Reasons why menstruation comes early. Period earlier

A woman needs to pay great attention to her health, nature has rewarded her a unique organism. Controlling the arrival of menstruation is one of the main tasks, since any irregularities in the cycle may indicate the occurrence of menstruation. pathological processes in organism. Some people start a personal calendar, noting the specifics of the cycle. If a woman feels well and everything is fine with the functioning of her genital organs, then menstruation occurs systematically and without any deviations. But the appearance of menstruation earlier than usual is cause for concern. In this case, there is no need to panic, but... The doctor will be able to explain in what cases and why menstruation comes ahead of schedule. He must also conduct a diagnosis and establish the cause that caused the premature onset of menstruation.

A woman's health depends on numerous factors. Any violation, even the most insignificant, can lead to disorder in the body, especially the reproductive system, when menstruation may begin a week earlier or later than the scheduled time. To date, gynecologists have identified 10 main reasons leading to the fact that a new cycle began earlier than expected:

  • severe stress and soul feelings;
  • mental and physical stress;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • climate change;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Severe stress and emotional distress can disrupt your menstrual schedule. Abrupt loss weight, increased mental and physical stress on the body even long before the start critical days can act as a reason for both the early arrival of menstruation and their delay.

Taking oral contraceptives changes the balance of hormones, which disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Due to moving, it forces the body to work in an unusual mode, thereby causing premature menstruation. Some diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse “act” similarly. In addition, kinky sex that causes injury to the genitals can also cause early menstruation.

Uterine bleeding, which can often be confused with menstruation, caused by injury, inflammation, tumors or other diseases, is a common occurrence. In pregnant women at 6-7 weeks, when the embryo begins to implant into the uterus and thereby locally destroy its tissue, spotting is also likely. The reason that your period came early may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. And this condition requires immediate medical attention and removal of the fetus. However 3 last reasons- This is not menstruation, but bleeding.

Girls going through puberty should not be surprised if their periods begin a week earlier or later than expected. This is how the cycle begins and can last a whole year, after which the menstruation schedule should return to normal.

At the beginning of menopause, disruptions are also possible: some women complain that their periods began a week earlier, others that their menstruation begins a month late. Here the main role is played by the characteristics of the organism and the presence concomitant diseases or features of the functioning of the reproductive system. Only a gynecologist can tell you how to make your periods start earlier or later, after conducting tests and establishing the cause of the irregularities.

Interruptions of menstruation during menopause are normal. A woman may note the fact that the duration of the cycle is gradually becoming shorter: her period came a week earlier, its duration is shorter each time, and after some time it stops coming altogether.

Menstruation may start earlier when the cycle fails. In this case, accompanying symptoms are noted:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • Bad mood;
  • insomnia.

If your period comes earlier as a result of changes in hormone levels, then the discharge becomes more abundant than before, often in it. With an infectious disease, a woman may feel pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Discharge during pregnancy

In cases where menstruation comes 5 days earlier, and they are not heavy, but more like bloody smears, pregnancy can be assumed. Discharge appears at the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, which is absolutely normal and does not pose a threat to the woman or the fetus. These “pseudo-periods” are different from regular ones. Among their features are the following:

  • unplanned onset five days before expected menstruation;
  • or ;
  • scarcity of discharge;
  • The duration of the smear is significantly less than normal menstruation.

These signs indicate implantation of the embryo into the uterus. But if a woman feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and nausea, while the discharge becomes more abundant, these are likely signs of a miscarriage, so you should get examined by a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Internal provoking factors of early menstruation

The menstrual cycle arriving earlier than expected may be a consequence of the influence on female body internal factors, which can lead to disruption of regulatory mechanisms. Certainly, external environment can provoke early menstruation, but only in cases where the body adapts to a different climate during business trips, relocations and trips abroad on vacation. In other cases, the cause of premature menstruation must be sought in the woman herself, or rather, in her body.

Malfunction of the genital organs leads to the early appearance of menstruation, and by finding out the cause of the cycle failure, many other diseases can be found along the way. The women's body is so sensitive that disruption of its normal functioning can occur after a common cold.

A diet that is too strict often provokes disruptions in the reproductive system. With insufficient nutrition, the body suffers from a lack of necessary substances, resulting in stress, which disrupts the regular cycle. Likewise, various mental or physical stress can cause deviations in the regularity of menstruation.

It is often possible to observe when menstruation started a week earlier due to high content in the body the hormone estrogen. A disease such as hyperestrogenism develops more often against the background of a lack of luteic acid.

