Proper fasting to cleanse the body and lose weight. Cleansing the body through fasting

What person doesn’t want to be healthy and fit and not get tired? There are many ways to get in shape, and among them is proper fasting to cleanse the body. This method is very popular and can be beneficial if done correctly. There are both positive and negative reviews about it.

Fasting really cleanses the body. But it is important to fast correctly, following the recommendations of doctors, starting with not eating for 1 day.

What are the benefits of fasting

Why is fasting beneficial? Indeed, in this case, a person does not receive the vitamins and minerals he needs. But we have our own internal resources, which are spent when we refuse food. Many harmful substances that once reached us remain in fat. When the body uses up these reserves, they are released and removed from it, the body is cleansed.

In addition, when collecting the “fuel” necessary for existence, our body most often uses those cells that it least needs, that is, all excess goes away, as do various deposits. Therefore, the body is truly cleansed.

But those who intend to use this method should remember that fasting is a real test for our body, severe stress, all body functions are extremely tense. Therefore to this health procedure you need to prepare, start small, and, preferably, talk to your doctor first.

Absolute, complete or partial?

There are several types of fasting:

  • Absolute or dry. Don't drink or eat.
  • Complete. You can drink water, but you cannot eat.
  • Partial. You can eat certain foods.

If you plan to do a fasting cleanse, you need to drink a lot of water to flush out any accumulated toxins. For example, if you stop drinking, you will not be able to remove uric acid, so it will be deposited in the tissues, which can seriously damage your kidneys.

Such fasting is very dangerous, since a person quickly loses weight, and proteins, which are very important for the body, may also suffer. When harmful substances are released from fat, they are not removed from the body and can harm vital organs.

An enthusiastic doctor who, back in Soviet times, spoke about the benefits of fasting, Yu. S. Nikolaev, was categorically against dry fasting. Of course, no one has the right to forbid a person to fast in one way or another, but it is still necessary to warn him about the consequences.


Although fasting can be very beneficial, you should not stop eating without talking to your doctor. There are many diseases for which it is not recommended.

If you have the following diseases, then it is better not to fast or do it under the supervision of a doctor:

Any fasting is contraindicated for those who suffer from the following diseases:

Some doctors warn that it is better to avoid fasting for those who are constantly taking medications, as well as for patients who have undergone organ transplantation or with artificial implantable devices.

If the person himself is afraid and doubts, or his relatives are categorically against it and are hostile, it is better to refuse purification.

How can you fast

A person decides for himself how long to fast. But experts warn that you need to start small - fast for only 1 day. When the body is ready, you can switch to a longer fast, for example, 7 days.

If you intend to fast and cleanse for longer, this must be done under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can greatly harm your body. Paul Bragg in his book “The Miracle of Fasting” he says that first a person should carry out 1 fast on 1 day and several on 3-4 days every week for 4 months, and after that he is ready for fasting on 7 days.

Three stages of fasting

If you think you can go without food for 7 days or longer, then be prepared for 3 stages:

  1. Stage of food arousal. Usually it lasts no longer than 2-3 days. It is not so easy to survive it, since those who are losing weight are constantly tormented by a feeling of hunger, weakness appears, headaches, and it is difficult to sleep. The sight and smell of food, as well as conversations about food, cause strong reactions. “Sucking” pain in the abdomen may appear, the person loses weight, but most often water leaves the body. At this time, it is important not to think about food, go for a walk fresh air, communicate with like-minded people.
  2. Stage of increasing ketoacidosis. It begins on day 2 or 3 and lasts up to 7-9 days. The feeling of hunger is already dulled. The person complains of weakness, drowsiness, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. There is a smell of acetone on the breath, there is a “metallic” taste in the mouth, the tongue is coated grayish coating. People who are hungry should move less and try to relax in the fresh air. You should not get out of bed abruptly or make sudden movements, as you may faint due to low blood pressure. If persistent hypotension occurs, you cannot continue fasting.
  3. Stage of compensated ketoacidosis. It happens to those who fast for longer than 7-9 days. The human body adapts, disappears or decreases unpleasant symptoms. The tongue is cleared of plaque and disappears bad smell from the mouth, the patient no longer complains of dry mouth.

