics at home

You can conduct minimal research yourself at home. For determining potential opportunity pathological lordosis of the lumbar region, you need to come close to the wall.

The patient independently tries to take a position of full flexion and extension of the lumbar region. It is necessary to maintain a position in which the shoulder blades, heels and back of the head are pressed tightly against the flat surface of the wall. Hyperlordosis is characterized by maintaining space between the arm and the wall.

Determination of signs of lordosis

In case of complete contact with the vertical surface of the lower back, hypolordosis should be suspected.

Features of treatment

Successful treatment of hypo- and hyperlordosis is based on eliminating the cause that led to the disruption of the physiological position of the spine. The use of medications is not expected. The problem of impaired lordosis is eliminated through the use of motor manipulations.


  • Manual therapy.
  • Exercise therapy and therapeutic massage.
  • Swimming lessons.
  • Using posture correctors and reclinators.
  • Specialized orthopedic devices.

In cases where lordosis is severely affected, surgery may be used. When lordosis develops cervical spine, the use of traction is recommended.

The use of gymnastics and exercises

A set of exercises designed to help normalize health and reduce and correct pathological lordosis is based on strengthening the muscle corset:

  • Simple forward bends will help strengthen your lower back. To perform them, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, reaching your fingers to the floor. Do 15 times.
  • The back muscles are strengthened by bending to the side. When performing them, the standing position is maintained. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on your waist and tilt your torso in each direction alternately. Do 10-15 times in each direction.
  • It is useful to perform a lumbar twist from a supine position. The legs are bent at the knees. Alternately press the leg to the body, pulling it with the opposite hand. Perform in two sets of 10 times with each leg.
  • Raising legs from a lying position. The arms are spread out to the sides of the body, palms down. The legs are gradually raised up, trying to throw them behind the head and touch the floor behind the head with the toes. Do 5-10 times.
  • The “boat” is performed from a prone position on your stomach. The legs and arms are stretched and raised, the front part of the body rises. Do it in two approaches 5 times.

In addition to general exercises, you can use proprietary techniques, for example, a complex of gymnastics according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky. The doctor claims that in most cases, only physical therapy can straighten and restore the physiological position of the spine and you should not immediately begin treatment with pills and injections.

Use of corsets and orthoses

The use of corsets and orthoses helps strengthen muscles and improve posture. These specialized medical devices provide rigid fixation of the lumbar area, promote straightening and correction of increased lordosis.

They are made from medical materials and are breathable. They are reinforced with inserts made of plastic or medical metal. Models are available with six degrees of stiffness and different levels of compression that can help treat lumbar lordosis.

Spine corset Boston corset

Use of physical therapy

Physiotherapy is used to improve the condition of the spine with lordosis:

  • Carrying out electrophoresis procedures with analgesics.
  • Ultrasound or infrared irradiation, which improves intake nutrients and blood flow to affected areas.
  • Exposure to electric current.

Features of massage

When treating diseases of the spine, including in the case of pathology of lumbar lordosis, the use of massage and manual therapy is recommended. Such procedures are performed by specialists. Once patients have gained the skills to perform it, they can continue to massage the sore area on their own.


Lumbar lordosis is most often caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bones. It is the root cause that needs to be eliminated first.

IN complex therapy are used:

  • Painkillers, such as Movalis and its analogues, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam and others.
  • Muscle relaxants, which include Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Tolperizone.
  • To relieve the inflammatory process, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Including Prednisolone, Medopred, Solyu-Decortin.

Movalis Ibuprofen ointment Meloxicam
Mydocalm relaxes muscles Sirdalud tablets Tolperisone

Additionally used vitamin complexes. They must contain vitamins A, E, B. These can be complexes Alphabet, Daily Formula, Centrum.

Prescription of surgical treatment

In the absence of positive dynamics, success in the ability to cure lordosis, it can be used surgery. In this case, restoration of the spine is used by removing intervertebral hernias.

Spinal traction

Another way to reduce the problem of changes in the spinal column is traction or traction. It is indicated for the secondary type of development of the disease. Conducted under conditions specialized clinic specialist. The method gives long-lasting positive results.

Spinal traction using hardware

Rules of treatment for children

IN childhood Excessive or insufficient curvature of the spine is less common than in adults. Causes include rickets, congenital hip dislocation, weakness of the gluteus maximus muscles and some other factors.