If they go, this may be a symptom of inflammation in the uterine tubes. Such “menstruation” can also begin from ordinary malaise or poor functioning of the genital organs. You can confuse menstruation with uterine bleeding, believing that your period has begun prematurely. The causes of the pathology are inflammation of the genital organs or damage to the uterus itself.

What diseases can cause menstruation to start earlier?

Women often complain that their periods began 10 days earlier than expected. This can be observed with the development of certain diseases of the genital organs and dysfunctions of the female body. As a rule, against the background of illness, discharge becomes more abundant and is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain. Critical days may begin earlier when a woman is diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • specific structure and pathologies of the uterus;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • endometriosis;
  • failure in work reproductive system;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • disease of the pelvic organs.

It should be noted that excessive or misuse contraceptives can also cause early periods.

Short cycle

Fortunately, it is not always only diseases that cause menstruation ahead of schedule. Normally, a cycle lasting from 21 to 31 days is allowed. As a result of perestroika hormonal levels, advancing on various reasons, its duration may be reduced, but for those who have not previously encountered such phenomena, early menstruation may be alarming.

Reasons for such changes:

  • reception hormonal drugs;
  • history of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • menopause and menopause.

To establish the exact “trigger mechanism” you need to visit a gynecologist to exclude possible development pathological processes in the body.

You should sound the alarm if the discharge is premature, intense, scarlet or dark in color, and accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. This may mean the development of serious diseases of the genital organs, the treatment of which should be carried out urgently.

If your period arrives for 2 weeks earlier reasons, this can say a lot, since it is in the two-week period before the start of the critical days that the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. However, this is not always the case, because early menstruation can also indicate the presence of certain pathologies, the earlier the detection of which, the better for the woman’s reproductive system.

If a woman is completely healthy, then the cyclicity of her menstrual flow should be clearly regular, only minor deviations from the norm are allowed within one or two days before or after the onset of menstruation. Consequently, if a certain regularity is observed, then this allows us to speak not only about reproductive health representatives of the fair sex, but also that she has no pathologies in other vital organs.

If we talk about an indicator like the interval between discharges, then this has practically no meaning, the main thing is that each month is the same, and the discharges are also of the same duration. In most cases, it is considered normal to have a delay of no more than two to three days; all other periods indicate that the fair sex needs to urgently seek advice from a gynecologist in order to determine the physiological or pathological causes such a state.

Having your period ahead of schedule - what does this mean?

My period came 2 weeks earlier for various reasons. The condition is observed due to the intake of various medicines, especially antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, it is further worth considering the most common situations when menstruation may begin 2 weeks earlier:

  • if a woman has been using hormonal contraceptives for a certain period of time and suddenly stops taking them or uses any emergency contraception;
  • when bleeding began after sexual intercourse, we can talk about trauma during sex. Therefore, in this case Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the abundance of discharge, since various injuries can be fraught with quite heavy bleeding, which may pose a certain danger to a woman.;
  • implantation bleeding, which is also observed 2 weeks earlier. This phenomenon is due to the fact that after fertilization, the egg must penetrate the wall of the uterus, while destroying its mucous membrane. Consequently, blood vessels are involved in this process, which causes scanty or abundant bleeding. Consequently, if menstruation began earlier due to implantation bleeding, then this indicates pregnancy in a representative of the fair sex;
  • tumor processes of benign and cancerous course. The phenomenon that menstruation started earlier can pose a certain threat to both the health and life of a woman, therefore, in case of such a phenomenon, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist who will conduct all the necessary examinations and determine the true cause of the phenomenon;
  • intrauterine device type. This method of contraception can also cause the menstrual cycle to begin 14 days earlier than expected. In the event that such instabilities menstrual cycle are observed with a certain frequency, it is worth discussing with your doctor possible change contraceptive method;
  • instability of a woman's hormonal background. In order to diagnose the problem, in most cases it is enough to take a blood test to determine the level of hormones in a woman’s body. After this, if a certain instability is determined, a course of hormone therapy is prescribed to completely correct the condition;
  • physiology of a woman. Menstruation that begins two weeks ahead of schedule may indicate a normal physiological course of the cycle. This is especially true if in the family of a representative of the fair sex, on the female side, phenomena such as spotting have been observed, which tend to come in advance.

Whatever the reasons, menstruation, which may begin earlier, should definitely seek help from a gynecologist to determine the real reason such a condition, since very often it is caused by pathologies, which, if precious time is lost, will be very difficult to treat in the future.

So is it physiology or pathology?

As noted earlier, regular menstrual flow- this is an indicator women's health, which is quite difficult to overestimate. The exception to deviations is only two or two days in one direction or the other; all periods that are longer can be safely attributed to pathological phenomena.