Preparation for the procedure

Cleansing the liver by fasting or refusing food during medicinal purposes should not start abruptly. It is important to prepare your body. How to do it? First of all, go through comprehensive examination, make sure that you do not have diseases for which this cleansing is contraindicated. Some experts advise switching to a plant-based diet first. You can start with partial fasting, that is, not completely giving up food, but eating vegetables or fruits, drinking fermented milk products.

There is one thing important rule. Paul Bragg advises to provide yourself with ideal conditions so that a person has the opportunity to rest and lie down, that is, it is not recommended to go hungry and go to work or do hard work. During this period, it is better to give up radio and TV, not read, and not communicate with anyone. It's good if you have the opportunity to spend time outdoors. Bragg warns that it is necessary bed rest, but if you wish, you can take a walk or sunbathe if you have the strength. During the day you can sleep or just relax.

Marva Ohanyan advises starting with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. First, she recommends drinking 50 g of Epsom salts, dissolved in a full glass of water or senna decoction. Then do a cleansing enema. She advises doing such enemas every day. Other experts also believe that enemas are necessary, but Bragg is against them. He was sure that bowel cleansing with enemas was harmful procedure, it flushes out important intestinal microflora.

What drink

We wrote above about how you should behave when you refuse food. But there are a few more points that need to be mentioned. If you fast for 1 day or 7 days, you give up food but not water. When doing water fasting, what water should you choose? Here the opinions of experts differ.

Bragg believed that you should drink distilled water, which does not contain minerals. He was sure that inorganic substances can only burden our body. However, Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev insisted that you need to drink alkaline mineral water, such as Borjomi. Marva Ohanyan recommends taking herbal decoctions, sometimes replacing them with vegetable or fruit juices.

During 7 days of such fasting, blood vessels are cleansed, excess fat is removed, a person’s well-being improves, and another pleasant bonus is weight loss.

Breaking out of fasting

After a long fast, you should not immediately pounce on food. A person should eat small portions every 2 or 3 hours. It is better if the food is without salt. If you do not follow a diet, then food overload is possible, which manifests itself as nausea, vomiting, and stool upset.

For the first 2-4 days, you can drink juices or decoctions of cereals diluted with water, eat porridge in water without sugar and salt (rice, buckwheat, millet). Later, from 5-7 days, you can switch to porridge with milk (millet, oatmeal, buckwheat). You are allowed to eat pureed vegetables, bread, vinaigrette, cottage cheese, honey, drink kefir, and so on. But meat, eggs, fish and mushrooms are still prohibited. When a person recovers, you can switch to normal nutrition.

Throughout life, a person is faced with a huge number of harmful substances. Toxins enter the body with air, water, food, penetrate the skin and accumulate there. Even if a person leads healthy image life, does not smoke and the tissues of his body will contain toxic elements. to cleanse the body it will help get rid of toxins, restore organ function, and improve well-being.

Hunger is a way to cleanse the body

Abstaining from food as a healing method has been known for centuries. Ancient texts confirm that in China, India, Persia, and Mesopotamia, hunger was actively used as a way to treat diseases.

The famous philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras went on a hunger strike for 10 days several times a year, and sometimes stopped eating for 40 days. He claimed that hunger stimulated his spirit and allowed him to gain strength. Pythagoras believed that this was the secret of longevity and good health. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, refused to eat during illness and did nothing until the first symptoms of improvement appeared. The Roman physician Galen officially declared that periodic abstinence from food evenly cleanses the entire body.

Digesting food requires a lot of energy. When a person stops eating, it is spent on removing toxins from tissues. But while you are fasting, your body still needs energy to function. A person gets it from fat reserves. Therefore, the effect after fasting is manifested in the healing and rejuvenation of body cells.

Impact on humans

During fasting, the body processes energy reserves: the composition of the blood improves, atherosclerotic deposits on the vessels are reduced. For digestive system This is a kind of vacation. By stopping to eat, a person allows the mucous membrane of his stomach to recover and renew tissue cells.

If you adhere to a healthy fast, you will improve metabolic processes and weight will decrease. A short-term refusal of food allows you to overcome diseases, because the body’s strength goes to fight the disease, and is not spent on digesting food.