In therapy for children, emphasis is placed on the use of exercise therapy. The use of physical training complexes is effective. Each lesson begins with a short warm-up, walking in place.

  1. Stand up straight feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up and behind your head, slightly arching your back. Do 10 times.
  2. Side bends. Place your hands on your sides and tilt your torso left and right 10 times.
  3. Turn the torso to the sides. 10 times in each direction.
  4. Get on all fours. Without lifting your palms from the floor and without changing their place, gradually lower yourself to the games. Return to starting position. Arch your back up. Do it 10 times.
  5. Bend forward. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, reach with each hand to the tips of the toes of the opposite foot, doing a slight twist. Perform 10 times.

Exercises for treating children

Treating lordosis at home

The use of home methods can only be performed as part of a single complex of therapy.

Methods are used at home to help remove painful sensations:

  • Coating with honey.
  • Applications from birch leaves steamed with boiling water.
  • Applying compresses to the lower back.

Consequences of lordosis

Lordosis itself is not a pathology. Problems arise when there is a violation physiological norm, then the diagnosis can become dangerous. With the right treatment option at an early stage, curvature of the spinal column can be completely eliminated.

IMPORTANT! Absence timely treatment leads to impaired mobility and constant pain.

Will they be called up to serve in the RF Armed Forces with this pathology?

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 123 of February 25, 2003:

  • In the absence of complaints upon examination, he is given category “A”, fit for military service.
  • If during inspection the bend is pronounced enough, is assigned category “B”, which means suitability with some restrictions.
  • When a significant deformity of the spinal column is detected, becomes category “B”, in which the conscript is transferred to the reserve.

Is disability prescribed for lordosis?

Pathologists at the ITU meeting are included in the category " general disease" Disability is prescribed for serious complications caused by hypo- or hyperlordosis.

With a rapidly progressing variant of the pathology of 3-4 degrees of severity, group III or II can be assigned. Indefinite group I is provided only in the event of paralysis of the limbs caused by involvement of the spinal cord in the process.

Prevention methods

This unpleasant disorder of the spine can be prevented by performing prophylaxis:

Special orthopedic mattress

  • The first thing you should do is change your mattress. on the bed and sleep on a hard surface. There may even be a board laid on which a thin blanket is placed.
  • Sports activity shown and strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.
  • Provoking factor becomes overweight.
  • Using a diet maintaining a healthy lifestyle and monitoring your health will help avoid changes in the curvature of the spinal column.

Lordosis is a bending of the spinal column with a convexity forward. Natural bending is called physiological. If the spine has a curvature, deviates from the norm, then lordosis is called pathological. The degree of damage depends on the magnitude of the bend. Physiological cervical and lumbar lordosis are formed in the first year of a baby’s life, when he just begins to walk. Sometimes pathological lumbar lordosis in children is congenital due to abnormal intrauterine development. Today we will talk about how lordosis manifests itself, how to prevent the development of pathology, what treatment is the most effective.

Causes of lumbar lordosis:

  • birth injury;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disruption of the development of intervertebral discs, vertebrae, muscles and ligaments in the fetus;
  • spinal column injuries sustained by a woman during pregnancy.

Acquired lordosis of the lumbar spine can develop due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, chronic diseases of the spine, injuries of the spinal column, inflammatory processes in the spinal column in the lumbar region. This can also be facilitated by:

  • flat feet;
  • dislocation of the hip joint;
  • herniated disc in the lumbar region;
  • spinal injuries;
  • ligament rupture;
  • syphilitic spondylitis;
  • radiculitis affecting the lower back;
  • oncological formations in the spine;
  • rickets;
  • osteochondrosis;

Lordosis can begin to form in the 4th month of pregnancy and disappear six months after birth. provoke pathological condition long-term exposure to factors such as metabolic diseases, smoking, alcoholism, and excess weight can occur.

Pathological curvature of the spinal column can occur and begin to develop at any age due to the above reasons. It will be accompanied by changes in posture, pain and deterioration in the functioning of internal organs. Changes occur in the spine itself: mobility decreases, joints suffer. If lordosis occurred in adolescence or childhood, rib cage deformed, compression of internal organs occurs.

Lumbar lordosis is smoothed: what is it?