If we consider adolescence or pre-menopausal age, then it is very difficult to predict the day when discharge should begin. This is due to the fact that menstruation can come either earlier or later due to certain hormonal fluctuations. However, if in adolescence such fluctuations disappear after two years, when the cycle that has begun is completely established, then the second case involves a gradual decline in the woman’s reproductive function and the complete cessation of menstruation.

Cases where violations are recorded once

In the case when a woman experiences a one-time menstrual irregularity, her period may begin in advance due to the following factors:

  • adolescence in girls, when menstrual function is just beginning to become established;
  • you may get your period earlier due to brain injuries;
  • stressful situations or instability of a woman’s nervous system;
  • obesity or anorexia due to dieting;
  • time zone change;
  • use of medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits of women;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • abrupt refusal to accept oral contraceptives.

Why do my periods regularly come early?

A woman notices menstruation, which regularly begins earlier, then in this case it is worth being wary and discussing with a gynecologist possible reasons such a state. In most cases, this phenomenon is associated with various pathologies, such as ovarian dysfunction. Therefore, if the reason for the early onset of menstruation lies precisely in this, then there is a need to consider two main dysfunctions:

  • instability that comes with complete absence ovulation. This condition, due to the fact that the egg does not mature inside the follicle, completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy for a representative of the fair sex;
  • disruption of hormonal levels. This pathology is associated with instability of hormone levels, which can also cause infertility. The instability of the menstrual cycle is also determined here, therefore, you should definitely go to the doctor for full examination and establishing the true cause of such a pathological condition.

As for the factors that most directly affect the instability of the female reproductive system, they are for the most part the following:

  • pathologies of endocrine organs that secrete essential vital hormones;
  • inflammation of the uterine space or adnexal system of a woman;
  • lack of rest and very stressful situations;
  • neoplasms in the uterine space of a benign or cancerous nature;
  • recent abortion or spontaneous rejection of the fertilized egg;
  • a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device;
  • obesity or anorexia;
  • unhealthy diet that does not include everything essential vitamins and microelements;
  • intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning with harmful substances.

What should a woman do with such a condition?

In order for your health to always be in good condition, you should definitely monitor it carefully. If any ambiguous situations arise, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to diagnose the situation as much as possible and find the right ways to eliminate this phenomenon.

It is worth eliminating all factors that can provoke such an earlier appearance of menstruation and resting as much as possible.

In the case when a woman tries to turn a blind eye and expects the situation to resolve itself, then in this case you can simply waste precious time and the process will then be irreversible. In order to preserve reproductive function for as long as possible, a representative of the fair sex must understand this and monitor her women's health.

What determines premature menstruation? Diseases of the reproductive system are one of the reasons. The second reason is stress and psycho-emotional stress.

The menstrual cycle is a physiological phenomenon with a frequency of 1 time every 21 to 35 days. How quickly the next bleeding will begin - after 3 weeks or after 5, depends on individual characteristics body.

If your period comes a week earlier than usual, given its regularity, you should think about whether everything is in order with your health.

What causes premature menstruation?

The answer to the question of whether menstruation can start a week earlier is yes. Bleeding or spotting 7 days before the expected date does not always indicate illness.

The causes of premature menstruation lie in stress and psycho-emotional stress. Nervous tension and physical fatigue is familiar to almost all women.

Improper functioning of the nervous system causes spasm and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, the activity of the uterus increases, and the endometrium begins to be shed prematurely.

Why else can menstruation start 1 week earlier:

  • Age. An unstable cycle is typical for puberty, but within 1 to 2 years, periods in teenage girls should become regular. Subsequently, cycle disruptions are observed by the age of 50, which indicates the approach of menopause.
  • Taking hormonal medications. Medicines containing hormones interfere with the natural production of female hormones, which causes an imbalance.
  • Abortion or miscarriage. These situations provoke hormonal surge, and menstruation begins much earlier or later than usual.
  • Use of contraceptives. If a woman is protected from pregnancy using oral contraceptives, her period begins a week earlier due to the body’s adaptation to the new hormonal status. Menstruation begins prematurely even if a woman takes emergency contraceptive pills.
  • Change climatic conditions and time zones. The female body reacts to flights on business trips and vacations in exotic countries with cycle disruptions - menstruation begins either earlier or later. It is impossible to predict how many days the deviation will occur. To prevent flights and travel from spoiling your health, you should travel long distances no more than once a month.
  • Pregnancy. After merging with the sperm, the egg enters the uterus after 5–10 days. At the time of implantation, the intrauterine mucous tissue is injured, and scanty bleeding appears. Unaware of her interesting situation, the woman thinks that her period started a week earlier this time. Although in reality scanty discharge over the course of 1–2 days, they often talk about conception and the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. In an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, false menstruation occurs due to pressure on the blood vessels. As the fetus grows, the bleeding intensifies and severe pain occurs on the side of the abdomen where the egg is implanted.