Types and techniques of fasting

There are several types of uses of hunger:

  1. On the water. This type of fasting is also called complete. It involves avoiding solid foods and juices. You can only drink clean water, at least two liters per day. Consumption is encouraged herbal infusions, rosehip decoction.
  2. On juices. You need to drink 1–1.5 liters of fruit or vegetable juices per day. But they cannot be mixed. Carrot, beet, grape, and apple juices are suitable.
  3. On vegetables and fruits. You are allowed to eat 250–350 grams of fruits and vegetables per day with a break between meals of 5–6 hours.
  4. On dairy products. Fasting on milk and kefir involves consuming 400–500 grams of these products throughout the day.
  5. Absolute, or . In absolute fasting, a person does not eat or drink liquid for 24 hours.
  6. Mono-diet. This type involves eating cereals and porridges cooked in water without oil, salt or seasonings. You can add flax and sesame seeds.

Scientists and doctors who studied fasting and tried it on themselves developed their own methods:

  1. Alternative medicine representative Paul Bragg conducted a fasting session once a week that lasted 24 or 36 hours. During the session he drank clean water. After four months of such fasting, he advised practicing abstaining from food for seven days. In another six months - a ten-day refusal to eat. These days he left the city and devoted his time to walks in nature, reading books and studying.
  2. Ivan Neumyvakin suggests cleansing the intestines and liver before going on a fast. In his opinion, the breakdown of toxins accumulated in these organs causes harm in the early stages. You need to fast gradually, starting with one day, then extend the fast to two weeks.
  3. Yuri Andreev, a writer and proponent of alternative healing, argues that the need to use hunger arises in humans naturally. This is done by signals from the body, which needs unloading. Andreev believes that the result has been achieved and the hunger strike should be ended when the coating on the tongue completely disappears, the skin and mucous membranes acquire a natural color. For some it will take 1–3 days, for others.

The positive experience of doctors and scientists in using this method of cleansing the body speaks of the benefits of a hunger strike.

What happens in the body

During fasting, a number of changes occur in the human body:

During detoxification, a person may experience unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, irritability and headache. But don’t be scared and interrupt the process. This normal phenomenon during fasting, and soon everything goes away.

Rules of therapeutic fasting

Before starting a fast, you should consult your doctor. Only healthy people. Although the goal therapeutic fasting is to help cleanse your body, this does not mean that this method will work for everyone. If you have chronic diseases or health problems, then hunger will only harm you.

Don't fast if you have kidney disease. Cleansing will increase the levels of potassium and other minerals in your blood. Since diseased kidneys do not function properly, fasting will be dangerous to health.

  1. During the fasting period, it is forbidden to take pills, smoke, or drink alcohol.
  2. Before fasting and during it, cleansing enemas should be done. This will help cleanse the intestines of toxins faster.
  3. Two weeks before the expected day of fasting, you need to prepare and eat dietary foods. Carbonated drinks, meat dishes, smoked and fried foods, sweets, fast food, and pickled foods are excluded from the diet.
  4. In the evening before starting your fast, take a laxative, and in the morning start drinking only water.
  5. Gradually accustom your body to hunger. There is no need to suddenly stop eating; try fasting for half a day first. It is important that this does not turn into a test.
  6. Play sports, walk more and breathe fresh air. Read interesting book or watch a good movie. Bring more positivity into your life.
  7. You will need to allocate 8–9 hours for sleep, since the body is in a state of stress and weakened by the fight against toxins.
  8. Completing therapeutic fasting is the right way out of it. The number of days for recovery is equal to the number of days of fasting. If you have been fasting for three days, then you need to allocate three to four days to adapt to food. Prepare porridge, liquid food, and small portions. Drink diluted homemade juices and tea.

So, cleansing the body through fasting occurs in several stages using different types and ways to refuse food. Whatever type of fasting you choose, follow the recommendations and consult your doctor.

During fasting the body is cleansed of toxins and waste. It is customary to subdivide starvation into three types: absolute; complete; periodic or partial.

Absolute fasting- exclusion of food and water.

Complete fasting- excluding food, but drinking water.

Intermittent or partial fasting- partial exclusion of certain foods from the diet.

Absolute fasting usually do not spend longer than 1 day. It should only be used under medical supervision.

