Symptoms and treatment of VSD in children. Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children: what symptoms are it accompanied by and where to start its treatment

According to statistics, vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adolescents is diagnosed as often as in adults. Despite the fact that some experts do not consider the dysfunction to be vegetative nervous system disease, the symptoms of this disease negatively affect the child’s body, depleting it and reducing the quality of life. Therefore, even if minor and isolated symptoms appear, it is important to immediately contact a specialist for complex diagnostics and prescribing adequate treatment.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children aged 3 years

Causes of VSD in children and adolescents

Cases of diagnosing a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia in children are quite common. Pathology requires complex treatment and maximum parental involvement. The following factors can provoke the development of the disease:

  • infectious diseases;
  • heredity;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • bad influence chemical and physical environmental irritants;
  • pathologies during pregnancy;
  • parents' addictions to alcohol and smoking;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • poor quality, inadequate sleep. Lack of time to rest during the day;
  • scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column;
  • diabetes;
  • poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence;
  • excessive mental stress.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia symptoms and treatment in children

An exhaustive list of factors in the development of pathology has not been established by medicine to this day. However Special attention needs to be given psychological climate within the family circle, since children are especially susceptible to changes in emotional tension between parents.

Classification of pathology

In order to draw up the most comprehensive and adequate treatment regimen for VSD in adolescents and children, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis, during which he determines the etiology, nature of the disorder, type of dystonia and characteristics of the course.

According to the reasons for the development of pathology, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Dyshormonal, caused by change hormonal levels in adolescence.
  2. Essential, as a result of heredity.
  3. Infectious-toxic, provoked infectious diseases, negative environmental impact and other external factors.
  4. Neurological, provoked by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system as a result of overwork or stress.
  5. Mixed, combines several factors.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and its treatment

Based on the nature of the disorder, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Predominance of the sympathetic department of the VS (sympathicotonic).
  2. The predominance of the parasympathetic division of the VS (vagotonic).
  3. Mixed.

According to symptoms, VSD is divided into the following types:

  1. Cardiological. Pain, discomfort in the heart area.
  2. Arrhythmic. Heart rhythm disturbances.
  3. Hyperkinetic. Overload of the left ventricle due to increased blood volume, increased pressure.
  4. Blood pressure instability.
  5. Asthenoneurotic. Increased fatigue, loss of strength, anxiety.
  6. Respiratory. Lack of air that occurs even at rest.
  7. Weather dependent.

According to the nature of the course, the symptoms of the disease can be latent, paroxysmal or permanent (constant).

Features of pathology in children under 5 years of age

The causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children are varied

Primary manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children are possible already in the first year of life. The cause of the pathology can be disturbances in intrauterine development, the course of pregnancy in the mother, and the negative impact of external factors after birth. Symptoms of VSD in children under one year of age may include:

  • stomach ache;
  • unstable stool;
  • weak appetite;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • poor sleep (frequent awakenings).

The next stage, characterized by a high risk of developing pathology, is the period when the child begins to go to kindergarten and come into contact with children and adults without parental help. The following symptoms are typical for VSD in a 2–3 year old child:

  • increased body temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • tearfulness;
  • increased fatigue, weakness;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • pallor or blueness of the skin.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) in children

The presence of VSD in a 4–5 year old child may be indicated by the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • frequent and sudden mood changes;
  • categorical refusal to attend kindergarten or sports section;
  • enuresis;
  • frequent colds, regardless of whether the child attends kindergarten or not;
  • apathy;
  • shortness of breath, increased fatigue.

Regardless of the number and severity of symptoms, even a slight deviation from the child’s usual behavior and well-being is an indication to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease in children under 10 years of age

The occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children 6–8 years old is associated with the beginning of a new, serious and responsible period, namely schooling. An unusual daily routine, new acquaintances with peers, teachers, excessive mental stress and other factors provoke prolonged fatigue, which leads to disruption of organ function. VSD can be manifested by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • sudden changes in mood, hysterics;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • headache;
  • lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • pale skin;
  • thermoregulation disorders.

How to treat VSD in a child

Children 9–10 years old are susceptible to the development of VSD as a result of a discrepancy between mental, physical, psychological stress and capabilities, potential child's body. The disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • rapid change in body weight;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • memory impairment;
  • restless sleep;
  • rashes, itching;
  • depression;
  • headache.