Heavy periods with clots that started a week earlier indicate a hormonal imbalance. Imbalance in hormone ratio is a common cause of premature menstruation.

Menstruation a week earlier as a sign of pathology

In many cases, the reasons that menstruation started a week earlier than the usual date are diseases of the reproductive system.

For example, after unprotected sex The partner may develop mycoplasmosis. In addition to MC disorders, she will be bothered by itching of the genitals and nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

Cyst on the ovary

The disease develops for various reasons - stress, infections, abortions, overweight in the stage of obesity. Menstruation occurs 7 to 10 days earlier, and the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating.


Oncological disease develops against the background of obesity or hormonal disorders, but it is also hereditary in nature. In addition, fibroids are formed due to repeated abortions. Menstruation becomes irregular and frequent urge to the toilet for minor needs, the belly is rounded.

Benign tumor in the uterus

Even a small tumor disrupts the production of hormones and leads to cycle disruptions. Not knowing about her illness, the woman notes nagging pain in the lower abdomen, clots in the dark menstrual blood, the onset of menstruation is not according to the calendar, but ahead of schedule.

Injuries to the internal genital organs

Minor spotting that resembles menstruation, but appears 7 days before its onset, may occur after rough sexual intercourse or insufficient vaginal moisture, or due to improper insertion of the intrauterine device.

Mechanical damage to the vaginal tube or cervix with minor bleeding is not dangerous. But if red discharge flows from the genital tract for a long time, this threatens infection of the internal genital organs and the development of serious pathologies.

Inflammatory processes

The premature arrival of critical days is not surprising if there is inflammatory process. The body responds with menstrual dysfunction to flu and colds. Weakened respiratory diseases, he is not doing his job properly.

Menstruation after a cold can be long, heavy, painful and with clots. They either start 5 – 7 days earlier, or arrive with a delay.


This disease can be described as an abnormal proliferation of endometrial cells beyond the uterine cavity. Endometriosis affects the peritoneum and provokes adhesions.

Symptoms of pathology are not only irregular periods. Women complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, pain during intercourse.

Therapeutic fasting and strict diets for weight loss deplete reserves nutrients and impair blood clotting. When the body lacks fats and carbohydrates, it stops producing sex hormones. Over time, there may be no menstruation at all.

Features of menstruation that began ahead of schedule

How your period, which started a week earlier, will proceed depends on the reasons for this situation. If bleeding opens prematurely due to stress, the woman will additionally experience headaches, weakness, and insomnia. At hormonal disorders menstruation occurs profusely with thick inclusions.

Implantation bleeding in early pregnancy is scanty and short-lived. This is not true menstruation, but false menstruation. Diseases of an infectious nature provoke premature bleeding with nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

The appearance of intermenstrual bleeding indicates instability of estrogen during ovulation. The level of this hormone can rise sharply or fall rapidly. After the end of normal menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding appears on the 10th – 14th day of the cycle. Its duration reaches 3 days. If the discharge lasts longer and is accompanied by general malaise, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

As for implantation bleeding, if you suspect pregnancy, you need to do a test and pay attention to the quality of the discharge. The norm for an expectant mother is:

  1. Scanty pink discharge.
  2. Liquid consistency of the discharge.
  3. Short duration - bleeding is observed for several hours, but not more than 2 days.

Scanty, barely noticeable spotting in the middle of the cycle is a sign of ovulation. They don't cause any trouble, other than dirtying your laundry. Ovulation costs do not require treatment.

What to do if your period starts a week early

Why a particular patient’s stable periods suddenly came a week earlier, the doctor will be able to answer only after receiving the results of a comprehensive examination.

For detailed study situation, a woman must undergo the following procedures:

  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Vaginal smear.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • pelvic organs.
  • Biopsy with transfer of material for histological examination.

Until the doctor tells you about the diagnostic results, there is no need to worry prematurely. Perhaps some physiological process has negatively affected menstrual function.

But if during instrumental and laboratory research functional or organic disorder, the patient will receive complex treatment, the purpose of which is to correct the menstrual cycle.