Complete fasting divided into short (1-3 days), average duration(7-10 days) and long-term - 2 weeks or more, but longer than 40 days starvation is not recommended. Sick animals are known to refuse food. Children may not eat for a long time or instinctively refuse food that is harmful to their body. Cleansing the body by fasting It was used for health purposes in ancient times in China, India, Egypt, Greece, etc. Modern medicine I returned to this method of treatment and cleansing of the body.

Intermittent fasting allows you to cleanse the body of self-poisoning products and thereby cure or prolong its youth. To fully cleanse the body, it is enough to go without food for 24-36 hours once a week, 3 days a month, 1 week every 3 months and 2 weeks every six months. This type of fasting is called intermittent fasting.

Ayurveda and fasting

Ayurveda's views on fasting are interesting. With its help, it is proposed to tune agni - the digestive fire, the natural cycle of which is a necessary condition for health. Its violation is indicated by heartburn, lack of appetite, constipation, excessive or underweight, the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other frequently occurring ailments. They set up the “digestive fire” from Friday: in the evening they have a light dinner and cleanse the intestines. On Shabbat they abstain from food and drink only water. People with Vata and Pitta types can also drink juices.

On Sunday you can have a cup herbal tea: with licorice root - for vata, with mint - for pitta and kapha. For breakfast, eat light porridge with a little butter; lunch and dinner should be light. It is forbidden to eat anything between main meals, as well as to consume stimulants in the form of coffee, cigarettes and salt, as they can extinguish the flaring agni.

Starvation should begin on the week of the new moon or full moon. Medical astrology advises more accurately determining the day when fasting begins - it is the day following the day of the week on which you were born.

What is miraculous? impact of hunger on the body? After the supply of “fuel”, that is, food, is stopped, the body immediately changes its supply mode, switching to energy supply from internal reserves.

Of course, the process of fasting- a very responsible step, and it cannot be taken without analyzing the state of your body, without thinking through the conditions of this cleansing stage and, which is perhaps the most important thing, without understanding the method of overcoming hunger. As practice shows, the deaths that opponents of fasting are so afraid of occurred not during this process, but after its completion, when, deceived by the wonderful feeling of lightness and youth after emerging from hunger, people succumbed to appetite and ate something unacceptable at that moment.

It has been proven that You can’t start fasting right away for a period of more than 3 days, if your body is not trained by one-day abstinence from food. Gradually we need to move on to longer terms of fasting.

Fasting according to P. Bragg

Execution method. Every week P. Bragg stayed without food for 24 or 36 hours, drinking only distilled water. When I came out of fasting, I ate a salad of raw vegetables without salt and oil, but with the addition of lemon juice. After four months of such weekly fasting, he recommended starting 7 day fasting, in a few more months - to 10 days. Usually P. Bragg spent 7-9 day fasting. An inner voice told him when to interrupt. In the spring, he abstained from food for 10 days in order to better cleanse himself of toxins after winter. During the fast, he maintained good physical shape by taking walks in the fresh air. On such days, he specially left the city.

Coming out 7-10 day fasting he recommends this: on the last day, at about 5 pm, peel 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, cut them, throw them into boiling water and remove from heat. This is the first food. On the morning of the eighth day, eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage and orange, and after that a small plate of stewed greens with two dried slices of whole bread. For lunch - again a salad of fresh vegetables, then - boiled vegetables. On the morning of the tenth day, eat fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey. Then you need to switch to your usual mode, which, however, is not too different from what was described above.

Thus, the American naturopathic doctor quickly and easily came out of hunger. But he had many years behind him fasting practice, who trained his well-cleansed body. And in a country house in California it is more pleasant to carry out this procedure than in standard apartments saturated with various odors. Fasting according to P. Ivanov

“Try to go completely without food and water at least once a week from 6-8 pm on Friday until 12 noon on Sunday. This is your merit and peace. If it’s difficult for you, then wait at least a day.” “On Sunday at 12 o’clock, go out into nature barefoot and breathe and think a few times... after that you can eat whatever you like.”

Fasting according to A. Mikulin

A. A. Mikulin suggested conducting one or two 7 day fasting in year. To do this, you need to do an enema the night before, repeating it every morning and evening throughout the week. If you feel weak, do another enema. When you feel hungry, drink only boiled water(This general rule for all fasting methods: drinking helps to endure hunger, as there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach).