It is important to understand that intrafamily relationships play a major role in the development of VSD. Communication between parents and the child and among themselves, mutual understanding, trust are important components of the healthy and harmonious development of the child in the family circle.

VSD in adolescents: features of the course of the disease in girls and boys

The main cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is hormonal changes against the background of a discrepancy between psycho-emotional and physical development. The presence of the following factors can provoke pathology:

  1. Increased school load. Complex and lengthy homework forces you to spend a large number of time and effort, leading to overwork and lack of sleep.
  2. Physical inactivity. Free time carried out in front of a computer or with a phone in hand.
  3. Consumption of information that negatively affects the fragile psyche (cruelty, violence).
  4. Having difficulties in relationships with peers, teachers or parents.

The course of the disease in boys and girls can differ significantly. Males are more susceptible to pathology. This is due to excessive physical activity or, conversely, addiction to smoking, drugs, alcoholic drinks. The disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • increased fatigue;
  • memory impairment;
  • headache.

In the fair sex, the disease manifests itself as a feeling of fear, hysteria, irritability, increased fatigue, tearfulness and mood swings.

Diagnostic measures. Which specialist should I contact?

Risk factors for vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents

The first thing parents need to do when identifying any symptoms in their child is to consult a doctor, in this case a pediatrician. Based on anamnesis, examination and assessment of the results of basic studies (electrocardiogram, general tests urine and blood), the specialist will refer the patient for further examinations to clarify the diagnosis of VSD and prescribe adequate treatment. The following doctors may be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease:

  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • urologist;
  • psychotherapist.

Comprehensive diagnosis of the disease may include the following methods:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • blood pressure monitoring;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound examination of blood vessels located in the brain;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • vegetative tests.

Symptoms of VSD in children 7-12 years old

A complete diagnosis allows you to select the most appropriate treatment that will most effectively relieve the disease.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is, first of all, non-drug therapy. Proper nutrition, adequate exercise, walking fresh air, elimination of stressful situations, prevention of overwork, a psycho-emotionally healthy environment in the family - the basis of treatment.

One of the methods of non-drug treatment is physiotherapy, and it includes:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetic laser treatment;
  • electrosleep;
  • water treatments;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phytotherapy;
  • aromatherapy.

Therapeutic treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents

In a situation where non-drug therapy does not bring sufficient results and the child’s quality of life continues to decline, the doctor may decide to prescribe medications, namely:

  1. Cerebroprotectors that normalize metabolic processes in the brain.
  2. Medicines that stimulate blood circulation.
  3. Taking antioxidants is relevant when the disease is caused by the negative influence of various environmental irritants.
  4. Beta blockers are recommended when diagnosing the hyperkinetic type of the disease.
  5. Nootropics that activate intelligence, memory, and mental performance.
  6. Antidepressants that relieve anxiety, hysteria, and help elevate mood.
  7. Tranquilizers.

Even when prescribed drug therapy It is important not to stop following non-drug recommendations. Since eliminating the disease requires a complex and comprehensive impact.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the diseases that can be easily defeated once and for all by promptly seeking help. medical care and following all doctor's instructions.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents

The task of parents is to implement the following recommendations for both therapeutic and preventive purposes:

  1. Balanced diet. The menu for a child should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It is important to exclude unhealthy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, store-bought sweets, and fast food from your diet. The diet should be complete, contain fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, dried fruits, cereals, meat, fish, pasta from durum varieties wheat, freshly squeezed juices, enough clean water.
  2. Full sleep. During rest, the child’s body recovers and replenishes strength. It is important to create favorable and comfortable conditions for sleep and daytime rest. Your bedtime and wake-up time should be the same every day.
  3. It is important to ensure that the child does not become overtired. An intensive school program, a huge number of extra classes, and electives are more likely to harm a child than to help in adulthood.
  4. Do not force, but encourage your child to play sports or other activities physical activity. It must be remembered that the lack of load has the same negative effect on the body as its excess. Special attention must be paid to hardening.

None of the above recommendations, medications or physical therapy methods will help a child who is under constant stress. Unhealthy family conditions, lack of mutual understanding in the team, psycho-emotional stress are the main causes of VSD. Treatment of the disease must begin with the normalization of the emotional situation. It is important to teach your child an adequate response to stressful situations, help him master self-control and increase self-esteem. Your child's health is in your hands!