The situation when menstruation began a week earlier is well known to many. A woman's body can sometimes malfunction. Usually, if your period is just a couple of days early, there is no need to worry. But what to do if similar situation is repeated every month, and this whole process is accompanied by unpleasant and sometimes even painful symptoms?

If your period comes early, there may be health problems. To understand what caused this failure, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. This will help clarify the situation. So why does your period come early?

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    Causes of premature periods

    On general state women can be influenced by many factors. Many of them are the cause of such deviations. As a rule, these include:

    • Soul feelings. If your period started earlier, perhaps regular stressful situations and certain life shocks are to blame. Such factors can introduce changes into an already completed cycle.
    • Excessive physical activity. A fairly common reason. If you regularly tire the body, especially during the period of ovulation, this will certainly cause menstruation two, five, or even ten days ahead of schedule.
    • Weight loss. Perhaps due to excessive fatigue, nerves or a strict diet, the woman began to rapidly lose weight. Such phenomena can provoke changes in the menstrual cycle.
    • Hard sex. Intimacy, in which rough movements were present, can provoke premature menstruation. In addition, in some cases it may be ordinary bleeding and nothing more.
    • Maybe, spotting, it's not what you think. Many women confuse uterine bleeding with menstruation. In this case, the cause is uterine trauma, inflammatory processes, tumors or other pathologies.
    • Sometimes future motherhood can be the answer to the question of why your period came early. It seemed like how could this be? In this case, on the contrary, there should be a delay. This is explained by the fact that at 6-7 weeks the embryo begins to implant into the wall of the uterus. This process causes damage blood vessels, which is what causes bleeding.
    • An ectopic pregnancy can affect the processes when arbitrary abortion occurs. Such situations are very dangerous; it is necessary to provide the woman with immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.
    • Many women, to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy I use oral contraceptives. Taking them regularly leads to this imbalance.
    • Menstruation that began 5 or more days ahead of schedule may be a consequence infectious diseases which are sexually transmitted.

    Don’t worry, let alone panic, if early periods bother you young girl, during this period the cycle had not yet fully formed. You can also be calm at a later age when reproductive functions women begin to fade away.

    Associated symptoms

    The characteristics of early menstruation depend on many reasons. For example, if such events are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, then the woman will behave accordingly - she will become nervous, irritable, and tearful.

    Often, the menstrual cycle ahead of time can trigger headaches. It could also be nausea, which most girls take as a sign of pregnancy. In most cases, there is a loss of strength, depressed mood, touchiness, and tears for no reason. Some women may experience sleep disorders.

    Menstruation can start early quite often, and this happens for most women. It all depends on your state of health. The process is different for everyone. It is worth paying attention that when menstruation begins prematurely, there may be copious discharge. If a woman observes blood clots, most likely the cause is a hormonal disorder. If the discharge is not so abundant, most often a nagging pain is felt in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lumbar region Perhaps an infection is to blame.

    How to recognize pregnancy?

    It is worth considering separately the case when menstruation began earlier due to pregnancy. Even with regular contraception, if a woman is active sex life, then the probability of getting pregnant still exists, even if it is insignificant. You should definitely purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy if early menstruation is accompanied by the following features:

    • menstruation was able to start 4 days ahead of schedule;
    • the blood has changed its color - it is pale brown, or, conversely, bright pink;
    • the abundance of discharge has noticeably decreased;
    • menstruation lasts less time than usual, for some it lasts 2-3 days, or just one day;

    It is the above differences that confirm that fertilization has occurred and the fetus is implanted in the uterus.

    How many days earlier did your period start?

    Depending on exactly how many days your period started ahead of schedule, it depends what was the main factor.

    The functioning of the female reproductive system is carried out by several organs. That is why, if one of them fails, the rest of the processes may not go according to plan. You should definitely consult a doctor; during the study, diseases may be discovered: from pathologies in the uterus to problems with the brain.

    1. 1. Menstruation came earlier by 5 days or less.

    Why did my period start 5 days earlier?

    The female body is so fragile and vulnerable that such a deviation can occur due to a common cold. Basically, such processes provoke disturbances in the blood circulation.

    Menstruation ahead of schedule often occurs due to unfavorable conditions environment. This can happen when there is a need to urgently change your place of residence or move to another country. As a result of acclimatization, the body experiences stress, even if it is a trip for tourism purposes.

    Minor deviations can occur as a result of a strict diet, when the amount of useful substances coming from food. The body is under stress, so menstruation 5 days earlier is not a reason to panic.

    A slight deviation can cause emotional overload.

    1. 2. Menstruation started a week earlier.