If all fasting conditions are observed correctly, then after a few days, according to A. A. Mikulin, gastric juice stops being released and the body begins to eat its cells, primarily the sick ones. This is how healing and cleansing occurs.

On the first day after fasting, A. A. Mikulin recommends drinking juice, fresh yogurt, tea; on the second day, add cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, crackers, taking them in small doses after 2-3 hours. On the third day, you can introduce potatoes and rice into your diet and continue to eat as usual.

Fasting according to I. Neumyvakin

Fasting only after cleansing the intestines, liver and ascending colon, since the body’s processing of the “deposits” accumulated in them can even cause harm at first. You need to start with a 1-2 day fast, gradually increasing the period to 12-14 days. At this time, you should lead an active lifestyle, walk more, jog, massage, and take a contrast shower.

Fasting according to Yu. Andreev

A need arose - he fasted for 3 days or 2 weeks, or even went on a hunger strike without a limited period, and the signal for the completion of the cleansing process is an absolutely scarlet tongue, without a single spot of plaque. Energy support during fasting is provided by drinking melt water and regular daily jogging for at least 40-50 minutes.

For a more pleasant taste of water and better assistance in removing toxins from the body, daily dose 1.5-2 liters Yu. A. Andreev adds the juice of 1/4 or 1/3 lemon, and a few drops of mint infusion with honey into the glass immediately before drinking.

When exiting fasting, do not allow haste. Even after a small, for example, 5 day fast On the first day, he allows himself to eat only juices, diluted by half, and then whole, and only on the third day does he begin to consume small doses of light porridge with water (but not semolina - it is from “dead” cereals), grated and boiled vegetables, and prunes.

If, a few days after fasting, a monstrous appetite arises and there is a danger of gluttony, he eats “roughage” - foods rich in fiber, “so that the feeling of a full stomach calms the panicked body.” Yu. A. Andreev is convinced that way out of fasting, flat in its schedule, should last the same amount of time, or at least 3/4 of the period that the fasting itself took. Meat can be included in the diet only 2-3 weeks after long fasting.

Fasting according to E. Frolov

Biologist E. Frolov developed the theory of subthreshold nutrition. It lies in the fact that a person consumes tiny portions of food: one carrot, or one nut, or a handful of seeds a day, but the main thing is that it is alive plant food, which helps to endure hunger more easily and not to leave the mode of therapeutic fasting, to prevent the appearance of appetite. Using this method, very serious illnesses were cured.

Fasting according to S. Borodin

The candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences recommends 7-10 day fasting, while drinking a huge amount of water (up to 40 liters!) and doing enemas from beet broth. Using his cleaning method, S. Borodin was able to cure his ankylosing spondylitis. At the same time, directly opposite methods are known that prohibit drinking water.

Fasting and urine therapy

Proponents of urine therapy suggest different methods urine fasting (we emphasize once again: it can only be used after cleansing the body). By using urine fasting you can not only cleanse your body, but also successfully treat everything gastrointestinal diseases, kidney disease. And the kidneys are cleansed when urine fasting significantly better than using watermelon or vegetable juices.

Urine fasting according to V. A. Erofeev.

2 days before it starts, sharply reduce the amount of protein, fatty and fried foods consumed. On the first day of fasting, starting in the morning, take a medium portion of urine with clean water. Next, as urine is released, you can drink it completely. The last portion before bedtime is thrown away so that the body can rest. Such fasting, according to the author, can be carried out for 4-7 days, and you need to move on to nutrition with caution, restoring it within a week. Best way out of fasting- on the last day in the evening, stop drinking water and urine, and an hour later drink a glass of fruit juice. The next day, drink juice and eat fresh fruits, on the third day - legume soup, boiled rice, boiled vegetables.

In order to recover from kidney disease, you need fast for at least 24 days, while drinking spring water as needed. Make urine compresses on the stomach and kidney area, massage the whole body using urine for 2 hours.

By using urine fasting They also treat rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis and other diseases. If such fasting is difficult to carry out, you can combine it with subthreshold nutrition: for example, once a day eat a light meal consisting of 3 flatbreads (without yeast), or a small amount of rice with vegetables, or fresh vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to take food between 17:00 and 18:00, before sunset. No urine, water, or any other liquid or solid food should be taken for an hour afterwards. Urinary therapy can then be continued again.