Do children have vegetative-vascular dystonia? Yes, and every year the number of children who suffer from VSD is growing. We must remember that this is purely our formulation; there is no such disease in any international classifier.

This is a condition in which there are functional or reversible changes in the functioning of many organs. These changes mainly concern vascular tone. Based on the predominance of disturbances in one part of the autonomic nervous system, VSD is divided into sympathotonic, vagotonic and mixed. A thorough examination of the child is required in order to exclude more severe organic lesions. Synonyms for VSD are autonomic dysfunction, panic attack, astheno-vegetative syndrome.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is an imbalance, a violation of the dynamic balance between two parts of the autonomic nervous system - the sympathetic and parasympathetic. What he says is absolutely true Dr. Komarovsky, vascular tone does not have time to respond to changed environmental conditions.

Vascular tone may be impaired for the following reasons:

Vegetative vascular dystonia in children can be found in many forms. But the main thing that parents need to understand is that the child reacts with a violation of vascular tone to an unsuitable lifestyle. In children, all physiological parameters change very quickly, adapting to any course of life. In this lies the same possibility of recovery and “plunging” into illness. You can regulate all aspects of a child’s life and raise him healthy, or you can shape the mentality and behavior of a deeply sick person.

Symptoms of VSD in children

Since blood vessels are present in all organs, there may be disturbances. Pediatricians identify the following forms of autonomic dysfunction in children:

The main difference between the symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in children and other diseases is the “volatility” of complaints and manifestations. A child may describe his condition in different ways, but all complaints appear after some traumatic event. The impetus for the development of vascular tone disorders can be physical activity, weather shocks, school or family troubles.

It is important to understand that the child is not pretending. The baby actually feels what he describes - pain, fears, difficulty breathing, heartbeat, fluctuations in body temperature. Parents need to try to work with their doctor to figure out what is happening.

What is your child like - sympatho- or vagotonic?

The predominance of one or another part of the nervous system can be determined by external signs.

Signs of sympathotonia:

  • pale dry skin;
  • the vascular pattern on the skin is not visible;
  • cold hands, sometimes itching, “crawling” sensation;
  • thinness coupled with increased appetite;
  • hot temper and irritability;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • poor adaptability to changes in atmospheric temperature.

Signs of vagotonia:

  • completeness, which is hereditary in nature;
  • increase lymph nodes;
  • adenoids;
  • low performance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • periods of apathy;
  • poor appetite;
  • tendency to motion sickness;
  • frequent periods of low mood;
  • bad memory;
  • sleep disorders;
  • whims;
  • indecision.

Both options are not a diagnosis, these are the individual characteristics of the child. In itself, the predominance of one part of the nervous system over another is not a pathology, but a peculiarity of response to the influence of the external environment.

The individual characteristics of a child predetermine the choice of profession and hobbies, as well as a predisposition to various diseases. However, depending on what kind of life the child leads, his pathological possibilities can either be realized or not.


Instrumental diagnostics are required. Even if the doctor is 100% sure that the child’s disorders are functional (reversible) and not organic, all reasoning requires objective confirmation. The child must pass at least once full examination. The diagnosis of VSD is made only when, as a result of a clinical examination, there are no structural changes no organs were identified.

The doctor may prescribe an electro- and encephalogram, Holter monitoring (continuous recording of cardiac activity throughout the day), and pharmacological tests. Based on the results of the survey, the state of affairs becomes clear.

It is important not to “overdo it” with the examination. An excessive amount of research can create unfavorable emotional soil for the child and especially sensitive relatives, on which overprotection and restriction of physical activity will flourish, which will reduce the already small adaptive capabilities of the baby.

Where to start treating VSD in a child?

With the normalization of the daily routine. Without a thorough review of periods of exercise and rest, eating and walking, no treatment will be of any use. Daily routine and proper nutrition– the basis of health for many years.

First you need to watch the child and find out how long the child is motionless - sitting at the table, on the sofa in front of the TV or with a gadget, lying in bed. Normally, in a school-age child, the amount of rest time and physical activity should be approximately equal. Blood flow increases only during movement, and without movement it is impossible to get rid of VSD in children and adolescents.