    If your period comes a week earlier, and a similar situation worries a woman more than once, perhaps the reason for this is hyperestrogenism. In this situation, the hormone estrogen is produced much more than necessary.

    In this case, there is a lack of luteic acid. It should be remembered that pregnancy is completely excluded here, because, most likely, it has not even reached ovulation.

    When your period started a week earlier, you need to take a closer look at yourself, perhaps the reason lies on the surface. This often occurs due to excess body weight. It is enough to lose weight, and the cycle will normalize.

    But the reasons may be deeper and more serious, for example, the presence of various cysts and tumors on the internal genital organs of a woman. Taking certain medications can also affect the process. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to take a blood test.

    If your period comes a week earlier, it may be due to inflammation. It can occur in the fallopian tubes, in the uterus itself, or on the ovaries. The discharge changes color and becomes scarlet, and clots may be present. Such discharge may indicate the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, or underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

    It is likely that early menstruation is nothing more than uterine bleeding that occurred after her injury, the development of inflammation or tumors.

    1. 3. Menstruation is 10 days earlier.

    The menstrual cycle, which came back in early age, can be restored and formed for quite a long time, up to several years. But even after this, menstruation 10 days earlier is a common occurrence. A number of provoking factors can influence such deviations.

    Perhaps it's my fault genetic predisposition women. If your period started 10 days earlier, the first thing you need to do is talk to representatives of the female line - mother and grandmother, and ask if they have experienced similar situations. Probably something similar was constantly encountered among close relatives. In this case, nothing can be done, and it is impossible to influence the processes in the body. You just need to come to terms with this circumstance, because it’s all due to genetics.

    Don’t be surprised if after an abortion or miscarriage, your period comes 10 days earlier. Such troubles often lead to disruptions in the cycle, and menstruation can begin either noticeably earlier or much later.

    Such a discrepancy can appear with a rapid change in body weight: a woman has lost a lot of weight, or, conversely, gained a lot of extra pounds. The same situation arises if the body does not receive the required amount of nutrients or if there is poor nutrition.

    One of the most common reasons This phenomenon in the menstrual cycle is inflammation. It can manifest itself in different ways. These are fibroids, endometriosis, malignant and benign formations.

    The list of such deviations is quite long. The most dangerous thing in this situation is that a woman often simply ignores the situation and does not take the problem seriously. The disease progresses every day. In this case, you need to come to the clinic and seek professional help as quickly as possible.

    As surprising as it may sound, in some cases, this failure occurs due to problems with internal organs. This is why it is so important for a woman to monitor her own health. The situation can be provoked by problems with the liver, kidneys, nervous system and other organs.

    From this list one thing can be understood: the sooner a woman goes to see a doctor, the less negative consequences awaits her in the future. For some ladies, the time frame may be noticeably longer. Menstruation 2 weeks earlier - there is a serious deviation or even pathology. You need to urgently go to the gynecologist. The probability of detecting any disease is very high.

    Nature of the discharge

    Many people think that how heavy the discharge during menstruation determines how painful it will be. But that's not true. Even if early menstruation is quite scanty, this does not exclude unpleasant symptoms and even pain. Very often at this time it is observed:

    • nausea;
    • headache;
    • pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the lower back;
    • constipation, or vice versa, diarrhea.

    Discharges will be scarce for several reasons:

    • Some time after giving birth. In this case, they occur a little earlier than the expected time and have an uncharacteristic pale brown color.
    • After the curettage procedure. Typically this occurs after an abortion, or surgical intervention, for example, removal of polyps.
    • In case of ovarian dysfunction.
    • With genetic predisposition.
    • During inflammatory diseases associated with the internal genital organs of a woman.

    Of course, this is not the entire list of reasons for which scanty periods can be observed. Each lady, due to her individual characteristics, may have many other reasons for this.

    By itself, menstruation ahead of schedule causes concern, but if it is also heavy, you need to seriously think about it. By themselves, the discharge should not be excessively abundant, especially if there are clots. If such a process is still present, this may indicate the presence of:

    • spirals;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • previous abortion, childbirth;
    • menopause period;
    • endometriosis;
    • uterine fibroids;
    • pathologies of female reproductive function;
    • inflammatory process or pelvic disease;
    • lack of hemoglobin;
    • pathological abnormalities in the uterus.

    What to do in such a situation?

    As with any anomaly, you need to act alone the only way- eliminate the root cause of the problem. It is very difficult to independently understand what caused this, so a visit to a specialist is necessary in any case.