When smoothing or straightening the lumbar lordosis, the pathology is called hypolordosis. Spinal column in healthy condition compresses like a spring, reducing the pressure several times. With pathology, this does not happen, which leads to an increase in the vertical load on the intervertebral discs. The load on the spine leads to pinched nerves, disc displacement, deformation, and appears strong pain in the lower back.

To identify straightening of the lumbar region, the doctor prescribes an x-ray; in the pictures you can see that the height of the intervertebral discs is reduced, the anterior parts of the lumbar vertebrae have come closer together, and the processes have moved away. The main reason the occurrence of a smoothed lordosis of the lumbar region - being in a sitting position for a long time, without physical activity.

In such a situation, the curves of the spinal column are smoothed out, the back muscles are overstrained, a spasm occurs, the natural curve of the spine becomes straighter, and posture deteriorates. With hypolordosis, the angle of curvature of the spinal column is more than 170 degrees.

Symptoms of straightened lumbar lordosis:

  • fatigue quickly in any position;
  • flat back;
  • altered gait;
  • pain in the lower back and tailbone.

Lordosis in the lumbar region is increased

If the lumbar deflection is too pronounced, hyperlordosis appears. With this diagnosis, the bending angle is about 150 degrees. If you look at the picture, you can see that the spinous processes are almost connected to each other, and the anterior surfaces of the vertebrae fan out.

The diagnosis of hyperlordosis can be made in an adult if the disease has been acquired. The risk of developing such a pathology is increased by alcohol abuse, smoking, endocrine diseases, and excess weight. External signs can indicate hyperlordosis: backward deviation of the pelvis, protruding buttocks, a large arch under the lower back when lying on the back, the stomach protrudes strongly forward. There is also pain when lying on your stomach.

Diagnosis of lumbar lordosis

If symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a general practitioner or surgeon. A diagnosis of lumbar lordosis will be prescribed. The doctor will conduct an examination by palpating the lumbar spine. Using a ruler, the depth of the curvature is measured. To do this, place a ruler between the most high points lordosis of the lumbar region, another ruler is placed perpendicularly, measuring the distance from the ruler to the back at the deepest point of the bend:

  • If the ruler shows 4 cm, this is physiological lumbar lordosis.
  • If 5 cm or more, there is a pathology.

Can't do without instrumental diagnostics, held:

  • radiography to determine the depth of the curvature;
  • computed tomography to confirm the cause of the disease, confirm the depth of the curvature;
  • MRI examination allows you to clarify the diagnosis and identify the cause of the pathology.

In the photographs, the doctor can see that the lumbar lordosis is preserved. This means that the curvature does not exceed the norm.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

For lumbar lordosis, treatment must be comprehensive for it to bear fruit. It consists of physiotherapy and medications. After treatment, it is advisable to undergo treatment once a year in sanatoriums to consolidate positive result. If the initial cause of lordosis is known, the underlying disease must be treated.

Drug treatment

Treatments for spinal lordosis are selected individually, but most often treatment follows the following scheme:

  1. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is Diclobene or Diclofenac 3.0, the drug is administered intramuscularly, once a day for 10 days. Then the same drugs are prescribed in tablets. The course of treatment is a week.
  2. Analgesic ointments and gels are applied to the affected area up to six times a day. These are Diclak gel, Diprelife, Fastum gel. The course of use of such ointments is long.
  3. Milgamma 2.0 is administered intramuscularly for 10 days. Then Neurovitan is administered for a month. They drink it one tablet three times a day.
  4. If a contracture spasm occurs, a drug to relax the muscles is prescribed: Tolperil 1.0 intramuscularly in the morning and evening or in 100 mg tablets. Treatment continues for a month.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

The plan of physiotherapeutic procedures is drawn up by a physiotherapist. The following procedures are effective:

  • Massage of the lumbar and sacral region. 20-30 sessions are required.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs such as novocaine or hydrocortisone. On lumbar region you need to do 10 procedures.
  • Applications from therapeutic mud. The procedures are performed on the lumbar region. 15 sessions are needed.
  • Ultrasound on the lumbar region.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Underwater spinal traction.

Additional treatments

Acupuncture of the gluteal and lumbar region. The course of treatment ranges from 10 to 14 sessions. Needles affect bioactive points.

Hirudotherapy. Energy is stimulated by leeches, they thin the blood and direct energy to the lower back. Blood circulation improves without forming stagnation.