G. P. Malakhov calls urine fasting the crown of all fasting. He recommends doing it as follows: for 3 or 7 days, abstain from food, but drink the excreted urine - all or partly, you can also drink water. Body massage and enemas with evaporated urine (100-200 g one or several times a day) will help achieve an even greater effect. Comprehension own experience starvation, as well as the mistakes made, led G. P. Malakhova to the main conclusions: fasting must be carried out after cleansing procedures and combined with high physical activity.

Stress and irregular nutrition, fatty foods and sweets, alcohol and smoking - all these factors lead to the accumulation of waste, toxins and various harmful substances in the body. And as a result: bad feeling, private colds, chronic fatigue.

What to do to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances?

  • firstly, review your diet and take a course on proper nutrition;
  • secondly, cleanse the body of harmful toxins and waste by fasting;
  • thirdly, give up all bad habits;
  • fourthly, go in for sports

In cleansing the body of toxins and wastes, the most important point is fasting. If you fast incorrectly, you may experience various diseases, and the body will stop absorbing nutrients. How to fast properly so as not to harm your health, gain lightness throughout your body and forget about illnesses?

How to fast properly

The process is complex and requires incredible willpower. After all, you will have to completely give up food. It is recommended to begin this process only after consulting a specialist. Only a doctor can recommend proper fasting, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Cleansing the body with hunger is divided into several types:


  1. absolute - lasts a day (24 hours), consists of a complete refusal of water and food. It is recommended to carry out only under medical supervision;
  1. partial - based on the fact that certain foods are removed from the diet. This type of hunger is tolerated quite easily and does not cause stress to the body. Adhere to the following scheme:
  • once a week for 24-36 hours;
  • three days a month;
  • seven days for three months;
  • fourteen days for six months
  1. Complete hunger means that you cannot take food other than liquid these days. Carry out according to the following scheme:
  • three days;
  • from three to seven days
  • for fourteen days

Cleansing the body by fasting

First you need to properly prepare your body and start with the following:

  • exclude fatty and heavy foods from the diet, as well as White bread and baked goods;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • replace sugar with honey;
  • use various seasonings and lemon juice instead of salt
  • give up smoked and fried foods, sausages and processed foods;
  • cleanse the intestines with a laxative or enema

When fasting, you should follow these important rules:

  • do not drink anything except purified water;
  • to reduce the feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink water sweetened with honey once;
  • During this period, it is recommended to move a lot and spend more time in the air;
  • It is better to postpone strength training and exercise in the gym to another day;
  • take a shower at least twice a day, since cleansing occurs through the skin;
  • do a cleansing enema at night, or drink herbal laxative tea

Doctor's opinion

Belov K.K., therapist

Unfortunately, many patients have the misconception that a one-time fast will cleanse the body. Treatment with hunger is possible only after drawing up an individual schedule. A diagram is drawn up taking into account the availability chronic diseases at the patient. Of course, in the clinic, the duration of the hunger strike can be much longer. But short-term, regular fasting at home will give its results: the body, cleansed of toxins, will become healthier and help cope with diseases without medications.

Therapeutic fasting is an alternative medicine method of voluntarily giving up food and (sometimes) water, followed by dietary nutrition over a long period of time. There are three types of goals of therapeutic fasting - healing, cleansing and rejuvenation.

Healing fasting is a refusal to eat in order to heal, cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins and waste, and rejuvenate externally and internally. This differs from fasting for weight loss as a diet method.

Particularly the method of stopping feeding and cleaning includes a classification of techniques. It includes:

  • complete fasting - prolonged cessation of food consumption and unlimited water consumption;
  • absolute - categorical refusal of food and water. Varieties: partial (with baths and douses to prevent dehydration) and complete (dry) (no contact with any liquid);
  • combined - mixing types of fasting for health improvement.

A person who decides to undergo treatment using hunger at home is taking a risk.

How to fast properly

Fasting to cleanse the body is a complex process from a medical point of view with an individual technique. During the recovery period, cessation of nutrition and cleansing of the body are combined. The process takes a week—21 days on average. Each type of fasting should be considered separately.