You need to rearrange the daily routine so that the child finds it interesting. You can go to the zoo or theater on foot, use the rope park, walk, play in the fresh air. It’s very good if you can get your child interested in some kind of sport. This may require visiting all the sports facilities and communities in the city, but it will be worth it. In any case, the child should have daily feasible physical activity.

A healthy diet is important for everyone, and especially for children. It’s not for nothing that the wise Chinese say that children get sick from poor nutrition, and in most cases they are right. Normally, the approximate need for basic nutrients oh the children have this:

  • proteins – up to 1.2 – 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day;
  • fats - from 0.9 grams in the south to 1.3 grams in the north;
  • carbohydrates – up to 4.2 grams.

Knowing the child’s weight, you can calculate the approximate need for basic substances. We must also remember that fast food in the form of chips, muffins, crackers and other snacks is a real chemical bomb for children and teenagers. There is nothing useful in them for the development of a child’s body; only the salt load increases (the norm is 5 g per day). Parents who buy all this for their children without restrictions are deliberately shortening their lifespan. Much better for moms learn to cook so that your husband and children rush home as fast as they can, because it’s cozy and delicious. Normally cooked natural products much tastier than food from bags.

Sweets are a separate issue. Sweets containing “empty” carbohydrates can be replaced with dried fruits, homemade jelly, marshmallows, candied fruits, and fresh fruits.

Physiotherapy and herbs

Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used with success. These are various water procedures that can be successfully replaced by a good all-season water park. But a circular shower, baths with pine needles, iodine, and hydrogen sulfide are also very useful. Electrosleep, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy are useful.

Some children get good help medicinal plants. These are traditional valerian and motherwort, hawthorn and hops. These plants can be consumed in the form of herbal tea or ready-made preparations - “”, “Sedavit”.


They are used very limitedly, since they are not decisive for recovery. Balanced vitamin complexes are prescribed to compensate for the lack of microelements in the diet. In some cases, protective nootropics such as Cortexin are prescribed for a short course.

According to indications, they can be prescribed for a short time antidepressants, antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive drugs in age-specific dosages. As a rule, the course of drug treatment lasts no more than a month.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children or VSD (in medical terminology is also known as neurocirculatory dystonia NCD, psychovegetative syndrome VSD, autonomic neurosis) – dysfunction of blood vessels circulatory system as a result of a decrease in their vital activity. Cases of vegetative diseases in preschoolers and adolescents have increased significantly due to the modern pace of life (presence of stressful situations, mental stress in educational institutions).

The causes of NCD largely depend on the age of the child. During early childhood psychovegetative syndrome may be the result of a family predisposition or a consequence of intrauterine pathologies.

IN preschool age The causes of the disease are:

  • Damage to the autonomic nervous system of an allergic or toxic-infectious nature. The lesion can be either focal (in the form, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis), and a general infectious process;
  • Received traumatic brain injuries.

In adolescents, VSD syndrome occurs most often. The main reasons for the appearance of pathology in adolescence:

  • Disproportionality between physical development teenagers and the maturity of their nervous system;
  • A sharp change in hormonal levels;
  • Lack of mutual understanding with parents and peers.

Socio-economic reasons can significantly increase the likelihood of NCD occurring, for example:

  • Forced rhythm of child maturation;
  • Increased workload in schools and kindergartens;
  • Mental overload due to an increase in the amount of information;
  • Increasing the complexity of the curriculum;
  • Adaptation of children to modern food products and household chemicals in environment;
  • Tense atmosphere in educational institution or with your family.


Neurocirculatory dystonia is divided into 3 main types. The classification is based on blood pressure level:

  1. By hypertensive type(when elevated);
  2. Hypotonic type (if blood pressure is low);
  3. According to the mixed type (with episodic instability of blood pressure).

Any type of VSD is characterized by crises. For example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, the child’s heart rate increases, the limbs become cold and symptoms appear panic attack. With VSD of the hypotonic type, the patient experiences a sudden slowdown in heart activity, and experiences general malaise, sweating and nausea. Mixed type pathology covers all of the listed signs.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself in a paroxysmal nature, often with weakened immunity and under the influence of negative social factors. The first signs can be noticed in children aged 4-5 years.

Depends on big picture symptoms, the course of the disease are divided into several syndromes: cardiac, neurotic, respiratory, thermoregulation disorder syndrome, vegetative-vascular crisis.