Manual therapy. The specialist applies his hands to the pathological area.

Exercise therapy. You need to do therapeutic exercises regularly. You need to start training with minimal loads, increasing the pace and intensity. You should not do gymnastics during the acute period. If you experience weakness, dizziness or pain during exercise, it is better to stop exercising. You need to exercise in comfortable clothes, your lower back should be insulated.

Diet during treatment

Treatment is impossible without changing your lifestyle and following a certain diet. This is due to the fact that with lordosis, problems with the digestive organs and constipation often occur.

  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, baked goods, and flour.
  • Eliminate salty, spicy, smoked foods from your diet.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fiber.

Complications of lumbar lordosis

Lumbar lordosis can worsen the condition if left untreated. It can be:

  • infertility;
  • chronic constipation;
  • partial immobilization of the lower extremities;
  • kidney diseases.

Spa treatment

After medications and other types of treatment have helped get rid of the pain syndrome, the disease has reached remission, you can undergo a course of sanatorium-resort treatment. The best sanatoriums for this are those in the Caucasus and the southern coast of Crimea. It is better to relax there in early autumn. During acute period It is not recommended to go to the sanatorium if you are ill.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment can be used to relieve pain. In the form of applications, birch leaves doused with boiling water are applied to the lumbar region. The procedure is done at night, wrapping the lower back well.

You can make compresses with warm honey, rubbing it on the lower back and placing tracing paper on top. Wrap in a scarf and leave overnight.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of lumbar lordosis, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. It is recommended to give up smoking and alcohol, play sports, and lead an active lifestyle. Experts advise sleeping on a hard mattress and following a daily routine.

If the work involves working on a computer, it is necessary to properly organize workplace. After an hour of work, be sure to take a break and do a short warm-up. You need to watch your posture.

The human spine, when looking at it from the front, should be straight, the identified lateral curvatures will be a deviation from the norm, but in the anteroposterior direction, that is, when viewed from the side, you can notice 4 natural curves. These curves of the spinal column in the cervical and lumbar regions (lordosis), thoracic and sacral (kyphosis) are designed to compensate for the pressure exerted on the spine during vertical loads and protect it from injury. Let's take a closer look at lordosis in the lumbar spine.

Lordosis is a curvature of the spinal column with a convexity directed forward and a convexity directed backward. There are such bends:

  1. physiological, i.e. natural,
  2. pathological - deviating from the norm, recognized as a disease (pathology) - curvature of the spine.

It all depends on the amount of bending.

Natural lordosis forms in the cervical and lumbar spine during the first year of a person’s life, when he begins to sit, learns to stand and walk.

The normal angle of curvature of the spine in the lumbar region is 150-170 degrees.

Pathological forward curvature of the spine can form at any age due to various reasons(injuries, illnesses, during pregnancy, etc.) and is accompanied by pain, changes in posture and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Changes occur in the spine itself: the load on the vertebrae becomes uneven, the joints suffer, the mobility of the spine decreases, and conditions are created for the occurrence of hernias.

The earlier the pathology appears and the longer it remains unattended, the more pronounced its symptoms will be and the more serious the consequences.

So, when pathological lordosis appears in childhood or adolescence The chest is deformed, as a result of which the internal organs are compressed and their functions are disrupted.

What do diagnoses mean?

A healthy spine in the cervical and lumbar region has bends (lordosis) of a certain degree. In case of deviations from normal values we can talk about pathological lordosis, which can be of two types.

Lordosis in the lower back is smoothed (straightened)

If the curve in the lumbar spine is smoothed (or straightened), then this pathology is called “hypolordosis”. If there is insufficient curvature of the spine in the lower back, axial loads will not be sufficiently mitigated.

A healthy spinal column in such cases, due to the bending in the lumbar region, is compressed like a spring and reduces the pressure several times. If this does not happen, the vertical load on the intervertebral discs increases significantly, which leads to their deformation, displacement, and the development of pain in the lower back.

The basis for diagnosing flattened lordosis in the lower back is usually where the doctor can see a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, a bringing together of the anterior parts of the lumbar vertebrae and a distance of the processes.

As a rule, hypolordosis occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. When a person sits, the curves of the spine are smoothed out. When sitting for a long time (they overexert themselves) and gradually straighten the natural curve of the spine, they spoil their posture. The angle of curvature of the spinal column with hypolordosis is more than 170 degrees.