    First, you need to calm down and think carefully about everything. Perhaps the reason is not serious pathologies, maybe the woman simply leads an incorrect lifestyle, for example, drinks alcohol, takes junk food, constantly lifts weights, does not get enough sleep. In this case, it is enough to reconsider your diet and diet, and the rhythm will normalize by itself. To do this you need:

    • Reduce stress, including not only physical, but also emotional, and reduce regular stressful situations to a minimum.
    • It’s better to talk to your family and provide a comfortable environment at home, it’s better to leave disputes, and completely forget about sorting things out. The house should become a real cozy corner where you can relax.
    • It is very important to review your daily diet and food preparation. During this period, you need to give up processed foods and snacking on sandwiches. Start cooking healthy food with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates. Add more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and seafood.
    • Accept hormonal contraceptives must be done with great caution. It is better to ask your gynecologist for advice before starting to take the drug.

    A period that arrives just 1-2 days ahead of schedule is not considered a failure. This is quite normal phenomenon. If menstruation occurs 3-4 days earlier every month, it is better to visit the clinic. You should not refuse a detailed examination; perhaps the doctor has some doubts.

    Shouldn't be ignored severe pain and bleeding that does not resemble menstrual bleeding. IN pathological condition the blood may be brown or scarlet, with numerous clots. Most often this indicates serious problems. For fainting, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, you can a large share likelihood of asserting imminent motherhood. Otherwise, start treatment, take care of your health, rest more and get enough sleep.

Often women wonder why their periods started early. It's no secret that the cycle of menstrual days for girls plays important role. For example, it can be used to predict best time for conception. In addition, critical days and their stability are the key good health girls. With an irregular cycle, there is reason to believe that the woman is sick with something. Therefore, the topic being studied is extremely important. What do you need to know about her? And when are the “red days of the calendar” that come ahead of schedule a reason for panic and a visit to the doctor? We will have to understand all this further. It's actually not that difficult.

What it is

Why did my period start early? First of all, let's find out what a woman's monthly cycle is called.

From a biological point of view, this is the period of life of an egg from maturation to death. Or before fertilization. During the critical cycle, the egg matures in the follicle, comes out and moves along fallopian tubes. If fertilization does not occur, the cell simply dies. And the process begins from the very beginning.

For woman monthly cycle- this is the period from the first day of some critical days to the first day of others. In other words, the period of time between menstrual bleeding. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this. But why did your period start early? Next, we will look at the most common scenarios.

Types of monthly cycle

But first, a few words about what menstruation can be like. Every modern girl should know about this.

Menstrual bleeding occurs:

  • regular;
  • irregular.

In addition, they differ in their duration. For example, doctors now distinguish the following varieties menstruation:

  • normal;
  • long;
  • short.

Depending on these features, the frequency of the onset of critical days will change. And the period of life of the egg as well.

The normal (average) menstrual cycle for a woman is 28-30 days. If the gap between critical days more than 32 days, we can consider this to be a long type. With a difference of 21-23 days - short.

Puberty and puberty

The first critical days in women occur at a very young age. Typically during puberty. This period is called adolescence.

The beginning of the monthly cycle in a teenage girl depends on the individual characteristics of the body. For some, the first critical days come at the age of 10, for others at 12-13. This is quite normal.

In general, the onset of menstruation in a teenager is a sign of puberty. Once a girl experiences her period for the first time, this means that she can now become pregnant.

Why did my period start a week earlier? This situation is normal during adolescence. Approximately a year or two after the first menstrual bleeding, critical bleeding may “jump.” The cycle is just being established, the body is being rebuilt. Therefore, delays and early menstruation in adolescents are not a reason to panic.


Why did my period start a week early? In general, doctors say that the interval between critical days equal to 28 ± 7 days will be considered normal. That is, sometimes “critical” days begin a little earlier than usual. In some cases - later. And this should not cause panic if such a situation is repeated extremely rarely or has appeared for the first time.

For many centuries, girls have been interested in the delay and early arrival of menstrual periods. U modern man Such situations can be caused by various factors. For example, stress.

Under severe stress or during constant stressful situations, the body experiences serious stress. This causes early endometrial rejection. Accordingly, critical days come earlier.

Stressful situations or strong emotional shocks (not necessarily negative) can provoke menstrual bleeding 10-14 days before their usual start. As soon as the psycho-emotional state returns to normal, the critical cycle will also be restored.

Stress and fatigue

Started earlier, include in mandatory physical activity and severe fatigue.

Because of the mentioned situations, the “red days of the calendar” may arrive several days ahead of schedule. It's not very good. After all, fatigue and physical exhaustion can lead to serious health problems. And the early critical days in this case are far from the most terrible and dangerous event.