Cardiac syndrome is manifested by cardiovascular disorders. The child is diagnosed with concomitant pathologies, such as: , arterial hypotension or hypertension. In case of NCD in a child, regardless of age, there is always there is a neurotic syndrome. Symptoms of a neurotic disorder:

  • Poor memory;
  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Improper functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Increased.

Parents should also be wary of such inconspicuous symptoms as change in the child’s behavior, lack of mood, anxiety and tantrums. Neurocirculatory dystonia leads to disorder digestive tract. In this case, the following signs are observed:

  • Nausea;
  • Increased appetite or lack thereof;
  • Spasmodic constipation.

Symptoms of dysfunction of the urinary system also indicate the presence of VSD: stagnation of fluid or vice versa - frequent urination, puffiness under the eyes.

Symptoms of the disease are characterized by obvious changes in the skin. In children suffering from autonomic dysfunction, skin becomes excessively pale, bluish, or red. Transparency of the skin is also observed, which is why dark purple blood vessels are visible. During nervous tension the child begins profuse sweating And various rashes appear.

Respiratory syndrome with VSD is manifested by impaired breathing and shortness of breath. Most brightly severe symptoms diseases in adolescents:

  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Irritability;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Cold extremities;
  • Attacks of pain in the heart;
  • Retardation in physical development.

All of the above symptoms are very similar to other diseases, which makes diagnosis difficult.


Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia must begin with its first manifestations. The success of therapy largely depends on the parents, because a sick child needs proper non-drug treatment, special care and a review of your relationships in the family. In some cases, VSD in a child goes away on its own with age.

Non-drug treatment

Not drug treatment is the main method of combating the disease. Non-drug treatment prescribed for mild symptoms VSD.

Daily regime

A properly designed child’s daily routine will help control attacks of the disease. Parents should monitor their children's sleep patterns ( healthy sleep= 8 hours). The child needs frequent walks in the fresh air. Limit long stay children near the TV.

If there is no opportunity to rest, do not forget to distract your child for a break every hour: do exercises for the eyes and a light warm-up for the spine.

The training program, at first, should be lightened in order to minimize the emotional stress. Children's recreation should be active, and physical activity should be within acceptable limits. Recommended classes physical therapy– skating, playing tennis, swimming, skiing, etc.


With vegetative vascular dystonia, it is necessary to immediately change the patient’s diet in order to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. The basic rule for creating a diet: nutrition should be comprehensive and rich in nutrients necessary for a growing child’s body.

  1. The basis of the diet should consist of the following products: cereals, vegetables and fruits, berries, legumes, cabbage, nuts, vegetable oils and dried fruits;
  2. The following should be excluded from the diet: salt, sweets, fatty meat and fish, smoked foods, carbonated drinks.


Psychotherapy sessions will help the child relieve emotional anxiety and reduce the severity of pathological symptoms nervous system. Parents should not be embarrassed to contact a specialist; family therapy sessions will be especially useful. The methods of conducting sessions can be different: in the form of suggestion, hypnosis, persuasion and group classes. The psychotherapist selects methods of working with each child individually.


Physiotherapy is used to improve the functioning of parts of the nervous system and to restore vascular tone. Also physiotherapeutic procedures used to improve blood circulation in organs and tissues and activate metabolism. The most popular of them:

  • Treatment with electrophoresis in combination with medicinal solution on cervical region spine;
  • Applications of ozokerite or paraffin to the collar area;
  • Laser irradiation and magnetic therapy;
  • Water procedures (contrast baths, circular and fan showers, underwater massage, swimming).


Massage is enough effective method maintaining the health of a child with VSD, as it helps reduce nervous tension, restore normal sleep and eliminate headaches. Massage can be both tonic and relaxing.

Methods of performing therapeutic massage are determined by specialists depending on the type of pathology.

With VSD according to hypertensive type It is recommended to massage the collar area, legs and abdomen, while various shock maneuvers must be excluded. If a child has neurocirculatory dystonia hypotonic type, spot and general massage. This massage is performed using stroking, rubbing, kneading, and vibration.

It is better to do a massage in the morning after doing gymnastic exercises. Massotherapy performed in a lying or sitting position. Massage can be done either by a specialist or at home, if parents become familiar with the technique of performing it correctly.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is used only for severe forms of the disease. First of all, treatment with drugs helps to normalize the functions of the nervous system. Nootropic drugs are prescribed: , Celebrolysin, Piracetam.