    Straightened lumbar lordosis is indicated by:
  • flat back;
  • rapid fatigue in sitting and standing positions;
  • pain in the lumbosacral region;
  • altered gait.

Increased lordosis in the lumbar region

The opposite situation, when the lumbar deflection of the spine is too pronounced, is called “hyperlordosis.” The bending angle with this diagnosis is approximately 145-150 degrees.

On x-rays of the lumbar spine, you can see that the anterior surfaces of the vertebrae fan out, and the spinous processes are practically connected to each other.

Hyperlordosis can be congenital, which is usually associated with hereditary predisposition and disturbances in the intrauterine development of the vertebrae before the birth of the child. Also, this diagnosis can be made to an adult – then we are talking about acquired hyperlordosis.

Excess weight, smoking, alcohol abuse, endocrine diseases increase the risk of developing hyperlordosis.

External signs of hyperlordosis:

  1. protruding buttocks and backward deviation of the pelvis;
  2. protruding belly;
  3. a large “arch” under the lower back when lying on your back.

Subjective symptoms of increased lordosis in the lumbar region include constant strong tension in the lower back and the appearance of pain when lying on the stomach.

Causes of pathology

Hyperlordosis and hypolordosis have a number of unpleasant consequences for the body, including: displacement of internal organs, acceleration of destruction cartilage tissue joints and bones. Therefore, it is important to know the factors that may contribute to the emergence and development of these pathologies.

Congenital pathologies of the curvature of the spine are associated with heredity and injuries received during childbirth.

Acquired lordosis usually develops by the age of 30, which is associated with physical inactivity, weakness of muscles and ligaments, long stay in a sitting position, first while studying at school, others educational institutions, and then at work in the absence of proper physical activity and care for one’s health.

    Among possible reasons development of pathology are distinguished:
  • weak back muscles;
  • pathological or congenital dislocation of the hip, immobility of the hip joint;
  • osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and others chronic diseases spine;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms in the spine itself or nearby organs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

Hyperlordosis occurs in women during pregnancy as the fetus grows. A growing belly increases the natural curvature of the spinal column, and the back muscles are no longer able to hold the spine in its usual position. After childbirth, when the weight normalizes, the back gradually recovers, and the angle of bend in the lower back returns to its normal value.


The diagnosis can be made by a surgeon or traumatologist. Preliminary diagnosis is carried out on the basis of examination and medical history, an assessment of the range of motion and muscle strength. In addition to this, neurological status is assessed.

X-rays can provide the most accurate picture of the condition of the spine. In complex cases, when it comes to the presence of somatic diseases or neurological symptoms, other types of studies are used, for example:

If you suspect the presence of inflammatory processes or tumors, use laboratory methods research.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

Often such a diagnosis is not noticeable, does not cause inconvenience or pain, so patients delay treatment. But if the degree of deviation from the normal angle is too great, treatment should be started immediately. Indeed, with destructive changes in one area of ​​the spine, the load is redistributed to others, which means that the pathological condition in the lower back threatens to soon cause problems in the cervical or thoracic regions.

Treatment will depend on the origin of the disease and the degree of curvature.

If the cause of hyperlordosis is an infection, then first you need to cure the underlying disease, remove the inflammation, and then its consequence in the form of curvature of the spine.

If the curvature of the spinal column has changed due to obesity, then weight loss measures are first taken, including special diet and training programs.

In any case, if lordosis appears as a consequence of any disease, you first need to get rid of the disease, i.e. eliminate the cause, and gradually correct the consequences for the back.

If lordosis was detected on early stages, then it is not difficult to cure it.

Physical therapy exercises will strengthen the muscle corset, which will reduce lower back pain. Such classes can be carried out at home, without the use of special exercise equipment.

The best effect will be achieved by combining strength training with relaxation and stretching exercises.

In more complex cases, medications are added to the above measures: (, Tizanidine, Meprotan), painkillers,.

In case of congenital lordosis and in completely advanced cases, only surgery can help, after which rehabilitation measures and continuation of traditional treatment will be carried out.

At lumbar lordosis the natural deflection of the spine in the lumbar region changes. As a result of pathological changes, pain syndrome, posture is distorted, lumbar vertebrae are deformed. Advanced lordosis leads to dysfunction of internal organs located in the pelvic area.