For medicinal purposes

Hunger has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body and organs. It helps the formation of the process of gluconeogenesis. This is the formation of glucose from proteins in muscle, fat and liver tissue instead of its formation from food sugars. Helps maintain blood sugar levels.

The process requires a large amount of glucocorticoid hormone with anti-inflammatory function. You can get it using medicines- prednisolone and hydrocortisone. After hunger, these hormones are released independently.

Cleansing by fasting allows you to overcome allergies, arthritis, asthma, rheumatism, hepatitis, anemia and all kinds of skin diseases.

Hunger has a positive effect on mental processes. The brain improves functioning. Avoiding food is also helpful for stimulating creativity. Consciousness becomes enlightened, a person begins to think creatively.

The main thing in the healing process is awareness and patience. It is important to avoid breakdowns and consume enough water during complete fasting. The method can be carried out periodically; the best option would be to refuse food 3-4 times a year, each period of which takes up to twenty days.

For rejuvenation

Fasting for rejuvenation is an effective and proven method. American scientists have proven that long-term practice provokes changes in cell mitochondria, which allows you to live longer. This technique stimulates the growth of stem cells in the body, thanks to which the process of preserving youth occurs, wrinkles disappear and aging slows down.

During an experiment, Russian scientist Yuri Petrovich Gushcho found out that after a week of refusing food, the number of stem cells doubled, and after two weeks, tripled. You can easily calculate the duration of such an “experiment” on yourself. By resorting to this process more regularly, you can increase your life expectancy to 25 years!

To cleanse the body

This medical technique- not an invention of modern times: references to cleansing fasting are contained in sources that existed before our era. An example is the fasting of Moses, Avicenna and Elijah.

Refusal to eat for a certain time helps the body cleanse of waste and toxins at the cellular level. Fasting can be on a regular basis (periodic refusal of food from dinner on the first day to dinner on the second day), one-day, daily (they eat healthy, light food during the day - vegetables, fruits, cereals), three-day (it is worth planning the days you go out and fasting days from the diet), seven days or more.

There is also dry, aggressive fasting. This is an extreme method. In one day of this practice, the body loses up to five percent of fluid and toxins are eliminated. This method should be used in extreme cases; it is better to take care of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and the rest. Getting out of a dry diet needs to be done thoughtfully.

To cleanse and rejuvenate the body through fasting, certain rules should be followed:

  1. The first day of voluntary refusal of food is Saturday and Sunday, free from unnecessary labor and hard work, worries and fuss. This will help the body spend less energy on stressful situations and it is easier to survive the day without food.
  2. The workday schedule should be less busy. Due to the lack of food, the brain begins to think that “hard times” have come and can work completely differently. These changes manifest themselves in lethargy and slowness.
  3. The problem that many people face after the end of hunger strikes is overeating. It is necessary to gradually accustom the digestive system to the intake of food. It is necessary to take food in small portions, the diet should be light.
  4. Do not overdo it and prolong the fasting period. The increase in the time of food refusal should occur gradually. For beginners, it is better to stick to a certain pattern.
  5. Not everyone can withstand such a difficult process. If you constantly break down and cannot resist an excessive appetite, you should stop trying: the option is a diet, switching to proper nutrition.
  6. The way out of hunger must be carried out on natural and dairy products. They are not heavy for the body, they are easier to digest, which is important for a stomach that is weaned from working. You can change your regular diet to vegetarian or raw food.
  7. Many methods suggest using cleansing enemas to speed up the release of toxins. They are recommended during fasting, which will help avoid constipation. Pharmacy laxatives are not allowed to be used.

Indications for stopping therapeutic fasting

Refusal from food is not always useful and will bring favorable results. You should refrain from practicing if:

Failure to comply with the rules of health-improving fasting may result in an exacerbation of diseases, about which formerly man I didn't even suspect it. Improper entry and exit threatens to disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism. For a long time practices without consulting a specialist are fraught with sudden weight loss and anorexia.

Implementing proper fasting to cleanse the body is effective technique which will help get rid of many problems. But it has its pros and cons. Before you start practicing, you should go through medical examination and consult a specialist.

Some doctors consider the procedure unscientific and advise patients to avoid it.