After taking the child, microcirculation in the brain will be restored and metabolic processes in the brain will improve. nerve cells.

Doctors prescribe a mandatory appointment vitamin complexes, especially vitamin B. If a child is in pain, you can resort to antispasmodics (Papaverine or No-shpa). After a specialist has studied the patient’s psychotic reactions, tranquilizers, psychostimulants, antidepressants, and antipsychotics can be prescribed: Rexitin, Amitriptyline, Bellataminal. Drugs can cause addiction in children, so drug treatment should be limited in time.

The disease can be treated using phytotherapeutic agents (decoctions or herbal infusions). Treatment with the herbal medicine Kratal for children has a relaxing and cardiotonic effect.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is not dangerous disease, but still prevents your child from enjoying life. Therefore, prevention of autonomic dysfunction should be carried out from a very young age.

First of all, parents need to pay attention to the psychological atmosphere at home, create trusting relationships in the family, and be interested in the child’s problems at school.

Sweating, weakness, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea... Modern medical science About 30 syndromes and about 150 complaints have been described, on the basis of which a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be established. This diagnosis is heard so often even in pediatrics that it can easily claim the title of a disease of the 21st century. So what kind of disease is this? Should parents panic if their child’s medical record shows “vegetative-vascular dystonia”?

To begin with, it must be said that this disease does not pose a great danger to the life and health of the child, and many pediatricians consider it borderline state between pathology and health. But the disease cannot be ignored - very often vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is accompanied by increased or low blood pressure, which can subsequently lead to the development of hypertension, coronary disease hearts and much more dangerous diseases. VSD is an insidious disease: it is quite difficult to diagnose due to the heterogeneity and multiplicity of symptoms, because it affects several body systems at once, and it is not easy to treat.

Children's vegetative-vascular dystonia, if we put aside all the complex ones medical terms, is a condition characterized by disruption of the functioning of organs or organ systems due to a disorder of nervous regulation. The disease does not cause disruption or damage to the integrity of organs and systems. All its manifestations are associated only with disturbances in the activity of the nervous and vascular systems - with vegetative-vascular dystonia nerve fibers do not cope with the functions assigned to them by nature, as a result of which disturbances in vascular tone appear.

It is important to promptly and correctly identify the symptoms, carry out a diagnosis with medical help and prescribe a course of treatment if the diagnosis is confirmed, because it is very difficult for a child to be in such a state.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In childhood, the incidence of this disease ranges from 10-50% depending on age. The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia in infants up to one year old – intrauterine infections, hypoxia, hereditary predisposition and perinatal pathology Thus, a newborn with encephalopathy has a high risk of VSD, toxic effects on the autonomic nervous system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia in children under 5 years of age - toxicoinfectious (tonsillitis, caries, chronic tonsillitis) and common infections, anemia, allergic damage to the autonomic nervous system, traumatic brain injury;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia in children over 5 years of age and adolescents – high psycho-emotional stress, not balanced diet, hormonal changes in the body puberty, non-compliance with sleep and wakefulness, physical inactivity, stressful situations.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The appearance of VSD is always facilitated by the congenital inferiority of the child’s autonomic nervous system. Depending on age, the disease will manifest itself differently.

Manifestations of the disease. Symptoms

Parents and doctors sometimes have to spend a lot of time and effort to establish a diagnosis in a child, because very different clinical symptoms can be observed at the same time.

In childhood up to 1 year

In infants, the main symptoms that suggest dystonia are noted in the work gastrointestinal tract. The newborn often cries, has unstable stools, accompanied by persistent diarrhea or constipation, and burps excessively and frequently. His appetite is reduced, and weight gain is insufficient. Such children often suffer food allergies, diathesis, dermatitis of various origins, have inadequate sleep, often interrupted by waking up crying. Infant are not able to voice their complaints, so diagnosing VSD at this age is most often difficult.

In preschool age

The child’s adaptive abilities are reduced - he often suffers from infectious diseases and is prone to colds, weather dependent. The baby does not chew well, has low body weight, is irritable, capricious, does not find common language with his peers, very strongly attached to his mother, not wanting to communicate with anyone else. The child is extremely impressionable, fearful, and has low sociability.