Description of the disease

In a normal state, the spine in the lumbar region deviates from the imaginary vertical along the human body by 20-40°. A larger deviation leads to the development of pathologies. Physiological lordosis performs the functions of correctly distributing the load on the spine during walking, shock-absorbing and softening the discs during movement.

In most cases, hyperlordosis develops, in which the angle of deviation of the lumbar spine reaches 40-45°. With a strong increase in the deflection angle, serious external deformation occurs, which manifests itself not only painful sensations, but also an obvious visual defect.

Some patients are diagnosed with straightened lumbar lordosis, which means that the angle of deviation from the imaginary axis has decreased. The lower back deviates less than 20°. This manifestation of pathology is called hypolordosis or smoothed lordosis. Hypolordosis is more often detected in older people. The risk group includes people with osteochondrosis and lumbar hernias.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Lordosis of the lumbar region occurs as a result of excessive loads, as well as after suffering from certain infectious and organic diseases. This pathology can also be congenital. Lordosis is classified based on its causes:

  • Primary. This degree of lordosis can be either congenital or develop under the influence of other diseases and pathologies. Primary lordosis is often a consequence of inflammation of the vertebral discs, disturbances in the structure muscle tissue, tendons. Neoplasms in the pelvic area can also lead to lordosis.
  • Secondary. Develops as a result of physical trauma to the lower back and hip joints. As a result of the injury, the angle of inclination of the lumbar region relative to the axis changes, and pathology gradually appears.

Lordoses are formed by various reasons. Hyper- and hypolordosis become a consequence of certain diseases (see table).

Additional reasons for the development of lordosis of the lumbar spine:

  • In the last trimester of pregnancy, the center of gravity of the female body changes, gait and posture change, and the load on the spine increases. If the back muscles are weakened, lordosis may form and become chronic.
  • In childhood, lordosis develops as a result of birth injuries - severe pregnancy and childbirth with fetal hypoxia. Back injuries and falls of the mother also pose a danger to the embryo.

In people of any age, smoothed lumbar lordosis with a deviation to a lesser extent occurs.

At-risk groups

The likelihood of developing pathology increases in adults under the following circumstances:

  • Flat feet (changes posture, gait).
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking and the accompanying constant intoxication of the body.

In cases of lordosis development due to injuries or other external factors, the disease can be successfully corrected with full restoration normal position of the lower back, and the return of an aesthetic appearance to the body.

Symptoms of lordosis

When the disease just begins to develop, a person practically does not notice any changes. The main symptom of the initial stage is a mild feeling of heaviness and aching in the lumbar region, which a person notices at the end of the day and associates with fatigue. Without diagnosis and medical intervention, symptoms increase.

Common symptoms of lordosis:

  • Painful sensations in the lower back increase and spread to groin area, lower abdomen and higher up the back, up to the shoulder blades.
  • Behind physical activity there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Every day a person feels tired, which becomes chronic.
  • Development external changes: the stomach begins to bulge, the buttocks noticeably move back, the hips stop moving together without noticeable effort.
  • Constant pain in the lumbar region causes a reflexive desire to put a hand to this place. This manifestation can be noticed in older people or pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Bending also causes pain; a person tries to do squatting movements instead of inclined ones.
  • Menstruation in women is accompanied by complications and pain; in men, impotence may develop.

In the initial stages, lordosis can be corrected with conservative therapeutic methods.

You can diagnose incipient lordosis yourself. You need to lie down on a hard surface, preferably the floor. Fix your body on your back in a straight position. A hand is placed under the lower back. It should go into the gap between the floor and your back. If a fist fits into the space, we can talk about hyperlordosis. If even the palm does not fit or is difficult to fit - hypolordosis.

Treatment methods

For successful treatment important timely diagnosis diseases. If a person has unfixed lordosis, in which the back remains mobile, fight initial stage you can do it yourself. With fixed lordosis, medical intervention is necessary. As diagnostic measures computed tomography, x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging are used. The latter method is common when examining patients with suspected cancer.

Therapeutic treatment includes the use drugs and physiotherapy. Drugs are prescribed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. Physiotherapy can enhance the effect of medications and align the position of the lumbar spine. The prescribed drug groups are listed below.



Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are selected for the patient. Most often this is Movalis in ampoules and tablets. The analgesic effect of the drug is achieved within a few minutes after the injection, and 15 minutes after taking the tablet. Analogues of Movalis:

  • Meloxicam.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Ketorolac.

If pain occurs between medications or injections, ointments are additionally used. Standard remedy Diclofenac can be replaced with analogues - Voltaren, Fastum-gel, Indomethacin.

Muscle relaxants

Such medications are designed to reduce muscle tone and eliminate spasms. For lordosis, Mydocalm, Toperizone, Sirdalud are prescribed.


Taking medications lasts for at least 4 months. The standard course is six months. Used for destruction of vertebral disc tissue. Help restore tissue and improve blood circulation. Such drugs include:

  • Hondrex.
  • Arthrida.
  • Mucosat.
  • Teraflex.
  • Artiflex.


Designed to stop inflammation. The duration of administration and dosage is determined by the doctor, depending on current state patient:

  • Prednisolone.
  • Medopred.
  • Sol-Decortin.
  • Prednisolone-Ferein.


Appointed for general strengthening body and improve nerve conduction. For lordosis, it is recommended to combine vitamins of groups B, D, E.

The number of drugs, their types, dosages and duration of use are determined by the doctor. The selection is carried out on the basis clinical picture– current deviation of the spine from the norm. If the patient experiences side effects, it is not recommended to select analogues yourself. The replacement of drugs should be supervised by a specialist.

Physiotherapeutic measures

Apply as in rehabilitation period after surgery, and as a treatment method in the early stages of lordosis. Doctors prescribe:

  • Electrophoresis. It is carried out using anesthetics and anti-inflammatory medications. Helps restore the metabolic process in the area of ​​affected tissue.
  • Treatment with current, ultrasound, infrared irradiation. The methods are designed to improve blood circulation. In rare cases, magnetic therapy and treatment with leeches are used, but such methods are considered outdated.
  • Acupuncture. It has an analgesic effect and improves nerve conduction.
  • Medical massage of affected areas. Restores muscle tone to normal. The spine is better maintained in its natural position.

Some clinics prescribe spinal traction. For this purpose, a pool bowl with installed special equipment is used. The procedure must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

Physical exercise

Physiotherapy - important element recovery correct position sacral vertebrae. Used as for conservative treatment, and during rehabilitation after operations. The set of exercises includes:

  • Bend forward on straight legs. Done from a standing position. The goal is to reach the floor with your fingertips.
  • Straight back. You need to stand straight against the wall. Heels, buttocks, shoulders should touch the surface of the wall.
  • Bends while sitting. Bend forward, in which you need to grab your calves with your hands. The goal is to reach your head to your knees.
  • Squats. The exercise is done with arms extended forward, the heels should not lift off the floor.
  • Horizontal bar. The task is to hang on the horizontal bar to stretch the spine.
  • Standing and lying crunches. In a standing position, a person rotates his body. In a lying position, you need to raise your knees at right angles to the floor and move them from side to side.
  • Deflections. The person lies on his stomach and rests his elbows on the floor. The goal is to tilt the body upward as much as possible.

On initial stages 7 approaches are performed for each exercise, in the future the load increases. If exercise therapy is prescribed by a doctor, then the quantity and quality of exercises are selected by the instructor.

Surgery for lordosis

Operations are carried out in cases congenital pathologies and lordosis acquired as a result of injury. Flattening is done under general anesthesia. Basic methods for correcting spinal curvature in the lumbar region:

  • Strengthening the vertebrae with plates or pins. In the damaged section, the spine is securely fixed with metal structures. The mobility of the vertebrae is lost.
  • Replacement of vertebrae with implants. On this moment such operations are carried out only in the USA, Germany and Israel. The intervention is expensive, but as a result, the vertebral tissue is completely replaced with flexible prostheses.

Treat lordosis traditional methods useless. Compresses and warming compositions will only help as emergency pain relief if appropriate medications are not available.

Prevention of lordosis comes down to maintaining the right image life, weight loss, improving nutrition quality. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you should take breaks and stretch every 45 minutes. Going to the gym, long walks, and sleeping on an orthopedic mattress are also helpful.

Detecting symptoms of lordosis is an important reason to immediately consult a doctor. The sooner they are discovered pathological changes, the easier and faster they can be eliminated.