It is advisable not to allow strong physical activity on the body. You must always take care of your health. Therefore, a woman should not rearrange the furniture in the house alone or carry 20-30 kg bags from the store. Once you rest, your menstrual bleeding will return to normal.


Why did my period start earlier? A common cold can provoke both a delay in the cycle and an acceleration of the onset of critical days. This is due to the fact that the main metabolic processes disrupt their work. For example, blood circulation becomes slower.

This is why menstrual bleeding begins 5-10 days earlier than expected. There is no reason to worry either. As soon as the girl is cured, her menstrual cycle will return to normal.


Why did my period start early? The next scenario is the presence of gynecological problems, as well as inflammatory processes in the body. As a rule, they can be obtained by having sex without protection.

The most common inflammatory process is cervical erosion. This is not such a terrible disease; it can often go away on its own. And erosion can cause early menstrual bleeding.

If a girl suspects inflammatory processes in the body, provided that she begins to have pain in the lower abdomen and also has a fever, she will have to consult a doctor. Situations like this indicate serious illness, which cannot be ignored. But when proper treatment You can get rid of any inflammatory process.


Why did my period start early? In reality, everything is much more complicated than it seems. And therefore, the majority of women, when menstruation is delayed or early, runs to the doctor. Especially if the girl has not encountered such problems before.

I wonder why my period started 3 days earlier? The reason for this may be the use of oral contraceptives. Ideally, menstruation should begin on time when taking OCs. Delay or early onset is a reason to consult a doctor. Most likely, the contraceptive was chosen incorrectly. Or the woman has health problems.

Nutrition and its adjustment

Why did my period start a week early? It's hard to believe, but a similar situation can haunt girls who go on a diet or dramatically change their diet.

The thing is that not all nutritional methods for weight loss and body shaping are equally useful. Some of them are even harmful. Yes, they will help you lose weight, but this will not have the best effect on your body.

Early menstruation with a change in diet is usually caused by a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Because of this, the body is exhausted. And as a result, many processes go astray. Including the menstrual cycle.


Why did my period start 10 days earlier? In addition to the reasons listed earlier, several more options for the development of events can be identified.

The thing is that the body is greatly affected by climate change. The so-called acclimatization begins. It most often occurs during sudden changes in weather (from heat to frost, for example), as well as during travel to countries with different climatic conditions.

All this harms the central nervous system. As a result, some processes in the human body are disrupted. This causes early critical days. After the body gets used to it, the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

Hormonal disbalance

A woman is wondering why her period started early? Then she needs to remember that in some situations such a phenomenon should not cause panic. Moreover, sometimes it is impossible to assume that the menstrual cycle will fail.

The thing is that the delay of critical days, as well as their early onset, is often a consequence of ordinary hormonal imbalance. This is the main reason why the onset of menstruation occurs.

Hormonal imbalance is caused by all the previously listed reasons. In addition, it can appear in the body suddenly. For example, if there is chronic diseases or while taking any medications.

In this situation, it is better for a woman to consult a doctor. After all, hormonal imbalance is not always safe. It may indicate serious problems in organism.


Quite often, women over 40 years of age wonder why their periods started early. At this age, the phenomenon being studied is considered normal. Although not always.

The early onset of menstruation may signal the onset of menopause. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs in women 45-55 years old. With age, the ability to become pregnant is lost. And therefore the critical days stop. This phenomenon begins with menopause. More precisely, from the fact that during the specified period the monthly cycle begins to “jump” - sometimes it increases, sometimes it decreases.

In the end, at a certain point, a woman’s critical days end once and for all. This is a sign that the reproductive functions of the body have been lost due to reaching a certain age.

After childbirth

Did your period start a day early? Why is this happening? This phenomenon is considered normal. It should not cause surprise or panic.

Some girls complain about a disruption in their monthly cycle after childbirth. Some experience constant delays, while others complain about too short pauses between menstruation.

After childbirth and the first critical days, the formation of the cycle occurs. Everything is like a teenager. The body again “gets used” to the state when it is ready for procreation. And for about another year (and maybe more, it all depends on the characteristics of development) the monthly cycle of the woman who gave birth will “jump”. Any gynecologist can tell you about this.


Why did my period start early? As we have already said, this is often due to hormonal imbalance or diseases.

As a rule, problems with the formation of the menstrual cycle arise after abortion. Such an operation is a serious burden on the body, which does not pass without consequences. And early menstruation is the least a woman can face.

It is important to remember that too heavy menstruation are a reason to consult a doctor. It is possible that after the abortion, bleeding began for one reason or another.