At primary school age

At this age, they come to the fore paroxysmal symptoms. The child may suffer from night terrors, insomnia, and anxiety. Hysterics, headaches, shortness of breath, increased fatigue, gait disturbances, pale skin, sudden mood swings, poor memory, sweating or chilliness are observed. Children complain of fainting conditions, body temperature often rises to low-grade fever for no apparent reason.

During adolescence

Due to hormonal changes, children at this age may experience disturbances in the sebaceous and sweat glands, dry and pale skin, acne. The teenager often complains of drowsiness or insomnia, increased salivation, diarrhea, hiccups and nausea. He is suspicious and anxious, not stress-resistant.

The predominance of one or another symptom makes it possible to divide VSD according to the prevailing syndrome:

  • cardiac syndrome. Manifests itself in disturbances of heart rhythms - bradycardia, arrhythmia, tachycardia. Sometimes an increase or decrease in blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, dizziness when changing the position of the body in space, discomfort in the heart area are recorded;
  • respiratory syndrome. The child complains of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, and it is difficult for him to inhale or exhale. Breathing is noisy and deep;
  • thermoregulation disorder syndrome. Manifests itself in sweating or chilliness, body temperature rises to 37.5 -37.7 degrees and lasts for several hours;
  • neurotic syndrome is characterized by prolonged periods of apathy, bad mood, depressive states, anxiety, susceptibility to fears or hysterics. The child is often prone to demonstrative behavior;
  • Vegetative-vascular crises. The child may complain of difficulty urinating, pain in the stomach or intestines, and numbness in the limbs. At laboratory research an increase in glucose levels is detected. The skin is pale or, on the contrary, reddened, “marbled” skin is observed.

If a child exhibits any symptoms characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination body. Self-medication will not only bring no benefit, but can also further harm the child’s health.

The word is up to the doctors

All parents dream of their child being healthy. Therefore, the first thing to do if you suspect your baby has VSD is to contact your pediatrician. To make an accurate diagnosis and treatment, you may need to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist, or psychologist. Only the doctor decides how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia in children, and it is up to the parents to strictly follow his recommendations.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is carried out mainly by non-drug methods, and as part of the diagnosis it is necessary to establish the factors that contributed to the development of the disease. Parents often try to treat their child with drugs alternative medicine, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor.

TO drug therapy doctors contact only in cases of extreme severe course a disease when its manifestations prevent the child from leading a normal lifestyle. It is symptomatic. The main task drug treatment is to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system. The main drugs for treatment are:

  • group of nootropics: “Pantogam”, “Actovegin”, “Cavinton”, “Piracetam”. Nootropics help improve metabolic processes in nerve cells, restore microcirculation in the brain
  • multivitamin complexes with micro and macro minerals. Particular priority is given to the administration of B vitamins;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed for pain.

Non-drug therapy involves massage, especially often of the collar area, physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, swimming, acupuncture, herbal medicine, electrophoresis, and psychotherapy. The sanatorium-resort treatment has proven itself to be excellent.

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for normalizing conditions with VSD. Mint tea will help relieve attacks of irritability, a decoction of valerian will calm the nervous system and make it easier to fall asleep, milk with honey before bed will improve the quality of your sleep.

Prevention of VSD

It is necessary to normalize the child's daily routine. Avoid psycho-emotional stress; the time allotted for sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. The child should receive a fully balanced diet. Pay special attention to products containing increased amount vitamins, potassium and magnesium.

Limit your child's time at the computer or TV screen. Instead, give him the opportunity to be outdoors more often, regardless of the time of year and the temperature outside your window.

Smoking among teenagers, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Nicotine provokes vascular spasticity, which can further aggravate the course of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is necessary to convince the teenager of the need to say goodbye to the bad habit.

The child must lead an active lifestyle. It is advisable to play sports that do not involve much physical activity: volleyball, swimming, cycling, skiing.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia has many symptoms and manifestations, many of them appear sooner or later in almost every child, but this does not mean that it is vegetative-vascular dystonia. In no case should parents independently establish a diagnosis and engage in treatment; this is the prerogative of the doctor. And the task of parents is to create optimal conditions for his growth and development!

In childhood and adolescence, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex of symptomatic manifestations in the form of impaired blood supply and innervation individual organs and systems. The primary trigger is an imperfection of the nervous peripheral system, which lags behind in its development from the increasing body weight.

Due to the fact that nerve impulses do not arrive in full volume, disruption occurs vascular system. Under the influence of this complex of symptoms against the background of depressed psychological state prerequisites for the development of nosological forms may be formed organic lesions internal organs. Quite often there is a combination of teenage vegetative-vascular dystonia and bronchial asthma. May also develop various shapes gastritis, biliary dyskinesia.

It is characteristic that VSD syndrome mainly affects children who were born and raised in urban areas. modern environment. The control group of adolescents was found to lack adequate physical activity and have a sedentary lifestyle. Hobbies are not left aside computer games and watching television programs. How bigger baby spends time in front of a TV screen or computer monitor, the higher the chances that he will experience vegetative shifts with the formation of a vascular dystonia complex of one type or another.

The first signs may appear at the age of 6 years. But greatest number diagnosed cases occur in adolescence. This is due to the fact that existing autonomic abnormalities in the development of the peripheral nervous system are affected by hormonal shifts.

The most common causes of the disease

Modern medicine does not know the exact reasons for the formation of prerequisites for weakness of the nervous system in children. Many scientists believe that this is based pathological process There are hereditary factors that are aggravated by various complications of pregnancy in the perinatal period.

Risk factors include:

  • vascular disorders of a cerebral nature with the robbing of brain structures of oxygen;
  • dysfunction of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation system in the spinal column;
  • weakness of the limbic-reticular complex in combination with dysfunction of the hypothalamus.

As a result of the complex of these disorders, low resistance of the child’s psyche to stressful situations is formed. Against the backdrop of systematic nervous overstrain redistribution of nerve impulses occurs, due to which the intensity of blood supply weakens important organs and systems.

Indirect causes of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents:

  • promotion mental activity due to high teaching loads;
  • unfavorable psychological situation in the family and children's team;
  • psychological trauma in the form of first love, resentment against peers;
  • lack of attention from parents;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition with a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals.

Attacks and exacerbations can be triggered by any changes in the child’s environment. This could be a change in weather, renovations in his room, or a bad grade he received.

Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

When making a diagnosis, the neurologist pays attention to the main set of leading symptoms, which may indirectly indicate damage to one or another part of the autonomic nervous system. There are three main types:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type;
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type;
  3. Mixed form of the disease.

In almost all types of damage there are signs of weakness sinus node heart muscle. This may manifest itself in periodic pain in the left half chest, palpitations, increased heart rate.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is the most difficult to treat mixed type. With this form, blood pressure tends to fluctuate within a fairly wide range of values. This creates difficulties when prescribing sedative and antihypertensive drugs.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Adolescent vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself most clearly symptomatically. In the hypertensive form, a teenager suffers from:

  • frequent headaches;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • difficulty going to bed;
  • absentmindedness;
  • difficulties with memorizing the material being studied.

Pain in the heart area may be bothersome. A distinctive characteristic is an increase in blood pressure to 140/80 mmHg.

In the hypotonic form of the disease, symptoms of insufficiency come to the fore cerebral blood supply. These may be the following signs:

  • tearfulness and constant mood swings;
  • dizziness and muscle weakness;
  • headaches are diffuse;
  • constant drowsiness and apathy.

Heart pain occurs mainly during physical activity. The child has a slow heart rate (bradycardia) and pale skin. Arterial pressure most often stays within 110/70 mm Hg.

With a prolonged course of VSD, these symptoms may be accompanied by signs of secondary damage to internal organs and systems. The innervation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and gallbladder is often affected. Problems arise with lack of appetite, constant congestion in the biliary tract, and stool disorders.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

An experienced pediatric neurologist, at the first visit with suspected vegetative-vascular dystonia, will try to explain to parents the importance of treatment without the use of special medications.

On initial stages Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adolescents is recommended:

  • adjust your study and rest schedule;
  • gradually increase physical activity;
  • provide daily walks in the fresh air, preferably before bedtime;
  • eliminate stress loads;
  • reduce the level of uncontrolled information flow (watching TV, working with a computer);
  • conduct regular sessions with a psychologist;
  • ensure sufficient levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the diet.

Used to relieve seizures sedatives plant origin. These could be valerian or motherwort tablets. High degree Regular intake of glycine shows effectiveness. This probiotic ensures an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients to the nervous tissue.

In advanced and severe cases, potent substances such as nootropics and tranquilizers can be used. This treatment Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.